BOOK2019 Wyklad
BOOK2019 Wyklad
BOOK2019 Wyklad
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
vi Contents
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
6.5 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
A Program Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
A.0.1 Shared functions for Optimization Examples Chapter (??) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
We present the shape optimization problems in the framework of the shape derivative method. First, the
elementary problems are solved in Matlab using this technique. In the second part we propose some research
project for students interested in shape optimization.
This is a book for postgraduated and PhD students. The contents and the purposes the book can be briefly
described as follows.
• Modeling using Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) in variables domains;
• Local variations of solutions to PDEs on variable domains by means of its Shape Derivatives;
• Simple gradient or Newton techniques of numerical solution for shape optimization problems;
• Applied sensitivity analysis for 1D and 2D boundary value problems including:
– Mathematical sensitivity analysis of Elliptic Boundary Value Problems;
– Matlab programs for the shape sensitivity analysis in 1D and 2D;
– Topological sensitivity analysis for graphs;
• Shape sensitivity analysis for 2D Elliptic Boundary Value Problems (EBP): Laplace, Stokes, Elasticity;
• Research seminar problems for compressible Navier-Stokes stationary problems.
In another words a part of the book can be used for the introductory course on Shape Optimization. There
are Matlab programs for selected shape optimization problems in 1D and 2D. This part can be used for the
laboratory on numerical methods for variatonal problems using e.g., the finite element method. The most
advanced part can be used for the Master Projects on the theory and applications of shape optimization.
There is a link of our study to the book on the topological derivative method [?] since the topological
derivative is obtained as a singular limit of shape derivatives. We present an original contribution to the
theory of topological derivatives on graphs. The topological derivatives of solutions to the discrete structures
on graphs are obtained by nonsingular perturbation technique.
Chapter 1
Preliminaries and notation
Chapter 2
Shape optimization for problems on metric graphs
Differential equations on graphs or, more precisely, on metric graphs are ubiquitous. Transportation net-
works conveying fluids, gas, electrical power or traffic can be modelled by hyperbolic systems on networks.
Mechanical networks involving strings, cables and beams are important in civil engineering. Heat flow in
technical devices as well as in buildings can be regarded as parabolic equations on networks. The underly-
ing quasi-static model or one that is obtained after suitable time-discretization is that of an elliptic system
on networks.
We consider a simple planar graph (V, E) = G in R2 , with vertices V = {vJ |J ∈ J } and edges E = {ei |i ∈
I }. Let m = |J |, n = kI k be the numbers of vertices and edges, respectively. In general the edge-set
may be a collection of smooth curves in R2 , parametrized by their arc lengths. The restriction to planar
graphs and straight edges is for the sake of simplicity only. The more general case, which is of course also
interesting in the combination of shape and topology optimization, can also be handled. However this is
beyond these notes.
We associate to the edge ei the unit vector ei aligned along the edge. e⊥ i denotes the orthogonal unit
vector. Given a node vJ we define
IJ := {i ∈ I |ei is incident at vJ }
the incidence set, and dJ = |IJ | the edge degree of vJ . The set of nodes splits into simple nodes JS and
multiple nodes JM according to dJ = 1 and dJ > 1, respectively. On G we consider a vector-valued function
r representative of the displacement of the network (see Figure 2.1)
y : G → Rnp := Πi∈I R, pi ≥ 1 ∀i. (2.2.1)
The numbers pi represent the degrees of freedom of the physical model used to describe the behavior of
the edge with number i. For instance, p = 1 is representative of a heat problem, whereas p = 2, 3 is used
in an elasticity context on graphs in 2 or 3 dimensions. The p0i s may change in the network in principle.
However, in this paper we insist on pi = p = 2, ∀i. See Lagnese, Leugering and Schmidt[?] and Lagnese
and Leugering [210] for details on the modeling.
Once the function r is understood as being representative of, say, a deformation of the graph, we may
localize it to the edges
yi := y|ei : [αi , βi ] → R p , i ∈ I , (2.2.2)
where ei is parametrized by x ∈ [αi , βi ] =: Ii ,0 ≤ αi < βi , `i := βi − αi . See Figure 2.1
We introduce the incidence relation
1 if ei ends at vJ
diJ :=
−1 if ei starts at vJ
4 2 Shape optimization for problems on metric graphs
Fig. 2.1 Representation of planar displacement
Accordingly, we define (
0 if diJ = −1
xiJ :=
`i if diJ = 1
We will use the notation yi (vJ ) instead of yi (xiJ ). In order to represent the material considered on the graph,
we introduce stiffness matrices
1 1
Ki := hi [(1 − )I + ei eTi ] (2.2.3)
si si
Obviously, the longitudinal stiffness is given by hi , whereas the transverse stiffness is given by hi (1 −
si ). This can be related to 1-d analoga of the Lamé parameters. We introduce Dirichlet and Neumann
simple nodes as follows. As the displacements and, consequently, the forces are vectorial quantities, we
may consider nodes, where the longitudinal (or tangential) displacement or forces are kept zero, while the
transverse displacements of forces are not constrained, and the other way round. We thus define
We do not consider constraints around multiple joints which would restrict the motion of such a joint,
say, to a box. Again, the more general situation can be handled with the analysis presented here. The basic
assumption at a multiple node is that the deformation y is continuous across the joint. In truss design this
is not the case, and consequently pin-joints are considered, however on a discrete level. One may consider
pin-joints for networks of beams also on the continuous level, as in Lagnese, Leugering and Schmidt[?] and
[210]. In this paper we restrict ourselves to ’rigid’ joints in the sense that the angles between edges in their
reference configuration remain fixed. The continuity is expressed simply as
yi (vJ ) = y j (vJ ), i, j ∈ IJ , J ∈ JM
1 d i d i
E0 := ∑ Ki y · y + ci yi · yi dx (2.2.7)
2 i∈I dx dx
where the primes denote the derivative with respect to the running variable xi , ci represents an additional
spring stiffness term or an elastic support.
In order to analyze the problem, we need to introduce a proper energy space
d i d i
a(r, ϕ) := ∑ [Ki y · ϕ + ci yi · ϕ i ]dx. (2.2.12)
i∈I 0 dx dx
Let now distributed and boundary forces, f i , gJ be given along the edge ei and at the node vJ , respectively,
which define a continuous linear functional in V
L(ϕ) := ∑ f i · ϕ i dx + ∑ g gJ · ϕ î (vJ ), (2.2.13)
i∈I 0 f J∈JN
6 2 Shape optimization for problems on metric graphs
where î indicates that the simple nodes have just one incident edge, and where f i ∈ H 1 (0, `i )∗ . We now
consider minimizing the energy over the set of constrained displacements. To this end we introduce the
convex and closed (and hence weakly closed) set
That this convex optimization problem admits a unique solution is then proved by standard arguments. The
classical first order necessary optimality conditions then read as follows.
n Z`i n Z `i
d i d i d i
∑ [Ki y · ( ŷ − y ) + ci yi · (ŷi − yi )]dx − ∑ f i · (ŷi − yi )dx ≥ 0, ∀ŷ ∈ K (2.2.16)
i=1 dx dx dx i=1 0
In order to explore this variational inequality, we introduce active and inactive sets with respect to the
bilateral obstacles.
A u := {i|i ∈ ID , D ∈ JDc , yi (vD ) · e⊥
i = bi }
A ` := {i|i ∈ ID , D ∈ JDc , yi (vD ) · e⊥
i = ai } (2.2.17)
A 0 := {i|i ∈ ID , D ∈ JDc , ai < yi (vD ) · e⊥
i < ai }
V 0 = {ϕ ∈ V |ϕ i (vD ) · e⊥
i = 0, i ∈ ID , D ∈ JD }
n Z`i
d i d i
∑ [Ki y · ϕ + ci yi · ϕ i − f i · ϕ i ]dx = 0, ∀ϕ ∈ V 0 (2.2.19)
i=1 dx dx
This variational problem, in turn, can be further analyzed by integration by parts (if additional H 2 -regularity
holds) in order to obtain
∑ c dîJ [Ki dx yi (vJ ) · ei ][ϕ i (vJ ) · ei ]
d i
+ ∑ dîJ Ki y (vJ )ϕî (vJ ) − ∑ gJ · ϕî (vJ )
J∈JN dx J∈J N
d (2.2.20)
+ ∑ ∑ diJ Ki yi (vJ ) · ϕ i (vJ )
J∈JM i∈IJ dx
n Z`i
d2 i
+∑ {−Ki y + ci yi − f i } · ϕ i dx = 0, ∀ϕ ∈ V 0
i=1 dx2
d2 i
−Ki y + ci yi = f i in (0, `i )
∑ ∑ diJ Ki dx yi (vJ ) = 0, J ∈ JM
J∈JM i∈I J (2.2.21)
diN Ki yi (vN ) = gN , i ∈ IN , N ∈ JN
Ki yi (vD ) · ei = 0, i ∈ ID , D ∈ JDc
2.2 Planar graphs 7
We now concentrate on the active and inactive sets. We may take variations in (2.2.16) as follows:
d i
Obviously, taking variations in the inactive case, we obtain Ki dx y (vD )·e⊥
i = 0 which together with (2.2.21)4
Ki yi (vD ) = 0 i ∈ A o (2.2.23)
In the active cases we get
d i
diD Ki y (vD ) · e⊥ ⊥
i [ψi (vD ) · ei ] ≥ 0, i ∈ A ∪ A
u l
and hence
d i
diD Ki y (vD ) · e⊥
i ≤ 0, i ∈ A
dx (2.2.25)
diD Ki yi (vD ) · e⊥ i ≥ 0, i ∈ A
Putting all together ((2.2.21),(2.2.25), (2.2.23) and the conditions involved in V ) we obtain the strong
formulation of (2.2.16)
d2 i
−K i y + ci yi = f i , ∀i ∈ I
yi (vD ) = 0, i ∈ ID , D ∈ JD
diD Ki yi (vN ) · ei = 0, i ∈ ID , D ∈ JDc
diN Ki yi (vN ) = gJ , i ∈ IN , N ∈ JN
) = y j (vJ ), ∀i, j ∈ IJ , J ∈ JM
y (v
d (2.2.26)
∑ diJ Ki yi (vJ ) = 0, J ∈ JM
i∈IJ dx
ai ≤ yi (vD ) · e⊥ i ≤ bi , i ∈ ID , D ∈ JD
Ki yi (vD ) · e⊥ i =0 i∈A
diD Ki yi (vD ) · e⊥ i ≤ 0, i ∈ A
diD Ki yi (vD ) · e⊥ i ≥ 0, i ∈ A
where f i = 0, i ∈ I \ I f , gN = 0, J ∈ JN \ JNg . Notice that (2.2.26) line 6 is an example of the classical
Kirchhoff condition known from electrostatics. See Lagnese, Leugering and Schmidt [?],[210] for the case
without obstacles.
In order to follow this cycle of ideas bottom up, we first consider very simple such equations on networks,
in fact on star-graphs. We provide some first hand information before we embark on shape optimization
problems related to problems on metric graphs. We consider the following star-graph with m edges, m
external nodes at x = `i and one multiple node at x = 0. On this graph we consider the Laplacean with
Dirichlet conditions.
d2 i
− y + ci yi = f i in (0, `i )
yi (`i ) = ui
yi (0) = y j (0), i 6= j = 1, . . . , m
∑ dx yi (0) = 0
8 2 Shape optimization for problems on metric graphs
x = `1
x = `3 x = `2
1 i
ai = (u − b) (2.2.28e)
and hence
m m m
1 1
∑ ai = ∑ `i ui − b ∑ `i = 0 (2.2.28f)
i=1 i=1 i=1
1 1
b= m
1 i=1
∑ `i ui (2.2.28g)
∑ `i
This implies
1 i 1 1
ai = u − ∑ m ` j u j (2.2.28h)
`i ∑ m `1j j=1
The explicit solution is then assembled using ai , bi form (2.2.31) in (2.2.30). We have
yi (x) = √ (2.2.32)
sinh( ci `i )
1 ui ci coth(√ci `i ) sinh(√ci x)
− √
m √ √ sinh( ci `i )
∑ ci coth( ci `i )
1 m ui ci √
+ ∑ sinh(√ci `i ) cosh( ci x), i = 1, . . . , m.
m√ √
∑ ci coth( ci `i ) i=1
Exercise 2.1. Let f i = 1, i = 1, . . . , m in (2.2.27). Compute the solutions yi (x) in the examples (2.2.28),(2.2.30)
and (2.2.33).
We now look at the same problem, however, with different nodal conditions at the multiple center node.
10 2 Shape optimization for problems on metric graphs
d2 i
− y + ci yi = f i in (0, `i )
yi (`i ) = ui
d i d (2.2.36)
y (0) = y j (0), i 6= j = 1, . . . , m
dx dx
∑ yi (0) = 0
then we can write down the nodal conditions for (2.2.27) as follows:
A0Y (0) + A1 Y (0) = 0.
Accordingly, for (2.2.36), we have
A0 Y (0) + A1Y (0) = 0.
We can, thus identify the nodal conditions as vector-values Robin-type conditions for the vectorial problem.
In particular, if one normalizes the lengths to 1, which can always be achieved by introducing a diagonal
matrix in the equations (see below), one can rewrite the star-graph problems as two point boundary value
problems for a vectorial elliptic equation or an elliptic system.
