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US 20110217973A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2011/0217973 A1
Sagfors et al. (43) Pub. Date: Sep. 8, 2011
(54) RADIO LINK MONITORING IN DRX Related U.S. Application Data
60) Provisional application No. 61/112,826, filed on Nov.
(75) Inventors: Mats Sagfors, Kyrkslätt (FI); Vera (60) ES" applicauon No SZo, Illed on NOV
Vukajlovic Kenehan, Stockholm
(SE) Publication Classification
(51) Int. Cl.
(73) Assignee: TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET H04/24/00 (2009.01)
LM ERICSSON (PUBL), (52) U.S. Cl. ........................................................ 45S/423
Stockholm (SE) (57) ABSTRACT
(21) Appl. No.: 13/128,276 The present invention provides a higher protocol layer, e.g.
Layer 3, filter mechanism, where a counter mechanism
(22) PCT Filed: Sep. 22, 2009 applied in the filter adapts an incremental or decremental
process of the relevant counter or counters to the inter-arrival
(86). PCT No.: PCT/SE09/S1050 ime Of
t1me ofth f synch resp.
the COinSecutive Out OTSVnch in Synch 1nd1Cat1OnS
resp. 1nSVnch indicati
from a lower protocol layer, e.g. Layer 1, since the indications
S371 (c)(1), from the lower protocol layer may arrive to the higher-layers
(2), (4) Date: May 9, 2011 with irregular arrival times.

Receive indication of out of synch or in synch
101 Adjust 1st Counter upon reception of Consecutive
indication of out-of-synch with a value that is dependent
on the time since last received out-of synch indication

Has 1st Counter reached a

pre-defined level?

Recognize radio link problem

to is a
While timer is running, adjust 2nd Counter upon reception
of consecutive indication of in synch with a value that is dependent
on the time since the last received in synch indication

HaS 2nd COUnter reached a

pre-defined level?

Stop and reset timer Has timer expired?


Declare RLF
Patent Application Publication Sep. 8, 2011 Sheet 1 of 4 US 2011/0217973 A1

Receive indication of out of synch or in synch
101 Adjust 1st Counter upon reception of Consecutive
indication of out-of-synch with a value that is dependent
on the time since last received out-of synch indication

HaS 1st COunter reached a

pre-defined level?

Recognize radio link problem

105 N 104 Start timer

While timer is running, adjust 2nd counter upon reception

of consecutive indication of in synch with a value that is dependent
on the time since the last received in synch indication

Has 2nd Counter reached a

pre-defined level?

Stop and reset timer Has timer expired?
107 YES
Declare RLF

Fig. 1
Patent Application Publication Sep. 8, 2011 Sheet 2 of 4 US 2011/0217973 A1

2OO Set a Counter to initial value

Receive indication of out of synch or in synch
Adjust the counter with a value in a first direction at
indication of out of synch and in the other direction at
indication of in synch, said value is dependent on the time
spent since last received indication

Has COunter reached

a predefined level?


Has the Counter reached

a level of link recovery?

Stop and reset timer

Has timer expired?
Declare RLF

Fig. 2
Patent Application Publication Sep. 8, 2011 Sheet 3 of 4 US 2011/0217973 A1

Unit for recognizing

radio link problem on
higher protocol level
when 1st COunter
reaches Certain level

1st COUnter to be 2nd COunter to be Unit for

adjusted with a value adjusted with a value declaring
dependent on time dependent on time RLF if timer
elapsed since last elapsed since last expires before
received link problem received link 2nd Counter
indication from Ower recovery indication has reached a
layer from lower layer Certain level

Unit for receiving link problem/recovery

indication from lower layer

link problem/recovery
indication from lower layer

Fig. 3
Patent Application Publication Sep. 8, 2011 Sheet 4 of 4 US 2011/0217973 A1

