Nutrition and Immune Function

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Engineering and Scientific International Journal (ESIJ) ISSN 2394-7187(Online)

Volume 7, Issue 2, April – June 2020 ISSN 2394 - 7179 (Print)

Nutrition and Immune Function

Neharika Saxena*1, H M Saxena2
Department of Veterinary Public Health, College of Veterinary and Animal Science,
RAJUVAS, Bikaner, Rajasthan 334001.
Department of Veterinary Microbiology, COVS, GADVASU, Ludhiana 141004

Abstract— Nutrition is significant modulator of the resistant function and can often tip the balance between health and
syndrome. Many types of syndromes are due to malnutrition. Specific concentrations of nutrients are required for optimal
health of the animal. The diet supplies energy and amino acids that contribute to the development, maintenance and use of
the immune system. Substrates are necessary for the anabolic activity of immune system’s cells (leukocytes), such as
proliferation and antibody production as well as the secretion by the liver of large quantities. In young animals, a rigorous
deficiency of any nutrient impairs immunocompetence. Nutrients can affect the functions of leukocytes and hence the type,
duration, and magnitude of the immune response. It is important to determine the quantitative nutrient requirements of the
immune system for its development in the young animal, its maintenance at times of good health, and its poor
immunocompetence, in turn, can result in greater incidence and duration of infections, leading to decreased food intake,
nutrient losses, and impaired animal health and well-being. There are two basic causes of degenerative diseases: immune
dysfunction due to toxicity, and nutritional deficiency. Deficiency arises from poor soil and depletion of nutrition in
processed feeds. Many types of illnesses and diseases are caused by malnutrition. Target animal species require to be
examining to decide specific concentrations of nutrients for best immunocompetence and physical condition.

Keywords — Immunocompetence; Syndromes; Nutrients

little fibre, on the other hand, limits gut stimulation and can
1. Introduction contribute to gut diseases such as colitis and ileitis. Acute
constipation problems may occur with too little crude fibre
1.1 Nutrients and their Roles in Immunophysiology and in the diet. One of the most common groups of fibres, the
Homeostasis non-starch polysaccharide (NSP) fibres, is beneficial to gut
health at certain levels, but not at higher levels. At high
Water acts as a solvent for a mixture of biochemical levels of NSP, protein retention is slowed because
reactions. It is needed to maintain vascular volume, for nitrogenous compounds are bound by the fibre in the small
supplying nutrients to tissues, and to remove waste from intestine and transported to the hind gut without being
the body. Deficiency of water impairs homeostasis and digested. Medium to high levels of NSPs also provide an
body functions and adversely affects the health. Body excellent substrate for anaerobic fermentation in the hind
requirement of water varies with physical activity and gut leading to acute diarrhoea via a disturbed electrolyte
environmental conditions. balance and overgrowth Low levels of NSPs, however, are
fine and can promote a useful effect where gram positive
Energy vital for sustaining diverse functions of the bacteria, such as the lactobacillus colonize the gut wall to
body, consist of respiration, physical work, circulation and provide gut protection.
protein synthesis is given by carbohydrates, proteins and
fats in the fast. Carbohydrates (sugars and starches) Polysaccharides help the immune system to destroy
provide energy to cells in the body. Fibre has an important cancer cells and viruses. However, each type of
role in gut health and has its nutritional value. polysaccharide has its own unique ability and healing
effect on certain cancers. Proteins form the major structural
Dietary Fiber is non-digestible carbohydrates and components of all the cells of the body. All along with
lignin that are inherent and unharmed in plants. Sticky amino acids, they role as enzymes, hormones and
fibers hindrance the gastric emptying of ingested foodstuffs membrane carriers,
into the small intestine, which can effect in a sense of
fullness. This delayed emptying effect also results in Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Nine
reduced blood glucose concentrations. Fibers can also amino acids are considered essential and thus must be
interfere with the absorption of dietary fat and cholesterol, provided through the diet. The relative ratio of essential
and the recirculation of cholesterol and bile acids in the amino acids in a food protein and its digestibility
liver and intestine. The overuse of fibre has negative determines the quality of the protein. Threonine is a high
effects because the animal cannot digest it all and it leaves proportion of the cellular components of the gut wall and
less space for materials like protein and amino acids. Too when the animal is in a poor state of health or when a fibre-

DOI: 10.30726/esij/v7.i2.2020.72005
Engineering and Scientific International Journal (ESIJ) ISSN 2394-7187(Online)
Volume 7, Issue 2, April – June 2020 ISSN 2394 - 7179 (Print)

rich diet is fed, endogenous losses are high and additional the trace mineral, and therefore the age, sex, or species of
threonine will be required in the diet. the animal.

