Moir 2017
Moir 2017
Moir 2017
Sprinting and
Biomechanical Solutions:
A Constraints-Led
Framework for the
Incorporation of
Resistance Training to
Develop Sprinting Speed
Gavin L. Moir, PhD,1 Scott M. Brimmer, MS,1 Brandon W. Snyder, MS,1 Chris Connaboy, PhD,2
and Hugh S. Lamont, PhD3
Exercise Science Department, East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania;
Neuromuscular Research Laboratory, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and 3Department of
Kinesiology, Recreation and Sport Studies, Coastal Carolina University, Conway, South Carolina
ABSTRACT VERTICAL IMPULSE DURING events in track and field (100, 200,
STANCE, CONSTRAINING MINIMAL 400 m), the execution of sprints is also
STANCE DURATIONS. CONSIDER- required to optimize the strategic and
ING THE MECHANICAL LIMITATIONS tactical elements in many field sports.
RESISTANCE TRAINING METHODS For example, field hockey players per-
ON SPRINTING PERFORMANCE IS form approximately 11 sprints during
NOT ALWAYS DEMONSTRATED a game (99), rugby players have been
EXPERIMENTALLY. ACCELERATIVE shown to execute approximately 30
SPRINTING IS LIMITED BY THE sprints during a game (31), and elite
REQUIREMENT OF A FORWARD- soccer players up to 35 sprints during
DIRECTED GROUND REACTION a game (28). Straight-line sprints are the
FORCE DURING PROGRESSIVELY most frequent action performed by both
SHORTER STANCE PHASES THAT goal scorers and the assisting players
ACCOMPANY HIGHER SPRINTING during soccer (34). Furthermore, there
acceleration; maximal
printing is an important compo-
Address correspondence to Dr. Gavin L.
Moir, [email protected]. S nent in many sports. As well
as sprinting comprising specific
sprinting speed; power; stiffness;
constraints-led approach
Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Resistance Training for Sprinting
is evidence that the better players in SPRINTING AS A The 3 phases of acceleration, maximal
field sports are also faster sprinters MULTIDIMENSIONAL SKILL speed, and maintenance can be applied
(31,40), emphasizing the importance Figure 1 shows the speed-distance data to all athletes, although the duration of
of sprinting performance for these for a group of elite sprinters and stu- each phase differs. For example,
athletes. dents performing a 100-m sprint. The untrained sprinters achieve their max-
The importance of sprinting in many biexponential curve can be used to imal sprinting speed much sooner than
sports has resulted in the search for determine 3 distinct phases: well-trained sprinters and these speeds
Acceleration phase—denoted by the are much lower (1,24,57). Despite the
the most appropriate training methods
to improve sprinting performance. The positive slope of the curve longer acceleration phase of elite
Attainment of maximal speed phase sprinters, they attain approximately
reliance of sprinting on force produc-
—denoted by the peak of the curve 80% of their maximal speed within
tion by the athlete has led to the inves-
Maintenance of maximal speed the first 20 m of a 100-m sprint (50).
tigation of the efficacy of resistance
phase—denoted by the negative slope The length of the acceleration phase
training to improve sprinting perfor-
of the curve for field-sport athletes is likely to be
mance, with the authors of recent
The identification of the different constrained by the strategic and tacti-
reviews concluding that resistance
sprint phases is acknowledged by cal requirements of the game, and it has
training was an effective means to
both researchers and practitioners, been shown that rugby players only
improve sprinting performance, partic-
although there is currently no consen- attain their maximal speed during
ularly over distances #30 m (9,94).
sus on the number of phases that a small proportion of the sprints that
Others, however, have reported that
should be included to describe sprint they execute during a game (31).
