TH 4544 PDF
TH 4544 PDF
TH 4544 PDF
Submitted by
Professor Scientist-E
Department of Civil Engineering NATPAC,Thiruvananthapuram
NIT Kurukshetra Kerala
I hereby certify that the work presented in this dissertation entitled "Mode Choice
Modelling for Work Trips in Thiruvananthapuram City" submitted to National
Institute of Technobgy Kurukshetra in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
award of the degree of Master of Technology in Civil Engineering (Transportation
Engineering), is an authentic record of my own work carried out during the period
from June 2015 to June 2016 under the supervision and guidance of Dr. S.N.
Sachdeva, Professor, Civil Engineering Department, National Institute of
Technolog> Kurukshetra and Shri. S Shabeem, Scientist-El, National Transportation
Planning and Research Centre (NATPAC), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
The matter presented in this dissertation has not been submitted by me for the award
of any other degree of this Institute or any other Institute.
Sreerag »R
Roll Number: 3140706
ITiis IS to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the best
of my knowledge.
Date: 23-06-2016
Sreerag SR
3.1 GENERAL 14
3.2.1 Research on Topic and Literature Study 15
3.2.2 Data Collection and Analysis 15
3.2.3 Model Development and Validation 16
3.2.4 Model Simulation 16
3.2.5 Conclusion 16
4.2.1 Conclusion of Analysis 27
Table. Description N
Ortuzar and Wilumsen (1994) stated that "the choice of a transport mode is
probably one of the most important classic models in transport planning; this is
because of the key role played by public transport in policy making". Mode choice
analysis is the third step in the four-step transportation forecasting model. They
are trip generation, trip distribution, mode choice analysis, and route assignment.
Mode choice analysis helps the modeller to determine which modes to be used, the
importance of each mode, mode shares on traffic and identifying the characteristics of
the modes. The well developing city demands high level connectivity; intra and inter
level can be achieved through transportation planning.' The city invested money and
time for transport planning and policymaking in order to identify travel behaviour and
predict the future demand of travel. Forecasting will help designing the transport
systems, by making use of the global infrastructure and considering the travel
behaviour of the residents of the study area. It also helps to develop a system that can
accommodate the travel demand for the future. The problem faced is incomplete
information that makes the uncertain conditions. If we need to reach on predictability;
it can be achieved througli thre probability of individual decision and its leading
There are different types of models that can be developed to produce existing
demand conditions and actual travel patterns of people. The models are useful to find
the change in the behaviour of travel pattern and identifying the utility of the
transportation system in response to socio-economic conditions and changes in iand-
use, demographics. The trips which are having a high influence on an urban
transportation planning will be Work trips. The trips are basically two types in an
urban city: work trips and non-work trips. Non-work trips cannot be analysed due to
the complexity of the data and the role of psychological behaviour. This
psychological behaviour is not easy to predict. But most of the trips are work trips in
cities which can be having smaller utility functions and can be easily analysed. This
work trips causes congestion in peak hours in the urban transportation network.
Compared to other trips this work trip is having similar characteristics which are easy
to predict travel choice behaviour. Travel choice behaviour leads to travel decision
and leads to mode choice. It involves aspect of human behaviour dedicated to choice
decisions. The model simplifies the representation of a part of reality and provides a
better understanding and interpretation of these complex systems.
The topic "Mode Choice Modelling for Work Trips in Thiruvananthapuram City"
consists of analysing the work trip data, identifying the important variables which
affect mode choice, identifying important mode choices, developing models for the
utility of modes, and validating and simulating the developed model. The study also
aims at sensitivity testing of the developed model.
The study attempts to develop a mode choice model for Thiruvananthapuram city
for work trips. Thiruvanthpuram city is one of the developing cities. The city is facing
traffic congestion and needs to find policies for the traffic problem. Developing
infi-astructure is a tough job and transportation planning is a better policy. This study
attempts at developing a mode choice model which is an important step in
transportation planning.
1. To collect data for the work trips in the study area of Thiruvananthapuram
2. To analyse the data of work trips for determining various characteristics of the
work trips.
3. To identify various variables that influences the mode choice behaviour of
4. To develop a mode choice model for work trips in Thiruvananthapuram City
using the identified variables.
5. To identify influence of each variable used in mode choice modelling.
6. To conduct the model simulation of the developed model.
• Chapter-1 Introduction
This chapter contains significance of the research topic, introduction of study
area. It also comprises the objectives and scope of study.
• Chapter-2 Literature review
This chapter contains the past research work done by various investigators in
the area of mode choice behaviour, integration of multi-modes, Intra-city level
characteristics and attitudinal behaviour.
• Chapter-3 Methodology of study
This chapter detailed each and every step followed to reach the results of the
• Chapter-4 Data collection and analysis
This chapter contains data to be collected and detailed analysis of data.
