Naval Postgraduate School: Monterey, California
Naval Postgraduate School: Monterey, California
Naval Postgraduate School: Monterey, California
Kyle D. Kobold
December 2017
11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and do not reflect the
official policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government. IRB Protocol number ____N/A____.
Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited. A
13. ABSTRACT (maximum 200 words)
This thesis builds upon existing research involving energy microgrid solutions and applies the
findings to isolated U.S. Navy locations, specifically, San Nicolas Island. This includes accurately building
power system models for U.S. Navy remote and disparate island facilities total power-system microgrids
and providing vital information for decision makers. Multifactor optimization and analysis conducted in
this thesis led to enhancement of the proposed models and can aid in development of efficient control
solutions. These solutions would allow the U.S. Navy to efficiently manage power systems at facilities
worldwide. Ultimately, these optimizations can lead to net-zero energy solutions. The experimental and
analytical methods presented in this thesis detail the technical simulations from the EnergyPLAN software
model. By implementing these plans, the models and approaches developed in this thesis can be applied to
other locations, as well.
Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.
Kyle D. Kobold
Lieutenant Commander, United States Navy
M.S., University of San Diego, 2010
B.S., University of Georgia, 2003
from the
Fotis A. Papoulias
Second Reader
Ronald E. Giachetti
Chair, Department of Systems Engineering
This thesis builds upon existing research involving energy microgrid solutions and
applies the findings to isolated U.S. Navy locations, specifically, San Nicolas Island. This
includes accurately building power system models for U.S. Navy remote and disparate
island facilities total power-system microgrids and providing vital information for
decision makers. Multifactor optimization and analysis conducted in this thesis led to
enhancement of the proposed models and can aid in development of efficient control
solutions. These solutions would allow the U.S. Navy to efficiently manage power
systems at facilities worldwide. Ultimately, these optimizations can lead to net-zero
energy solutions. The experimental and analytical methods presented in this thesis detail
the technical simulations from the EnergyPLAN software model. By implementing these
plans, the models and approaches developed in this thesis can be applied to other
locations, as well.
I. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................1
A. BACKGROUND AND PROBLEM STATEMENT ...............................1
B. PROPOSED SOLUTIONS .......................................................................4
C. RESEARCH QUESTIONS .......................................................................5
V. ANALYSIS ...........................................................................................................35
A. REFERENCE MODEL ...........................................................................35
B. OPTIMIZED MODEL ............................................................................37
C. NET-ZERO MODEL...............................................................................39
D. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS ....................................................................41
Figure 4. San Nicolas Island Topographical Map. Source: Google Maps (2017).
Figure 6. San Nicolas Island Energy Grid. Source: Anderson et al. (2017). ............22
Figure 7. San Nicolas Island OV-1. Adapted from Google Maps (2017). ................24
Figure 9. NREL Physical Solar Model (PSM) Data Download Options. Source:
NSRDB Data Viewer (2017). ....................................................................27
Figure 16. Sensitivity Analysis for Reference, Optimized, and Net-Zero Energy
Figure 17. MATLAB Code Used to Process SNI Energy Demand Data Files.
Source: Yakimenko (2017). .......................................................................51
PV photovoltaics
RE renewable energy
SE systems engineering
U.S. Navy personnel operate globally, employ ships across all oceans, and conduct
mission vital to national security on a daily basis. A major piece of successfully doing so
is relying on efficient and effective facilities that are capable of supporting the warfighter
at all times. Many of these locations are disparate and remote, often “islanded” from other
power grids, if not actual islands in the middle of vast oceans. To continually operate these
facilities, requires massive amounts of natural resources for reliable energy production.
Taking advantage of microgrid technology may greatly enhance the U.S. Navy’s energy
security, energy resilience, and overall mission accomplishment.
There are multiple tools that are used in this thesis to analyze microgrid technology
and the applicability to SNI. These include EnergyPLAN energy grid management
software, MATLAB, Microsoft Excel, multifactor optimizations, and analytical systems
level thinking and proposals. By comparing the EnergyPLAN results at the Samsø Island
in Denmark, Isle of Eigg in Scotland and also considering the success of renewable energy
at El Hierro in the Canary Islands, it may be possible to enable decision makers to create
the first 100% renewable energy (RE) military facility at SNI. According to Anderson and
Yakimenko (2017, 2), both Samsø and El Hierro are 100% RE, supporting 3,700 and
11,000 people, respectively. Also, there are many similarities between the Isle of Eigg and
SNI, to that point that what has been accomplished on the Isle of Eigg has a great
opportunity to be replicated at SNI. Land mass, max elevation, average temperatures,
average wind speed, and average rainfall are all very comparable.
This thesis adds to two previous National Renewable Energy Laboratory studies
(1996 and 2008) and a recent NAVFAC EXWC study in 2017 regarding energy
management on SNI. The energy opportunity at SNI is both unique and significant. It was
shown that the location, operations, and energy requirements of SNI provide a great
opportunity for the DOD to achieve a tremendous benefit as a first of its kind net-zero
facility at SNI. Figure 1 shows the net-zero model for SNI. Annual load is red, annual
generation for the diesel is black and for the wind turbines is blue, and the total energy
balance is green.
To my wife, Devon, and our 19-month-old daughter, Alexandria May, thank you
for your unwavering love and support during this time, which has allowed me to devote an
all-out effort to this thesis.
Microgrids are small-scale power systems located closer to the load than typically
found in conventional power plants. A traditional microgrid typically includes three core
components: hybrid generation, energy storage, and controls. All of these components
work together as a system solution to serve a nearby load, such as a wind turbine and a
storage battery. The key difference with green microgrids is that they leverage an
alternative energy source in the power generation phase. These sources can include wind
(on shore or off shore), solar, hydrodynamic, pumped hydrodynamic, river, wave,
compressed air energy storage (CAES), and a number of other emerging technologies.