resistance training was not as effective
running (24,48,107). The notion of The importance of the different sprint
as simply engaging in sprint training to
a “phase” associated with maximal phases for the strength and condition-
improve sprinting performance (88). An
sprinting speed is somewhat mislead- ing practitioner is highlighted by the
understanding of the biomechanics of
ing because maximal speeds are fact that the mechanical demands dif-
sprinting can aid the strength and con-
ditioning practitioner in developing transient during sprints, being unsus- fer in each of the phases. These differ-
effective training methods to improve tainable due to mechanical and phys- ences become apparent when the
the sprinting performance of their ath- iological constraints. This has led posture of track and field sprinters is
letes. Furthermore, the role of resistance some researchers simply to divide observed during a 100-m sprint: the
training methods in the development of a 100-m sprint into 2 phases: an accel- athlete adopts an accentuated forward
sprinting speed can be revealed when eration phase, culminating in the lean during the early acceleration
viewing sprinting performance from attainment of maximal speed, and phase, whereas they assume an
the constraints-led framework that a deceleration phase (97). upright posture when they attain their
was developed in the field of skill acqui-
sition. The constraints-led approach
posits that movements used to accom-
plish specific tasks emerge from the
confluence of constraints surrounding
the athlete and has been promoted
recently as a unifying theoretical frame-
work that can be adopted by sports
scientists to increase the explanatory
power of applied research work and
aid the development of applied sports
science support programs for athletes
(37). Therefore, the purpose of this
review is threefold: (a) to present and
review the mechanical limitations to
straight-line sprinting, (b) to detail
the biomechanical solutions to each of
these limitations, and (c) to use
the constraints-led framework to Figure 1. Speed-distance data for a group of elite sprinters and a group of students
develop recommendations for the performing a 100-m sprint. The values in parentheses of the legend
implementation of resistance training
denote the average times for the 100 m in each group. From Babic V, Coh
practices to improve straight-line sprint M, Dizdar D. Differences in kinematic parameters of athletes of different
performance. running quality. Biol Sport 28: 115–121, 2001.
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Resistance Training for Sprinting
Table 1
The kinematic and kinetic variables during accelerative and maximal speed sprinting in trained sprinters
Sprint phase
Mechanical variable Early acceleration (first step) Mid-acceleration (16 m) Maximal speed
BW 5 bodyweight; CM 5 center of mass; GRF 5 ground reaction force; Takeoff distance 5 horizontal distance between the stance foot and the
center of mass at takeoff; Touchdown distance 5 horizontal distance between the center of mass and stance foot at touchdown.
and 1 vertical (normal contact force). Figure 4 shows the average horizontal acceleration of the CM during the accel-
The 3 orthogonal components act to and vertical forces applied by an athlete eration phase of sprinting that requires
accelerate the athlete’s CM in the during each stance phase of a 100-m trial a forward-directed GRF (77,78,80,97)
direction of the reaction force and performed from a stationary start. Notice and the requirement to support body-
the athlete is only able to exert a force that the magnitude of the average hori- weight (a vertical force) and project the
to the supporting surface during the zontal force decreases as the athlete tra- CM into an aerial phase of sufficient
stance phases of each sprinting stride. verses the acceleration phase and attains duration to reposition the swing leg when
It has been shown that the most their maximal speed, whereas the average sprinting at maximal speed (110). The
important components of the GRF vertical force increases concomitantly. changes in the posture adopted when
for sprinters are the anteroposterior These changes in the magnitude of the accelerating compared with sprinting at
(henceforth referred to as horizontal) 2 GRF components are associated with maximal speed reflect the differing re-
and vertical components (70,86). the greater requirement for horizontal quirements for the GRF acting during
Figure 4. The average horizontal (A) and vertical (B) forces applied during each stance phase as an athlete sprints 100 m. Each data
point represents the magnitude of the average force applied by the athlete during each stance phase as they traverse
the 100 m distance. Adapted with permission from Morin JB, Sève P. Sprint running performance: Comparison between
treadmill and field conditions. Eur J Appl Physiol 111: 1695–1703, 2011.
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Resistance Training for Sprinting
Figure 5. The horizontal and vertical components of the ground reaction force (GRF) during the acceleration phase (A and C) and
when sprinting at maximal speed (B and D). The forces have been normalized to bodyweight and the impulse of the GRF
has been calculated to allow comparison. Notice the shorter duration of stance when sprinting at maximal speed
compared with accelerative sprinting. Notice also the asymmetrical application of vertical force and the high rate of
force development when sprinting at maximal speed (5D). BW 5 bodyweight. Adapted with permission from Bezodis IN,
Kerwin DG, Salo AIT. Lower-limb mechanics during the support phase of maximum-velocity sprint running. Med Sci Sports
Exerc 40: 707–715, 2008; Hunter JP, Marshall RN, McNair PJ. Reliability of biomechanical variables of sprint running. Med Sci
Sports Exerc 36: 850–861, 2004.