• Chapter-5 Model development and validation
This chapter discussed elements to be considered in the choice decision
process, utility based choice theory and multinomial logit model. This chapter
contains development of model and validation. The section model simulation
Discussed elasticity and sensitivity testing of the best model
• Chapter-6 Conclusion
The results and conclusions are discussed in this chapter.
Ahmed Hamdy Ghareib (1996) is compared and evaluated the predictive ability of
logit and probit models when those applys for mode choice context. The Database is
the choice set for each individual, socio-characteristics of each individual, trip related
variable represented by trip purpose and characteristics of the transport system.
Checking a single co-efficient estimate, goodness of fit measure, outlier prediction
test and market segment prediction test are used for the evaluation for cities. The
calibration task was performed using GLIM software package. The both binary and
probit models have same mathematical effort. For the mode selection, income has an
important role.
Tae Youn Jang (2003) is related simple travel pattern and complex travel pattern to
travel modes. The study concept is that dat of household attributes and activity data
can be accumulated which are interconnected which is helpful for picturing travel
pattern. The automobile transit and non-automobile transit are compared and three
stage least square method and covariance structure model are used. The study
surmised that men prefer automobiles and female prefer public transit, and the
majority prefers public transit and walking.
Jiangsping Zhou (2012) studied factors affecting alternative mode choice choices
among university students in a car dominated city. He compared factors influencing
the mode of choice of university students and the general population. Descriptive
analysis is done and based on mode choice, multimodal behaviour, travel time and the
multimodal logit model is used. The paper highlighted using the study on universities
as it predicts the future generation behaviour and useful for reshaping. In college,
students there are more multi-modes.
Ipek N Sener (2014) worked on behaviour of active activity and active travel. Paper
is mentioning the integrated nature of the public health and transportation fields. The
study was done by preparing the model in a two dimensional manner by considering
active activity and active travel. The study was done on integrated nature of the public
health and transportation fields so it can provide a distinct view of active or inactive
choice behaviour. Long time origin-destination trips influences health, physically and
work related constraints of the trips maker. It explores rich components on workers
active activity -travel behaviour.
Andres Choice of mode of Double weighted estimator Transportation
Monzon,Alvar transport for long for long distance transport Research
0 Rodriguez- distance trip: mode choice models www.sciencedir
Dapena solving the (DWELT) can be used for, 2005
problem of sparse improving mode choice and
data route choice.
Tushara T, Mode Choice Using SPSS software, International
Rajalakshmi Modelling For multinomial logit model is Journal of
P, Bino I Work Trips in developed for work trips in Innovative
Koshy Calicut City city of Kerala. Technology and
Essam Factors Affecting Useful for transportation Journal of
Almasri, Sadi Mode Choice of planners to predict the Transportation
Alraee Work Trips in employed people's Technologies,
Developing behaviour and travel 2013
Cities—Gaza as a demand analysis.
Case Study
Ipek N Sener, An integrated For long time same origin- Transportation
Philip R analysis of destination trips it Research
Reader workers' physically influences health, physically www.sciencedir
active activity and and work related constraints,2014
active travel choice
Lihui Zhang, Solving a discrete Transit network design 2014
Hai Yang Wu, multimodal problem (TNDP) is useful to
Dianhai Wang transportation optimize the layout of
network design transit routes, the fare levels
problem and service frequencies.
There are many studies on mode choice modelling. Indian cities are
developing cities. Most of them are not planned. Study of Thiruvananthapuram city
can show the same characteristics of these cities. There are no research works for
these developing cities. As a capital of Kerala and as an emerging city;
Thiruvananthapuram city is facing much transportation problem. This study can
analyse traffic problems facing by the city. The city has traffic congestion, even
though the city is having higher connectivity, so it demands mode choice modelling
study of city. Most of the studies on mode choice modelling are used by using
SPSS(Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) software. This study is based on
NLOGIT software and it is leading tool for statistical analysis.
The flow chart for the methodology of the study is shown figure 3.1.
O • Microsoft
Data collection and < Excel
O / \
Model development and • Multinomial
logit model
Model simulation v^
The work intends to find a proper model for work trips to predict the ftiture
travel demand and finding important characteristics. It is aimed at identifying various
factors that contribute to the selection of a particular mode in the city. The study is
restricted to work trips only. MNL modelling was adopted in the study because of its
capability in estimating the mode shares where more than two choices of modes of
travel are available for a commuter.