The processes required of the U.S. Navy to procure, move, store, and utilize various
forms of energy are fraught with security vulnerabilities and massive costs. Simply put, the
U.S. Navy spends much human and monetary capital on supplying its ever-growing energy
demands and physical footprints around the world. This essential national security resource
is in need of optimization and simplification in the way that it is used by our military,
especially in isolated and disparate island facilities. As a specific example, energy usage
on San Nicolas Island (SNI) will be modeled and analyzed for optimization in this thesis.
The ability to secure the energy supply and decrease vulnerabilities is of high
interest and crucial in the ever-changing world. Threats from ill-intentioned actors are
continually increasing and costs due to manpower and transportation play a hefty role in
the bottom line. Traditionally, our government has to coordinate complex shipments of oil
and gas to the far reaches of the world where our military has a presence. These island
locales are responsible not only for their own needs for energy on island, but for the
resupply and support of our nation’s Navy when present.
(PESWG) and the Resilient Systems Working Group (RSWG). The INCOSE working
groups’ efforts are directly applicable to the proposals in this thesis regarding remote island
locations under control of the U.S. Navy. These critical locations can definitely benefit
from improvements and optimizations in the area of resilient power and energy systems.
According to INCOSE (2017), the PESWG seeks to organize experts from within
the ranks of INCOSE as well as other professionals in the energy sector of the economy to
facilitate a “systems approach” to the analysis and future development of effective energy
solutions. The purpose of the PESWG is to direct expertise and a “systems” focus to
support decision makers in the critical challenges of developing future energy systems.
This is directly applicable to the fields of energy and microgrids in terms of their
application to the U.S. Navy.
For the U.S. Navy, achieving an outlook similar to this for energy systems can lead
to several overall enhancements:
scalability as needed for other remote and isolated U.S. Navy installations
In his thesis regarding system of systems (SoS) life cycle security architecture and
design, Harley (2016) stated that with the increasing complexity of systems and the
attacker’s improving ability to conduct multiple unpredictable, non-linear, multi-domain
attacks, the ability of any system to survive and accomplish its designed objectives greatly
depends upon its security quality. Transitioning the U.S. Navy’s most remote and
vulnerable key locations to a more energy-secure posture can greatly enhance total fleet
readiness and reliability.
This thesis suggests the U.S. Navy can benefit from transitioning to advanced
energy system microgrid technology while maximizing use of renewable resources as an
energy supply. This is especially applicable and vital at the most isolated locations where
the mentioned risks to the system are inherently higher than in a more protected location
on the mainland in the continental United States.
The Department of the Navy (DON) needs to increase energy security to ensure
mission assurance of critical infrastructure primarily through microgrids at remote islanded
sites. This thesis intends to provide four contributions to the fields of systems engineering
and energy. The PESWG and RSWG may also benefit from the findings presented here.
Specifically, the following will be provided:
More importantly, the models, analyses, and optimizations presented herein can be
replicated at other U.S. Navy island locales. Appendix A details the step-by-step process
used here that can easily be applied at other installations. This thesis utilizes raw data
collected from installed equipment at SNI and analytical simulations run by EnergyPLAN
energy software.
and resiliency. Microgrids are small-scale power systems located closer to the load than
those typically found in conventional power plants. Some small-scale power systems,
specifically green microgrids, leverage an alternative energy source in the power
generation process.
Can the derived model lead to a more efficient total system energy balance
for San Nicolas Island and other U.S. Navy islands?
Can U.S. Navy bases become more energy self-sufficient to the point of
increasing energy security and resiliency?
The work presented in this thesis builds upon existing research and ongoing
analysis of microgrid solutions for island green energy supply and sustainability.
Experimental and analytical SE approaches were used to create an EnergyPLAN model for
SNI. Data was collected from the existing SNI energy grid and modeled in the
EnergyPLAN software to compare all existing energy aspects and optimize the results.
Technical simulations were also conducted and analyzed.
The Academic Associate Energy Academic Group seminars and the Office of
Naval Research (ONR) Energy Systems Technology Evaluation Program (ESTEP)
presentations were both utilized to the full extent possible to contribute to this thesis. Both
events were conducted on campus at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) in June and July
2017. Energy and academic research experts and professionals from across the country
presented a varying field of topics, many of which are applicable to the subject matter in
this thesis. Also, a site survey of SNI was performed in September 2017 with Naval
Facilities Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center (NAVFAC EXWC) personnel to
fully understand and capture the aspects of the existing energy infrastructure at SNI. This
greatly enhanced the energy model in EnergyPLAN.
This thesis is organized as follows. Chapter II introduces microgrids and tools for
their analysis, such as HOMER and EnergyPLAN. Chapter III describes the details of the
complete SNI energy system. Chapter IV contains the data collection process and modeling
efforts. Chapter V contains the modeling results, conclusions, and recommendations.
Microgrids are directly applicable to the U.S. Navy’s interest to optimize whole
system energy plants at isolated locations. Through doing so, the U.S. Navy can become
more energy secure, especially at remote and disparate island facilities. Utilizing optimized
green microgrids can also lead to energy system resiliency against threats and cost savings
from energy logistics and decreased manpower.
All of these components work together as a system solution to serve a nearby load.
Most microgrids are designed and installed to meet a specialized need not ideally served
by the utility company. Often this need is dictated by the remoteness and dislocation of the
load from a utility company such as a remote island or by loads that are deemed critical
infrastructure. For remote island communities, the microgrids have been used to provide
greater independence, reliability and sustainability from off-island power services. As a
result, these green microgrids have rather creative and complex designs.
Microgrid deployment relies on fast and real time control, adequate capacity and
robust communications. Modular, building level controls can alleviate information
assurance issues of information technology interconnections. Modular power control can
be sized to meet specific needs. With power storage, available renewables can be fully
utilized. With correctly sized, dispatchable generation, seamless grid to off-grid operation
for power resiliency is possible. Though ideal for mission critical facilities, adoption may
be slow. However, for mission essential facilities application of non-dispatchable power
sources can be utilized to form a microgrid and limit the dependency on backup generation.
