Solve It and Cubes
Solve It and Cubes
Solve It and Cubes
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Tibbitt, Margaret, "Comparing the effectiveness of two verbal problem solving strategies: Solve It! and
CUBES" (2016). Theses and Dissertations. 1632.
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Margaret M Tibbitt
A Thesis
Submitted to the
Department of Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education
College of Education
In partial fulfillment of the requirement
For the degree of
Master of Arts in Special Education
Rowan University
May 1, 2016
This thesis is dedicated to my husband Don, who has given me the support, love,
not have been possible without his unlimited encouragement. This thesis is also
dedicated to my children, Sara and Donnie, may this work prove to my children that
anything is possible when you work hard and put your heart into it.
This thesis is also dedicated to the memory of my mom, Patti Reilly. The love
she gave to her family and friends was unconditional and never ending. She was a true
I would like to thank Professor S. Jay Kuder, Ed.D. for guiding me through this
challenging and rewarding process. I am excited to take all the knowledge and skills I
have acquired to help exceptional learners succeed in the general education classroom.
I would also like to thank my Dad, Steve Reilly for teaching me the value of
education and being an amazing example of hard work and dedication. It is the work
ethic that he lives by and has instilled in me that enabled me to accomplish this Master’s
degree. I also want to thank my family and friends for their love and support throughout
this process.
Margaret M Tibbitt
S. Jay Kuder, Ed.D
Master of Arts in Special Education
The purpose of this study was to find which problem solving strategy was more
effective for special education students in the general education classroom; CUBES or
Solve It! The students completed a pre-test, solving five single step and five multi-step
word problems. The students then received four instructional and activity sessions on the
CUBES and Solve It! strategies. The results indicated that the six fourth grade special
education participants increased their problem solving skills after using each strategy.
The Solve It! strategy resulted in a larger increase then the CUBES strategy. The students
showed a slightly larger decrease in the number of single step incorrect problems using
the Solve It! strategy. The CUBES strategy showed a slightly larger decrease in the
number of multi-step problems incorrect. The research demonstrated that the use of
CUBES and Solve It! was beneficially to the special education students who receive their
math instruction in the general education classroom. This study demonstrated the high
demand for all students to develop successful problem solving skills. The research also
indicated that with the use of a problem solving strategy, special education students can
increase their problem solving abilities. Further research is needed to determine all the
Table of Contents
Abstract ................................................................................................................................v
Summary ........................................................................................................................5
Summary ......................................................................................................................21
Setting/Participants ......................................................................................................23
Table of Contents (Continued)
Variables ......................................................................................................................28
Summary ......................................................................................................................29
Intervention ..................................................................................................................30
Review .........................................................................................................................35
Limitations ...................................................................................................................36
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................38
List of Tables
Table Page
Chapter 1
Problem solving skills are an important part of elementary, middle school, high
school, and college math curriculum. Forbes Magazine (Adams, 2014) published a Top
10 List of what employers are looking for in 2015 graduates. Tied for first on the list is
the ability to make decisions and solve problems. Other skills included in the Top 10 List
are the ability to plan and organize, obtain and process information, and the ability to
analyze quantitative data (Adams, 2014). These skills are components of problem
solving skills. Schools are faced with the challenge of creating curriculum that enables
In order for students to be able to develop effective problem solving skills, they
must develop both analytical and creative skills. There are several analytical components
of problem solving. The students must identify problems, collect and organize data,
develop possible solutions, determine the best solution, implement and test the solution,
and analyze results. Problem solving also requires a creative component. The students
must develop a fluency in producing many possible ideas, be flexible and cover a wide
range of ideas, and have the ability to develop those ideas (“The Skills of Problem
Solving” 2014).
The need for all students to develop problem solving skills has become evident
with the implementation of the New Jersey Common Core Standards and the PARCC
(Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) testing. The New
Jersey Department of Education adopted the New Jersey Common Core Standards in
2010 and they were fully implemented in the 2013-2014 school year. The Common Core
Standards are designed to teach students the skills necessary to prepare them for college,
careers, and life. The Common Core Standards in math require students to apply their
math skills to solve real world math problems in every grade level (“Key Shifts in
Mathematics”, 2015). The Common Core Standards have been aligned to a new state
assessment test, PARCC. The PARCC testing was administered for the first time in the
it is an even greater challenge when it comes to exceptional learners. Data from the New
education students who spend more than 80% of their day in the general education
classroom (Special Education Data, 2015). Teachers are going to need effective
setting. Solve It! and CUBES are two instructional strategies that are used to increase
Solve it! is a problem solving routine that uses both cognitive and metacognitive
processes. The Solve It! program breaks the problem solving task into seven steps:
3. visualize the problem by drawing a picture or diagram
During each step the student is to say the name of the step aloud, ask themselves
if they have understood or completed the step, and then check that the step has been done
makes sense (Montague, Warger, Morgan 2000). CUBES is a letter strategy mnemonic
device that students can use to remember the steps needed to complete a problem solving
task. The C stands for circle the important numbers, the U stands for underline the
question, the B stands for box the math action word, the E stands for eliminate the
unnecessary information, and the S stands for solve the problem and check your answer.