from collapsing into the ground. In product of mass and velocity and that a net propulsive horizontal impulse
addition, this component also changes the mass of the athlete remains con- during stance and therefore the hori-
the vertical velocity of the CM during stant during each stance phase. The zontal velocity of the CM will increase.
the stance phases of both acceleration braking impulse experienced early dur- Although the magnitude of the braking
and maximal speed sprinting. ing the stance phase of accelerative impulse is not considered a limitation
The areas under the force-time traces sprinting (the negative area in to early acceleration (98), it may
shown in Figure 5 represent the Figure 5A) will therefore act to reduce become more of a limitation as the
impulse of the components of the the horizontal velocity of the CM, athlete approaches maximal speed
GRF. The change in the momentum whereas the propulsive impulse (the (43,80,113). However, the propulsive
of a body is equal to the impulse of positive area in Figure 5A) will act to impulse presents a significant limitation
the force acting on the body (75). It increase the horizontal velocity of the to accelerative sprinting, with faster
can be determined that the impulse CM. Notice that the sum of the braking athletes generating greater propulsive
of the GRF acts to change the velocity and propulsive impulses during the impulses than their slower counter-
of the CM given that momentum is the acceleration phase would result in parts (44,66,98).
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Resistance Training for Sprinting
group. This change in muscle activation Although the rotation-extension strat- positive work represents the joint
results in a decrease in the hip extensor egy was originally identified during the moment generating energy (largely
moment and a rapid increase in the net early acceleration phase of sprinting through concentric muscle actions).
extensor moment at the knee joint (46), there is evidence that the forceful Summing the work of each individual
which, along with an increase in the extension of the knee joint is also de- joint moment during stance associated
ankle extensor moment, further in- layed until the CM has been projected with the acceleration phase of sprinting
creases the horizontal velocity of the ahead of the resultant GRF during the reveals that the hip, knee, and ankle
CM (observe Figure 7A, 7C, and 7E mid-acceleration phase (16 m) in joint moments all produce net positive
between 0.06 and 0.08 seconds). There- trained sprinters (47). Therefore, the work (7,100). This net energy genera-
fore, the rotation-extension strategy rotation-extension strategy allows the tion of the moments of the stance leg
represents a biomechanical solution to athlete to generate a forward-directed results in an increase in the energy of
the forward-directed net GRF required net GRF and represents a constraint the CM during stance realized as an
during acceleration whereby the force- limiting successful acceleration during increase in the height (gravitational
ful extension of the knee and ankle a sprinting task. Notice that the potential energy) and the horizontal
joints is delayed while the CM is rotated requirement for the rotation- velocity (kinetic energy) of the CM
ahead of the resultant GRF. This extension strategy during stance to (66,70). The net energy generation of
rotation-extension strategy requires the accelerate the CM is more complicated the stance leg during the short stance
reciprocal activation of the biarticular than the notion of the “triple exten- durations associated with faster running
hamstrings and rectus femoris muscles sion” of the hip, knee, and ankle joints speeds is likely to explain the impor-
to delay the extension of the knee joint promoted in the extant literature (104); tance of high power outputs observed
(46). Allowing the forceful extension of this extension must be delayed until the in accelerative sprinting (86).
the knee joint early during stance would CM has been projected ahead of the As well as the mechanical output of
preclude the increase in forward veloc- resultant GRF (Figure 6). the stance leg influencing the direction
ity of the CM because the resultant The power output of the joint moments of the GRF when accelerating, the
GRF acts ahead of the CM at this time at the hip, knee, and ankle during the swing leg also contributes through
(Figure 6B). Recent evidence has stance phase of acceleration is shown in the generation of angular momentum.