The first phase is researching for topic and study literature, and then data was
collected data of Thiruvanthpuram city. There was study of Thiruvanthpuram city at
the starting of the year 2015 by NATPAC. Preliminary analysis is done to study the
data. Work trips are distributed on four modes-Two wheeler, bus, car and walk. The
mode selected for the study is two wheeler, bus and car. Validation is the process of
checking the model for its accuracy in prediction. The last phase is concluding the
3.2.3 Model development and validation
Model development is the most important step in this study and it is done by the help
software. The types of model used to study the mode choice behaviour are
multinomial logit model, nested logit model, random parameter logit model, probit
model, Artificial Neural Network model (ANN) and neuro iuzzy model. The future of
the modelling will be artificial neural network model and neuro fiizzy model which
gives better result and it is under research. The common modelling method for mode
choice are Multinomial Logit model(MNL) due to it leads to simpler, providing more
economic model and increasing the power to detect the relationships with other
variables. The most preferred soft wares used for multinomial logit models are SPSS
(Statistical Package for the social sciences) and NLOGIT and both are worked based
on econometrics. NLOGIT software is used for mode choice modelling in this study is
an extension of the econometric and statistical software package LIMDEP. The
program denves its nameft-omthe Nested LOGIT model.
The de\'eloped model should be validated. This study follows two phase validation.
The first phase is measuring model statistics and second is measuring the prediction
success table of the model. Those models qualify whole measuring of model statistics
are only considered for prediction success table. Model statistics is done by inspecting
sign of coefficient, inspecting significance of coefficient, checking standard error of
coefficient, measuring log likelihood function, predictive ability of the model, and
finding McFadden pseudo R square value.
The two methods for model simulation are finding the derivatives of choice
probabilities and finding elasticity of choice probabilities. Elasticity is measure that is
used to quantify the extent to which the choice probabilities of each alternative will
change in response to the changes in the value of a variable. Sensitivity testing can be
performed for mode choice models by varying model. Model simulation is the
application level of modelling.
3.2.5 Conclusion
Results of analysis and the developed model are concluding in this section.
The initial step for mode choice modelling is data collection. For a very good
model, study needs large quantity of data. There are different methods of data
collection and researchers should follow the correct method to satisfy their needs. The
different methods for the data collections are home interview survey, taxi survey, post
card questionnaire survey, cordon survey, tag on car survey and public transport
survey. In this study, home interview survey was followed by NATPAC and the data
collected is used for model development. Total number of work trips considered from
central business district is 12947 as per survey data given by NATPAC. The survey
was conducted for a period of 3 months, September to November 2014. The
questionnaire format used for the survey is given in figure 4.1.
• Traveller and trip related variables that influence the travellers assessment of
modal alternatives
• Mode related variables describing each alternative available to the traveller
• The observed or reported mode choice of the traveller
Fig. 4.1 Questionnaire format for home interview survey
¥ 1i i s
as B
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From the whole data, work trips are filtered using Microsoft excel. The data
used for analyses in the study is:
Data analyses are the process of identifying the right data for achieving the objective
of the study. It is the process of obtaining raw data and converting into useful
information and used for mode choice modelling which helps for decision making
Data was collected through home interview sui-vey and the objective is to find
the most influencing variables on the mode choice behaviour of employees and to
develop a model of travel mode choice for work trips in Thiruvananthapuram City.
The collected data is organised into a format given in the following tables to fit for
analysis within a spread sheet for easy data processing.
The modes are mainly di\-idcd into 5 types- two wheeler, bus, walk, car and others.
Mini bus, KSRTC bus and Pnvatc- bus are considered in the category bus. The works
are categorised as three tj'pe-full time, part time and self-employed for work trips.
The data are divided into categories and coding is done for easy analysis. Table 4.1
shows different categories of mode, gender, age, income and vehicle ownership along
with their coding.
Table 4.1 Categories and coding pattern for the study
Tlie analysis was done by Microsoft excel using filtration tool. Spread
sheet format is given below infigure4.2.
Figure 4.2 Format for analysis of data
.s A B C D E
2 2 2 4 1 1
3 2 1 4 1 1
4 2 2 2 1 2
5 1 1 3 2 1
6 4 1 2 3 3
7^ 1 1 4 2 3
8 4 2 4 2 2
S 2 1 4 2 2
10 1 1 2 1 1
11 2 1 1 1 1
12 1 1 3 2 2
13 1 1 2 3 3
14 a. 1 1 1 2
15 X 1 2 1 1
16 2 1 1 1 2
17 1 1 1 1 2
18 2 1 4 1 1
19 2 1 4 1 1
20 2 1 3 1 1
Of the 12949 work trips, 9682 (80%) trips are made by men and
2321(20%) trips are by women. Tlie age level of employees was from 18 to 96 and
the average age of the sampled persons was about 43. More than 50%) of the trips are
made by persons between the age of 30 to 60. The work trips made using two-wheeler
are 48% which makes huge impact on the traffic stream. Only 5%) of total work trips
are made by the persons with income higher than Rs. 45,000. More than 50%) of the
work trips are made by low income persons having income less than 15,000.