Research Problem
This study will compare the effectiveness of two verbal problem solving
strategies Solve It! and CUBES, for exceptional learners in an elementary level general
education classroom. This study will determine which strategy can increase the problem
My hypothesis is that the exceptional learners using the CUBES problem solving
strategy will be more successful in increasing their problem solving skills in an inclusion
math classroom.
Key Terms
Problem Solving-a process where students apply math knowledge and skills
Analyze- students must be able to determine if the plan they used generated a
New Jersey Common Core Standards- a set of grade-level expectations that New
Jersey students will need to master to ensure they are prepared for college or a career
assessment aligned to the Common Core Standards that measure a student’s ability to
Solve It! - a problem solving strategy that uses a guided discussion technique to
CUBES-a problem solving strategy that uses a mnemonic devise to help students
The increase in an exceptional learner’s problem solving skills will have major
implications inside and outside of the classroom. Increasing problem solving skills for
exceptional learners will increase their ability to master the math standards in the
Common Core Standards in their classrooms and improve their overall math class
of problem solving skills for exceptional learners will have a positive impact on their
Effective problem solving skills are in high demand. They are apparent in the
math NJ Common Core Standards, PARRC assessments, and future employers. This
study will compare the effectiveness of two problem solving strategies, Solve It! and
CUBES, for exception learners in a general education classroom. The Solve It! strategy
uses a guided discussion and problem solving routine to enable exceptional learners to
obtain success in problem solving. The CUBES strategy is a mnemonic device that has
student identify the necessary information needed to solve the problem. My hypothesis is
that the CUBES strategy will be more effective in improving the problem solving skills
of exceptional learners in the general education classroom. Being able to improve the
problem solving skills of an exceptional learner will have major implications. These
performance on state assessments, and increases the exceptional learners ability to obtain
Chapter 2
Review of Literature
Employers are expecting that students have highly developed problem solving
skills when they enter the work force. Planning, organizational, analyzing, and decision
making are all components of problem solving skills (Adams, 2014). Students with
exceptional learning needs struggle with many of the components of problem solving. A
student must be able to read and understand what is being asked, find and organize all
necessary information, select a problem solving strategy that is appropriate, recall and
apply the necessary steps in that strategy, make the computations needed and check to
make sure their process was correct (Forbringer, L., & Fuchs, W., 2014).
solving requiring students to apply their learned mathematics skills to solve everyday
problems. The PARCC test was aligned to the Common Core Standards. The Common
Core Standards and the PARCC test were designed to better prepare our students for the
demands of college courses and careers. The PARCC requires students to solve multi-
step math problems that address real-life situations. The students are expected to think
to the academic and future success of all students, including those with exceptional
learning needs. The problem-solving difficulties that the exceptional learners often
The problem solving abilities of eighth grade students with learning disabilities,
low achieving students and average achieving students’ problem solving skills compared
in a study by Krawec (21014). The students had to meet specific criteria to be placed in
the learning disabilities (LD) group, the low achieving (LA) group or the average
achieving (AA) group. The students were given the same nine problems and were scored
accurately, and their problem solving accuracy. The results showed that the AA students
had higher problem solving accuracy then both the LD and LA students. The AA
students were able to paraphrase and visually represent the necessary information and
numbers and left out more of the irrelevant information. The LA students paraphrased
and visually represented more of the necessary information and numbers then the LD
students but less then then the AA students. The LD students paraphrased and visually
represented the least amount of necessary information and numbers. The results also
indicated that the LD students may have a language based comprehension deficient that
between 8 and 10 years old who represented several different types of disabilities.
Working memory is the ability to store and process information for a short period of time.