Unit for recognizing

radio link problem on
higher protocol level
When Counter reaches
Certain level

COunter to be incremented Or decremented with Unit for

a value dependent on time elapsed since last declaring
received link indication from lower layer RLF if timer
expires before
COUnter has
reached a
401 Unit for receiving link problem/recovery defined level for
indication from lower layer link recovery

link problem/recovery
indication from lower layer

Fig. 4
US 2011/02 17973 A1 Sep. 8, 2011

RADIO LINK MONITORING IN DRX This stage is in this text referred to as a radio link problem is
recognized. Similarly, if T313 is running, then the timer is
FIELD OF THE INVENTION stopped only if N315 consecutive “in synch' indications are
0001. The present invention relates to radio link monitor 0007) If the timer T313 expires, then a radio link failure is
ing, in particular to detection of radio link failure (RLF) in a declared.
cellular communication system. 0008. An extract of the UTRAN solution as specified in
BACKGROUND TS25.331, v. 8.4.0 is provided below:
0002. In wireless communication, irrespective of which “8.5.6 Radio Link Failure Criteria and Actions Upon Radio
Link Failure
wireless or mobile communication system is used, radio link
monitoring is vital to maintain radio connections. By regu 0009. In CELL DCH state, after receiving N313 consecu
larly reporting the radio conditions to the system, different tive “out of sync’ indications from layer 1 for the established
types of actions can be taken when radio link failure occur. In DPCCH or F-DPCH physical channel in FDD, and the physi
e.g. UTRA (UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network), the cal channels associated with mapped DCCHs in TDD, the UE
physical layers estimate the quality of the radio links and shall:
report, on radio frame basis, the synchronisation status to 001 0 1 > start timer T313;
higher layers. The synchronization status are reported via So 0.011 1 > upon receiving N315 successive “in sync'
called synchronisation primitives which are described in indications from layer 1 and upon change of UE state:
greater details in the technical specification 3GPP TS 25.214 (0012 2> stop and reset timer T313.
V7.4.0 entitled: “Physical Layer Procedures (FDD).
0003. The mechanism of reporting radio link quality status 0013 1> if T313 expires:
is also specified in E-UTRA (Evolved UTRA), in which a fast 0014) 2D consider it as a “Radio link failure'.
and reliable detection of radio problems is considered essen (0015 Periods in time where neither “in sync' nor “out of
tial in order to avoid unnecessary interference in uplink, waste sync' is reported by layer 1 do not affect the evaluation of the
of resources in downlink and unnecessarily long delays number of consecutive (resp. successive) “in sync' or “out of
before e.g. cell reselection or handover of a UE can take place. sync indications.”
0004 Thus, in wireless networks such as UTRAN and 0016. An alternative way of L3 filtering is the so called
GERAN, there are methods defined for a User Equipment, GERAN approach, where UE maintains a single counter con
UE, to monitor the link quality to the serving cell. In such figured to a level that is decremented by a value when L1
mechanisms, a UE may monitor the link quality to the serving provides out-of-synch indication and incremented by same or
cell e.g. by measuring the quality of a pilot signal sent from in a different value when in-synch indication is provided from
the serving cell by the base-station. If the link quality on this L1 to upper layer. When the counter reaches 0, a radio link
