Lesson 13 Contemporary Art Production
Lesson 13 Contemporary Art Production
Lesson 13 Contemporary Art Production
Welcome to the thirteenth module of the course on Philippine Contemporary Art from the
Regions. For this chapter, you will learn about making your own work of art.
In this chapter you will learn to conceptualize your own work of art and be able to hone and
apply your artistic skills and techniques.
Art Processes
The possibilities in art are numerous, but there are common artistic processes that artists
and performing artists undergo. You have done some artistic work in earlier chapters, and now,
we will highlight the processes. The processes that you will learn about are meant to be taken as
guides. As we have established in earlier chapters, contemporary artists are experimental and
may think and work out of the box, and they may undergo a slightly different process. The
processes we will discuss share common ways of thinking and doing things.
You have learned the different art forms, their elements, styles, techniques, materials, etc.,
and so you may appreciate and evaluate art better because you know how to look at it and what
to consider. Additionally, in creating your own work of art and knowing the processes that artists
go through, you will be able to become educated viewers of the arts.
Below are the creative processes for visual and performance arts:
Evaluating quality and refining successive Evaluating quality and refining successive
versions (drafts) of the work versions of the performance
Presenting Presenting
Presenting the completed work to others Performing the work for others
artistic study a literary or artistic production intended as a preliminary outline, an
experimental interpretation, or an exploratory analysis of specific
features or characteristics
Ramirez, Veronica E. Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions. Manila: Vibal Group,
Inc., 2016. Print.
“Steps in the Three Artistic Processes”. Connecticut State Department of Education. Web. July
2016. <http://www.sde.ct.gov/sde/lib/sde/PDF/Curriculum/artsgde/2228.pdf>