AY − Y =F (2.2.38)
A0Y (0) + A1 Y (0) = 0, Y (1) = U, (2.2.39)
where A can be regarded as yet another coupling matrix, this time the coupling occurs in the domains,
rather than on the boundary. In a sense, this system can be taken as one-dimensional prototype of a two-
point boundary value problem for elliptic systems. This remark can be extended to general Strum-Liouville
type problems on star-graphs and, in fact, on general metric graphs.
Remark 2.2.5 If the edges have individual lengths `i , we can use wi (x) = yi (x`i ), x ∈ (0, 1). We define
diagonal matrices L := (`i aik )ik where aik is the adjacency matrix: aik = 1 if edge i is connected to edge
k (∃ j ∈ J S : di j 6= 0, dk j 6= 0) and 0 else. In the same way L 2 := (`2i aik )ik . Then the system (2.2.38) is
replaced with
AY − L −2 Y =F
A0Y (0) + A1 L −1 Y (0) = 0, Y (1) = U.
2.2 Planar graphs 11
Thus, a problem with varying lengths can be reinterpreted as a problem with normalized lengths but with
varying coefficients. In a more general context, this is precisely the basis for the method of the transforma-
tion on a fixed domain which is the basic tool in this book.
We consider again the general star-graph. We also assume that the data f i , i = 1, . . . , m are constant. In
a small neighbourhood of the central node this may be feasible. In this case the solution on each edge is
clearly quadratic. In fact, simple calculations show that the solutions yi look as follows:
yi (x) = − x2 f i + ai x + bi , i = 1, . . . , m (2.2.40)
ui 1 i
1 i 1 1
+ `i f + `2i f i
ai = u − m ∑
`i ` 2 2
∑ `1i i=1 i
m i !
1 u 1 i
bi = b = m ∑ ` + 2 `i f , i = 1, . . . , m. (2.2.41)
∑ `1i i=1 i
We have then
yi (x) = − x2 f i
ui 1 i
1 1 1
ui − + `2i f i
+ m ∑ + `i f x
`i 1 i=1 `i 2 2
i=1 i
m !
ui 1 i
+ m ∑ + `i f , i = 1, . . . , m.
1 i=1 `i 2
∑ `i
d i
Si (u) = y (`i ) (2.2.42)
dx !
ui 1 i
1 1
= ui − m ∑ + `i f + `2i f i − `i f i (2.2.43)
`i 2 2
∑ `1i i=1
m m
1 ui 1 1 1
= ui − m
1 i=1
∑ `i − m ∑ 2 `i f i − 2 `2i f i − `i f i .
1 i=1
∑ `i ∑ `i
i=1 i=1
If we now assume that the connecting edges ei+m , i = 1, . . . , m start at the nodes ni , i = 1, . . . , m, then the
Steklov-Poincaré-based boundary conditions there read as follows:
d i+m 1 yi (`i )
y (0) − yi (`i ) + m ∑ (2.2.44)
∑ 1 i=1 `i
1 1 1
=− m
1 i=1
∑ 2 `i f i − 2 `2i f i − `i f i , i = 1, . . . , m. (2.2.45)
∑ `i
yi (x) = − x2 f i + ax + bi , i = 1, . . . , m (2.2.46)
m !
1 i 1 2 i
a= m ∑ u + 2 `i f
∑ `i i=1
m !
1 1 2 i 1
bi = u − m ∑ u + 2 `i f `i + 3 `2i f i , i = 1, . . . , m.
∑ `i i=1
d i
Si (u) = y (`i ) (2.2.48)
dx !
m m
1 1
= m ∑ u j + 2 ∑ `2j f j − `i f i .
∑ `j j=1 j=1
If we now assume that the connecting edges ei+m , i = 1, . . . , m start at the nodes ni , i = 1, . . . , m, then the
Steklov-Poincaré-based boundary conditions there read as follows:
d i+m 1 j
y (0) − m ∑ y (`i ) (2.2.49)
∑ ` j j=1
1 1
= m ∑ `2j f j − `i f i , i = 1, . . . , m. (2.2.50)
∑ `j j=1
Similar calculations can be done for reverse Steklov-Poincaré problem, namely, where one starts with Neu-
mann data and solves for the Dirichlet data at the same nodes.
Exercise 2.4. Compute the Neumann-Dirchlet maps for the two star-graph problems (2.2.27), (2.2.36).
The edges incident at n j are labelled as follows: i ∈ I j := {i ∈ 1, . . . |E||di j 6= 0}. We introduce the edge
degree at a given node n j as d j := ∑ 1 = |{di j 6= 0|. The set N of nodes is labelled by J = { j = 1, . . . , |N|}
i∈I j
which is decomposed into those nodes with d j = 1, J S , the simple nodes, and d j ≥ 2, J M , the multi-
ple nodes. The simple nodes are split into Dirichlet and Neumann nodes with index sets JDS and JNS ,
respectively. The complete system of type (2.2.27) reads as follows:
2.2 Planar graphs 13
d2 i
yi − γi y = f i , i ∈ I , x ∈ (0, 1)
yi (n j ) = yk (n j ), ∀i, k ∈ I j , j ∈ J M
∑ di j γi dx yi (n j ) = 0, j ∈ J M (2.2.51)
i∈I j
yi (n j ) = u j , i ∈ I j , j ∈ JDS
d i
y (n j ) = u j , i ∈ I j , j ∈ JNS ,
whereas the complete elliptic network problem of type (2.2.36) is written as:
d2 i
yi − γi y = f i , i ∈ I , x ∈ (0, 1)
d d
γi yi (n j ) = γk yk (n j ), ∀i, k ∈ I j , j ∈ J M
dx dx
∑ di j yi (n j ) = 0, j ∈ J M (2.2.52)
i∈I j
yi (n j ) = u j , i ∈ I j , j ∈ JDS
d i
y (n j ) = u j , i ∈ I j , j ∈ JNS .
The problem of well-posedness (2.2.52) is considered next. The analysis is similar for the even more clas-
sical system (2.2.51) which has been analyzed in the literature. See e.g. [?]. It turns out that, in this case,
for any graph G, such that each node is connected to a Dirichlet node by a simple path, the underlying
elliptic operator is self-adjoint and positive definite, thus, the problem admits a unique solution. Indeed, the
Lagrange identity
d2 i
hAy, ϕi := ∑ yi − γi y − f i
ϕ i dx (2.2.53)
i∈I 0 dx2
d i d id i
= ∑ ∑ di j γi y (n j )ϕ i (n j ) + ∑ yi ϕ i + γi y ϕ − f i ϕ i dx
j∈J i∈I j dx i∈I dx dx
d d
= ∑ ∑ di j γi yi (n j )ϕ i (n j ) − ∑ ∑ di j γi yi (n j ) ϕ i (n j ) + hq, Aϕi
j∈J i∈I j dx j∈J i∈I dx
d i
y (n j ) = 0, i ∈ I j , j ∈ JNS (2.2.54)
d d
γi q(n j ) = γk yk (n j ), ∀i, k ∈ I j , j ∈ J M
dx dx )
∑ di j yi (n j ) = 0, j ∈ J M
i∈I j
Aq := yi − γi 2 yi (2.2.55)
dx i∈I
with domain D(A) in the Hilbert space H := Πi∈I L2 (0, 1) which is positive definite. We may also intro-
duce the energy space
14 2 Shape optimization for problems on metric graphs
d i
y (n j ) = 0, i ∈ I j , j ∈ JNS (2.2.56)
dx )
∑ di j yi (n j ) = 0, j ∈ J M
i∈I j
Theorem 2.2.6 Let a gas network G = (N, E) be given such that each node is connected to a Dirichlet
node by a simple path. Moreover, let controls u j , j ∈ J S and right hand sides f ∈ H be given. Then there
exists a unique solution y ∈ D(A) to Ay = f (2.2.52). If f ∈ V ∗ , then there is a unique solution y ∈ V .
Exercise 2.5. Provide a more detailed proof of theorem (2.2.6). Argue in a similar way for the system
We continue the discussion for the use of the Dirichlet-Neumann (Steklov-Poincaré) and Neumann-
Dirichlet maps for the purpose of decomposing problems on a general graph G into star-graph problems.
Assume we are given a multiple node n j , j ∈ J M with edge degree d j . Then d j edges emanate from n j .
Denote these edges i01 , . . . i0d j . If we cut these edges in the middle, then we obtain d j serial nodes n j1 , . . . , n jd j ,
where we apply the canonical transmission conditions and another set of d j edges with labels i11 , . . . i1d j . Then
we impose
0 1 i0 i1
yi1 (n j1 ) = yi1 (n j1 ), . . . , y d j (n jd j ) = y d j (n jd j ),
d i0 d 1 d i0 d i1
y 1 (n j1 ) = yi1 (n j1 ), . . . , y d j (n jd j ) = y d j (n jd j ).
dx dx dx dx
Then we use the Dirichlet-Neumann (D2N) or the Neumann-Dirichlet (N2D) mappings in order to cut out
the star-graph with center node n j and the edges with indices i01 , . . . i0d j as indicated above. Therefore, for a
first approach, it is sufficient to consider star-graphs as the contain the problem of multiple nodes. We do
not dwell further on problems on general graphs here and instead refer to [?, 210].
Exercise 2.6. Use the D2N and N2D mappings first for the decomposition of the serial problem
d2 1 d2
α1 y1 − 2
y = f 1 , x ∈ (0, ε), α2 y2 − δ 2 y2 = f 2 , x ∈ (ε, 1)
dx dx
d 1 d 2
y (0) = 0, y (ε) = y (ε), y (ε) = δ y (ε), y2 (1) = u,
1 1 2
dx dx
where δ > 0, 1 > ε > 0. That is to say, replace the coupling transmission conditions by inhomogeneous
Neumann conditions for, say, the first problem, using the D2N map.
Exercise 2.7. Use the last exercise in order to decompose two star-graphs connected by one, two or m − 1
We are now interested in moving the center node of the graph 2.2 and to calculate the sensitivities with
respect that movement. We introduce the following notation. Let ai , i = 1, . . . , m and a be vectors in the
plane, where the ai , i = 1, . . . , m denote the endpoints of the edges labelled 1, . . . , m and a denotes the center
node in the reference configuration. We are going to move a in the direction v. To this end we introduce the
normalized edge vectors
a − ai a + tv − ai
ei := ei (0, 0) := , ei (t, v) := , i = 1, . . . , m (2.2.57)
ka − ai k ka + tv − ai k
a + tv
e3 e2
a3 a2
We can realize this field by introducing a velocity V (ai ) = 0, i = 1, . . . , m and V (a) = v, hence,
kx − a1 kkx − a2 k . . . kx − am k
V (x) = v (2.2.59)
ka − a1 kka − a2 k . . . ka − am k
Note, however, that V deforms the graph in that the images of the edges Tt (v)(ai + se1 ) = ai + sei +tV (a1 +
sei ) are no longer straight lines. Alternatively, we can define m linear fields as follows.
Tti (v)(ai + sei ) = ai + sei + t (2.2.60)
which map the straight edges ai + sei , s ∈ [0, `i ] onto the straight edges ai + sei + t `vi , s ∈ [0, `i ]. Let
us introduce the lengths of the edges in the moving domain `i (t) := ka + tv − ai k, i = 1, . . . , m. We also
denote by `i (â) the individual length with a given center multiple node â. In case of â = a +tv − ai we have
`i (â) = `i (t).We can now pose the following optimization problem, where we look for the optimal position
in an ε neighbourhood of the given positon of the multiple node.
`Zi (a)
1 m
min ∑ |yi (x) − yd (x)|2 dx s.t.
â∈Bε(a) 2 i=1
d2 i
y + ci yi = f i in (0, `i (â))
dx2 (2.2.61)
yi (`i (â)) = ui
yi (0) = y j (0), i 6= j = 1, . . . , m
∑ dx yi (0) = 0
Then, clearly, Tti (v)(0) = ai , i = 1, . . . , m and Tti (v)(`i ) = a + tv. We can reformulate problem (2.2.61) as
16 2 Shape optimization for problems on metric graphs
d2 i
y = 0 in (0, `i (â))
yi (0) = ui
yi (`i (t)) = y j (` j (t)), i 6= j = 1, . . . , m
∑ dx yi (`i (t)) = 0
1 uj
+ ∑ m ` j (t) .
∑ m ` j1(t) j=1
From this it is possible to derive the material and shape derivative, ẏi , (yi )0 , directly. We obtain for the
material derivatives
d2 i 0
(y ) = 0, in (0, `i (â))
(yi )0 (0) = 0, i = 1, . . . , m, (2.2.67a)
d d
(yi )0 (`i ) − (y j )0 (` j ) = `0j (0) y j (` j ) − `0i (0) yi (`i ) (2.2.67b)
dx dx
d i 0
∑ (y ) (`i ) = 0.
i=1 dx
These relations can be verified using the system (2.2.63) directly, without using the explicit solution (2.2.64).
Exercise 2.8. Verify (2.2.66) and (2.2.67)!
