Smart Water Monitoring and Distribution System Based On IOT

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Smart Water Monitoring and Distribution

System Based on IOT

*Jyoti Ghotale. *Rutuja Bhuvad. *Supriya Jadhav *Harashda Burande
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Electronics and Telecommunication dept.

Marathwada Mitra Mandal College of Engineering.
Karvenagar, pune-411052.

Abstract— This paper presents a design for real time

monitoring system. The quantity of water in IOT. The
system having of a several sensors is used to measuring In some water-related field such as irrigation system,
physical of the water the parameters flow sensor of the electricity powerhouse, and research, water level
water can be measured. The measured value from the information is a very important issue. Generally, water level
sensors can be processed by the controller. As population measurement was done manually, but this cannot be capable
is increasing day by day, urban residential area have also due to some difficulties. The smart water management
increase because of this reasons water has become an makes specific supplier equipment interoperable and
intense problem which affects the problem of water manageable in a water management domain in a similar
distribution, water conservation, water consumption, and way. The concept of the IoT to its extent and improve the
interrupted water supply. People are found complaining functioning of the device.. Now a day’s different types of
that they don’t have required amount of water for their smart sensors are developing for the safety and security in
daily needs, so to overcome water related problem also emergency management strategy. Smart water management
make system efficient there is necessity of monitoring, is only possible with help of IOT which includes the
controlling system. This approach will help usefulness applications in monitoring the flow of water, Management
operators improve inexpensive water management of valves, Data analysis through Observations from different
systems, especially by using rising technology an IOT is meters etc. in conventional method for each and every
one of them. The internet of thinks for developing more individual processes we require the human power and
utility system, for making the consumption of water observation skills. To overcome the water management and
resources more efficient. distribution problem. Water is important resources in use of
the earth in that, some people are not supply sufficient
Index Terms — Arduino, Internet of Things, Real amount of water because of not equally distribution of
Time System, Cloud computing. water. This scheme is used to avoid the wastage of water
during the distribution period. The current scenario is very
hectic and time consuming. System will be design by us is
fully automated. Here time and human work are saved. New
I] INTRODUCTION approach IoT based water management and monitoring has
been submit.In this project, system will implement the
The current scenario is, the employee will go to that place and design of IoT based water monitoring system that monitors
open the valve for a particular duration, then again the the level of water, flow that rate in real time.
employee will go to the similar place and close the valve, and This system consist of some sensor which measure all these
it is time consuming. This system is fully automated. Here water parameter - the real - time monitoring of water
time and human work are saved. This system will implement resources information will benefit the water resources
the design of IOT based water monitoring, distribution system management department and the public. The primary
in which shows the flow-rate and level of water in real time concept of real – time IoT based water resources
The concept of the IoT to its extent and improve the information system is to proved comprehensive and accurate
functioning of the device. This system includes some sensors information.An automatic water information monitoring
which measures the all this water parameters primary system based IoT is constructed using techniques of sensor
concepts are real- time IOT based water resources information network, wireless communication network, Internet,
system is to provide comprehensive and correct information. database and in this system, water resource information
acquisition, transmission, and remote monitoring data
receiving and application are integrated through Access
softwarethe data server. This data can be display on Monitor.
and hardware. Check the value of water level and flow rate of water as shown
II] FLOWCHART in above Figure 1. Web page.


Sense the water parameters such as flow rate &
level of water

Sensed data will give to Arduino

Gathering info H/W & S/W
Project and knowledge requirement
Planning analysis
Arduino has sensed the data?

Testing and Design &

debugging development
Send data to cloud and display on LCD

Figure 3. Project Planning

We have divided our entire work into some stage, which is

Figure 1.Transmitter tank side the flow of our project. Using this work flow we’ve done
our project very smoothly because it is a serial process. For
When we start the all system, firstly ultrasonic sensor sense solving any problem or for any system development, the
the water level and the flow sensor sense the flow rate these whole work should be handled in that segment so that
accuracy can be provided. So we have followed the work
value send to Arduino and display on LCD as shown in above
flow to increase accuracy. Due to the six stage features and
figure transmitter tank side. feedback scope system, our system uses work flow. Our
work flow feature can return it to the previous step. We can
RECEIVER:- return and correct the system at any time according to the
requirement. In this work flow, before completing the next
stage, each stage must be completed completely. Such a
Login to server work flow is basically shirt and no uncertain requirement
from the project as each stage of determining the project is
going on in the right direction and whether to continue or
Getting the data from cloud
cancel the stage in this system, Arduino and different
sensors are used with along with cloud computing concept.
Firstly, all sensors which are interface with Arduino will
If data senses the parameters related to water such water level and
Received? flow rate of water. Reservoir side module calculates water
present in it send data regarding water level present
reservoir to central office on daily basis.

