Auditing Assingments
Auditing Assingments
Auditing Assingments
one accounting year, are used in the business, and are not acquired for resale. the intent uses
the assets as the part of operation of the client’s business and their expected lives more than
one year are the significant characteristics that distinguish these assets from inventory, prepaid
expense and investment s. the following are some classifications of property, plant and
equipment accounts, namely;
Land and land improvement
Building and building improvement
Furniture and fixture
Autos trucks
Leasehold improvement
Construction in process for property, plant and equipment
After listed above classifications accounts about property, plant and equipment, now would
take manufacturing equipment account as case study
Manufacturing equipment;
The primary accounting record for manufacturing equipment and other property, plant and
equipment accounts is generally a fixed assets master file
The master file includes all details for each piece of equipment and other types of property
owned, each records in the file includes
1.descriptions of the assets of the acquisition
3.Original cost
4.current yea depreciation
5.accumulated depreciation of the property
In order to audit the above equipment account details as our case study, the following
procedures could be considered;
Perform analytical procedure
Verify the current year acquisition
Verify the current year disposal
Verify the ending balance in the asset account
Verify the depreciation expenses
Verify the ending balance in the accumulation depreciation
As in all audit area the type of analytical procedures depends on the nature of the client ’s
The following illustration, illustrates analytical procedures often performed for manufacturing
All property, plant and equipment owned by the entity at the balance sheet date
are included in the financial statement.
Additions to and disposal property, plant and equipment and current period
depreciation are accurately
Property, plant and equipment recorded in the account physically exist,
recorded addition to and disposal property, plant and equipment actual
occurred and were properly authorized
Property, plant and equipment transaction were recorded in the proper period
Valuation /allocation
NO material items were charged to expenses that should have been capitalized
or vise verse.
The cost or other basis of property, plant and equipment is appropriate,
Appropriate method of depreciations was properly and consistently are applied
to all items of property plant and equipment that should be depreciated.
The carrying of property, plant and equipment is appropriate in periods
subsequent to acquisition considering such factors as utilization, geographic
location, law and regulation and technological change
Right and obligation
Property, plant and equipment recorded in the account are owned or leases
under capital leases
Presentation and disclosure
Property, plant and equipment pledged as collateral are undefined and
disclosed along with other necessary disclosures.
Transaction involving the disposal of equipment are often misstated when company internal
controls lack a formal method to inform the management of the sell, trade-in, abandonment, or
theft of the recorded machinery and equipment. If the client fails to record the disposal, the
cost of the equipment account will be overstated indefinitely, and net book value will be
overstated until the asset is full depreciated. Formal methods of tracking disposal and provision
for proper authorization of the sell or other disposal of equipment help reduce the risk of
misstatement. There should also be adequate internal verification of recorded disposal to make
sure that assets are correctly removed from the accounting records.
The auditors’ main objectives in the verification of the sale trade-in or abandonment of the
equipment are together sufficient appropriate evidence that all disposals is recorded at the
correct amount. the following procedures are often used verifying disposal
( a ) review whether newly acquired assets replaced existing assets
( b) .analyze gains and losses on the disposal of assets and miscellaneous income for
receipts from disposal of the assets
( c) Review plant modification and changes in the product lines , change in major costly
computer related equipment ,property taxes ,or insurance coverage of deletion of equipment
(d) make inquiries of management and production personnel about possibility of the disposal
of assets
when assets are sold or disposed without having been traded in for replacement asset, the
accuracy of transaction may verified by examining the related sales invoice and property master
file the auditor should compare the cost and accumulated depreciation in the master file with
recorded entry in the generally journal and recomputed the gain or loss on the disposal of the
asset for the comparison with accounting records. When traded in of an asset for replacement
occur, the auditor should be sure that the new asset is capitalized and the replaced asset
correctly eliminated from the records, considering the book value of the asset traded in and the
addition cost of the new asset.