Essential Fatty Acids in Clinical Dermatology PDF

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Volume 20

Number 6
June 1989 Allergic reactions in patients patch tested

gy of contact dermatitis. Trans St. Johns Hosp Derrnatol 10. Adams RM, Maibach HI, with members or" North
Soc 1969;55:17-35. American Contact Dermatitis Group. A five-year study
9. Eierman H J, Larsen W, Maibach HI, et al. Prospective of cosmetic reactions. J AM ACAO DERMATOL 1985;
study of cosmetic reactions: 1977-1980. J AM ACAD 13:1062-9.
DERMATOL 1982;6:909-17.


Essential fatty acids in clinical dermatology

David F. Horrobin, DPhil, BM Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada

A deficiency of essential fatty acid intake can produce severe cutaneous abnormalities but
is exceedingly rare in clinical practice. Recent research has shown that abnormalities in
essential fatty acid metabolism may play a role in atopic eczema, acne, and psoriasis.
Therapeutic innovations have already resulted from this knowledge, and more are likely to
emerge. (J AM ACAD DERMATOL1989;20:1045-53.)

For almost 60 years it has been known that (GLA), nor DGLA to arachidonic acid, although it
essential fatty acids (EFAs) are necessary for skin can convert GLA to DGLA readily. The epidermis
function. That EFAs may play a role in several must therefore obtain its linolenic acid, its G L A or
common skin disorders has begun to be widely DGLA, and its arachidonic acid separately from
appreciated only in the last decade. the blood. The linoleic metabolites must be made in
An outline of E F A biochemistry is shown in Fig. other tissues, primarily the liver? 3 Because the
1. There are two types of EFAs, the n-6 series epidermis turns over rapidly, there are no substan-
derived from dietary linoleic acid and the n-3 series tial local stores of GLA, D G L A , or arachidonic
derived from oMinolenic acid. Both appear to be acid on which it can draw. The epidermis is
metabolized by the same or a closely related therefore dependent on the continual formation of
enzyme sequence. All EFAs can be converted to a GLA, DGLA, and arachidonic acid by the liver
variety of products by lipoxygenases, and three and on their transport to the skin by the blood. 1-3
EFAs---dihomogamma-linolenic acid (DLGA), The first hepatic step in the metabolism of linoleic
arachidonic acid, and eicosapentaenoic acid acid, 6-desaturation to GLA, has been shown to be
(EPA)--can be converted to prostaglandins and highly vulnerable to a variety of factors that may
thromboxanes by cyclooxygenases. Most work on affect the condition of the skin. Aging; diabetes
EFA metabolites has been done on arachidonic meUitus; high alcohol intake; catecholamines
acid, and an outline of its metabolic products is released during stress; and diets rich in simple
shown in Fig. 2. There is increasing interest in the sugars, trans-fatty acids, or saturated fats are
products derived from D G L A and EPA, howev- known to impair conversion of dietary linoleic acid
er. to DGLA and arachidonic a c i d : ,5 Some of the
The metabolism of EFAs in the skin is different known cutaneous consequences of these factors
than in most other tissues (Fig. 1). The epidermis could relate to their impairment of the supply of
lacks both the 5- and 6-desaturase enzymes ~,2 and EFAs to the skin.
cannot convert linoleic acid to 3,-linolenic acid The n-6 EFAs seem to be considerably more
important in the skin than t h e n-3 EFAs. It is
difficult to demonstrate any specific effects of n-3
From the Efamol Research Institute.
E F A deficiency or treatment, and n-3 EFAs alone
Accepted for publicationJuly 11, 1988.
do not reverse cutaneous features of E F A deficien-
Reprint requests: D. F. Horrobin, DPhil, BM, Efamol Research
Institute, P.O. Box 818, Kentville,Nova Scotia B4N 4H8, Cana- cy?. 6-8 Each of the individual n-6 EFAs may have
da. some specific effects, but these are difficult to
Journal of the
American Academy of
1046 Horrobin Dermatology

n- 6 FATTY A C I D S n - 3 FATTY A C I D S


•L- 6-desaturation
absent in skin

Elongation - present in skin


• L -
5-desaturation - absent in skin Jr
Fig. 1. Outline of metabolism of n-6 and n-3 essent[al fatty acids. Dietary linQleic and
a-linolenic acids can be metabolized along the entire pathway in liver and some other
tissues. In skin, however, 6-desaturation and 5-desaturation steps are absent.