9% 1 Two wheeler
Figure 4.3 explains mode split and figure 4.4 explains gender wise mode
selection. Mode split data is the primary step of mode choice modelling. Most people
prefer two wheelers (48%) due to ease of passing heavy traffic in the city. Also, it is
having low fuel consumption and initial cost. 28% of people prefer bus due to
considering safety, no initial cost and low transportation fare. Due to the provision of
the good public transportation system, common people choose buses. People having a
high income always prefer cars. 9% of the wok trips are made by walking which
shows proximity of some residential areas to the work-spots.
Figure 4.4 represents gender wise mode selection. Most common mode of
travel for work-trips is the two-wheeler that is mainly used by men. Out of total usage
of two wheelers, 84% is used by men. Women prefer the bus. Out of the total 19% of
women work trips, 48%) women prefer buses. It is due to safety and ease provided by
the bus. 20% men prefer buses.
f^' i 58 ^'0
I 30 45
^M ,
Mi |>50
» WW 1
1r'/(0 s'lHi lER b.'S WALK OTHER
Figure 4.5 represents the age wise mode selection of work trips. 60.5%) of total
work trips are made by persons between the ages of 30 to 60. 25% of total work trips
are made by 18 to 30 age group persons. In all age categories, there is a significant
role of two-wheeler. The car is a preferred by the persons of the age group higher than
45. Similarly, buses are preferred more by the persons of the age group of 45 to 60.
Walk mode has a uniform distribution on all age groups.
V 37%
Figure 4.6 represents income wise mode selection of work trips. Based on
income, the persons making work trips are divided into three different categories -
low, medium and high. The three income categories are less than Rs.l5, 000, Rs.
15,000 to 45,000 and more than Rs. 45,000 respectively. A person who belongs to
low income group prefers two wheelers and buses for work-trips. It is observed from
the graph that the maximum percentage of work trips (30.5%) is made by low income
group using Uvo-wheeler. Car as a mode for work trips are chose by persons of
medium and high income groups, but in the study, persons of high income groups are
less in number so persons of medium income groups dominates in usage of car for
work trips.
1 18-30 26%
30-45 24.9%
Age group
45-60 30.1%
>60 19%
Low 53.5%
Medium 42%
High 4.5%
No vehicle 37%
Vehicle Two Wheelers 48%
ownership Two Wheelers& car 14%
Other 1%
Figure 4.7 represents vehicle ownership wise mode selection for work trips. It
is obvious from the graph that high percentages of work trips are being made with two
wheelers as the persons having tvra-wheeler ownerships are more. 37% of persons
making work trips do not have a vehicle. The preliminary analysis data is tabulated in
table 4.2.
Mode choice modelling is the third important steps of the transportation
planning after trip generation and trip distribution. Mode choice modelling helps to
find the traveller's choice of mode. For modelling the mode choice, there is need of
proper analysis of the data. Modelling predicts how road users will split themselves
between transits and other vehicles. Mode choice modelling is to be done by
identifying different modes, identifying the attributes and characteristics and
constmcting an experimental design that is appropriate for those attributes and
characteristics. There are different methods for mode choice modelling. In all
methods the basic assumption of choice models is that each individual is attempting to
maximize his utility. The concept of utility assumes that you have a method of
combining the various features of all the alternatives to give one measure of utility
which is consistent across all the alternatives within choice set opens to you. The
mode choice modelling can be done by direct generation usage models, trip
interchange mode usage model or probability base model.
The important elements for the mode choice modelling are the decision maker,
the modes available for decision maker and attributes of alternatives. The decision
makers vary from individual to group or institution which has the responsibility to
make the decision. Different decision makers have different choices and have
different tastes. This difference among decision makers must be considered. The set
of alternatives of availability of modes depends on constrains of the environment. The
choice is varying fi-om environment to universal choice set. The alternatives in a
choice are characterised by a set of attributes. By considering different attributes of
alternatives model, we can evaluate and can find policies.
The utility maximization rule, which states that an individual chooses the
alternative with the highest utility, implies no uncertainty in the individual's decision
process; that is, the individual is certain to choose the highest ranked alternative under
the observed choice conditions. There are three primary sources of error in the use of
deterministic utility functions. First, the individual may have incomplete or incorrect
information or misperceptions about the attributes of some or all of the alternatives.
As a result, different individuals, each with different information or perceptions about
the same alternatives are likely to make different choices. Second, the analyst or
observer has different or incomplete information about the same attributes relative to
the individuals and an inadequate understanding of the function the individual uses to
evaluate the utility of each alternative. Third, the analyst is unlikely to know, or
account for, specific circumstances of the individual's travel decision.
