0 Before We Begin - Final PDF
0 Before We Begin - Final PDF
0 Before We Begin - Final PDF
Evolving to Divinity
The participant will be able to adapt faster and feel more confident about
what he or she learns.
Key Point
The participant will be familiar with the ground rules for the sessions.
The Book of Coming Forth by Day
The Book of Knowing the Transformations of RA and Overthrowing
The Edufu Text
The Coffin Text
The Pyramid Text
The Instruction to Merikare
Recognize the Problem
“It isn’t that they cannot find the solution. It is that they cannot see the
problem.”–G.K. Chesterton
“How many of you are happy with the way the world is going?”
“How many of you are happy with your life?”
“How many of you believe you are fulfilling your life’s dreams?”
“How many of you believe the governments of nations are doing an
impressive job and serving the people as they should?”
I guarantee you that few people will come forward and say they are happy
with what is going on in the world. Therefore, a problem needs solving, and
we must conquer denial.
Realize that the challenges we see are the material effects of underlying
causes. Therefore, instead of dealing with the material effects, we must first
make an accurate diagnosis and find the immaterial causes of the problem.
Recognize that life challenges are the effects of basic causes. So, instead of
treating problems, make an accurate diagnosis of the basic causes of the
challenges. Use the tried and proven Self Knowledge of the Eastern ancient
elders to evolve and take actions that fix the causes of your challenges.
The solution to this problem lies in the past. We must learn from ancient
Eastern Savants and capture much of their Spiritual teachings.
You ask, “Why do we need wisdom from the ancient East”? Well, it is
because their ancient Eastern Spiritual teachings enabled them to
transform their society-Kemet into the greatest civilization ever known.
Only a person with eyes can see colors; only a person with ears can enjoy
music. Similarly, only people with proven teachings can provide the
guidance we need to overcome today’s challenges.
Those in the West, who condemn religion and Spirituality, often suffer from
limited thinking. They do not realize that Spiritual thought has another
perspective-ancient Eastern Spiritual thinking. It is not the same as
Western Spiritual thought. For the reader’s convenience, the table below
organizes the key differences:
TrueSpirituality recycles the teachings of the past and presents its practical
application for today.
Knowledge from the Original Scriptures
The in-depth Self Knowledge led to wonders that even modern science
cannot duplicate. The ancient wisdom is abundant in their 2500-year-old
first dynasty scriptures, i.e.:
The titles above make up the original scriptures on how Man should relate
to the higher power, family, nature, and, most important, one another. They
were the first behavioral instructions given to Man and carved in stone to
ensure we would receive their message today. Check this quote from world-
renowned Egyptologist John Anthony West:
Every aspect of Kemetic knowledge seems to be complete at the beginning.
The sciences, artistic and architectural technique, and the hieroglyphic system
show no signs of a period of ‘development’; many of the achievements of the
earliest dynasties were never surpassed or even equaled later on. Orthodox
Egyptologists admit this astonishing fact, but the magnitude of the mystery it
poses is understated, while its many implications go unmentioned.”
West, John Anthony, Serpent in the Sky, p.1, (Quest Books, 1993)
Knowing TrueSpirituality
A sense of connection (oneness) with all things
Better governance of your life as you realize your circumstances result
from how you handle your inner being
Assurance you have a higher power to handle challenges beyond your
Spiritual power (mind over matter) in manifesting what you desire
Infinite wisdom, the ability to get the answer to any question you may
A natural state of inner peace and happiness
Get Self-Knowledge
“Self-knowledge is the foundation of real success.”-Rachel Simmons
Self Knowledge is the body of profound information that helps you better
understand yourself and the world. It involves answering questions such:
Who is God?
Who is Man?
What kind of being is Man?
What is the Cosmos?
Why was the Cosmos created?
What is the purpose of life?
What is Spirituality?
What is God’s plan in creating the Cosmos and Man?
And many more questions
1. God
2. Your Relationship with God
3. Man
4. Universal Truths
5. The Spirit
6. The Mind
7. The Lifeforce
8. The Self-Image
9. How to change Spirit/Energy
10. How to nourish the Lifeforce
11. How to practice Truth Initiations
In the following sessions, you will unearth deep Self Knowledge and an
action plan that guides you through the stress and unhappiness faced when
observing the world today. Although broad and shallow, the content is a
competent program designed to help you overcome life challenges. We
recover sacred teachings from the past as a practical approach to reaching
peace and happiness.
A Few Ground Rules
Those seeking a more profound understanding should review the books,
videos, and websites outlined in the Appendix.
This content does not comply with any existing religion, organization,
ideology, or group ready to discredit information outside the box of their
Our information is not advocating joining any tradition, cult, culture, or way
of life. Instead, the material expands the participant’s awareness of the
world and the higher power.
From the jump, let us be clear; nothing in this presentation is original.
There are no author or presenter's opinions or ideas involved in the content.
All information in this manual comes from what other reliable sources have
written about original ancient Eastern teachings. (See Resources in the
Another point is that the author does not use politically devised, truth-
finding techniques such as footnotes, primary author, minority author, and
other “so-called” alethiological (the study of Truth) protocol. Instead, we
urge you to find Truth, as the ancient Eastern Savants did, according to
what resonates in your Spirit/Energy. Remember, if it looks like a bird,
walks like a bird, sounds like a bird, it probably is a bird. Intuition never
All participants who wish to take actual value from this workshop should
attend all eight sessions and test concepts with which he or she disagrees.
Yet, please remain objective.