Nokia Help PDF
Nokia Help PDF
Nokia Help PDF
Remedial action: This alarm is raised when there is a abnormal state indication on NE.
Description: The alarm is raised when the path management state of a Diameter peer changes to a state other than Up.
Remedial action: A Ga reference point (peer) is operationally down for one of the following reasons: the underlying IP or physical interface is
down, the far end peer is down or the underlying transport between this NE and the peer NE is down. To resolve the issue ensure that the
IP/physical interface is up, check that the far end peer is operational and check that the underlying transport network is up.
Description: AUTO NEGO MIS MATCH\n\nThis alarm indicates that there is a mismatch between the BTS configuration and the auto-
negotiation result.\n\nIf the alarm is active, a synchronization loop is possible.\n\n
Remedial action: Flexi BTS FDD, Flexi BTS TDD, AirScale BTS FDD, AirScale BTS TDD:\nTry with local management or site support
equipment.\n\nFlexi Zone Micro FDD, Flexi Zone Micro TDD, Flexi Zone:\nConfirm that the Ethernet Synchronization master/slave settings
are correct on the Flexi Zone Micro BTS or Flexi Zone Access Point and backhaul equipment. \nNote: The Flexi Zone Micro BTS and Flexi
Zone Access Point only support slave mode. 1/101
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Table 38-4: AuxiliaryServerStatus
Description: The alarm is raised when a 5620 SAM main server cannot communicate with an auxiliary server. The alarm clears when
communication is restored.
Remedial action: Informational - if the alarm persists or is occurring frequently then investigation is required to understand why the
connectivity between the AUX and SAM servers is unreliable.
Description: The alarm is raised when Bare Metal server is reachability down.
Remedial action: This alarm can be cleared when bare metal device BGP prefix is up. Check for virtual switch controller down or virtual
switch down or interface/port down in underlay network (hence the BGP prefix not advertised).
Description: BASE STATION CONNECTIVITY DEGRADED\n\nA major fault (or faults) has occured in the base station interface. Check the
reason for the fault from the supplementary text field of the alarm.\n\nThe effect of the fault on the functioning of the network element
depends on the fault description. For more information, see base station fault descriptions in LTE System Libraries.\n\nDo not cancel the
alarm. The system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been corrected.
Remedial action: FAULT NAME\nGTP-U Path Failure\n\nFAULT ID\n6150: EFaultId_GtpuPathFailure\n\nMEANING\nIn GTP-U supervision,
a network element did not respond to the GTP-U: Echo Request message within the allotted time.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\n1. Check the GTP-U
path supervision configuration of the eNB. \n2. Check if the supervised network element is operating correctly.\n3. Check the communication
equipment between the eNB and the supervised network element.\n\nIn case actDualUPlaneIpAddress =" true, the S-GW might still be
reachable although an alarm caused by fault 6150 is reported.\nCheck whether other alarms caused by fault 6150 are active, and check
whether all GTP-U paths to the S-GW are concerned or not. If you find that all GTP-U paths to the same S-GW are faulty, the S-GW is not
reachable anymore.\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\nM3 interface recovery failure\n\nFAULT ID\n6850:
EFaultId_M3ResetRetryOut\n\nMEANING\nM3 interface reset has failed after several attempts. This indicates that a severe failure has
occurred. There might be some configuration problem, there is no M3 connectivity, MME has failed, and so on.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\nNote:
Perform the steps below in the listed order until the alarm disappears.\n\n1. Check the availability of MME.\n2. Check the connection with
MME.\n3. Disconnect and reconnect MME.\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\nM3 interface setup failure\n\nFAULT ID\n6851: 2/101
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Description: BASE STATION CONNECTIVITY LOST\n\nA critical fault (or faults) has occured in the base station interface.\nCheck the
reason for the fault from the supplementary text field of the\nalarm.\n\nThe effect of the fault on the functioning of the network element
depends on the fault description. For more information, see base station fault descriptions in LTE System Libraries.\n\nDo not cancel the
alarm. The system automatically cancels the alarm when\nthe fault has been corrected.
Description: BASE STATION FAULTY\n\nA critical fault (or faults) has occurred in the base station.\n\nCheck the reason for the fault from
the supplementary text field of the alarm.\n\nThe effect of the fault on the functioning of the network element depends on the fault description.
For more information, see base station fault descriptions in LTE System Libraries.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The system automatically
cancels the alarm when the fault has been corrected.
Remedial action: Verify the configuration of a BTS by checking the commissioning, cabling and correct installation of the units/modules at
the BTS. Make sure the environment does not cause the fault.\n\nBefore a unit/module is replaced at the BTS, the site should be reset to
recover from any temporary faults which might have caused the malfunctioning of the unit/module. When an active alarm is a 'Start' alarm, a
site reset is required to cancel the alarm. If the site reset or module block/unblock does not help, replace the faulty unit/module (see the
source of the alarm and instructions fields of the corresponding alarms). \n\nIn case of the FSM failure (FSM or FSM sub-unit is reported as
source) it is possible that other units are also reported as faulty since it is impossible for them to continue functioning without a system
module. In such case replace the system module first and check if the modules previously marked as Faulty are now in Working
state.\n\n\nBelow is the list of BTS fault(s) which may have caused this alarm in BTS FL16A/TL16A release. In the case of an earlier SW
release and if you need more detailed fault descriptions, LTE System Libraries. The BTS fault descriptions are also included in BTS SW
release documentation. If that does not help, contact your local customer support. \n\nFAULT NAME\nAntenna link is down\n\nFAULT
ID\n476: EFaultId_Rp3BusError\n\nMEANING\nThe antenna (RP3) link is down. The transmitter or receiver drops from
synchronization.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\nFlexi BTS FDD, Flexi BTS TDD, AirScale BTS FDD, AirScale BTS TDD:\n1. Restart the BTS.\n2. If
that does not help, replace the alarming module. \n\nFlexi BTS FDD/TDD: In case the FSP is causing the alarm, replace the FSM because
the alarm is related to the fixed FSP inside the FSM. \n\nFlexi BTS FDD/TDD, AirScale BTS FDD/TDD: If FBBx or ABIx is causing the alarm,
replace the FBBx or ABIx.\n\nFlexi Zone Micro FDD, Flexi Zone Micro TDD, Flexi Zone, Flexi Zone SFN Antenna: Replace the Flexi Zone
Micro BTS, Flexi Zone Access Point, or Flexi Zone SFN Antenna.\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\nAP blocked\n\nFAULT ID\n4260:
EFaultId_ApBlockedAl\n\nMEANING\nThe Flexi Zone Access Point is blocked by the BTS Site Manager. This is done to avoid fault
indications that might be raised during a Flexi Zone Access Point maintenance task.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\nTo cancel the fault, unblock the
Flexi Zone Access Point.\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\nBaseband bus configuration of <x> was rejected\n\nFAULT ID\n1811:
EFaultId_BbBus_ConfFailedAl\n\nMEANING\nThe baseband-bus-related configuration of <x> has been rejected by the HW SW, DSP, or RF
SW.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\nFlexi BTS FDD, Flexi BTS TDD, AirScale BTS FDD, AirScale BTS TDD:\nReplace the alarming module.\n\nFlexi
Zone Micro FDD, Flexi Zone Micro TDD:\n1. Download the correct configuration.\n2. Reset the BTS.\n3. Replace the BTS.\n\nFlexi Zone:\n1.
Download the correct configuration.\n2. Reset the Flexi Zone Access Point from the BTSSM.\n3. Replace the Flexi Zone Access 4/101
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Description: BASE STATION LICENSE LIMITATION\n\nA critical fault (or faults) has occurred in the base station connectivity/interface.
Check the reason for the fault from the supplementary text field of the alarm.\n\nThe effect of the fault on the functioning of the network
element depends on\nthe fault description. For more information, see base station fault descriptions\nin LTE System Libraries.\n\nDo not
cancel the alarm. The system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been corrected.
Remedial action: FAULT NAME\nActive users license limitation\n\nFAULT ID\n4337: EFaultId_ActiveUsersLimitAl \n\nMEANING\nThe eNB
enters capacity limited mode due to missing licenses. Calls from excess users will be rejected except for handover and emergency
calls.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\nAdd licenses to the Centralized License Server to avoid call limitation.\nSee "Centralized License Server Help"
document in NOLS for details.\n\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\nCell Shutdown Due To Baseband Capacity License Limit\n\nFAULT ID\n4349:
EFaultId_CellShutdownDueToBasebandCapacityLicenseLimitAl\n\nMEANING\nThe cell is shut down because it occupies baseband capacity
that is over the licensed limit.\n\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\nAdd licenses to the Centralized License Server to avoid the traffic limitation.\nSee
"Centralized License Server Help" document in NOLS for details.\n\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\nIP Traffic Capacity Limit\n\nFAULT ID\n4293:
EFaultId_IPTrafficCapacityLimitAl\n\nMEANING\nThe user's eNB IP traffic is throttled because of a missing
license.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\nRead the alarm diagnostic information to know when the missing license was detected and at what level the IP
traffic is currently throttled in relation to the peak rate.\n\nAdd licenses to CLS to avoid the traffic limitation.\n\nIf licenses are not added, the
level will be decreased to the lowest level, which is 50% of peak rate.
Description: BASE STATION NOTIFICATION\n\nA minor fault (or faults) has occurred in the base station.\n\nCheck the reason for the fault
from the supplementary text field of the alarm.\n\nThe effect of the fault on the functioning of the network element depends on the fault
description. For more information, see base station fault descriptions in LTE System Libraries.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The system
automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been corrected.
Remedial action: Verify the configuration of a BTS by checking the commissioning, cabling and correct installation of the units/modules at
the BTS. Make sure the environment does not cause the fault.\n\nBefore a unit/module is replaced at the BTS, the site should be reset to
recover from any temporary faults which might have caused the malfunctioning of the unit/module. When an active alarm is a 'Start' alarm, a
site reset is required to cancel the alarm. If the site reset or module block/unblock does not help, replace the faulty unit/module (see source of
the alarm and instructions fields of the corresponding alarms). \n\nBelow is the list of BTS faults which might have caused this alarm in BTS
FL16A/TL16A release. In case of earlier SW release and in case you need more detailed fault descriptions refer to LTE System Libraries. The
BTS fault descriptions are also included in BTS SW release documentation. If that does not help, contact your local customer support. \n\n----
-------------------------------------------\nFAULT NAME\n# autonomous reset as recovery action\n\nFAULT ID\n52:
EFaultId_UnitAutonomousResetAl\n\nMEANING\nFlexi BTS FDD, Flexi BTS TDD, AirScale BTS FDD, AirScale BTS TDD:\nThe fault informs
the operator that the BTS is trying to correct a fault situation by performing a recovery reset to a unit, the site, or the BTS. \nIn case of an RF
module reset in RF chaining configuration, the BTS also resets all RF modules that are further in the chain.\n\nFlexi Zone Micro FDD, Flexi
Zone Micro TDD, Flexi Zone, Flexi Zone SFN Antenna:\nThe BTS tries to recover from a fault situation by performing a site
reset.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\nCheck the fault history and other active faults of the unit.\n\nNote: This fault does not require any (special)
actions.\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\n10b8b coding error in optical interface device\n\nFAULT ID\n2004:
EFaultId_OIC_LVDSRecAl\n\nMEANING\nThe fiber cable is experiencing interference; data transmission is faulty.\n\nA physical connection
failure between the optical interface and the summing function has occurred.\n\nThe reason of the fault might be a low-quality or polluted
SFP, or a low-quality optical cable used to connect radio module to system module/extension baseband
module.\n\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\nNote: Perform the steps in the listed order until the fault is resolved.\n\n1. Reset the radio module behind the
cable reported as the fault source by blocking/unblocking it. \n2. Reset the system module. \n3. Replace the SFP on the radio module port
where the cable reported as fault source is terminated.\n4. Replace the SFP on the system module or extension baseband module port
where the cable reported as fault source is terminated.\n5. Replace the optical cable reported as fault source.\n6. Replace the radio module
behind the cable reported as fault source.\n7. If the system module reset helped but the fault is reported again after some time or if the
actions mentioned above have not cleared the fault situation, replace the extension baseband module (if the fault is reported on the cable
connected to the baseband module) or the system module (if the fault is reported on the cable connected to the system
module).\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\n2M external reference missing\n\nFAULT ID\n1899: EFaultId_2MExtRefMissAl\n\nMEANING\nThe 12/101
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Description: BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED\n\nA major fault (or faults) has occurred in the base station.\n\nCheck the reason
for the fault from the supplementary text field of the alarm.\n\nThe effect of the fault on the functioning of the network element depends on the
fault description. For more information, see base station fault descriptions in LTE System Libraries.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The system
automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been corrected.
