Perfection Preser Ved: UV Disinfection - Application Information
Perfection Preser Ved: UV Disinfection - Application Information
Perfection Preser Ved: UV Disinfection - Application Information
Perfection Preserved
b y t h e p u r e s t o f l i g h t
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1.1 Bacteria and bacterial spores 3
1.1.1 Bacteria 3
1.1.2 Bacterial spores 4
1.2 Moulds and yeasts 4
1.2.1 Moulds 4
1.2.2 Yeasts 5
1.3 Viruses 5
2. ULTRAVIOLET General 7
RADIATION 2.1 Generation and characteristics of 8
short-wave UV radiation
2.2 Germicidal action 10
MEANS OF 3.1 Air disinfection 14
ULTRAVIOLET 3.1.1 Ceiling-mounted TUV lamps 14
LAMPS 3.1.2 TUV lamps for upper-air irradiation 15
using upward facing reflectors
3.1.3 TUV lamps for irradiation of the floor 16
zone using downward facing reflectors
3.1.4 TUV lamps in air ducts 16
3.1.5 TUV lamps in stand alone units 18
3.2 Surface disinfection 19
3.3 Liquid disinfection 20
4. APPLICATIONS General 23
4.1 Air disinfection 23
4.2 Cooling coils 25
4.3 Water purification 25
4.3.1 Residential drinking water 26
4.3.2 Industrial (municipal) drinking water 28
4.3.3 Waste water 29
4.3.4 Water coolers, dispensers 29
4.3.5 Cooling towers 30
4.3.6 Semiconductors process water 30
4.3.7 Spas and swimming pools 31
4.4 Reduction of algae in fish ponds 31
4.5 Aquariums 32
4.6 Philips germicidal lamps and 33
their application
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Micro-organisms such as bacteria, moulds, of free radicals, which are often highly labile and
yeast’s and protozoa can be destroyed or which can react together to produce an inert
removed by physical, biological and end product. For disinfecting these effects are
chemical methods. UV-C works using a produced by wavelengths below 320nm,
photolytic effect whereby the radiation with the optimum effect occurring at
destroys or inactivates the microorganism around 260nm. The phenomenon whereby
so that it can no longer multiply. micro-organisms can be disfigured or
destroyed is independent of host state (fluid or
For DNA it does this by causing adjacent solid) and indeed pH or temperature, the
thymine bases to form a chemical bond thus important feature of the action is that radiation
creating a dimer and if sufficient of these are can reach the organism; this means that a
created DNA cannot replicate. Some bacterium shadowed by another or by a
micro-organisms can repair themselves by particle will escape attack. Unlike other
absorbing UV-A. In other cases UV-C (and techniques, UV-C photolysis rarely produces
indeed UV-A or UV-B) can cause bond potentially dangerous by-products.
splitting in a molecule resulting in the creation
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1. Micro-organisms
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1.2 MOULDS AND YEASTS Cer tain kinds of mould form antibiotic
substances; these have given rise to the
highly impor tant antibiotics industr y.
Penicillin and streptomycin are early
a b examples. A mould (see figs. 4 and 5)
consists of a mycelium and special
structures, (sprorangia and conidiophores,
c for example), which result in the formation
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1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9
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cells and eventually whole cellular
complexes can be destroyed. Tissue Serveral Myxbolus Crenotrix
meiosis up to 70000 polyspora
damage is a way of recognising the Kelp and
up to 10000
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2. Ultraviolet radiation
to UV-C. For tunately this is relatively simple,
because it is absorbed by most products,
and even standard flat glass absorbs all
100 UV-C. Exceptions are quar tz and PTFE.
Again for tuitously, UV-C is mostly
10 absorbed by dead skin, so er ythema can be
150 200 250 300 350 400
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at 85% of the maximum germicidal effect
220 240 260 280 300 320
Wavelength (nm) (Fig. 10). Philips’ low-pressure TUV lamps
IES (ref.2) E. coli (ref.10) Absorption DNA (ref. 11)
have an envelope of special glass that filters
out ozone-forming radiation, in this case the
Fig 10. Germicidal action spectrum.
