COVID-19 Pandemic Emergency Dental Treatment Consent Form
COVID-19 Pandemic Emergency Dental Treatment Consent Form
COVID-19 Pandemic Emergency Dental Treatment Consent Form
I confirm that I am not presenting any of the following symptoms of COVOID-19 listed
Shortness of Breath
Loss of Sense of Taste or Smell
Dry Cough
Runny Nose
Sore Throat
___________ (Initial)
I understand that air travel significantly increases my risk of contracting and transmitting the
COVID-19 virus. And the CDC recommends social distancing of at least 6 feet for a period of
14 days to anyone who has, and this is not possible with dentistry. ___________ (Initial)
I verify that I have not travelled outside the India in the past 14 days to countries
that have been affected by COVID-19. ___________ (Initial)
I verify that I have not travelled domestically within the India by commercial airline,
bus, or train within the past 14 days. __________(Initial)
Name____________________________________ Date____________________