Remedial action: Verify the configuration of a BTS by checking the commissioning, cabling and correct installation of the units/modules at
the BTS. Make sure the environment does not cause the fault.\n\nBefore a unit/module is replaced at the BTS, the site should be reset to
recover from any temporary faults which might have caused the malfunctioning of the unit/module. When an active alarm is a 'Start' alarm, a
site reset is required to cancel the alarm. If the site reset or module block/unblock does not help, replace the faulty unit/module (see the
source of the alarm and instructions fields of the corresponding alarms). \n\nBelow is the list of BTS fault(s) which might have caused this
alarm in BTS FL16A/TL16A release. In case of earlier SW release and in case you need more detailed fault descriptions refer to LTE System
Libraries. The BTS fault descriptions are also included in BTS SW release documentation. If that does not help, contact your local customer
support. \n\nFAULT NAME\n2M external reference missing\n\nFAULT ID\n1899: EFaultId_2MExtRefMissAl\n\nMEANING\nThe reference 28/101
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Description: BASE STATION TRANSMISSION ALARM\n\nA transmission fault (or faults) has occured in the BTS. This alarm is an
encapsulation alarm that is used to transfer the Flexi Transport Submodule (FTM) alarm data over the BTS O&M connection through iOMS to
NetAct. In NetAct this alarm is shown in opened format. This means that the alarm number, alarm text, and supplementary information are
shown in the original FTM format. Check the reason for the fault from the supplementary information fields and supplementary text field of the
alarm.\n\nThe effect of the fault on the functioning of the network element depends on the fault description. For more information, see base
station fault descriptions in LTE System Libraries.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has
been corrected.
Remedial action: FAULT NAME\n$Protocol Timing source lost [on unit $U] [, interface $IF]\n\nFAULT ID\n61059:
FTM_TIMING_SOURCE_LOS\n\nMEANING\nOne of the synchronization sources in the configured priority list is unavailable.\nThis can be
the primary or the secondary clock source.\n\nIn the alarm: Protocol can be PDH, Timing over Packet (ToP), and Synchronuous
ethernet.\n\nUnit Number is optional:\n- For PDH and Synchronous Ethernet, Unit number is 0 or 1.\n- It is not present for Timing Over
Packet(TOP).\n\nThe interface value is optional:\n- For PDH, the value range depends on the hardware unit type: 1-16.\n- For Synchonuous
Ethernet, the value range is 1-3.\n- It is not present for Timing over Packet.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\nUse BTS Site Manager to check which
interfaces have been configured as\nsynchronization sources. For all interfaces, do as follows:\n\n1. Check that the cables are connected to
the correct connectors.\n2. Check whether the interface at the far end is switched on.\n3. Check whether there are active alarms at the far
end. If there are,\nfollow the instructions on handling those alarms.\n4. Connect a loop cable and check whether the alarm disappears to
verify that the hardware of the interface unit works correctly.\n\nMonitor the quality of the received clock.\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\nAIS on unit
$U, interface $IF\n\nFAULT ID\n61151: FTM_AIS\n\nMEANING\nAlarm indication signal is received. This signal is generated by an
intermediate PDH device in the forward direction because it detects a problem in its received signal.\n\nAll other transmission alarms related
to this signal are suppressed.\n\nProbable cause: There is a transmission problem somewhere in the intermediate network, and AIS is sent
instead of user traffic.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\nCheck the intermediate transmission network for alarms indicating the root cause and follow the
instructions for handling these alarms.\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\nAutomatic BTS Operator Certificate retrieval unsuccessful\n\nFAULT
ID\n61510: NO_CERTIFICATE\n\nMEANING\nA requested certificate could not be retrieved from the certificate authority (CA).\nA requested
certificate could not be renewed from the certificate authority (CA).\n\nA requested certificate could not be retrieved as the number of
certificates received from repository server (RA) or certificate authority (CA) are more than expected.\n\nA requested certificate could not be
stored in the remaining storage available on the BTS. Operator cleanup (e.g. via site manager or NetAct) of old, unused trust chains may be
required.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\nProvide the certificate.\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\nAuto-negotiation mismatch, on unit $U, Ethernet interface
$IF\n\nFAULT ID\n61607: AUTO NEGO MIS MATCH\n\nMEANING\nThis alarm indicates that there is a mismatch between the BTS
configuration and the auto-negotiation result.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\nFlexi BTS FDD, Flexi BTS TDD, AirScale BTS FDD, AirScale BTS
TDD:\nTry with local management or site support equipment.\n\nFlexi Zone Micro FDD, Flexi Zone Micro TDD, Flexi Zone:\nConfirm that the
Ethernet Synchronization master/slave settings are correct on the Flexi Zone Micro BTS or Flexi Zone Access Point and backhaul equipment.
\nNote: The Flexi Zone Micro BTS and Flexi Zone Access Point only support slave mode.\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\nBFD $session down,
egress, $sourceIP to $destinationIP\n\nFAULT ID\n61606: BFD DOWN Egress\n\nMEANING\nThe alarm is raised if the alarm is enabled, the
BFD state of the session is not "AdminDown", and the BFD packet from the far end contains the diagnostic code =" "Control Detection Time
Expired" and no ingress alarm is present.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\nCheck the BFD configuration at the local end.\n\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\nBFD
$session down, ingress, $sourceIP to $destinationIP\n\nFAULT ID\n61605: BFD DOWN Ingress\n\nMEANING\nThe alarm is raised if the
alarm is enabled, the BFD state for the session is not "AdminDown", and nevertheless, no BFD packet is received at the local end during the
detection time.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\n1. Check the network between both BFD peers for physical link failures or misconfigurations.\n\n2.
Check if the BFD functionality in the peer is switched on and that the configurations of the BFD peers match.\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\nBFD
group $bfdGrpId down\n\nFAULT ID\n61022: BFD DOWN\n\nMEANING\nThe alarm is raised if the BFD service is not available on the BTS
for all BFD sessions belonging to that BFD group.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\n1. Check if the far end has BFD switched on.\n2. Check the cabling
and network connections of the far end.\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\nBluetooth enabled\n\nFAULT ID\n61520:
BLUETOOTH_ENABLED\n\nMEANING\nIf the actBluetoothTransAlarm parameter allows, this fault is raised to indicate that the bluetooth
has been enabled because of any of the following:\n- The bluetooth config mode set to explicitly enabled\n- The bluetooth config mode
AutoFallback logic, which automatically enables the bluetooth upon loss of connection to the iOMS or NetAct\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\n1. 36/101
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Description: BFD DOWN\n\nThe alarm is raised if the BFD service is not available on the BTS for all BFD sessions belonging to that BFD
group.\n\nThe communication link between the BTS and the BFD peer is defective. No communication is possible.\n\nThe system cancels
the alarm autonomously once the BFD functionality is available again.
Remedial action: 1. Check if the far end has BFD switched on.\n2. Check the cabling and network connections of the far end.
Description: BFD DOWN Egress\n\nThe alarm is raised if the alarm is enabled, the BFD state of the session is not 'AdminDown', and the
BFD packet from the far end contains the diagnostic code =" 'Control Detection Time Expired' and no ingress alarm is present.\n\nThe
communication link between the BTS and the BFD peer is defective. No communication is possible.\n\nThe system cancels the alarm
autonomously once the local BFD session receives error-free BFD packets from its BFD peer."
Description: BFD DOWN Ingress\n\nThe alarm is raised if the alarm is enabled, the BFD state for the session is not 'AdminDown', and
nevertheless, no BFD packet is received at the local end during the detection time.\n\nThe communication link between the BTS and the BTS
peer is defective, or the peer itself is defective. No communication is possible.\n\nThe system cancels the alarm autonomously if the local
BFD peer receives BFD packets from the remote BFD peer.
Remedial action: 1. Check the network between both BFD peers for physical link failures or misconfigurations.\n\n2. Check if the BFD
functionality in the peer is switched on and that the configurations of the BFD peers match. 40/101
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Description: BLUETOOTH_AUTH_FAIL\n\nThe Flexi Zone Micro BTS or Flexi Zone Access Point has detected repeated bluetooth
authentication failures. This could signal that a passkey or pin guessing attack is ongoing.\n\nTo prevent a DoS attack, this fault does not
disable the bluetooth. Instead, the offending devices are subjected to exponential backoff for authentication attempts and might be
Remedial action: 1. Determine if this event is expected. Investigate audit logs as necessary.\n2. If this action is unexpected, disable the
Description: BLUETOOTH_CONNECTED\n\nThe Flexi Zone Micro BTS or Flexi Zone Access Point has detected a bluetooth network
Remedial action: 1. Determine if this event is expected. Investigate audit logs as necessary.\n2. If this action is unexpected, disable the
Description: BLUETOOTH_ENABLED\n\nIf the actBluetoothTransAlarm parameter allows, this fault is raised to indicate that the bluetooth
has been enabled because of any of the following:\n- The bluetooth config mode set to explicitly enabled\n- The bluetooth config mode
AutoFallback logic, which automatically enables the bluetooth upon loss of connection to the iOMS or NetAct\n\nAs a risk mitigation, this fault
warns the operator that the bluetooth is enabled. While the bluetooth is enabled, the site is open to wireless local maintenance over
Remedial action: 1. Determine if the bluetooth should be enabled.\n2. If this action is unexpected, disable the bluetooth.
Description: BLUETOOTH_PAIRED\n\nThe Flexi Zone Micro BTS or Flexi Zone Access Point has detected a successful
pairing.\n\nNone\n\n 41/101
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Remedial action: 1. Determine if this event is expected. Investigate audit logs as necessary.\n2. If this action is unexpected, disable the
Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM fails to back up a set of NE configuration files.
Remedial action: Investigation is required to resolve the following possible scenarios: insufficient disk space is available to accommodate
the NE configuration files (additional SAM platform alarms will accompany this alarm); the NE is unreachable (including underlying transport
network issue); loss of connectivity to the NE during transfer; the FTP daemon on the NE may have stopped; FTP security credential issues.
Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM fails to restore a set of NE configuration files.
Remedial action: Investigation is required to resolve the following possible scenarios: the NE is unreachable (including underlying transport
network issue); loss of connectivity to the NE during transfer; the FTP daemon on the NE may have stopped; FTP security credential issues.
Description: The alarm is raised when the SNMP Index Boot Status on an NE is not set to Persistent.
Raising condition: (('isGenericNode' EQUAL 'false') AND ('State' NOT EQUAL 'Pre-provisioned') AND ((('Config File Status' NOT EQUAL
'Executed Successfully') AND ('Config File Status' NOT EQUAL 'configFileStatus_unspecified')) OR (('Persistent Index Status' NOT EQUAL
'Rebuild Succeeded') AND ('Persistent Index Status' NOT EQUAL 'persistentIndexStatus_unspecified')))) 42/101
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Clearing condition: (('Config File Status' EQUAL 'Executed Successfully') AND ('Persistent Index Status' EQUAL 'Rebuild Succeeded'))
Remedial action: Ensure that "SNMP Index Boot Status" is persistent (using cli command "show system information" on the NE). If not,
unmanage the network element from SAM, ensure that "persist on" is set in the bof file, save the bof, save a config file, verify that an index
file (.ndx) is saved as well, reboot the router, verify that SNMP Index Boot Status is persistent and finally remanage the router from SAM.
Description: The alarm is raised when the hardware configuration resynchronization failed. The detail of the error is set in the additional
information of the alarm.
Remedial action: Investigation is required to resolve the following possible scenarios: the BTS or OMS is unreachable (including underlying
transport network issue); loss of connectivity to the BTS or OMS during transfer; CORBA and HTTP security credential issues; OMS or BTS
internal errors. Once the problem solved in the system, the BTS hardware configuration has to be resynchronized from SAM using BTS full
Description: CELL FAULTY\n\nA critical fault (or faults) has occurred in a unit (or units) that belong to the sector indicated in the
alarm.\n\nCheck the reason for the fault from the supplementary text field of the alarm.\n\nThe effect of the fault on the functioning of the
network element depends on the fault description. For more information, see base station fault descriptions in LTE System Libraries.\n\nDo
not cancel the alarm. The system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been corrected.
Remedial action: Verify the configuration of a BTS by checking the commissioning, cabling and correct installation of the units/modules at
the BTS. Make sure the environment does not cause the fault.\n\nBefore a unit/module is replaced at the BTS, the site should be reset to
recover from any temporary faults which might have caused the malfunctioning of the unit/module. When an active alarm is a 'Start' alarm, a
site reset is required to cancel the alarm. If the site reset or module block/unblock does not help, replace the faulty unit/module (see the
source of the alarm and instructions fields of the corresponding alarms). \n\nBelow is the list of BTS fault(s) which might have caused this
alarm in BTS FL16A/TL16A release. In case of earlier SW release and in case you need more detailed fault descriptions refer to LTE System
Libraries. The BTS fault descriptions are also included in BTS SW release documentation. If that does not help, contact your local customer
support. \n------------------------------------------------\n\nFAULT NAME\nAbnormal CPRI interface to next hop <OptIf ID>\n\nFAULT ID\n1974:
EFaultId_AbnormalCpriInterfaceToNextHopAl\n\nMEANING\nThe optical interface is not working properly.\nThe CPRI transmission is not
working properly.\nThis fault is valid only for radio modules in a chain configuration.\nNote: The Optif is from the perspective of the previous
radio.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\n1. Check the cables between the RF module that is reported as the fault source and the RF module that is closer
to the system module or ABIA. \n2. Reset the RF module. \n3. If that does not help, block or unblock the site. \n4. If that does not help,
replace the RF module that is causing the alarm (connected to the faulty optical link, to the end farther from the system
module).\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\nAbnormal reception on SFP to next hop <OptIf ID>\n\nFAULT ID\n1973:
EFaultId_AbnormalReceptionOnSfpToNextHopAl\n\nMEANING\nThe optical interface is not working properly.\nThis fault is valid only for
radio modules in a chain configuration.\nNote: The Optif is from the perspective of the previous radio.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\n1. Check the
cables between the RF module that is reported as the fault source and the RF module that is closer to the system module or ABIA. \n2. Reset
the RF module. \n3. If that does not help, block or unblock the site. \n4. If that does not help, replace the RF module that is generating the
alarm.\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\nAbnormal reception on SFP to upper hop <OptIf ID>\n\nFAULT ID\n1971:
EFaultId_AbnormalReceptionOnSfpToUpperHopAl\n\nMEANING\nThe optical interface is not working properly. There is abnormal signal
reception from the upper hop FR. This fault is valid only for radio modules in chain configuration.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\n1. Check the cables
between the system module and the RF module. \n2. Reset the RF module. \n3. If those do not help, block and unblock the site. \n4. If those
do not help, replace the RF module that is generating the alarm.\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\nAntenna calibration error caused by transmission
path failure \n\nFAULT ID\n1987: EFaultId_CalibrationErrorCausedByTransmissionPathFailureAl\n\nMEANING\nAntenna calibration has
failed on at least 3 antennas because of a transmission path failure.\n\nThe path means all units between the signaling processor (DSP) and
the antenna inside the radio module.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\nNote: Perform the steps below in the listed order until the fault is resolved:\n1.