Two different levels may be used to model the choice behaviour of decision
makers. The first level is the aggregate level in which the choices of decision-makers
are aggregated in some fashion and analysed as a function of the characteristics of the
alternative and socio-demographic characteristics of decision makers at the
aggregated level. Tiie second level to model choice behaviour is the disaggregate
level, in which the choice behaviour is analysed at the level of the decision-maker, as
a function of characteristics of the alternatives and socio-demographic characteristics
of each decision-maker. Disaggregate models used in the context of vehicle choice
modelling; it can be classified based upon the discrete and/or continuous nature of the
choice alternatives, into- Discrete Choice models, and Discrete-Continuous Choice
This includes a measurable part l^^and a random part Ejg. The measurable part
is Vj(j considered as a function of measured attributes x; thus Vjq is often formulated as
a linear combination of x, such as the following:
Three modes are considered for developing mode choice modelling of work
trips of Thiruvanthpuram city. They are two wheeler, bus and car. The considered
variables are tabulated in Table 5.1.
Variable Description
TT Total Travel Time in minutes
TC Total Travel cost in Rupees
DIST Length of the trip in Kilometres
OWNSHIP Ownership of transport
GENDER Gender of respondent
AGE Age of respondent in years
INCOME Income of the respondent
Total travel time per
TTDIST distance(minutes/Km)
TCDIST Travel cost per distance(rupees/Kjn)
Travel time and travel cost are the important variables for modelling mode
choice. For any study on mode choice modelling, these variables are considering.
When tra\'el time and travel cost varies the probability of usage of modes v^^ill change.
Total travel time per distance (TTDIST) and travel cost per distance (TCDIST) are
improving the variables to get better variables. On many studies use these types of
variables. Ownership of the commuter is an important variable which is helpful to
identify the availability of the modes for a commuter. Gender, age and income of the
respondent are the personal characteristics and it is considered as variable.
Numerical value of TT, TC, TTDIST, DIST and TCDIST variables are taken
directly for modelling. AGE, INCOME and OWNSHIP are divided into different
categories for getting better model as shown in table 5.2.
Variable Categories
AGE 18-30
INCOME Low, 0-15000
Medium, 15000-45000
High, >45000
OWNSHIP No vehicle
Owns only two wheelers
Owns cars or cars and two wheelers
statistics and second is measuring the prediction success table of the model. Those
models qualifying whole verification of model statistics are only considered for
prediction success table.
Model statistics is the first phase investigating some preliminary needs of a model
and checking acceptance level of the model. The first phase of the validation is to be
done as follows.
Inspecting sign of coefficient is checking the estimators sign. All models with a
wrong sign of estimators would not consider as a valid model. For example the utility
of a mode should increase as the travel time and travel cost gets decreased so these
variables should have a proper sign (negative). These specifications are considered
only for attributes not for characteristics of commuters.
The standard error (SE) is the standard deviation of the sampling
distribution of the mean and derived from a particular sample used to compute the
estimate. The standard error of the coefficient is always positive. The standard error
of the coefficient is useful to measure the precision of the estimate of the coefficient.
Smaller the standard error, the estimate is more precise. In the study, standard error of
the estimate is to be less than 2. Every estimates of one model should be in limits.
Standard error of each variable of developed model can be getting from NLOGIT
The likelihood-ratio test is assessing model fit and also assessing the
contribution of individual predictors to a given model. It is a function of
the parameters of a statistical model given data. Log Likelihood ftinction of the
developed model can be getting from NLOGIT software.
D2_ 1 ''^ L(Model with predictors)
In L(Model without predictors')
L- Estimated likelihood
The higher McFadden's pseudo R-square value, model will be better. This is
one of the important validation steps.
The prediction success table is the JxJ array whose (1, k) element is either Ni^
orriii^. The prediction success table is getting as a result in NLOGIT. Percentage of
prediction ability can be obtained from this table. The model can be validated by
comparing prediction success table and validation success table. Validation success
table can obtain by taking sample of data by adding or reducing the data with the
saiTipIe used for model development. Prediction ability of the both sample is also
needed to be compared.
Different models are developed for finding best fitting model. The developed
6 models are shown in this chapter. The models are developed by software NLOGIT
using a sample of 250 work trips. The sample was selected by considering the
percentage share of each mode on the universal choice set. Table 5.3 is showing the
percentage share of modes on the sample of data.
The log likelihood function of the model without predictors is -114.76 and it
is getting from NLOGIT software.