Example 2.2.8 Let f i = ci = 0, i = 1, . . . , m and yd (x) = 0, x ∈ [0, `(â)] Then the silution on the moving
graph is given by
m m
1 1 uj 1 uj
yti (x) = ui −
m x+
∑ ` j (t) m ∑ ` j (t)
`i (t)
∑ ` 1(t) j=1 ∑ ` 1(t) j=1
j=1 j j=1 j
We can equally well keep the center and move the the three edges. It turnes out, in fact, that for such scalar
2.2 Planar graphs 17
e1 a1 + tv1
e3 e2 a2 + tv2
a3 + tv3 a2
problems, the solution does not depend on the angles between the edges. In scalar problems the variable
yi (x) is seen as either a temperature, in case we are dealing with a heat transport problem on the graph,
or it is viewed as an out-of-the-plane displacement, in case the problem is considered as representing a
network of strings with displacements pointing out of the plane. For problems on graphs in the plane, where
the variables yi (x) ∈ R2 are vectros in the plane, the situation is different. This case will be treated later. It
is, thus, sufficient to treat the case, where
`i (t)
Tti (v)(s) := s, s ∈ [0, `i ], (2.2.68)
`i (t) = kai − a + tvi k. (2.2.69)
(ai − a + tvi , vi ) 0 (ai − a, vi )
`0i (t) = , `i (0) = (2.2.70)
kai − a + tvi k kai − ak
We first transform the cost functional onto the fixed graph
`Zi (t) Z`i
m m
`i (t) `i (t) 2
∑ |yti (x)|2 dx =∑ |yti ( s)| ds.
0 0 `i `i
0 0
˙ is the material derivative of yi (s). We use the relation between the shape derivative (yi )0
where now yi (s)
and the material derivative ẏi , namely,
d i `0i (0)
ẏi (x) = (yi )0 (x) + y (x) x.
dx `i
Then (2.2.72) takes the form
`Zi (t) Z`i
d m m
`0i (0)
|yti (x)|2 dx|t=0 = ∑ |yi (s)|2 ds
dt ∑
0 i=1 `i
0 0
m Zi
d i `0i (0) i `0i (0)
+2 ∑ (yi )0 (x) + y (x) xy (s) sds
0 dx `i `i
m m Z`i
= ∑ `0i (0)yi (`i )2 + 2 ∑ (yi )0 (x)yi (x)dx
i=1 i=1
m m Z`i
= ∑ (ei , vi )yi (`i )2 + 2 ∑ (yi )0 (x)yi (x)dx
i=1 i=1
We consider the problem that the shape derivatives (yi )0 (·), i = 1, . . . , m have to solve. This problem can be
derived by direct differentiation.
d2 i 0
− (y ) = 0 in (0, `i )
(yi )0 (`i ) = − yi (`i )`0i (0)
dx (2.2.74)
(yi )0 (0) = (y j )0 (0), i 6= j = 1, . . . , m
∑ dx (yi )0 (0) = 0
Furthermore, we introduce the adjoint problem for the adjoint variable pi (·) as follows.
d2 i
− p = yi in (0, `i )
pi (`i ) = 0
pi (0) = p j (0), i 6= j = 1, . . . , m
∑ dx pi (0) = 0
We use the adjoint in (2.2.73) and integrate by parts and use the boundary conditions for pi in (2.2.75). We
m Z`i m m
d2 i i 0 d i `i d i 0 i `i
−∑ (yi )0 p dx = − ∑ (y ) p |0 + ∑ (y ) p |0
i=1 dx2 i=1 dx i=1 dx
d i d
=∑ y (`i ) pi (`i )`0i (0)
i=1 dx dx
This gives the shape derivative of the cost functional as follows.
1 i 2 d i d
dJ(y, v) = ∑ y (`i ) + y (`i ) pi (`i ) (ei , vi ) (2.2.76)
i=1 2 dx dx
1 i 2 d i d i
∑ (u ) + dx y (`i ) dx p (`i ) (ei , vi ) (2.2.77)
i=1 2
2.2 Planar graphs 19
We can for instance consider the following scenario: Let ui = u, `i = ` i = 1, . . . , m. It is clear from (2.2.68)
d i
evaluated at t = 0 that yi0 (`i ) = u 6= 0, i = 1, . . . , m and dx y (`i ) = 0 i = 1, . . . , m. Thus,
dJ(y, v) = (ui )2 ∑ (ei , vi ).
2 i=1
If we take the velocity vectors equal vi = v, i = 1, . . . , m, then ∑ ei = 0 is a condition which leads to
stationarity. This is the configuration where all edges have the same angle of m.
d2 i
− z = λ zi , i ∈ I , x ∈ (0, 1)
zi (0) = zk (0), ∀i, k = 1, . . . , m
∑ dx zi (0) = 0, (2.2.78)
zi (1) = 0, i = 1, . . . , m. (2.2.79)
m Z`i m Z`i
d id i
a(z, ϕ) := ∑ y ϕ dx, (z, ϕ) := ∑ yi ϕ i dx (2.2.80)
i=1 dx dx i=1
0 0
V := {y ∈ Πi=1 H 1 (0, `i )|yi (0) = y j (0), i, j = 1, . . . , m, yi (`i ) = 0}
Clearly, λ (G) > 0. We now consider Gt , where the edges are dependent on t: [0, `i (t)]. Consequently, we
look for the smallest eigenvalue λ (Gt ):
at (ϕ, ϕ) 2
λ (Gt ) = min {at (ϕ, ϕ)|kϕk = 1} = min { k }, (2.2.83)
ϕ∈Vt ϕ∈Vt \{0} kϕ
Vt := {y ∈ Πi=1 H 1 (0, `i (t))|yi (0) = y j (0), i, j = 1, . . . , m, yi (`i (t) = 0}. (2.2.84)
We introduce
at (ψ, ψ)
F(t, ψ) := p ,
k γ(t, x)ψk2
with γ i (t, x) := ∂x Tti (x). We obtain
20 2 Shape optimization for problems on metric graphs
∂ 1
F(0, ψ) = lim (F(t, ψ) − F(0, ψ))
∂t t→0+ t
m Z`i d d m Zi
= lim ∑ yi ϕ i ∂x Tti (x)dx/ ∑ |ψ i |2 ∂x Tti (x)dx
t→0+ i=1 dx dx i=1
0 0
a0 (ψ, ψ)kψk2 − a(ψ, ψ)k γ 0 (0)ψk2
= p (2.2.85)
k γ(0)ψk4
m Z`i
= a (ψ, ψ) − λ ∑ |ψ i |2 ∂xV i (0, x)dx, (2.2.86)
where we used that kψk = 1, γ(0) = 1. On the other side, by direct computation
d2 i 0
− (z ) = λ (zi )0 + λ 0 zi , i ∈ I , x ∈ (0, 1)
(zi )0 (0) = (zk )0 (0), ∀i, k = 1, . . . , m
∑ dx (zi )0 (0) = 0, (2.2.87)
d i i
(zi )0 (1) = − z V (0, `i ), i = 1, . . . , m. (2.2.88)
We multiply by the eigenelement zi and obtain
m Z`i m Z`i
d2 i 0 i
−∑ (z ) z dx = λ ∑ (zi )0 zi dx + λ 0 . (2.2.89)
i=1 dx2 i=1
0 0
We come back to to the constrained optimization problem and introduce the Lagrangean:
m Z`i m Z`i
L (G; z, β ) := ∑ | 2 (zi )|2 dx + β ( ∑ |zi |2 dx − 1) (2.2.90)
i=1 dx i=1
0 0
m Z`i
d i 0d i d d i 2 i
0 = dL (G; z, β ;V ) = ∑ 2 (z ) z + (( z ) V (0, x) dx
i=1 dx dx dx dx
m Z`i
i 0 id i 2 i
+β ∑ 2(z ) z + ((z ) V (0, x) dx
i=1 dx
m Z`i m m Z`i
d d d
=∑ 2 (zi )0 zi dx + ∑ ( zi )2 (`i )V i (0, `i ) + 2β ∑ (zi )0 zi dx.
i=1 dx dx i=1 dx i=1
0 0
This implies
m Z`i Z`i
d i 0d i 1 m d m
∑ (z ) z dx + ∑ ( zi )2 (`i )V i (0, `i ) = −β ∑ (zi )0 zi dx. (2.2.91)
i=1 dx dx 2 i=1 dx i=1
0 0
m Z`i Z`i
1 m d i 2 m
λ∑ (zi )0 zi dx + λ 0 + ∑ ( z ) (`i )V i (0, `i ) = −β ∑ (zi )0 zi dx. (2.2.92)
i=1 2 i=1 dx i=1
0 0
We conclude β = −λ and
2.2 Planar graphs 21
1 m d i 2 1 m d
dλ (G;V ) = − ∑ ( z ) (`i )V i (0, `i ) = − ∑ ( zi )2 (`i )`0i (0). (2.2.93)
2 i=1 dx 2 i=1 dx
together with a new Lagrange multiplier µ and rewrite the Lagrangean form as
L (G; z, µ) := λ (G) + µ ∑ 1dx − M . (2.2.94)
which gives
1 d
∑ (µ − 2 ( dx zi )2 (`i ))V i (0, `i ) = 0, ∀V i . (2.2.96)
d i
This clearly shows, that the boundary conditions for
√ dx z (`i ) are independent of i. But, as λ `i 6= kπ, we
d i √λ M
have dx z (`i ) = −a sin( λ elli ) . But this implies that the lengths are all equal: `i = m.
We again consider the star-graph problem, however, for the sake of simplicity, with uniform lengths of the
edges, i.e. `i = `, i ∈ I . We introduce 0 < r < ` and a stiffness parameter δ > 0. We consider uniform
distributed forces f i = 1, i ∈ I , I = {i = 1, . . . , m}. Let χ(0,r)
δ be the function
δ δ x ∈ [0, r)
χ(0,r) (x) :=
1 x ∈ [r, `]
d2 i
−χ(0,r) y = 1, x ∈ (0, `i ), i ∈ I
yi (r− ) = yi (r+ ), i ∈ I (2.2.97)
d d
δ yi (r− ) = yi (r+ ), i ∈ I
dx dx
d i
yi (0) = y j (0), ∑ y (0) = 0
i∈I dx
yi (`) = 0, i ∈ I .
Zr Z`
1 m 1 m
min J (Gδ , y) := ∑ |yi − yid1 |2 dx + ∑ |yi − yid2 |2 dx
2 i=1 2 i=1
0 r
such that (y, δ ) satisfies (2.2.97). (2.2.98)
We will specify the target functions yidk , k = 1, 2 in the example following the analysis. As of now, we
assume yid1 (r− ) = yid2 (r+ ), i = 1, . . . , m. We first consider the shape derivative (yi )0 (x) of yi at x.
22 2 Shape optimization for problems on metric graphs
d2 i 0
− (y ) = 0, x ∈ (0, `i ), i ∈ I
(yi )0 (r− ) = (yi )0 (r+ ), i ∈ I (2.2.99)
d d d
δ (yi )0 (r− ) − (yi )0 (r+ ) = (δ − 1) yi (r− )r0 (0), i ∈ I (2.2.100)
dx dx dx
d i
yi (0) = y j (0), ∑ y (0) = 0
i∈I dx
yi (`) = 0, i ∈ I .
m Zr Z`
dJ (r, y) = ∑ (y i
− yid1 )(yi )0 dx + (yi − yid2 )(yi )0 dx. (2.2.101)
i=1 r
In order to establish the shape gradient, we can, of course, either solve (2.2.99), or, which is more common
and most often more convenient, introduce the adjoint problem
d2 i
−χ(0,r) p = yi − yid1 , x ∈ (0, r), i ∈ I
− 2 pi = yi − yid2 , x ∈ (r, `), i ∈ I
yi (r− ) = yi (r+ ), i ∈ I (2.2.102)
d d i +
δ pi (r− ) = p (r ), i ∈ I
dx dx
d i
pi (0) = p j (0), ∑ p (0) = 0
i∈I dx
pi (`) = 0, i ∈ I .
Then, depending of the sign of the sum, r0 (0) needs to be positive or negative in order to decrease the cost
Example 2.2.9 We compute the solutions of (2.2.97). We obtain
1 1 1 2
i (( − 1)r2 − 2δ x x ∈ [0, r)
y (x) = 21 2δ 2
2 (` − x ) x ∈ [r, `].
We now specify the target functions. In order to provide simple evidence, we introduce 0 < r0 < r and take
1 1 1 2
i (( − 1)r2 − 2δ x x ∈ [0, r0 )
yd1 (x) = 12 2δ 2
2 (` − x ) x ∈ [r0 , r), yid2 = 12 (`2 − x2 ), x ∈ [r, `].
Clearly, in order to reduce the gradient to zero, r has to tend to to r0 and, therefore, r0 (0) < 0. In order to
derive this from (2.2.103), we calculate the adjoint explicitly. We obtain
pi (x) = (2.2.104)
1 r2 r2 − 1 r4 − 1 r4 + (r2 r0 − 13 r03 − 23 r3 )` x ∈ [0, r0 )
δ − 1 2 2 0 14 30 24 3
− (r r0 − 3 r0 − 3 r )(x − `) + 23 r3 x − 12 r2 x2 + 12
1 4
x − 14 r4 x ∈ [r0 , r) (2.2.105)
2δ 2
2 1 3 2 3
(r r0 − 3 r0 − 3 r )(x − `) x ∈ [r, `]
This implies
2.2 Planar graphs 23
(1 − δ )2 2 1
dJ (r, y) = mr( r3 + r03 − r2 r0 )r0 (0). (2.2.106)
2δ 2 3 3
As the factor in front of r0 (0) is positive, in order to have decent, we have to take r0 (0) < 0. Clearly, the
gradient is zero for y = r0 .