Check if other alarms are not reported at the same time. If other alarms are reported, follow the necessary instructions to clear them.\n2.
Reset the radio module, which is the fault source.\n3. Reset the BTS.\n4. Replace the radio module, which is the fault
source.\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\nAntenna Line Device failure\n\nFAULT ID\n3100: EFaultId_AntennaLineFailure\n\nMEANING\nThe System
Module, or the device itself, has detected an abnormal operation or a failure in the antenna line device.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\nNote: Perform
the steps below in the listed order until the BTS fault disappears.\n\n1. Check the antenna line and antenna line devices. Ensure that the 43/101
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Description: CELL NOTIFICATION\n\nA minor fault (or faults) has occurred in a unit (or units) that belong to the sector indicated in the
alarm.\n\nCheck the reason for the fault from the supplementary text field of the alarm.\n\nThe effect of the fault on the functioning of the
network element depends on the fault description. For more information, see base station fault descriptions in LTE System Libraries.\n\nDo
not cancel the alarm. The system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been corrected.
Remedial action: Verify the configuration of a BTS by checking the commissioning, cabling and correct installation of the units/modules at
the BTS. Make sure the environment does not cause the fault.\n\nBefore a unit/module is replaced at the BTS, the site should be reset to
recover from any temporary faults which might have caused the malfunctioning of the unit/module. When an active alarm is a 'Start' alarm, a
site reset is required to cancel the alarm. If the site reset or module block/unblock does not help, replace the faulty unit/module (see the
source of the alarm and instructions fields of the corresponding alarms). \n\nBelow is the list of BTS fault(s) which may have caused this
alarm in BTS FL16A/TL16A release. In case of earlier SW release and in case you need more detailed fault descriptions refer to LTE System
Libraries. The BTS fault descriptions are also included in BTS SW release documentation. If that does not help, contact your local customer
support. \n\n-------------------------------------------------------------\n\nFAULT NAME\nAntenna Line Device failure\n\nFAULT ID\n3100:
EFaultId_AntennaLineFailure\n\nMEANING\nThe System Module, or the device itself, has detected an abnormal operation or a failure in the
antenna line device.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\nNote: Perform the steps below in the listed order until the BTS fault disappears.\n\n1. Check the
antenna line and antenna line devices. Ensure that the antenna line connectors are in the right torque.\n\n2. Block and unblock the alarming
RF module to reset it.\n\n3. Replace the faulty parts and/or devices along the antenna line.\n\n4. Replace the RF Module.\n\n\n\n\nFAULT
NAME\nAntenna Line Device Operation Failure\n\nFAULT ID\n1871: EFaultId_BusyAl\n1872: EFaultId_FormatErrorAl \n1873:
EFaultId_UnsupportedProcedureAl \n1874: EFaultId_OutOfRangeAl \n\nMEANING\nThe device is not working properly, the configuration is
not valid, or a given parameter is incorrect.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\n1. Check the functionality of the antenna line device.\n\n2. Check the
compatibility between the antenna line device and the BTS.\n\n3. Check that the given parameters are in the valid range.\n\n\n\n\nFAULT
NAME\nAntenna line device SW download failure\n\nFAULT ID\n4047: EFaultId_FileCrcErrorAl\n4048:
EFaultId_FileContentErrorAl\n\nMEANING\nAn SW download to an antenna line device has failed because of an incorrect checksum or file
format.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\nNote: Perform the steps below in the listed order until the BTS fault disappears:\n\n1. Check the SW
package.\n2. Download the SW to the antenna line device again.\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\nAntenna line failure\n\nFAULT ID\n1836:
EFaultId_ALOvercurrentAl\n\nMEANING\nThe radio module or filter has detected overcurrent on the antenna line. The antenna line might be
damaged (short-circuited), or some antenna line device is causing overload. All antenna line devices powered by the antenna line are out of
order.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\n1. Check the antenna line and antenna line devices. Fix or replace the faulty parts or devices.\n2. For CPRI-A
radios, the fault might cancel automatically if the fault condition is cleared within 1 minute of detection. For some CPRI-A radios, the fault
might cancel automatically after the fault condition is cleared regardless of when the condition is cleared. If the fault is not canceled
automatically, the fault is canceled when the RF module is blocked or unblocked, or when the RF module or the BTS is reset. \n3. For all
other radios, the fault is canceled only when the RF module or the BTS is reset.\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\nBaseband bus failure\n\nFAULT
ID\n3020: EFaultId_BaseBandBusFailure\n\nMEANING\nThe Flexi BTS has detected an abnormal operation or a failure in the BTS\ninternal
or external (optical link) baseband bus. The failure cannot be\nattributed to a specific module and there are several possible fault
sources.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\nNote: Perform the steps below in the listed order until the BTS fault disappears.\n\n1. Check the other active
BTS faults and act accordingly.\n\n2. Check the cables between the System Module and RF Module.\n\n3. Reset the RF Module and/or
System Module, depending on the alarm source:\n a. Reset the RF Module by blocking and unblocking it.\n b. Reset the System Module by
blocking and unblocking it.\n\n4. Replace the alarming RF Module.\n\n5. If the System Module is the source, or replacing the RF Module
does not clear the fault situation, replace the alarming System Module.\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\nBTS internal SW management
problem\n\nFAULT ID\n3090: EFaultId_BtsInternalSwManagementProblem\n\nMEANING\nA software update to a module or sub-assembly
has failed, or a corrupted SW file has been detected in the FLASH.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\nNote: Perform the steps below in the listed order
until the BTS fault disappears:\n\nFlexi BTS FDD, Flexi BTS TDD, AirScale BTS FDD, AirScale BTS TDD:\n1. Check the other active BTS
faults. If the ROM disk is corrupted, change the alarming module.\n2. Reset the RF Module and/or System Module (depending on the fault
source) by blocking/unblocking it.\n3. Update and activate the SW to the BTS.\n4. Check the SW files.\n5. Replace the alarming
module.\n\nFlexi Zone Micro FDD, Flexi Zone Micro TDD:\n1. Check the other active Flexi Zone Micro BTS or Flexi Zone Access Point faults.
If the ROM disk is corrupted, change the Flexi Zone Micro BTS or Flexi Zone Access Point.\n2. Reset the Flexi Zone Micro BTS or Flexi Zone
Access Point by blocking/unblocking it.\n3. Update and activate the SW to the BTS.\n4. Check the SW files.\n\nFlexi Zone:\n1. Check the
other active Flexi Zone Access Point faults. If the ROM disk is corrupted, change the Flexi Zone Access Point.\n2. Reset the Flexi Zone
Access Point to trigger new SW load.\n3. Check the SW files.\n\nFlexi Zone SFN Antenna:\n1. Check the other active Flexi Zone SFN
Antenna faults. If the ROM disk is corrupted, change the Flexi Zone SFN Antenna.\n2. Reset the Flexi Zone SFN Antenna to trigger new SW
load.\n3. Check the SW files.\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\nBTS SW download or activation failed\n\nFAULT ID\n29:
EFaultId_FileCorruptionAl\n30: EFaultId_SwUpdateAl\n\nMEANING\nThe SW update to the BTS has failed. The error can be caused by a
module reset during the SW update, a hardware problem in the module, or a corrupted flash file system.\n\n\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\nFlexi BTS
FDD, Flexi BTS TDD, AirScale BTS FDD, AirScale BTS TDD:\n1. Retry the SW update.\n2. If other flash memory-related faults are active for
the alarming module at the same time, replace the alarming module.\n\nFlexi Zone Micro FDD, Flexi Zone Micro TDD, Flexi Zone
Controller:\n1. Retry the SW update.\n2. If other flash memory-related faults are active for the BTS at the same time, replace the
BTS.\n\nFlexi Zone Access Point:\n1. Retry the SW update by resetting the Flexi Zone Access Point using the BTS SM.\n2. If other flash
memory-related faults are active for the Flexi Zone Access Point at the same time, replace the Access Point.\n\nFlexi Zone SFN Antenna:\n1.
Retry the SW update by resetting the Flexi Zone SFN Antenna using the BTS SM.\n2. If other flash memory-related faults are active for the
Flexi Zone SFN Antenna at the same time, replace the Flexi Zone SFN Antenna.\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\nConfiguration error: <x>\n\nFAULT
ID\n3070: EFaultId_ConfigurationError \n\nMEANING\nThere is a compatibility problem in the BTS HW/SW versions or the HW/HW
configuration. Another possibility is that there is a mismatch in the BTS configuration.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\nNote: Perform the steps below in
the listed order until the BTS fault disappears:\n\n1. Check the installed HW/SW version compatibility and the HW compatibility with the
current BTS configuration.\n\n2. Check that the BTS cell parameters from the Network management system match\nthe BTS HW
configuration (for example, frequency, power).\n\n3. Check the Network management system alarms for the alarming local cell (LCR).\n\n4.
Recommission the BTS to ensure that all parameters are correctly configured.\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\nCorrectable bit toggling
error\n\nFAULT ID\n6700: EFaultId_CorrectableBitTogglingError\n\nMEANING\nA correctable bit toggling error is detected in DSP
memory.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\nThe fault doesn't require any special action because it was already autonomously corrected.\n\n\n\n\nFAULT
NAME\nCritical bit toggling error\n\nFAULT ID\n6701: EFaultId_CriticalBitTogglingError\n\nMEANING\nA non-correctable, bit-toggling error
has been detected in the critical DSP memory.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\nNote: Perform the steps below in the listed order until the fault
disappears.\n\nFlexi BTS FDD, Flexi BTS TDD, AirScale BTS FDD, AirScale BTS TDD:\n1. Reset the System/Baseband Module.\n2.
Replace the System/Baseband Module.\n\nFlexi Zone Micro FDD, Flexi Zone Micro TDD, Flexi Zone, Flexi Zone SFN Antenna:\n1. Reset the
Flexi Zone Micro BTS or Flexi Zone Access Point or Flexi Zone SFN Antenna.\n2. If the fault persists, Replace the Flexi Zone Micro BTS or
Flexi Zone Access Point or Flexi Zone SFN Antenna.\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\nDC voltage administratively disabled\n\nFAULT ID\n4141: 53/101
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Description: CELL OPERATION DEGRADED\n\nA major fault (or faults) has occurred in a unit (or units) that belong to the sector indicated
in the alarm.\n\nCheck the reason for the fault from the supplementary text field of the alarm.\n\nThe effect of the fault on the functioning of
the network element depends on the fault description. For more information, see base station fault descriptions in LTE System
Libraries.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been corrected.
Remedial action: Verify the configuration of a BTS by checking the commissioning, cabling and correct installation of the units/modules at
the BTS. Make sure the environment does not cause the fault.\n\nBefore a unit/module is replaced at the BTS, the site should be reset to
recover from any temporary faults which might have caused the malfunctioning of the unit/module. When an active alarm is a 'Start' alarm, a
site reset is required to cancel the alarm. If the site reset or module block/unblock does not help, replace the faulty unit/module (see the
source of the alarm and instructions fields of the corresponding alarms). \n\nBelow is the list of BTS fault(s) which might have caused this
alarm in BTS FL16A/TL16A release. In case of earlier SW release and in case you need more detailed fault descriptions refer to LTE System
Libraries. The BTS fault descriptions are also included in BTS SW release documentation. If that does not help, contact your local customer
support. \n\n------------------------------------------------------------\n\nFAULT NAME\n10b8b coding error in optical interface device\n\nFAULT
ID\n2004: EFaultId_OIC_LVDSRecAl\n\nMEANING\nThe fiber cable is experiencing interference; data transmission is faulty.\n\nA physical
connection failure between the optical interface and the summing function has occurred.\n\nThe reason of the fault might be a low-quality or
polluted SFP, or a low-quality optical cable used to connect radio module to system module/extension baseband
module.\n\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\nNote: Perform the steps in the listed order until the fault is resolved.\n\n1. Reset the radio module behind the
cable reported as the fault source by blocking/unblocking it. \n2. Reset the system module. \n3. Replace the SFP on the radio module port
where the cable reported as fault source is terminated.\n4. Replace the SFP on the system module or extension baseband module port
where the cable reported as fault source is terminated.\n5. Replace the optical cable reported as fault source.\n6. Replace the radio module
behind the cable reported as fault source.\n7. If the system module reset helped but the fault is reported again after some time or if the
actions mentioned above have not cleared the fault situation, replace the extension baseband module (if the fault is reported on the cable
connected to the baseband module) or the system module (if the fault is reported on the cable connected to the system
module).\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\n3GPP/AISG communication administratively disabled\n\nFAULT ID\n4142:
EFaultId_Communication3gppAdministrativelyDisabledAl\n\nMEANING\nThe HDLC link has been disabled for the reporting Antenna Line or
IUANT port.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\nEnable the parameter "Communication3gppEnabled" for the reporting Antenna Line to revert
changes.\n\n\n\n\nFAULT NAME\nAbnormal CPRI interface to next hop <OptIf ID>\n\nFAULT ID\n1974:
EFaultId_AbnormalCpriInterfaceToNextHopAl\n\nMEANING\nThe optical interface is not working properly.\nThe CPRI transmission is not
working properly.\nThis fault is valid only for radio modules in a chain configuration.\nNote: The Optif is from the perspective of the previous
radio.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS\n1. Check the cables between the RF module that is reported as the fault source and the RF module that is closer
to the system module or ABIA. \n2. Reset the RF module. \n3. If that does not help, block or unblock the site. \n4. If that does not help, 56/101
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Remedial action: Informational - if the alarm persists or is occurring frequently then investigation is required to understand why the
connectivity between the client delegate platform and SAM servers is unreliable or the client delegate server itself is unreliable.
