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Analysis of Steering Knuckle of All Terrain Vehicles (ATV) Using Finite Element Analysis

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2016 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 149 012133


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IConAMMA-2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 149 (2016) 012133 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/149/1/012133

Analysis of Steering Knuckle of All Terrain Vehicles (ATV)

Using Finite Element Analysis

S V Dusane1, M K Dipke2 and M A Kumbhalkar3

Department of Mechanical Engineering, G. H. Raisoni Institute of Engineering and
Management, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune, Maharashtra,
Email: [email protected]
Abstract. Steering knuckle is the most stress sustaining and critical component of All Terrain
Vehicle (ATV). Steering knuckle is the pivot point of the steering and suspension system,
which allows the front wheels to turn and also allow the movement of suspension arms motion.
The light weight and high strength component is always in demanding for racecar application.
Lightweight and optimized design of steering knuckle is proposed to use for a BAJA SAE
INDIA off road racecar. Due to the failure in knuckle in terrain vehicle after some instances, it
has to be modified for better performance. The 3D CAD model created by using CATIA V5
and static as well as model analysis carried out in ANSYS 12 to understand its behavior under
operating conditions. All test for frame was carried out on aluminum alloys 6061-T6 & for
spindle EN8. The paper discusses the FE analysis of existing and modified Steering Knuckle.

1. Introduction
All-terrain vehicle is design for BAJA event is organized by SAEINDIA and Mahindra &
Mahindra in the 2015. The object of the competition is to simulate real-world engineering design
projects and their related challenges. Each team is competing to have its design accepted for
manufacture by a fictitious firm. Each team's goal is to design and build a single-seat, all-terrain,
sporting vehicle whose structure contains the driver [1].
A steering knuckle is a component over which a wheel hub has been mounted and support for
steering and braking which operating under very high stress condition. Steering knuckle is not a
standard part of terrain vehicle component but it may be change for every racecar. Thus, the design
may vary to fit all sorts of applications and suspension types. A CAD model of existing steering
knuckle is shown in figure 1 is applied in the racecar as shown in figure 3. Finite element analysis
(FEA) is a method for predicting how a product reacts to real-world forces, vibration and other
physical effects. FE analysis shows whether a product will wear out, break, or work the way it
The advanced optimization techniques help to explore the light weight architecture. Rajendran et al
discusses the process of designing light weight Knuckle from scratch which can be applicable for
many casting components. To derive the optimal load path required for the major load cases a
topology optimization is performed on the design volume and prepare a concept model from the
topology results generated. The model is verified for all the required extreme loads & the durability
load which helps for significant mass reduction from model [2].
Chang and Tang presented an integrated design and manufacturing approach that supports shape
optimization of structural component. The approach starts from a primitive concept stage, where
boundary and loading condition of structural component are given to the designer. Topology

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IConAMMA-2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 149 (2016) 012133 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/149/1/012133

optimization is conducted for a structural layout. A 3D tracked vehicle roadarm is employed to

illustrate overall design process and various techniques involved [3].
According to B.Babu et al, Steering Knuckle plays major role in many direction control of the
vehicle it is also linked with other linkages and supports the vertical weight of the car. Study involves
modelling of the steering knuckle with the design parameters using the latest modelling software, and
also it includes the determination of loads acting on the steering knuckle as a function of time. This is
done for finding out the minimum stress area [4].
Chang Yong Song discusses reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) of an automotive
knuckle component under bump and brake loading conditions. The probabilistic design problem is to
minimize the weight of a knuckle component subject to stresses, deformations, and frequency
constraints in order to meet the given target reliability. The initial design is generated based on an
actual vehicle specification. The finite element analysis is conducted using ABAQUS, and the
probabilistic optimal solutions are obtained via the moving least squares method (MLSM) in the
context of approximate optimization. [5].
In the present study, design of a durable and reliable steering knuckle for a racecar being an
ultimate aim to be achieved. Development of racecar components tied with the regulations drawn by
the organizer. In existing design of knuckle, which has very less weight, but at the time of race a
steering arm has separated from the knuckle due to low strength of knuckle and high strength of bolted
joint as shown in figure 2. While steering an arm pulls knuckle towards a car for turning, so it should
be assembled with the knuckle to strengthen a steering and braking mechanism. In proposed design, a
single piece of knuckle includes the steering arm and brake caliper and not provide any bolted joint to
improve its strength and attached to knuckle directly.

