Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle: English
Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle: English
Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle: English
String Strung Strung
Strive Strove Striven
Swear Swore Sworn
Sweep Swept Swept
Swell Swelled Swollen
Swim Swam Swum
Swing Swung Swung
Take Took Taken
Teach Taught Taught
Tear Tore Torn
Tell Told Told
Think Thought Thought
Thrive Throve Thriven
Throw Threw Thrown
Thrust Thrust Thrust
Tread Trod Trodden
Wake Woke, Waked Waked, Woke (n)
Wear Wore Worn
Weave Wove Woven
Weep Wept Wept
Wet Wetted, Wet Wetted, Wet
Will Would
Win Won Won
Wind Wound Wound
Work Worked, Wrought Worked, Wrought
Wring Wrung Wrung
Write Wrote Written
English 2
2. Geography 3. A computer
was studied will be
by them bought by
Articles: “A/An – The – ING/ED”
*Usamos el articulo A/An la primera vez que
mencionamos algo en una oración.
*We use “The” with: Some places names (Oceans,
Seas, and Rivers, Mountain rangers, Countries, Republics or
unions, Islands). When there is only one and we see it as
*We use gerunds “ING”: (Preposition u verb ING +
sust + verb) as the subject of the sentence “Going to the gym
is very good for you”- After certain verbs that express
likes and dislikes “I always enjoy seeing my grandchildren”.
For example: like, love, enjoy, hate, don’t mind, can’t
stand, and feel like. After prepositions “Do you feel ok
about staying here on your own?” *Some adjectives have both
ED/ING forms for example: Excited-Exciting. The “ING”
form describes the way something is. The “ED” form
describes the way it makes you feel.