Crane Transmission System
Crane Transmission System
Crane Transmission System
Abstract. In the process of engineering use, the elastic coupling of the RT60 crane transmission system has a
large noise and even breaks down sometimes. In this paper, RT60 crane transmission system is the research
object. A finite element model and a discrete model for torsional vibration of transmission system are established
by finite element method and lumped parameter method. Through the study of the finite element model and the
vibration test of transmission system, the correctness of the system model, equivalent parameter, calculation
method and MATLAB program are verified. Because of the high efficiency of the torsional vibration discrete
system, the discrete model is used in this paper to replace the finite element model. The free vibration and
response vibration of the crane transmission system are calculated and analyzed, and the reasons for the
existence of the system noise are explained in the starting stage. Through the study of the vibration theory and
the matching method of the elastic coupling, the CX-45-VFA-60-11 elastic coupling is proposed to replace the
CX-45-VFA-11 elastic coupling. In this paper, the data signal is collected by the hall gear sensor, and the data
are analyzed by the self-developed vibration tester. The vibration amplitude of the torsional vibration of the
crane transmission system is greatly reduced by testing the transmission system of the replacement of the elastic
coupling. This paper provides a theoretical guiding significance for the low noise design of the crane transmission
Keywords: Crane / torsional vibration / elastic coupling / finite element model / lumped parameter model
According to the theory of torsional vibration, the In the calculation and analysis of the torsional vibration
vibration differential equation of elastic coupling can be of the crane shafting, it can be divided into two
established as follows. independent torsional vibration systems. The system
includes diesel engine, torque converter, pump wheel
I 1€u 1 þ Cðu_ 1 u_ 2 Þ þ Kðu1 u2 Þ ¼ T m sin v ð1Þ system and turbine tire system. This paper focuses on diesel
engine, hydraulic torque converter and pump wheel
system. The finite element model and discrete model of
I 2€u 2 þ Cðu_ 2 u_ 1 Þ þ Kðu2 u1 Þ ¼ 0 ð2Þ the transmission system are established by finite element
method and lumped parameter method, respectively. The
where I1 is the active end inertia (the excitation end). I2 is finite element model of the transmission system is built
the inertia of driven end. K is the coupling stiffness. C is with finite element software, as shown in Figure 3.
the coupling damping coefficient. Tm sin v is the excitation The torsional vibration model of a diesel engine to a
torque. hydraulic torque converter is established by using lumped
According to the principle of mechanical vibration, the parameter method, as shown in Figure 4. The torsional
vibration torque transmitted by couplings is vibration equivalent parameters of the system are given in
Table 1.
T ðtÞ ¼ Cðu_ 2 u_ 1 Þ þ K ðu2 u1 Þ ð3Þ
By solving differential equations (1)–(3), the particular 3 Vibration calculation and analysis of crane
solution (steady-state solution) is obtained, and the transmission system
amplitude of T is
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi In order to get the torsional vibration model of
u 2
u Cv transmission system in Figure 4, the model of the
u 1 þ
I2 u K components of the transmission system is established.
T¼ T mu
u 2 2 ð4Þ The torsional vibration model of the transmission system
ðI 1 þ I 2 Þ t v 2
1 2 þ is composed of 16 lumped inertia units and 15 massless
vn K spring elements. The torsional vibration model shown in
Figure 4 can be divided into several direct chain vibration
where vn 2 ¼ K II11þI
models, as shown in Figure 5.
4 N. Xiao et al.: Mechanics & Industry 21, 210 (2020)
No. Inertia Stiffness Out- In- Identified No. Inertia Stiffness Out- In- Identified
(kgm2) (MNm/rad) diameter diameter (kgm2) (MNm/rad) diameter diameter
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 0.0580 4.7900 – 0.0 Shock absorber 9 0.7800 – – 0.0 Flywheel
2 0.0200 2.0400 70.0 0.0 Sprocket 10 0.4570 0.0070 – 0.0 Elastic coupling
3 0.0410 1.3300 69.0 0.0 Cylinder 1# 11 0.1530 – 0 – Elastic coupling
4 0.0280 1.3300 69.0 0.0 Cylinder 2# 12 0.0472 1.500 90.0 85.0 Shaft
5 0.0400 1.3300 69.0 0.0 Cylinder 3# 13 0.0785 2.4600 90.0 85.0 Shaft
6 0.0400 1.3300 69.0 0.0 Cylinder 4# 14 0.0706 2.4400 50.0 0.0 Support shaft
7 0.0280 1.3300 69.0 0.0 Cylinder 5# 15 0.0500 3.7000 65.0 51.0 Shaft
8 0.0450 1.2100 69.0 0.0 Cylinder 6# 16 0.8640 – – – Pump wheel
Table 2. Free vibration natural frequency. and MATLAB software can be used to calculate
the natural frequency value of the system, as shown in
Wn/ Harmonic 1 2 3 4 Table 2.
The calculation method of the resonance speed nc is as
r/min 935.48 11358.29 14927.89 32080.21
Hz 15.60 189.39 248.91 534.90
nc ¼ ð12Þ
in Figure 4 can be obtained. where Ni is the natural frequency of the ith order, Hz. V is a
n o harmonic time. nc is the resonant speed, Hz.
