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39untitled Extract Pages
39untitled Extract Pages
GLOSSARY 16.1-xliii
Concrete crushing. Limit state of compressive failure in concrete having reached the ulti-
mate strain.
Concrete haunch. In a composite floor system constructed using a formed steel deck, the
section of solid concrete that results from stopping the deck on each side of the girder.
Concrete-encased beam. Beam totally encased in concrete cast integrally with the slab.
Connection†. Combination of structural elements and joints used to transmit forces between
two or more members.
Construction documents. Written, graphic and pictorial documents prepared or assembled
for describing the design (including the structural system), location and physical charac-
teristics of the elements of a building necessary to obtain a building permit and construct
a building.
Cope. Cutout made in a structural member to remove a flange and conform to the shape of
an intersecting member.
Cover plate. Plate welded or bolted to the flange of a member to increase cross-sectional
area, section modulus or moment of inertia.
Cross connection. HSS connection in which forces in branch members or connecting ele-
ments transverse to the main member are primarily equilibrated by forces in other branch
members or connecting elements on the opposite side of the main member.
Design. The process of establishing the physical and other properties of a structure for the
purpose of achieving the desired strength, serviceability, durability, constructability,
economy and other desired characteristics. Design for strength, as used in this Speci-
fication, includes analysis to determine required strength and proportioning to have
adequate available strength.
Design-basis fire. Set of conditions that define the development of a fire and the spread of
combustion products throughout a building or portion thereof.
Design drawings. Graphic and pictorial documents showing the design, location and dimen-
sions of the work. These documents generally include plans, elevations, sections, details,
schedules, diagrams and notes.
Design load†. Applied load determined in accordance with either LRFD load combinations
or ASD load combinations, as applicable.
Design strength*†. Resistance factor multiplied by the nominal strength, φRn.
Design wall thickness. HSS wall thickness assumed in the determination of section properties.
Diagonal stiffener. Web stiffener at column panel zone oriented diagonally to the flanges,
on one or both sides of the web.
Diaphragm†. Roof, floor or other membrane or bracing system that transfers in-plane forces
to the lateral force-resisting system.
Diaphragm plate. Plate possessing in-plane shear stiffness and strength, used to transfer
forces to the supporting elements.
Direct bond interaction. In a composite section, mechanism by which force is transferred
between steel and concrete by bond stress.
Distortional failure. Limit state of an HSS truss connection based on distortion of a rectan-
gular HSS chord member into a rhomboidal shape.