Fire Alarm Monitoring Systems: Building Permits

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Fire Alarm Monitoring Systems


This updates the previous Practice Note-

2016-040 issued February 2016.

Reference to the Building Code of Australia

(BCA) in this Practice Note means Volumes
Building Permits
One and Two of the National Construction Under the Building Act 1993 (the Act), a
Code Series. building permit is required for the following
• Conversion of an existing fire alarm
Fire authorities no longer monitor fire alarms monitoring system (AIU or other link)
in Victoria — private alarm monitoring to another approved monitoring
service providers now operate in a system (ASE);
competitive environment. In many instances, • Disconnection from an alarm
this change has also involved replacement of monitoring service.
the existing hardware system link or AIU
(alarm interface unit), with alarm signalling Non- Required Systems
equipment (ASE). A building permit is necessary for this
The relevant building surveyor (RBS) is building work, whether the fire alarm
responsible for issuing building permits for connection is a required system or not. No
the conversion or disconnection of fire alarm exemptions apply under Schedule 5 of the
systems. The RBS must also ensure that all Building Regulations 2018 (the Regulations),
compliance requirements are met. as undertaking such work could adversely
affect the safety of the public or occupiers of
Background the building.
The Metropolitan Fire and Emergency
Services Board (MFESB) and the Country Fire
Permit Application
Authority (CFA) have ceased to operate fire Each application for a building permit should
alarm monitoring services. This has allowed a include:
competitive environment to develop, where
• allotment plans;
private sector service providers monitor fire
• details of the building work proposed;
alarms and transmit alarm signals to the
• location of the work within the
relevant fire brigade. Direct fire brigade building; and
alarm connections using an AIU, or other
• details of any penetrations or fixings
types of links, may have been replaced with through, or into, the existing building.
ASE to comply with AS 1670.3-2004.
A stated time period within which the
existing alarm system will be non-operational
(if at all), so that protection for occupants of
the building can be considered under
regulation 116.

Issued June 2018 Page 1 of 2

PN 40 Fire Alarm Monitoring Systems

Details of the proposed system to be by a person with suitable qualifications and

installed, does it comply with the BCA, or is it experience.
at least equal in its in-service application to Required fire alarm monitoring systems are
the existing system? an essential safety measure and subject to
Once this information is received, the RBS the provisions of Part 15 of the Regulations.
must consider whether the work will comply This means that if the building work is
with the Act, the Regulations and the BCA. approved after a final inspection is carried
out, and a certificate of final inspection is
Compliance Requirements issued, the RBS must make a maintenance
The BCA requires that ASE complies with AS determination under regulation 215.
1670.1-2015 Fire detection, warning, control
and intercom systems — System design,
installation and commissioning — Fire. The Systems which do not comply with the
Standard refers to a number of other Deemed-to-Satisfy provisions of the BCA may
Australian Standards that the monitoring still be accredited by the Building Regulations
system must comply with. Advisory Committee. Accreditation, if
granted, verifies system suitability.
If the proposed new system does not comply
with the BCA, then the RBS has discretion Information on accreditation and accredited
under regulation 233to allow partial products can be obtained from the Victorian
compliance. Alternatively, an application Building Authority.
may be made to the Building Appeals Board
for a modification. Further information
Reasonable provision needs to be made for
the safety of people using the building. If the Want to know more?
new system is at least equal in its in-service If you have a technical enquiry, please email
application to the existing system being [email protected] or
replaced, this may be considered acceptable. call 1300 815 127.
Advice about managing a monitored Victorian Building Authority
automatic alarm system is provided in the 733 Bourke Street Docklands VIC 3008
MFB/CFA Guideline No. GL-46 Managing
Monitored Automatic Alarm Systems in
accordance with fire services legislation,
available at www MBF safety

Necessary Inspections
Due to the minor nature of the work, the RBS
may determine that a final inspection is the
only mandatory inspection required.
Section 34 of the Act requires the RBS to
cause the building work concerned to be
inspected. The RBS may consider this
requirement to be satisfied if a statement of
compliance is issued pursuant to AS 1670.1

Issued June 2018 Page 2 of 2

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