Integrated Analysis and Design Solution For Building Systems
Integrated Analysis and Design Solution For Building Systems
Integrated Analysis and Design Solution For Building Systems
Residence Tower
At First Glance
Fast project delivery with fully integrated
Concrete and Steel design from one
central model.
Mode Shapes
Design and Foundations
Code-based design of steel components to the
Eurocode 3, BS5950, AISC360-10 (ASD, LRFD)
and New Turkish Steel Design Codes.
Design pad bases, pile caps, strip foundations, Use different subgrade
rafts and piled rafts using analytical and finite coefficients and
element methods. different thicknesses
for each slab panel on
raft foundations.
Convert primitive line and polyline objects to smart Automated analysis, design and detailing of cantilever
rebars to instantly quantify existing detail drawing. retaining walls.
Insert details with different drawing scales side-by-side Design of Steel Scaffold Systems, RC Stairs, Pile Caps, Corbels
on the same sheet. Smart scaling system automatically and more including all details, quantities and calculation reports.
manages all relevant texts, object sizes and dimensions.
Design your piles using detailed soil profiles for pile working load
Automatically update design detail changes assessment, iterative lateral pile analysis and pile section design.
from ProtaStructure as they occur.
Produce engineering details for other components including Culverts,
Retrofit Walls, Foundation Pits, Pad Bases, Walls and more.
Steel Connections and Detailing
Office Building
Communicate ProtaStructure models directly to ProtaSteel Bi-directional data communication with Tekla Structures
and save precious time with automatic connection design for fabricators and manufacturers.
and automatic preparation of detail drawings using a
central 3D model. Easily create your own user-defined connections using
general purpose tools like plate, bolt, weld, section,
Easily model and design steel connections using cut, chamfer and fillet and use these connections
Fully-featured Parametric Connection Library. at similar joints.
Reduce the repetitive engineering effort spent on creating Enjoy productivity tools including sectional plates,
constructable connections. Powerful IntelliConnect automatic stiffeners, profile notch and fitting and
engine automatically and accurately makes the decision general 3D CSG cut macros.
for you and connects all joints considering joint geometry
and other existing connections while conforming to
user-defined rules and constructability criteria.
Prota Asia Sdn Bhd Prota Asia Pte Ltd
Unit 20-13A, Q Sentral, Jalen Stesen Level 39, 10 Marina Boulevard,
Sentral 2, KL Sentral, 50470 Marina Bay Financial Centre,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tower 2, 018983 Singapore
Tel: +603 2276 3355 Tel: +65 6818 5766 Fax: +65 6818 5755
© 2018 ProtaStructure is a product of Prota Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.