The participants were put into groups based on their identified disability. The groups
participants were given tests from the Automated Working Memory Assessment. This
test measures three components: verbal short term memory, visuospatial short term
memory, and working memory. Alloway concluded that SLI students had verbal and
working memory weaknesses. The DCD students had significance weaknesses in all
three areas, especially visuospatial memory abilities. The ADHD students scored in the
age expected level for short term memory but had weaknesses in working memory. The
AS students scored low on selective parts of the verbal short term memory test.
This study has several implications for each of the disability groups and their
struggle with problem-solving. The students with SLI had deficits in verbal short term
and working memory. The SLI group scored the lowest on the verbal short term and
working memory test. This study identifies that students with SLI have deficits in not
just storing information but storing and processing information. Students with DCD had
significant deficits in visuospatial short term memory. The IQ test contained a motor
component that required the students to touch the screen to turn and manipulate objects.
The IQ tests were higher when there was no motor component. Once the motor
Students with ADHD demonstrated deficits in both verbal and visuospatial short
term memory. This study indicates that the students may have had trouble controlling
their behaviors which interfered in their ability to attend to the task. This idea was
supported by research that showed improvements in working memory for students with
ADHD who were receiving medication to regulate their behavior. The students with
Asperger’s syndrome results indicated deficits in verbal short term memory but scored in
the typical range for the other tests. These deficits could also stem from the language and
communication issues that AS students struggle with. Identifying the specific areas of
weakness will enable educators to design instructional programs and methods to improve
those weaknesses and improve the problem-solving abilities for all exceptionalities.
The Krawec and Alloway studies discussed the importance of and the difficulties
of developing problem solving skills for exceptional students. The studies identified the
visuospatial short term memory and working memory skills as key skills that students
need to utilize when problem solving. The studies clearly demonstrated that most
solving. Both studies looked at the process and components of problem solving and
Problem Solving Strategies
The need for students to develop their problem solving skills is apparent based on
the Common Core Standards and PARCC testing. Furthermore, the research cited
previously indicates that students with exceptional learning needs require explicit
problem solving strategy. The students who participated in this study were second and
third grade students who were identified as having math difficulties for the past two
years. This study looked at the use of verbal strategies (underlining or circling relevant
high WMC and math disabilities were most successful when using a visual only strategy.
Students without math disabilities were more successful with a combination of verbal and
visual strategies. Students who have a low WMC and math disabilities were more
successful when using a verbal and visual combination strategy. The students with low
WMC and no math disabilities were most successful with a visual only strategy. The
research studies by both Alloway and Swanson identify a student’s working memory as
an important factor in problem solving and the strategies used to assist students when
problem solving. Swanson identifies the more successful strategies to use depend on the
WMC of the student. The strategies vary based on the level of working memory the
strategy to improve problem solving skills for at risk third graders. The researchers used
a pre-test and post-test experimental design when collecting their data. The students were
randomly assigned to one of 3 intervention condition groups and a control group. The
interventions were to paraphrase the question only, paraphrase the relevant numbers only,
or to paraphrase both the question and necessary numbers. The students were given a
pre-test then 10 weeks of tutoring on their specific intervention and then a post-test.
paraphrasing relevant numbers or paraphrasing both the question and the relevant
numbers outperformed those students who only restated the question and the control
group. This study demonstrated that the use of paraphrasing the important numbers or
paraphrasing the question and important numbers were effective strategies to help
improve the problem solving skills of at risk math students. Both Moran’s and Krawec’s
studies concluded the need for exceptional students to use paraphrasing as a tool to
with several of the components of problem-solving. Programs that are tailored to the
Solve It!
Solve It! is a researched-based problem solving strategy that helps students obtain
and implement both cognitive and metacognitive processes and strategies that increase
effective problem solving. The Solve It! strategy is a guided discussion technique that
students have to be able to read the problem for understanding, paraphrase information in
the problem, visually representing the problem using pictures or diagrams, organize and
set up a plan, estimate the answer, make the computations, and verify the answer. Solve
monitoring to be utilized for each of the 7 cognitive steps. The metacognitive strategies
can be used either overtly or covertly based on the needs and abilities of the students.
The Solve It! strategy includes scripted lessons with instructional charts, activities,
The first step in the Solve It! problem-solving strategy is to read the problem for
understanding. The student says “read the problem” and then reads the problem. The
student asks themselves “Did I read and understand the problem?” If they have
understood they move to the next step, if not they must reread the problem. The student
must then check by saying “check for understanding as I solve the problem”. The second
step is to paraphrase the relevant information in the problem. The student says “put the
problem in my own words and underline the important information”. Then the student
must ask themselves “Did I underline the relevant information?” and “What is the
question?” The third step is to visualize the information into a picture or diagram. They
student says” draw a picture or a diagram”. The students ask themselves, “Does this
picture fit the problem?” The student must then check the picture against the information
in the problem.
