National & International Bodies & Association: S O H M T
National & International Bodies & Association: S O H M T
National & International Bodies & Association: S O H M T
O association
Unit 5
A group of twelve leading Travel agents
formed the Travel Agents Association of India
(TAAI) in 1951.
TAAI is the largest Travel Association of India
H and it is recognized as the voice of the Travel
M and Tourism industry in India
The process is essential to protect the name and logo of TAAI and its
membership. The recommendations of the regional committee are
necessary for the membership.
The primary purpose was
S ➢➢ To protect the interests of those engaged in the
O industry;
➢➢ To promote its orderly growth and development; and
T ➢➢ To safeguard the rights of the travelling public.
Activities of TAAI
TAAI functions as a powerful platform for interaction of thoughts
and experiences.
In 1953 its headquarters were moved from Hawaii to San
M Francisco.
PATA first conference was held on January 1952 in Honolulu and
its first Asian office was established in Manila, the Philippines in
Aims and Objectives of PATA
To promote and develop tourism in the Pacific region.
S To provide timely up-to-date and informed.
To organize seminars/ conferences for the members.
Build the business of members.
H To organize training and development programmes for
M members.
T To promote ethical practices.
To focus on destination development.
To take the lead position on travel and tourism industry
issues that need to be addressed.
To stimulate and develop public-private sector partnership.
S To improve international understanding and international
O corporation.
To provide a common forum.
To publish material relating tourism industry.
HR development.
T Marketing research and statics.
To provide valuable insights, forecasts, and analysis help
members to make better business decisions.
T PATA has 95 government state and city tourism bodies, 25 international
airlines and airports, 108 hospitality organizations, 72 educational
institutions, and hundreds of travel industry companies in the Asia Pacific and
Also in areas which are more distanced from the daily worries of
travel agents has UFTAA actively been and still is a spokes-person
for the agent´s interest.
Particularly worth mentioning are the World Tourism
Organisation (UNWTO) through its Affiliate Member
Programme and at various occasions the World Health
S Organisation (WHO), UNESCO, International Chamber of
O Commerce (ICC), International Forum of Travel and Tourism
Advocates (IFTTA) and many more.
M The high-level contacts have enable UFTAA to assist national
T associations in their contacts with authorities and also to help
individual agencies.
To unite and consolidate the Federations of Travel Agents’ National
Associations and to globally enhance the interests of their
O To represent the travel agents’ activities before various world-
wide bodies, governmental authorities and suppliers
M To work towards the adoption of measures that will ease travel for
T the consumer and to offer services to its member federations
IATO was established in 1982 at the national capital
O Delhi. The association is the representative body of tour
H operators.
Objectives and Aims of IATO
To promote national integration, international welfare, and
S goodwill.
O To take necessary steps in the promotion, encouragements,
and development of tourism in the country.
H To develop, promote and encourage friendly feelings among
M the tour operators and travel agents/agencies.
T To protect the interest of the members.
To set up and maintain high ethical standards.
To settle the disputes of the members.
To communicate and negotiate with chambers of
commerce, IATA, DoT, Ministry of Tourism, and other
organizations in other countries.
To organize the promotional tour with DoT, Airlines, and
S International Tourism bodies.
O To institute awards for excellence in the travel trade.
H To assist students with the scholarship to pursue higher
M education or research for the development of tourism.
T To undertake such welfare activities as the members cannot
take individually.
To print and publish information material for the benefit of
IATO Membership
Active Members
S Associated Members
O Allied Members
H Honorary Members
M International Members
Role and Functions of IATO
Promote national integration and international
S understanding.
O Acts as an image builder.
Organizes ‘Farm Tour’ (overseas).
Encourage tourism education and research.
Settle disputes between the members.
T Protect the members from the mal-practices.
Provides information
ASTA – American Society Of Travel
Anyone related to the travel and tourism sector can apply for the
membership of ASTA. ASTA has two categories of membership.
Active Members
Travel and Tourism organizations, firm, and companies which are
S actively involved in the travel business can become its active
O member. Travel agencies and Tour operators are the active
members of the American Society of Travel Agent (ASTA).
Allied and Associate Members
Those organizations, firms, and companies which are not actively
T involved in travel and tourism business but they support in the
backend and plays an important role as the supplier in the travel
and tourism industry. Airlines, hotels, railways, and government
organizations are the allied and associate members of the
American Society of Travel Agent.
Role and Functions of ASTA
ASTA helps in professional and technical assistance.
It offers a common forum for the exchange of ideas.
S It conducts worldwide market research.
It helps the governments to formulate tourism policy and
O strategies.
ASTA protects the tourists from unethical travel trade practices.
H ASTA conduct research, studies, and publicity for the sound
M development of travel agencies.
ASTA offers various training and management development
T programmes for senior executives of travel companies.
ASTA co-operates with all organizations and individuals engaged
in tourism activities, designed to enhance the professional standing
of the travel industry.
O Thank you