revealed the importance of the ham- Figure 7. The area under each of the Specifically, the forward rotation of the
strings’ activity in generating a for- joint power graphs represents the work swing leg as it is repositioned during its
ward-directed GRF when sprinting done by the joint moment. Negative aerial phase will result in a more
with an interference in a forward- work represents the joint moment forward-directed GRF because of
directed GRF reported after a hamstring absorbing energy (largely through a greater horizontal component ex-
strain injury (64,65). eccentric muscle contractions), whereas erted via the stance leg, as has been
Figure 6. The rotation-extension strategy used to generate a forward-directed ground reaction force (GRF) during the acceleration phase
of sprinting. The strategy requires that the center of mass (CM) is first rotated about the stance leg before the leg is forcefully
extended to accelerate the CM effectively. Forceful extension of the knee joint is prevented early during stance through the
activation of the hamstrings and gluteus maximus, thereby preventing the resultant GRF from increasing at a time when it
acts ahead of the center of mass (6B). As the CM is rotated ahead of the resultant GRF, the activation of the hamstrings is
reduced while that of the rectus femoris increases. This reciprocal activation of the biarticular hamstrings and rectus femoris
increases the magnitude of the extensor moment at the knee, increasing the angular velocity of the joint and also increasing
the magnitude of the resultant GRF, thereby accelerating the center of mass (6C and 6D). Note: the resultant GRF is shown as
the red vector; the time of the stance phase is shown at the bottom of the figure. From Jacobs R, Ingen Schenau GJ.
Intermuscular coordination in a sprint push-off. J Biomech 25: 953–965, 1992.
demonstrated during other forms of appear to lean forward further into before touchdown, given the reduced
gait (41). Although this has yet to be a sprint (53) but it may be that the stance durations as the athlete contin-
tested experimentally, it is possible faster sprinters have a greater capacity ues to accelerate (78).
that faster sprinters are able to gen- to use the rotation-extension strategy To summarize, the preceding biome-
erate a forward-directed net GRF during stance and continue to gener- chanical analysis of accelerative sprint-
during acceleration in part due to ate forces during the progressively ing allows us to establish mechanisms
the large amount of angular momen- decreasing durations of propulsion that allow faster athletes to attain
tum generated through the rapid that occur as the athlete traverses greater acceleration:
rotation of the contralateral swing through the acceleration phase Faster sprinters are able to generate
leg during ipsilateral stance. It is (Table 1). It has recently been noted large amounts of work at the lower-
interesting to note that the fastest that faster sprinters have both greater body joints during short stance du-
sprinters have lower swing times than force and velocity characteristics dur- rations that are associated with their
their slower counterparts during the ing explosive tasks such as sprinting higher sprinting speeds.
acceleration phase of sprinting (76), when compared with slower sprinters Faster sprinters are able to continue
indicating a greater angular velocity (76,86). These muscular characteris- to generate a forward-directed net
of the swing leg. Furthermore, elite tics would allow the generation of GRF during stance when sprinting
sprinters have been shown to have large forces that would support the at high speeds through the applica-
very high angular velocities of the continued increase in velocity of the tion of the rotation-extension strat-
swing leg when sprinting at maximal CM during shorter stance phases. Fur- egy (activating the hamstrings early
speed (53,71). thermore, the activation of the biartic- during stance to delay the forceful
It is currently unclear why trained ular hamstrings that is required early extension of the knee joint).
sprinters are able to continue to gen- during stance (preventing the forceful The rapid rotation of the swing leg as
erate a forward-directed net GRF at extension of the knee as part of the it is repositioned also contributes to
greater sprinting speeds compared rotation-extension strategy) must be the forward-directed GRF during
with their slower counterparts. They initiated during the late flight phase stance.
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Resistance Training for Sprinting
MECHANICAL LIMITATIONS TO of each step. The vertical forces that The high vertical velocity of the stance
MAXIMAL SPEED SPRINTING AND can be applied to the ground during leg at touchdown as part of the
BIOMECHANICAL SOLUTIONS short stance phases to provide impact-limb deceleration mechanism
Maximal speed is attained when the the minimum aerial time to reposition would be enhanced by a high knee lift
athlete can no longer accelerate. As the swing leg for the subsequent ipsi- of the swing leg as it is repositioned
previously stated, this occurs when lateral stance impose a biomechanical during the flight phase. This high knee
the athlete is no longer able to gener- limitation to maximal running speed, lift is a characteristic of elite sprinters
ate a forward-directed net GRF during referred to as “front-side” mechanics
and it has been shown that faster
stance, which highlights the impor- (1,58) and requires an upright posture
sprinters exert greater vertical impulses
tance of the acceleration phase on that is attained when sprinting at max-
during stance compared with their
the attainment of maximal sprinting imal speed to enhance the reposition-
slower counterparts (109–111).
speed. The duration of the braking ing of the swing leg (108) (Figure 2D).