The fourth step in the Solve It! problem–solving strategy is for the student to say
“how many steps and what operations are needed to solve the problem”. They then ask
“If I implement this plan, will I get the answer to the question being asked?” The
student must self-monitor by checking if their plan makes sense. If they are uncertain of
their plan they can ask the teacher for help. The fifth step in the strategy is to estimate
the answer. The student says “round the numbers”. The students ask “Did I round the
numbers up or down?” They then must check to make sure they used all the important
information. The sixth step is to carry out the plan by completing the computations. The
student says “Do the operations in the correct order”. The students must ask themselves,
“How does my answer compare to my estimate?” and “Does my answer make sense?”
Then the student must check to make sure the operations were done in the correct order.
The seventh step in the Solve It! strategy is to verify that all the steps taken are correct.
The students say, “Check the computation”. The students ask themselves. “Have I
checked every step?” The students must check to make sure that everything is correct.
The Solve It! problem-solving strategy was developed using four proven
modeling, and performance feedback. Montague et all studied a total of 84 students who
were learning disabled; 6 learning disabled high school students, 6 sixth through eighth
grade learning disabled students, and then a larger group of 72 seventh through eighth
assessments. A pre-test consisting of 10 one, two, and three-step math word problems
was used as baseline data. The students were periodically tested throughout the
implementation of the strategy to monitor the progress of the participating students. The
knowledge and use of math problem-solving strategies of the students. This assessment
was used as a diagnostic tool to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the individual
Teachers use explicit instruction techniques to guide the students through the
Solve It! strategy. Explicit instruction includes highly structured and organized lessons.
The teacher uses appropriate prompts and cues for students when needed. The students
are allotted ample time for guided practice and are given positive corrective feedback.
Explicit instruction is flexible allowing the teacher to tailor the instruction to the
the scripted lessons of the Solve It! strategy. The teacher uses process modeling, where
the teacher thinks aloud to demonstrate the Solve It! problem-solving strategy.
Throughout the problem-solving process the teacher provides positive reinforcement and
The results of the study indicated that the appropriate developmental age for this
strategy was seventh and eighth grade students. Students in the sixth grade were not able
to reach mastery for using the strategy and successfully solving math word problems.
Further results indicated that the seventh and eighth grade students with learning
disabilities were able to perform approximately at the same level as their average-
achieving peers. The students were able to maintain their problem-solving skills for
several weeks following instruction in the Solve It! strategy before showing signs of
decline. The students were then given an additional lesson in the Solve It! strategy and
about the time it would take to assess the individual strengths and weaknesses of all
students in their general education middle school classrooms. The teachers also stated
that not all the students would need explicit problem-solving instruction. Due to the
intense structure of the Solve It! strategy, teachers would need to receive training to
successfully implement in their classrooms. The teachers also noted that the strategy was
Montague et al found the Solve It! strategy increased the problem-solving abilities
for students with learning disabilities. Schafer Whitby (2013) studied the effects of using
the Solve It! strategy with students diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
The study involved 2 seventh grade students and 1 eight grade student who spent more
than 80% of their school day in the general education classroom. These students also had
spectrum. The procedures and materials were the same as mentioned previously in the
Montague study. The students showed improvements in their problem solving abilities.
successfulness of the Solve It! strategy. The student that participated in the study had a
reading comprehension level above that needed to understand the math word problem.
However, there were several examples of language interference. The students could
paraphrase the necessary information but restated the question directly from the problem.
Two of the three students could use estimation correctly but the other student didn’t
understand why an estimate was necessary. Schafer Whitby concluded that the students
with ASD were able to successfully learn the Solve It! strategy but may require additional
Montague et al (2014) studied the effectiveness of Solve It! for 7th grade special
education students in an inclusion setting. The goal of this study was to replicate the
effectiveness of Solve It! method for 8th grade special education students. This study was
conducted in the Miami-Dade public school system in Florida. There were a total of 34
schools that participated, 19 schools that received the Solve It! intervention instruction
and 18 comparison schools. The teachers who participated were nominated by their
building principles and received 3 days of professional development training in the Solve
It! method.
measures (CBM) and the results of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT).
