What Are The Benefits of Advantages of Manpower Planning?

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3. What are the benefits of Advantages of Manpower Planning?

An organization lead by HR (Human Resources Management) & it’s bring the benefits & profit for the
company from each & every department.
Every organization has their own HR processes, but the main HR Processes are always same in all companies as
it is the market HR Best Practices.
Human Resource Management is considered as a comparatively new approach to Personnel Management. HRM
emphasizes primarily on its strategic contributions and its closer alignment to business, HRM is a vital
component of any organization, its involvement among other components of line management is notable

Manpower Plan Challenging

Organizational Growth Cycles and Planning
A mature organization experiences less flexibility and variability. Growth slows down. The workforce becomes
old as few younger people are hired. Planning becomes more finalized and less flexible and innovative. Issues
like retirement and possible retrenchment dominate planning.
Finally, in the declining stage, human resource planning takes a different focus. Planning is done for layoff,
retrenchment and retirement. Since decisions are often made after serious financial and sales shocks are
experienced by the organization, planning is often reactive in nature.

Environmental Uncertainties
Political, social and economic changes affect all organizations. Personnel planners deal with environmental
uncertainties by carefully formulating recruitment, selection, and training and development policies and

Time Horizons
Yet another major factor affecting personnel planning is the time horizon. A plan cannot be for too long on a
time horizon as the operating environment itself may undergo charges. On one hand, there are short-term plans
spanning six months to one year. On the other hand, there are long-term plans -which spread over three to
twenty years. The exact time span, however, depends on the degree of uncertainty prevailing in an
organization’s environment.

Type and Quality of Information

The information used to forecast personnel needs originates from a multitude of sources. A major issue in
personnel planning is the type of information which should be used in making forecasts.
Closely related to the type of information is the quality of data used. The quality and accuracy of information
depend upon the clarity with which the organizational decision makers have defined their strategy,
organizational structure, budgets, production schedules and so forth.

Labor Market
Labor market comprises people with skills and abilities that can be tapped as and when the need arises.
When one talks about labor supply, the following deserve due consideration:
• The size, age, sex and educational composition of the population
• The demand for goods and services in the country
• The nature of production technology
• Employability of the people
Benefits/Advantages of Manpower Planning:

 Enable the determination of personnel needs of an organization

 It is an essential component of strategic planning
 It helps to ascertain and identify critical shortages of skilled staff and take corrective action by timely
recruitment, etc so as to prevent production break-down or under-utilization of plant capacity
 An integral part of managerial succession plan by identifying and developing potential managers
 Enable organization to cope with changes in competitive forces, markets, technology, product etc all of
which always generate changes in job contents, skill demands, number and type of personnel
 Enable the procurement of personnel with necessary qualification, skill knowledge, work experience and
proper work attitude.
 Involves in selection and development of employees well in advance so as to meet any contingencies.
 Besides looking and reacting to staff deficit, Manpower Planning is also able to identify any
surplus/redundancy, if any in an organization.

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