physical layer, in the following referred to as Layer 1, L1, is problem is recognized and a timer T310 is started. If the
getting worse than some defined threshold, then the physical counter reaches a value of radio link recovery before the timer
layer in the UE reports this event to higher layers, such that has expired, the timer is stopped.
higher layers in the UE may act in an appropriate way. Such 0017. With the UTRAN solution as a baseline, we note
actions may include that the UE stops all UL transmissions or that in LTE, i.e. E-UTRAN, the first counter counting “out of
that the UE re-establishes or recovers the connection, for synch' indications may be called n310 (corresponding to
example by selecting another cell. This functionality is UTRAN na13), the LTE timer to be started when radio link
needed to monitor the link quality during an ongoing connec problem is recognized on L3 may be called T310 (corre
tion, such that the UE may for example release the connection sponding to UTRAN T313), the second counter counting “in
if the quality is getting too bad. synch' indications in LTE may be called n311 (corresponding
0005. Using UTRAN as a specific example of this func to UTRAN n315) and a second timer for link recovery to be
tionality, in TS 25.331, Section 8.5.6 (Radio link failure cri started when a Radio Link Failure has been declared may be
teria and actions upon radio link failure), there is specified a called T311 in LTE.
method for such radio link monitoring. Layer 1 reports “out of (0018. In contrast to UTRAN, LTE will support consider
synch' in case the Layer 1 evaluation finds that the radio link ably longer DRX periods also in CONNECTED state. DRX
quality goes below certain specified quality thresholds. Simi means that the UE is allowed to apply inactive periods during
larly, Layer 1 reports “in synch' at times when the radio link which battery can be saved, such that the UE is only periodi
quality evaluation on Layer 1 finds that the quality of the link cally required to “wake up' to engage the receiver for reading
has improved according to specified quality thresholds. e.g. a control channel carrying e.g. potential scheduling
0006. It may happen that the UE is experiencing varying assignments. Two different DRX “states have been specified
radio conditions such that the L1 evaluation results in fre for LTE, one “long DRX, and one “short” DRX period.
quent toggling between “out of synch' and “in synch' indi Depending e.g. on user-activity, the UE may switch between
cations. In order to prevent that the UE takes frequent, and non-DRX, short-DRX and long-DRX. The DRX periods, the
Sometimes possibly premature actions to Such indications, activity time during periods, including thresholds and triggers
there has been defined a Layer3, L3, filtering method of these for stepping between non-DRX and the two DRX configura
indications. Specifically, it is possible to configure the UE to tions are configured by higher layers, i.e. the RRC protocol.
take appropriate actions on L3 only if multiple indications of 0019. In order for such DRX to be efficient, the aforemen
the same kind (i.e. either “out of synch' or “in synch') are tioned radio link evaluation mechanism on L1 is also affected.
received consecutively, i.e. without intermediate indication of It is clear that the terminal cannot continuously measure the
the opposite status. In UTRAN, a timer T313 is started only if radio link quality during DRX periods if the power-preserv
N313 consecutive “out of synch' indications are received. ing gains of the DRX periods are to be materialized.
US 2011/02 17973 A1 Sep. 8, 2011

