Kriging of Groundwater Level - A Case Study of Dibdiba Aquifer in Area of Karballa-Najaf
Kriging of Groundwater Level - A Case Study of Dibdiba Aquifer in Area of Karballa-Najaf
Kriging of Groundwater Level - A Case Study of Dibdiba Aquifer in Area of Karballa-Najaf
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1 author:
Waqed Al-Mussawi
University of Kerbala
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The application of the spatial statistical technique (kriging) is used in this research, for the spatial
analysis of groundwater levels is shown. The data set consists of groundwater levels measured at
about 13 hand dug wells were selected in the studied area for the observation water table (vary for
ten month, from June 2002 to March 2003 ) in an area of 20x20 km2 Dibdiba hydrologic basin;
which lies between Karbala and Najaf provinces. With the use of measured elevations of the water
table, experimental semivariograms were constructed that characterizes the spatial variability of the
measured groundwater levels. The experimental semivariograms were fitted into many models as
Spherical, exponential and gaussian semivariogram. The finally selected models were used to
estimate the groundwater levels and estimation variance (which express the accuracy of the
estimated groundwater levels) at the nodes of a square grid of 2.5km x 2.5km and to develop
corresponding contour maps .Also, used the Inverse Square Distance (ISD) method in order to
interpolate the groundwater levels for the study area. It was found that ISD method resulted in higher
errors as compared to kriging method. The groundwater table maps resulted by kriging method were
compared with the groundwater table maps prepared using the ISD method.
: الخالصة
( فٌ انتخًٍَ انًكبٌَ نًستوى انًَابِ انووفَةااذازم يوًو اةKriging)تى فٌ هزا انبحث تطبَق تقَُة انتخًٍَ االحصبئٌ انكشٍكُك
) بئاشا يختابسيفٌ يُطقاة انذساسة انًشاشبةيا شٍب ةنًاذي اشي ايا شميٍ يا ش31 ٍبَبَبم نًستوى انًَبِ انووفَة انًقبساة حقهَاب يا
ٌكى شض)يٍ حوض انذبذبة انشيهاٌ باٍَ ياذٍُت20 x كى طول20 )كى000 )انًسبحة2001 اني ي ش اراس2002 حزٍشاٌ نعبو
كشبالء ةانُوف انًقذستٍَا
(توشٍبَاة ةانتاٌ هاٌ ازء ياٍ انت ابٍشsemivariograms) ببستخذاو انًُبسَب انًقبسة نًستوٍبم انًَبِ انووفَة تى اَ بء يخططابم
(Spherical, ( يُ بSemivariograms) ٍ( نعذي يودٍالم يfitted)انًكبٌَ انًقبس نًستوى انًَبِ انووفَةا تى ًم تقشٍب يالئى
اexponential and Gaussian)
ةبعذ ا شاء االذتببسام نعذي يودٍالم تى اذتَبس انًودٍم انُ بئٌ يٍ هزِ انًودٍالم نتخًٍَ يستوى انًَبِ انووفَة فٌ انًُطقة ةكزنك
كى)ةسساى ذبسطاة2ا2 x كاى2ا2 يقذاس انت بٍش انزً ٍعبش ٍ دشة انتخًٍَ فٌ يستوى انًَبِ انووفَة)فٌ َقبط ن ابكة يشبعاة بببعابد
كُتوسٍة نًستوى انًَبِ انووفَةا
كزنك تى تخًٍَ يستوى انًَبِ انووفَة نًُطقة انذساسة بطشٍقة يشبع انًسبفبم انًعكوسة
( حَث ة ذ اٌ َتبئج هزِ انطشٍقاة تحاوً هاي ذطابء كبَاش ارا يبشوسَائ بُتابئجInverse Square Distance (ISD) method)
( اكزنك تى يقبسَة انخبسطاة انكُتوسٍاة نًساتوى انًَابِ انووفَاة فاٌ انًُطقاة انًشساوية بطشٍقاةKriging) انتخًٍَ بطشٍقة انكشٍكُك
( يع انخبسطة انكُتوسٍة انتٌ سسًئ بطشٍقة يشبع انًسبفبم انًعكوسةاKriging)انكشٍكُك
Journal of Kerbala University , Vol. 6 No.1 Scientific .March. 2008
Groundwater is one of the major sources of water. Management of this resource is very important to
meet the increasing demand of water for domestic, agricultural and industrial use. Various management
measures need to know the spatial and temporal behavior of groundwater. Observed groundwater levels
serve as one of the main input data in studies related to groundwater simulation for various purposes as
required in water balance studies, estimation of groundwater recharge potential, in the design of
drainage structures etc. However, the measurement of groundwater levels are generally carried out at
spatially random locations in the field, whereas, most of the groundwater models requires these
measurement at a pre-specified grid. Some interpolation method is generally employed to get these
values at grid nodes. The accuracy with which this interpolation can be carried out affects the accuracy
of the model output.