Tryptophan is a precursor of the polypeptide serotonin Trace minerals act as catalysts in enzyme reactions
that is involved in feed intake regulation and also in within the cells. Deficiencies and or imbalances of trace
behavioral expression. In case of infections with some minerals can alter the activity of certain enzymes and
bacterial serotypes – leading to acute lung inflammation, performance of specific organs thus impairing specific
plasma tryptophan levels fall significantly in contrast to the metabolic pathways also as overall immune function. The
other essential amino acids. interactions between trace minerals, system, and disease
resistance are extremely complex. Trace minerals play a
Fats provide energy to the body and help in the crucial role within the immune reaction. Inadequate trace
absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, carotenoids etc. mineral nutrition may be a risk factor for poor health.Of the
Unsaturated fatty acids in the rumen have a detrimental trace minerals, selenium plays a major role, but copper,
effect on rumen micro-organisms. This results in decreased zinc and iodine deficiencies can also affect the animal
fibre digestibility and thereby a reduced dry matter health. The animal must be supplied with a diet which
intake. Especially during the transition phase and in early contains the required minerals, vitamins, as well as other
lactation cows are already in a negative energy nutrients, in adequate amounts, proper proportions, and
balance. Maximizing dry matter intake is crucial for animal available forms. In trace mineral deficiencies, toxicities,
health and production. Pregnancy rates can increase 15% and imbalances, immune function can be suppressed and
when fatty acid nutrition is optimized for fertility. Vitamins the production and health of the animal may be
are present in plants and are necessary for health. They affected. Metals weaken the immune system and cause
work synergistically with other vitamins and some increased vulnerability to viral, bacterial, fungal, and
nutrients. parasitic infections. In an effort to detoxify these
substances, bowels, kidneys, liver, and system are
Phytochemicals are grouped into four broad categories, overloaded.
namely indoles, isothiocyanates, flavonoids and
isoflavones. While some plants are rich sources of a Zinc may be a constituent of several enzymes and
particular phytochemical, others contain myriads of proteins. Zinc containing enzymes are involved in
phytochemicals. Every plant also contains its own unique carbohydrate, lipid, protein, and macromolecule
variety of phytochemicals. For example, indoles, one of the metabolismIt is important for maintaining the integrity of
larger groups of phytochemicals, is available in the epithelium , cellular division and repair, and vitamin A
vegetables. Flavonoids have anti-cancer properties and transport and utilization. deficiency disease reduces
prevent cancer causing hormones from attaching to normal immune reaction and disease resistance. Zinc deficient
cells. They also inhibit enzymes responsible for cancer cell lambs had a lower percentage of lymphocytes and a higher
metastasis. Free radicals are produced by toxic chemicals, percentage of neutrophils in their blood.
sunlight and metabolic processes in the body. They can
damage proteins, membranes and DNA, leading to cancer Copper is required for a number of enzymes
and other degenerative diseases. Antioxidants obtained (cytochrome oxidase, lysyl oxidase, superoxide dismutase,
from natural plant sources seek out and "anti-oxidize" free dopamine-β-hydroxylase, tyrosinase, and ceruloplasmin)
radicals to prevent their destructive effect on the body. that are involved in several important body functions
including cellular respiration, bone formation, heart
Trace elements exist in cells and tissues of the animal function, lipid metabolism and etc. Copper deficiency
body in a variety of chemical combinations, and in suppresses cell mediated as well as humoral immunity.
characteristic concentrations. The concentrations of trace
minerals must usually be maintained within quite narrow Selenium is required by animals and humans for proper
limits if the functional and structural integrity of the tissue growth and immune function. Selenium functions as a
is to be maintained alongside the expansion , health, and component of glutathione peroxidase. It is required for its
productivity. Ingestion of diets deficient, imbalanced, or mineral functions and also has a major role as an
excessively high in trace minerals may induce changes antioxidant in the mopping up of damaging free
within the form or concentration of the actual trace mineral radicals. Selenium affects specific components of the
within the body tissues and fluids, in order that it falls immune system. Polymorphonuclear leukocyte function
below or rises above the tolerable limits. In such cases, was shown to be reduced in goats and cattle fed selenium-
biochemical lesions can develop, physiological functions deficient diets compared with controls receiving selenium
could also be adversely affected and structural disorders adequate diets. It influences carbohydrate metabolism,
may arise, counting on the dietary deficiency or toxicity of lipid metabolism, and protein absorption and metabolism.