0020. Therefore, it may be specified that a terminal will be 0028. A first aspect of the invention relates to a method for
allowed to report the aforementioned L1 indications (“out of radio link monitoring in a User Equipment, UE, configured to
synch' and “in synch') less frequently when the UE is in operate in DRX mode, where a lower protocol layer may
DRX mode. This is proposed e.g. in the 3GPP contribution provide indications to a higher protocol layer of radio prob
paper R1-084739 (“Radio link monitoring). It has also been lems and recovery from such problems. The method com
agreed to Support less Stringent radio link quality measure prises the steps of
ments during DRX periods, as reflected in the 3GPP contri 0029 in the higher protocol layer, receiving an indica
bution paper R4-083004 (“Radio Link Monitoring Minimum tion of radio link problem from the lower layer;
Requirements'). 0030) adjusting a first counter with a value;
0021. With the solution in R1-084739, the UE is required 0.031 when the counter reaches a certain level, recog
to provide the relevant indications to L3 only once during the nizing a radio link problem on the higher protocol level;
DRX period. DRX periods can be configured to the values wherein the value by which the counter is adjusted is depen
ranging from 10 milliseconds up to 2.56 seconds. The present dent on the time elapsed since the last received indication
configurable range of the DRX period is {10, 32, 40, 64, 80, from the lower layer that caused adjustment of said counter.
128, 160, 256,320, 512, 640, 1024, 1280, 2048, 2560 mil 0032. A first specific embodiment of the invention com
liseconds. prises the following steps:
0022. The fact that Layer 1 may provide L1 indications 0033 adjusting said first counter in a first direction
with very diverse intervals poses a problem for the L3 filter upon reception of an indication of radio problem from
design, as illustrated with the following example: the lower layer;
0023 Suppose it is found that, while T310 is running and 0034) adjusting said first counter in an opposite direc
the UE is not in DRX, five consecutive indications of “in tion upon reception of an indication of radio link recov
synch' indications (configured via a parameter hereafter ery.
called N311) are considered sufficiently robust to declare a 0035. Thus, according to this embodiment, a single
recovery of the link such that T310 would be stopped. In counteris maintained, wherein said counteris decremented or
non-DRX, such five consecutive indications are received in incremented dependent of if the indication from the lower
only 50 milliseconds. protocol layer is an indication of radio link problem, i.e. an
0024 However, if the same UE is in long DRX with, say, out-of synch indication oran indication of radio link recovery,
a DRX period of 1.28 seconds, it means that more than six i.e. an in Synch indication.
seconds will pass before five consecutive indications have 0036) The specific embodiment described above may also
been received and the timer T310 can be stopped. On the other comprise the steps of
hand, a value of T310 exceeding six seconds may not be 0037 starting a timer when the counter has reached the
appropriate at all if the UE is active and there is a desire to certain level;
have a quick recovery, e.g. through an RRC Re-establish 0.038 stopping the timer if said counter reaches a cer
ment, from radio problems. Thus, different reporting inter tain level defining radio link recovery before expiration
vals from Layer 1 make it difficult to find L3 filter parameters of the timer, otherwise,
that are useful both in non-DRX and DRX mode. 0.039 declaring radio link failure upon expiration of
0025. In the alternative using a single counter solution as said timer.
in case of GERAN, the counter could be set to e.g. value 5, 0040. A second specific embodiment comprises the steps
Also in this case, the time to count will depend on the inter of
arrival time of the Layer 1 indications, thus posing a problem 0041 for each consecutive indication of radio link prob
to set the counter to a value that is useful in both in non-DRX lem, adjusting said first counter with a value that is
and DRX modes. The counter may be referred to as ng310 dependent on the time elapsed since the last consecutive
using known terminology. indication on radio problem;
0026 Returning to the UTRAN solution, in another 0042 when said first counter reaches a certain level,
example, using e.g. a value 10 for N310 may be appropriate recognizing a radio link problem on the higher protocol
for a UE in non-DRX, as the UE will robustly detect, i.e. level;
recognize, a radio problem after ten consecutive “out of 0043 for each consecutive indication of radio link
synch' indications from L1. These ten indications will only recovery received from the lower layer after the recog
delay the recognition of the radio link problem (and start of nition of radio link problem on the higher protocol level,
T310) with 100 milliseconds when the UE is not in DRX adjusting a second counter with a value that is dependent
mode. However, if the same UE uses a DRX period of 2.56 on the time elapsed since the last received consecutive
seconds, the problem detection on L3 and the start of T310 indication on radio link recovery;
will be delayed by more than 25 seconds. Such delays could 0044 when said second counter reaches a certain level,
adversely affect the end-user experience, since the UE might the recognition of radio link problem is revoked on the
have moved very far from the serving cell during this time. higher protocol level.
During this period, the UE is not reachable, as the UE is not 0045 Thus, according to this embodiment, two counters
allowed to select a more suitable cell before the radio link
failure is declared. are maintained, whereby the second counter starts to count
consecutive indications of link recovery upon recognition of
SUMMARY radio link problem at the higher protocol layer, i.e. when the
first counter has reached a certain level.
0027. It is therefore an object of the present invention to 0046. The specific embodiment described above may
provide a method and arrangement for detection of Radio comprise the steps of
Link Failure using higher layer filtering that operates well in 0047 starting a timer when the first counter has reached
diverse DRX conditions. the certain level;
US 2011/02 17973 A1 Sep. 8, 2011