These facilities can provide an intelligent, scalable, microgrid power system designed to
distribute, manage and control AC and DC power generated and consumed in a grid
connected or stand-alone environment.
For U.S. Navy installations, microgrids have been used and considered primarily
to serve critical infrastructure typically employed in remote locations to include SNI.
Military installations certainly have very specific energy needs that also vary slightly from
location to location. The U.S. Department of Energy classifies a microgrid as a complex
system, not so much for its characteristics of emergent behavior or nonlinear dynamics,
rather simply because of its use of advanced distributed energy resources components.
According to Sugiyama (2017), microgrids can include
energy storage and distributed generation (DG) within a small control area
variety of DG
Although there has been a steady push into architecting “smart microgrids” by
optimizing the entire system, this approach has not effectively leveraged complex systems
tools, such as agent-based modeling. However, for remote islands and U.S. Navy
installations the primary benefit is energy security and mission assurance, not economic
(Anderson and Yakimenko, 2017). A microgrid should be interconnected to the
installation’s grid as well as be considered interconnected as a networked system with other
systems. This leads to optimization of control systems to factor in the dynamics of weather,
utilities commodity pricing, and real-time loads.
The NREL hybrid optimization model for multiple energy resources (HOMER) has
been the gold standard for energy grid analysis and optimizations. It is used worldwide and
has been very successful. However, using EnergyPLAN to model microgrids, especially
green microgrids, has distinct advantages over HOMER in the following areas.
The user interface is designed as a series of tab sheets and stacked side
columns. Therefore, jumping between sections and inputting data is very
quick and easy. Also, there is online training available from the
EnergyPLAN website.
Renewable energy systems, such as wind energy, tend to fluctuate greatly
throughout any measured time period. Connolly (2015, 4) states that
EnergyPLAN considers the three primary sectors of an energy system to
be electricity, heat, and transport, integration of these fluctuating sectors
becomes more of an issue. This is even more pronounced when these
renewable sources come to achieve more penetration in the grid.
EnergyPLAN allows all of this to occur.
HOMER does not account for transients of equipment and can lead to the
output showing certain pieces of equipment, such as a diesel generating set
(genset), being switched on and off more often than may be realistic. This
can lead to errors in the outputs.
HOMER will always optimize for cost first, not the best technical
Fuel costs: purchasing, handling, and taxes for each fuel as well as
CO2 costs.
Investment costs: capital required, the lifetime of each unit, and the
interest rate on repayments.
Operation costs: the variable and fixed operation and maintenance
costs for each production unit.
Additional costs: any extra costs not already accounted for, such as
the cost of insulating houses for increased energy efficiency.
(2017, 28)
Figure 2 shows a typical energy system block diagram in EnergyPLAN. The overall
structure consists of demand, supply, balancing and storage, cost, simulation, and output.
The user input controls the demand, supply, balancing and storage, cost, and desired selection
of simulation options. Major components of the user inputs include renewable energy sources
and energy plant capacities. Outputs include energy balances, annual productions, fuel
consumption, and total costs. The advantages to using EnergyPLAN, when compared to
many other energy-planning tools, include the ability to add a plethora of renewable energy
options to the traditional energy grid. The result is a fully analyzed, both technical and
economic, hybrid microgrid for decision makers to choose the best course of action.
EnergyPLAN has already been used to simulate a 100% renewable energy system on Samsø
Island in Denmark. (Anderson and Yakimenko 2017, 4)
Through the path of his doctoral research, David Connolly (2015) of Aalborg
University created Finding and Inputting Data into EnergyPLAN (the FIDE Guide). As
the data collection process can be time consuming and difficult, the FIDE paper was relied
upon heavily to form the basis for my SNI data collection strategy. One contribution of this
thesis is the creation of a Finding and Inputting Data into EnergyPLAN for the U. S. Navy
(FIDE-USN) by using the original FIDE as a guide along with my research. This can be
found in Appendix A. While EnergyPLAN can be simple to use, the reference model
requires a focused effort to find and input the correct data. Once the set of reference data
is obtained, the model can be adjusted to account for any U.S. Navy system with varying
combinations of energy generation, loads, and storage.
This chapter describes in detail all aspects of the existing SNI energy system and
past energy system reviews conducted by the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL).
San Nicolas Island is one of the eight islands that comprise the California Channel
Islands, as shown in Figure 3. The others include Anacapa, San Clemente, Santa Barbara, Santa
Catalina, San Miguel, Santa Cruz, and Santa Rosa. The total land mass is approximately 54
square miles (14,500 acres) with the highest peak being 905 feet as shown in the topographical
map in Figure 4. Temperatures range from 56 F to 69 F with annual rainfall just over 7.9”
(Weather Underground 2017). Winds on SNI are from the northwest and strong most of the
year. The average wind speed is 7.2 m/s (14 knots) and only varies slightly throughout the year
(Weather Underground 2017). NREL (1996, 2) states that, during the windiest months, March
through July, wind speeds average 8.2 m/s (16 knots), whereas during the least windy months,
August through February, wind speeds average 6.2 m/s (12 knots). No freezing temperatures
have ever been recorded on SNI.
San Nicolas Island is the most remote and farthest from the California coast of the
group, 61 miles, and is solely used for U.S. Navy purposes. Figure 5 details the government
and military footprint and installations on the island.
San Nicolas Island is not served by a mainland utility company and the only
existing energy infrastructure and generation at SNI includes five diesel generators of
varying capacities and seven 100kW wind turbines. The diesel genset specifics are shown
in Table 1. They typically run at only 30% of nominal capacity, while they are most
efficient at 70% (Anderson et al. 2017). The wind turbines are all Northwind 100 kW
models and waste much of their capacity as heat in a load bank due to a lack of storage
capability on island.
Table 1. SNI Diesel Gensets.