5.8.1 Model 1
The first model has been built with total travel time (TT) and total travel cost
(TC) as generic variables which means that an increase of one unit of travel time or
travel cost has the same impact on the modal utility for all modes. The unit for TT and
TC variables are minutes and Rupees respectively. The utilities for two wheeler, bus
and car are shown as a linear equation. TT and TC are linearly proportional to utility
of modes, a and |3 are constants. The utilities for two wheeler, bus and car are given
below. CONST TW and CONST_BUS are constants. The utility function for the first
model is
UBUS= C 0 N S T _ B U S + a T T + pTC
Urw= -0.1641 -.0824 TT -12.4518 TC
Ucar= -.0824TT-12.4518TC
Table 5.4 Output for the first model from NLOGIT software
Table 5.4 is listed the output of the first model fi-om NLOGIT software. The
table contains coefficient of the variable, standard error of estimate, and significance
level of each estimate. The coefficient of the variable TT and TC is negative and it
must be for a valid model. CONST_TW and CONST_BUS can carry any sign as it is
constant. Standard error is less than 2 for every coefficient. Every coefficient has
significance level of 1% which means better coefficient. The model qualified
validation test on sign of coefficient standard error and significance level of
Log likelihood function of the model is -84.415 and model has prediction
ability of 66.86% and Mcfaddens pseudo Rsquare value 0.265. Prediction ability
should be higher than 50% and Mcfaddens pseudo Rsquare value should be high.
Mcfaddens pseudo Rsquare value should be higher than 0.2 for a good model. Model
1 is qualifying first phase of verification. So model 1 is a good one.
5.8.2 Model 2
Total travel time per distance (TTDIST) and Travel cost per distance
(TCDIST) are used as variables in second model having units of minutes/Km and
rupees/Km respectively. Utility Sanctions for two wheeler, bus and car are given
Ucar= -14.1259TTDIST-1.5427TCDIST
Table 5.5 Output for the second model from NL0G1T software
Table 5.5 is listed the output from NLOGIT software. The table contains
coefficient of the variable, standard error of estimate, and significance level of each
estimate. The coefficient of the TTDIST and TCDIST is negative and it must be for a
valid model. CONSTTW and CONST_BUS can carry any sign as it is constant.
Standard error is less than 2 for all coefficients. Every coefficient has significance
level of 1% which means better coefficient. The condifion for validation of model is
that significance level should be 10% or lesser for every coefficient. The model
qualified validation test on sign of coefficient standard error and significance level of
Log likelihood function of the model is -71.804 and model has prediction
ability of 69.76%and McFadden's pseudo R squared value 0.374. Prediction ability is
higher than 50% and McFadden's pseudo R squared value is high enough for a good
model. Model 2 is qualifying first phase of verification. So the model 2 is a good one.
5.8.3 Model 3
Utility functions for two wheeler, bus and car are given below.
[/riv=-0.4472-3.5152TTDIST-0.2978TCDIST+0.2851 *GENDER
Table 5.6 Output for the third model from NLOGIT software
Table 5.6 is listed the output from NLOGIT software. The considered
attributes are TTDIST and TCDIST. The table contains coefficient of the variable,
standard error of estimate, and significance level of each estimate. CONSTTW,
sign as it is constant. Standard error is not less than 2 for whole coefficients.
Significance level is not less than 10% for every coefficient as seen from Table 5.6.
Standard error of the coefficients CONST_TW and CONSTCAR are greater than 2
and significance level of GENDERTW, GENDER_BUS and GENDERCAR are
higher than 10%, so these coefficients are not acceptable.
Log likelihood fiinction of the model is -57.270. Model has prediction ability
of 73.25% and McFadden's pseudo R squared value 0.501. Prediction ability is higher
than 50% and McFadden's pseudo R squared value is higher than 0.2. Model 3 is not
qualifying first phase of verification.
5.8.4 Model 4
The coefficients should have proper sign. Coefficient of TCDIST is not having
proper sign (negative). The table 5.7 shows the outcome for the fourth model from the
NLOGIT software.
Table 5.7 Output for the fourth model from NLOGIT software
Table 5.7 is listed the output for the fourth model. The table contains coefficient of
the variable, standard error of estimate, and significance level of each estimate.
it can carry any sign. The coefficients of AGE_TW, AGE_BUS and AGECAR is not
having significance level less than 10% and coefficients of CONST_TW,
CONST BUS, AGETW, AGEBUS and AGE_CAR is not having standard error
less than 2, so these coefficients are not acceptable.
For this model, Log likelihood function is -23.786 and prediction ability is
93%. McFadden's pseudo R squared value is 0.792. Prediction ability is higher than
50% and McFadden's pseudo R squared value is high. Compared to any other model
it is having higher predictability and better performance on McFadden's pseudo R
square value. But it fails on attaining limits of standard error and significance level of
coefficient and signs of coefficient. Model 4 is failing first phase of verificafion.
5.8.5 Model 5
The coefficients of variable TCDIST do not have proper sign. Utility of mode
should be increasing with decreasing travel cost per distance. Tlie table 5.8 shows the
outcome for the fifth model from the NLOGIT software.