Figure 1.CAD model of existing knuckle Figure 2. Existing KNUCKLE

IConAMMA-2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 149 (2016) 012133 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/149/1/012133

Figure 3.SAE INDIA racecar

2. Design of Existing Knuckle
The objective of the study is to design a steering Knuckle have minimum weight as well as
maximum strength. To satisfy this requirement, aluminium 6061-T6 alloys are the best option for
nowadays-automobile industry due to light weight as well as has low density and compatible yield
strength. Table 1 shows the physical and mechanical properties of the Aluminium 6061 alloy.
Considering above facts, a CAD model of the steering Knuckle was prepared using CATIA V5 as
shown in Figure 1. The model was designed, considering general suspension geometry parameters of
an off-road vehicle. The existing knuckle is a Hub type is as shown in figure 2. In which the wheel hub
fitted in bearing and tyre mounted on wheel hub. In this type of knuckle the mounting of brake calliper
and steering arm is directly attached without an external joint but, to reduce the cost of manufacturing
as well as required raw material, design of knuckle includes force exerted by three parts.
i. Frame
ii. Steering arm
iii. Brake Calliper mounting
Loads consider as per weight biasing and resolve in three component x, y and z direction. G's
consideration for force calculation in x, y, and z direction is 6.6, 4.6 and 2.3 respectively.

3. Structure and Design of Modified Knuckle

The aim of design is produce reliable and durable steering knuckle for a racecar to overcome the
previous year’s failure. Proposed design of knuckle is spindle type, in which, the frame and spindle is
is made up of same or different material. The material is used to design a frame of vehicle is AL6061-
T6 whose properties are given in table 1. To restrict the lateral movement of wheel hub, lock nut
arrangement is provided on end of spindle and to increase the strength of bolted joint, spindle is made-
up of material EN8. The design process was started with preliminary study on the existing steering
knuckle constituent used for the previous racecar including investigating the existing knuckle design.
The design also needs to follow the criteria and regulations drawn by BAJA organizer, mainly
depends on suspension as well as steering geometry. In general, a steering knuckle has three
connections on the body part connecting to the upper arm, lower arm and tie rod. Therefore, the design
needs to stress on these three connections, as well as one side of connectors where brake caliper
attached. Then final design evaluated through FEA simulation in order to estimate the deflections,
stress distribution as well as the weight. According to the result the optimized the design by thickness
of material or applying fillet and chamfer on corners. The proposed design is shown in figure 4.

IConAMMA-2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 149 (2016) 012133 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/149/1/012133

Figure 4.Modified Knuckle Design (Frame) Figure 5.Modified Knuckle Design (Spindle)

Figure 6.Modified Knuckle Design (Spindle)

3.1 Material Selection
Various types of materials are currently used for the steering knuckle component like grey cast
iron, white cast iron. These materials have high yield strength but the weight of the material is more
which is the limitation of racecar. Hence searching for the alternate material with nearest yield strength
and light in weight, for this factor and cost consideration the Aluminium alloy 6061-T6 is used.
Table 1.Material Input Data for Al 6061-T6 and EN-8
Property Unit Al 6061-T6 EN-8
Density Kg/m 2700 2700
Tensile yield strength MPa 276 276
Tensile ultimate MPa 310 310
Young Modulus GPa 69 71
Poisson ratio 0.3 0.33

IConAMMA-2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 149 (2016) 012133 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/149/1/012133

3.2Load Distribution
 Curb weight of vehicle considered = 2500N
 Weight of One person As per SAE rule = 1110 N
 Gross Weight of Vehicle = 3610 N
For analysis consider when vehicle is jump and landing on single front wheel so, total weight of
vehicle comes on spindle
I. Load on spindle = 3561 N
II. Braking Force = 3500 N
III. Braking Torque = 331.5 N-m
IV. Force On Steering Arm = 600 N

4. Finite Element Analysis

For the FEA of existing and modified Knuckle, 3D model is created in CATIA v5 and save in IGS
format and imported in ANSYS 12.0. The material properties as shown in table 1 have been assign in
engineering data. Model is mesh with Solid 187 hexahedral 10-node element. The solid elements has
three degree of freedom i.e. translation in X, Y and Z direction.
The finite element analysis of knuckle has been carried out for different boundary condition and
observed the stress level as per material property of material. All the results carried out using ANSYS
12.0 are shown in tabulated format.