0048 stopping the timer if said second counter reaches 0061. Other objects, advantages and novel features of the
a certain level defining radio link recovery before expi invention will become apparent from the following detailed
ration of the timer, otherwise, description of the invention.
0049 declaring radio link failure upon expiration of BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
said timer.
0050. The first counter may be reset to an initial value 0062. The foregoing and other objects, features and
upon reception of a non-consecutive indication of radio link advantages of the invention will be apparent from the follow
problem or radio link recovery. ing detailed description of embodiments as illustrated in the
0051. The value by which a counter is adjusted may be drawings.
proportional to the number of radio frames that have passed 0063 FIG. 1 shows a flowchart of a first embodiment of
the invention.
since reception of the last received radio link indication from 0064 FIG.2 shows a flowchart of a second embodiment of
the lower layer that caused adjustment of the relevant counter. the invention.
In a specific embodiment, the value by which a counter is 0065 FIG. 3 shows a block diagram illustrating a first
adjusted is equal to the number of radio frames passed since embodiment of an arrangement in a User Equipment.
reception of the last received radio link indication from the 0.066 FIG. 4 shows a block diagram illustrating a second
lower layer that caused adjustment of the relevant counter. embodiment of an arrangement in a User Equipment.
0052. Different weights may be applied to the values by
which a counter is adjusted dependent on if the adjustment is DETAILED DESCRIPTION
triggered by an indication of radio link problem or radio link
recovery. For example, for each indication of radio link recov 0067. The present invention can be exemplified in the
ery, a weight factor of two is applied to the value by which the following non-limiting description of embodiments of the
relevant counter is adjusted. 0068. In the first example given herein, shown in FIG. 1,
0053 Another aspect of the invention relates to an the UTRAN approach for Layer 3 filtering is assumed, but it
arrangement in a User Equipment, UE, configured to operate should be noted that embodiments of the present invention are
in DRX mode, wherein a lower protocol layer may provide not constrained to the UTRAN approach with two separate
indications to a higher protocol layer of radio problems and counters that are incremented, but the solution is equally well
recovery from such problems. The arrangement comprises applicable to a solution where for example a single counter is
0054 a unit for receiving, in the higher protocol layer, incremented or decremented for “out of synch' and “in
an indication of radio link problem from the lower layer; synch' indications, respectively, as will be described later.
0055 a unit for adjusting a first counter with a value 0069. An embodiment of a method of counting, in a higher
upon reception of Such indication; protocol layer, consecutive indications of radio problems
(out-of synch) received from a lower protocol layer is illus
0056 a unit for recognizing a radio link problem on the trated FIG. 1 according to in the following:
higher protocol level when the counter reaches a certain 0070 The lower-protocol layer may provide indications of
level; radio problems (out-of-synch) and indications of recovery
0057 The value by which the counter is adjusted is depen from radio problems (in-synch). In step 101, a counter, e.g.
dent on the time elapsed since the last received indication n310, is for each consecutive indication of radio link problem,
from the lower layer that caused adjustment of said counter. i.e. out of synch indication, incremented with a value that is
0058 According to a specific. embodiment, a first counter proportional to the time spent since the last received consecu
is provided to be adjusted for each consecutive indication of tive indication of radio link problem. If the counter reaches or
radio link problem with a value that is dependent on the time exceeds a certain value, e.g. N310, see step 102, then a radio
elapsed since the last consecutive indication on radio prob link problem is recognized on the higher-protocol layer, step
lem, while a second counter is provided to be adjusted for 103. Upon recognition of radio link problem, a timer, e.g.
each consecutive indication of radio link recovery received T310, may be started, step 104. In step 105, while the timer
T310 is running, a second counter, e.g. n311 is, for each
from the lower layer after the recognition of radio link prob consecutive indication of radio link recovery, i.e. in synch
lem on the higher protocol level with a value that is dependent indication, incremented with a value that is proportional to
on the time elapsed since the last received consecutive indi the time spent since the last received consecutive indication of
cation on radio link recovery. radio link recovery. If the second counter reaches or exceeds
0059 A timer may be provided to be started upon recog a certain value, e.g. N311, see step 106, then the timer T310
nition of radio link problem at the higher protocol layer; such is stopped and the recognition of radio link problem on the
that a unit may declare radio link failure if the timer expires higher-protocol layer is revoked, see step 107. This can also
before the relevant counter has reached a certain level defin be expressed Such as an issuance of a declaration of radio
ing radio link recovery. recovery on the higher protocol layer. If, on the other hand,
0060 Thus, embodiments of the invention provides a the timer T310 expires before the second counter has reached
higher protocol layer, e.g. Layer 3, filter mechanism, where or exceeded the certain value N311, see step 108, a declara
the counter mechanism applied in the filter adapts an incre tion of radio link failure is issued at step 109 whereby a
mental or decremental process of the relevant counters to the second timer T311 for link recovery is started in accordance
inter-arrival time of the consecutive “out of synch resp. “in with known procedures.
synch' indications from a lower protocol layer, e.g. Layer 1, (0071. For each non-consecutive indication of “out of
since the indications from the lower protocol layer may arrive synch' or “in sync', the relevant counter (n310 or n311) is
to the higher-layers with irregular arrival times. initialized to 1.
US 2011/02 17973 A1 Sep. 8, 2011