Unit (year installed) Rated Capacity Type
diesel genset #1 (1990) 750 kW CAT 3512
diesel genset #2 (2002) 1250 kW Cummins QSK-45
diesel genset #3 (2002) 750 kW Cummins QST-30
diesel genset #4 (?) 900 kW Cummins QST-30
diesel genset #5 (1960) 1000 kW EMD 645
The diesel gensets use JP-5 fuel and produce the vast majority of the power for the
island. The fuel is barged in and pumped up from the beach to the airfield, then up to the
generating plant. As for the power plant infrastructure, the building was constructed in
1960 and expanded in 1990. The distribution panel was installed in 1988. The average load
ranges from 550 kW to 950 kW with a 150 kW to 200 kW peak over the average occurring
in the morning, noon and evening (Anderson et al. 2017, 1). The power factor is currently
0.7-0.75. Power is distributed around the island by 4160 V distribution system, much of it
underground. There are also 32 emergency back-up diesel generators on buildings and
range operations.
From both the NREL (1996 and 2008) studies, the Defense Energy Supply Center
(DESC) covers the cost to transport JP-5 fuel to SNI. As of October 1, 2017, the cost to
purchase JP-5 from DESC is $2.18/gallon (Roth 2017, 2). According to NREL (2008, 20),
barge shipments costs $40,000 each, are able to transport 250,000 gallons of JP-5 fuel, and
are run on average three and a half times per year. These barges must also be run alongside
a standby ship, which costs $15,000 per barge trip.
The SNI transportation fleet is comprised of trucks, vans, and a bus. All vehicles
on the island operate on either gasoline or JP-5. According to NREL (2008, 21), the annual
gasoline demand on the island is 32,000 gallons. This is shipped on a different vessel than
the JP-5 fuel. Regular unleaded gas costs $2.10/gallon to purchase from DESC (Roth 2017,
2), and costs an additional $1.50/gallon to transport to the island. This shipment cost is not
covered by DESC.
Figure 3. California Channel Islands. Source: Google Maps (2017).
Figure 5. Official U.S. Navy SNI Infrastructure Map. Source: NAVFAC EXWC, Port Hueneme, CA. (2017).
B. 1996–2017 STUDIES
In 1996, NREL conducted the first of two energy studies regarding energy usage at
SNI. This first study was designed to determine if wind energy could be used to decrease
overall energy costs on the island. The goal was to institute a wind-diesel hybrid system.
At the time, the major energy cost drivers on SNI were capital and installation costs, diesel
fuel costs, and diesel operating and maintenance costs. Due to the generally favorable
environmental conditions to use wind energy at SNI, this goal had a solid chance of success
to deliver the proper amount of energy and to be cost effective. Any excess generation
would not be wasted but could instead be used for reverse osmosis (RO) units, water
heating, or space heating. The major hurdle to the excess energy utilization was the lack of
an existing storage capability in 1996. As a result of the study, other, more detailed,
analyses were recommended. Specifically, dynamic load management was recommended
using load and wind data at shorter intervals than the 1-hour average used in the study (less
than or equal to two minutes recommended).
The 1996 proposed solution, stated by Olsen and McKenna (1996, 22) included a
hybrid system of diesel and wind.
Between one and four commercially available wind turbines (each with a
capacity of 225 kW) would be combined with the existing 3500 kW diesel
generation capacity. Of note, SNI would later add additional diesel genset
capacity to 4650 kW, which is where it currently stands. With a demand
peak of 1230 kW, no more than 1500 kW of diesel is on line at any time.
Therefore, wind penetration of on-line capacity with four wind turbines is
900/1500 = 60%. Based on instantaneous power, wind penetration can
range from 0% when there is no wind to 250% when peak wind power of
900 kW is combined with a minimum load of 360 kW.
Power storage, photovoltaic generation, dump load, and advanced load
management were not included in the 1996 analysis.
The wind and diesel hybrid system produces favorable energy and economic
results. The Olsen and McKenna (1996, 27) NREL report concludes, “the hybrid case using
four 225 kW wind turbines is $0.338/kWh versus $0.358/kWh for the baseline case. This
would create a savings of 5.6%. The payback period is 6.97 years, the internal rate of return
of 13.1%”.
Still interested in how renewable energy may enhance the Department of Defense
(DOD) mission, Alicen Kandt and Andy Walker of NREL (2008) developed the method
used in this study to calculate a hybrid energy system aimed at minimizing life cycle costs.
This renewable assessment and optimization was done to support this determination and to
lay a foundation for the planning of a future “Net Zero Energy Installation.” The DOD
funded this study to provide: “(1) a plan outline for transitioning Navy Outlying Landing
Field SNI into a renewable community; and, (2) a current energy, water and waste baseline
of SNI” (NREL 2008, 6). To take the 1996 study a few steps further, the team collected
data for a baseline of energy, water, and waste.
meet the balance of energy needs from sources of energy that do not
produce greenhouse gases
Proving that a net-zero facility is possible at SNI is one of the main goals of this
thesis. Additionally, according to NREL (2008, 7),
an optimization analysis was done to determine the combination of
renewable energy technologies that could replace the use of JP-5 fuel to heat
and power the stationary loads at San Nicolas Island, first with batteries and
then without batteries. The technologies evaluated include photovoltaics,
wind power, solar ventilation air preheating, solar water heating, solar
thermal steam and solar thermal electric, biomass thermal steam and
biomass electric, and daylighting. Results indicate that solar water heating,
solar ventilation air preheating and daylighting can be integrated directly
into buildings to reduce both electric and heating use. The remaining
electrical requirements can be reduced by wind power connected to the
central plant. Remaining heat uses at some buildings would continue to be
supplied by oil since there is no renewable energy technology considered
that can serve those loads. However, this remaining load could easily be
served by bio-diesel purchased and delivered in the same way that JP-5 is
currently delivered. Also, these oil-fired loads could be converted to
electricity which could be provided by renewables, although this would not
reduce life cycle cost under current conditions.
