Jup For Libra
Jup For Libra
Jup For Libra
Jupiter will be moving to Leo on 14th of July for next 13th Months, which is His friendly sign where
Jupiter will be getting Power, Authority and Strength. For Libra Ascendant its the lord of 3rd and 12th
transiting to 11th house Leo.
•• Sitting in 11th house of Leo, Jupiter will be aspecting 3 rd,5th and 7th house, which will be good for short
trip, getting new collaboration with people.
•• Professionally this is going to be a favorable period as Jupiter will be in house of profit being house of
service 6th lord which will be 6th to 6th. So those who are into Job or professionally dealing with court
cases will be beneficial.
••For Libra Ascendant, this phase will give good social circle, as the planet of expansion Jupiter will be
in 11th house but as it’s the 6th lord, so it can give some chaos between friends too.
•• Elder sibling of Libra People will be beneficial during this time but there will not be much benefit from
the elder one.
••Libra Ascendant people those who were waiting for promotion or increment in salary can have those
due promotion now if dasha is favorable too.
•• Those Libra Ascendant people who were waiting for getting married since long can get married
during this time as Jupiter will be aspecting the house of marriage 7 th.
•• Social life of Libra people will be improving, meeting with close relatives, siblings, cousins, friends are
very much in card in upcoming days as Jupiter sitting in 11 th will be aspecting own sign Sagittarius 3rd
•• Libra Ascendant people those who are going through some legal issues can expect good result out of
it as Jupiter the 6th lord will be moving 6th away from it.
••There can be some issues related to health for Libra people after all Jupiter is the lord of 6 th – house of
disease will be 6th away from that house.
•• First child of Libra people will do better in life have some positive progress till January 2016 as after
that Ketu will be transiting to 5th house of progeny.
•• Trouble in Love affair will be little eased up when Jupiter will be aspecting 5 th house till December
after that ketu in 5th can trouble again.
•• Those who are planning to opt for some loan can surly go ahead, house of lord 6th lord will be in 2nd
house of finance so strong chances of getting good amount of loan during this phase for Cancer
Ascendant people only skip the time when Jupiter will be in close conjunction to Rahu Next Year 2016
•• After December start judging your friends as Jupiter will be with Rahu in 11 th house of friends can
be misleading to you.
During the transit of 13 months in Leo Jupiter will be crossing 3 nakshatras - Magha, P.Phalguni &
U.Phalguni. During the transit of Magha Libra people will be having result according to the positioning of
their natal Ketu but right now Ketu in transit is in 6th house Pisces – house of loan and legal issues, can
give good output in such areas.While transiting through P.Phalgni Libra people will be having over all
good time As lord of this nakshatra is Venus which is Ascendant lord and 8 th lord for Libra People.
Lastly while transiting through U.Phalguni Nakshatra Libra people may have the raise in salary or
income, new job,as the nakshatra lord is Sun who is the lord of 11th house for Libra Ascendant.When
Jupiter will be Rx and passing through P.Phalguni Nakshatra there can be chances of getting some old
inherited issued getting cleared.
Now rest all depends how many points Jupiter is getting in the sign
Leo in your Ashtak Varga Table. If more than 4 then its really
good if less than 4 then u need to show patience to over come this transit.