evaluate because of the ongoing metabolism of 7. Transepidermal water loss is greatly increased. The
administered EFAs. Some of the E F A actions are water barrier depends on incorporation of linoleic
due to the EFAs as such, either as the free acids or acid or a related fatty acid into the glucosylceram-
incorporated into phospholipids, cholesterol esters, ides, especially those of the lamellar bodies of the
or triglycerides. Other effects depend on the con- intercellular spaces of the stratum corneum. LT,~ It
version of the free acids to 5-1ipoxygenase or has recently been suggested that the oxygenated
derivatives of the fatty acids are essential for the
12-1ipoxygenase metabolites or to cyclooxygenase
water-blocking function? 9
With the exception of the cat family, in young
EXPERIMENTALLY INDUCED ESSENTIAL animals all the defects can be corrected by the oral
FATTY ACID DEFICIENCY administration of adequate amounts of linoleic
acid. The n-3 EFAs are ineffective and may worsen
Most knowledge of the cutaneous consequences
the situation with regard to the cutaneous capil-
of EFA deficiency comes from animal studies,
laries if given alone),8
which have been well described in numerous
There is little agreement as to which precise
reviews. 3s,~~The changes in all species are similar.
linoleic metabolite is responsible for each function.
The main observations are as follows:
Attempts have been made to answer this question
1. Hair becomes thin and discolored and may be lost. by topical administration of various metabolites.
2. The epidermis becomes scaly and rough. In severe Topical prostaglandin E2~~ or arachidonic acid ~t,22
deficiency a dermatitis may develop. corrects skin scaliness, whereas linoleic acid and
3. Sebaceous glands hypertrophy. EFAs seem to play a GLA have relatively little effect. 2~'22 On the other
particularly important role in sebaceous glands. Top- hand, linoleic acid and G L A efficiently correct the
ically applied linoleic acid and GLA become concen- water permeability problem, whereas D G L A has
trated at these sites. T M EFA deficiency causes no effect and arachidonic acid and prostaglandins
increased sebum viscosity and hyperkeratosis of the
may worsen the disordered permeability. -']'22 The
sebaceous ducts.13
role of arachidonic acid is not clear because some
4. Hyperproliferation with increased epidermal turn-
ever and increased DNA synthesis occurs. TM investigators have claimed that it too improves the
5. Cutaneous capillaries become weakened and readily permeability barrier function) a Linoleic acid may
rupture? have relatively little effect on wound healing and
6. Normal healing of wounds fails to occur, possibly as capillary fragility, whereas arachidonic acid can
a result of defective collagen formation, ~5,~6 correct these rapidly. 22
Volume 20
Number 6
June 1989 Essential fatty acids in clinical dermatology 1047


12-1ipoxygenase 5-1ipoxygenase Cyclo-oxygenase

B4 2 series
Fig. 2. Outline of metabolism of arachidonic acid to proinflammatory metabolites.
12-HETE, 12-Hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acids.


that will inhibit phospholipase A2 .26 This has the
effect of keeping arachidonie acid locked into the
Both cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase metabo- membrane phospholipids and of preventing its
lites of arachidon.ic acid play important roles in conversion to the free form. Thus access of arachi-
inflammation, stimulating blood tic,w, pain donic acid to both lipoxygenase and cyclooxygen-
responses, and chemotaxis? 427 Much less attention ase enzymes is denied, and levels of all metabolites
has been paid to the metabolites of the other EFAs, are reduced.
but both EPA and D G L A are now attracting
research activity.
Eskimos, who consume large amounts of EPA
when eating a traditional diet, have a low incidence A dietary deficiency of EFAs as a cause of skin
of psoriasis and other skin diseases. 28 The EPA is problems in adults is exceedingly rare because
believed to compete with arachidonic acid, inhibi, almost all diets contain adequate amounts of
ring conversion of the latter to harmful metabo- linoleic acid. This may not be true during total
litesY Caution should be exercised in interpreting parenteral nutrition with fat-free solutions, espe-
the results of the work with Eskimos, however, ciaUy because high levels of glucose and insulin
because they appear to lack the enzyme 5-desatu- block the mobilization of EFAs from adipose tissue
rase and thus, unlike other human beings, cannot stores. 37"39This problem is now well understood and
make their own arachidonic acid? ~ This inability, in adults is satisfactorily corrected by intravenous
rather than high EPA intake, may be more impor- infusion of linoleic acid. '~ Topical linoleic acid as
tant in reducing inflammation. 3t sunflower or safflower oil has been effective in
DGLA can be converted within the skin to some cases but not in others. 4~42 It is possible that
prostaglandin E~,32 a substance known to raise cows' milk-based infant formulas, which contain
levels of cyclic adenosine monophosphate. Cyclic far lower levels of EFAs than either human milk or
adenosine monophosphate in turn can inhibit phos- vegetable oil-based formulas, may sometimes pro-
pholipases and so exert anti-inflammatory effects? 3 vide inadequate amounts of EFAs for rapidly
Interestingly, human skin prostaglandin El levels growing infants, This could contribute to infant
decline with age? 4,34 Recently it has been found skin problems because nutritionat deprivation of
that D G L A can be converted by skin to a 15- human infants can lead to a cutaneous EFA
hydroxy derivative, which is a powerful inhibitor of deficiency state. 43,44
5-1ipoxygenase (Fig. 2), an enzyme that generates Most of the current interest surrotmding EFAs
leukotriene B4 and other products known to be and ~he skin relates to the concept that intake of
important in skin inflammation?4-27,25 EFAs is usually adequate, but that abnormalities
The anti-inflammatory effects of topical steroids of EFA metabolism may lead to various skin
are due at least in part to induction of a protein diseases.
Journal of the
American Academy of
1048 Horrobin Dermatology