phase during stance as well as the Recent experimental results have re- The high knee lift would require the
magnitude of the braking forces vealed that the greater vertical impulses swing leg to be recovered very rapidly,
increase as the athlete traverses generated by the faster sprinters are necessitating very high angular veloci-
through the acceleration phase ((79); actually applied during the first half of ties, given the similar aerial times re-
Table 1). This has led to the suggestion stance, with no difference in the mag- ported for faster and slower sprinters
of braking impulse imposing a biome- nitude of the vertical impulse generated (111). Indeed, there is evidence that the
chanical limitation to maximal sprint- during the second half of stance ((17); angular velocity of the swing leg is
ing speed (14,113). This suggestion Figure 5D). The asymmetric application greater in faster sprinters than their
holds some merit from a mechanical of the vertical GRF is achieved by an slower counterparts (53,71). These
standpoint. However, the braking force initial impact-limb deceleration mecha- high angular velocities are achieved
will likely induce the stretch- nism whereby the swing leg is by the actions of the hip flexors (rectus
shortening cycle, potentiating the work “punched” into the ground at touch- femoris and iliopsoas) (29,92) and
done by the joint moments during the down (17). The attainment of large ver- energy that is transported across the
propulsive phase of stance (52). Fur- tical forces via the impact-limb pelvis from the contralateral leg
thermore, the braking force exerted deceleration mechanism seems to be (2,14). Furthermore, the rapid recovery
by the stance leg may aid the recovery a biomechanical solution to overcome of the swing leg is important when
of the contralateral swing leg. For these the limitation associated with the inabil- sprinting at maximal speed because
reasons, a substantial reduction in the ity of the stance leg extensor muscles to the thigh of the swing leg is the only
braking forces may actually be counter- generate sufficient force during the brief segment that has been shown to pro-
productive to the attainment of high stance phases associated with maximal duce a forward-directed impulse dur-
sprinting speeds. sprinting speeds (110). ing the braking phase of contralateral
stance (71). Finally, the active motion
Recall from Equation 1 that the maxi- The impact-limb deceleration mecha-
of the swing leg discussed earlier would
mal speed attained by an athlete will be nism can be revealed by comparing the
be required before touchdown to
determined by stance distance and vertical velocities of the CM and
achieve the high vertical velocities of
stance time and that the duration of stance leg at touchdown during maxi-
the stance leg at touchdown as part of
stance decreases as the athlete acceler- mal speed sprinting: the vertical veloc-
the impact-limb deceleration mecha-
ates (Table 1). The short stance dura- ity of the stance leg can be as high
nism. The ability of faster sprinters to
tions associated with higher sprinting as 23.00 m/s (17,87), whereas the
rapidly recover the swinging leg and
speeds require the angle swept through vertical velocity of the CM is much use an active motion of the swing leg
by the stance leg to be increased to lower, being approximately 20.50 to before touchdown is highlighted by the
maintain or even increase stance dis- 20.70 m/s (62,67). Furthermore, there reduced horizontal distance between
tance and therefore sprinting speed is some evidence that the vertical the ipsilateral and contralateral knees
(62). This explains why touchdown velocity of the CM at touchdown de- at touchdown in trained compared
distance and therefore braking forces creases with increasing sprinting speed with untrained sprinters (13). There-
increase with sprinting speed; braking (62), whereas the vertical velocity of fore, rather than the active motion of
forces are a necessary consequence of the stance leg at touchdown increases the swing leg contributing to a reduced
increased sprinting speeds. During the at greater sprinting speeds (69,87). The touchdown distance and braking force
short stance phases associated with impact-limb deceleration mechanism that has been questioned by some re-
high sprinting speeds, there is still therefore represents a biomechanical searchers recently (78), the purpose of
a requirement to exert a vertical force solution to overcome the mechanical the active motion of the swing leg may
to support bodyweight and also to limitation to maximal sprinting speed be to initiate a successful impact-limb
change the vertical velocity of the imposed by the requirement of the deceleration mechanism to support
CM and project it into the aerial phase short stance durations. faster maximal running speeds. The
Figure 8. Joint moments and powers at the hip (A and B), knee (C and D), and ankle (E and F) during maximal speed sprinting. The
energy generated and absorbed by the joint moments has been calculated for comparison. Combining the work done
by the joint moments reveals that the leg generates net energy of only 0.040 J/kg, reflecting the absence of change in
height of the center of mass (CM) (gravitational potential energy) or speed of the CM (kinetic energy) from touchdown
to takeoff. Compare these values to those in Figure 7. From Bezodis IN, Kerwin DG, Salo AIT. Lower-limb mechanics during
the support phase of maximum-velocity sprint running. Med Sci Sports Exerc 40: 707–715, 2008.