As recently as earlier this year, the SNI microgrid was modelled using HOMER
simulation software. According to Anderson et al. (2017, 1),
This study concluded that there were two worthy configurations that deserved
further analysis. First is the solar with battery storage option. Second, and the most efficient
net-zero solution, is the solar with fuel cell configuration (Anderson et al. 2017, 10).
Based upon the results and conclusions of the 1996 and 2008 NREL studies, as well
as the 2017 NAVFAC EXWC HOMER study of SNI, the following EnergyPLAN models
were created and run to serve as a comparison for further analysis:
Reference (current SNI configuration) model: This model serves as the SNI
reference model, to which all below models will be compared. The SNI EnergyPLAN
reference model shows the island’s energy microgrid as it is currently established on site.
The diesel gensets carry the vast majority of the total island load and operate at very
inefficient frequencies due to the constant nature of cycling them up and down. As shown
in the reference model section of Appendix B, the island’s daily load remains fairly
constant throughout the year, averaging about 500 kW daily. One glance at the production
graphs reveals that there is a great opportunity not only to decrease diesel genset
production, but also to capture, store, and use wind turbine energy production on demand.
Thus, a better model must be possible.
The nominal SNI energy microgrid is depicted in Figure 6. The five diesel gensets
and seven wind turbines can be seen, connected with switchgear.
Figure 6. San Nicolas Island Energy Grid. Source: Anderson et al. (2017).
Optimized model. This model adds a storage battery to the base model, decreases
the contribution of the diesel gensets to the SNI energy grid, and increases the RE
Net-Zero model. This model adds solar PV and a storage battery to the base model
and shows that SNI can become a 100% RE U.S. Navy installation.
This chapter describes the data collection process, the preprocessing that was
required for the data, and the energy system modeling efforts.
Scott (2016, 4) states that insight is the goal of Law #3 in the “9 Laws of Effective
Systems Engineering.” Through the data obtained from SNI, many insights can be formed
about energy usage and opportunities for improvement on the island. Good information
feeding a good process leads to insight, and insight leads to better choices. Otherwise,
“garbage in yields garbage out.” This is the one of the powers of applying systems
engineering principles to complex systems. Models allow us to capture and communicate
our understanding unambiguously. According to Scott, “models enable us to coherently
reason about the problem and the solution in a way that is not possible in the abstract”
(2016, 4). The applicability of this research to the field of systems engineering is in the
research and solutions to power systems for mission assurance of critical infrastructure.
This is accomplished by expanding the system boundary to best ensure SE tools create
more value through greater efficiency, resiliency, and mission assurance.
Other classic SE process elements that are presented in this thesis include an
operational concept, an effective need, system boundaries, an input-output model, a
functional architecture design, a physical architecture design, and systems analysis
methodology. Figure 7 depicts the SNI energy ecosystem in a high-level operational
concept graphic, or an OV-1.
Figure 7. San Nicolas Island OV-1. Adapted from Google Maps (2017).
As shown, SNI currently receives energy from five diesel gensets and seven 100kW
Northwind wind turbines. Most realistic short-term energy solutions, including those plans
that can result in a net-zero energy solution on the island, add in solar photovoltaics (PV)
and storage batteries. Small island usage of storage batteries has already proven to be
successful with Tesla’s venture to American Samoa (Science Alert 2016).
In terms of data collection, three sets of data were obtained to create the SNI
reference model. These sets include diesel generator production (island demand), wind
turbine production, and solar PV. The solar PV data was needed in order to analyze
enhanced models, so direct normal solar irradiance (DNI) data was obtained. Monetary
data, such as investments, operations, fuel, and maintenance costs were estimated based on
the three previous reports conducted on SNI discussed in Chapter III. LCDR Kyle Kobold
and Professor Oleg Yakimenko of the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) visited NAVFAC
EXWC in Port Hueneme, CA on September 6, 2017. They were accompanied on the site
visit by Bill Anderson of NAVFAC EXWC. During the visit, they surveyed the facilities
and downloaded actual island demand data from a standalone computer that has access to
the energy system on the island.
1. Diesel Gensets
The three sets of annual SNI demand data were downloaded and exported to a text
file for processing. MATLAB code was written to filter out every hourly data point from
the three files. Since EnergyPLAN requires 8784 data points for the distribution files that
are called in the software, the data processing was a vital step to the creation of the model.
Data preprocessing includes:
Raw data was obtained from the storage medium of the desired energy
source. Diesel generator demand data was collected on site at Port
Hueneme at NAVFAC EXWC. Wind turbine data was obtained on SNI.
Solar PV data was downloaded from NREL. Existing energy capacities
were obtained from past NREL reports.
Diesel generator demand data required the most effort to process. Three
separate files, containing 10-minute data for a year were obtained at
NAVFAC EXWC. In order to feed EnergyPLAN the required distribution,
this data needed to be filter to hourly data for a year, or 8784 data points.
MATLAB code was written to extract the data points in this manner. A
sample of the MATLAB code is provided in Appendix A.
Wind data did not require as much work as it arrived in larger time
intervals and was filtered to hourly data using MS Excel.
Solar PV data was simply downloaded from NREL and average direct
normal irradiance. From there, the sunrise and sunset times were
calculated and used to arrive at an average hourly value for solar PV
capability at SNI. Since SNI currently does not have solar PV installed,
this is an estimated value.
Obtaining raw data and converting it into usable data for EnergyPLAN can require
a considerable amount of effort. Preprocessing of the data is a vital step in the process
though if realistic results are desired.
2. Wind
Wind data was provided by Nicolas DeMarco, one of the authors of the NAVFAC
EXWC HOMER study that was recently conducted on SNI. This data must be acquired on
island, as there is no way to access it remotely. Weather prohibited a trip to the island for
the purposes of this thesis. For accuracy, this data was compared to downloadable wind
speed data from a couple websites – NREL and Weather Underground. As with the diesel
generator data, 8784 data points that represent a full year of hourly data were obtained.