Atopie dermatitis by transplacental transport from the mother, the

Hansen, a pediatrician and friend of George and consequences of any metabolic abnormality in the
Mildred Burr, discoverers of the essential fatty infant are likely to be diluted. Nevertheless, the
acids, was the first to suggest that atopic eczema higher the IgE level in cord blood, the higher the
might be due to EFA deficiency.45-47 Hansen concentration of linoleic acid (.p < 0.01), suggest-
reported that the blood of patients with atopic ing a positive relationship between high IgE and
eczema had a low iodine number, indicating low impaired linoleic acid metabolism. In an investiga-
levels of unsaturated fats. When he fed large tion in an African population, breast milk from
amounts of linoleic acid, the linoleic acid levels in mothers with atopy contained more linoleic acid
the blood were normal, but those of arachidonic and significantly less GLA, DGLA, and arachi-
acid remained well below normal. At that time it donic acid than breast milk from control subjects
was not known that linoleic acid was metabolized (Wright S, Bolton C, unpublished observation).
to arachidonic acid. Hansen claimed considerable Thus in three different populations, elevated
therapeutic success, and for a few years linoleic amounts of linoleic acid and reduced amounts of
acid was relatively widely used in North America metabolites have been found in association with
in the treatment of atopic eczema. Unfortunately, atopic eczema.
huge doses were required, and this led to a decline If impaired 6-desaturation is important in atopic
in use and eventually to discontinuation of the eczema, then administering GLA should produce
therapy. clinical benefit by bypassing the block. GLA is
Interest in EFAs and atopic eczema was revived present in human milk and in very small amounts in
in the early 1980s when measurements of EFAs in oats but otherwise is not readily available in foods
the blood of adult patients with atopic eczema were that are usually consumed. It is present in variable
performed with modern techniques. Results quantities in the seed oil of the evening primrose,
showed that the levels of linoleic acid and a- Oenothera biennis? 5 Efamol (Epogam) is the oil
linolenic acid in plasma phospholipids tended to be prepared from varieties of Oenothera specially
above normal, whereas concentrations of all their selected and bred to give oil of constant quality and
6-desaturated metabolites were significantly composition. In a double-blind, crossover investiga-
reduced.48,49 This led to the proposal that 6- tion, oral Efamol proved significantly better than
desaturation was moderately impaired in atopic placebo in treating adults with atopic eczemaY ,57
eczema, with a consequent deficit of EFA metabo- This clinical response was associated with rises in
lites.48.49 Because these metabolites are known to be DGLA, arachidonic acid, and prostaglandin Et in
important in skin function, and because GLA and the plasma58,49 Children who received 1 or 2
prostaglandin El are able to act as mild immuno- gm/day showed some improvement but did less well
modulating agents, 33'50-52it was suggested that this than adults. In retrospect, the children should
might be the fundamental defect in atopic ecze- probably have been given a higher dose than the
ma.48,49.53If it were, this would explain the relative- adults. Growing animals have far higher EFA
ly weak therapeutic effect of linoleic acid, because requirements than adults, s8 and the same probably
the conversion to GLA would be restricted. applies to human beings. A second controlled study
Additional biochemical support for this concept in children, using 3 gin/day, produced an excellent
has been obtained recently. A Swedish group has response in the majority of the patients (Bordoni A,
reported exactly the same pattern in young chil- Biagi PL, Cipolla IM, unpublished observation).
dren with atopic dermatitis as previously observed Trials in atopic eczema in adults in Finland and
in British adults: 4 Linoleic acid levels in plasma Germany have produced outcomes similar to those
lecithin were significantly elevated as compared to of the Wright/Burton study.59.6oThese three investi-
those for normal control subjects, whereas levels of gations (i.e., the Wright/Burton study ~7 and the
linoleic metabolites were significantly reduced. studies of MeigeP9 and Schalin-Karrila et al.6o), to-
Because high IgE levels in cord blood may be gether with placebo-controlled trials from five other
indicators of risk of atopic eczema, the Swedish centers, have been combined recently for overall
investigators collected blood from the umbilical analysis. 61 Results showed that patients assessed
cord and measured EFA and IgE concentrations. Efamol (Epogam) as highly significantly better
Because the infant receives much of its EFA supply than placebo. Physicians also assessed Efamol as
Volume 20
Number 6
June 1989 Essential fatty acids in clinical dermatology 1049