Literature review
Basic concepts of the kriging technique and its application to natural phenomenon have been reviewed
by the ASCE Task Committee (1990a, b). Kriging of groundwater levels was carried out by Delhomme
(1978); Volpi and Gambolati (1978); Aboufirassi and Marino (1983); Virdee and Kottegoda (1984);
Kumar (1996) and Kumar and Ahmed (2003); Kumar and Remadevi (2006). In this research,
application of kriging to interpolate the groundwater levels, as observed in the part of Dibbdiba
hydraulic basin has been shown.
Kriging is a technique of making optimal, unbiased estimates of regionalized variables at unsampled
locations using the structural properties of the semivariogram and the initial set of data values. Kriging
takes into consideration the spatial structure of the parameter and hence score over other methods like
arithmetic mean method, nearest neighbour method, distance weighted method, and polynomial
interpolation. Also, kriging provides the estimation variance at every estimated point, which is an
indicator of the accuracy of the estimated value. This is considered as the major advantage of kriging
over other estimation techniques.
Spatial variations with interdependence are commonly described with a variogram (Isaaks and
Srivastava, 1989).In geostatictics, the concept of variance from classic is extended to semi variance
.Considering a transect with equally spaced samples and measurements of ground water level z, a set of
values z(x1), z(x2) …z (xn) at location x1, x2…xn were obtained .The experimental semivariance γ*(h) is
estimated as:
N (h)
z( x ) z( x h)
1 2
γ*(h) = i i (1)
2 N ( h) i 1
N (h) = the number of pairs separated by lag distance h;
z (xi) = measured variable value at point i; and
z (xi+h) = measured variable value at point i+h.
Experimental semivariograms were calculated for ten months between the years 2002-2003 using the
computer software (Geostatistics for the environmental sciences) Ver. (5.1).A lag distance of 2.5km
and a tolerance of 1.25km were used for the calculation of semivariogram.
The experimental semivariograms were fitted with various theoretical models like spherical,
exponential, gaussian, linear and power by the weighted least square method. The theoretical model
that gave minimum standard error is chosen for further analysis. The adequacy of the fitted models was
Journal of Kerbala University , Vol. 6 No.1 Scientific .March. 2008
checked on the basis of validation tests. In this method, known as jackknifing procedure, kriging is
performed at all the data points, ignoring, in turn, each one of them one by one. Differences between
estimated and observed values are summarized using the cross-validation statistics (de Marsily and
Ahmed 1987): mean error (ME), mean squared error (MSE), and kriged reduced mean error (KRME),
and kriged reduced mean square error (KRMSE). If the semivariogram model and kriging procedure
adequately reproduce the observed value, the error should satisfy the following criteria.
1 N *
ME ( z ( xi ) z( xi )) 0
N i 1
1 N
MSE ( z * ( xi ) z ( xi )) 2 Minimum (3)
N i 1
( z
KRME ( xi ) z ( xi ))
ki 0
1 N
( xi ) z ( xi )) 2
( z
i 1
1 (5)
Where, z*(xi), z (xi) and ki2 are the estimated value, observed value and estimation variance,
respectively, at points xi . N is the sample size. As a practical rule, the MSE should be less than the
variance of the sample values and KRMSE should be in the range 1±2√2/N.
In all interpolation techniques, interpolated value of z at any point x0 is given as the weighted sum of
the measured values i.e.
z * ( x 0 ) i z ( x i ) i = 1, 2, 3,..........., N (6)
i 1
λi is the weight for the observation z at location xi. In kriging, the weights λi are calculated by
equation (7) so that z*(x0) is unbiased and optimal (minimum squared error of estimation).
j 1
j ( xi , x j ) ( xi , x 0 ) i= 1, 2, 3,..........., N
j 1
j 1
μ = Lagrange multiplier
γ (xi, xj) = semivariogram between two points xi and xj.
The minimum squared error estimation is also a measure for the accuracy of estimates, which is known
as estimation variance, or kriging variance, and is given by
k2 ( x0 ) i ( xi , x0 ) (8)
i 1
Journal of Kerbala University , Vol. 6 No.1 Scientific .March. 2008
Inverse Square Distance (ISD) method, widely used in geohydrology, was also employed to interpolate
the groundwater level data. In this method, the weights λi are inversely proportional to the square of
distance from the estimation point as:
(d oi ) 2
i N
i 1 ( d oi )
Where, d oi is the distance between the sample point and the estimated point.
The area is falls within semi dry weather that characterized by rain shortage except for some of the
rainy storms that covers the area from time to time (annual rainfall of about zero in August and 23.34
mm in January), with extremes of temperature (maximum upto 45C0 in July and minimum upto 6C0 in
January), and very high potential evapotranspiration (6.67mm in January and 370.88mm in July), (Al-
Ani, 2004).