There were 7 CBM ‘s developed by using test questions from the Solve It! manual. The
CBM’s consisted of 10 one-, two-, and three-step word problems that involved the four
basic operations. The CBM’s were administered 7 times, first as a baseline then on a
monthly basis for the remainder of the school year. The CBM’s were also administered
The results of the FCAT showed no significant improvement after the Solve It!
intervention was concluded. There were significant improvements in the problem solving
skills measured by the CBM’s. The improvements were more significant for the low-
achieving students over the average students. A limitation noted was that the intervention
students could have received more problem-solving instruction and practice then the
comparison students. The implications of this study indicated a desire of the teachers to
have more training in the Solve It! method. The teachers also expressed concern about
how to incorporate Solve It! and still meet the curriculum and state testing demands. The
Solve It! method needs to be embedded into the curriculum and not just a supplemental
method. The questions used for Solve It! instruction and practice were taken from the
In summary, the Solve It! strategy has been shown to improve the problem solving
abilities for some exceptional learners. The strategy uses a combination of cognitive and
problem-solving skills of exceptional learners. Solve It! teaches the students to read to
understand the problem, paraphrase the important information, draw a picture or diagram,
organize and implement a plan, find an estimate, and verify the accuracy of the steps
taken to solve the problem. Solve It! also increased the problem-solving abilities in
students with ASD. These students found success but still encountered some language
There are many steps and skills required to solve a math word problem. The use
of mnemonic devises has been shown to help students recall information. Mastropieri
a student can recall. A mnemonic device helps students to connect new information to
information that the student already knows. If a strong connect is made to previous
information then the new information can be recalled easier. Mnemonic devices have
also been proven effective across different lesson formats. Mnemonic devices are not a
teaching method but a tool used to help students recall necessary information. Learning
or creating a mnemonic device can often slow down the student’s rate of learning.
information. Test (2005) studied the effect of the mnemonic device, LAP (Look at the
denominator and sign, Ask if the smallest denominator divides into the largest
denominator evenly, Pick your fraction type) on the students’ ability to add and subtract
fractions. Test studied 6 eighth grade students who were receiving math instruction in a
special education classroom. The students were identified as having deficits in math with
no prior instruction in how to add or subtract fractions. The students had all mastered
basic multiplication and division facts. The students were paired based on ability and
This study assessed the students’ ability to master the mnemonic device and the
skill of adding and subtracting fractions. The pairs had to master each step in learning
both the LAP mnemonic device strategy and the skill of adding and subtracting fractions.
The students were taught the intervention one pair at a time. The teacher modeled the
mnemonic device aloud and then had the students repeat it. The students then
participated in two activities to practice the mnemonic device. The students played a
Fraction Baseball game and a card game called ZAP. The LAP Fraction Strategy test
was then administered to the pair. The students had to achieve 100% mastery in the
Once mastery was achieved for the LAP Fraction strategy, the students received
instruction in each of the three steps. The students had to master each step before
progressing to the next step. The students practiced each step using teacher created
games like Fraction Football and Fraction Baseball. The students had to achieve 89%
mastery on the LAP Fraction Test for 3 consecutive sessions. The students were also
given the LAP Fraction Strategy Test and the LAP Fraction Test every 10 days for the
The results of Test’s study indicated that the use of the LAP Fraction mnemonic
device helped the students remember the steps needed to add and subtract fractions. 5 out
of 6 students were able to master both the strategy and the skill. The one student who did
not master the skill due to computational errors was noted to have mastered the strategy.
This study supports the idea that mnemonic devices are helpful to exceptional students
who need to recall the steps to math problems. This study also suggests that exceptional
A well know letter strategy is HOMES, where each letter is the beginning letter in
the names of the Great Lakes. The first letter in the names of the Great Lakes
conveniently made a word. However, teachers and students can create their own letter
strategies mnemonic devices. Students trying to recall the order of the planets from the
sun can use the first letter of each planet, MVEMSUNP to create a sentence like; My
very educated mom sent us nine pizzas. A letter mnemonic device CUBES was designed
to helps students remember the steps they need to follow to solve a math word problem.
