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Section : Boys’/Girls’ Date : 25-03-2020
Class & Div. : XII (All Divisions) Subject: CHEMISTRY
Lesson / Topic: Lesson 7 ( THE P BLOCK ELEMENTS- GROUP 16)
General properties :
1. Group 16 elements are called as chalcogens .Why?
2. Why is dioxygen a gas but sulphur a solid?
3. Oxygen exists as diatomic gas (O2), sulphur as polyatomic solid (S8).
4. Elements of group 16 generally show lower value of first ionization enthalpy compared to the
corresponding elements of group 15 Why?
5. There is large difference between the melting and boiling points of oxygen and sulphur.
6. Give reasons for the “Oxygen has less electron gain enthalpy with negative sign than sulphur.”
7. Arrange the following group of substances in the order of the property indicated against the
group :
O, S, Se, Te – increasing order of electron gain
8. Give reason for the “ Oxygen shows catenation behaviour less than sulphur.”
9. Give reason for the anomalous behaviour of oxygen in group 16 elements.
Chemical Reactivity :
10. Account for the following
a) The stability of +6 oxidation state decreases and that of +4 state increases down the
b) The tendency to exhibit –2 oxidation state decreases down the group
c) oxygen shows only –2 oxidation state except in ( OF 2 ). Other elements of the group
exhibit + 2, + 4, + 6 oxidation states.
d) SF6 is known, SH6 is not known.
e) SCl6 is not known, but SF6 is known
f) S forms SF6 but On cannot form OF6.
g) The compounds of F with O are called fluorides of oxygen and not the oxides of fluorine.
(or) OF2 should be called oxygen fluoride and not fluorine oxide
h) Shape of SF6 is octahedral and SF4 is see saw
i) OF6 compound is not know
j) SF4 is easily hydrolysed whereas SF6 is not easily hydrolysed.
k) SF6 is kinetically an inert substance

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Group 16 Elements
11. List the hydrides of group 16 elements ,Answer the following with giving reasons
a) Hydride with more acidic
b) Hydride with more reducing nature
c) Hydride with more thermally stable
d) Hydride with more bond angle
12. Account for the following
a) H2O has high b.pt. than H2S and then the b.pt.increases down the group[ from H2S to H2Te
b) H2O is liquid and H2S a gas
c) In spite of nearly the same electro negativity, O forms H-bonding while Cl does not.
d) Thermal stability decreases from H2O to H2Te  [H2O > H2S > H2Se > H2Te]
e) Reducing character increases from H2O to H2Te  [H2O < H2S < H2Se < H2Te]
f) Acidic character increases from H2O to H2Te  [H2O < H2S < H2Se < H2Te]
g) H2S is less acidic than H2Te.
h) Bond angle decreases from H2O to H2Te  [H2O > H2S > H2Se > H2Te]
i) Reducing nature of SO2 SeO2 TeO2 decreases
j) SO2 is reducing while TeO2 is an oxidising agent.
13. Draw the shapes of SO2 , SF4, SF6
14. Complete the reaction 2 Se2Cl2 
15. Justify the following
a) SO2 and SO3 are acidic oxide
b) Al2O3 is amphoteric oxide
c) CO, NO are neutral oxides
16. oxygen shows paramagnetic nature .Give reason
17. Knowing the electron gain enthalpy values for O O– and O2– as –141 and 702 kJ mol–1
respectively, how can you account for the formation of a large number of oxides having O2–
species and not O–?
18. Which of the following does not react with oxygen directly? Zn, Ti, Pt, Fe
19. Classify following oxides into acidic, basic, amphoteric and neural oxides
Mn2O7, CrO3,MgO, SO2, Cl2O7, : CO, NO and N2O, Al2O3 
20. Oxygen can be produced by following methods .Write the chemical equations
a) Thermal decomposition of potassium chlorate
b) Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in presence of MnO2
21. Complete the reaction
a) KClO3 
b) 4Al + 3O2 →
c) P4 + 5O2 →
1) Write a chemical reaction for the preparation of chlorine from HCl by decon process or
HCl + O2  
F 061, Rev 01, dtd 10th March 2020
Group 16 Elements
1) Draw the resonating structures of ozone and explain the reason for same O-O bond length
2) Dry stream of oxygen is passed through a silent electrical discharge to give ozone. Write the
chemical equation
3) Ozone is thermodynamically unstable. Why?
4) Why does O3 act as a powerful oxidising agent?
5) How is O3 estimated quantitatively?
6) Which aerosols deplete ozone?
7) Give Reasons for ozone layer depletion
8) Write a chemical reaction when ozone is reacted with PbS and KI OR Complete the following
a) PbS +O3 
b) I -+ H2O + O3 

1) Which form of sulphur shows paramagnetic behaviour ?Why ?
2) Draw the structures of S6 and S8
3) Which allotrope of suplur is stable at room temperature ?
4) What is transition temperature ? which form of sulphur stable above this temperature ?

Sulphur di oxide
1. Comment on the nature of two S–O bonds formed in SO 2 molecule. Are the two S–O bonds in this
molecule equal? Why?
2. How is the presence of SO2 detected?
3. SO2 pollutant. Explain
4. SO3 2-+ 2H+ →
5. Write the chemical reactions for the following
a) SO2 passed in to water
b) SO2 passed in to NaOH solution forms A, further when excess of SO2 passed froms B.
c) SO2 reacted with chlorine

6. What happens when sulphur dioxide is passed through an aqueous solution of Fe(III) salt?What is
the role of sulphur dioxide in the reaction ?
7. What happens when sulphur dioxide is passed through an aqueous solution of KMnO 4?What is the
role of sulphur dioxide in the reaction
8. Complete the following
a) 2Fe3+ + SO2 + 2H2O →
b) 5SO2+ 2MnO4 + 2H2O →

1) Write the reactions involved in Manufacturing oH2SO4  by Contact Process (or) Write the
conditions to maximise the yield of H2SO4 byContact process.
2) Draw the structures of
a) Sulphuric acid
b) sulphurus acid 
c) Peroxo di sulphuric acid
d) Pyro sulphuric acid (oleum)

3) Care must be taken while preparing sulphuric acid solution from concentrated sulphuric acid
4) Mention three areas in which H2SO4 plays an important role.
5) Why is Ka2 << Ka1 for H2SO4 in water?

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Group 16 Elements
6) Concentrated H2SO4 is a strong dehydrating agent: charring action on carbohydrates. Write the
reaction .
Hot concentrated sulphuric acid is a strong oxidising agent. Write a reaction of H 2SO4 with Cu , S
and C
7) What happens when (i) Concentrated H2SO4 is added to calcium fluoride (ii) SO3 is passed through

F 061, Rev 01, dtd 10th March 2020


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