The main soil types of the study area are Sedimentations of sand, gravel and gravelly sand with the
existence of clayey lenses which are generally take the form of compacted clayey balls interfered with
small amount of sand and gypsum working as agent material. The maximum depth of the formation is
about 80 km in the western south of the basin, the depth decreases towards Al Saeed Tar, Al Najaf Tar
and towards the river of Euphrates that considered as formation boundaries, (Al-Khateeb, 2001).
The water in the basin of Dibdiba is generally saline, but it still highly used in irrigation, since the soil
is sandy which is do not allow the accumulation of slats in the upper layer of soil.
For this study, groundwater level data pertaining to ten months from June to March seasons over the
years from 2002 to 2003 covering an area of 400 sq. km (Fig.1) were selected, [quoted by (Al-
Ani,2004)]. Fig. 2 shows plan of study area and the location of observation wells. The descriptive
statistics of the observed groundwater levels are shown in Table (1). Mean values of groundwater
levels indicate decrease in groundwater level in summer season (minimum in August), and then starting
rise in groundwater levels (maximum in March).There is very small change but that is due to as mean
values are provided. Also study area receives very little rainfall.
Journal of Kerbala University , Vol. 6 No.1 Scientific .March. 2008
Journal of Kerbala University , Vol. 6 No.1 Scientific .March. 2008
Khan Al-Nukhaila
r at
80 D-9
Observation wells Kerball
75 Al-Haydaria a-Naja
0 1 2 3 4 5
10 15 20 25 30 35
Journal of Kerbala University , Vol. 6 No.1 Scientific .March. 2008
h 2
(h) C0 C 1 Exp (10)
C0= nugget effect (m2),
C = intercept between sill and nugget effect (m2),
a = range of influence (The distance at which samples become independent of each other) (km).
Then from the best fit model Fig.3, The theoretical fitted gaussian semivariogram for August 2002 data
is of the form:
h 2
(h) 5.7 95.981 Exp
Journal of Kerbala University , Vol. 6 No.1 Scientific .March. 2008
June-2002 July-2002
98.3 98.5
73.8 73.9
49.2 49.3
24.6 24.6
0.0 0.0
0.00 4.25 8.49 12.74 16.98 0.00 4.25 8.49 12.74 16.98
Lag Distance(km) Lag Distance(km)
August-2002 September-2002
Gaussian model (Co = 5.5000; Co + C = 95.2400; Ao = 7.99; r2 = 0.752; Gaussian model (Co = 5.8000; Co + C = 95.5300; Ao = 8.01; r2 = 0.751;
RSS = 932.) RSS = 937.)
98.8 98.7
74.1 74.0
49.4 49.3
24.7 24.7
0.0 0.0
0.00 4.25 8.49 12.74 16.98 0.00 4.25 8.49 12.74 16.98
Lag Distance(km) Lag Distance(km)
Gaussian model (Co = 5.7000; Co + C = 95.9800; Ao = 8.06; r2 = 0.753;
Gaussian model (Co = 6.2000; Co + C = 95.5500; Ao = 8.01; r2 = 0.748;
RSS = 938.) RSS = 947.)
97.9 97.3
73.5 72.9
49.0 48.6
24.5 24.3
0.0 0.0
0.00 4.25 8.49 12.74 16.98 0.00 4.25 8.49 12.74 16.98
Lag Distance(km) Lag Distance(km)
December-2002 January-2003
Gaussian model (Co = 5.1000; Co + C = 94.3100; Ao = 7.85; r2 = 0.752; Gaussian model (Co = 3.7000; Co + C = 92.7000; Ao = 7.60; r2 = 0.753;
RSS = 923.) RSS = 911.)
97.6 97.2
73.2 72.9
48.8 48.6
24.4 24.3
0.0 0.0
0.00 4.25 8.49 12.74 16.98 0.00 4.25 8.49 12.74 16.98
Lag Distance(km) Lag Distance(km)
February-2003 March-2003
Gaussian model (Co = 3.9000; Co + C = 93.2000; Ao = 7.63; r2 = 0.755; Gaussian model (Co = 3.8000; Co + C = 92.6100; Ao = 7.59; r2 = 0.753;
RSS = 908.) RSS = 908.)
