Deep / Long Piles in Dubai
Deep / Long Piles in Dubai
Deep / Long Piles in Dubai
1, February 2018
the pile will move downward without any increase in the Berezantzev et al. (1961) and it has been found that this
load "failure point" [3]-[5]. coefficient is based on the drained angle of shearing
resistance and the ratio between the pile penetration
depth over the pile width (diameter), this relationship is
shown in the Fig. 2. Vesic (1967) confirmed that these
N q values give results which is almost near to the
practical conditions. Another criterion developed by
Brinch Hansen to evaluate the factor of the pile bearing
N q , but the values should be multiplying by a shape
factor 1.3 for the square and circular pile’s base cross
section [5].
PSU = Ultimate pile skin friction resistance
Figure 2. Pile bearing capacity factor Nq
PBU = Ultimate pile end bearing resistance
WP = Pile weight The second term in equation No. 2 is used to calculate
According to Michael Tomlinson and John Woodward the pile skin friction resistance to the compression
(1977), the classical equation to calculate the loading. Table 1 shows the values of K s related to K o
compression pile capacity in the sand soil is;
for different installation techniques. The value of the
factor K s is very critical and difficult to evaluate, because
QP N q 'o Ab K S 'o tan( ) AS (2) it is depending on the stress history of the soil and the
2 installation method of the piles. For example, the using of
where, driven pile technique is increasing the horizontal soil
'o effective soil overburden pressure at the pile base stress from its original K o value and the using of bored
level. pile technique can loosen the soil, and reduce the
horizontal soil stress. This factor is governed by the
N q = pile bearing capacity factor. following items;
Ab = the area of the pile base “cross sectional area”. The stress history of the soil.
The ratio between the pile penetration depth and the
K s = coefficient of the soil horizontal stress. pile width or diameter.
= the angle of friction between pile and soil. The shape and the stiffness of the pile.
AS = the area of the pile shaft. The pile material.
The factors N q , K s are empirical factors have been TABLE I. THE COEFFICIENT OF THE SOIL HORIZONTAL STRESS, Ks
obtained from the results of piles static load tests, is Installation method K s / Ko
obtained from the field test and laboratory tests on the
Driven piles, large displacement 15 mm 1.00 – 2.00
friction angle between the different soil types and
Driven piles, small displacement 0.75 – 1.25
different pile materials as per table 2. The value of the
Bored and cast-in-place piles 0.70 – 1.00
empirical coefficient of the pile bearing N q was by
Jetted piles 0.50 – 0.70
TABLE II. VALUES OF THE ANGLE OF PILE TO SOIL FRICTION FOR designation (RQD) or the discontinuity spacing quoted by
Hobbs (1975) as per table 3 recommendations.
Angle of friction between pile
and soil
Pile / soil interface condition
Smooth (coated) steel/sand (0.5 – 0.7) THE DISCONTINUITY SPACING
f s quc (3)
reduction factor related to quc as shown in Fig. 3.
correction factor related to the discontinuity spacing
in the rock mass as shown in Fig. 4 [8].
The Williams and Pells (1981) curve in Fig. 4 is higher
than the other two curves, but the factor is having the
same value in all curves and it is depending on the mass
factor, j , which is the ratio between the elastic modulus
of the rock mass and the intact rock as shown in Fig. 4. In
case if the mass factor j is not known from the loading
test, it can be estimated with respect to the rock quality
1 (8)
Figure 4. Reduction factors for discontinuities in rock mass pile displacement.
Qu ultimate pile capacity.
For the moderately weathered mudstones, siltstones
and shales uniaxial compression tests should be made on
the rock cores samples to obtain the compression strength.