This also required filtering due to arriving as 10-minute wind speed data. The index
method, described in Appendix A, was used to create this distribution file for
EnergyPLAN. That is, the fastest recorded wind speed was set to one, and the rest of the
data points were referenced from there.
3. Solar
Solar PV data was obtained from the NREL Geospatial Data Science website. Once
on the site, one can either select or query a specific data point from the graph, shown in
Figure 8. Or, one can download data by filling in the requested information as shown in
Figure 9 in the Download Wizard. This provides National Solar Radiation Database
(NSRDB) information.
Figure 8. Direct Normal Irradiance Graph. Source: NSRDB Data Viewer
According to NREL (2017), this data provides monthly average and annual average
daily total solar resource averaged over surface cells of 0.038 degrees in both latitude and
longitude, or nominally 4 km in size. The solar radiation values represent the resource
available to solar energy systems. The data was created using cloud properties which are
generated using multiple NREL proprietary models. The data are averaged from hourly
model output over 17 years (1998-2014).
4. Cost
Information regarding the cost inputs proved difficult to obtain but was found
scattered throughout the three previous detailed reports regarding SNI’s energy system.
For the energy prices used in the multifactor MS Excel optimization model, the Roth (2017,
2) OSD Memo was referenced.
Since EnergyPLAN requires user inputs to derive the output, it is vital to feed
EnergyPLAN accurate information. Otherwise, the output will be worthless. So, the first
step to creating the most accurate SNI output model as possible is to derive the actual
required numbers of the different types of energy sources on the island. This was
accomplished with MS Excel.
MS Excel optimizations were used to arrive at the specific numbers used in the
optimized and net-zero models found in Chapter V. The optimization of the microgrid
components relied on a formulation that is multi-objective, mixed-integer, and nonlinear.
The feasibility of the recommended configurations was established through constraints
governing the requirements for the load and the capabilities of both the generation, storage
and overall SNI energy system. There are two objective functions that maximize
penetration of renewables onto grid and minimize overall costs. Figure 10 shows the SNI
energy architecture as currently installed while Figure 11 shows an example of an enhanced
model with solar PV and a storage battery. This architecture could serve as the net-zero
solution as long as the diesel gensets are maintained off the grid unless needed for an
emergency situation.
Figure 10. Current SNI Energy Structure.
Figure 11. Optimized and Net-Zero SNI Energy Structure.
Figure 12 represents a user interface for the MS Excel optimization. In this model,
black numbers are user defined, green displays MS Excel Solver calculated solutions, and
red are the constraints. Segment 1 represents the SNI energy sources in the rows and SNI
load locations in the columns. The actual distances between them are estimated from the
infrastructure map shown in Figure 5. Segment 2 represents potential capacities of the
current and proposed energy sources on SNI. Segment 3 provides the estimates of the total
cost (such as investment, operation, maintenance) required to deliver energy to the loads.
This requires calculations based on generation source, distance from the load, efficiencies,
losses, and more. While the exact numbers are not known, this study used a simple
approach to estimate them. This approach was based on a simple relationship (Duke, 2017):
relating the resistance R (in ohms), resistivity𝜌 is (in ohms*m), the distance
between the source and the load L (in meters), and the cross-sectional area of the
transmission wire A (in 𝑚2 ).
Obviously, the greater the distance of the load from the energy generation source,
the greater the resistivity. The greater the resistivity, the greater the losses in the
transmission from source to load. The greater the losses from source to load, the more it
costs to deliver a unit of energy. Assuming 𝜌𝐴−1 is constant, the cost is therefore inversely
proportional to the distance, i.e. 𝐶 ~ . Segment 4 shows the maximum number available
To operate the developed model, the user needs to select the MS Excel Data tab,
then the Solver button. The blue objective function, “total cost,” is minimized by changing
the green variable cells. Constraints include the red “actual” cells being greater than or
equal to the black “req” cells and the red “Solution sums” cells being less than or equal to
the black “current” “optimized,” or “net-zero” cells on a case by case basis. That is, the
model must be run three times to solve each current, optimized, and net-zero case by
changing the constraint as appropriate in Solver to match the model being run. In this case,
the model was run three times for the three different configurations and Figure 12 displays
the results from the net-zero model. More can be added as desired. Ensure that the box for
“Make Unconstrained Variables Non-Negative” is checked and that the “Solving Method
as Simplex EP” is chosen.
Running the model three times, once for each configuration (current, optimized,
and net-zero), produces the results shown at the bottom of Figure 12. The numbers of
required energy sources, total cost, and % RE are displayed. It should be noted that the
terms “current” and “reference” are used interchangeably in terms of these models and in
EnergyPLAN. In terms of capacities, wind turbines are 100 kW each, solar PV is 1 MW
each, and batteries are 250 kWh each.
As shown, the net-zero model yields the lowest relative cost as compared to the
current and optimized configurations. This calculation does not reflect the investment cost
to achieve a net-zero status. That will need to be considered based on the needs of the
facility and then a break-even point can be calculated. The main cost driver in the current
and optimized configurations is the use of the diesel gensets. This is the reason for the cost
increase for the optimized model as compared to the reference model. Here, both the
traditional diesel genset source and the RE sources are being used, but not to optimal
efficiency, thus the cost is increased. It is important to note that the loads on SNI can be
fully carried in all three models. The choice for which model to employ will be up to the
decision maker based on a number of factors, most importantly being the budget for
Next, EnergyPLAN was used to take the MS Excel optimized outputs for each
model and derive total system, annual energy balances for each configuration as shown in
Table 2. That is, the results for each model from Figure 12 were used as direct inputs into
EnergyPLAN as the number of each source of energy. The results of these configurations
are shown graphically in Chapter V. Again, all three configurations meet the current SNI
demand. Also, all five diesel gensets are not required in any of the models to meet the SNI
demand. This correlates with the manner in which the diesel gensets are currently operated
on the island, which also happens to not be the most efficient method.