97.4 97.7
73.0 73.2
48.7 48.8
24.3 24.4
0.0 0.0
0.00 4.25 8.49 12.74 16.98 0.00 4.25 8.49 12.74 16.98
LagDistance(km) Lag Distance(km)
Gaussian model (Co = 4.0000; Co + C = 92.8500; Ao = 7.58; r2 = 0.752;
RSS = 913.) Fitted (Gaussian)
Fig. (3): Experimental
Gaussian model (Co = 3.0000; Co + C = 92.8500; Ao = 7.49; r2 = 0.757;
= 905.) semivariogram for different data
Journal of Kerbala University , Vol. 6 No.1 Scientific .March. 2008
The summary details of the best-fit gaussian model for ten months data set are given in Table 2. An
important feature which has emerged from the best fit models (Table 2) is that while the gaussian
model is the best fit for all the data set, the parameters have changed over the months. Nugget effect
(C0) shows random change between 3.0 and 6.2. The range in which the intercept C lies between 92.61
and 95.98. The range (a) exhibits constant increase through summer season (maximum in August) and
it’s a general decreasing trend in winter season (minimum in March).
Table (2): Parameters of fitted Gaussian models.
No. C0 C a
Year Month
1. Jun. 5.5 95.24 7.99
2. Jul. 5.8 95.53 8.01
3. Aug. 5.7 95.98 8.06
4. 2002 Sep. 6.2 95.55 8.01
5. Oct. 5.1 94.31 7.85
6. Nov. 3.7 92.70 7.60
7. Dec. 3.9 93.20 7.63
8. Jan. 3.8 92.61 7.59
9. 2003 Feb 4.0 92.85 7.58
10. Mar. 3.0 92.85 7.49
Table (3), shown the cross validation results for the ten months. Results of Jackknifing procedure for
March 2003 data with the fitted gaussian model resulted in a mean error (ME) of 0.082, (which is very
near to zero), mean square error (MSE) of 23.67, (which is very low as compared to the variance of the
data), kriged reduced mean error (KRME) of 0.0162, (which is very near to zero) and a kriged reduced
mean square error (KRMSE) of 0.934, (which is very near to 1). The above cross validation results
show that the chosen model and its parameters are adequate.
Groundwater levels and estimation variances were calculated by kriging at the nodes of a square grid of
2.5km x 2.5km for August of 2002 and March of 2003 months. These estimated level values are used
to draw the contour maps of groundwater levels and estimation variance. Fig. 4 and 5 are shown the
Journal of Kerbala University , Vol. 6 No.1 Scientific .March. 2008
contour maps of the groundwater levels and estimation variance obtained for August 2002 and March
2003 respectively. Fig. 5 can be interpreted as the map of the reliability of the kriged ground water
level in Fig. 4. As seen from the Fig. 5, the estimation variance is low at 3m2 in the middle of the study
area (where most of the observation points are located) and increase rapidly towards the boundaries,
where no observation well is located. It indicates that the estimated groundwater level are highly
reliable in the middle of the study area and at or near the boundary, these are to not reliable the same
94 94
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12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
Fig. (4): Groundwater level contours maps of the study area (m) by Kriging Method.
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Fig. (6), shown the ground water level contour obtained by inverse square distance (ISD) method for
August 2002 and March 2003. The contour map provided by two interpolation methods (Fig. 4 and 6)
are different as kriging takes into consideration the spatial structure of the parameter and ISD method
consider only distance between estimated and observed points. The comparison of ISD map with the
map obtained by kriging (Fig. 4) indicated that kriged map provided a more regular gradient of the
groundwater table, which seems more likely than the mound and valley combination provided by the
inverse square distance method.
For more comparison of these two techniques was obtained by comparing the ME and MSE obtained
by jackknifing procedure (Table 4). ISD resulted in a ME of 0.913m to 0.926m whereas kriging gave a
ME of 0.082m to 0.166m. Similarly, ISD gave a MSE of 35.89m2 to 36.32 m2 and kriging 23.25 m2 to
24.00 m2. It is concluded that for this study, kriging performed better than the inverse square distance
method and more importantly.
Journal of Kerbala University , Vol. 6 No.1 Scientific .March. 2008
94 94
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90 90
88 88
86 86
84 84
82 82
80 80
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12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
Fig. (6): Groundwater level contours (m) by Inverse Square Distance Method.
Journal of Kerbala University , Vol. 6 No.1 Scientific .March. 2008
1. Kriging method gave very good accurate guess fluctuations in groundwater levels (especially in
center of the study area).
2. Kriging methods gave more accurate results through the Inverse Square Distance (ISD) method.
3. The level of groundwater near the surface in the west of the study area reach (42m.a.s.l) in the
winter, and then sliding towards the east to reach a level (22m.a.s.l) in the summer.
In this study, kriging, a type of geostatistical techniques, is applied to the groundwater level data of
minimum recharge season (August) and maximum recharge season (March) over a period of ten
months in years (2002-2003). The gaussian model is found to the best model representing the spatial
variability of groundwater level data over the months. The modeling results indicate that the kriged
groundwater levels satisfactorily matched the observed groundwater levels. The degree of difference
between the kriged values and the estimates using ISD are significantly high. Also, kriging out
performs ISD in giving reliability indices and in the present study the reliability of the estimates is high
as indicated by low level of variance.
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