Table 5.8 Output for the fifth model from NLOGIT software
Table 5.8 is listed the output for the fifth model. The table contains coefficient
of the variable, standard error of estimate, and significance level of each estimate.
and it can carry any sign. Coefficient of TCDIST should have negative sign but it is
not. Standard error is less than 2 and significance level is 1% for whole coefficients of
variables. Model fails on validation on sign on coefficient but successful on attaining
range of standard error and significance level of coefficient.
For this model. Log likelihood function is -32.733 and prediction ability is
88.95%. McFadden's pseudo R squared value is 0.715. Prediction ability is higher
than 50% and McFadden's pseudo R square value is high. Model fails acquiring
proper sign of coefficient. Model 5 is failing first phase of verification.
5.8.6 Model 6
Model 6 developed with the variables TTDIST, TCDIST and INCOME. INCOME
variable is considered for utility functions for two wheeler, bus and car. The utility
function for the sixth model is
The coefficients of variables do not have proper sign. The table 5.9 shows the
outcome for the sixth modelfi-omthe NLOGIT software.
Table 5.9 is listed the output for the fourth model from NLOGIT software.
The table contains coefficient of the variable, standard error of estimate, and
significance level of each estimate. CONSTTW, CONST_BUS, INCOME_TW,
INCOME BUS and INCOMECAR is constant and it can carry any sign. The all
variables standard error should are not less than 2.Every variable have significance
level of 1% which is showing better coefficient for variables. The condifion for
validation is significance level should be 10% or lesser.
Table 5.9 Output for the sixth model from NLOGIT software
Log likelihood fUnction of the model is -60.274 and model has prediction
ability of 72.10% and McFadden's pseudo R square value 0.4753. Prediction ability
should be higher than 50% and McFadden's pseudo R square value should be high. If
McFadden's pseudo R square value is higher than 0.2 it gives better result. Model is
having higher predictability and better performance on McFadden's pseudo R square
value. But it fails on acquiring standard error of coefficient and signs of coefficient.
Model 6 is failing first phase of verification.
5.9.1 Conclusions
Six models are developed successfiilly and they are given in Table 5.10. The
developed models are validated. The models 1,2,3 and 5 are qualifying in testing of
Standard error of whole estimates. Except model 3, every model is qualifying in
testing of significance level of coefficient. The model 1, 2, 3 are giving proper sign
for estimated coefficients and 4, 5 and 6 fail. Log likelihood function can reflect
prediction ability as we can see from the table 5.10. 93% is the prediction ability of
the model 4. This is the best model considering McFadden pseudo R square value and
prediction ability. Higher McFadden's pseudo R square value, model will be better.
But model 4 fails in attaining range of standard error and correct sign of coefficients.
Table 5.10 Results of 6 models developed from NLOGIT software
Estimated coefficient
V ana Die Mode Model 1 Model 2 Models Model 4 Models Model 6
n -0.0824
TC -12.4518
The model 1 and model 2 are the only models qualifying the whole testing of
the first phase of validation. Comparing these models, model 2 is performing better
because it has higli McFadden's pseudo R square value and prediction ability. Second
phase of validation is done for only model 2 and is discussed below.
5.9.2 Prediction Success Table
Observed TW Bus Car Percentage
TW 66 30 4 66%
Bus 26 91 1 77.1%
Car 3 2 27 84.4%
Overall 35.84% 49.45% 14.7% 73.4%
Observed TW Bus Car Percentage
TW 74 28 5 t)9.16%
Bus 22 120 2 83.3%
Car 2 2 35 89.7%
Overall 32.3% 52.4% 15.3% 79%
Table 5.11 shows the prediction success table of model 2. The prediction
ability of the model 2 is 73.4%). Sample of data used for developing model is 250
work trips. For validation purpose sample of 300 was taken and tried with the same
model. The prediction ability of the new sample with same model is 79% and it is
shown in table 5.12. Prediction ability of the sample is getting in the same range and it
is increased. So the validation of the model 2 was successful and it is a good model
for mode choice for work trips in Thiruvananthapuram city.
5.10.1 General
The two methods for model simulation are finding the derivatives of choice
probabilities and finding elasticity of choice probabilities. In first method, model is
measuring for evaluating the response to changes is to calculate the derivatives of the
choice probabilities of each alternative with respect to the variable. In this study,
elasticity of choice probabilities is used for model vahdafion.
Elasticity is measure that is used to quantify the extent to which the choice
probabilities of each alternative will change in response to the changes in the value of
an variable. In general, elasticity is defined as the percentage change in the response
variable with respect to a one percentage change in an explanatoi-y variable. In the
context of logit models, the response variable is the choice probability of an
alternative, such as P,- and the explanatory variable is the attributeA'i;^ . Elasticity is
different from derivatives in that elasticity is normalized by the variable units. To
clearly illustrate the concept of elasticity, let us consider that P^ and Pi2are choice
probabilities of an alternative i at variable levels Xi^ and Xi2 , respectively. In this
case, the elasticity is the proportional change in the probability divided by the
proportional change in the variable under consideration:
Percentage change in probability
Percentage change in Attribute
Sensitivity testing can be performed for mode choice models by varying model
inputs and checking results for reasonableness. It is helpful for predicting future and
can verify how much successflil one model if there is a change on current condition. If
there is a sudden development is occurred for city, whole the variables considered will
change and we need to face survey face one more time. In this condition we will
predict the development scale on each variable and we can develop^model without
facing survey.