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Resistance Training for Sprinting
mechanical energy of the CM from The impact-limb deceleration mech- leads to the obvious proposal of resis-
touchdown to takeoff, with neither anism relies on the rapid recovery of tance training as an effective training
the height nor the horizontal velocity the swing leg to produce a high knee mode to improve sprinting perfor-
of the CM changing appreciably dur- lift (requiring work generated by the mance. Despite favorable evidence
ing stance (69,71). hip flexors and energy from contra- supporting the inclusion of resistance
lateral leg), an active leg motion to training in the overall training program
The preceding biomechanical analysis of
“punch” the swing leg into the of sprinters (9,23,88,94), there is still
maximal speed sprinting allows us to
ground (requiring the hamstrings to opposition in some expert sprint
establish mechanisms that allow faster
absorb energy), and the stiffness of coaches (10). The objection seems to
athletes to attain greater sprinting speeds:
Faster sprinters are able to continue the stance leg (influenced largely by be based largely on issues surrounding
the knee and ankle joints) early dur- the mechanical specificity of resistance
to generate net forward-directed
ing stance to prevent its collapse and training exercises relative to the sprint-
GRF at higher speeds. This ability
ensure the generation of a very high ing stride (10). Some potential objec-
likely arises from the incorporation
rate of force development. tions to the inclusion of resistance
of the rotation-extension strategy
during short stance durations associ- training for sprinters based on mechan-
ated with higher sprinting speeds ical specificity are shown in Table 2.
(requiring the involvement of ham- TRAINING: THE CONSTRAINTS-LED The biomechanical aspects of sprint-
strings early during stance), as well as APPROACH ing are complex, rendering the selec-
the rapid rotation of the contralateral The preceding discussion of both tion of an appropriate resistance
swing leg during stance. accelerative and maximal speed sprint- training exercise based purely on the
Faster sprinters are able to generate ing reveals that success is predicated principle of mechanical specificity very
large forces during short stance du- on the ability of the athlete to generate difficult. As was concluded in a recent
rations, with an approximate balance large forces during stance phases that review, the most specific form of train-
between the absorption and genera- become progressively shorter as speed ing to improve straight-line sprinting
tion of energy by the lower-body increases. The joint moments of the will be to engage in sprinting (88).
joint moments. stance leg combine to generate energy However, although exercise specificity
Faster sprinters are able to use the during the acceleration phase but is certainly an important principle
impact-limb deceleration mecha- increase the absorption of energy when developing a training program,
nism to generate an asymmetrical when the athlete is sprinting at maxi- it is only one of a number of principles
vertical GRF, allowing for reduced mal speed. The reliance of sprinting on that will influence the effectiveness of
stance durations and therefore force production and energy absorp- the program, the others being over-
greater maximal sprinting speeds. tion/generation by the joint moments load, variation, and reversibility (26).
Table 2
Possible objections to the inclusion of resistance training in a program to develop sprinting speed based on mechanical
Objection Explanation
High sprinting speeds require short stance durations Many resistance training exercises require the application of
force for durations in excess of those associated with
Accelerative sprinting is limited by the energy generated by the Although some resistance training exercises will promote net
joint moments of the stance leg via the rotation-extension positive work to be generated by the hip, knee, and ankle
strategy joint moments during force application (e.g., jumping
exercises (73)), they do not require the rotation-extension
strategy that is associated with accelerative sprinting.
Maximal speed sprinting is limited by the impact-limb Typical resistance training exercises promote the application of
deceleration mechanism large vertical forces through the acceleration of large external
masses (e.g., back squat) and do not involve a mechanism
whereby the leg is “punched” into the ground (even during
the execution of a drop jump, the leg and the center of mass
have largely the same vertical velocity at touchdown in
contrast to the different velocities observed as part of the
impact-limb deceleration mechanism when sprinting).
