Steer Engineering PVT Limited MM Process Map
Steer Engineering PVT Limited MM Process Map
Steer Engineering PVT Limited MM Process Map
MM Process Map
Output of Process
PO is generated by SAP. PO duly signed by COO from SAP
Amended PO's (with version no., but random)
People Involved
Sl Person Involved Department Job
1 Purchase Engg. Purchase PO preparation
2 Design Engg. Design & Engg Preparation of PR
3 QA Head Quality Quality Clearance
4 Purchase Head Purchase PO Approval
5 COO Operations divn PO Approval
6 GCEO Corporate PO Approval
Process Steps
Sl Step Responsibility Criticality
1 Purchase team receive mail from design team once BOM are Design
uploaded for all sub assemblies in SAP.
2 Purchase team divide the Mechanical sub assemblies and Purchase
Electrical subassemblies
3 Purchase team download all the BOM into excel from SAP Purchase
4 Purchase team in coordination with Stores check the Purchase &
availability of stock both physical and in SAP Stores
5 If no stock, then Purchase team enter each material in SAP Purchase
and select the automatic PR sales order wise.
6 Then select the best vendor by negotiating the price and Purchase
delivery date
7 After selecting the vendor, PO is created by adopting the Purchase
automatic PR.
8 For Non extruder materials i e Components etc... User dept. Purchase
Will create independent PR and communicate to purchase
team through e mail.
9 Purchase team will ask for quotations from the vendors Purchase
10 Select the best vendor Purchase
11 Create the purchase order Purchase
12 Once PO is created, PO is sent for approval to COO and Purchase
GCEO in SAP depending on PO value.
13 Purchase order is created completly after the approval Purchase
14 For Service and Sub contracting purchase order, user will get User Dept.
the quotaion from the vendor and create the PR and
communicate to purchase team through mail and verbally
Time taken by the Process It depends on the numbers of material and type of material to be
Remarks if any