0072. The certain values, e.g. N310, N311, that define collayer, step 204, and the counter is not decremented further.
levels for recognition of radio link problem and radio link Upon recognition of radio link problem, a timer, e.g. T310,
recovery for the first and second counter respectively may be may be started, step 205. While the timer is running, the
configurable values set by the network. Alternatively the val counter is continuously adjusted, step 515, upon reception of
ues may be set by a standard and are thereby known to the UE. indications of in Synch and out of synch respectively in the
0073. The value that is proportional to the time spent since same way as indicated for step 202. In step 206 it is evaluated
the last received consecutive indication, with which the if the counter has reached a value defined for Radio Link
counter in question is incremented, may be a value equal to Recovery. If this is the case, the timer is stopped and the
the number of radio frames since the last received consecutive recognition of radio link problem is revoked. The counter is
indication of radio problems or a value that is proportional to not incremented further after reaching the value defined for
said number of radio frames.
Radio Link Recovery. If the counter has not reached said
0074 The embodiment assuming the UTRAN approach value before the timer has expired, see step 207, radio link
for layer 3 filtering may be illustrated by the following non failure is declared in step 208.
limiting example:
0078 Specifically, a solution according to this approach
includes the mechanism of incrementing or decrementing the
counter with the value that is equal to the number of radio
frame indication N310 frames that has passed since the previously received indica
2O (first) out-of-synch n310 = 1 tion from Layer 1 or a value that is proportional to said
21 out-of-synch n310 = n.510 + 1 number of radio frames.
22 synch n310 = 1 (n310 reset) 0079. This alternative embodiment, i.e. assuming the
23 Ole
24 out-of-synch n310 = 1 GERAN approach for layer3 filtering, may be illustrated by
25 none (DRX) the following non-limiting example:
26 none (DRX)
27 none (DRX)
28 out-of-synch n310 = n.510 + 4
29 none (DRX)
30 out-of-synch n310 = n.10 - 2 frame indication NG310
31 out-of-synch n310 = n.510 + 1
32 none (DRX) 2O (first) out-of-synch ng310 = 5
33 out-of-synch n310 = n.10 - 2 21 Out-of-synch ng310 = ng310 - 1
22 synch n310 = n.510 + 1
23 Ole S8ile
24 out-of-synch ng310 = ng310 - 1
0075. A particular embodiment of the above could be to 25 none (DRX)
apply different weights to the values used for adjusting the 26 none (DRX)
first and the second counter respectively. For example, for 27 none (DRX)
adjusting the first counter, e.g. n310, a factor of one is applied 28 out-of-synch ng310 = ng310 - 4
to the value, while for adjusting the second counter, e.g. n311,
a factor of two is applied to the adjustment value. 0080. At this point, counter reached 0 value and radio link
0076. In an alternative embodiment, illustrated in FIG. 2. problem, is recognized on the higher-protocol layer.
it is assumed that the GERAN approach for layer3 filtering is I0081. In a specific embodiment, it could be defined that the
used, wherein a single counter is used. Said counter is incre incremental and decremental process have different step
mented or decremented dependent on if an indication of radio
link problem or radio link recovery is received. sizes, e.g. Such that for each indication of in-synch, the rel
0077. With reference to FIG. 2, in step 201 a counter is evant counter is adjusted in a first direction, e.g. incremented,
initialized to a configured value, e.g. NG310. Said value may by a value which is two times the number of frames since the
be a configurable value set by the network, or it may be set by previous relevant event. In the same example, the step size
a standard and is thereby known to the UE. In step 202, the when adjusting the counter in a second direction, e.g. decre
counter is adjusted with a value in a first direction, e.g. dec menting the counter, could still be one times the number of
remented, upon reception of an indication of out-of-synch frames since the previous relevant event.
while the counter is adjusted with a value in a second direc I0082. The following is an example of how the invention
tion, e.g. incremented, upon reception of an indication of according to the first embodiment could be implemented in a
in-synch. The value by which the counter is incremented or standard specification:
decremented is dependent on the time spent since the last I0083. If T310 is not running and an “out of sync’ indica
received indication of either out-of-synch or in-synch, i.e. tion is received from Layer 1, the UE shall:
said value is based on the inter-arrival of the indications from
the lower protocol layer. In contrast to the UTRAN approach 0084. 1. If the indication is a consecutive “out of
illustrated in FIG. 1, in the GERAN approach it is irrelevant synch' indication
whether the whether the indications of out-of-synch and in 0085 2> increment the counter n310 with the num
synch are consecutive or not, since there is only one counter. ber of frames since the previous reception of an “out
The counter is adjusted only within a range defined by the of synch' indication;
initial value and a certain value defining a level where radio 0.086 1> Else
link problem is recognized, e.g. Zero. In step 203, it is evalu
ated if the counter has reached said certain level, which for 0087 2> set nå10 to 1.
example could be zero. If the counter has reached the certain I0088 1> If n310 is greater or equal to N310
level, a radio link problem is recognized on the higher-proto 0089 2> start a timer T310.
US 2011/02 17973 A1 Sep. 8, 2011