significantly better than placebo. There was no pla- Levels of linoleic acid in sebum decrease pro-
cebo response for itch, and the effect of Efamol on gressively as the severity of ache increases.~,67 As
itch was highly significantly better than that of pla- boys go through puberty, linoleic acid in sebum
cebo. 61The combined study also showed that clinical decreases, and the decrease is related to the rise in
responses were confined to those who showed in- the number of a c n e l e s i o n s . 68,69 The amount of
creased levels of the GLA metabolites, DGLA and linoleic acid in each sebaceous cell at the start of
arachidonic acid, in plasma. Failure to show such a differentiation seems to be constant, and therefore
rise, whether because of noncompliance, lack of its concentration will decrease if there are increased
absorption, or other factors, was associated with a rates of synthesis of other lipidsY. 70
failure of clinical effect. Improvement was unex- It is suggested that a local abnormally low
pectedly and particularly associated with a rise in concentration of linoleic acid in sebum may
phospholipid arachidonic acid, suggesting that at produce a local EFA deficiency of the cells of the
least in this form arachidonic acid has an antieeze- follicular epithelium, leading to hyperkeratosis.
ma action and is not pminflammatory. This also will impair the permeability barrier,
There have been three negative reports on GLA allowing greater potential for the penetration of
and atopic eczema. In one, topical administration organisms and proinflammatory fatty acids from
of Efamol was ineffective. 6~ This may be because sebum and promoting infection and inflammation.
skin can convert GLA only to DGLA and not to All known nonantibiotic antiacne agents reduce
arachidonic acid. In an open study on eight patients sebum formation and so are likely to increase the
Skogh 63 found 25% to 35% improvement in dry- concentration of linoleic acid in sebum. This has
ness, itching, and general condition but attributed been shown to occur in practice for cis-retinoic acid
these results to a placebo effect. Bamford et al.,64in and for the cyproterone/estradiol combination.71,72
a placebo-controlled study, failed to observe It is important to appreciate that such a reduced
improvement. The patients in the study of Bamford sebum concentration of EFAs could occur in the
et al., however, were less severely affected by atopic absence of any systemic EFA deficiency. In one
eczema than those in the other studies, and many study EFA levels in plasma phospholipids were
did not have a family history of atopy. Moreover, measured in patients with ache. Levels were nor-
most of the patients in the study of Bamford et al. mal except for those of arachidonic acid, which
failed to show any rise in DGLA and arachidonic were significantly reduced. 73
acid levels, raising questions about compliance. This concept of ache is stimulating and promises
The EFA abnormality that is already detectable to lead to developments in treatment. Whether oral
at birth 54 may predispose to sensitization of the or topical administration of EFAs will be required
immune system to various allergens. The skin and which EFAs will work require further investi-
disease would then be partly due to the EFA defect gation.
and partly to abnormal immunologic reactivity.
Once sensitized, the immunologic abnormality Psoriasis
may not be readily reversed. What is required to The skin of patients with psoriasis contains
settle this question is a prospective controlled study increased total lipid and phospholipid and extraor-
from birth in infants with elevated IgE in cord dinarily large amounts of free arachidonic
blood. Half the babies would be given GLA and acid.27,74,75The arachidonic acid seems to be con-
half would be given placebo. The GLA might vetted preferentially to lipoxygenase products with
prevent the development of sensitization and of reduced retlative or absolute metabolism along the
atopic eczema. cyclooxygenase pathway. The high levels of 5-
lipoxygenase products, especially of leukotriene B4,
are befieved to play an important role in pathogen-
EFA deficiency produces sebaceous gland esis. Steroids may produce symptomatic improve-
hypertrophy and hyperkeratinization of the ducts, ment by inhibiting phospholipase A2 and so reduce
changes of obvious relevance to acne. 9,~' Only the availability of free arachidonic acid. Although
recently, however, have Downing et al. 6s developed this effect would reduce the quantity of lipoxygen-
the concept that acne may be due to a local deficit ase products, it might weIl worsen any prostaglan-
of linoleic acid in sebum. din deficit. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents
Journal of the
American Academy of
1050 Horrobin Dermatology