½J f þ ½C f_ þ ½K ffg ¼ fT ðtÞg ð9Þ According to the above calculation method, the
resonant speed of the system can be obtained at various
harmonic times. In the operating speed range of diesel
where the damping matrix [C] can be divided into
engine (750 r/min–2200r/min), the first three order natural
[C] = [C0] + [C00]. [C0] is the external damping matrix, which
frequencies of the system may be consistent with the diesel
is consistent with the inertia matrix.[C00] is the internal
excitation frequency, which may lead to system resonance.
damping matrix, which is consistent with the stiffness
But the main harmonic rotational speed of the diesel engine
matrix. T(t) is the vector of the excitation torque. [J] is the
is about 311.8 r/min, which is outside the normal working
inertia matrix. [K] is the stiffness matrix.
speed of the diesel engine, and falls on the starting stage of
2 3 the diesel engine. The crane transmission system will have
J 1 0 ::: 0
6 0 J 2 ::: ::: 7 a large vibration noise in the start-up moment. The
½J ¼ 64 ::: ::: ⋅ 0 5
7 ð10Þ vibration noise may be caused by the resonance speed
falling in the start-up phase.
0 ::: 0 J n In order to verify the correctness of discrete model,
equivalent parameter and natural frequency value, modal
2 3 analysis of crane transmission system in Figure 3 is carried
K 1;2 K 1;2
6 K 1;2 K 1;2 þK 2;3 7 out by ANSYS-finite element analysis software. The
6 7 natural frequency value of torsional vibration is extracted
½K ¼ 6 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 7 7 by the vibration characteristics. The torsional vibration
4 K n2;n1 þK n1;n K n1;n 5 modal analysis results of cx-45-vfa-11 elastic coupling drive
K n1;n K n1;n system can be obtained by calculation. Due to space
ð11Þ limitation, this paper only gives the finite element
calculation results of the first two order natural frequency
According to equation (8) and the equivalent param- values of the transmission system, as shown in Figures 7
eters of transmission system, the system matrix method and 8.
6 N. Xiao et al.: Mechanics & Industry 21, 210 (2020)
Wn/ Harmonic 1 2 3
Finite element model (Hz) 14.91 181.35 237.71
Discrete model (Hz) 15.60 189.39 248.91
Error value 4.63% 4.43% 4.71%
No. Elastic coupling stiffness 3 harmonic resonance No. Elastic coupling 3 harmonic resonance
(N.m/rad) speed in first order stiffness (N.m/rad) speed in first order
(r/min) (r/min)
1 3000 209.03 10 21000 547.33
2 5000 269.54 11 23000 572.15
3 7000 318.56 12 25000 595.83
4 9000 360.8 13 29000 640.26
5 11000 398.33 14 33000 681.42
6 13000 432.63 15 35000 700.97
7 15000 464.18 16 39000 738.25
8 17000 493.59 17 40000 747.23
9 19000 521.22 18 41000 756.08
– When the diesel engine speed is less than 750 r/min, the In order to avoid abnormal noise or elastic coupling
crane transmission system is in start-up phase. When the damage in crane transmission system, the dynamic stiffness
diesel engine speed is 310 r/min, the torsional vibration of the selected coupling should minimize the strong
torque value of the elastic coupling is 0.50 kNm. Since the torsional resonance in the working speed (750 r/min–
vibration torque value of the system exceeds the 2100 r/min) range of the crane. According to the
allowable value, the crane transmission system will have established torsional vibration model and the equivalent
abnormal noise and even the elastic coupling will be parameters of the system shown in Table 1, the resonant
broken during the starting process. speed of the crane transmission system is calculated at
In the engineering practice, the elastic coupling (CX- 3 harmonics when the stiffness value of the elastic coupling
45-VFA-11) of the RT60 crane transmission system was is within 3000–41 000, as shown in Table 4.
found to have an abnormal ring or fracture during the start- According to the calculation results of Table 4 and the
up process. In order to solve the failure of the elastic working speed (750 r/min–2100 r/min) of the crane
coupling of the transmission system, the elastic coupling of transmission system, the dynamic stiffness of the selected
the transmission system is calculated and studied accord- high elastic coupling should be at 3000–41 000 Nm/rad. By
ing to the elastic coupling theory and the system discrete consulting the manufacturer’s flexible coupling selection
mathematical model. manual, the CX-45-VFA-60-11 type elastic coupling
The original motive of the RT60 crane transmission replaces CX-45-VFA-11 type elastic coupling in the
system is the QSB6.7 model diesel engine of Cummins RT60 crane transmission system.
company. The torque curve and power curve of the diesel
engine are shown in Figures 10 and 11. 4 Vibration test and analysis of the crane
As can be seen from Figures 10 and 11, when the diesel transmission system
engine speed is 2000 r/min, the maximum power is 201 kW.
When the speed is 1500 r/min, the maximum torque is 4.1 Test principle and measurement point
990 Nm. Therefore, considering the temperature influence arrangement
and working conditions of the high elastic couplings, the
rated torque of the selected high-elastic couplings should be This test only has two measuring points on the transmis-
no less than 1800 Nm. sion shaft system, as shown in Figure 12. One of the
8 N. Xiao et al.: Mechanics & Industry 21, 210 (2020)
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Cite this article as: N. Xiao, X. Xu, R. Zhou, Study on torsional vibration of RT60 crane transmission system, Mechanics &
Industry 21, 210 (2020)