We now consider the sensitivity of states with respect to the inclusions. That is to say, we introduce a
different stiffness parameter close to the origin at the center node and establish a sensitivity result. This
time we consider inhomogeneous Dirichlet conditions at the simple nodes.
d2 i
− y = 0, x ∈ (0, 1), i ∈ I
yi (r− ) = yi (r+ ), i ∈ I (2.2.107)
d d
δ yi (r− ) = yi (r+ ), i ∈ I
dx dx
i j d i
y (0) = y (0), ∑ y (0) = 0
i∈I dx
yi (1) = gi , i ∈ I .
yi (x) = (2.2.108)
m m
1 1 1
− (gi − ∑ g j )x + m ∑ g j , x ∈ [0, r)
δ (r − 1) − r m j=1 j=1
m m
1 1 1
− δ (gi − ∑ g j )x + m ∑ g j + gi
δ (r − 1) − r m j=1 j=1
δ 1
+ (gi − ∑ g j ), x ∈ [r, 1].
δ (r − 1) − r m j=1
and, therefore, !
d i 1−δ 1
y (x)|r=0 − gi − ∑ gj x. (2.2.110)
dr r δ m j=1
We now embark on situations where the solutions are not differentiable with respect to shape and topology
parameters in general. The generic example of such problems is provided by boundary obstacle problems.
To this end, we first consider the single link case. For two variable parameters ε,t ∈ R+ , we start with the
description of geometry. We define a disconnected set joining two segments x ∈ (0, ε) ∪ (ε, r + t) such that
0 < r0 < r < r1 , r0 − r < t < r1 − r, and 0 < ε < ε0 < r0 . One geometric parameter ε associates the size
of inhomogeneity ωε = (0, ε) in the domain, and the other geometric parameter t defines position of the
24 2 Shape optimization for problems on metric graphs
moving boundary Γt = {x : x = r +t}. We thus look at a transmission problem with transmission boundary at
x = ε and consider unilateral inequality constraints at the end r +t, where t describes the moving boundary.
The material stiffness represented with the help of the characteristic function such that χ(0,ε) (x) = δ for
x < ε, otherwise χ(0,ε)
δ (x) = 1 for x > ε, where δ ∈ R+ stands for a given stiffness parameter. Its two limit
cases correspond to the hole as δ & 0+ and to the rigid inclusion as δ % +∞.
For fixed g ∈ R, the space of functions is given by
Kt := {v ∈ Ht : v(r + t) + g ≥ 0},
and the variational inequality describing the unilateral problem takes the specific form: Find u(ε,t) − g ∈ Kt
such that
Z r+t
χ(0,ε) (u(ε,t) )0 (v − u(ε,t) )0 dx ≥ 0 for all v − g ∈ Kt , (2.2.111)
where ε − and ε + approach ε from below and above, respectively. It is derived from (2.2.111) in the standard
way by applying integration by parts for all v − g ∈ Kt :
Z r+t
(u(ε,t) )00 (v − u(ε,t) ) dx + (u(ε,t) )0 (r + t) v(r + t) − u(ε,t) (r + t)
− χ(0,ε)
− (u(ε,t) )0 (ε + ) − δ (u(ε,t) )0 (ε − ) · v(ε) − u(ε,t) (ε) ≥ 0.
We establish the solution to (2.2.112)–(2.2.116) explicitly. Indeed, for arbitrary c(ε,t) ∈ R the relations
(2.2.112)–(2.2.114) can be solved by
c c
u(ε,t) (x) = g + (ε,t)
δ x, (u(ε,t) )0 = (ε,t)
δ , x ∈ (0, ε)
u(ε,t) (x) = g + c(ε,t) x + ε 1−δ (ε,t) )0 = c
δ , (u (ε,t) , x ∈ (ε, r + t)
Hence, due to (2.2.115), the nonnegative constant c(ε,t) can be found uniquely
c(ε,t) = max 0, −g r + t + 1−δ
δ ε . (2.2.118)
which solves the reference variational inequality corresponding to (??): Find u(0,t) − g ∈ Kt such that
Z r+t
(u(0,t) )0 (v − u(0,t) )0 dx ≥ 0 for all v − g ∈ Kt . (2.2.121)
In order to study the asymptotic properties of the solution, we need to consider a layer near the interface
point x = ε. To this end, we consider mapping (0, ε) 7→ (0, 1), x 7→ εy on the fixed domain. We pose the
auxiliary transmission problem: Find w ∈ H 1 (R+ ) such that
Z ∞
χ(0,1) w0 (y)v0 (y) dy = (1 − δ )v(1) for all v ∈ H 1 (R+ ). (2.2.122)
Using integration by parts, variational equation (2.2.122) implies the boundary value problem:
where 1− and 1+ approach 1 from below and above, respectively. The unique solution of this problem is
given by the piecewise linear continuous function
w(y) = δ min{0, y − 1}. (2.2.123)
After stretching the coordinates y = ε in (2.2.123), we get the boundary layer
εw( εx ) = 1−δ
δ min{0, x − ε}, kεw( εx )k = O(ε 1/2 ) in H 1 (R+ ), (2.2.124)
where the square root asymptotic order is due to the semi-norm estimate
∞ 2 ε
1−δ 2
εw( εx )0 dx =
δ dx = O( ε).
0 0
Indeed, for sufficiently small ε we have (r + t)(r + t + 1−δ −1 > 0, hence from (2.2.118) it follows that
δ ε)
c(ε,t) = 1 + δ1−δ · max 0, −g(r + t)−1 ,
(r+t) ε
where we have used c(0,t) = (u(0,t) )0 (0). The latter equality enforces (2.2.125) with notation (2.2.126), thus
completing the proof.
Remark 2.2.11 We remark that the expansion (2.2.125) is non-standard in the sense that the ’first-order
term’ (2.2.126) still contains the small parameter, but in a uniform way. We will see below that this notation
is useful.
Provided with the asymptotic formula (2.2.125), we embark on constrained optimization problems, where
the constraint is given by the variational inequality (2.2.111). We discuss examples for various objectives
J(u(ε,t) ) subject to the optimal state u(ε,t) . The state-constrained optimization problem takes the specific
The variational inequality (2.2.111) implies the first order optimality condition for the constrained mini-
mization of Π over v − g ∈ Kt .
Remark 2.2.12 Problem (2.2.128) is an example of an MPEQ, i.e. a minimization problem with equilibrium
constraints. These problems in higher dimensions are subject to current research, in particular in the context
of optimization problems for contact and crack problems in mechanics. See e.g. [202, 204, 205, 206, 207,
208, 211, 212, 214, 215, ?]. We also remark that, for fixed ε ∈ (0, ε0 ), variations of the parameter t ∈
(r0 − r, r1 − r) describe regular perturbations of the moving boundary of the domain (0, ε) ∪ (ε, r + t), thus,
shape variations. In contrast, the limiting procedure ε & 0+ implies diminishing of the inhomogeneity
ωε = (0, ε), and, hence, the topology change from the disconnected set to the 1-connected set (0, r + t).
We are going to consider two examples, first we take the strain energy itself as cost function and in the
second example we take its shape derivative.
Example 2.2.13 We start with the control the optimal value function JSE = Π of the strain energy (2.2.129)
with respect to the topology change as ε & 0+ . Relying on small ε, we substitute the optimal state u(ε,t)
with its asymptotic model (2.2.125) and (2.2.126), thus calculating the approximation of the optimal value
due to (2.2.119), (2.2.124), and (2.2.129). From (2.2.130) it follows that the function (0, ε0 ) 7→ R, ε 7→
Π (u(ε,t) ) is differentiable at ε = 0 with the topological derivative
2.2 Planar graphs 27
dε Π (u
)|ε=0 = −c2(0,t) (1−δ )
2δ = −Π (u
(0,t) 1−δ
) δ (r+t) . (2.2.131)
Example 2.2.14 In the second example, we control the objective function JSERR = − dtd Π of the strain
energy release rate, which implies shape variation and associates a Griffith functional used in fracture
In order to calculate − dtd Π , we introduce let a cut-off function η be such that η(x) = 0 as x < ε and
η(x) = 1 as x > ε + β , with some β such that ε + β < r0 . For small s ∈ (r0 − r −t, r1 − r −t), the translation
Φs : (0, r + t) 7→ (0, r + t + s), z = x + sη(x) yields the representation of Π (u(ε,t+s) ) as
Z r+t+s Z r+t
(u(ε,t+s) ◦Φs )0x 2
χ(0,ε) (u(ε,t+s) )0z )2 dz = 1
χ(0,ε) 1+sη 0 (1 + sη 0 ) dx
0 0
Z r+t 2
= Π (u ◦ Φs ) − s
χ(0,ε) (u(ε,t+s) ◦ Φs )0 η 0 dx + o(s).
Since u(ε,t+s) ◦ Φs − g ∈ Kt , we infer u(ε,t+s) ◦ Φs → u(ε,t) strongly in Ht as s → 0, and conclude, see [202]
for detail, with the asymptotic expansion
Z r+t 2
Π (u(ε,t+s) ) = Π (u(ε,t) ) − 2s δ
χ(0,ε) (u(ε,t) )0 η 0 dx + o(s). (2.2.132)
From (2.2.132) it follows directly the explicit formula of the shape derivative
Z r+t 2
JSERR (u(ε,t) ) := − dtd Π (u(ε,t) ) = 1
χ(0,ε) (u(ε,t) )0 η 0 dx. (2.2.133)
We observe that JSERR depends on u(ε,t) , but not on ε q̃(ε,t) in expansion (2.2.125). The latter fact is in
accordance with the assertion in [211, 212].
For the shape-topological control, now we insert (2.2.125) in (2.2.133), which implies the asymptotic
Moreover, in view of definition (2.2.133), it implies the mixed second derivative − ∂ ∂ε ∂t Π (u(ε,t) )|ε=0 which
∂2 (ε,t) )| ∂2 (ε,t) )|
is symmetric: ∂ ε ∂t Π (u ε=0 = ∂t ∂ ε Π (u ε=0 . Thus, we have proved the following.
Theorem 2.2.15 For the solutions u(ε,t) and u(0,t) of variational inequalities (2.2.111) and (2.2.121), there
exists the shape-topological derivative
(ε,t) 2 2
dε JSERR (u )|ε=0 = − ∂ ∂ε ∂t Π (u(ε,t) )|ε=0 = − ∂t∂∂ ε Π (u(ε,t) )|ε=0
2 1−δ
= −c(0,t) δ (r+t) .
We now look at a serial case as a preparation for the star-graph. To this end, we take two strings. The first
string extends from 0 to ` > 0, the second from 0 to the moving end at x = r + t, r > 0,t > 0. We consider a
subinterval [0, ε) on which the stiffness parameter δ ≥ 0 applies. In particular,
28 2 Shape optimization for problems on metric graphs
d2 1
− u = 0, x ∈ (0, `),
dx2 ε,t
− 2 u2ε,t = 0, x ∈ (0, r + t)
u1ε,t (`) = g, u2ε,t (r + t) ≥ 0 (2.2.137)
u1ε,t (ε + ) − u1ε,t (ε − ) = 0,
u2ε,t (ε + ) − u2ε,t (ε − ) = 0
d 1 + d
uε,t (e ) − δ u1ε,t (ε − ) = 0,
dx dx
d 2 + d
uε,t (e ) − δ u2ε,t (ε − ) = 0.
dx dx
We find the following explicit solutions for ε > 0,t > 0
1 g g≥0
uε,t (x) = δg (2.2.138)
δ (r+t+`)+2(1−δ )ε (x − `) + g g ≤ 0
g g≥0
u2ε,t (x) = δg δ (r+t) ,
− δ (r+t+`)+2(1−δ )ε x + δ (r+t+`)+2(1−δ )ε g≤0
In contrast to the previous example, where the jump in the stiffness approaches the fixed boundary with
inhomogeneous Dirichlet conditions, no boundary layer appears. We find the asymptotic expansion in case
g < 0 (the other case is trivial):
2(1 − δ )
u1ε,t (x) = u10,t (x) − g ε(x − `) + O(ε 2 ) (2.2.140)
δ (r + t + l)2
2(1 − δ )
u2ε,t (x) = u20,t (x) + g ε(x − (r + t)) + O(ε 2 ). (2.2.141)
δ (r + t + l)2
d 2(1 − δ ) g
|ε=0 u1ε,t (x) = (ut1 )0 (x) = − g(x − `) (2.2.142)
dε δ (r + t + `)2
d 2(1 − δ ) g
|ε=0 u2ε,t (x) = (ut2 )0 (x) = g(x − (r + t)).
dε δ (r + t + `)2
Exercise 2.9. For fixed ε0 > 0, define ε = ε0 + s, s > 0. Compute the shape derivative of the solutions of
system (2.2.137) at the transmission boundary at x = ε0 . What happens if then ε0 → 0? Find a relation
between the shape-topological derivative (2.2.142) and shape derivative in the limit as ε0 → 0.
Exercise 2.10. Extend the result for the serial case to the case of a star-graph, where the stiffness parameter
δ > 0 is distributed in a circular neighbourhood of the center node at x = 0.
Exercise 2.11. Write a Matlab routine for the case of a single link and the serial link.