0090. If T310 is running and an “in sync’ indication is lowerprotocol layer regarding radio link problems and recov
received from Layer 1, the UE shall: ery from those problems, wherein the method comprises:
0091 1D If the indication is a consecutive “in synch' at the higher protocol layer, receiving from the lower pro
indication tocol layer one or more indications of a radio link prob
0092 2D increment the counter n311 with the num lem;
ber of frames since the previous reception of an “in adjusting, for each received indication, a first counter with
synch' indication; a value that depends on the time elapsed since having
0093. 1d. Else last received an indication of a radio link problem from
0094 2> set n311 to 1. the lower protocol layer that caused adjustment of the
(0095) 1> If n311 is greater or equal to N311 first counter; and
(0096 2> stop timer T310. recognizing a radio link problem at the higher protocol
0097. In this case, the UE resumes the RRC connection level responsive to the first counter reaching a first level.
without explicit signalling i.e. the UE resumes the entire radio 15. The method according to claim 14, wherein said adjust
resource configuration. ing comprises adjusting said first counter in a first direction
0098 FIG. 3 illustrates an arrangement according to a based on having received an indication of a radio link prob
specific embodiment of the invention. FIG.3 shows a mecha lem, and wherein the method further comprises:
nism in a higher protocol layer, e.g. layer 3, in an arrangement at the higher protocol layer, receiving from the lower pro
300 in a user equipment, UE. Said arrangement comprises a tocol layer one or more indications of radio link recov
unit 301 for receiving indications of radio link problem or ery; and
recovery from a lower protocol layer. The arrangement fur adjusting said first counter in a second direction, opposite
thermore comprises a first counter 302 to be adjusted with a the first direction, based on having received an indica
value upon reception of a consecutive indication of radio link tion of radio link recovery.
problem, i.e. out of synch indication. Said value is dependent 16. The method according to claim 15, further comprising:
on the time that has elapsed since last received link problem starting a timer responsive to the first counter reaching the
indication from the lower layer. The arrangement furthermore first level;
comprises a unit 303 for recognizing radio link problem on stopping the timer responsive to said first counter reaching
higher protocol level when the first counter 302 reaches a a second level defining radio link recovery before expi
certain level. A timer 304 may be provided that is configured ration of the timer, and
to start upon recognition of radio link problem. A second declaring radio link failure responsive to expiration of said
counter 305 is provided to be adjusted for each consecutive timer.
indication of radio link recovery, i.e. in Synch, received from 17. The method according to claim 14, wherein said adjust
the lower layer after the recognition of radio link problem on ing comprises adjusting, for each consecutively received indi
the higher protocol level with a value that is dependent on the cation of a radio link problem, said first counter with a value
time elapsed since the last received consecutive indication on that depends on the time elapsed since having last received a
radio link recovery. A unit 306 is arranged to declare radio consecutive indication of a radio link problem, and wherein
link failure, RLF, if the timer 304 expires before the second the method further comprises:
counter 305 has reached a certain value. at the higher protocol layer and after having recognized
0099. An arrangement 400 according to an alternative said radio link problem, receiving from the lower proto
embodiment is illustrated in FIG. 4. The higher protocol layer collayer one or more indications of radio link recovery;
mechanism according to this embodiment comprises a unit adjusting, for each consecutively received indication of
401 for receiving indications of radio link problem or recov radio link recovery, a second counter with a value that
ery from a lower protocol layer. The arrangement furthermore depends on the time elapsed since having last received a
comprises a counter 402 to be adjusted with a value upon consecutive indication of radio link recovery; and
reception of an indication of radio link problem or recovery. revoking recognition of said radio link problem responsive
The arrangement furthermore comprises a unit 403 for rec to said second counter reaching a second level.
ognizing radio link problem on higher protocol level when the 18. The method according to claim 17, further comprising:
counter 402 reaches a certain level. A timer 404 may be starting a timer responsive to the first counter reaching the
provided that is configured to start upon recognition of radio first level;
link problem. A unit 406 is arranged to declare radio link stopping the timer responsive to said second counter reach
failure, RLF, if the timer 404 expires before the counter 402 ing a second level defining radio link recovery before
has reached a value defined for link recovery. expiration of the timer, and
0100 For the sake of clarity, any internal electronics of the declaring radio link failure responsive to expiration of said
arrangement 300 not necessary for understanding the timer.
embodiments of the invention has been omitted from FIGS. 3
and 4. 19. The method according to claim 17, further comprising
0101 The present invention may, of course, be carried out resetting the first counter to an initial value upon reception of
in other ways than those specifically set forth herein without a non-consecutive indication of a radio link problem or radio
departing from essential characteristics of the invention. The link recovery.
present embodiments are to be considered in all respects as 20. The method according to claim 14, wherein the value
illustrative and not restrictive. by which the first counter is adjusted is proportional to the
number of radio frames that have passed since reception of
1-13. (canceled) the last received indication from the lower layer that caused
14. A method for radio link monitoring in a User Equip adjustment of the first counter.
ment configured to operate in discontinuous reception mode, 21. The method according to claim 20, wherein the value
wherein a higher protocol layer receives indications from a by which the first counter is adjusted is equal to the number of
US 2011/02 17973 A1 Sep. 8, 2011

