The Hunger Games Fact Sheet

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a family of five for seven years, will have his name in 42 times.

Peeta is mentioned
The Hunger Games Fact Sheet
throughout as being from a relatively well off family from the merchant. So, he
doubtlessly only had the five entries required of any other sixteen year old. Prim, of

In the nation of  Panem, established in the remains of North America after an course, had only one entry.

unknown apocalyptic event, the wealthy Capitol exploits the 12 districts of the nation After her younger sister Primrose was chosen as a tribute, Katniss volunteers to
wherein 2 “tributes”, one boy and one girl from the age of 12 to 18 will fight to the take her place. She was District 12’s first volunteer for no one ever dared to in the fear
death in a  nationally televised annual event called the Hunger Games until only one that they would undoubtedly die in the games. The male tribute is Peeta Mellark, a
survivor remains. This was a penance for the past failed rebellion against the Capitol, former schoolmate of Katniss who once gave her bread from his family's bakery when
which resulted in the obliteration of District 13.  Footage of the smoldering district is her family was starving. Katniss and Peeta are then escorted to the Capitol by Effie
used to keep the other 12 districts in line.  Trinket, a Capitol-born chaperone; and mentor Haymitch Abernathy, the only victor for

In District 12, Gale Hawthorne and Katniss Everdeen talk regarding the day of district 12 in the nation's history.

the reaping. They talk about running away in the woods with their families, but are On the way, Haymitch stresses the importance of gaining sponsors, as they can
stopped with the thought that they may become avoxes – servants in the capitol whose provide gifts during the Games which can keep them alive. This is because once the
tongues were cut off after being caught by peacekeeper hovercrafts. Katniss then asks games begin, they are given nothing. They then arrive in the Capitol. Peeta is fixed up
Gale how many time he entered his name. Gale entered his name 42 times, and Katniss by his prep team, led by his stylist, Portia. For the Parade, he and Katniss are dressed in
20 times. This is because the reaping system is unfair, with the poor getting the worst of black unitards with synthetic fire to represent burning coal designed by Katniss's
it. One becomes eligible for the reaping the day they turn twelve. That year, one’s name stylist, Cinna, to set them apart from other tributes when introduced to the public and
is entered once. At thirteen, twice. And so on and so on until they reach the age of help them make an impression. While training, Katniss observes the “Careers” or
eighteen, the final year of eligibility, when your name goes into the pool seven times. Career Tributes – Marvel, Glimmer, Cato and Clove, the volunteers from wealthy
This is true for every citizen in all twelve districts in the entire country of Panem.  Districts 1 and 2 who have trained for the Games ever since they were young. Peeta was

However, one can opt to add their name more times in exchange for tesserae being looked down upon after he showed his weak side, but was able to impress the

worth a meager year’s supply of grain and oil for one person. They may do this for each careers after throwing something very heavy overhead. On the day of the evaluation,

of their family members as well. So, at the age of twelve, Katniss had her name entered Katniss uses a bow and arrow to show her skills. On her first shot, she misses. The

4 times. Once, because she had to, and 3 times for tesserae for grain and oil for herself, evaluators then don’t pay her anymore attention when they’ve already seen what they

Prim, and her mother. So now, at the age of 16, her name will be in the reaping twenty assumed to be her utmost ability. Outraged, Katniss shoots the apple all the way to other

times. Gale, who is 18 years old and has been either helping or single-handedly feeding side of the room to get the sponsors’ attention.After their evaluation by the
Gamemakers, Katniss unexpectedly gets the highest score among the others. During a formed an alliance with the careers to protect Katniss. An announcement is then made
televised interview with Caesar Flickerman, Peeta expresses his love for Katniss, which that the Gamemakers sent a delivery of what each contestant needs most. Katniss risks
she initially sees as an attempt to attract sponsors, but later accepts this as sincere. her life to obtain medicine for Peeta. She is intercepted by a career tribute Clove, who
gloats over Rue's death and tries to kill Katniss, but is killed by Thresh, the male
The Games begin, and nearly half the tributes are killed in the bloodbath at the
District 11 tribute, who spares Katniss for Rue's sake. The medicine saves Peeta's life,
start, fighting over the weapons and supplies throughout the arena. Katniss disregards
and they both spend time hunting and collecting food. However, Katniss struggles
Haymitch's earlier advice to flee immediately and narrowly escapes death, but uses her
between her developing feelings for Peeta and the pretense of love for the cameras
well-practiced hunting and survival skills to hide in the woods. After a few days, an
artificial fire drives Katniss toward the others. She is spotted and treed by the Career While hunting for food, Katniss hears a cannon go off, signaling a death. She
tributes and Peeta, who seems to have allied with them. Rue, hiding in a nearby tree, races to Peeta and finds he has unknowingly collected deadly “nightlock” berries. They
silently alerts Katniss to a “tracker jacker” nest, which she sends it plummeting down, discover "Foxface", District 5's female tribute whose name they didn't know, dead from
releasing the flying insects. Their venom kills one of the careers and drives the others the berries she assumed were edible from watching Peeta.
away, but Katniss is stung and begins hallucinating. Peeta returns, but instead of killing Crane then unleashes genetically modified beasts. They kill Thresh and force
her, tells her to run away. Katniss later forms an alliance with Rue, but Rue is fatally Katniss, Peeta and Cato onto the Cornucopia's roof. The Cornucopia is a giant silver
wounded by another tribute while Katniss destroys the careers' supplies. Katniss kills horn-shaped cone with a curved tail filled with supplies and weapons that could help the
Rue's killer with an arrow, and accompanies Rue as she dies and spreads flowers over tributes. There, the last survivors must fight to a stalemate. Cato gets Peeta in a
the body to show her defiance against the Capitol. Afterwards, she makes a three-finger headlock and uses him as a human shield against Katniss's bow. Peeta directs Katniss to
salute to the cameras. District 11 citizens use the sign to salute to Katniss. It is an old shoot Cato's hand, enabling Peeta to throw him to the beasts below. As Cato is overrun
and rarely used gesture of our district, occasionally seen at funerals. It means thanks, it by the beasts, Katniss kills him with an arrow to end his suffering.
means admiration, it means goodbye to someone you love. The mini revolt that occurs
Katniss and Peeta become the last two survivors, but the Gamemakers revoke
in District 11 after Rue’s death actually never happened in the book version of “The
the rule change to force one to kill the other for a dramatic finale. In defiance, Katniss
Hunger Games.” (The uprisings begins in “Catching Fire.”). Instead, District 11
prepares to consume the poisonous "nightlock" berries with Peeta. Realizing they intend
responds to Rue’s death by sending a parachute with bread to Katniss — as a thank you
to commit suicide so that there won’t be a victor in the games, the Gamemakers declare
or payment of a debt, Katniss isn’t entirely sure.
Katniss and Peeta the victors. Although both of them receive a hero's welcome as a
Haymitch persuades Crane to change the rules to allow two winners provided couple, Haymitch warns Katniss that she has made enemies through these acts of
they are from the same district, suggesting that this will pacify the public. After the defiance. Snow has Crane locked in a room with 'nightlock' berries, then watches the
announcement, Katniss finds and nurses a wounded Peeta who later revealed that he victors' homecoming before leaving the viewing room silently.

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