185 nm mercur y line. The spectral
conjunctivitis can occur and though transmission of this glass is shown in Fig. 11
temporar y, it is extremely painful; the same and the spectral power distribution of these
is true of er ythemal effects. TUV lamps is given in Fig. 12
Where exposure to UV-C radiation For various Philips germicidal TUV lamps the
occurs, care should be taken not to exceed electrical and mechanical proper ties are
the threshold level norm. Fig. 9 shows identical to their lighting equivalents.
these values for most of the CIE UV
spectrum. In practical terms, table 1 gives
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This allows them to be operated in decreasing the temperature can increase the
the same way i.e. using an electronic or germicidal output. This is met in "High
magnetic ballast/starter circuit. Output" lamps viz. lamps with higher
As with all low-pressure lamps, there is a wattage than normal for their linear
relationship between lamp operating dimension. (Fig. 29)
temperature and output. In low- pressure
lamps the resonance line at 254 nm is
strongest at a cer tain mercur y vapour
pressure in the discharge tube. This pressure
is determined by the operating temperature
and optimises at a tube wall temperature of
40ºC, corresponding with an ambient
temperature of about 25ºC. For example, a
200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400
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Micro-organisms effective resistance to
UV radiation varies considerably. Moreover,
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 the environment of the par ticular
Dose (J/m )
microorganism greatly influences the
k = 0.1 k = 0.3 k = 0.01 k = 0.003 k = 0.001
radiation dose needed for its destruction.
Fig 14. Survival of micro-organisms depending on dose and Water, for instance, may absorb a par t of the
rate constant k. effective radiation depending on the
temperature lies between 600 and 900ºC and concentration of contaminants in it. Iron
the pinch does not exceed 350ºC. These lamps salts in solution ware well known inhibitors.
can be dimmed, as can low pressure lamps. Iron ions absorb the UV radiation.
The sur vival of micro-organisms when
2.2 GERMICIDAL ACTION exposed to UV radiation is given by the
The UV radiation emitted by a source is approximation:
expressed in watts (W) and the irradiation
Nt/N0 = exp. (-kEefft)…..........…….1
density is expressed in watts per square
Hence ln Nt/N0 = -kEefft.................2
metre (W/m2). For germicidal action dose is
impor tant. The dose is the irradiation • Nt is the number of germs at time t
density multiplied by the time (t) in seconds • N0 is the number of germs before exposure
and expressed in joules per square metre • k is a rate constant depending on
(J/m2). (1 joule is 1W.second). the species
• Eeff is the effective irradiance in W/m2
From Fig. 10 it can be seen that germicidal The product Eefft is called the effective dose
action is maximised at 265 nm with Heff and is expressed in W.s/m2 of J/m2.
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It follows that for 90% kill equation 2 becomes for viruses and bacteria, to 2.10 -3 for mould
spores and 8.10 -4 for algae. Using the
2.303 = kHeff.
equations above, Fig. 14 showing survivals or
Some k value indications are given in table 2, kill % versus dose, can be generated.
where they can be seen to vary from 0.2 m2/J
Table 2. Doses for 10% survival under 254 nm radiation (J/m2) and rate constant k (m2/J), Ref 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7
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3. Disinfection by means of
Ultraviolet Lamps
In practice, germicidal applications and design However, some notable success has been
factors are governed by three main factors: achieved in applications where, despite a
disadvantageous absorption, "thin film" or
A. THE EFFECTIVE DOSE (Heff) closed circuit (recycling the product) design
Effective dose is the product of time and techniques have provided effective solutions.
effective irradiance (the irradiance that
makes a germicidal contribution). However, C. LAMPS
dose is severely limited by its ability to Five Philips ranges of lamps are available for
penetrate a medium. Penetration is disinfection purposes:
controlled by the absorption co-efficient; for • Classic T5 and T8 TUV lamps
solids total absorption takes place in the • High output TUV lamps
surface; for water, depending on the purity, • PL-S and PL-L twin-tube compact
several 10s of cm. or as little as a few TUV lamps
microns can be penetrated before 90% • and the newest addition: XPT amalgam
absorption takes place. “Very High Output” germicidal lamps in T6
and T10 diameters.