The C stands for circle the key numbers, the U stands for underline the question, the B
stands for box the math action words, the E stands for eliminate unnecessary information,
and the S stands for solve and check your work. Each letter directs the student to
complete a step in the problem-solving process. The origin of the CUBES strategy is
unknown and no research studies involving CUBES have been found. Since, there have
been no research studies conducted using CUBES, that was a contributing factor to
Employers and Colleges today are requiring students to have highly developed
problem-solving skills. The PARCC assessment has been designed to assess the critical
thinking and problem-solving skills of students. Researchers agree that there are several
able to read and understand the problem, determine what the problem is asking for,
identify relevant and irrelevant information, create and implement a plan, identify and
apply the necessary computational skills, and check to make sure the answer is
reasonable. The studies of Krawec and Alloway identify the aspects of problem solving
that the exceptional students often struggle with. There is a need for educators to develop
teaching strategies that will enable those exceptional learners to overcome their
strategies aimed at improving the problem-solving skills of the exceptional learner. The
Solve It! strategy provides highly structured explicit instruction through the use of a
scripted routine. These strategies have been proven to increase the problem-solving
challenging for exceptional students. The use of mnemonic devices has been proven to
assist students in remembering more information. The students are able to connect new
information with information that have already stored, making it easier for them to recall
the information. CUBES is a letter strategy where each letter stands for a step in the
problem-solving process. The have been no research studies conducted using the
Chapter 3
This study involves six fourth grade students who receive math instruction
in an inclusion setting. These students attend an upper elementary school in central New
Jersey. The central New Jersey school district educates about 5,600 kindergarten
through high school students. The district includes one small pre-school disabled
approximately 980 fourth and fifth grade students. The school also houses the pre-school
disabled program. The students attend school for six hours and 45 minutes and spend 5
Education, 2016) describes the upper elementary school population as 41% white, 20.8%
Asian, 18.8% Hispanic, 17.2% African American, and 1.5% two or more races. The
Polish 2.7% Urdu at 2.3 % and Arabic at 2.1%. The student population has 29% students
with disabilities, 37.3% economically disadvantaged, and 0.9% limited English students.
The students who are participating in this study are fourth grade students
who have been identified as eligible for special education. These six students receive
their math instruction in the general education classroom. These students have various
classifications but all of them have difficulties with their math problem solving skills.
special education student under the classification Other Health Impaired. He receives his
academic instruction in an inclusive classroom with the support of the general education
Syndrome; his head circumference is greater than 2 standard deviations then that of his
gender and age peers. This syndrome may also lead to other health issues. JD is
frequently absent from school due to doctor appointments. When JD is in school he takes
constant trips to the bathroom and the nurse’s office. Even with inconsistent attendance,
JD is an average student who struggles with organization and handing in his assignments
and homework. JD can focus and picks up new skills easily but often receives his
instruction in a small group and often one on one due to reoccurring absences. JD also
eligible for special education under the classification of Other Health Impaired. He
receives his academic instruction in an inclusive classroom with the support of the
ADHD and exhibits difficulty with focusing, staying on topic, staying seated, and
impulsivity. JE needs frequent reminders to slow down his thinking and to take his time
to solve math problems. The rate that JE completes his work often leads to many simple
academic instruction in an inclusive classroom with the support of the general education
teacher as well as a special education teacher. JF struggles to express his thoughts and
ideas both verbally and written. He often requires more time to gather and express his
thoughts. He can have difficulties focusing and staying on task. He can be easily
distracted by the other students around him. JF receives speech instruction once a week
receive special education instruction under the Other Health Impaired classification. He
receives his academic instruction in an inclusive classroom with the support of the
general education teacher as well as a special education teacher. DF has a twin brother
who also receives special education instruction under the same classification. DF has
difficulties focusing during lessons, getting started with a task, and organizational skills.
DF can be easily distracted by his belongings or others sitting around him. He receives
for special education services under the Autism classification. She receives her academic
instruction in an inclusive classroom with the support of the general education teacher as
well as a special education teacher. AF is diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome and
ADHD. She struggles with organization, staying focused, staying seated, impulsivity,
and behavioral outburst when frustrated. AF understands new concepts easily but has a
very low frustration level. Once AF becomes frustrated, her emotional outbursts are hard
special education under the Other Health Impaired Classification. He receives his
academic instruction in an inclusive classroom with the support of the general education
teacher as well as a special education teacher. KG has a diagnosis of ADHD and often
struggles with staying focused, staying seated and organizational skills. KG is very
word problems for the students to solve. The first 5 problems are one step word
problems that require the use of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division skills
that have already been taught. The last 5 questions will require two steps and the
previous listed skills in order to successfully solve the word problems. The results of the
abilities. Once a baseline score was established, the students received 4 twenty minute
instruction and activity session about how to utilize the CUBES strategy.
