MA 511: Computer Programming: Partha Sarathi Mandal

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MA 511: Computer Programming

Lecture 16: Macro & Storage Classes

Partha Sarathi Mandal

[email protected]
Dept. of Mathematics, IIT Guwahati
Semester 1, 2010-2011
Macro Definition
• We have already seen that #define statement can
be used to define symbolic constants within a C
Ex: #define SIZE 100
int Array[SIZE];
• It can be used to define macros
– Single identifiers that are equivalent to expressions,
complete statements or groups of statements.
– It looks like functions in that sense.
– These are treated differently during the compilation
Example: Macro
#include <stdio.h>

#define area length*width

int length, width;
printf("Length = ");
scanf("%d", &length);
printf("width = ");
scanf("%d", &width);
printf("area = %d", area);
Example: Macro
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdio.h>
int c, i, n; #define loop(n) for(i=1; i<= n; i++){ \
printf(“number of lines : ”); for(c=1; c<=n-i; c++) \
scanf(“%d”, &n); putchar(' '); \
for(c=1; c<=2*i-1; c++) \
putchar('*'); \
for(i =1; i <= n; i++){ printf("\n"); \
for(c=1; c <= n-i; c++) }
putcar(‘ ’); main(){
for(c=1; c <=2*i-1; c++) int c, i, n;
putcar(‘* ’); printf("number of lines : ");
printf(“\n”); scanf("%d", &n);
} printf("\n");
} n=6 *
loop (n)
} ***
C Storage Classes
• C has a concept of 'Storage classes' which are
used to define the scope (visibility) and life time
of variables and/or functions.
– auto is the default storage class for local variables.
– static is the default storage class for global variables
– extern defines a global variable that is visible to ALL
object modules.
• When you use 'extern' the variable cannot be initialized as
all it does is point the variable name at a storage location
that has been previously defined.

MA511: Computer Programming

Partha S Mandal, IITG
extern Storage Class
f1.c f2.c
void write_extern(void); int count=5;
extern int count; main() { write_extern();
void write_extern(void) { printf(“f2 count is %i\n", count++);
printf(“f1 count is %i\n", count++); }

cc f1.c f2.c -o file


f1 count is 5
f2 count is 6
MA511: Computer Programming
Partha S Mandal, IITG
global variable static storage class
count2 is 6 count1 is 9
#include<stdio.h> count2 is 7 count1 is 8
void func(void); count2 is 8 count1 is 7
static count1=10; /*Global variable -static is the default*/ count2 is 9 count1 is 6
main() { count2 is 10 count1 is 5
while (count1--) count2 is 11 count1 is 4
count2 is 12 count1 is 3
func(); count2 is 13 count1 is 2
} count2 is 14 count1 is 1
count2 is 15 count1 is 0
void func(void) {
/* ‘count2' is local to 'func' - it is only initialized at run time. */
/* Its value is NOT reset on every invocation of 'func' */
static count2=5;
printf(" count2 is %d count1 is %d\n", count2, count1);
Summary of extern and static
Objective How Achieved
To access variable x external to all Declare x as extern in file j
functions and defined in file i from file j
To make a variable x external to all Declare x as static in file i
functions and defined in file i not
accessible to any other file
To use a function f(x) defined in file i in No spl declaration needed
file j
To make a function float f(float x) defined Declare f(x) as: static float f(float x);
in file i inaccessible to all other files

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