4.1. On Existing Design

An existing design is hub type steering knuckle, to observe that maximum stress produce into
steering knuckle, model subjected to extreme conditions. Steering knuckle was constraint at upper and
lower ball joint mountings. As per loading conditions, the weight biasing on front side on each wheel
60kg weight considered. According to speed of vehicle, three component of force was considered on x,
y, z direction. Apply load of1400 N, 2800 N and 4000 N on X, Y and Z direction respectively, as
shown in figure 7. A mesh model of existing knuckle is shown in figure 8 having 181775 Nodes and
120120 elements. Referring to the analysis results, the maximum stress on designs are less than
material yield strength and very less deflection under the assigned loads. In addition, mass of the
models are also evaluated in the CATIA software since the ultimate aim of the current project is to
design a lightweight steering knuckle.

Figure 7. Boundary Conditions Figure 8. Mesh model of Existing knuckle

IConAMMA-2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 149 (2016) 012133 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/149/1/012133

Figure 9.Equivalent Stress Figure 10. Maximum Principle Stresses

4.2. On Modified Design
The modified design of knuckle is spindle type. In this type, wheel hub rotated on spindle and
spindle fitted in frame by interference fit. For reducing material and according to loading condition,
the modified knuckle is designed in two parts.
I. Frame II. Spindle
4.2.1. Frame
The frame is a structure in which the upper and lower suspension arm pivoted and it consists of
mounting for steering arm and brake calliper. For FE analysis, the boundary conditions apply as
discuss in load distribution section and as shown in Figure. 11 and mesh model is shown in figure 12
having 196446 nodes and 127590 element. By observing result, it is found that it has very less
deformation as 0.14115 mm.

Figure 11.Boundary conditions for Frame Figure 12.Mesh model of modified knuckle

IConAMMA-2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 149 (2016) 012133 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/149/1/012133

Figure 13.Equivalent von-meshes stress Figure 14. Maximum principle stresses

4.2.2. Spindle
The wheel hub rotated around the spindle, hence vertical force acting on spindle because of
dynamic weight transfer at the time of landing of car after jump. Therefore, the spindle has capacity of
sustain all forces, which experience during dynamic condition. Keep this fact in mind decided to use
the EN8 material for spindle. EN 8 is easily available in local market and it is cheaper. The boundary
condition for FEA is as shown in figure 15. After meshing of spindle 147630 nodes and 101000
elements are generated.

Figure 15.Boundary condition Figure 16. Mesh model of spindle

Figure 17.Normal Stresses Figure 18.Equivalent Stresses

IConAMMA-2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 149 (2016) 012133 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/149/1/012133

5. Result & Discussion

From the analysis of existing and modified knuckle, it has been observed that the stress is quite
changes in the modified design but the location of maximum stress have same. In the existing design
the maximum stress is observed where the upper and lower ball joint are pivoted. The existing design
has a maximum stress of 72.394MPa is occurred near pivot.
Modified design is complete one piece of knuckle steering where holes for bolting is not required
as it has separate arrangement. Due to this, for the same boundary condition, the stress location has
been changed and it is observed that it maximum at mounting of steering. The complete FEA results
for the existing and modified design areas shown in table 2.
Table 2. FEA Results Compression for Existing and Modified Knuckle
Modified Design
Parameter Unit Existing Design
Frame Spindle
Displacement mm 0.30999 0.14115 0.0817
Von-Mises Stress MPa 72.394 103.82 237.79
Max. principle stresses MPa 77.029 137.71 300.74
Factor of Safety - 3.8677 2.5255 1.18
Nodes - 181775 196446 147630
Elements - 120120 127590 101000
6. Conclusion
The Existing design of knuckle is to be applied for an SAEINDIA BAJA 2015 car was
successfully fulfils the load-bearing requirement. The external arrangement for steering arm and Brake
calliper is failed in Dynamic condition. The ultimate goal of study is to design and produce the
steering knuckle, which capable to bear loads at dynamic condition as well as light Weight.
Aluminium 6061-T6 alloy was found to be the best material for the component due to the good
physical and mechanical properties as well as lightweight. It was analysed through FE analysis that the
models of the knuckle are below the stress values and very less deflection under the applied loads. The
model to be analysed further taking consideration of the good stress results. Hence for further
modification in terrain vehicle for SAEINDIA BAJA 2016 racecar an existing knuckle has to be
replaced with modified knuckle to improve its strength to reduce failure of joint.

The authors would like to thank to all technical staff of mechanical engineering department for
their support in all possible ways. We would like to extend a special thanks to the management and
Principle Dr. Prabhakar Bhat for financial support from G.H. Raisoni Institute of Engineering and
Management, Jalgaon, India.

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IConAMMA-2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 149 (2016) 012133 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/149/1/012133

Engineering Mechanics 26 364–379.

[6] Patel Niral and Mihir Chauhan 2013 FEA and Topology Optimization of 1000T Clamp Cylinder
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