B. THE POSSIBLE HAZARDOUS EFFECTS All of these are based on low-pressure
OF SUCH RADIATION mercury technology. Increasing the lamp
Germicidal radiation can produce current of low-pressure lamps produces
conjunctivitis and er ythema, therefore higher outputs for lamps of the same length;
people should not be exposed to it at levels but at the cost of UV efficiency
more than the maximum exposure given in (UV watts/input watts); this is due to higher
Fig. 9. It follows that this needs to be taken self-absorption levels, and temperature
into consideration when designing influences. The application of mercur y
disinfection equipments. amalgams, rather than pure mercury, in the
lamps corrects for the latter.
Germicidal applications can be and are used for • HOK lamps, which are of the medium-
all three states of matter, viz. gases (air), liquids pressure mercur y type, mainly
(mainly water) and solids (surfaces) with characterised by a much higher UV-C
greatest technical success in those applications output than low pressure options, but
where the absorption coefficient is smallest. at much lower efficacies.
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The choice of the lamp type depends on the However, it should be remembered
specific application. In most cases the low- that disinfected air is not, in itself,
pressure types are the most attractive. This a disinfecting agent.
is because germicidal lamps are highly
efficient in destroying micro-organisms, Presently, there are five basic methods of
hence there is limited need for high wattage air disinfection using ultraviolet lamps viz:
lamps. For water disinfection, low and a. Ceiling or wall mounted TUV lamps
medium-pressure are both used, although b. TUV lamps (in upwards-facing reflectors)
the choice is not necessarily based on UV-C for upper-air irradiation.
efficacy. Initial total systems costs, including c. TUV lamps (in downwards-facing
metalwork and space limitations, can be the reflectors) for irradiation of the floor
driving factor rather than efficacy. zone (often in combination with b.).
d. TUV lamps in air ducts sometimes in
3.1 AIR DISINFECTION (Ref.12,13) combination with special dust filters.
Good results are obtained with this form e. TUV lamps, incorporated in stand-alone
of disinfection because air has a low air cleaners with a simple filter.
absorption coefficient and hence allows
UV-C to attack micro-organisms present. In 3.1.1 CEILING-MOUNTED TUV LAMPS
addition, two other beneficial conditions This method is used in those cases where
are generally present, viz. random either the interior is unoccupied or where it
movements allowing bacteria etc. to is possible for the occupants to take
provide favourable molecular orientations protective measures against radiation. These
for attack and high chances of "closed protective measures entail covering the:
circuit" conditions, that is second, third and
Face: glass spectacles, closefitting
more recycle oppor tunities. From this, it is
goggles or plastic face visors.
evident that air disinfection is an impor tant
Hands: gloves (for long exposure,
application for UV radiation.
special plastic is preferable
to rubber)
Even in the simplest system (natural circulation)
Head and neck: head cover
there is an appreciable reduction in the
number of airborne organisms in a room.Thus Note:
the danger of airborne infection, a factor in Normal glasses and plastics can be used to give protection,
because they transmit little or no UV-C; some exceptions
many illnesses, is considerably reduced. are special UV glasses, quar tz and cer tain PTFEs
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Designing duct systems needs to account for as already expressed on page 10:
practical issues, such as large temperature
and humidity variations caused by exterior Nt/N0 = exp(-keefft)
weather variations, if only because air is
often drawn from outside, then released The rate constant defines the sensitivity of a
into a room after a single pass over the microorganism to UV radiation and is unique to
lamps. Recycling par t of the air will allow each microbial species. Few airborne rate
multiple passes, hence improving system constants are known with absolute cer tainty.
efficiency. In water based systems, Escherichia coli are
often used as test organism. It is however
Lining the UV lamps section with aluminium, not an airborne pathogen. For aero-
also increases efficiency.The lamps and the wall solization tests, often the innocuous Serratia
of the duct should be easily accessible to marcescens is used.
permit regular cleaning and easy maintenance,
another reason for a modular design. POINTS TO REMEMBER WHEN
Micro-organisms exposed to UV, experience CONSTRUCTING TUV LAMP
a normal exponential decrease in population, INSTALLATIONS IN AIR DUCTS:
• The surface of the chamber walls should
have a high reflectance to UV 254 nm, for
example by using anodised aluminium
100 a sheet (reflectance 60-90 per cent).
80 • The lamps should be so arranged that
Reflection (%)
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For maximum design flexibility, PL-L and PL-S
Reflection (%)
60 lamps offer the best solutions, because their
40 b dimensions are compact, so reducing unit
size and because their single ended
200 300 400 500 600
configuration allows more mounting options.