Skin problems related to age, diabetes mellitus,

that selectively inhibit cyclooxygenase certainly
alcoholism, and steroid use
worsen psoriasis. 74,7~ Whether they do this by
reducing prostaglandin levels or by increasing the Because the supply to the skin of all n-6 EFAs
availability of arachidonic acid for the 5-1ipoxygen- other than linoleic acid is dependent on hepatic
ase is unknown. The 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors, conversion of linoleic acid to GLA and beyond, it is
such as the anti-inflammatory benoxaprofen (now an intriguing possibility that aging skin might be
withdrawn from the market because of toxicity), deficient in GLA. A person's capacity to convert
improve psoriasis. 76 [inoleic acid to GLA decreases with age, and this
Before tar therapy, linoleic acid level in plasma might account for some of the dermal manifesta-
phospholipids of patients with psoriasis is normal, tions of aging, including pruritus, scalingl and
but levels of all n-6 EFAs are reduced. This is thinning of the skin. Levels of prostaglandin El,
similar to the picture in eczema. What is different which can be formed in skin from GLA, 32decrease
from eczema, however, is that the levels of n-3 in human skin with aging. 34 This concept is sup-
EFAs are normal?7 After tar treatment, the only ported by the well-known premature aging of the
plasma EFA to change was DGLA, which rose skin that occurs in alcoholics and in patients with
from a level below normal to a level well above diabetes. Inhibition of 6-desaturation occurs in
normal. Results of another study also showed that both diabetes and alcoholism.'.5 Therefore GLA
DGLA level was high in plasma from patients with and DGLA might be particularly useful in skin
psoriasis, whereas levels for linoleic and oMinolenic care preparations for older people. Of course, I am
acids were below normal. TM The elevated DGLA not suggesting that lack of certain EFAs is the sole
level may well have been due to tar treatment. In or even the main contributor to skin aging. Ultra-
the small free fatty acid fraction in blood from violet radiation in everyone, glycosylation of colla-
patients with psoriasis, linoleic and arachidonic gen in diabetic patients, and acetaldehyde-adduct
acid levels were depressed, whereas EPA and formation in alcoholics are all important mecha-
saturates levels were increased, r~ This pattern of nisms.
free fatty acids is also seen in patients with fatty EFA deficiency leads to greatly increased skin
liver, and it is interesting to note that fatty liver is permeability to and absorption of steroids. 83 This
several times more common in patients with psori- seems to be related to the increased transepidermal
asis than in normal persons. 79 water transport. The EFAs might help to reduce
Eskimos appear to be virtually free from psoria- percutaneous absorption and therefore systemic
sis.z8 Because they consume much EPA, and side effects of steroids.
bec~ause EPA competes with arachidonic acid and
Uses in veterinary medicine
reduces conversion of the latter to potentially
inflammatory me.tabolites, attempts have been Dogs and members of the cat family subject to
made to treat psoriasis with concentrated fish oil.29 EFA deficiency develop syndromes very similar to
Two double-blind, placebo-controlled studies in those in other animals, 8.g7 including poor coat
psoriasis have been published recently.8~ Results quality, hair loss, scaling, dandruff, seborrheic
of one showed a significant improvement; those for dermatitis, eczematQus lesions, and failure of
the other did not. It may be that the absence of wound healing. Also, accumulation of an abnormal
psoriasis in Eskimos is.related more to the inability amount of ear wax is seen. Although for many
to make arachidonie acid by 5-desaturation than to years veterinarians have given animals linoleic and
the high EPA intake, al a-linolenic acids for coat condition, the importance
The rise in DGLA levels with tar therapy sug- of 6-desaturation for the provision of the full range
gests ~hat GLA or DGLA might be of v~alue in of EFAs to the skin has not been appreciated.
psoriasis. Tile observation that topical application Recently, administration of supplements contain-
of prostaglandin E, but not of F-a prostaglandins ing EPA and (3LA to dogsand cats has been found
can cause resolution of psoriatic lesions ~upports to improve coat quality and reduce scaling. 88
this view 24.8r A combination of GLA or DGLA Members of the cat family are unusual in having
with coal tar might produce interesting results. lost the ability to 6-desaturate EFAs.86.87 Cats
Volume 20
Number 6
June 1989 Essential fatty acids in clinical dermatology 1051

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