Table 3
The benefits provided by resistance training methods to sprint athletes
Benefit Explanation
Improvements in various indices of Resistance training can increase various indices of muscular strength through neurogenic
muscular strength (e.g., motor unit recruitment and rate coding) and phenotypic (e.g., hypertrophy,
myosin heavy chain isoform transformation, and muscle architecture) adaptations (75).
Such adaptations would provide a foundation for the increased ability to absorb and
generate work by joint moments to support the application of GRF during stance and
the rapid recovery of the swing leg. Indeed, faster sprinters are typically stronger than
their slower counterparts (75) and have been shown to have hypertrophy of the
musculature crossing the hip and knee joints compared with nonsprinters (39).
Altered force-velocity characteristics Resistance training can alter the force-velocity spectrum during multijoint movements
(18). The ability to produce high forces at high velocities would allow the athlete to
reduce the duration of their stance phases, thereby allowing the attainment of greater
sprinting speeds. The force-velocity characteristics have been shown to be the most
important muscular property limiting sprinting speeds (72), and faster sprinters have
both greater force and greater velocity characteristics than their slower counterparts
Improved SSC performance during Resistance training can improve the SSC performance during rapid movements through
rapid movements an enhanced ability to use the kinetics during the initial eccentric phase of the SSC (20)
and as the result of increased neural drive (5). Such an adaptation would likely enhance
the absorption and subsequent generation of work by joint moments to support
greater sprinting speeds.
Increased leg stiffness Resistance training can increase leg stiffness (63). Such an adaptation would allow the
sprinter to use the impact-limb deceleration mechanism to support greater maximal
sprinting speeds through the rapid application of large vertical forces during stance.
Increased connective tissue strength Resistance training has been shown to be effective at increasing the strength of
connective tissue (ligaments and tendons) and bone (8,101). Such adaptations would
allow these biological tissues to accommodate the large forces experienced when
sprinting at high speeds.
GRF 5 ground reaction force; SSC 5 stretch-shortening cycle.
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Resistance Training for Sprinting
regarded as coordinative structures. A to demonstrate how the constraints- mechanical limitations to sprinting
coordinative structure can be defined led framework can guide the develop- (task constraints) and the biomechani-
as a temporary organization of body ment of training programs by address- cal solutions to these (coordinative
and limb motions that emerges from ing these 3 areas. structures) to guide the selection of
the interaction of the different con- the resistance training exercises. Both
straints imposed on an athlete during APPROPRIATE TESTING FOR the rotation-extension strategy used to
a motor skill, existing only until the SPRINTERS satisfy the task constraint of a forward-
goal of the motor skill is achieved Any analysis of sprinting performance directed GRF during the acceleration
(21,37). The coordinative structures must acknowledge the different phases phase and the initial impact-limb
associated with sprint running, and so deceleration mechanism used to gen-
adopted during sprinting (rotation-
the measurement of sprint times erate large vertical forces rapidly when
extension strategy and initial impact-
should include multiple distances to sprinting at maximal speed are predi-
limb deceleration mechanism) require
allow the determination of the differ- cated on high levels of muscular
sufficient muscular power and leg stiff- ent phases (e.g., the use of time over strength and power and both share
ness, both organismic constraints. For 10 m intervals during a 100-m sprint). the following commonalities:
example, insufficient muscular power The assessment of performance during The requirement of the extensor mo-
would prohibit the execution of the the different sprint phases is supported ments about the hip, knee, and ankle
rotation-extension strategy during by reports of different training meth- joints to generate (acceleration
short stance times, reducing the length ods, eliciting different responses in phase) and absorb (maximal speed
of the acceleration phase during the sprinting phases (23,74). Further- phase) energy during short stance
a sprint. Furthermore, insufficient mus- more, the importance of power in phases.
cular power would limit the velocity of sprinting performance requires an The requirement of the hip flexors to
the swing leg at touchdown, prevent- assessment of the force-velocity char- recover the swing leg rapidly when
ing the application of an asymmetric acteristics of each athlete to allow the accelerating to contribute to the
vertical GRF that also requires suffi- development of appropriate training forward-directed force and to
cient leg stiffness during stance. This methods to improve each of these produce a high knee lift when sprint-
would require a longer stance duration organismic constraints. Loaded jump ing at maximal speed as part of the
to apply sufficient vertical force, tests have been proposed as effective initial impact-limb deceleration
thereby reducing the maximal speed methods of assessing the force and mechanism.
