What Is NCND Non-Circumvention Non-Disclosure Agreement?
What Is NCND Non-Circumvention Non-Disclosure Agreement?
What Is NCND Non-Circumvention Non-Disclosure Agreement?
Part A: Special Conditions, setting out the terms that are special to a particular NCND
agreement, and which must be filled in by the parties according to their particular
needs, and;
Part B. General Conditions, setting out standard terms common to all contracts
including the ICC General Conditions for Non-circumvention & Non-disclosure
The Parties that sign the Agreement should use both Parts: articles in Part A require a choice
between different alternatives (checking the box in each section); articles in Part B are
standard conditions that complete Part A.
The main articles of the NCND Non-Circumvention & Non-Disclosure Agreement are sum-
marized below.
This article is intended to guide the parties through a number of possible alternatives, such
• Putting into contact with a third party: this second alternative implies a more active
involvement of the Intermediary, who agrees to establish actual contact between the
third party and the Counterpart. Parties may indicate whether or not the contact should
be established merely for possible business or for a particular deal.
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• Assistance in the contract negotiation: in this alternative, the Intermediary´s obligation
to assist the Counterpart during the contract negotiation implies that the Intermediary
undertakes reasonable efforts to help the Counterpart until the conclusion of the contract.
When appointing an Intermediary, the Counterpart will normally accept to grant him a cer-
tain level of exclusivity with respect to the business he agrees to promote. With regard to
exclusivity the model contract provides three options:
• Exclusive rights with respect to the specific deal promoted by the Intermediary: if
the Intermediary is to promote a specific deal with a given third party, it will normally
be appointed to act on an exclusive basis as middle-man for such deal.
• Exclusive rights with respect to third parties introduced by the Intermediary (cus-
tomer protection): the Intermediary enjoys customer protection, i.e., it has certain rights
with respect to further business with the third party for which it obtains protection.
Another important aspect is whether and to what extent the Intermediary should refrain
from acting for competitors of the Counterpart. The contract contains the two alternatives:
If the parties do not expressly agree on the Intermediary’s non-competition obligation, the
general rule - as established in General Conditions - says that the Intermediary will be bound
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not to act for competitors of the Counterpart to the extent it has been granted an exclusive
right to a certain business.
With respect to the Intermediary's remuneration, the parties may choose between several
alternatives: a first option regards the type of remuneration. Although the most common
type of remuneration is a commission on the value of the business (contract) entered into
through the intermediary's intervention, parties can also agree on a lump sum. The latter
may be appropriate in cases of simple communication of information and, more generally,
when the parties wish to limit the extent of their collaboration to a very first stage (e.g., the
simple introduction of a third party).
As far as the rate of commission is concerned, the model only provides for a fixed rate. How-
ever, this does not prevent the parties from agreeing on more sophisticated solutions, such
as different rates of commission according to the amount of the contract. So, it is usual for
big deals to agree upon a variable commission (e.g. 5% up to 500.000 USD; 3% from 500.000
to 2.000.000 USD; 2% on the amount exceeding 2.000.000 USD). If the parties choose this
solution, they should clearly define which situations should be considered as a single deal
and which are to be considered separately for the purpose of such calculation.
It is important that the parties decide whether the Intermediary should be paid for the sim-
ple fact that it has performed certain services (e.g., to communicate information, to put the
Counterpart into contact with a third party, to the conclusion of the contract), inde-
pendently of the result obtained, or if, on the contrary, it should be paid only if and to the
extent its activity has led to the conclusion of a contract with a third party.
Each party has an obligation not to disclose any confidential information obtained in the
context of the NCND agreement, such as names of customers, sources for contracts, business
opportunities made available by the Intermediary; or, on the other side, information given
by the Counterpart about its marketing organization, pricing policies, commercial strate-
gies, etc.
The model contract contains only the option of a contract for a fixed term, thus excluding a
contract for an indefinite term, considering that such solution is almost never used for this
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type of agreement. The parties may indicate the duration (or expiry date) of the agreement,
as well as the conditions for its renewal. If nothing has been agreed, the contract is deemed
to be made for a period of one year
The model contract is been based on the assumption that it will not be governed by a specific
national law, but only by the provisions of the contract itself and the principles of law gen-
erally recognized in international trade as applicable to contracts with intermediaries. As it
concerns the resolution of disputes, the standard solution proposed in General Conditions
is that ICC Arbitration will automatically apply if not otherwise agreed, but other alterna-
tives (such as jurisdiction of ordinary courts) can be chosen.
The NCND Agreement should be used in international trade operations in which the Inter-
mediary acts on an occasional and limited time basis (maximum of one year) for its Coun-
terparty. If the relationship between the two parties is more complete and lasting, the In-
ternational Commercial Agency Contract should be used.
This model contract is used mainly for the intermediation of international trade operations
of different types of products (food, raw materials, and minerals) that are sold in large quan-
tities as well as industrial products (machinery) and services with high prices.
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