The Effect of Economic Value Added Free
The Effect of Economic Value Added Free
The Effect of Economic Value Added Free
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of economic value added, free cash
flow, corporate governance and earnings qulity with the dividend policy as a moderating
variable on stock returns. This research uses multiple regression testing. The research
sample is a manufacturing company listed on the Jakarta Stock Exchange by taking a
sample of 49 companies in 2016. The selection of public companies that fall into the
category of manufacturing companies is reviewed based on consideration of the
similarities in their operations and production activities and this industry group which is
relatively larger compared to other industry groups on the Indonesia Stock Exchange,
thus dominating and having a major contribution to market development capital,
especially shares in Indonesia. Determination of the sample was done using purposive
sampling method. Based on the analysis, the research conclusions can be obtained as
follows; Economic Value Added has a positive effect on Stock Returns, Free Cash Flow
has a negative effect on Stock Return, Corporate Governance has a positive effect on
Stock Returns, Profit Quality does not have a positive effect on Stock Returns, Dividend
Policy has a positive effect on Stock Returns, Dividend Policy does not strengthen
positive influences Economic Value Added on Stock Returns, the Dividend Policy does
not weaken the negative influence of Free Cash Flow on Stock Returns, the Dividend
Policy does not strengthen the positive influence of Corporate Governance on Stock
Returns and the Dividend Policy does not strengthen the positive influence of Earning
Quality on Stock Returns.
Keywords: economic value added, free cash flow, corporate governance, earning qulity,
dividend policy, Stock Return.
Economic Value Added (EVA) is one variant of VBM where assessing company
performance is based on the creation of added value generated by the company.
Economic Value Added (EVA) is basically a management technique developed by the
Stern Stewart & Company (Stern, 1985; Stewart, 1991; Stern, Stewart and Chew, 1995)
The EVA concept provides a way to calculate the economic value achieved or made by
the company during certain time period.
Cloud, Siddique, Sarwar (2014) states that "Economic Value Added (EVA) can
be understood as a change that occurs between NOPAT (Net Operating Profit after
Taxes) reduced by changes in the COC (Cost of Capital) of the company used to generate
profits. clean operation "Therefore, EVA basically depends on operating company
profits, taxes, debt levels, and capital costs. In the EVA concept, "companies must be
able to distinguish activities that create value added and non-value added, so that
management can focus on increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization
as a whole." The concept of EVA is based on the weighted average cost of capital). "The
existence of Economy Value Added (EVA) becomes relevant for measuring company
performance based on value because EVA is a measure of economic value added
resulting from profits (profits) received by the company above the annual cost of capital,"
as a result of activities or management strategy. "With the creation of EVA this will
affect the size of the return received by shareholders (stakeholders)."
Corporate Governance as the principle that directs and controls the company (all
company activities) whose purpose is to achieve balance and power and then the company’s
authority in providing accountability to the shareholders particularly and stakeholders generally.
(Solomon, 2008) Corporate Governance also organize the connection and responsibility or
accountability of the company to the members of non-shareholder stakeholders. Indonesian
capital market has developed quite rapidly compared with previous years. The development of
capital market can be seen from the increasing number of issuers listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange. The application of corporate governance in Indonesia is also growing. It is mainly due
to encouragement from the government to companies. In Indonesia, the companies implement
good corporate governance.
Stock return can be interpreted as a return on stock in accordance with expectations, on
an investment that has been made (Jogiyanto, 2013, p. 69). According to Tandelilin (2010, p.
39), the main reason people invest is to make a profit. In the context of investment
management, the profit level is referred to as return. In the context of investment
management, it is necessary to distinguish between the expected return and the actual return.
Hope return is the level of return anticipated by investors in the future, While the actual return
is the rate of return that has been obtained by investors in the past (Tandelilin, 2010, p. 40).
This agency theory was developed by Jensen and Meckling (1976) "Agency
theory is a theory related to principal relations with agents. This agency theory makes a
model of a contractual relationship between the manager (agent) and the owner
(principal). Principal delegates a decision-making responsibility to the manager (agent) in
accordance with the employment contract. The duties, authority, rights and
responsibilities of the agent and principal are regulated in a mutually agreed work
information to the market, the information will be responded to by the market as a signal
of certain events that can affect the value of the company."
agency problem and its costs will be more severe in the presence of free cash under
management control.” Richardson (2006) also established that over–investment is
concentrated in firms with highest free cash flows. These studies concur with (Jensen, 1986)
proposition that “free cash flows have a negative impact with various financial performance
measures.” Based on this description, the hypotheses that can be arranged are as follows:
H2: Free Cash Flowa has a negative effect on Stock Return.
fair payment on their investments.” On the basis of these explanations, the hypothesis that
it can be composed is as follows:
H5: Dividend Policy has a positive effect on Stock Return.