The first two CUBES sessions focused on what each letter in CUBES
stands for and how to identify that information. The students participated in the small
group instruction and activities during their regularly scheduled math class. The students
used example one and two-step word problems to practice identifying all aspects of the
word problems that the CUBES strategy calls for. The last two CUBES sessions focused
on the students implanting the CUBES strategy to solve one and two-step word problems.
The students are given example problems and are asked to share how they used the
CUBES strategy to solve the problem. After the 4 twenty minutes CUBES sessions they
problems: 5 one-step problems and 5 two-step problems. The students are instructed to
Solve It! strategy. The students participated in small group instruction during their
regularly scheduled math class. The first two sessions provided instruction on how Solve
It! is used to help students solve word problems. The teacher modeled how the Solve It!
strategy is used and the students verbally participated when Solve It! requires it. The last
2 sessions focused on the students applying the Solve It! strategy to solve word problems.
The students solved both one and two-step word problems using the Solve It! strategy.
After the 4 twenty minute sessions, students were given a post-assessment. The post-
problems. The students received instruction to use the Solve It! strategy to help solve the
The independent variable in this research study was the instruction and the
activities involving the CUBES and Solve It! problem solving strategies.
The dependent variables are the post-assessment scores for the CUBES
Chapter 4
In this study, comparing the effectiveness of CUBES and Solve It! on the
Six fourth grade students who receive their math instruction in the regular education
classroom participated in the study. The students were instructed in both the CUBES
and Solve It! strategies. The research question to be answered was: Which strategy,
CUBES or Solve It! will increase the problem solving skills of the exceptional learners in
abilities of the students. The students were given a 10 question word problem
assessment. The first five questions were solved using one step and the last five
questions required two-steps. The questions required the students to use their addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division skills that had previously been taught. The
Table 1 shows the baseline results for the six students who participated in
the study. The table also indicates the number of one step and two-step problems that
were solve incorrectly by the student. The student’s math teacher graded the pre-
Table 1
JE 40 1 5
DF 20 3 5
JF 40 3 5
AF 50 1 4
KG 60 1 3
The students attended four twenty minute small group instructional and activity
sessions on how to use the CUBES strategy when problem solving. The students wrote
down what each letter in CUBES stood for on a poster. They recited the words that each
letter in CUBES represented. The students were given four example word problems to
read. The students then went through each letter and preformed each step. The four
small group instructional sessions followed the same format. At the end of the fourth
instructional session, the students were given a post-test to determine if any improvement
in their problem solving skills had occurred. Table 2 shows the results of the post-test for
Table 2
JE 30 2 5
DF 60 1 3
JF 30 3 4
AF 80 0 2
KG 90 0 1
The post-test results, from the six participants using the CUBES strategy,
indicated an average score increase of 16.6 points. The average one step incorrect
problems decreased from 1.8 to 1.2 problems. The average two-step incorrect problems
decreased from 4.5 to 3 problems. The CUBES strategy has shown an increase in the
The six participants then received 4 twenty minute small group instructional and
activity session on how to use the Solve It! problem solving strategy. The students were
given a chart that showed all the steps to implement the Solve It! strategy. The students
recited the steps aloud and were given a small dry erase board to visualize the problem by
drawing a picture or chart. After the group had recited all the steps, the students were
given five practice problems to solve by using the Solve It! strategy. Table 3 shows the
Table 3
JE 40 1 5
DF 60 1 3
JF 30 2 5
AF 80 0 2
KG 80 0 2
The post-test results, from the six participants using the Solve It! strategy,
indicated an average score increase of 33.3 points. The average one step incorrect
problems decreased from 1.8 to 0.7 problems. The average two-step incorrect problems
decreased from 4.5 to 3.5 problems. The Solve It! strategy has also increased the problem
solving skills for the six participants. Table 4 shows the comparison between the CUBES
Table 4
CUBES and Solve Pre-Test Results CUBES Post-Test Solve It! Post-Test
It! Comparison Results Results
Average Test 36.7 53.3 70
Number of 1 Step 1.8 1.2 0.7
Problems Incorrect
Number of 2 Step 4.5 3 3.5
Problems Incorrect
The comparison between the CUBES strategy and the Solve It! strategy show an
overall improvement in problem solving skills when either strategy is utilized. When
compared to the average pre-test results, the Solve It! strategy resulted in an average
improvement of 33.3 points and the CUBES strategy resulted in an average improvement
of 16.6 points. Both strategies showed a decrease in the number of incorrect one step and
two-step problems. The Solve It! strategy showed a slight decrease in the number of
incorrect one step problems. The CUBES strategy showed a slightly larger decrease in
A series of t-tests on the difference between the pre-intervention scores and each
of the interventions indicated that the improvement in student score with the CUBES
strategy, while in the desired direction was not statistically significant. However, the
difference when the Solve It! method was used was significant (t(10)=1.81, p<.05.