We consider a star-graph GJ 0 with m edges and center at the node vJ 0 . In particular, we may without loss
of generality, assume that the edges ei stretch from the center to the simple boundary nodes, which we will
2.3 Stars with a hole 29
label from 1 to m. By this assumption we consider the multiple node at the center as being reached at x = 0
for all outgoing edges. Thus, the data ui are picked up at the ends x = `i . As a slight conceptual variation
with respect to previous discussions on differential equations on networks, we now consider vectorial states
on the graph and, therefore, collect the stiffness information in a symmetric, positive definite constant
matrix Ki . By this, the reader should be able to redo the problems discussed in the previous sections in
the context of vectorial systems that are more relevant in the applications. Indeed, if one considers elastic
strings stretched from node to node in space, the resulting system becomes more relevant and gives rise
to still open questions, in particular for nonlinear systems. See []...[] for further reading. The systems then
reads as follows.
−Ki d yi + ci yi = f i , i ∈ I
y (`i ) = ui , i = 1, . . . , m
yi (0) = y j (0), ∀i, j = 1, . . . , m
∑ dx yi (0) = 0.
We are going to cut out the center and connect the corresponding cut-nodes via a circuit as seen in the
Figure 2.6. In general we have numbers ρi ∈ [0, `i ), i = 1, . . . , m which are taken to be the lengths of the
edges that are cut out. Thus the remaining edges have lengths `i −ρi . At x = ρi we create a new multiple node
vi . We connect these nodes by edges em+i , i = 1, . . . , m with lengths σ i (ρi ). After that, these nodes receive
a new edge degree. In this paper we assume that all these nodes have the same edge degree di = 3. More
complicated cutting procedures can be introduced, but obscure the ideas of this first paper on topological
derivatives of graph problems.
The problem we have to solve is the following
d2 i
−Ki y + ci yi = f i , i ∈ I
yi (`i ) = ui , ı = 1, . . . , m
yi (ρi ) = ym+i (0) = ym+i−1 (σ i (ρi )), ∀i = 2, . . . , m
y1 (ρ1 ) = ym+1 (0) = y2m (σ 2m (ρ2m )),
d d d
−Ki yi (ρi ) − Km+i ym+i (0) + Km+i−1 ym+i−1 (σ m+i−1 (ρm+i−1 )) = 0, i = 2, . . . , m
dx dx dx
d d d
−K1 y1 (ρ1 ) − Km+1 ym+1 (0) + K2m y2m (σ 2m (ρ2m )) = 0.
dx dx dx
We proceed to derive the solutions to (2.3.1) and(2.3.2), respectively. To this end we look at
30 2 Shape optimization for problems on metric graphs
d2 i d2
−Ki 2
y + ci yi = f i ⇔ 2 yi = ci Ki−1 (yi ) − Ki−1 f i
dx dx
and define Ai := ci Ki−1 , f i := −ci Ai f i . The general solution of the homogeneous equation ( f i = 0) is given
1 1
(yi )H (x) = sinh(Ai2 x)ai + cosh(Ai2 x)bi , (2.3.3)
where the sin- and cos-operators are defined vie spectral resolution
1 p 1
sinh(Ai2 (x))ξ = ∑ sinh(λi2j x)(ξ , ϕi j )ϕi j (2.3.4)
accordingly for cosh(Ai2 (x))
The inhomogeneous equation is then solved by variation of constants as follows
i I −1 1
(y ) (x) = Ai 2 sinh(Ai2 (x − s) f i (s)ds. (2.3.5)
We will treat the case f i = 0 only. The general case is then a matter of additional but straightforward
Lemma 2.3.1 The solution y to problem (2.3.1) with f i = 0, i = 1, . . . , m is given by
1 1
(yi )(x) = sinh((Ai2 )(x))ai + cosh(Ai2 (x))b (2.3.6)
with the coefficient-vectors ai , b
1 1
ai = sinh(Ai2 `i )−1 (ui − cosh(Ai2 `i )
m m
− 12 1 − 12 1
·( ∑ ci Ai coth Ai2 `i )−1 ∑ ci Ai sinh(Ai2 `i )−1 ui (2.3.7)
i=1 i=1
m m
− 21 1 − 12 1
b = ( ∑ ci Ai coth(Ai2 `i ))−1 ∑ ci Ai sinh(Ai2 `i )−1 ui . (2.3.8)
i=1 i=1
Example 2.3.2 Let assumption (2.3.10) hold true. Then the solution y to (2.3.1) is given by
1 1
(yi )(x) = sinh(x)(ui − ∑ u j) (2.3.11)
sinh(`) m j=1
1 1 m
+ cosh(x) ∑ ui
cosh(`) m i=1
We proceed to problem (2.3.2). Again, we will treat the general case first and will then restrict to as-
sumption (2.3.10) in order to better reveal the underlying structure.
We introduce the ansatz for the solution as follows
1 1
(yi )ρ (x) := sinh(Ai2 x)ai + cosh(Ai2 x)bi
ρ ρ
1 1
(y1 )ρ (ρ1 ) = sinh(A12 ρ1 )a1 + cosh(A12 ρ1 )b1
ρ ρ
m+1 ρ 2m 2m
= (y )ρ (0) = bm+1 = (y )ρ (σ (ρ2m ))
−1 1
ρ −1 ρ
−c1 A1 2 [cosh(A12 ρ1 )a1 + sinh(A12 ρ1 )b1 ] − cm+1 Am+1
am+1 (2.3.18)
− 21 1
+c2m A2m [cosh(A2m (σ 2m (ρ2m )))a2m 2 ρ
(σ 2m (ρ2m )))b2m ] = 0.
+ sinh(A2m
ρ ρ
This set of equations (2.3.14)-(2.3.18) constitutes 4m conditions on the 4m unknowns ai , bi , i =
1, . . . , 2m. The problem is as to whether there is an asymptotic expansion of (yi )ρ in terms of ρ for small
ρ := (ρi )i=1,...,m . This problem is a singular perturbation problem. Notice that the graph with ρ = 0 is the
original star-graph with m edges, while for every ρ > 0 (i.e. ρi > 0), the graph has 2m edges and contains
exactly one circuit. We may of course also formally start with a star-graph consisting of 2m edges with
serial joints at xi = 0, xm+i = ρi , i = 1, . . . , m so that the edges ei , i = 1, . . . , m have length `i − ρi to begin
with, while the other edges em+i , i = 1, . . . , m stretch from the center (at xm+i = 0) to the serial nodes at
xm+i = ρi . But still, the perturbation is then singular with respect to the subgraphs spanned by the edges
em+i , i = 1 . . . m.
Our analysis depends on the expansion of the set of equations (2.3.14) to (2.3.18) up to second order
terms. The asymptotic analysis is based on the expansions of sinh(x), cosh(x) on the matrix level. We use
the asymptotic expansions in (2.3.4) as follows
( 1 1
sinh(Ai2 (σ i (ρi )))ξ = σ i (ρi )Ai2 ξ + O(ρi2 )
1 (2.3.19)
cosh(Ai2 (σ i (ρi )))ξ = ξ + O(ρi2 )
By (2.3.14) we have
1 1
ai = (sin(Ai2 (`i ))−1 (ui − cosh(Ai2 (`i ))bi ), i = 1, . . . , m
ρ ρ
We expand (2.3.15) and(2.3.16)
ρ ρ ρ
Ai2 ρi ai + bi = bm+i (2.3.21)
= σ m+i−1 (ρm+i−1 )Am+i−1 am+i−1 + bm+i−1 + O(ρ 2 ), i = 2, . . . m
2 ρ ρ
32 2 Shape optimization for problems on metric graphs
1 1
A12 ρ1 a1 + b1 = bm+1 = σ 2m (ρ2m )A2m a2m + b2m + O(ρ 2 )
ρ ρ ρ
2 ρ ρ
We now proceed to the Kirchhoff conditions at the multiple nodes (2.3.17),(2.3.18)
−1 ρ
ρ −1 ρ
−ci Ai 2 [ai + ρi Ai2 bi ] − cm+i Am+i
− 12 ρ
ρ (2.3.23)
+cm+i−1 Am+i−1 [am+i−1 + σ m+i−1 (ρm+i−1 )Am+i−1
bm+i−1 ]
= 0 + O(ρ ), i = 2, . . . , m
−1 ρ
ρ −1 ρ
−c1 A1 2 [a1 + ρ1 A12 b1 ] − cm+1 Am+1
− 12 1 (2.3.24)
ρ ρ
+c2m A2m [a2m + σ 2m (ρ2m )A2 b2m ] = 0 + O(ρ 2 ) 2
−1 1
− ci Ai 2 + (σ m+i−1 (ρm+i−1 )cm+i−1 − ρi ci ) tanh(Ai2 `i ) ai
−1 ρ −1 ρ
−cm+i Am+i 2
am+i + cm+i−1 Am+i−1 am+i−1
= − σ m+i−1 (ρm+i−1 −1
)cm+i−1 − ρi ci cosh(Ai `i ) ui , i = 2, . . . m
1 1
− ρ
− c1 A1 2 + (σ 2m (ρ2m )c2m − ρ1 c1 ) tanh(A12 `1 )a1
−1 ρ −1 ρ
−cm+1 Am+1 am+1 + c2m A2m2 a2m
= − σ 2m (ρ2m )c2m − ρ1 c1 cosh(A12 `1 )−1 u1 + O(ρ 2 )
Now, (2.3.25)-(2.3.26) constitute a system of 2m linear asymptotic equations to order 2 in the 2m vari-
ables ai , i = 1, . . . , 2m.
Theorem 2.3.3 The system of equations (2.3.23) to (2.3.26) admits a unique solution ai , i = 1, . . . 2m.
Moreover, we have the asymptotic expansion
ai = ai + O(ρ), i = 1, . . . , m, (2.3.27)
Then we use the expression (2.3.20) for ai in (2.3.29) to obtain
m m
−1 1
−1 −1 1
∑ ci Ai 2 sinh(Ai `i ) ui =2
∑ ci Ai 2 2
coth(Ai `i ) b̂
i=1 i=1
2.3 Stars with a hole 33
From this and (2.3.8) we see that up to terms of order O(ρ), b̂ = b. Then ai , up to the order O(ρ), are given
by ai in (2.3.7).
In this subsection we consider the network under the assumption (2.3.10), i.e. all material and geometrical
quantities are the same, and a symmetric hole. Under this assumption the system of equations (2.3.25) to
(2.3.26) reduces to
ρ 1 1
bi = cosh(`) 3 ∑ uj
j=1 (
(1 − 31 σ ) coth(`)2 (ui − 31 ∑ u j )
−ρ cosh(`) 2 (2.3.32)
+ (σ − 1) 13 ∑ ui + O(ρ 2 ),
where i = 1, 2, 3.
We also display the coefficients am+i , i = 1, 2, 3 in order to reveal the behavior of the edges introduced
by cutting the hole.
ρ 1
a4 = (u2 − u1 ) (2.3.33)
3 sinh(`)
ρ σ
(1 − ) coth(`))(u2 − u1 ) + O(ρ 2 )
3 sinh(`) 3
ρ 1
a5 = (u3 − u2 ) (2.3.34)
3 sinh(`)
ρ σ
(1 − ) coth(`))(u3 − u2 ) + O(ρ 2 )
3 sinh(`) 3
ρ 1
a6 = (u1 − u3 ) (2.3.35)
3 sinh(`)
ρ σ
(1 − ) coth(`)(u1 − u3 ) + O(ρ 2 )
3 sinh(`) 3
3 3
(yi )ρ (x) = ui − 13 ∑ u j sinh(x) + cosh(`)
1 1
sinh(`) 3 ∑ u j cosh(x)
( "j=1 j=1
+ρ cosh(`) (1 − 13 σ ) coth(`)2 (ui − 13 ∑ u j )
+ (σ − 1) 31 ∑ u j sinh(x) (2.3.36)
sinh(`) 1 2 1
− cosh(`) 2 (1 − 3 σ ) coth(`) (ui − 3 ∑ u j )
# )
+(σ − 1) 13 ∑ u j cosh(x) + O(ρ 2 ), i = 1, 2, 3
It is apparent that (2.3.36),(2.3.37) provide the second order asymptotic expansion we were looking for.
We consider the following experiment: we apply longitudinal forces ui = uei with the same magnitude at
the simple nodes of the network. The (outer) edges ei , 1 = 1, 2, 3 or, respectively the edges of the original
star, are given by √ √
3 1 3 1
e1 = (0, 1), e2 = (− , − ), e3 = ( ,− )
2 2 2 2
which together with the orthogonal complements
√ √
1 3 1 3
1 = (−1, 0), e⊥
2 = ( , − ), e⊥
3 = ( , )
2 2 2 2
form the local coordinate systems of the edges. Obviously ∑ ei = 0. Thus the solution to the unperturbed
problem is given by
(yi )(x) = u sinh(x)ei (2.3.38)
This is in agreement with the fact that that particular reference configuration is completely symmetric. Now,
the solution (yi )ρ to the perturbed system and ( dx (yi ))ρ (`) are then given by
(yi )ρ (x) = sinh(x)uei
σ 1
+ρ(1 − ) (coth(`) sinh(x) − cosh(x)) uei + O(ρ 2 ) (2.3.39)
3 sinh(`)
d σ
((yi ))ρ (`) = coth(`)uei + ρ(coth(`)2 − 1)(1 − )uei + O(ρ 2 )
dx 3
The energy of the unperturbed system is given by
1 3 d i d i 3
E0 = ∑ (y ) · (y ) + (yi ) · (yi )dx = coth(`)u2 (2.3.40)
2 i=1 dx dx 2
`−ρ Zσ ρ
1 3 d d 1 6 d i d i
E ρ
= ∑ [ (yi ) · (yi ) + (yi ) · (yi )]dx + ∑ [ (y ) · (y ) + (yi ) · (yi )]dx (2.3.41)
2 i=1 dx dx 2 i=4 dx dx
0 0
1 1 1 σ
= hSρ u, ui = hS0 u, ui + ρ (1 − ) ((coth(`))2 − 1) u2
2 2√ 2 3
1 0 3 √
= hS u, ui + ρ ( 3 − 1) sinh(`)−2 u2 (2.3.43)
2 2
From these experiments we may draw the conclusion, that nodes of edge √ degree 3 under symmetric load,
where the configuration is at 120° between the edges (this amounts to σ = 3) are not going to be replaced
by hole, which would, in turn result in 3 new multiple nodes of edge degree 3. This seems to support the
optimality of such graphs being observed by Buttazzo [?].