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V in m3/h
to bond fissure under UV radiation, can
being treated. 4
penetration for a 90% kill may thus var y Fig 20. Volume of disinfected water V as a function
from 3m for distilled water, down to 12cm of the absorption coefficient α (for distilled water
α = 0.007-0.01/cm, for drinking water α = 0.02-0.1/cm)
for normal drinking water and even less in with respect to different degrees of disinfection
(in terms of Escherichia coli).
wines and syr ups (2.5mm) See table 4.
2. A quar tz tube (with high transmittance
The penetration depths cause more special at 254 nm) transpor ting liquid surrounded
techniques to be applied to allow 254 nm by a cluster of lamps in reflectors or by
radiation to penetrate sufficiently, these an integral reflector TUV lamp e.g.
include generating "thin films" and or slow TUV115W VHO-R.
speed presentation to the radiation, so 3. Irradiation by means of lamps installed in
that a sufficient dose can be applied. reflectors or integral reflector TUV lamps
e.g. TUV115W VHO-R mounted above
If an UV lamp has to be immersed in a the surface of the liquid.
liquid, it should be enclosed in a quar tz or
UV-C transparent PTFE sleeve.
Wine, red 30
Installations for disinfecting liquids may have
Wine, white 10
the following forms: Beer 10-20
Syrup, clear 2-5
1. One or more lamps enclosed in a quartz Syrup, dark 20-50
container or one of similar material (with a Milk 300
Distilled water 0.007-0.01
high transmittance at 254 nm), which is Drinking water 0.02-0.1
surrounded by the liquid to be disinfected. A Table 4. Absorption coefficient (α) of various liquids to
UV-254 nm per cm depth.
multiple of such configurations can be used
inside one outer container.
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4 Applications
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4.3 WATER PURIFICATION (Ref. 7,14) When there is uncer tainty about what may
A wide variety of micro-organisms in the water be present in the water, the UV
can cause disease, especially for young and senior transmittance should be tested. Most
people, who may have weaker immune systems. dr inking water supplies have UV ’
UV light provides disinfection without the tr ansmittances between 85% and 95%.
addition of chemicals that can produce
harmful by-products and add unpleasant Separate treatment technologies often are
taste to water. Additional benefits include required to improve the water quality
easy installation, low maintenance and before disinfection:
minimal space requirements. • Sediment filters, to remove par ticles that
"shadow" microbes or absorb UV
UV has the ability to inactivate bacteria, • Carbon filters, which remove organic
viruses and protozoa. Each type of organism compounds and undesirable odours.
requires a specific dose for inactivation. • Water softeners to reduce hardness.
Viruses require higher doses than bacteria
and protozoa. Understanding the organisms UV is often used in conjunction with Reverse
to be neutralised will help to determine to Osmosis (RO) applications. Disinfection
size of the UV system that will be required. prior to the RO systems increases the
For example, to kill 99,9% of E.coli, a UV dose durability of the RO membrane by reducing
of 90 J/m 2 or 9 mW.sec/cm 2 is required. the accumulation of bacterial biofilms.
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The reactor of a UV disinfection device must Most manufacturers offer electronic power
be designed to ensure that all microbes supplies, that are more efficient (up to 10%)
receive sufficient exposure of the UV. and operate at lower temperatures. Such
ballasts normally withstand wide fluctuations
Most manufacturers of UV equipment use in supply voltage, still providing a consistent
low-pressure mercury lamps. High output current to the lamps.
(HO) versions are rapidly becoming popular.
High capacity drinking water and waste Factors, that should be considered, when,
water systems feature medium pressure choosing the right size of UV equipment, in
mercury technology. order, to achieve the desired disinfection
objectives are peak flow rate, the required
The temperature of the lamp surface is one dose and the UV transmittance of the water.
of the most critical factors for UV reactor
design. The UV efficiency of the lamp (UV Theoretical calculations should be validated by
output per consumed electrical Wattage) bioassay tests, for a variety of conditions that
strongly depends on the bulb temperature. include flow rates and variable water quality.