The base resistance can be calculated based on the
uniaxial compression test results by using the relationship
between quc and RQD as shown in table 4;
For numerical pile capacity, a finite element model The pile did not reach to the failure point during that
will be modeled by using PLAXIS 2D software to static load test. Therefore, Chin's method will be used to
get the piles compression capacity. predict the pile capacity from Non-Destructive static load
Comparison between piles capacities in the test (refer to section 2.2). Fig. 5 illustrate the results of
different cases will be discussed in details. the static load test by plotting the settlement of the pile on
the horizontal axis and the settlement / load on the
vertical axis. By using Chin’s method technique, the
B. Theoretical Pile Capacity practical pile capacity can be predicted by using
Reference to the soil investigation report from M/S equations 7 and 8 as follow;
Arab Center (specialist soil test laboratory in Dubai) REF:
SD14000067 dated on 31th December, 2014, the C1 C2 3.0 E 05 0.0004 (9)
compression capacity of the pile with diameter equal to Q
900 mm and its toe level is -31.0 m from cut off level 1 1
equal to +3.375 m was 9,015 KN. This compression Qu 33,333KN (10)
capacity calculated by using set of theoretical and C1 3.0 E 05
empirical equations which are used to calculate the skin Qu 33,333
friction and end bearing pile capacities in sand and rock Qw 13,333KN (11)
soils (refer to equations 2,3 and 4). Table 5 summarize F .O.S 2.5
the selected pile details;
The practical pile capacity by using Chin’s method for
TABLE V. SELECTED PILE DETAILS Non-Destructive static load test is 13,333 KN. And the
Pile cut off Pile Toe Level Pile Length Pile Diameter
expected pile settlement under the working load from the
level [m] [m] [m] [mm] results of the static load test is 10 mm.
+ 3.375
- 31.0 DMD 34.375 900 D. Numerical Pile Capacity
Finite element software used to model the selected pile
C. Practical Pile Capacity with the soil layers, the used software is PLAXIS 2D.
Static load test has been done to the selected pile type The pile was modeled by using axisymmetric option, the
by the piling specialist contractor (test No. PTP 02), and soil layers were modeled by using Mohr-Coulomb as
the test was monitored by M/S Arab Center (specialist material model. Prescribed settlement will be applied to
soil test laboratory). The static load test has been done by the pile head and the force – settlement curve will be
using Kent ledge blocks method. The purpose of the test plotted to predict the numerical pile capacity. The
was the critical evaluating of the following pile's following are the model's boundaries which were used;
a. Pile and Soil Interface Reduction Factor
Load settlement behavior of the pile during the load One of the important factor which has a significant
test up to 250% of the pile’s working load. impact on the pile skin friction resistance is the pile and
Load transfer and distribution along the pile shaft soil interface condition. There is a reduction factor should
during the pile’s compression load test. be used in the modeling of pile, this factor is based on
Skin friction along pile shaft during pile load tests some items as follow;
in compression. Soil layers’ classification.
The pile material.
Table 6 represents the static load test results of the The method of the installation, for example the
selected pile;
using of bentonite slurry in the pile installation has
TABLE VI. STATIC LOAD TEST RESULTS OF THE SELECTED PILE a negative impact on the skin friction resistance
Load - P [KN] Settlement -S [mm] Settlement / Load because it generates a smooth surface between the
[mm/KN] pile and the surrounding soil. Therefore, the
0 0.793 0 reduction factor in this case will be small compare
2240 1.100 0.000491071 to other installation techniques.
4490 2.960 0.000659243 Generally, the reduction factor of skin friction
6780 4.850 0.000715339 resistance duo to interface condition has a value between
8970 7.060 0.000787068 1.0 to 0.5, in this model the used reduction factor for the
11210 8.935 0.000797056 first two layers (sand soil) is 0.8 and the value of the
13460 11.000 0.000817236 other layers (rock soil) is 0.9 (refer to table 2) [11].
15690 12.900 0.00082218 b. Graphical Boundaries.
17940 14.850 0.000827759
Fig. 6 shows the graphical boundaries of the pile
20180 16.800 0.000832507
22430 19.100 0.000851538
Qu Fy 2 3,902 2 24,504 KN
Q 24,504
Qw u 12,252 KN
F .O.S 2
The numerical pile capacity by using PLAXIS 2D
software to model the selected pile is 12,252 KN. And the
expected pile settlement under the working load 1,950
KN/rad from Fig. 7 is 17mm.
Layer Depth
Engineering Parameters
m (DMD)
Layer Unit
Depth E Poison C’
To Wt, Ø
m MPa Ratio KPa
fine 13.0 -10.0 18 25 0.35 0 34
to very
0.7 -10.7 18 50 0.35 0 36
3.3 -14.0 22 200 0.3 70 32
2.0 -16.0 22 200 0.3 100 32
2.0 -18.0 22 200 0.3 80 32
2.0 -20.0 22 200 0.3 60 32
renite /
2.0 -22.0 22 75 0.3 20 27
2.0 -24.0 22 75 0.3 27 27
4.0 -28.0 22 150 0.3 60 32
5.0 -33.0 22 250 0.3 120 32
5.0 -38.0 22 250 0.3 130 32
5.0 -43.0 22 400 0.3 85 34
TABLE VIII. PILE CAPACITIES DETAILS have a better results compared to the theoretical method.