In the first part of table 5.13, effect of TCDIST attributes on two wheeler
mode is shown. If TCDIST variable changed 1% for mode two-wheeler, then the
probability of choosmg the mode two-wheeler will be reduced by 26.3073% and
probability of choosing bus and car will be increased by 20.8671%. TCDIST variable
means travel cost per distance so change on this variables shows the effect of travel
cost. If TCDIST variable changed 1 % for mode bus, the probability of choosing the
mode bus will be reduced by 17.9613% and probability of choosing two wheeler and
car will be increased by 35.8513%. If TCDIST variable changed 1% for mode car, the
probability of choosing the mode car will be reduced by 13.8019% and probability of
choosing bus and car will be increased by 10.2212%. The TCDIST variable is more
important for mode two-wheeler because variation of this variable affected more on
this mode. If TCDIST variable of the mode bus decreased, then persons making work
trips likes to shift to two wheeler and car.
change of this variable shows the effect of travel cost. If TTDIST variable changed
1% for mode bus, the probability of choosing the mode bus will be reduced by
5.5926% and probability of choosing two wheeler and car will be increased by
12.7696%. If TCDIST variable changed 15% for mode car, the probability of
choosing the mode car will be reduced by 0.3767% and probability of choosing bus
and car will be increased by 0.5351%. The TTDIST variable is more important for
mode bus because variation of this variable affected more on this mode. Elasticity of
TTDIST is more effect on bus than other modes. The IIA assumption of multinomial
logit is shown on table 5.14 that cross effect is having same value.
Table 5.15 is showing sensitivity testing of TCDIST variable on the mode car.
TCDIST variable of mode car is increased by 25% and changes in the percentage of
the utility of modes are listed on table 5.15.
The variable TCDIST of the mode car is increased by 25%. Travel cost per distance
is directly proportional to travel cost. As the travel cost of a mode increases, people
will shift to other modes. The same phenomenon is occurred here. Due to TCDIST
variable changed for car, persons making work trips is shifting to other modes. The
utility of the mode car is decreased by -1.535% and utility of the mode two-wheeler
and car are increased by 0.768%. Sensitivity testing helps to find importance of each
variable on every mode.
The study "Mode Choice Modelling for Work Trips in Thiruvananthapuram
City" aims at developing a model for work trips on Thiruvananthapuram city using
NLOGIT software. The study considered some selected modes only which are
dominant. The study has been conducted based on the survey which was the most
updated data of Thiruvananthapuram city. The main conclusions drawn from the
study are:
6.1.1 Characteristics of Work Trips
1. 28% of the total work trips are made by Public transport.
2. 48% of the total work trips are made by two wheeler.
3. Most common mode of travel for work-trips is the two-wheeler that is mainly
used by men.
4. 9%o of the wok trips are made by walking which shows proximity of some
residential areas to the work-spots.
5. Buses are preferred more by the persons of the age group of 45 to 60 for work
6. More than 50 % of total work trips are made by persons between the ages of
30 to 60.
7. Persons belonging to low income group always prefer two wheelers and buses
for work trips.
8. 37% of the work trips are made by persons who do not own a vehicle..
9. Most of the Work trips are made by two wheelers, buses and cars.
10. Multinomial logit is giving good mode choice model which is simpler and it
is easy to detect relationship with other variables.
11. Most of the mode choice modelling done in other studies is by SPSS software
(Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) whereas NLOGIT has been used
in this study. These days planners prefer NLOGIT software which gives good
performing models. Moreover, it is easy to develop model using multinomial
logit by NLOGIT.
12. Travelling Time (TT) and Travelling Cost (TC) are important variable for
mode choice modelling compared to characteristics of commuter and other
attributes. Many studies use these variables for mode choice modelling.
IS.TraveUing Time (TT) and Travelling Cost (TC) is having same nature as
Travelling Time per distance (TTDIST) and Travelling Cost per distance
(TCDIST) but TTDIST and TCDIST is providing better model.
14. The best performing utility model is
Ucar^ -14.1259TTDIST-1.5427TCDIST
The TTDIST is having more influence than TCDIST for this model.
15. Elasticity of TCDIST affects more the two-wheeler than other modes.
16. Elasticity of TTDIST affects more the bus than other modes.
17. TTDIST variable is having very less effect on mode car as compared to other
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