Description: The alarm is raised when SAM fails to manage a 9430 Compact Mobility Unit due to an FTP failure.
Remedial action: Verify FTP connectivity between the 5620 SAM and the 9430 Compact Mobility Unit, then re-attempt to manage. 65/101
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Table 38-29: ContainingEquipmentAdministrativelyDown
Description: The alarm is raised when the compositeEquipmentState attribute has a value of containingEquipmentAdministrativelyDown.
Raising condition: (('Status' EQUAL 'Parent Admin Down') AND ('isTerminatable' EQUAL 'true'))
Clearing condition: (('Status' NOT EQUAL 'Parent Admin Down') OR ('isTerminatable' NOT EQUAL 'true'))
Description: The alarm is raised when the compositeEquipmentState attribute has a value of containingEquipmentMismatch.
Raising condition: (('Status' EQUAL 'Parent Type Mismatch') AND ('isTerminatable' EQUAL 'true'))
Clearing condition: (('Status' NOT EQUAL 'Parent Type Mismatch') OR ('isTerminatable' NOT EQUAL 'true'))
Remedial action: A configuration error has occurred which must be corrected. The card type configured for the slot identified in the alarm
must match the installed card type.
Description: The alarm is raised when the compositeEquipmentState attribute has a value of containingEquipmentOperationllyDown.
Raising condition: (('Status' EQUAL 'Parent Oper Down') AND ('isTerminatable' EQUAL 'true'))
Clearing condition: (('Status' NOT EQUAL 'Parent Oper Down') OR ('isTerminatable' NOT EQUAL 'true'))
Remedial action: The operational state of the equipment element indicated in the alarm is down. This may be due to the element's
administrative state or it may indicate that the element has failed. 66/101
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Description: The alarm is raised when one or more files in the 5620 SAM software image specified for a device software upgrade is invalid,
corrupt or absent. The 5620 SAM validates a device software file set before it imports the file set and distributes it to an NE. Ensure that the
file set downloads properly to the NE and is not tampered with before you re-attempt the upgrade. The alarm clears when a valid file set is on
the NE and the 5620 SAM activates the software image in the file set.
Remedial action: The existing SW image in the SAM database should be replaced with an image that is known to be complete and valid.
Description: CRL Update failure\n\nThis alarm is raised if the BTS cannot update the Certificate Revocation List (CRL). Please refer to
PDDB parameter 'CERTH::CRLInfo: CRLUpdateFailureReason' for failure reasons.\n\nThe Certificate Revocation List could not be updated.
New revoked certificates\nremain unknown to the BTS.\n\nThe alarm is cleared after a successful update of the Certificate Revocation List in
a new attempt.
Remedial action: Execute general configuration checks:\n- Configuration of CMP server IP address and port, and DNS server IP address.\n-
Configuration of routing entries towards remote peers.\n- Configuration of IPSec policies towards remote peers.\nCheck remote peers and
intermediate network elements interconnections.\nCheck the LDAP connection towards the Certificate Revocation List server.\nCheck DNS
names.\nCheck the size of the file at the Certificate Revocation List server.
Description: The alarm is raised when an IOM is not upgraded or reset after a device software upgrade of both CPMs. A device resets an
IOM automatically after 120 minutes if the IOM is not manually reset after a CPM upgrade. 67/101
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Description: The alarm is raised when the compositeEquipmentState attribute has a value of equipmentAdministrativelyDown.
Description: The alarm is raised when the compositeEquipmentState attribute has a value of equipmentOperationallyDown.
Remedial action: This alarm indicates that a card in the NE has failed. The card must be replaced. 68/101
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Description: The alarm is raised when the compositeEquipmentState attribute has a value of equipmentMismatch.
Remedial action: A configuration error has occurred which must be corrected. The card type configured for the slot identified in the alarm
must match the installed card type.
Description: The alarm is raised when the compositeEquipmentState attribute has a value of equipmentMissing.
Raising condition: ((('isEquipped' EQUAL 'false') OR ('compositeEquipmentState' EQUAL 'Removed')) AND ('isEquipmentInserted' EQUAL
Clearing condition: (('compositeEquipmentState' NOT EQUAL 'Removed') AND ('isEquipped' EQUAL 'true'))
Description: Ethernet OAM CCM fault\n\nThe alarm is triggered whenever a service OAM error related to the transmission of Continuity
Check Messages (CCM) persists on a given Ethernet interface as soon as one of the error conditions below occur:\n\nThe following alarms
are defined:\n\n1. MDL_MISMATCH, priority 5 (highest priority): A CCM is received with an MDL that is lower than the highest configured one
in the BTS, and does not match any of the configured ones.\nExample: CCM fault level - prio 5 cause MDL_MISMATCH\nNote: For
MDL_MISMATCH cases, it might not be possible to display the local MDL where the fault was detected.\n\n2. MAID_MISMATCH priority 5: A
CCM is received with an MDL that is configured in the BTS, but with an MAID that does not match any MA configured in the BTS on this
MDL.\nExample: CCM fault level 5 prio 5 cause MAID_MISMATCH\n\n3. MAID_MISMATCH priority 5: A CCM is received with matching MDL
and MAID, but the VLAN membership of the received frame does not match the VLAN configuration of the addressed MA.\nExample: CCM
fault level 5 prio 5 cause MAID_MISMATCH\n\n4. ERR_CCM, priority 4: A CCM is received with known MDL and MAID, but the MEPID is not
configured in the Remote MEP list of the MA.\nExample: CCM fault level 5 prio 4 cause REMOTEMEP_NOT_CONFIGURED\n\n5.
ERR_CCM, priority 4: A CCM is received with known MDL, MAID, and MEPID, but the CCM interval coded in the received CCM does not
match the interval configured in the BTS.\nEx: CCM fault level 5 prio 4 cause WRONG_CCM_INTERVAL \n\n6. REMOTE_CCM, priority 3: A
CCM was not received for 3.5 intervals from at least one remote MEP in the MA.\nEx: CCM fault level 5 prio 3 cause
REMOTE_CCM_DEFECT \n\n7. RDI_CCM, priority 1 (lowest priority): An RDI flag is detected in the CCM frames from one remote
peer.\nExample: CCM fault level 5 prio 1 cause REMOTE_DEFECT_INDICATION\n\nThe alarm displays the following information:\n- Alarm
Name\n- Alarm Priority\n- Alarm cause: if different sources produce the same alarm\n- MD level at which the alarm was detected\n\nThe
transport connection toward the remote peer might be defective. Traffic might get lost.\n\nThe alarm is cleared when the CCM fault condition
has stopped for at least 10 seconds, and no other CCM fault condition with a lower priority is active.
Remedial action: 1. Check the cabling.\n2. Check the CCM configuration at the remote peer. 69/101
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Description: Ethernet OAM ETH_AIS_fault\n\nWhen an MEP receives a valid ETH-AIS frame and AIS is enabled, it shall trigger an AIS
alarm containing the following information:\n- receiving interface\n- MD level\n- Source MAC address\n\nNote:For FSMr3/AirScale unit types,
interface is provided as: 'module type name' EIF 'interface number'. \nFor Flexi Zone Micro BTS, interface is provided as: EIF 'interface
number'.\n\nThe transport connection towards the remote peer may be defective. Traffic may get lost.\n\nThe alarm is cancelled if no
ETH_AIS message was received within 3.5 times the configurable ETH_AIS transmission period. This is either within 3.5 seconds or 3.5
Remedial action: 1. Check cabling.\n2. Check the configuration at the remote peer.
Description: EXTERNAL AL 1\n\nThis is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a hardware database. Not
applicable to Flexi Zone Micro platform and Flexi Zone platform.\n\nThe effect of the alarm depends on the purpose that was configured for
the user-defined alarm input in the BTS.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been
Remedial action: The operation depends on the type of alarm that is used as external alarm number 1.
Description: EXTERNAL AL 10\n\nThis is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a hardware database. Not
applicable to Flexi Zone Micro platform and Flexi Zone platform.\n\nThe effect of the alarm depends on the purpose that was configured for
the user-defined alarm input in the BTS.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been
Remedial action: The operation depends on the type of alarm that is used as external alarm number 10.
Description: EXTERNAL AL 11\n\nThis is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a hardware database.\n\nThe
effect of the alarm depends on the purpose that was configured for the user-defined alarm input in the BTS.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The
system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been corrected. 70/101
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Remedial action: The operation depends on the type of alarm that is used as external alarm number 11.
Description: EXTERNAL AL 12\n\nThis is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a hardware database.\n\nThe
effect of the alarm depends on the purpose that was configured for the user-defined alarm input in the BTS.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The
system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been corrected.
Remedial action: The operation depends on the type of alarm that is used as external alarm number 12.
Description: EXTERNAL AL 13\n\nThis is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a hardware database.\n\nThe
effect of the alarm depends on the purpose that was configured for the user-defined alarm input in the BTS.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The
system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been corrected.
Remedial action: The operation depends on the type of alarm that is used as external alarm number 13.
Description: EXTERNAL AL 14\n\nThis is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a hardware database. Not
applicable to Flexi Zone Micro platform and Flexi Zone platform.\n\nThe effect of the alarm depends on the purpose that was configured for
the user-defined alarm input in the BTS.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been
Remedial action: The operation depends on the type of alarm that is used as external alarm number 14. 71/101
29/05/2020 Alarms
Description: EXTERNAL AL 15\n\nThis is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a hardware database. Not
applicable to Flexi Zone Micro platform and Flexi Zone platform.\n\nThe effect of the alarm depends on the purpose that was configured for
the user-defined alarm input in the BTS.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been
Remedial action: The operation depends on the type of alarm that is used as external alarm number 15.
Description: EXTERNAL AL 16\n\nThis is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a hardware database.\n\nThe
effect of the alarm depends on the purpose that was configured for the user-defined alarm input in the BTS.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The
system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been corrected.
Remedial action: The operation depends on the type of alarm that is used as external alarm number 16.
Description: EXTERNAL AL 17\n\nThis is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a hardware database. Not
applicable to Flexi Zone Micro platform and Flexi Zone platform.\n\nThe effect of the alarm depends on the purpose that was configured for
the user-defined alarm input in the BTS.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been
Remedial action: The operation depends on the type of alarm that is used as external alarm number 17.
Description: EXTERNAL AL 18\n\nThis is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a hardware database.\n\nThe
effect of the alarm depends on the purpose that was configured for the user-defined alarm input in the BTS.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The
system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been corrected.
Remedial action: The operation depends on the type of alarm that is used as external alarm number 18. 72/101
29/05/2020 Alarms
Description: EXTERNAL AL 19\n\nThis is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a hardware database.\n\nThe
effect of the alarm depends on the purpose that was configured for the user-defined alarm input in the BTS.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The
system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been corrected.
Remedial action: The operation depends on the type of alarm that is used as external alarm number 19.
Description: EXTERNAL AL 2\n\nThis is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a hardware database. Not
applicable to Flexi Zone Micro platform and Flexi Zone platform.\n\nThe effect of the alarm depends on the purpose that was configured for
the user-defined alarm input in the BTS.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been
Remedial action: The operation depends on the type of alarm that is used as external alarm number 2.
Description: EXTERNAL AL 20\n\nThis is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a hardware database. Not
applicable to Flexi Zone Micro platform and Flexi Zone platform.\n\nThe effect of the alarm depends on the purpose that was configured for
the user-defined alarm input in the BTS.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been
Remedial action: The operation depends on the type of alarm that is used as external alarm number 20.
Description: EXTERNAL AL 21\n\nThis is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a hardware database.\n\nThe
effect of the alarm depends on the purpose that was configured for the user-defined alarm input in the BTS.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The
system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been corrected.
Remedial action: The operation depends on the type of alarm that is used as external alarm number 21. 73/101
29/05/2020 Alarms
Table 38-56: EXTERNAL_AL_22
Description: EXTERNAL AL 22\n\nThis is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a hardware database. Not
applicable to Flexi Zone Micro platform and Flexi Zone platform.\n\nThe effect of the alarm depends on the purpose that was configured for
the user-defined alarm input in the BTS.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been
Remedial action: The operation depends on the type of alarm that is used as external alarm number 22.