Pile Capacity This research provides a comparison between the
No. Pile Capacity Percent
[KN] theoretical, practical and numerical pile capacities for one
1 Theoretical pile capacity 9,015 100% case of study has been installed and tested in Dubai. The
2 Practical pile capacity 13,333 147% research result is that the practical pile capacity is higher
than the theoretical pile capacity by around 47%. And the
3 Numerical pile capacity 12,252 135%
numerical pile capacity is higher than the theoretical pile
capacity by around 35%. As a result, the pile capacity
from the theoretical equations should be increased by 30
to 40%. This will provide the ability to reduce the cost of
the piles foundation system by around 30%. As well as,
reducing the required pile's materials which is considered
as a sustainable practice for our environment.
For further research, the pile model can be improved
by using a non – soil material under the pile toe equal to 3
time the pile diameter, this to cancel the pile bearing
resistance and to calculate the skin friction resistance
from the numerical model. Base on that, the theoretical
values of skin friction and end bearing pile resistance can
be compared to the numerical values separately. This will
lead to a significant improvement in the theoretical
[1] Y. Duraisamy., Introduction to pile foundation. Kuantan: Penerbit
University Malaysia Pahang, 2009.
[2] O. Aun, “The loading behavior of long piles,” 1st ed. University of
Sheffield, 1980.
[3] J. Bowles, Foundation analysis and design. 1st ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1977.
[4] H. Poulos and E. Davis, Pile foundation analysis and design. 1st
ed. New York: Wiley, 1980.
[5] M. Tomlinson and J. Woodward, Pile Design and Construction
Practice, 1st ed. London: Taylor & Francis, 2008.
Figure 8. Pile capacities chart [6] R. Chellis, Pile Foundations, 1st ed. New York: McGraw-Hill,
[7] B. Das, Theoretical Foundation Engineering, 1st ed. Ft.
Lauderdale, FL: J. Ross Pub., 2007.
IV. CONCLUSION [8] W. Guo, Theory and Practice of Pile Foundations, Boca Raton,
Proper soil investigation from specialist soil test FL: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2013.
[9] R. Liang and F. Zhang, Deep Foundations and Geotechnical in
laboratory during the design stage is essential, to provide Situ Testing. 1st ed. Reston: ASCE, 2010.
a suitable information about the soil layers’ [10] B. Look, Handbook of Geotechnical Investigation and Design
classifications and soil parameters such as soil unite Tables. London: Taylor & Francis, 2007.
weight, internal angle of friction, cohesion and the [11] R. Brinkgreve, W. Broere, and R. Al-Khoury, PLAXIS: 2D,
version 8. 1st ed. Lisse: Balkema, 2004.
modulus of elasticity of each soil layer. All these [12] British standard code of practice for foundations. (1986). 1st ed.
parameters are very important during the design stage to London: British Standards Institution.
design the pile foundation or to model it by using any
geotechnical software and to achieve results near from
the practical condition. Mohamed Nabil Omar was born in Egypt
The theoretical equations which used to design the pile in 1983. He received the B.Sc. in civil
engineering from Suez Canal university,
foundation are based on some parameters, these Port Said, Egypt in 2005. And the M.Sc. in
parameters have been estimated from the results of pile's Structural Engineering from British
static load test. This test has been done on piles have a University in Dubai, Dubai, UAE in 2017.
short pile's depth not exceeding 20 m. But nowadays, the He joined to the teaching team of the faculty
if engineering in the British university in
piling equipment has been developed to reach a depth Dubai in 2017 as doctor assistant.
equal to 60 to 80 m. This is to provide a suitable pile His main areas of research interest are
foundation system can be used to achieve the stability of structural engineering innovations and geotechnical engineering.
the high rise buildings or to transfer the building load Mr. Mohamed Nabil is a member of U.A.E society of engineers, the
Egyptian Engineers Syndicate and the Institution of Structural
from the weak soil strata to the hard soil strata. Therefore, Engineers (IStructE) - Graduate Member. He awarded the prize of best
these equations need more development by using the paper in the 3rd international sustainable buildings symposium (ISBS
results of long piles' static load tests and by using a finite 2017), Dubai, UAE.
element software to model the piles and the soil layers to