(See Fig.28)
The diameter of the protective quar tz Classic Point of Use (POU) / or Point-of-
sleeve should be carefully adapted to the Entr y (POE) UV disinfection systems
specific power of the lamp (Watts per unit consist of a low-pressure mercur y UV
of arc length), as well as temperature and lamp, protected against the water by a
velocity of the water flow. quar tz sleeve, centred into a stainless
steel reactor vessel.
As the lamp ages, the UV output declines
due to solarization of the lamp (glass or The UV output is monitored by an
quar tz) envelope. The quoted dose for a appropriate UV sensor, providing visual or
specific unit is the minimum dose that will be audible indicators of the UV lamp status.
delivered at the end of the lamp’s life. To improve taste and odour of the water
POU systems are often used in conjunction
with an active carbon filter.
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Quartz protective
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5.Lamp Data
For a large distance to the lamp we get:
ϕ ..................(α >> I)........(2)
E= ––––––
7 π2.a2
4 At shor ter distances the irradiance is
2 propor tional to
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
lamps, the irradiance values at 1 metre
60 distance are expressed below.
0 µW/cm2
0 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
TUV 4W T5 9
Fig 31. Distance in cm
TUV 6W T5 14.5
TUV 8W T5 21
Fig 26 and 27. Demonstrate the variation of UV irradiance TUV 10W T5 22.5
with the distance to the lamps.
TUV 11W T5 21.5
TUV 15W T5 48
TUV 25W T8 69
The irradiance E on a small surface in point TUV 30W T8 100
TUV 36W T8 145
P on a distance a from an ideal linear 55W HO T8 150
radiation source AB of length 1 amounts to: TUV 75W HO T8 220
TUV 115W VHO T12 330
l TUV 240W XPT 800
TUV 270W XPT 920
TUV PL-S 5W 9.5
a TUV PL-S 9W 22
α TUV PL-S 11W 32
TUV PL-L 18W 55
TUV PL-L 35W HO 105
TUV PL-L 36W 120
TUV PL-L 55W 160
TUV PL-L 95W HO 300
ϕ 36 T5 140
E= –––––– (2α + sin α) TUV
64 T5 240
2.π2.l.a TUV 36T5 HO 240
TUV 64T5 HO 460
ϕ is the total radiation flux (in W). This
Table 6. Irradiance values TUV lamps at a distance of
formula is taken from: H. Keitz, Light 1.00 meters.
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Moving air has a strong impact on the tube wall The choice of ballast should match
temperature.The cooling effects of air streams the application.
(and lower ambient temperatures) can be
compensated by over-powering the lamps. Fig. Electronic preheat type of ballasts
29 shows this effect, comparing standard TUV provide the best conditions for a long
PL-L 36W lamps with "High Output" 60W lamp life, especially when lamps are
versions, having the same dimensions. switched frequently.
Frequent on/off switching will significantly
Relative Efficiency /%
0 180
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Fig 28.Temperature Dependence of Mercury Lamp.
Percentage of rated life
150 20
0 150 300 450 600 750 900 1050 30 10 3 1 0,3 0,1 0,03
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6. References
1. Threshold Limit Values, ACGIH, 1999-2000
4. Groocock, NH, Disinfection of Drinking Water by UV Light. J. Inst. Water Engineers and
Scientists 38(2) 163-172, 1984
6. Wilson, B. Coliphage MS-2 as UV Water Disinfection Efficacy Test. Surrogate for Bacterial and
Viral Pathogens (AWWA/WQT conference 1992)
7. Wolfe, RL. Ultraviolet Disinfection of Potable Water: Current Technology and Research.
Environmental Sci.Technology 24 (6), 768-773, 1990
8. Brickner, PW: Vincent R.L., First, M, Nardell E., Murray M., Kaufman W.; The application of
Ultraviolet Germicidal radiation to Control Transmission of Airborne Disease, Public Health
Reports / March-April 2003,VH118
10. Biological Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation. W. Harm, Cambridge University Press, 1980
12. Grun, L and Pitz, N.Zbl. Batt. Hyg., vol. B 159, 50-60, 1974
13. Menzies, D.; Popa, J.; Hanley, J. A.; Rand,T.; Milton, D. K.; Lancet 2003; 362, p. 1785-1791.
14. H. Martiny. Desinfektion von Wasser mit UV Strahlen.Techn. Univ. Berlin. 1991
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