The main reason behind the research is using Ecomomic Value Added (EVA) "as
one of the factors that influence cash dividend policy" because the EVA method of the
company can prioritize its attention on the results of company values which can include
"the cost of capital concept of reducing profits with the cost of capital where the cost of
capital reflects the level of risk of the company. On the basis of the explanation, "the
hypothesis that can be compiled is as follows:
H6: The Dividend Policy strengthens the positive influence of Economic Value Added on
Stock Returns.
information looks better. On the basis of the explanation, the hypothesis that can be
arranged is as follows:
H9: The Dividend Policy strengthens the positive influence of Earning Quality on Stock
This form of research is a study of causality. Causality research is a form of
research that analyzes the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable,
where the characteristics of the problem in this study are "the influence of independent
variables on the dependent variable.
Stock Return
Earning Quality
Dividend Policy
Moderation variable
Jumlah saham beredar
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Dividend Policy 42 0,0278 0,9791 0,355621 0,2214753
Valid N (listwise) 42
R-Square 0,988
Adjusted R2 0,985
F-Statistik 302,266
Sig. 0,000
Based on the results of the table test above the multiple regression equation formed is as
SR = -7,881 + 0,150 EVA -0,258 FCF + 8,653 CG + 1,745 EQ + 17,289 DP -0,485
EVA*DP + 0,614 FCF*DP -18,665 CG*DP -6,793 EQ*DP
This study supports the opinion of Easterbrook (1984) argued that lower debt to
equity ratios reduce a firm’s chance of bankruptcy, reduces risk and therefore transfers benefit
from shareholders to bondholders as projects are financed from retained earnings. Therefore
shareholders prefer management to pay dividends from retained earnings and firms taking on
risky projects to avoid unwarranted interest payments to bondholders. On the other hand
agency theorists (Verma, 1994) argued that firms pay dividends to deal with agency problems.
Jensen (1986) also pointed out that payouts to shareholders such as dividend payments reduce
free cash flows at management’s discretion and then leads to increases in stock prices. Husnan
and Pudjiastuti (2013) which states that "companies that have a high DPR certainly cause
the value of their share prices to increase because investors have a certainty of better
dividend distribution of their investments." This increase helped boost the number of
requests for these shares, which also increases stock prices and impacts on positive
Dividend policy has a negative effect on stock returns because the greater the
amount of dividends distributed to companies can reduce the stock returns received by
investors. With the existence of a large dividend payment will reduce the ability of
companies to invest so that it will reduce the growth rate of the company which in turn
will reduce stock prices. Decreasing stock prices will result in decreasing stock returns
and the impact of not increasing economic value in the company because the company is
unable to enrich shareholders.
The results of the analysis prove that dividend policy is not able to act as a
moderator in the effect of earning quality on stock returns. That is, that the existence of a
dividend policy does not have a role in the influence of Earning Quality on the value of
the company. In other words, the existence of a dividend policy cannot strengthen the
effect of earning quality on stock returns. This shows that information about the dividend
payment policy does not affect the increase in stock returns. Earning quality level is able
to provide a positive signal to investors for stock returns, but dividend policy is not able
to strengthen investor ratings of company shares when there is an increase in the value of
earning quality. Dividend policy is not one of the factors that makes large-size companies
have a higher chance of taking earnings management actions to produce good quality
Based on the results of the analysis and discussion in the previous chapter, the
research conclusions can be obtained as follows; Economic Value Added has a positive
effect on Stock Returns, Free Cash Flow has a negative effect on Stock Return,
Corporate Governance has a positive effect on Stock Returns, Profit Quality does not
have a positive effect on Stock Returns, Dividend Policy has a positive effect on Stock
Returns, Dividend Policy does not strengthen positive influences Economic Value Added
on Stock Returns, the Dividend Policy does not weaken the negative influence of Free
Cash Flow on Stock Returns, the Dividend Policy does not strengthen the positive
influence of Corporate Governance on Stock Returns and the Dividend Policy does not
strengthen the positive influence of Earning Quality on Stock Returns.
This study has several limitations that can be taken into consideration for further
research in order to get better results:
1. Difficulties in determining the sample because the manufacturing companies listed on
the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2016 do not all have complete financial reports.
2. The characteristics of the company used in indicating the factors that influence stock
3. The method of measuring corporate governance variables uses the ASEAN Scorecard
so that it can lead to subjectivity in the assessment.
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