A few assumptions for these models include:
At any given time, power available from generated and stored energy
sources must meet or exceed total SNI demand.
Excess power generated will be converted to stored energy via lithium ion
batteries in the optimized and net-zero configurations.
Given a mix of generators and storage capacity, the goal of the EnergyPLAN
simulation and optimization is to minimize fuel consumption by managing the mix of
generators running at a particular time and by managing the batteries charging and
discharging times.
If the data is more than hourly, some type of filtering will be required in order to
meet the 8784 points required by EnergyPLAN. MATLAB is the best solution for this
processing. Another option, but much more labor intensive, is using MS Excel. If
MATLAB is the method of choice, this will also afford the opportunity to be able to run
certain optimizations later in the analysis by using the MATLAB wrapper for
EnergyPLAN. This was designed by Pedro J. Cabrerra of the University of Las Palmas de
Gran Canaria and can be used to call EnergyPLAN directly from MATLAB. This is a
powerful extension of an already capable energy analysis software package and is free to
download from the EnergyPLAN website.
If annual data is unable to be obtained or there are fewer than the required 8784
data points, the data that is on hand can simply be replicated with knowing some amount
of error and uncertainty has been introduced. While this is not ideal and will lead to a less
than an optimal solution, it will provide a solid starting point to assess the energy situation
and way forward.
This chapter presents the analyses of the SNI reference, optimized, and net-zero
models as well as an energy source sensitivity analysis.
Due to the heavy reliance on diesel gensets, this is the least efficient and most costly
of the three models under analysis in this thesis. As shown in Figure 13b, production
(shown in yellow) far exceeds demand (shown in red in Figure 13a) and much opportunity
to send energy to storage is lost. As shown in Figure 6 of Chapter III, much of this
production is simply directed to a dump load due to no storage capability at SNI. Yellow,
labeled PP+ (power plant), represents the diesel gensets and the dark blue, labeled RES12
(renewable energy source), represents wind turbine production. Data points were collected
from August to July; therefore, the wind production appears to peak midyear, but that is
actually the winter months that fall in the middle of the data collection period. These are
the windiest months at SNI and yield the most productive results for the wind turbines. The
lost opportunity is shown in Figure 13c. The goals for the subsequent models will be to
find a more optimal solution for the total SNI energy balance and attempt to achieve a net-
zero solution. As noted before, it should be noted that all of the other colors are not editable
and are built into the EnergyPLAN software. These are default EnergyPLAN assignments
and cannot be changed by the user.
This model is not the recommended solution for SNI energy needs, but is shown as
a step between the current SNI configuration and the possibility of a net-zero solution on
the island. Other forms of RE can be explored here as well, such as wave power,
compressed air energy storage, hydrogen fuel cells.
See Appendix A for a step-by-step guide on how to enter data in EnergyPLAN and
achieve these and the other output graphs.
Again, from Figure 12 and Table 2 in Chapter IV, the net-zero model represents
SNI with 2 MW of solar PV, 900 kW of wind turbines (a 200 kW increase over the
currently installed wind capacity), and a 500-kWh Tesla storage battery. Nine 100 kW
wind turbines, 2MW of solar PV, 500 kWh Tesla storage battery, and zero diesel gensets
is the full solution to a net-zero SNI. The average daily SNI demand (~525 kW) is again
shown in red in Figure 15a for analysis. As shown, this model is fully capable of meeting
the average daily demand with excess to account for any surge demand times. Figure 15b
shows the RE generation exceeding the demand in Figure 15a at many times throughout
the year. Where there is excess production, this is sent to battery storage and subsequently
used when the production falls below demand. The yellow PP+ portion of the plot is
maintained for comparison purposes only.
Figure 15c shows the SNI total energy balance achieving a net-zero solution,
several times throughout the year. If the storage battery was preloaded with a decent charge,
this solution would have been achieved even sooner. This SNI model is also able to increase
the stabilization of the grid due to the large percentage of RE share. The exact numbers of
installed components can be increased or decreased with the MS Excel optimization tool
in order to allow for more or less overshoot to properly balance the grid and the storage
battery. Or, perhaps, the excess can somehow be exported as a source of revenue.
This section completes the discussion with a sensitivity analysis of the three
proposed energy models. Since some months afford more of an opportunity to harvest more
RE production than others, it is appropriate to consider the effects of not fully employing
all of the proposed configurations from the MS Excel optimization. The winter months
tend to be the windiest at SNI and will therefore be more reliable for wind turbine
employment. As for solar PV, and not considering cloud cover, the island is nearly
completely treeless and should be an optimal spot for year-round solar irradiance.
As seen from Figure 16a, representing the reference model, the diesel gensets
comprise the majority of the energy production capacity. While SNI has five diesel gensets
(Table 1), only two of them are in operation at any given time. Therefore, losing one diesel
genset would account for a 30% drop in SNI power supply. This would be a drastic
situation for the island and the energy needs would be severely impacted. For comparison,
losing a single wind turbine accounts for only a 5.9% drop in supply. Hence, not all of the
reference model is flawed, it is just not robust enough to account for a loss of a diesel
As seen from Figure 16b, for the optimized model, the diesel gensets and the wind
turbines are nearly identical in share of supply at 42% and 42.7% respectively. Here, losing
a diesel geneset is even more drastic due to the MS Excel optimization only allowing one
diesel genset to operate on the grid at a time. Losing a single wind turbine though is still
only a 5.9% drop in supply. Solar PV carries 12.2% and the storage battery shows a 3.1%
share. The diesel genset is still vital to SNI energy needs in this model.
Finally, for the net-zero model, shown in Figure 16c, the diesel gensets are
completely removed from the grid and the wind turbines are now carrying 73.7% of the
load. Since there are now nine wind turbines, losing a single turbine accounts for an 8.2%
drop in supply. This could be significant in the summer months which typically feature
weaker winds. Solar PV carries 10.5% and the storage battery shows a 2.6% share.