Remark 2.3.5 The completely analogous formulae are obtained in the scalar case ((yi )(x) ∈ R), relevant
for instance in problems of heat transfer or electrical currents in networks.
If the loads are not symmetric, and/or if the geometry of the ’hole’ is not uniform, the energy may in
fact drop. A more detailed analysis can be found in []. Suffice it to say here, that nodes with higher edge
degree, according to our analysis, are ’more likely’ to be released by a hole, as even in the symmetric case
the number σ (ρ) which measures the new edge-lengths will be less than 1.
This is true e.g. for a node with edge degree 6 and beyond. Thus, the total length of the new edges is
smaller than the total length of the removed edges. This, in turn, is intuitive with respect to the fact that in
the higher-dimensional problem (in 2- or 3-d, no graphs), digging a hole reduces the amount of mass.
Example 2.3.6 Here we consider the homogeneous situation for a star with edge degree 6 at the multiple
node. In this case σ = 1 for the symmetric situation. See Figure 2.7
6 12
We calculate
ρ 1 1
a1 = (u1 − ∑ u j) (2.3.44)
sinh(`) 6 j=1
+ρ {(−u5 − u3 − 4u2 − 4u6 + 10u1 )
cosh2 (`) − 1
1 6
−7(u1 − ∑ u j )
6 j=1
Notice that the edges 2 and 6 are the ’neighboring’ edges of edge 1 in the original star-graph. The other
ρ ρ
coefficients ai , 1 = 2, . . . , 6 are then obvious. For the sake of brevity, we only display e.g. a12 :
36 2 Shape optimization for problems on metric graphs
ρ 1
a12 = [5(u1 − u6 ) + 3(u2 − u5 ) + (u3 − u4 )]
12 sinh(`)
−ρ [25(u1 − u6 ) − 9(u2 − u5 ) − 7(u3 − u4 )]
144(cosh2 (`) − 1)
+O(ρ 2 ) (2.3.45)
Again, observe that edge 12, in terms of the edges of the original graph, has direct neighbors 1 and 6,
the next level is 2 and 5 and finally we have 3 and 4. One realizes a consequent scaling. Also note that
ρ ρ
ai = 0 if ui are all equal. This shows that the coefficients bi in that case are independent of ρ and thus the
energy will not change for this limiting case.
We are now in the position to define the topological derivative of an elliptic problem on a graph.
Let G be a graph, and let vJ ∈ JM be a multiple node with edge degree dJ . Let Gρ be the graph obtained
from G by replacing vJ with a cycle of length ∑ ci ρ with vertices v1J , . . . vdJ J of edge degree 3 each, such
that the distance from vJ to viJ is equal to ρ. Thus, the number nρ of edges of Gρ is n + dJ . Let J : G → R
be a functional on the edges of G
n Z`i
d d i
J(y, y, G) := ∑ F(x, yi , y) (2.4.1)
dx i=1 dx
and let
n+dJ Z`i
d d
J(yρ , yρ , Gρ ) := ∑ F(x, yρi , yρ ) (2.4.2)
dx i=1 dx i
d d
J(yρ , yρ , Gρ ) = J(r, y, G) + ρT (vJ ) + O(ρ 2 ) (2.4.3)
dx dx
then we define the topological gradient of J(Gρ ) with respect to ρ for ρ = 0 at the vertex vJ as follows.
d d
J(yρ , dx yρ , Gρ ) − J(r, dx y, G)
T (vJ ) = lim (2.4.4)
ρ→0 ρ
We consider the energy functional or, equivalently, the compliance which is the most natural criterion to
begin with. There are five such functionals relevant for the analysis of this paper: E 0 (y) on the entire graph
G , E ρ (yρ ) on the entire graph with the hole Gρ , ECS (y) on the graph G \ S J , where the star-graph without
hole S J has been cut out along edges ei , i ∈ IJ 0 , ES0 (y; v) on the star-graph without hole, and ES (y; v) on
ρ 1
ES (y; u) = hSρ u, ui, (2.4.6)
E 0 (y) = ECS (y) + ES0 (y, y), E ρ (y0ρ ) = ECS (yρ ) + ES (yρ , yρ ),
where it is understood that in ES (yρ , ·) and ES0 (y, ·) we insert ui = yρ (`i ) and ui = y0 (`i ), respectively. Thus
1 1
E ρ (yρ ) − E 0 (y) = hSρ (ỹ), ỹi − hS0 (ỹ), ỹi, (2.4.8)
2 2
2.4 The topological derivative 37
where ỹ solves the problem on G \ S J and ui = ỹi (`i ), i ∈ IJ 0 . Thus the asymptotic analysis of the last
section carries over to the entire graph. As we have done the complete asymptotic analysis up to order 2 in
the homogeneous case only, we consequently dwell on this case now,the more general case will be subject
of a forthcoming publication.
In order to find an expression of the topological gradient in terms of the solutions y at the node vJ 0 , the one
that is cut out, we need to express the solution in terms of the data ui .
3 3 3 3
Thus using the fact that ∑ kui − 31 ∑ u j k2 = ∑ kui k2 − 31 (k ∑ u j k)2 we can express the bilinear expression
i=1 j=1 i=1 i=1
hS ρ (u), ui in terms of ky0 (0)k2 and k( dx y0 (0)k2 (where we omit the index 0) as follows
= hSi0 (u), ui
hSi (u), ui
3 3 (2.4.10)
1 d i
+ρ (1 − 3σ) ∑ k dx y (0)k2 + (σ − 1) ∑ kyi (0)k2
i=1 i=1
says that the energy function in the homogeneous case, when cutting out a symmetric hole e.g. σ i =
This √
σ = 3, i = 1, 2, 3, we have
( )
3 3
1 1 d i
TE (y, vJ 0 ) = 2 i
(1 − σ ) ∑ k y (0)k + (σ − 1) ∑ ky (0)k 2
2 3 i=1 dx i=1
The situation will be different for such vertices having a higher edge-degree as 6, and those having non-
symmetric holes. We expect that such networks are more likely to be reduced to edge-degree 3 by tearing a
hole. But this has to be confirmed by more detailed studies.
More general functionals will be considered in a forthcoming publication.
We now consider a different situation where a node with edge degree dJ = N is released into a node of edge
degree 3 and one of degree N − 1 by introduction of a new edge eN+1 . See the figure 2.8 below.
Let, therefore, vJ be a node with edge degree 4. As visualized in figure 2.8, we will introduce an addi-
ρ ρ ρ
tional new edge e5 of length ρ > 0 which together with the two new edges e1 , e2 given by
ρ `1 e1 − ρeN+1
e1 :=
k`1 e1 − ρeN+1 k
ρ `2 e1 − ρeN+1
e2 := , (2.4.12)
k`2 e2 − ρeN+1 k
d2 i
− y = 0 in Ii , i = 1, . . . , 5
yi (`) = ui , i = 1, . . . 4,
y1 (σ ) = y2 (σ ) = y5 (ρ),
d 1 d d (2.4.14)
y (σ ) + y2 (σ ) − y5 (ρ) = 0,
dx dx dx
3 4
y5 (0),
y (0) = y (0) =
d 3
d d
y (0) + y4 (0) + y5 (0) = 0
dx dx dx
We perform a similar analysis as in section 2.3 and therefore omit the details. We obtain
1 1 4 1 4
y1ρ (x) = (u1 − ∑ ui )x + ∑ ui
` 4 i=1 4 i=1
( )
ρ 1 1 4
− 2 [ cos α + 1](u2 − u1 ) + (2 − cos α)(u1 − ∑ ui ) (x − `)
2` 2 4 i=1
= y10 (x)
( )
ρ 1 1 4
− 2 [ cos α + 1](u2 − u1 ) + (2 − cos α)(u1 − ∑ ui ) (x − `)
2` 2 4 i=1
In order to calculate the energy we use the Steklov-Poincaré mapping and multiply by yi (`).
As before, the calculations can be done for scalar problems as well as for vectorial in-plane models. We
dispense with the display of the lengthy formulae. Instead, we give two different scenarios for topological
Example 2.4.2 In the scalar case we may set u1 = u2 and u3 = u4 = 0, i.e., we apply Dirichlet conditions
at the ends of edges 3 and 4 and pull at the end of the edges 1 and 2 by the same amount. This results in:
hSρ u, ui = hS0 u, ui − (2 − cos α)u2 (2.4.15)
Obviously, the introduction of a new edge is enhanced. One obtains a decomposition into two multiple nodes
with edge degree 3
Example 2.4.3 In the second example we take the planar model and set u1 = ue1 , u2 = ue2 and again
u3 = 0 = u4 . Now we obtain
3ρ 2 4
hSρ u, ui = hS0 u, ui − 2 cos(α)(cos2 α + cos α − ) u2 (2.4.16)
4` 3 3
For small enough angles α (e.g. 0 < α < π/6) the expression with ρ, i.e. the topological derivative of the
energy becomes negative. This shows that in the planar situation, the opportunity to create an additional
edge depends on the angles between the edges 1 and 2.
Obviously, the examples above can be generalized to more general networks including distributed loads
and obstacles. It is also possible to extend this analysis to 3-d networks.
Exercise 2.12.
Exercise 2.13.
Exercise 2.14.
Chapter 3
Mixed formulation of elliptic boundary value problems
3.1 Introduction
We are going to use the saddle-point variational formulation for elliptic problems. The method is well
known in numerical solution of PDEs.
The weak formulation in H 1 (Ω involves the bilinear form a(u, v) = {u0 v0 + κuv} and linear form F(v) =
f v + {bv(1) − av(0)}.
Exercice 3.2.1 str. 11 apply the Lax-Milgram lemma to the variational formulation
The mixed formulation is a first order system, and it is obtained with σ := u0 and
−σ 0 + κu = f in Ω , σ (0) = a, σ (1) = b.
Exercice 3.2.2 str. 12 apply the generalized Lax-Milgram lemma to the mixed formulation by using (str 13
the translation technique or the Lagrange multiplier technique) to the integral formulation
Let us consider the mixed formulation of the principal elliptic boundary problems in two and three spatial
dimensions. At the first stage, we are going to write the mixed formulations for the state equations. Then,
the adapted mixed formulation is given for the associated shape derivatives of solutions. Thus, we do not
need to differentiate, with respect to the shape, of the mixed variational problems, this differentation is
performed at the level of variational formulations for the state equations.
42 3 Mixed formulation of elliptic boundary value problems
−∆ u = f ,
∇u = p , (3.4.1)
−div p = f . (3.4.2)
It means that instead of one scalar function u we need to compute two functions u, p, where p stands for the
gradient of u. But this approach has some advantages from the numerical point of view, in particular for the
Stokes problem, as we can see later. This approach can be formalized in the following way.
Denote Q := L2 (Ω ; R2 ) and V := H01 (Ω ), as well as Λ u := ∇u and define the bilinear and linear forms
associated with the mixed formulation for all p, q ∈ Q and u, v ∈ V ,
a(p, q) := p · qdx , b(q, u) := q · ∇udx , c(u, v) := 0 , (3.4.3)
lQ (q) := 0 lV (v) := f vdx . (3.4.4)
Thus the mixed formulation of the weak variational formulation of the Poisson problem can be considered
within the abstract framework.
Problem 3.1. Find (p, u) ∈ Q × V such that
Proposition 3.4.1 The function u solves the Poisson problem if and only if (u, ∇u) solves the mixed problem.
Proof. Observe that for q ∈ Q,
a(p, q) − b(q, u) = (p − ∇u) · qdx = 0 = lQ (q) ,
and for v ∈ V , Z Z
b(p, v) + c(u, v) = p · ∇vdx = f vdx = lV (v) .
We can also have formally a shorter notation for the mixed formulation with the bilinear form
Mixed formulation of the nonhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary value problem for the shape derivatives
If we assume that the domain Ω moves, and the evolution of the domain within a tube is given by the family
Ωt , −δ < t < δ , then the solution of the solution of Poisson problem in the moving domain denoted by t →
3.4 Mixed formulation of elliptic boundary value problems 43
∂u ∂ϕ
w ∈ L2 (Ω ) : w∆ ϕ = − (V · n) ∀ϕ ∈ H 2 (Ω ) ∩ H01 (Ω ) .