Description: EXTERNAL AL 23\n\nThis is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a hardware database. Not
applicable to Flexi Zone Micro platform and Flexi Zone platform.\n\nThe effect of the alarm depends on the purpose that was configured for
the user-defined alarm input in the BTS.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been
Remedial action: The operation depends on the type of alarm that is used as external alarm number 23.
Description: EXTERNAL AL 24\n\nThis is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a hardware database. Not
applicable to Flexi Zone Micro platform and Flexi Zone platform.\n\nThe effect of the alarm depends on the purpose that was configured for
the user-defined alarm input in the BTS.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been
Remedial action: The operation depends on the type of alarm that is used as external alarm number 24.
Description: EXTERNAL AL 25\n\nThis is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user\nin a hardware database.\n\nThe
effect of the alarm depends on the purpose that was configured for\nthe user-defined alarm input in the BTS.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The
system automatically cancels the alarm when\nthe fault has been corrected. 74/101
29/05/2020 Alarms
Remedial action: The operation depends on the type of alarm that is used as external alarm\nnumber 25.
Description: EXTERNAL AL 26\n\nThis is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user\nin a hardware database.\n\nThe
effect of the alarm depends on the purpose that was configured for\nthe user-defined alarm input in the BTS.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The
system automatically cancels the alarm when\nthe fault has been corrected.
Remedial action: The operation depends on the type of alarm that is used as external alarm\nnumber 26.
Description: EXTERNAL AL 3\n\nThis is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a hardware database. Not
applicable to Flexi Zone Micro platform and Flexi Zone platform.\n\nThe effect of the alarm depends on the purpose that was configured for
the user-defined alarm input in the BTS.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been
Remedial action: The operation depends on the type of alarm that is used as external alarm number 3.
Description: EXTERNAL AL 4\n\nThis is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a hardware database.\n\nThe
effect of the alarm depends on the purpose that was configured for the user-defined alarm input in the BTS.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The
system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been corrected.
Remedial action: The operation depends on the type of alarm that is used as external alarm number 4. 75/101
29/05/2020 Alarms
Description: EXTERNAL AL 5\n\nThis is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a hardware database. Not
applicable to Flexi Zone Micro platform and Flexi Zone platform.\n\nThe effect of the alarm depends on the purpose that was configured for
the user-defined alarm input in the BTS.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been
Remedial action: The operation depends on the type of alarm that is used as external alarm number 5.
Description: EXTERNAL AL 6\n\nThis is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a hardware database.\n\nThe
effect of the alarm depends on the purpose that was configured for the user-defined alarm input in the BTS.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The
system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been corrected.
Remedial action: The operation depends on the type of alarm that is used as external alarm number 6.
Description: EXTERNAL AL 7\n\nThis is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a hardware database.\n\nThe
effect of the alarm depends on the purpose that was configured for the user-defined alarm input in the BTS.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The
system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been corrected.
Remedial action: The operation depends on the type of alarm that is used as external alarm number 7.
Description: EXTERNAL AL 8\n\nThis is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a hardware database. Not
applicable to Flexi Zone Micro platform and Flexi Zone platform.\n\nThe effect of the alarm depends on the purpose that was configured for
the user-defined alarm input in the BTS.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been
Remedial action: The operation depends on the type of alarm that is used as external alarm number 8. 76/101
29/05/2020 Alarms
Description: EXTERNAL AL 9\n\nThis is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a hardware database. Not
applicable to Flexi Zone Micro platform and Flexi Zone platform.\n\nThe effect of the alarm depends on the purpose that was configured for
the user-defined alarm input in the BTS.\n\nDo not cancel the alarm. The system automatically cancels the alarm when the fault has been
Remedial action: The operation depends on the type of alarm that is used as external alarm number 9.
Description: The alarm is raised when a provisioned MTU size value is greater than the supported MTU size value.
Raising condition: (('mtuMismatch' EQUAL 'true') AND ('portId' NOT EQUAL '0L'))
Remedial action: A configuration error has been made which must be corrected. The MTU value must be changed such that is less than or
equal to the supported MTU size value.
Description: FTM_AIS\n\nAlarm indication signal is received. This signal is generated by an intermediate PDH device in the forward
direction because it detects a problem in its received signal.\n\nAll other transmission alarms related to this signal are
suppressed.\n\nProbable cause: There is a transmission problem somewhere in the intermediate network, and AIS is sent instead of user
traffic.\n\nPossible impact on the connections over the interface in question:\n- no calls are possible\n- loss of remote management access to
other network elements in the RAN\n\n
Remedial action: Check the intermediate transmission network for alarms indicating the root cause and follow the instructions for handling
these alarms. 77/101
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Description: FTM_BTS_RESET_REQUIRED\n\nA change to the BTS IP settings has been received from the BTS Site Manager. The BTS
should be restarted to activate the change.\n\nThe BTS does not take the new settings into use before a reset.\n\n
Remedial action: Reset the BTS when all the required BTS IP settings have been set.
Description: FTM_DPD\n\nA dead peer has been detected in one of the IPsec associations of the FTM.\nThere is no response to the
requests sent to the peer during the IKE SA setup, the IPsec SA setup, or during DPD.\n\nNote: When the IPSec backup tunnel feature is
enabled, this alarm should not be raised because of failures when trying to set up primary IPSec tunnel in
'Secondary_Active_Probing_Primary' state.\n\nPossible reasons:\n- a cable is cut or there is no cable connected to the interface\n- the signal
is excessively attenuated\n- the port at the connected far end node is switched off\n\nPossible effects:\n- No calls are possible.\n- loss of
remote management access to other network elements in the RAN\n- loss of synchronization if the interface is used as a synchronization
source\n- IKE SAs and IPSec SAs cannot be established or re-keyed.\n\nThe alarm condition for a protect policy does not exist anymore if
the latest IKE message is answered by the peer.\n\nThe alarm is canceled as soon as the alarm condition does not exist for any protect
policy.\n\nNote: When the IPSec backup tunnel feature is enabled, a DPD alarm caused by the primary tunnel failure is cleared when switch-
over is successful for all primary tunnels (that is, all secondary tunnels are successfully established).\nSimilarly, any DPD alarm raised
because of a secondary tunnel failure is cleared when switchback is successful for secondary tunnels (that is, all primary tunnels are
successfully established).
Remedial action: 1. Check that the cables are connected to the correct connectors.\n2. Check that the interface at the far-end interface is
switched on.\n3. Check whether there are active alarms at the far end. If there are, follow the instructions for handling those alarms.
Description: FTM_EBER\n\nExcessive bit error rate: The measured bit error rate exceeds the threshold value of BER-3 (10E-
3).\n\nProbable causes:\n- the signal level is too low (optical connectors or cables are dirty, electrical connectors or cables are corroded)\n-
the specified maximum length of the cable is exceeded\n- the connector is not properly connected to the unit\n- the receiver or the far-end
transmitter has failed\n\nPossible impact:\n- slow management access to the WBTS and other network elements in the RAN\n- poor voice
quality and data performance\n- if this interface is part of an IMA group, this IMA link should be temporarily suspended from operation\n\n
Remedial action: 1. Clean the cables and connectors.\n\n2. Check that the connectors are properly connected to the unit.\n\n3. Check that
the cable connected to the interface in question is not damaged and is within the specifications.\n\n4. Follow the signal in the network and
check whether any other alarms concerning the fault are on (such as Laser End of Life). If they are, follow the instructions for handling those
alarms. 78/101
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Description: FTM_FAULT_TOGGLING\n\nAn FTM fault, for which the fault name appears in the Fault name field, is toggling in the FTM.
Toggling fault condition is informed to the user with this new FTM fault. Toggling faults are supressed until the toggling alarm condition is
cleared. Severity of this FTM fault is the same as the severity of the toggling FTM fault.\n\n\n\n
Remedial action: 1. Check the fault name of the toggling FTM fault from the Fault name of\nthis fault.\n2. Follow the instructions of the
toggling FTM fault to clear the problem.\n \nNote: Detailed information about the toggling frequency can be found in\nalarm history file, which
can be downloaded using the BTS Site Manager. The log file is available with Snapshot.
Description: FTM_LOF\n\nLoss of frame: It is not possible to carry traffic on the interface referenced in the alarm text. All other transmission
alarms related to this signal are suppressed.\n\nProbable cause for E1 interfaces: The interface at the far end is not configured to be a
framed E1 interface.\n\nProbable cause for T1 interfaces: The interface at the far end is not configured to be a T1 interface.\n\nPossible
impact on the connections over this interface:\n- no calls are possible\n- loss of remote management access to other network elements in the
RAN\n- loss of synchronization if the interface is used as synchronization source\n\n
Remedial action: E1 interfaces: Check that the interface type of the far-end interface is also configured to be a framed E1 interface. If this is
not the case, reconfigure the interfaces so that they match each other.\n\nJT1 interfaces: Check that the interface type of the far-end interface
is also configured to be a JT1 interface. If this is not the case, reconfigure the interfaces so that they match each other.
Description: FTM_LOMF\n\nLoss of multi-frame: The interface referenced in the alarm text has lost the multi-frame alignment.\n\nProbable
cause: The interface type has not been configured to meet the framing of the interface at the far end. For E1 interfaces, the configuration of
the far-end node should be E1 Multiframe.\n\nPossible impact: The performance management data collected on this interface becomes
Remedial action: Check that the configured interface type matches the configured interface type of the far-end interface. If this is the case,
the problem is somewhere in the transmission network. 79/101
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Description: FTM_LOS\n\nFlexi BTS FDD, Flexi BTS TDD, AirScale BTS FDD/TDD:\nNo signal is received on the interface referenced in
the alarm text. All other transmission alarms related to this signal are suppressed.\n\nProbable causes for Ethernet interfaces:\n- a cable is
cut, or there is no cable connected to the interface\n- the electrical signal is excessively reduced\n- the port at the connected far-end node is
switched off\n\nFlexi Zone Micro FDD, Flexi Zone Micro TDD:\nNo signal is received on the interface referenced in the alarm text. All other
transmission alarms related to this signal are suppressed.\n\nProbable causes for Ethernet interfaces:\n- a cable is cut, or there is no cable
connected to the interface\n- the electrical signal is excessively reduced\n- the port at the connected far-end node is switched off\n\nThe fault
is generated only when the interface is not configured as LMP (that is, generated only when the interface is configured as the primary BH
port, or when daisy chaining (enableLayer2Switching) is enabled).\n\nPossible impacts on the connections over this interface are:\n- no calls
are possible\n- loss of remote management access to other network elements in the RAN\n- loss of synchronization if the interface is used as
a synchronization source\n\n
Remedial action: 1. Check that the cables are connected to the correct connectors.\n\n2. Check that the interface at the far-end interface is
switched on.\n\n3. Check whether there are active alarms at the far end. If there are, follow the instructions for handling those alarms.\n\n4.
Connect a loop cable and check whether the alarm disappears to verify that the hardware of the interface unit works correctly.
Description: FTM_RDI\n\nRemote defect indication: It is sent by the intermediate or the far-end equipment because it detects a serious fault
in the received signal.\n\nProbable cause: The far end has a LOS, LOF, or AIS alarm on its receiving interface.\n\nPossible impact on the
connections over this interface:\n- no calls are possible\n- loss of remote management access to other network elements in the RAN\n- loss
of synchronization if the interface is used as a synchronization source\n\n
Remedial action: 1. Check the intermediate transmission network for alarms indicating the root cause and follow the instructions for handling
these alarms.\n\n2. Connect a loop cable and check that no alarms appear for this interface to check the transmit hardware.
Description: FTM_RESET\n\nThe transport part of the BTS has been reset at the date and time given in the notification.\n\n1. FSMr2
supports the following cause for the reset:\n\n'trs power-on reset': Cold start \n'trs watchdog reset': System overload\n'trs startup failure':
Failure during startup \n'trs software failure': Software failure\n'trs management reset': Reset triggered by management interface\n'trs
fallback': Fallback executed\n\nFSMr3/AirScale supports the following cause for the reset:\n\n'trs power-on reset': Cold start\n'trs watchdog
reset': System overload\n'trs software failure': Software failure\n'trs management reset': Reset triggered by management interface\n'trs
spurious reset': Reset reason detection failed\n\n2. The '$date' format is the local time stamp (GMT+/-xx:xx). For example: 2014-04-12
00:51:26 GMT+0530\n\nThe fault has no further consequences.\n\n 80/101
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Description: FTM_SECURITY_USER_ACCOUNT\n\nA specific BTS local operator account has been locked.\nThe number of failed login
attempts for a BTS local operator account has exceeded the threshold, and the account has been locked on the BTS. No further logins are
permitted for this account until it is unlocked.\n\nNo further logins are permitted for that account until it is unlocked.\n\n
Remedial action: Check the validity of the username and password of the account.