attained by the athlete. Muscle power velocity capabilities of athletes (91), The importance of the hamstrings
and leg stiffness can therefore be re- although a simple method of assessing muscle group to delay knee exten-
garded as rate limiters that preclude force, velocity, and power output dur- sion as part of the rotation-
the attainment of very high sprinting ing sprint trials has recently been devel- extension strategy during the accel-
speeds by preventing the emergence oped (90). These assessments would eration phase and the eccentric
of the sprint-specific coordinative allow the practitioner to identify areas action required to “punch” the leg
structures. As both muscular power of weakness for the athletes, which can into the ground as part of the initial
output and leg stiffness are best be remedied through the implementa- impact-limb deceleration mecha-
enhanced through resistance training tion of specific resistance training nism when sprinting at maxi-
methods, an effective training program exercises. mal speed.
would integrate resistance training Unilateral force production during
methods with sprint training methods each stance phase.
to allow higher sprinting speeds to be EXERCISE SELECTION The acceleration phase of sprinting re-
attained before the mechanical limita- The selection of resistance training ex- quires the joint moments of the stance
tions impose their restrictions. ercises by the practitioner is typically leg to generate energy during progres-
We propose that a constraints-led based on the principle of specificity, sively shorter stance phases. General
framework holds significant implica- with an increased correspondence resistance exercises emphasizing the
tions for sport scientists in allowing between the mechanical and physio- development of strength about the
them to design and evaluate effective logical characteristics of the resistance hip, knee, and ankle joints (e.g., squats
training programs to develop sprinting training exercises and those of the per- and deadlifts) should therefore be
speed. Specifically, we contend that formance movements enhancing the included in a training program to
the constraints-led framework holds transfer of adaptations (95). The spec- improve sprinting. Weightlifting pulling
implications in the following areas: ificity of the exercises generally in- derivatives can prove beneficial for the
appropriate testing for sprinters; creases as the athlete progresses sprinter because they remove the catch
appropriate training exercise selection; through a training program toward phase of the lifts while emphasizing the
and the use of periodized training the competitive phase. The practi- rapid generation of large forces during
models. What follows is an attempt tioner can use the knowledge of the the second pull phase of weightlifting
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Resistance Training for Sprinting
Free sprinting exercises are recom- of muscular strength and power gained rotation-extension strategy and the
mended throughout the training pro- from the resistance training methods is initial impact-limb deceleration mech-
gram to ensure that the development transferred to the development of the anism. The emphasis in the free
Table 4
A block periodized framework for the implementation of resistance training to support the development of straight-line
sprinting speed
Block Strength endurance Maximal dynamic strength Power
Expected Increased work capacity, increased Increased maximal force Increased rate of force development
adaptations muscle cross-sectional area production and movement velocity
Volume (sets 3 High volume (e.g., 3 3 10) Moderate volume (e.g., 3 3 5) Moderate to low volume (e.g., 3 3 5,
repetitions) 3 3 3, 3 3 2)
Intensity Moderate intensity (e.g., 60% 1-RM) High intensity (e.g., .85% Range of intensities using a mixed-
1-RM) methods approach (e.g., 0–100%
1 RM)
Exercise Back squats Half back squats Quarter back squats
Overhead squats Unilateral squats Loaded squat jumps
Nordic hamstring exercise Stiff leg deadlifts Bench press
Good mornings Overhead press Bench throws
Bench press
Bent-over rows
WL derivatives WL derivatives WL derivatives
Clean-grip shoulder shrugs Midthigh pull Power clean
Clean pull Hang high pull
Snatch pull Jump shrug
Plyometrics Plyometrics Plyometrics
Tuck jumps in place Countermovement vertical Drop jumps
and horizontal jumps
A-drills Bounds Stepping drills
Hopping drills
Potentiating complexes
Resisted-sprint exercises Resisted-sprint exercises
Heavy sled towing Moderate sled towing (15%vdec)
Assisted-sprint exercises
Towed & downhill sprints
Free sprint exercises Free sprint exercises Free sprint exercises
Conditioning (long distances or Short distances for Longer distances for maximal
short distances with high acceleration speed
%vdec 5 percent decrement in sprinting velocity calculated using the methods proposed by Lockie et al. (55); 1-RM 5 1-repetition maximum; WL
5 weightlifting.
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Resistance Training for Sprinting
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Resistance Training for Sprinting
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