DOI: 10.30726/esij/v7.i2.2020.72005
Engineering and Scientific International Journal (ESIJ) ISSN 2394-7187(Online)
Volume 7, Issue 2, April – June 2020 ISSN 2394 - 7179 (Print)

Chromium is essential for mammals. It influences cells that are specific for a certain antigen. Antibodies
carbohydrate metabolism, lipid metabolism, and protein secreted by B cells function because the effector of the
absorption and metabolism. humoral immune reaction by binding to an extracellular
antigen and neutralizing and/or facilitating its
Lead can block red blood cell formation. Potassium elimination. The immune system is able to discriminate
ion is required for normal cellular function. Severe between foreign molecules and the body’s own cells and
potassium deficiency is characterized by hypokalemia. The proteins. It mounts an appropriate response known as the
poor consequences of hypokalemia comprise cardiac effector response to eliminate a specific type of pathogen
arrhythmias, glucose intolerance and muscle and induces immunological memory specific to the
weakness. The poor effects of insufficient potassium pathogen. Subsequent exposure to the same foreign
ingestion can result from a lack of potassium per se, a organism activates the pathogen - specific memory and
deficiency of its conjugate anion. Just in case of an elicits a high magnitude immune response to eliminate the
inadequate intake of bicarbonate precursors, buffers within pathogen and prevent disease.
the bone matrix neutralize excess acid and within the
process bone becomes demineralized Increased bone 3. Nutrition and immune function
turnover and calcium-containing kidney stones are the
resulting adverse consequences. Sodium and chloride
Nutrition is an important modulator of immune
ions are required to take care of ECF volume and serum
function. It can alter the balance between health and
disease. There are three main types of disease fighting
nutrients and immune system enhancers; phytochemicals,
Sulfate ion is required by the body for synthesis of
antioxidants, and polysaccharides. These are essential to
3′-phosphoadenosine-5′-phosphosulfate (PAPS), which
boost, strengthen and balance the immune
successively is employed for synthesis of the many
system. Phytochemicals, antioxidants, and polysaccharides
important sulfur-containing compounds like chondroitin
are vital disease-fighting nutrients. Food provides energy
sulfate and cerebroside sulphate. While substantial
and amino acids that are required for the development,
levels of sulfate are found in foods and various sources
maintenance and functioning of the immune
of beverage, the main source of inorganic sulfate is
system. Substrates are needed for the activity of cells of the
from body protein turnover of the sulfur. Sulfate to be
immune system such as proliferation and antibody
used in PAPS biosynthesis is provided by the inorganic
production and secretion of acute proteins by the liver.
sulfate in food and water, sulfate derived from
methionine and cysteine found in dietary protein, and
In young animals, a severe deficiency of any nutrient
therefore the cysteine.
can impair immunocompetence. The immune system uses
many types of glucose and amino acid
2. The Immune System and Immunity to transporters. Activated leukocytes express high levels of
Diseases nutrient transporters to easily obtain necessary nutrients
even when they are at low concentrations. The immune
The immune system recognizes self from non-self and system can also obtain nutrients from muscle and other
acts against the non – self to prevent diseases and ensure tissues. On stimulation by pathogens, the leukocytes
the survival of the individual. The immune system not only release pro-inflammatory cytokines like interleukin 1,
removes toxins but also repairs, monitors, and defends the tumor necrosis factor and interleukin. Some trace minerals
body from foreign disease-causing agents such as the like iron, copper, and zinc have low concentration in
bacteria and viruses. Most degenerative diseases are caused muscles. They are essential for the immune system and its
by immune dysfunction. It protects animal health and functions. The requirement of some trace minerals may be
contributes to well-being of the animal. Nonspecific higher for optimal immune function than for growth or
immunity refers to the essential resistance to syndrome that reproductive performance. The optimum requirements of
a species possesses. Innate immunity comprises four types nutrients for the development of the immune system in the
of defensive barriers: 1) anatomic (skin), 2) physiologic young animal, its maintenance during good health, and
(temperature, pH, oxygen tension), 3) phagocytic during a challenge by a pathogen should Nutrients in the
(ingestion of macromolecules by macrophages and diet can directly affect the functions of leukocytes and
neutrophils), and 4) inflammatory Acquired or specific hence the immune response. Dietary factors can alter the
immunity is induced by exposure to an antigen, naturally or levels of prostaglandins and other eicosanoids released by
via vaccination. Acquired or specific immunity can be the leukocytes. Membrane fatty acids are the precursors of
divided into two categories: humoral and cell mediated eicosanoids.
immunity. The humoral immunity involves the interaction
of B cells with extracellular antigen and their subsequent The potency and properties of the eicosanoids released
proliferation and differentiation into antibody-secreting during immune responses change with the composition of

DOI: 10.30726/esij/v7.i2.2020.72005
Engineering and Scientific International Journal (ESIJ) ISSN 2394-7187(Online)
Volume 7, Issue 2, April – June 2020 ISSN 2394 - 7179 (Print)

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4. Conclusion

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impair the immune responses leading to diseases and even

DOI: 10.30726/esij/v7.i2.2020.72005

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