Description: FTM_SFP\n\nFlexi BTS FDD, Flexi BTS TDD, AirScale BTS FDD/TDD:\nThe Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) module
detected in the interface connector does not comply with security requirements. It does not have a class 1 laser.\n\nFlexi Zone Micro FDD,
Flexi Zone Micro TDD:\nThe Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) module is not supported, not present, or could not be recognized.\nThe
SFP module detected in the interface connector does not comply with the SFP module types supported by the BTS element. The SFP
module type is checked to ensure that only laser class 1-compliant standard Ethernet SFP modules are used.\nThe SFP module was
expected by the SW, but found missing.\nProbable causes:\n- No SFP module is inserted at the SFP-based Ethernet interface.\n- The
interface contacts of the SFP module are corroded or dirty, preventing either read access to the SFP module at the time of reading
compliance data from the SFP, or preventing detection of the module.\n- The SFP module type is not supported.\n\nThe fault is generated
only when the interface is not configured as LMP (that is, generated only when the interface is configured as the primary BH port or when
daisy chaining (enableLayer2Switching) is enabled).\n\nFlexi BTS FDD, Flexi BTS TDD, AirScale BTS FDD/TDD:\nThe interface cannot be
used for transmission.\n\nFlexi Zone Micro FDD, Flexi Zone Micro TDD:\nThe interface cannot be used for transmission. Conditionally,
Bluetooth is enabled when the backhaul goes down.\nThe laser of the SFP module is not switched on, or no SFP module was detected at
all.\nThe Ethernet Link is down.\nAn Ethernet Link cannot be successfully established.\nNo Ethernet data or clock information is exchanged
between this interface.\n\nPossible impact on the connections over this interface:\n- Voice calls or data connections cannot be established.\n-
Remote management connectivity cannot be established.\n- Loss of synchronization if the interface is used as a synchronization source.\n-
Depending on use of the Ethernet interface, the above-described impact can occur for the local BTS and/or other BTS elements if they are
chained through the Ethernet interface.\n\n
Remedial action: Flexi BTS FDD, Flexi BTS TDD, AirScale BTS FDD, AirScale BTS TDD:\nInsert a Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP)
module with the correct laser type (class 1) to the Gigabit Ethernet interface of the unit.\n\nFlexi Zone Micro FDD, Flexi Zone Micro TDD:\n1.
Plug-out and plug-in the SFP module.\n2. Check for SFP validity (could be wrong type).\n3. Insert a compliant SFP module.
Description: FTM_SFP_WARNING\n\nThere is an issue with the SFP module used for backhaul. The fault is based on the SFP alarm and
warning flags associated with temperature, supply voltage, TX bias current, and TX output power. Warning flags indicate conditions outside
the normally-guaranteed bounds but not necessarily causes of immediate link failures while alarm flags can indicate pending, possible, or
both pending and possible failure conditions. Certain warning flags might also be defined by the manufacturer as end-of-life indicators (such
as for higher than expected bias currents in a constant power control loop). Warning flags are provided as an optional function with SFPs.
The exact thresholds for the alarms and warnings are defined by the individual SFP manufacturer.\n\nThe backhaul via the SFP is in a
degraded condition. The FZM BTS must be monitored for proper operation.\n\n
Remedial action: Check the datasheet of the specific SFP used, whether the SFP warning flags are latching or non-latching. In case they
are latching, reset the FZM or FZAP to determine whether the fault persists before taking further actions.\n1. Check whether the alarm is
caused by exceeded temperature, internal supply voltage, or TX BIAS/TX output power.\n2. If exceeded temperature causes the alarm,
investigate if the current operating conditions are outside the high or low temperature specifications for FZM or FZAP. If so, the warning clears
when the temperature is within range. If it is inside the FZM- or FZAP-specified range, replace the SFP with an SFP supporting the full FZM
or FZAP temperature range.\n3. If the internal supply voltage causes the alarm, check if the FZM or FZAP power input voltage is within the
supported operating voltage range. If the FZM or FZAP power input is within the supported operating voltage range, then replace the SFP.
Check the specifications of the SFP and whether it is interoperable with the FZM or FZAP. If the fault persists because of the internal supply
voltage, replace the FZM or FZAP. If the FZM or FZAP power input voltage is outside the supported operating voltage range of the FZM or
FZAP, correct the FZMor FZAP power input voltage.\n4. If the TX BIAS/TX output power causes the alarm, replace the SFP module. 81/101
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Description: FTM_SYNC_LOSS\n\nPrimary and secondary timing sources are lost. The LTE is utilizing the Global Navigation Satellite
System (GNSS) source (if available) or in synchronization hold-over mode.\n\nThe first and second synchronization sources from the
configured priority list are unavailable. On failure, the LTE switches automatically to the next clock source in the priority list.\n\nProbable
cause: The transmission links selected for clock source are faulty. The reason can be alarms on the interfaces (for example,
LOS).\n\nPossible impact: The BTS is not synchronized to the network anymore.\n\n
Remedial action: Use the BTS Site Manager to check which interfaces have been configured as synchronization sources.\n\n1. Check that
the cables are connected to the correct connectors.\n2. Check whether the interface at the far end is switched on.\n3. Check whether there
are active alarms at the far end. If there are, follow the instructions on handling those alarms.\n4. Connect a loop cable and check whether
the alarm disappears to verify that the hardware of the interface unit works correctly.
Description: FTM_TIMING_SOURCE_LOS\n\nOne of the synchronization sources in the configured priority list is unavailable.\nThis can be
the primary or the secondary clock source.\n\nIn the alarm: Protocol can be PDH, Timing over Packet (ToP), and Synchronuous
ethernet.\n\nUnit Number is optional:\n- For PDH and Synchronous Ethernet, Unit number is 0 or 1.\n- It is not present for Timing Over
Packet(TOP).\n\nThe interface value is optional:\n- For PDH, the value range depends on the hardware unit type: 1-16.\n- For Synchonuous
Ethernet, the value range is 1-3.\n- It is not present for Timing over Packet.\n\nThe BTS may have to use a synchronization interface that has
a lower clock\nquality: if the primary clock source has been lost, the BTS switches\nautomatically to the secondary clock source. If both the
primary and the\nsecondary clock sources are lost, the BTS switches to the internal clock.\n\n
Remedial action: Use BTS Site Manager to check which interfaces have been configured as\nsynchronization sources. For all interfaces, do
as follows:\n\n1. Check that the cables are connected to the correct connectors.\n2. Check whether the interface at the far end is switched
on.\n3. Check whether there are active alarms at the far end. If there are,\nfollow the instructions on handling those alarms.\n4. Connect a
loop cable and check whether the alarm disappears to verify that the hardware of the interface unit works correctly.\n\nMonitor the quality of
the received clock.
Description: The alarm is raised when the path management state of a Ga peer changes to a state other than Up.
Remedial action: A Ga reference point (peer) is operationally down for one of the following reasons: the underlying IP or physical interface is
down, the far end peer is down or the underlying transport between this NE and the peer NE is down. To resolve the issue ensure that the
IP/physical interface is up, check that the far end peer is operational and check that the underlying transport network is up. 82/101
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Description: The alarm is raised when a pre-provisioned NE has no objects configured beneath it.
Raising condition: (('State' EQUAL 'Pre-provisioned') AND ('eNodeB Equipment' EQUAL '\"\"'))
Clearing condition: (('State' EQUAL 'Pre-provisioned') AND ('eNodeB Equipment' NOT EQUAL '\"\"'))
Remedial action: A configuration error has been made which must be corrected. The configuration of the pre-provisioned NE is incomplete.
A work order was not associated with the pre-provisioned NE and as a consequence the attempt to auto-configure the NE failed.
Description: IPSEC_EMERGENCY_BYPASS_ACTIVE\n\nThe BTS has entered the IPsec emergency bypass active state, where
configured IPsec policies are ignored and the entire traffic is sent unprotected.\n\nConfigured IPsec policies are ignored, and the entire traffic
is sent unprotected.\n\n
Remedial action: Start IPsec emergency bypass by making the security gateway not reachable either\nby plugging out the cable or
configuring wrong security gateway address.
Description: IPSEC_EXPERT_MODE\n\nBTS is in IPSec Expert Mode. This mode allows online tuning of IPSec related parameters for
troubleshooting or workaround implementation via BTS Site Manager. It is meant for R&D troubleshooting only. When the fault is active,
normal IPSec configuration changes are not recommended.\n\nIPSec expert settings can be configured on BTS via BTS Site Manager only if
IPSec Expert Mode is activated.\n\n 83/101
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Description: IPsec_tunnel_switchover\n\nThis alarm will be triggered when at least one primary IPSec tunnel fails, and BTS has switched
over to a secondary IPSec tunnel.\nAs a result of failure in at least one primary IPSec tunnel, BTS has automatically switched over to a
secondary IPSec tunnel terminating on secondary security gateway.\n\nBTS traffic has switched over from the primary IPSec tunnel to the
secondary (backup) IPSec tunnel terminating on secondary security gateway.\n\nThe fault is cancelled when BTS has switched back all
secondary tunnels to the primary IPSec tunnels due to automatic switchback or manual switchback request from the operator. This applies to
the following state transitions:\n- Secondary_Active_Probing_Primary --> Primary_Active\n- Secondary_Active_No_Probing_Primary -->
Primary_Active\n\nNote: The clear should also be sent when IPSec backup tunnel feature or IPSec feature is disabled, or BTS is rebooted.
Remedial action: The operator can check the current remote tunnel endpoint parameter (ipSecBkupTunCurrRemoteEndpoint) on NetAct or
BTS SM to verify the remote endpoint of a tunnel. The alarm will be cleared when the tunnel is switched back to the primary remote tunnel
Description: IPV6_DUPLICATE_ADDRESS_DETECTED\n\nDuring the IP address configuration of the BTS, it tests the directly-attached
network whether other, already configured BTSs, on the network already uses the same IP addresses on their network IP interfaces. The
DAD detects those duplicated IP addresses and prohibits the operation of these IP addresses in the BTS. The warning shall contain the
corresponding IP address. A separate reporting shall be indicated for each DAD event.\n\nThe remote peer to come online with the same IP
address on the same subnet as\nlocal peer would just disable their network interface and give an error until\nthe situation is resolved by the
administrator.\nThis allows the local peer to continue functioning without disruption, but completely breaks IP base communications for the
connected network.\n\n
Remedial action: 1.Check for duplicate IPv6 addresses configured in the BTS.\n2.Change or delete the identified duplicate IPv6 addresses.
Description: IP_TRAFFIC_CAPTURE_ONGOING\n\nThe base station is currently capturing an IP traffic towards a local port or into a file on
the base station.\nIf the traffic capturing is happening towards a local port, a port and destination MAC address must be provided.\nPort
values can be LMP or < HW MODULE NAME >-<PORT ID>.\n(For E.g: LMP or FSM-EIF1, FSM-EIF2 or FTIF-EIF1)\n\nNone\n\n
Remedial action: An IP Traffic Capturing session is ongoing and a base station traffic is captured to a local Ethernet interface or into a file on
the base station.
Description: The alarm is raised when the license items in the network exceeds 100 percent of the license capacity. 84/101
29/05/2020 Alarms
Remedial action: Informational - The number of SAM licenses purchased and available on the SAM server is insufficient as compared to the
number of NEs/MDA/Cells under management in the network. Please contact your Nokia sales representative to purchase additional
Description: The alarm is raised when a port has no associated physical link or remote end point is operationally down.
Raising condition: (('compositeEquipmentState' EQUAL 'Link Down') OR ('compositeEquipmentState' EQUAL 'Oper Down'))
Clearing condition: (('compositeEquipmentState' NOT EQUAL 'Link Down') AND ('compositeEquipmentState' NOT EQUAL 'Oper Down'))
Remedial action: Please make sure that port has physical link and remote end point is operationally up.
Description: Link OAM critical link event alarm\n\nA Link OAM PDU containing a critical link event flag was received on the Ethernet
interface. The alarm is raised with the first detection of the flag.\n\nThe following critical link events are possible:\n- Critical Event: either an
Errored Symbol Period Event, an Errored Frame Event, an Errored Frame Period Event, or an Errored Frame Seconds Summary Event was
detected.\n- Dying Gasp: either the local or the remote peer has a fatal error and is about to restart.\n- Link Fault: the local peer has detected
a physical link fault in receiving direction, for example, a LOS.\n\nNote:\nIn case a received OAMPDU has more than one critical event flag
set, the following shall be reported in the alarm:\nLink Fault bit set |Dying Gasp bit set|Critical Event bit set| Reported\n x x x Link Fault\n x x
Link Fault\n x x Link Fault\n x x Dying Gasp\n\nAlways the latest received critical link event shall be reported.\n\nThe Ethernet interface is
defective, or the remote peer is defective. Traffic might get lost.\n\nThe alarm shall be cleared only if OAMPDUs with cleared flag have been
received for a configurable period of time (this assumes that the remote peer clears the flag when the error condition was solved).\nIt shall
also be cleared when the Link OAM functionality on the interface is being reset.
Remedial action: 1. Inspect details of the type of the critical event through online configuration management.\n2. Check the Link OAM state
information of the interface.\n3. Check the cabling and network connections to the far end.\n4. Check the Ethernet interface configuration at
the local and remote sides.\n5. Insert a Link OAM loopback.
Description: Link OAM link lost alarm\n\nOn an interface for which the Link OAM functionality was switched on, no Link OAM PDUs were
received during the period specified in configuration parameter 'linkLostTime' (2-10 seconds, step 1 second).\n\nThe Ethernet interface might
be out of order, or the remote peer might be out of order. Traffic might get lost.\n\nThe alarm is cleared automatically if link OAM PDUs are
received continuously again during the same period specified in the parameter 'linkLostTime' (2-10 seconds, step 1 second). 85/101
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Remedial action: 1. Check the cabling and network connections to the far end.\n2. Check the Link OAM event information and the Link OAM
state information.\n3. Check the Ethernet interface configuration at the local and remote sides.\n4. Insert a Link OAM loopback.