radio frames passed since reception of the last received indi a second unit configured to recognize a radio link problem
cation from the lower layer that caused adjustment of the first at the relatively higher protocol level responsive to the
COunter. first counter reaching a first level.
22. The method according to claim 14, wherein the method 25. The User Equipment according to claim 24, wherein
further comprises, at the higher protocol layer, receiving from the first counteris configured, for each consecutively received
the lower protocol layer one or more indications of radio link indication of a radio link problem, to be adjusted with a value
recovery, and wherein different weights are applied to the that depends on the time elapsed since having last received a
values by which the first counter is adjusted depending on if consecutive indication of a radio link problem, wherein the
the adjustment is triggered by an indication of a radio link first unit is further configured to receive, at the higher protocol
problem or radio link recovery. layer and after having recognized said radio link problem,
23. The method according to claim 22, wherein for each receive one or more indications of radio link recovery from
indication of radio link recovery, a weight factor of two is the lower protocol layer, and wherein the User Equipment
applied to the value by which the first counter is adjusted. further comprises a second counter configured, for each con
24. A User Equipment configured to operate in discontinu secutively received indication of radio link recovery, to be
ous reception mode and to count at a higher protocol layer adjusted with a value that depends on the time elapsed since
indications received from a lower protocol layer regarding having last received a consecutive indication of radio link
radio link problems and recovery from those problems, com 26. The User Equipment according to claim 24, further
prising comprising:
a first unit configured to receive, at the higher protocol a timer configured to be started responsive to the first
layer and from the lower protocol layer one or more counter reaching the first level and to be stopped respon
indications of a radio link problem; sive to said first counter reaching a second level defining
a first counter configured, for each received indication, to radio link recovery before expiration of the timer, and
be adjusted with a value that depends on the time elapsed a third unit configured to declare radio link failure respon
since having last received an indication of a radio link sive to expiration of said timer.
problem from the lower protocol layer that caused
adjustment of the first counter; and c c c c c

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