Guide To Happy Confinement
Guide To Happy Confinement
Guide To Happy Confinement
Fight Coronavirus Quarantine Boredom
Take some time to look at your timetable and work out a study
schedule to ensure you are well-prepared to attend all your
seminars and lectures online. Do the relevant reading beforehand
and ask questions if there is anything you aren’t sure about.
There are a number of online tools such as Skype or Zoom that you
can download for free and enable you to coordinate video chats with
groups of people. Use these programs to set up study groups with
course mates so you can spend some time discussing ideas,
analysing texts together and swapping study tips.
Check your online portal daily for updates on classes and for
any study tools that the university is providing to help you.
Think about your work space at
If you’re used to studying in the
campus library, you might find it
quite difficult to transition to
studying at home for the majority of
the time, but there a few things that
you can do to get yourself in the
working mindset.
First, identify an area where you can
sit and work. Some students are
lucky enough to have a desk but if
you don’t, any surface where you
can sit comfortably with your laptop
and notes is good enough. Then
ensure you keep all the things you
need nearby so that you don’t have
to keep getting up.
Simplify your life
With the supply of commodities
shrinking up, this is a good time to
re-evaluate what you should
consider ‘essentials’. Most of us
have acquired too many
belongings that complicate our
life. Trying to maintain them and
keep track of them, we feel
stressed and irritated. It sounds
like extreme privilege, but it’s true.
Try and figure out what you really
need and what you don’t. This is a
good time to do some trimming
and lighten up.Rest assured, the
experience will help you gain a
completely different perspective
on your life.
Connect with memories
Suman Yadav
Student’s Counsellor