Description: Link OAM loopback alarm\n\nA loopback is requested for an Ethernet interface either locally at the BTS, or the Link OAM client
of the BTS is set into loopback mode by the remote Link OAM peer.\n\nNormal traffic is interrupted. Only loopback OAM frames are
transmitted and received over the interface. If the test frame generator is switched on, test frames are transmitted.\n\nFor a loopback inserted
by the local peer, the alarm is cancelled automatically after the loopback has ended by expiration of configured loopback time. For a loopback
inserted at the remote peer, the alarm is cancelled after detecting loopback end from the remote peer.
Description: LMP_CARRIER_DETECTED\n\nThe Flexi Zone Micro BTS or Flexi Zone Access Point detects, using carrier state, that
someone is locally connected to the small cell using LMP port.\n\nUpdate audit logs.\n\n
Remedial action: 1. Determine if this event is expected: whether a qualified personnel is utilizing LMP ethernet port cable connection for
diagnostic purposes. \n2. Otherwise, it shall be treated as a security warning.
Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM no longer manages the EPS path instance of this mobile service site. As a result, the
service must be regenerated.
Remedial action: The underlying transport network has gone down resulting in the deletion of a mobile service connector (EPS path).
Correct the issue with the transport network and regenerate the mobile service connector by clicking on the re-calculate button on the mobile
service properties form. 86/101
29/05/2020 Alarms
Description: This user-defined alarm is raised when the NE configuration is one of the following: - The Active Management IP is set to Out
Of Band, and the Primary Route Preference is set to In Band. - The Active Management IP is set to In Band, and the Primary Route
Preference is set to Out of Band.
Raising condition: ((('Active Management IP' EQUAL 'In Band') AND (('Management IP Selection' EQUAL 'In Band Preferred') OR
('Management IP Selection' EQUAL 'In Band Only')) AND ('Primary Route Preference' EQUAL 'Out Of Band') AND ('Secondary Route
Preference' EQUAL 'In Band')) OR (('Active Management IP' EQUAL 'Out Of Band') AND (('Management IP Selection' EQUAL 'Out Of Band
Preferred') OR ('Management IP Selection' EQUAL 'Out Of Band Only')) AND ('Primary Route Preference' EQUAL 'In Band') AND
('Secondary Route Preference' EQUAL 'Out Of Band')))
Clearing condition: ((('Active Management IP' EQUAL 'In Band') AND (('Management IP Selection' EQUAL 'In Band Preferred') OR
('Management IP Selection' EQUAL 'In Band Only')) AND ('Primary Route Preference' EQUAL 'In Band')) OR (('Active Management IP'
EQUAL 'Out Of Band') AND (('Management IP Selection' EQUAL 'Out Of Band Preferred') OR ('Management IP Selection' EQUAL 'Out Of
Band Only')) AND ('Primary Route Preference' EQUAL 'Out Of Band')))
Remedial action: A configuration error has been made which must be corrected. The parameters described in the description for this alarm
must match.
Description: The alarm is raised when a 5620 SAM main server detects a new public SSH key.
Raising condition: ('SSH2 Server Key Status' EQUAL 'Mismatch SSH2 Host Key')
Clearing condition: ('SSH2 Server Key Status' EQUAL 'Active SSH2 Host Key')
Remedial action: Informational - possible security breach. The SSH key of the router is different from the one known to the SAM server.
Description: NEW_CONFIG_REJECTED\n\nThis alarm is triggered once the new configuration file is rejected and the\nM-Plane connection
is established with fallback configuration as a result\nof M-plane recovery action. It will be visible until next site reset.\n\nThe active base
station configuration is not the same as requested in the configuration change.\n\n 87/101
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Description: The alarm is raised when a configuration fallback is detected on the node and comes back up with a previous configuration. To
correct this situation it might be necessary to reconfigure the node, or perform full resync its database with the 'fallback' configuration
returned by the node.
Remedial action: the NE has come back to a previous configuration. Perform a manual Full Resync or a Reconfigure of the NE
Description: The alarm is raised when a configuration misalignment has been detected on the node and comes back up with an unexpected
configuration (configuration change triggered by external tool) To correct this situation it might be necessary to reconfigure the node with the
5620 SAM's old configuration or accept the new configuration received from the node.
Remedial action: the NE configuration is misaligned. Perform a resync in order to update SAM configuration according to the NE.
Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM detects an NE moved to suspend state as per user request.
Remedial action: This alarm is raised when user suspends the network element.The alarm will be cleared when the network element is
managed back. 88/101
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Description: NO_CERTIFICATE\n\nA requested certificate could not be retrieved from the certificate authority (CA).\nA requested certificate
could not be renewed from the certificate authority (CA).\n\nA requested certificate could not be retrieved as the number of certificates
received from repository server (RA) or certificate authority (CA) are more than expected.\n\nA requested certificate could not be stored in the
remaining storage available on the BTS. Operator cleanup (e.g. via site manager or NetAct) of old, unused trust chains may be
required.\n\nThe requested service is not available.\n\n
Description: NTP_SERVER_UNREACHABLE\n\nFlexi BTS FDD, Flexi BTS TDD, AirScale BTS FDD/TDD, Flexi Zone Micro FDD, Flexi
Zone Micro TDD:\nA BTS reports this alarm for each instance of the configured NTP server if that\nparticular NTP server is not accessible or
cannot be used after waiting for\na threshold timeout defined by the INTP::ntpAlarmThreshold configuration parameter in PDDB.\n\nThe
raised alarm displays the IP address of the NTP server that is not reachable\nin the additional information field
'alarmNotif::argumentInfo'.\n\nNote : For each NTP server instance, timers are started separately and a separate\nalarm is raised. This
threshold time is not used to clear the alarm.\n\nFlexi Zone:\nFlexi Zone Access Point reports this alarm for each instance of the
configured\nNTP server if that particular NTP server is not accessible or cannot be used\nafter waiting for a threshold time-out defined by the
configuration parameter\nINTP::ntpAlarmThreshold in PDDB.\n\nThe raised alarm displays the IP address of the NTP server that is not
reachable\nin the additional information field 'alarmNotif::argumentInfo'.\n\nNote : For each NTS server instance, timers are started
separately and a separate\nalarm is raised. This threshold time is not used to clear the alarm.\n\nThe BTS might lose time synchronization if
there are problems with multiple NTP servers, or the BTS will have no time synchronization at all if all NTP servers are down.\n\nFlexi
Zone:\nFlexi Zone Access Point might lose time synchronization if there are problems with multiple NTP servers, or the BTS will have no time
synchronization at all if all NTP servers are down.\n\n
Remedial action: 1. Check the connectivity to the NTP server.\n2. Check the NTP server configuration at the BTS.\n3. Check the configured
threshold value for the NTP server.
Description: The alarm is raised when a partial resync on an NE fails. For example, when resyncing only some MIB entries as opposed to a
full resync. The periodic reachability test (sysUpTime) is not considered a partial resync, neither is a full resync. However, a
PartialResyncProblem alarm can only be reset by a FullResync.
Remedial action: Informational - if the alarm persists or is occurring frequently then investigation is required to understand a) why the
underlying transport network is unreliable or b) why the NE is too busy to respond to 5620 SAM or c) has SNMP been disabled on the NE. 89/101
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Description: The alarm is raised when one or more sites are not encryption enabled in a VPRN service.
Remedial action: This site is newly added to the VPRN service, Perform the encrypt operation on the KeyGroup to clear the alarm.
Description: The alarm is raised when persistence is set to Off in the NE BOF.
Raising condition: (('Persistent SNMP Indices' EQUAL 'False') OR (('hasRedundantProcessorCards' EQUAL 'true') AND ('Redundant
Synchronization Mode' EQUAL 'None')))
Clearing condition: (('Persistent SNMP Indices' EQUAL 'True') AND (('hasRedundantProcessorCards' EQUAL 'false') OR ('Redundant
Synchronization Mode' NOT EQUAL 'None')))
Remedial action: A configuration error has occurred that must be corrected. Use the CLI on the NE to enable persistency in the BOF. The
discovery process will complete on the next discovery scan. A re-scan can be triggered immediately for the NE from within the discovery
Description: PLR_THRESHOLD_CROSSED\n\nThe alarm is raised if the packet loss ratio equals or exceeds the configured\nthreshold
value during the current observation interval of 15 minutes.\n\nThis alarm is an indication that the backhaul capacity for traffic with
same\nprofile as this TWAMP session (DSCP value, packet size), may be much too small,\nbecause some of the measurement packets
seem to have been thrown away.\n\nThe TWAMP measurement packets are lost because of degraded traffic throughput.\n\n
Remedial action: 1. Check the backhaul usage and if other applications with the same or higher\nPHB may compete against this TWAMP
session about the capacity. An increase in\nthe priority of TWAMP session or of the backhaul capacity may clear the alarm.\n\n2. Check if
destination is unreachable by IP connectivity test. Send an ICMP\necho request (ping) to the UDP port of the TWAMP reflector at the
destination\nIP.If ICMP echo reply indicates that the destination is unreachable but you\nhave access to TWAMP reflector, you can check its
status. If the status is disabled\nor down try to activate it again and check if alarm disappears.\n\n3. Check configured PLR threshold. Setting
PLR to 0% should be avoided, because\nevery lost measurement packet will trigger the alarm and it cannot be cleared\nagain (PLR>="0)." 90/101
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Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM is unable to poll a network object, for example, because of intermittent or no IP
connectivity to an NE, incorrect SNMP or Netconf security parameters, or disabled SNMP on the NE.
Remedial action: Informational - if the alarm persists or is occurring frequently then investigation is required to understand a) why the
underlying transport network is unreliable or b) why the NE is too busy to respond to 5620 SAM or c) has SNMP been disabled on the NE.
Once the issue has been resolved SAM will automatically re-attempt.
Description: The alarm is raised when the primary software image specified in an NE BOF is unusable.
Raising condition: (('imageSource' NOT EQUAL 'Primary') AND ('imageSource' NOT EQUAL 'Unknown'))
Remedial action: The SW image on the NE may have been inadvertently corrupted. Download a new copy of the SW image to the NE. If the
problem persists contact your Nokia support representative for assistance.
Description: The alarm is raised when all RADIUS servers have gone down.
Remedial action: Verify the RADIUS server is properly configured and radius server state is up.Check the connectivity between SAM server
and radius server configured on the Network element. 91/101
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Description: The alarm is raised when a mediation poll of the SysUpTimeAlarm object on an NE fails, for example, because of network
congestion or because the NE is too busy to respond. The probable cause is an unreachable NE Mediation agent on the NE. The polling
interval depends on the NE type and is configurable in nms-server.xml. By default, the 5620 SAM polls a managed NE every four minutes. If
a poll fails, the alarm is raised. The alarm clears when the 5620 SAM receives a response from the NE, and the 5620 SAM GUI icon that
represents the NE turns from red to green.
Remedial action: Informational - if the alarm persists or is occurring frequently then investigation is required to understand a) why the
underlying transport network is unreliable or b) why the NE is too busy to respond to 5620 SAM or c) has SNMP been disabled on the NE.
Once the issue has been resolved SAM will automatically re-attempt.
Description: RTT_THRESHOLD_CROSSED\n\nThe RTT threshold alarm is sent in case the average value of the RTT exceeds or equals
the configured threshold for a 1-min period.\n\nThis alarm is an indication that the backhaul capacity for traffic with the\nsame profile as this
TWAMP session (DSCP value, packet size) may be too small,\nbecause the measurement packets are scheduled later than before.\n\n
Remedial action: 1. Check the backhaul usage and if other applications with the same or higher\nPHB may compete against this TWAMP
session about the capacity. An increase in\nthe priority of TWAMP session or of the backhaul capacity may clear the alarm.\n\n2. Check the
last measured RTT values of this TWAMP session and verify that\nthe configured RTT threshold value is not too close to average measured
RTT\nvalues, so that this alarm could be result of sporadic mis-measurement. 92/101
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Description: The alarm is raised when the admin save command on an NE fails.
Remedial action: Attempt the admin save command a second time. If the problem persists please contact your Nokia support representative
for assistance.
Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM is unable to poll a network object, for example, because of intermittent or no IP
connectivity to an NE, incorrect SNMP or Netconf security parameters, or disabled SNMP on the NE.
Remedial action: Informational - if the alarm persists or is occurring frequently then investigation is required to understand a) why the
underlying transport network is unreliable or b) why the NE is too busy to respond to 5620 SAM or c) has SNMP been disabled on the NE.
Once the issue has been resolved SAM will automatically re-attempt.
Description: SFP HW Failure\n\nA malfunctioning of the SFP transceiver was detected. \nThe SFP has reported a transmission fault
condition and has disabled the laser transmitter.\n\nThe SFP is not operational.\n\nThe BTS checks if the HW unit is working correctly.
Remedial action: Replace the faulty SFP. Note that only the SFP might be faulty, not necessarily the entire hardware unit. 93/101
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Description: SSH_ENABLED\n\nThe Flexi Zone Micro BTS or Flexi Zone Access Point detects that the SSH access to the site is
enabled.\n\nNote: The SSH access to the site is disabled by default. To mitigate the risk in field scenarios, SSH should only be enabled for
limited periods time on an as-needed basis.\n\nUpdate audit logs.\n\n
Remedial action: 1. Determine if this event is expected.\nNote: The SSH access to the site is disabled by the default. SHH should only be
enabled for limited periods time on an as-needed basis.