∂n ∂n
The starting point is the following elliptic boundary value problem written for the velocity u and the pressure
p of the fluid
−∆ u + ∇p = f in Ω , (3.4.9)
div u = 0 in Ω , (3.4.10)
u=0 on ∂ Ω , (3.4.11)
Π p = p. (3.4.12)
p ∈ Q := {q ∈ L2 (Ω ) : Π q = q} , (3.4.13)
u ∈ V := {v = (v1 , v2 ), vi ∈ H01 (Ω ), i = 1, 2} . (3.4.14)
With this choice we can define the bilinear and linear forms as follows
a(p, q) := − pq dx , (3.4.15)
b(q, v) := − qdiv v dx , (3.4.16)
c(u, v) := 2 ε(u) : ε(v) dx , ε(u) := ∇u + ∇u> ∈ L2 (Ω ; R4sym ) , (3.4.17)
lQ (q) := 0 , lV (v) := f · vdx . (3.4.18)
44 3 Mixed formulation of elliptic boundary value problems
The boundary value problem for linearized elasticity model is introduced in two spatial dimensions. The
shape optimization theory is well developed within the elasticity theory in three spatial dimensions, however
we restrict ourselves to the simple framework of plane problems.
2×2 reads
The constitutive relation in two spatial dimensions for the stress tensor σ (u) ∈ Rsym
1 λ
ε(u) = σ (u) + tr σ (u)I
2µ 4µ(λ + µ)
Remark 3.4.4 It is possible to use also the so-called Voigt notation for the strains and the stresses in the
form of column vectors in R3 for the case of two spatial dimensions. This simply means that the symmetric
2 × 2 matrices of strains and stresses which contains three independent components each, in the system of
two linear elliptic equations, are replaced by the vectors of the length 3. In this case the Hook’s tensor is
replace by the corresponding matrix or matrix function.
Let the body forces f = ( f1 , f2 ), fi ∈ L2 (Ω ) be given in the elastic body of the reference configuration Ω .
Assuming that the displacement field u solves the homogeneous elliptic boundary value problem in Ω
The mixed formulation reads, find the functions σ ∈ Q and u ∈ V such that
a(σ , τ) − b(τ, u) = 0 = (C−1 σ − ε(u)) : τ) ∀τ ∈ Q , (3.4.23)
b(σ , v) = lV (v) = σ : ε(u) = − σ · v = f · v ∀v ∈ V . (3.4.24)
Remark 3.4.5 In this case the operator Q × V → (Q × V )? associated with the bilinear form A is linear,
bounded and bijective, therefore there is a unique solution of the mixed problem (3.4.23)-(3.4.24).
3.6 Piola transformation for Stokes problem and the shape derivative calculations
str. 121
Chapter 4
Lagrangian formalism for weak solutions and shape
The distributed gradient of the shape functional is an important tool in numerical methods of shape opti-
mization, see for example [2, 3]. It turns out that the boundary form of the shape gradient is less efficient in
the gradient type algorithms.
We are going to show that the distributed form of the shape gradient can be obtained by an application
of Lagrangian formalism. The general idea is the same as in the calculus of variations :
u ∈ H01 (Ω ) : ∇u · ∇v dx = f v dx ∀v ∈ H01 (Ω )
is the weak form of the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary value problem in Ω ⊂ D, where f ∈ L2 (D) is
given. The tracking type cost is
J(Ω ) = (u − zd )2 dx,
L (Ω , u, v) = (u − zd )2 + ∇u · ∇v dx − f v dx
for Ω ⊂ D, u, v ∈ H01 (Ω ).
The partial derivatives ∂u L (Ω , u, p)(ϕ) = 0, ∀ϕ ∈ H01 (Ω ) and ∂v L (Ω , u, v)(ϕ) = 0, ∀ϕ ∈ H01 (Ω ) de-
fines the adjoint state and the state equations, respectively. To define the derivative of Ω → L (Ω , u, v) we
can use the parametrization of domains by t → Ωt = Tt (V )(Ω ) which results in the function
t → L (Ωt , u, v) := (u − zd )2 dx + ∇u · ∇v dx − f v dx,
Ωt Ωt Ωt
G (t, u, v) = γ(t)(u − ztd )2 dx + A(t)∇u · ∇v dx − γ(t) f t v dx,
48 4 Lagrangian formalism for weak solutions and shape optimization
j(t) := G (t, ut , vt ) = min max G (t, u, v) = γ(t)(ut − ztd )2 dx
u∈H01 (Ω ) v∈H01 (Ω ) 2
j0 (0) = G (t, ut , pt )|t=0 = dJ(Ω ;V )
depends upon the state and adjoint state but it is independent of the material derivatives of state and adjoint
state, namely, we evaluate the partial derivative of t → G (t, ·, ·),
since the material derivatives do exist u̇, ṗ ∈ H01 (Ω ), and we take into account that ∂t L (Ω , ut , v) =
∂u L (Ω , u, v)(u̇) = 0 as well as ∂t L (Ω , u, pt ) = ∂v L (Ω , u, v)( ṗ) = 0.
Remark 4.1.2 Let us note that
however [127]
u0 = −(V · n) on ∂ Ω ,
p0 = −(V · n) on ∂ Ω ,
therefore, the shape derivatives u0 , p0 6∈ H01 (Ω ) and we cannot differentiate the Lagrangian in the variable
domain setting with ut , pt ∈ H01 (Ωt ).
We are going to describe the Lagrangian formalism for the shape differentiability of functionals. We restrict
ourselves to the homogeneous Dirichlet problem and the tracking type shape functional.
The Lagrangian method of differentiation is simple when applicable. All the details on the velocity
method [127] can be found in Chapter ??.
We set [127],
Ωt := Tt (V )(Ω ),
where the velocity field V is associated with the bilipschitzian transformation Tt : Rd → Rd , d = 1, 2, 3,
∂ Tt
V (t, x) = ◦ Tt−1 (x).
We denote t → γ(t) = det(DTt ) and t → A(t) = det(DTt )DTt−1 ∗ DTt−1 , so that [127], γ 0 (0)(x) = divV (0, x)
and A0 (0)(x) = divV (0, x) − DV (0, x) − ∗ DV (0, x) for d = 2, 3, for d = 1 the results are simpler. We recall
that DTt is the Jacobian matrix function for transfomation Tt and det(DTt ) stands for its determinant; ∗ DV
denotes the transposed of matrix DV .
where Γ ⊂ ∂ Ω is the moving portion of the boundary. Such a formula is also useful for the shape functional
depending on solutions to state equation in a variable domain setting. However, the straightforward evalu-
ation of the shape derivative can be performed in the fixed domain setting by using the material derivatives.
Thus, we rewrite Z
t → j(t) := γ(t)ϕ(t, Tt (x))dx
It is easy to see, that (4.1.1) and (4.1.2) are equivalent by the Stokes Theorem.
We are going to explain, in the fixed domain setting in R2 , the Lagrangian formalism of the velocity method
in shape differentiability.
Let us assume that there are given zd , f ∈ L2 (D), where D ⊂ R2 is hold-all domain, with Ω ⊂ D, and
consider the shape optimization problem
Problem 4.1. Minimize Z
D 3 Ω → J(Ω ) = (u − zd )2 dx
−∆ u = f in Ω , (4.1.3)
u=0 on ∂ Ω . (4.1.4)
where ut solves Z Z
ut ∈ H01 (Ωt ) : ∇ut · ∇ψdx = f ψdx ∀ψ ∈ H01 (Ωt ).
Ωt Ωt
Taking into account that Ω = Tt (Ωt ) we have the equivalent variational problem for the transported
function ut = ut ◦ Tt ,
ut ∈ H01 (Ω ) : A(t)∇ut · ∇ψdx = γ(t) f t ψdx ∀ψ ∈ H01 (Ω ).
the function of one variable for a given velocity field associated with the transformation Tt . Thus, we can
consider the C1 function
t → G(t, ϕ, ψ) = γ(t)(ϕ − ztd )2 dx + A(t)∇ϕ · ∇ψdx − γ(t) f t ψdx
50 4 Lagrangian formalism for weak solutions and shape optimization
for ϕ, ψ ∈ H01 (Ω ).
In order to introduce the saddle point formulation for the evaluation of the derivative
j0 (0) = lim ( j(t) − j(0)) ,
t→0 t
Since the variational problems for the state ut ∈ H01 (Ω ) and the adjoint state pt ∈ H01 (Ω ) are given by
∂ϕ G(t, ut , pt )(ϕ) = 0, ∀ϕ ∈ H01 (Ω ) and ∂ψ G(t, ut , pt )(ψ) = 0, ∀ψ ∈ H01 (Ω ), respectively, hence for solu-
tions (ut , pt ) ∈ H01 (Ω ) × H01 (Ω ) of the state and adjoint equations the min-max theorem
is satisfied and the derivative j0 (0) is a volume integral which is evaluated by the partial derivative
∂t G(t, ϕ, ψ) of t → G(t, ϕ, ψ) at the point (0, u, p) ∈ R × H01 (Ω ) × H01 (Ω ),
j0 (0) = G(t, ut , pt )|t=0 = ∂t G(0, u, p).
in view of u̇ ∈ H01 (Ω ) and
∂ϕ G(t, u, p)(u̇) = 0
as well as ṗ ∈ H01 (Ω ) and
∂ψ G(t, u, p)( ṗ) = 0.
In order to complete our analysis, we need an explicit formula for the shape derivative
j0 (0) = dJ(Ω ;V ).
It follows that
dJ(Ω ;V ) = γ 0 (0)(u − zd )2 dx + 2 (u̇ + ∇zd ·V )(u − zd )dx. (4.1.5)
and simple calculations show that the material derivative u̇ given by variational problem
u̇ ∈ H01 (Ω ) : ∇u̇ · ∇ψ dx + A0 (0)∇u · ∇ψ dx = divV f ψ dx + ∇ f ·V ψ dx ∀ψ ∈ H01 (Ω )
Now, we evaluate the boundary form of shape gradient. To this end the integration by parts is performed,
divV [(u − zd )2 − f p] dx = − V · ∇[(u − zd )2 − f p] dx + [(u − zd )2 − f p](V · n)(x) dx,
Ω Ω ∂Ω
4.1 Lagrangian formalism in shape optimization 51
A0 (0)∇u · ∇p dx = Vi,i u,l p,l −Vi, j u,i p, j −V j,i u,i p, j dx
=− Vi [u,l p,l ],i −Vi [u,i p, j ], j −V j [u,i p, j ],i dx
+ Vi [u,l p,l ]ni −Vi [u,i p, j ]n j −V j [u,i p, j ]ni dx . (4.1.6)
Exercice 4.1.4 Taking into account the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions and the Structure The-
orem of shape gradient [127] which says that the result depends exclusively on the normal component of
the velocity field, show that from the boundary integral in (4.1.6) we obtain
∂u ∂ p
dJ(Ω ;V ) = − (V · n)(x) dx . (4.1.7)
∂n ∂n
Remark 4.1.5 If we introduce the adjoint state pe as a weak solution of the homogeneous Dirichlet problem
−∆ pe = zd − u
∂ u ∂ pe
dJ(Ω ;V ) = (V · n)(x) dx .
∂n ∂n
Chapter 5
The second-order shape differentiability
5.1 Introduction
Let us consider the homogeneous Dirichlet problem for the strictly positive right-hand side f > 0,
−∆ u = f in Ω , (5.2.1)
u=0 on ∂ Ω . (5.2.2)
The solution operator for the above boundary value problem is denoted by u := S ( f ).
The associated tracking type shape functional
J(Ω ) = (u − zd )2 . (5.2.3)
where, the reference domain C(R, r) := {r < ρ < R}, in polar coordinates (ρ, θ ). This function is extended
by zero outside of the ring C(R, r).
In this way there is a unique minimizer Ω ∗ := C(R, r) for the shape optimization problem under consid-
erations. The proof is left to the reader.
The shape gradient is given by
∂u ∂ p
dJ(Ω ;V ) = V ·n (5.2.4)
∂n ∂n
−∆ p = u − zd in Ω , (5.2.5)
p=0 on ∂ Ω , (5.2.6)
We have in a ususal way the nonhomogeneous Dirichlet problems for the shape derivatives u0 , p0 of the
state u and of the adjoint state p, namely
54 5 The second-order shape differentiability
−∆ u0 = 0 in Ω , (5.2.7)
u0 = −V · n on ∂ Ω , (5.2.8)
−∆ p0 = u0 in Ω , (5.2.9)
p0 = −V · n on ∂ Ω , (5.2.10)
It is convenient to introduce the notation DN for the Dirichlet-to-Neumann or Steklov-Poincaré map, and
S for the inverse of negative Dirichlet-Laplacian. Thus, the mapping DN is defined by the the nonhomo-
geneous Dirichlet problem
∆w = 0 in Ω, w=ϕ on ∂Ω ⊂ ∂Ω
and it is DN : ϕ → ∂w
∂n =: DN (ϕ). In this notation we have
u = S [ f ], p = S [u − zd ]; (5.2.11)
∂u ∂u ∂p
u0 = −DN V ·n , p0 = −S ◦ DN V · n − DN V · n (5.2.12)
∂n ∂n ∂n
Now we want to evaluate the shape Hessian. To this end we differentiate with respect to t at t = 0 the shape
gradient written in Ωt
d ∂ ut ∂ pt
d 2 J(Ω ;V,V ) := Vt · nt
dt ∂ nt ∂ nt
∂ Ωt
Proposition 5.2.1 The symmetric part of the shape Hessian is given by the formula
∂ u ∂ p ∂ u ∂ p0
∂ J(Ω ;V,V ) := V · n + (5.2.13)
∂n ∂n ∂n ∂n
∂u ∂ p ∂ ∂u ∂ p
(V · n)2 κ + (5.2.14)
∂n ∂n ∂n ∂n ∂n
We use the explicit solution for the Laplacian in the ring C(R, r) = {r < ρ < R}
The solution obtained by the separation of variables is a linear combinations of the elementary solutions
an ρ n + bn ρ −n cos (nϕ) + cn ρ n + dn ρ −n sin (nϕ)
u(ρ, ϕ) = a0 + b0 ln ρ + ∑ (5.3.7)
5.3 Numerical evaluation of the shape Hessian 55
Taking into account the nonhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions at ρ = r combined with the expan-
sion of the function f1 into the Fourier series we obtain
an rn + bn r−n cos (nϕ) + cn rn + dn r−n sin (nϕ)
u(r, ϕ) = a0 + b0 ln r + ∑ (5.3.8)
a0 + b0 ln r = f1 (s)ds , (5.3.9)
an rn + bn r−n = f1 (s) cos (ns)ds , (5.3.10)
n −n 1
cn r + dn r = f1 (s) sin (ns)ds , (5.3.11)
Therefore, we can compute the shape Hessian for a ring using this technique, since the normal derivative
on the boundary is just the partial derivative ± .
