H9R2YG: Date Flight From / Terminal To / Terminal Stops Departs Arrives Baggage Allowance Class
H9R2YG: Date Flight From / Terminal To / Terminal Stops Departs Arrives Baggage Allowance Class
H9R2YG: Date Flight From / Terminal To / Terminal Stops Departs Arrives Baggage Allowance Class
Registered Office: C/o Britannia Industries Limited, A33,Lawrence Road Industrial Area,New Delhi 110035, India
Corporate Office: C1, Wadia International Centre (WIC), Pandurang Budhkar Marg, Worli, Mumbai 400 025, India
Telephone : 6741 0000
Visit www.GoAir.in or Call 1800 2100 999 CIN: U63013DL2004PLC217305
Send an SMS to 57333 to receive an update on flight status & to view current promotions in the following format
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GoAir Passenger(s) / Seat No. (Pre book your seat on www.GoAir.in)
1. MR Chandrakant S Dhaybar
Flight Details
Contact Information Fare Description
Name & Address : MR Chandrakant S Airfare Charges INR 8,339.00
Dhaybar Airline Fuel Charge INR 1,500.00
Mobile : +919833063905 INR 0.00
Email : [email protected] Convenience Fee INR 600.00
GSTN/UIN : 33AADCK7004N1ZJ RCS Fee INR 100.00
Payment Information Airport Development Fee INR 142.00
Aviation Security Fee INR 354.00
Payment Type : Visa PayU
CUTE Charge (PHF) INR 133.00
Amount : 12,673.00
User Development Fee INR 81.00
Payment Date : 04 Jun 2020
IGST for Maharashtra INR 283.00
Payment Status : Confirmed
CGST for Tamil Nadu INR 125.00
Balance Due : 891.00 SGST for Tamil Nadu INR 125.00
Total Fare INR 11,782.00
1. Passengers are requested to report at least 03 hours prior to flight departure and counters will close 60 minutes prior to departure.
2. Online checkin has been made compulsory for all passengers by Ministry of Civil Aviation. Visit goair.in or download GoAir Mobile App to check in online.
3. Passenger will have to present their Web or Mobile Boarding pass and download the Aarogya Setu App for entry into the airport terminal .
4. Online checkin commences from 72 hours till 01 hour prior departure for Domestic travel and 72 hours till 02 hours prior before departure for International travel.
5. Only 1 piece of checkin baggage is permitted up to 20 kgs per passenger and 1 piece of cabin baggage upto 7 kgs per passenger.
6. Click here to refer to State wise guidelines for the travellers.
7. All domestic flights will depart out of terminal T2 in Mumbai and T3 in New Delhi.
Terms & Conditions
General Advisory
Customer satisfaction is of utmost importance to us. At times there are circumstances beyond our control like the weather which may cause flight delays, rescheduling and cancellations. We
appreciate your patience and request your corporation at such times. We continuously endeavour to provide proactive information through SMSes and Emails, however we urge our
passengers to also check updates for your flight on www.GoAir.in.
For detailed Terms & Conditions and Conditions of Carriage ,visit https://www.goair.in/termsconditions and for Passenger Charter ,visit https://www.goair.in/citizenscharter
We recommend you show your eticket from your mobile phone to Go Paperless and save the tree.
Thank you for choosing GoAir as your preferred airline.