Description: SSM_POORQUALITY\n\nThis alarm is raised when the received SSM indicates lower clock quality (for example, 'do not use' or
'EEC') than required.\n\nNote: The interface numbering shall be similar to ETHLK.\nE.g: DN:SYNC-1/STPG-1/STPU-1-4 for unit 1,interface
4.\n\nFlexi Zone Micro FDD, Flexi Zone Micro TDD:\nSyncE is no longer a working synchronization source.\n\nThe alarm is cleared if one
SSM is received again showing sufficient quality level.
Remedial action: Flexi Zone Micro FDD, AirScale BTS FDD/TDD, Flexi Zone Micro TDD, Flexi Zone:\n1. Confirm that SyncE is desired as a
synchronization source.\n2. Confirm that eNB configuration settings for ssmEnabled are correct.\n3. Troubleshoot with Backhaul provider on
the reason SSM errors.
Description: SSM_TIMEOUT\n\nThis alarm is raised if the incoming SSM is not received for a certain time period (configured through the
parameter 'ssmTimeout').\n\nNote: The interface numbering is similar to ETHLK.\nExample: DN:SYNC-1/STPG-1/STPU-1-4 for unit 1,
interface 4\n\nSyncE is no longer a working synchronization source.\n\n
Remedial action: 1. Confirm that SyncE is desired as a synchronization source.\n2. Confirm that configuration settings for ssmEnabled are
correct.\n3. Troubleshoot with backhaul provider about the reason for SSM errors.
Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM main or auxiliary server cannot transfer an accounting file from an NE.
Raising condition: (('Stats Retrieval State' NOT EQUAL 'Success') AND ('Stats Retrieval State' NOT EQUAL 'Not Attempted'))
Remedial action: Informational - if the alarm persists or is occurring frequently then investigation is required to understand a) why the
underlying transport network is unreliable or b) why the NE is too busy or otherwise cannot respond to the 5620 SAM main or auxiliary server. 94/101
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Description: The alarm is raised when the IP next-hop usage by subscriber managed routes reaches its high watermark, cleared when it
reaches its low watermark again; the watermarks are derived from the limit specified with the property subSysNextHopLimit.
Remedial action: The alarm is raised when the IP next-hop usage by subscriber managed routes reaches its high watermark, cleared when
it reaches its low watermark again; the watermarks are derived from the limit specified with the property subSysNextHopLimit.There is no
immediate effect, but when the usage actually hits the limit, new hosts will not get their managed routes.
Description: TOP_MASTER_UNUSABLE\n\nThe reference clock monitoring has detected a loss of ToP reference clock signal received from
the master clock behind $IP:\n- The eNB does not receive a reply from ToP Master within a certain time (5 sec) upon sending a sync request
message.\n- The eNB receives from ToP Master granted message rates (sync message rate, delay message rate), that do not match the
requested rate by the eNB.\n\nThere might be another synchronization source available at eNB. In that case, the BTS switches automatically
to the other clock source.\n\nIf no other synchronization source is available at eNB, it runs in hold-over mode. \n\nPlease refer to status of
'3080: EFaultId_BtsReferenceClockMissing'.\n\n
Remedial action: 1. Check the cable connectivity.\n2. Check the TOP configuration.
Description: TRANSPORT_MODULE_MISSING\n\nA unit is missing. The slot has been configured to hold a unit, but the plug-in\nunit is not
physically present in the slot.\n\nProbable causes:\n\n- The unit has been configured but not detected.\n- The unit is broken and therefore not
detected.\n- The unit has been configured but some other unit is detected.\n\nNOTE: The unit variable should be replaced by appropriate HW
names configured (unitTypeConfigured) during runtime reporting.\n\nPossible impacts:\n- No calls are possible for the connections over this
unit.\n- Remote management access to other network elements in the RAN is lost.\n\n
Remedial action: Replacing a faulty hardware:\n1. Plug in again the expected transport unit that is referenced in the alarm text.\n2. In case
there is a unit present in the slot, remove it from the slot\nand plug it back in. If the unit is still not recognized and the alarm\nremains, replace
the faulty unit with a new one. \n\nDecommissioning a previously commissioned hardware:\n1. Recommission to remove the hardware unit
referenced in the alarm text.\n\nNOTE: Before recommissioning, the hardware unit must not be present in the slot. 95/101
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Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM cannot be added to the NE's SNMP trap destinations.
Remedial action: A configuration error has been made which must be corrected. The SNMP trap destination on the NE must be configured
to the IP address of the SAM server.
Description: This user-defined alarm is raised when the NE is unable to send traps because the NE configuration is one of the following: -
The Management IP Selection is set to Out Of Band Only, the Primary Route Preference is set to In Band, and the Secondary Route
Preference is set to None. - The Management IP Selection is set to In Band Only, the Primary Route Preference is set to Out Of Band, and
the Secondary Route Preference is set to None.
Raising condition: ((('Active Management IP' EQUAL 'In Band') AND ('Management IP Selection' EQUAL 'In Band Only') AND ('Primary
Route Preference' EQUAL 'Out Of Band') AND ('Secondary Route Preference' EQUAL 'None')) OR (('Active Management IP' EQUAL 'Out Of
Band') AND ('Management IP Selection' EQUAL 'Out Of Band Only') AND ('Primary Route Preference' EQUAL 'In Band') AND ('Secondary
Route Preference' EQUAL 'None')) OR (('Active Management IP' EQUAL 'Out Of Band') AND ('Management IP Selection' EQUAL 'In Band
Preferred') AND ('Primary Route Preference' EQUAL 'In Band') AND ('Secondary Route Preference' EQUAL 'None')) OR (('Active
Management IP' EQUAL 'In Band') AND ('Management IP Selection' EQUAL 'Out Of Band Preferred') AND ('Primary Route Preference'
EQUAL 'Out Of Band') AND ('Secondary Route Preference' EQUAL 'None')))
Clearing condition: ((('Active Management IP' EQUAL 'In Band') AND ('Management IP Selection' EQUAL 'In Band Only') AND (('Primary
Route Preference' EQUAL 'In Band') OR ('Secondary Route Preference' EQUAL 'In Band'))) OR (('Active Management IP' EQUAL 'Out Of
Band') AND ('Management IP Selection' EQUAL 'Out Of Band Only') AND (('Primary Route Preference' EQUAL 'Out Of Band') OR
('Secondary Route Preference' EQUAL 'Out Of Band'))) OR (('Active Management IP' EQUAL 'Out Of Band') AND ('Management IP
Selection' EQUAL 'In Band Preferred') AND (('Primary Route Preference' EQUAL 'Out Of Band') OR ('Secondary Route Preference' EQUAL
'Out Of Band'))) OR (('Active Management IP' EQUAL 'In Band') AND ('Management IP Selection' EQUAL 'In Band Preferred') AND (('Primary
Route Preference' EQUAL 'In Band') OR ('Secondary Route Preference' EQUAL 'In Band'))) OR (('Active Management IP' EQUAL 'In Band')
AND ('Management IP Selection' EQUAL 'Out Of Band Preferred') AND (('Primary Route Preference' EQUAL 'In Band') OR ('Secondary
Route Preference' EQUAL 'In Band'))) OR (('Active Management IP' EQUAL 'Out Of Band') AND ('Management IP Selection' EQUAL 'Out Of
Band Preferred') AND (('Primary Route Preference' EQUAL 'Out Of Band') OR ('Secondary Route Preference' EQUAL 'Out Of Band'))))
Remedial action: A configuration error has been made which must be corrected. The configuration error must be corrected per the
discussion in the description for this alarm. 96/101
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Description: The user-defined alarm is raised when NE management redundancy is configured without trap route preference redundancy.
Raising condition: ((('Management IP Selection' EQUAL 'In Band Preferred') AND ('Active Management IP' EQUAL 'In Band') AND ('Primary
Route Preference' EQUAL 'In Band') AND ('Secondary Route Preference' EQUAL 'None')) OR (('Management IP Selection' EQUAL 'Out Of
Band Preferred') AND ('Active Management IP' EQUAL 'Out Of Band') AND ('Primary Route Preference' EQUAL 'Out Of Band') AND
('Secondary Route Preference' EQUAL 'None')))
Clearing condition: ((('Management IP Selection' EQUAL 'In Band Preferred') AND ('Active Management IP' EQUAL 'In Band') AND
('Secondary Route Preference' NOT EQUAL 'None')) OR (('Management IP Selection' EQUAL 'Out Of Band Preferred') AND ('Active
Management IP' EQUAL 'Out Of Band') AND ('Secondary Route Preference' NOT EQUAL 'None')))
Remedial action: A configuration error has been made which must be corrected. The IP address of the standby SAM server must be
configured on the NE in question.
Description: TRUST_ANCHOR_EXPIRING\n\nThe network element stores trust anchors for its own trust chain and for peers. When its own
or any trust anchors are about to expire or are expired, this alarm is sent.\n\nNo immediate effect. If at all certificate expires without any
action from operator due to this fault, secure communication to remote peers may fail.\n\n
Description: The alarm is raised when the node being discovered can not be properly identified.
Remedial action: A configuration error has occurred that must be corrected. The eNodeB does not have a system name. The name can be
configured by selecting the alarm, opening the associated properties form for the alarmed object and configuring the system name. 97/101
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Remedial action: Informational - if the alarm persists please contact your Nokia support representative for assistance
Description: UNSUPPORTED_HW_DEVICE\n\nThe SW does not support the detected HW unit type.\n\nProbable causes:\n\n- The SW
version of the system module is too old.\n- The supported HW variant is not present in the system module.\n\nThe possible impact is that no
calls are possible for the connections over this unit.\n\n
Remedial action: SW upgrading: Upgrade the FSM SW release to the latest version that includes the support for the new external transport
device variant.\n\nUnit variant replacement: Replace the unsupported device variant to another one that supports the currently running SW
Description: The alarm is raised when the software version that an NE reports after a software upgrade does not match the version of the
software used for the upgrade.
Remedial action: Informational - if the alarm persists please contact your Nokia support representative for assistance
Description: The alarm is raised when the standby CPM is rebooted and operational after a software upgrade. A device resets an IOM
automatically after 120 minutes if the IOM is not manually reset after a CPM upgrade. 98/101
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Description: The alarm is raised when all connections of the Uplink are down.
Remedial action: This alarm is raised when all connections associated to the uplink lost connectivity.
Description: The alarm is raised when some connections of the Uplink are down.
Remedial action: This alarm is raised when a connection of the uplink lost connectivity but at least one connection remains connected.
Description: VENDOR_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRING\n\nThe BTS raises this alarm when the vendor BTS certificate is about to expire.\n\nThe
period of advance notification is configurable, as well as the CA certificate expiry.\n\n1 day ... 4999 days with default 90 days\n\nNote: For
Flexi Zone Controller, the period of advance notification is a non-configurable 90 days.\n\nAs long as BTS operator certificate is available and
active on BTS, there is no impact. However, if BTS is reset to factory default, since vendor certificate is expired, the BTS may fail to derive a
new BTS operator certificate.\n\n
Remedial action: Flexi BTS FDD, Flexi BTS TDD, AirScale BTS FDD/TDD, Flexi Zone Micro FDD, Flexi Zone Micro TDD, Flexi Zone
Access Point, Flexi Zone Controller:\nCheck the vendor BTS certificate expiry date. \nReplace the expired vendor BTS certificate if possible
(for example, an older BTS like FSMr2).\nOtherwise, contact Nokia to investigate the need for hardware replacement or return to resolve the
possible end-of-life indication implied by the expired Nokia vendor certificate.\n\nFor most BTS types (including at least FSMr3, Airscale, Flexi
Zone Controller, FZAP, and Flexi Micro/Pico), a new vendor certificate can only be installed in the Nokia factory.
Description: The alarm is raised when the restore procedure on an NE fails because of a mismatch between the backup file set version and
the NE software version.
Remedial action: The backup files being restored do not match with the version of node software release. Download a new copy of the SW
image to the NE. If the problem persists contact your Nokia support representative for assistance.
Description: WIFI_CARD_INVALID_TYPE\n\nThe internal Wi-Fi module type is invalid.\n\nThe internal Wi-Fi module might not be
Remedial action: 1. Check the release notes of the downloaded BTS software if any known Wi-Fi module issues are reported.\n2. Replace
the Flexi Zone Micro BTS.
Description: WIFI_CARD_NOT_PRESENT\n\nThe internal Wi-Fi module is not present.\n\nThe internal Wi-Fi module might be not
Remedial action: 1. Check the release notes of the downloaded BTS software if any known Wi-Fi module issues are reported.\n2. Replace
the Flexi Zone BTS.
Description: The alarm is raised when the 7701 CPAA software is the wrong version and requires an upgrade.
Raising condition: (('Software Version' EQUAL '\"TiMOS-B-3.0.Generic \"') AND ('Chassis Type' EQUAL '7701 CPAA')) 100/101
29/05/2020 Alarms
Clearing condition: (('Software Version' NOT EQUAL '\"TiMOS-B-3.0.Generic \"') AND ('Chassis Type' EQUAL '7701 CPAA'))
Remedial action: The SW version of the CPAA must be upgraded to the version compatible with CPAM version. 101/101