Additional solar PV or battery storage can be considered to lessen the potential impact of
a loss of multiple wind turbines in the summer months.
Reference Model
Power Supply %
Wind Turbines
Diesel Gensets
0 2 4 6 8
Number of Sources
Optimized Model
Power Supply %
30% Wind Turbines
20% Diesel Gensets
Solar PV
0 2 4 6 8 Battery
Number of Sources
Net-Zero Model
Power Supply %
40.0% Series1
20.0% Solar PV
0.0% Battery
0 2 4 6 8 10
Number of Sources
Figure 16. Sensitivity Analysis for Reference, Optimized, and Net-Zero Energy
varying technical simulations and analysis of the SNI total energy balance,
It was shown that the location, operations, and energy requirements of SNI provide
a unique opportunity for the DOD to achieve a tremendous benefit as a first of its kind net-
zero facility. The current day-to-day costs associated with maintaining SNI are measurably
higher than similarly sized facilities in the continental United States. All fuel and food are
transported to the island, and waste is transported off the island. This supply chain also
results in an island community that is very vulnerable to supply interruptions and is
completely dependent on outside supplies for survival. The baseline use of resources and
strategies for reducing energy use and providing energy from on-site renewable energy
systems have been described. Findings indicate that not only could on-site systems provide
much of the island requirements, but also that it may be cost effective to do so. It would be
possible to make the island self-sufficient, or nearly so, in terms of energy use.
The opportunity at SNI is both unique and significant. The realization of energy
security and resilience is enormous for the U.S. Navy and SNI provides that opportunity.
One of the main goals of this thesis was to show and demonstrate that a military installation
can be 100% RE. From there, it is possible to scale and adjust the solution to other sites, as
appropriate. If a 100% RE solution is achieved at SNI, it would be the first know instance
in the DOD. As mentioned in Anderson and Yakimenko (2017, 2), other notable global
locations with high levels of RE include El Hierro in the Canary Islands (Spain) at 100%
penetration with 10,000 people on the island. Isle of Eigg (Scotland) at 94% penetration
with 94 total people on the island. And, Samsø (Denmark) at 100% penetration with an
estimated 3,000 to 4,000 inhabitants.
The modeling and analysis efforts allowed the four key research questions to be
addressed as presented in Table 3.
Can the derived model lead to a more Yes, the proposed models can lead to a
efficient total system energy balance for more efficient and potentially net-zero
San Nicolas Island and other U.S. Navy U.S. Navy installation at SNI. This would
islands? be a first for the DOD.
Can multifactor optimizations enhance the Yes, but more work is needed to further
proposed models and lead to enhanced refine the optimizations.
control solutions for the power system
Can U.S. Navy bases become more energy Yes, if a facility is able to achieve a net-
self-sufficient to the point of increasing zero situation.
energy security and resiliency?
The goal for future work is to optimize microgrids for remote islands even further
by using complex systems tools. EnergyPLAN, MATLAB, Solver and Agent Based
Modelling (either through NetLogo or MATLAB) and applying these tools to isolated U.S.
Navy locations could be a discrete tool and valuable to the DOD. Through modeling
facilities with these tools, synthesizing the results, and then revising the control system
solution in MATLAB, a greater efficiency can be gained approaching a 100% RE solution.
The following areas offer opportunities for further research in the important field
of U.S. Navy energy microgrids:
Apply the analysis presented in this thesis to the following U.S. Navy
locations: Diego Garcia, Guantanamo Bay, San Clemente, Camp
Lemonnier (Djibouti).
The goal of the FIDE-USN is to assist others working on green energy solutions for
U.S. Navy installations on the processes required to maximize the EnergyPLAN software
model. I hope that my lessons learned in modeling SNI will help others more efficiently
find the correct data and enter it efficiently into EnergyPLAN. This appendix will assist in
the creation of a reference model for any U.S. Navy facility’s energy system from which it
can then be compared to alternatives by adding in renewable green energy solutions to the
model. While EnergyPLAN is fully capable of complex energy system modeling solutions,
the steps below outline the basic required steps to construct a reference model.
2. Download and install the EnergyPLAN software. This only works on a PC. If
you are working on a Mac, you will need to download and install some form of virtual
machine. I recommend VMware Fusion.
3. Acquire the following technical data regarding the specific site or facility:
Note: The following data collection steps may require local data collection or, if
available, downloading data from a remote networked computer. You will need 8784 data
points to build the reference diesel genset data file for EnergyPLAN. This, as with wind
and solar data, is equivalent to hourly data for a year. If you have less data than this, you
may need to simply replicate the data to meet the 8784 data point requirement. Work with
what data is available but strive for 8784 unique data points in order to construct the most
accurate model.
5. Find the installed supply capacities (MW) of all supply sources at the site.
Transportation (vehicles)
Export this data to MS Excel. This may require select all, copy, and paste.
Diesel Genset distribution: Enter the 8784 data point distribution in the
line next to the Electricity demand box by selecting the “Change
distribution” button.
9. Run the reference model by going to the Output Tab and then selecting Graphics.
Use the embedded page buttons to achieve your desired graphical result.
10. Select the Run (Screen) button from the navigation bar to acquire the numerical
11. Start adding in proposed RE energy sources and analyzing how your model
changes in terms of both technical outputs and economic outputs. If unable to accurately
determine the correct number of RE sources to add to the model, consider using the MS
Excel Optimization techniques presented in Chapter IV.
1. It is vital to save all distribution files as Windows Formatted Text (.txt). This is
the file type required for EnergyPLAN. The distribution is inputted as a text file and stored
in the “Distributions” folder of EnergyPLAN.
2. Specifically for the annual distributions files that contain 8784 data points,
Connolly (2017, 5) states in the FIDE Guide:
Figure 17. MATLAB Code Used to Process SNI Energy Demand Data Files.
Source: Yakimenko (2017).
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