Subject Windows XP Name Yasir Mehboob Controll NO 1442-213001

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Subject Windows XP

Name Yasir Mehboob

Controll NO 1442-213001
Name: Yasir Mehboob
Controll # 1442-213001

Question: Identify how class of IP Address make the selection of network.

IP Address Class A, B and C Network and Host Capacities

In the preceding topics I introduced the concepts of IP address classes and showed how the classes related to
ranges of IP addresses. Of the five classes, D and E are dedicated to special purposes, so I will leave those
alone for now. Classes A, B and C are the ones actually assigned for normal (uncast) addressing purposes on IP
internetworks, and therefore the primary focus of our continued attention.
As we've seen, they differ in the number of bits (and octets) used for the network ID compared to the host ID.
The number of different networks possible in each class is a function of the number of bits assigned to the
network ID, and likewise, the number of hosts possible in each network depends on the number of bits
provided for the host ID. We must also take into account the fact that one, two or three of the bits in the IP
address is used to indicate the class itself, so it is effectively "excluded" from use in determining the number of
networks (though again, it is still part of the network ID).
Based on this information, we can calculate the number of networks in each class, and for each class, the
number of host IDs per network. Table 45 shows the calculations.

IP Address Class Network and Host Capacities

# Of
Total # Of First Usable #
IP Network ID Number of # Of Host IDs
Bits For Octet of Of
Address Bits Used To Possible Per Network
Network IP Network
Class Identify Network IDs ID
ID / Host ID Address ID Bits
224-2 =
Class A 8 / 24 0xxx xxxx 1 8-1 = 7 27-2 = 126
Class B 16 / 16 10xx xxxx 2 16-2 = 14 214 = 16,384 216-2 = 65,534
221 =
Class C 24 / 8 110x xxxx 3 24-3 = 21 28-2 = 254

Let's walk through one line of this table so we can see how it works. I'll stick with class B since it's "in the
middle". The basic division is into 16 bits for network ID and 16 bits for host ID. However, the first two bits of
all class B addresses must be "10”, so that leaves only 14 bits to uniquely identify the network ID. This gives us
a total of 214 or 16,384 class B network IDs. For each of these, we have 2 16 host IDs, less two, for a total of
Why less two? For each network ID, two host IDs cannot be used: the host ID with all zeroes and the ID with all
ones. These are addresses with "special meanings" as described in the topic that follows. You will also notice
that 2 have been subtracted from the number of network IDs for class A. This is because two of the class a
network IDs (0 and 127) is reserved. There are actually several other address ranges that are set aside in all
three of the classes that I haven't shown here. They are listed in the topic on reserved, private and loopback
addresses. (The exclusion of 0 and 127 from class A is probably the best-known address range reservation
which is why I am explicit with that one in the table above.)

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