Chapter 5
This study compared the effectiveness of two problem solving strategies, Solve It!
and CUBES, for six fourth grade special education students who receive their math
solving pre-test then received 4 instruction lessons and activities sessions on each
strategy, and then completed a post-test after each strategy was taught. The pre- and
post-test consisted of ten word problems; five single-step and five multi-step word
problems. The results indicated that, while both strategies improved student performance
in math problem solving, the Solve It! method resulted in a greater improvement than the
CUBES strategy.
Research Comparison
Previous research by Montague et al (2000) indicated that the Solve It! strategy
was developmentally appropriate for 7th and 8th grade students. The 6th grade students in
the study were not able to reach the mastery level using the Solve It! strategy. The
for 7th and 8th grade students with autism spectrum disorder. However, the Solve It!
strategy did increase in the problem solving abilities of the younger fourth grade special
education students. The Solve It! strategy improved the students problem solving skills
used to help students recall the steps to add or subtract fractions) improved the students
adding and subtracting fractions skills. Mastropieri (1998) demonstrated that the use of a
mnemonic device improves a student’s ability to recall information. The results of the
fourth grade special education students were similar to the results of Test and Mastropieri
in that they were able to recall the steps in problem solving by using the CUBES strategy.
The use of the mnemonic device CUBES strategy improved their problem solving skill.
The results of this study indicated an increase in the students’ problem solving
abilities when math strategy interventions were used. One limitation of this study was
that it did not distinguish between computational errors or errors made in the problem
solving process. There were a few instances on both the pre- and post-test where the
students were incorrect because there was a calculation error but the student had used an
appropriate problem solving plan to solve the problem successfully. Another limitation
may have been that the students participated in the 8 instructional sessions within the
general education classroom. There were 18 other students in the classroom that were
either working independently or on center activities. The noise level could have been a
The CUBES strategy was the first problem solving strategy taught and many of
the students found success using that strategy. A limitation of this study was that several
students were reluctant to learn and use the second strategy; the Solve It! strategy. There
were many more steps involved in the Solve It! strategy compared to the CUBES
strategy. The students were very reluctant to try to use so many steps to solve the
problem. The students were instructed to use only the Solve It! strategy but some
students were seen still using the CUBES strategy while trying to learn and practice the
Solve It! strategy. Another limitation of this study was there was no control group used
in the research design. A control group may have better determined that the increase in
problem solving skills was due to the specific strategy and not just more exposure to
This research study implies that with specific teaching strategies, special
education students who receive their math instruction in the general education classroom
can increase their problem solving abilities. The special education students in this study
increased their ability to solve problems successfully after they had received explicit
instruction in two different problem solving strategies: CUBES and Solve It!. General
and Special Education teachers need to incorporate more problem solving skills with the
use of specific problem solving strategies into their classrooms. These strategies will
assist special education students in remembering and implementing the steps need to
Future Research
A research study using a larger sample size is needed to further determine the
effectiveness of the CUBES strategy. The research should include a control group to
compare the effectiveness of implementing just one problem solving strategy. The study
may also want to examine the effectiveness of the CUBES strategy for the general
education students as well as the special education students. Future research should
allow students to use calculators to eliminate the possibility of incorrect problems based
The purpose of this study was to find which problem solving strategy was more
effective for special education students in the general education classroom; CUBES or
Solve It! The students completed a pre-test, solving five single step and five multi-step
word problems. The students then received four instructional and activity sessions on the
CUBES and Solve It! strategies. The results indicated that the six fourth grade special
education participants increased their problem solving skills after using each strategy.
The Solve It! strategy resulted in a larger increase then the CUBES strategy. The students
showed a slightly larger decrease in the number of single step incorrect problems using
the Solve It! strategy. The CUBES strategy showed a slightly larger decrease in the
number of multi-step problems incorrect. The research demonstrated that the use of
CUBES and Solve It! was beneficially to the special education students who receive their
math instruction in the general education classroom. This study demonstrated the high
demand for all students to develop successful problem solving skills. The research also
indicated that with the use of a problem solving strategy, special education students can
increase their problem solving abilities. Further research is needed to determine all the
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