This module contains ultrasonic sensor to sense the water

level and communicates with Arduino to process operation
Display on PC such as calculation of water present in reservoir and volume
data send to central office using IoT. These sensed
parameters are further give to Arduino for processing.
Arduino will receive this data and send it to the cloud
through serial communication.
Figure 2. Receiver Web page Side IV] DESIGN

In this system, Arduino and different sensors are used along

with cloud computing concept. Firstly, all sensors whichArduino
are controller is open sources hardware for controlling
interface with Arduino will sense the parameters relatedthe multiple
to sensors. Arduino board designs use a verity of
water such water level and flow rate of water. Reservoirmicroprocessor
side and controller.
module calculates water present in it and sendsThedata Arduino is a micro-controller board, bases on the
regarding water level present in reservoir to central office
an IC.
dally basis. It consist everything required to support to the micro-
controller simply connected it to computer with a USB cable
This module contains ultrasonic sensor to sense the water
with a AC to DC adapter, battery to get started. The boards
level and communicates with Arduino to process operation
are equipped to various enlarge boards and other circuits.
such as calculation of water level in reservoir and flow of
The entire sensor can be interface with Arduino . It has 14
water information is send to server room using IoT and
digits input and output pins, a 16 MHz quartz crystal, 6
display on LCD. These sensed parameters are further given to
analog inputs, power jack, USB connection, an ICSP header
Arduino for processing Arduino will receive these data and
and reset button.
send it to the cloud through serial communication as shown in
below figure 4 Hardware model.
Cloud computing is the advance concept which we are going
to used for this system. Level sensors used for the measure the water level present in
Basically a web page will be created where the data will be tank. The designed sensors which can establish the water
monitor and manage from the server room. present in a tank. This sensor established water level can
then be communicated to the central servers which are
deployed for the objective of capable water management,
distribution. This information is passed on a regular basis on
to the central server and shows the water level is present in
the reservoirs and tank.
Ultrasonic module ranging HC-SR04 gives 2cm-400cm ir-
resistive measurement function, the ranging accuracy up to
3mm. If the level sensor are 4 pins echo, trigger, ground,
VIN. The sensor can measure the level of water.


Flow sensor is the fast flow rate which proportional standard

output a series of pulses that to interrupt them it necessary to
implement a frequency component.
Supplying water according to real time which effective
water management, such measuring water is very essential
Figure 4.Hardware Model step in water management system. This sensor working on
hall –effect that outputs a pulse rate proportional to flow
V] HARDWARE rate. In this project used to the flow sensor to measure flow
of water. Flow sensor shows the flow rate of water. Which
INTERNET OF THINGS:- display on LCD and Control Room.

The IoT allows to get the values from the any object, sensor SOLENOID VALVE:-
from controller and send to the remotely across persist
network infrastructure. In rest position, the plunger closes of a small orifice. An
The advantages of IOT for iincrease accuracy, efficiency, electric current through the coil generate a magnetic field.
economic benefit to reduced people intervention from the any The magnetic field exerts a force on the plunger as a result;
condition. the plunger is pulled towards the center of the coil so that
The internet of thing is the physical device, other items the orifice opens. This is the basic principle of solenoid
embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and valve which can open and close automatically. A solenoid
network connectivity which enable this object to collect an valve is the combination of electronics and mechanical
exchange data. control valve, features a solenoid, and is an electric coil with
IoT menace wireless communication so, IOT expected to offer a movable ferromagnetic core in its center.
advance connection of devices, systems and services that goes
beyond machine -to- machine communication and covers a LCD DISPLAY:-
verity of protocols, domain and application.
This means 16 characters, 2 lines on the LCD display. If an
ARDUINO:- 8 bit data bus. The three control lines are EN, RS and RW.
RW= read/write, EN= enable, RS= register select. When RS
=0; data is treated as a command, RS=1; data begin send is
text data/W =read/write. When RS=0; data written to the
LCD and when RW=1; data read to the LCD. Most of the
time control room is not work any interrupt that time LCD
can be worked then level of water and flow rate of water
display on LCD.

The ESP8266 is the Wi-Fi module as interfacing server to

send the sensors values to the server. The ESP8266 is used
for the hosting an application. Offloading all Wi-Fi
networking function from another application processor. Each
ESP8266 module come- programmed with an AT command
set Firmware. Wi-Fi module can be connection between
server room and tank. The Wi-Fi module range is more that
other component, so we can use the Wi-Fi module to the long
distance communication.


The moisture sensor is one of the interfacing with Arduino for

the purpose of in this project to detect leakage of water in
respective area. The working of sensor is to detect leakage of
water to detect at high level; automatically solenoid valve will
be off, at normal condition valve on with respect to time
period. Figure 5. Web Page Programming


We have identified a suitable model that consist of different VII] CONCLUSION

sensor devices and other modules there functionality are show
in figure. In this model we used ATMega328 with Wi-Fi IoT based water resource management can be useful for
module. Inbuilt ADC and Wi-Fi module connect to internet monitoring, tracing and mange the remote location valve
through embedded device. For monitoring Sensors are and meters.
connects to Arduino board ADC will convert corresponding In conventional systems a person is employed for such
readings to its digital value and from given value can remote location valves and meter management.
evaluated by corresponding environmental parameters. After In this project our aim is to focus on different applications of
sensing the data for different sensor devices, which are placed IoT in water resource engineering which reduces human
in respected area of interest. The sense data will be generally effort overcomes the drawback in the conventional system
send to web server, when a accurate connection is established the implementation is going to be done for few tanks. The
with server device. data collected can be used for further analytics like
consumption, forecasting, water leakage detection.


The IoT has encouraged people to connect to devices using

the internet and the increasing the use of IoT devices
motivated people to use smart technology one of the main
challenges in smart water monitoring and distribution is
managing the cost, energy, efficiency required for water
distribution system.
The future work will focus on developing and IoT
architecture in water distribution system with integration of
new technology such as energy harvesting.
In future we can add PH sensor and conductivity sensor in
the given model for detecting the PH level and conductivity
of water supply.

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