Chapter 6
Shape optimization with MATLAB in 2D
We are interested in specific problems of shape optimization with the known, smooth solutions. Such solu-
tions are computed using the Matlab programs of optimization combined with the finite element approxi-
Dirichlet problem
Let D be a smooth hold all domain, and let us consider a simply connected domain Ω ⊂ D of the condenser
type with the boundary ∂ Ω which consists of two parts, the exterior boundary denoted ΓR and the interior
boudary denoted Γr . For example, the domain can be selected in the form of a ring, e.g., C(R, r) := BR \ Br .
We denote by S := D \ Ω the complement of Ω in D, hence S is a double connected compact domain.
For a given f > 0, f ∈ C(D), let us consider the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary value problem in the
simply connected domain Ω
−∆ u = f in Ω , (6.0.1)
u=0 on ∂ Ω . (6.0.2)
The solution of (6.0.1)-(6.0.2) for the ring C(R, r) is denoted by uC , and its extension by zero to D is denoted
by zd .
Problem 6.1. Consider the shape optimization problem
inf J(Ω ) := (u − zd )2
over the family of simply connected domains in D with the volume bounded from below by the volume of
the ring |C(R, r)|.
Proposition 6.0.1 The unique solution of 6.1 is the ring C(R, r).
Proof. Existence Let Ωn be the minimizing sequence. We have J(C(R, r)) = 0, hence lim J(Ωn ) = 0.
Denote Sn := D \ Ωn → S in the Hausdorf distance, for a subsequence, with Ω := D \ S simply connected.
By the result [1] of Sverak H01 (Ωn ) → H01 (Ω ) in the sense of Kuratowski-Mosco. The solutions un ∈ H01 (Ωn )
in Ωn converge weakly in H01R(D) to u ∈ H01 (Ω ) ⊂ H01 (D) thus strongly in L2 (D). We have u > 0 in Ω by
the maximum principle, thus (u − zd )2 = 0 implies Ω ≡ C(R, r) and u ≡ zd in C(R, r).
u2 > 0.
Uniqueness For Ω 6= C(R, r) the cost functional J(Ω ) =
Ω \C(R,r)
6.1.1 Analysis
58 6 Shape optimization with MATLAB in 2D
1 1
J(Ω ) = k(u − zD )2 dx = (u − zd )2 dx (6.1.1)
2 Ω 2 E
where k is the characteristic function of the observation area E ⊂ Ω ⊂ D and u is solution of the state
equation )
−∆ u = f in Ω
u=0 on Γ
with a constant function f := b. The target function is denoted by zd and is given in polar coordinates (ρ, θ )
by the solution of the state equation on the ring C(r, R) := {x ∈ R2 : r ≤ |x| ≤ R}
The weak form of the state equation reads with HΓ1 (Ω ) := {v ∈ H 1 (Ω ) | v|Γ = 0} as
Find u ∈ HΓ1 (Ω ) s.t
(∇u, ∇ϕ)Ω = ( f , ϕ)Ω ∀ϕ ∈ HΓ1 (Ω ).
The adjoint equation to the state equation follows by the Langrange functional
with w ∈ HΓ1 (Ω ) and its partial derivative with respect to u in any direction ū ∈ H 1 (Ω )
(u, w, λ )[ū] = δu L(u, w, λ )[ū] = δu J(Ω )[ū] − (∇ū, ∇w)Ω − (ū, λ )Γ . (6.1.6)
This derivative has to vanish in every direction and the adjoint equation holds
Find w ∈ HΓ1 (Ω ) s.t
(∇w, ∇ϕ)Ω + (λ , ϕ)Γ = du J(Ω )[ϕ] ∀ϕ ∈ H 1 (Ω ).
with Lagrage multiplier λ = −∇w · n and du J(Ω )[ϕ] = (k(u − zd ), ϕ)Ω . The shape derivative problem of
the Poisson equation reads as
Find v ∈ H 1 (Ω ) s.t
1 (6.1.8)
(∇v, ∇ϕ)Ω = 0 ∀ϕ ∈ HΓ (Ω )
v = −(∇u · n)(V · n)
on Γ
In this Matlab code shape optimization with the Poisson equation is implemented with shape gradient
1 function SO2D_Poisson_spline
2 close all;clc
In this section the parameters tau as the initial stepsize, qual the area of the biggest triangle and f the
value of the right hand side are declared.
7 %% === parameters ======================================================== %
8 tau = 1e0; % initial stepsize
9 qual = 1e-3; % mesh quality
10 f = 1; % scalar value for RHS
As next the non-optimization boundary is described by one circles, which is stored in the struct inner.
Further a point is chosen to define a hole in the middle (holes).
12 %% === initial domain ==================================================== %
13 inner.N = 200; % number of points
14 inner.alpha = linspace(0,2*pi,inner.N+1);
15 inner.alpha(end) = [];
16 inner.radius = 1;
17 inner.p = ... % point coordinates
18 inner.radius * [cos(inner.alpha) ; sin(inner.alpha)];
19 inner.e = ... % edges
20 [1:length(inner.p);circshift((1:length(inner.p))',-1)'];
22 % define hole
23 holes = [0;0];
The optimization boundary is described by a spline (spline) with control points spline.b. In this
initial setting the control points are given by a disturbed circle (spline.radius). Furthermore the target
shape of the interface is stored in target to compute the Hausdorff distance, the point coordinates of the
spline are returned by the function ShapeGradToSpline(0,spline).
25 %% === Spline ============================================================ %
26 % initial control points
27 spline.N = 60; % number of control points
28 spline.N_inter = 6; % number of intermediate points
29 spline.N_total = spline.N * spline.N_inter;
30 spline.h_max = 0.05;
31 a = linspace(0,2*pi,spline.N+1);
32 a(end) = [];
33 % spline.radius = 2+0.0*sin(4*a)+0.0*cos(7*a);
34 spline.radius = 2+0.5*(2*rand(1,length(a))-1);
36 % control point coordinates
37 bx = spline.radius.*cos(a);
38 by = spline.radius.*sin(a);
39 spline.b = [bx;by];
41 % target shape
42 target.N = spline.N_total;
43 target.radius = 2;
44 target.alpha = linspace(0,2*pi,target.N+1);
45 target.alpha(end) = [];
46 target.p = target.radius * [cos(target.alpha) ; sin(target.alpha)];
48 % discretization points
49 spline = ShapeGradToSpline(0,spline);
53 R = target.radius;
54 zD = @(x) f*(x.ˆ2 *(log(R) - log(r)) + Rˆ2*(log(r) - log(x)) ...
55 + rˆ2*(log(x) -log(R)))/(4*(log(r)-log(R))).*(x<=R);
Some initial definitions for the objective functional J, shape derivative dJ and Hausdorff distance dh
are added.
57 %% === shape gradient ==================================================== %
58 % init()
59 iter = 1;
60 J(1) = inf;
61 dJ(1) = inf;
62 dh(1) = inf;
63 rejected = false;
64 time(1) = 0;
Here starts the shape gradient algorithm. The content inside the while-loop is repeated until the shape
derivative or the Hausdorff distance reaches a bound. First the Hausdorff distance between the current shape
and the target shape is computed. Then the triangulation of the domain Ω is created with T RIANGLE inside
the function boundary2mesh. This function returns the points p, the edges e and the triangles t for P2
finite elements.
66 while (abs(dJ(end)) >=eps) && (dh(end) >=eps)
67 %% === triangulation ...
===================================================== %
68 dh(iter) = hausdorff(spline.p,target.p);
70 % Omega
71 p = [spline.p inner.p];
72 e = [spline.e inner.e+spline.N_total];
73 [p,e,t] = boundary2mesh(p,e,holes,qual);
In this section the primal problem solved with the finite element method. The stiffness matrix for the do-
main is returned by the function AssembleStiffness(p,t). The mass matrix to get a FE-description
of the right hand side is returned by AssembleMass(p,t). Furthermore the boundary conditions are
applied to the system.
75 %% === primal problem ...
==================================================== %
76 % Assemble system
77 A = AssembleStiffness_fast(p,t);
78 M = AssembleMass_fast(p,t);
79 F = f*sum(M,2);
Here the adjoints system is solved. Before appling boundary conditions to the system, the objective
functional is evaluated.
90 %% === adjoint problem ...
=================================================== %
91 zDh = zD(norm2(p))';
92 F = M * (u-zDh);
94 J(iter) = 1/2 * (u-zDh)' *F;
96 F(Ind) = 0;
97 w = A\F;
To enable a changing step size, a stepsize control (scc(...)) is called. It decides whether a iteration
is accepted or rejected and when it is accepted the stepsize should be increased, decreased or hold.
6.1 Shape optimization with Poisson equation 61
The shape gradient is evaluted with the solution of the primal and adjoints system at each point with
index stored in e. The functions nablaU_e(p,e,t,u) returns the derivative of u ∇u on the boundary
of the domain (p,t) at the point with index contained in e.
114 %% === shape gradient ...
==================================================== %
115 if ˜rejected
116 % nabla u and nabla w
117 DU = nablaU_e(p,e,t,u);
118 DW = nablaU_e(p,e,t,w);
125 g = -sum(DU(5:6,idx_ef).*normal,1).*sum(DW(5:6,idx_ef).*normal,1);
126 dJ(iter) = -sum(norm2(p(:,e(1,idx_ef))-p(:,e(2,idx_ef))).*g.ˆ2)*tau;
127 end
The result is written to a vtu-file for use in PARAVIEW with the function WriteBinaryVTK.
129 %% === Write VTK ...
======================================================== %
130 if ˜rejected
131 WriteBinaryVTK(fullfile('Results',runstr,sprintf('2D_Shape_%04d.vtu',iter)),...
132 p,t(1:3,:) ,...
133 'U', full(u') ,...
134 'W', full(w') ,...
135 'error',full(u'-zDh') ,...
136 'J', J(iter) +0*p(1,:) ,...
137 'dh', dh(iter) +0*p(1,:) ,...
138 'zD', zDh' );
139 end
In this last part the computed shape gradient is used to calculate the displacement of the spline control
points. Further the displacement of the control points is restricted to the radial direction, thus one has to
solve the problem
min kg −V · nk = min
g − ∑ ci bi ϕi · n
V c
where ϕ are the spline basis functions, b the control points and n the outer normal vector. This is done
with the function ShapeGradToSpline, which returnes the new point coordinates, control points and
141 %% === Shape gradient - SPLINE VERSION ...
================================== %
142 [spline] = ShapeGradToSpline(g*tau,spline);
148 end
6.2 Interface problem 63
6.2.1 Analysis
In this Matlab code the optimization of the interface is implemented by a shape gradient method.
1 function SO2D_Interface_spline
2 close all;clc;
In this section the parameters tau as the initial stepsize, qual the area of the biggest triangle, f the value
of the inhomogeneous Neumann boundary, a_alpha and a_beta the values for the domain parameters
aα , aβ are declared.
10 %% === parameters ======================================================== %
11 tau = 1e-1; % initial stepsize
12 qual = 1e-3; % mesh quality
13 f = 1; % inhomogenouos Neumann boundary value
14 a_alpha = 1; % domain parameters
15 a_beta = 2;
As next the non-optimization boundary is described by two circles , which are stored in two structs
inner and outer. Further a point is chosen to define a hole in the middle (holes).
16 %% === initial domain ==================================================== %
17 % inner boundary
18 inner.N = 200; % number of points
19 inner.alpha = linspace(0,2*pi,inner.N+1);
20 inner.alpha(end) = [];
21 inner.radius = 1;
22 inner.p = ... % point coordinates
23 inner.radius * [cos(inner.alpha); sin(inner.alpha)];
24 inner.e = ... % edges
25 [1:length(inner.p); circshift((1:length(inner.p))',-1)'];
27 % outer boundary
28 outer.N = 200;
29 outer.alpha = linspace(0,2*pi,outer.N+1);
30 outer.alpha(end) = [];
31 outer.radius = 2;
32 outer.p = ...
33 outer.radius * [cos(outer.alpha) ; sin(outer.alpha)];
34 outer.e = ...
35 [1:length(outer.p);circshift((1:length(outer.p))',-1)'];
37 % define hole
38 holes = [0;0];
The optimization boundary is described by a spline (spline) with control points spline.b. In this
initial setting the control points are given by a disturbed circle (spline.radius). Furthermore the target
shape of the interface is stored in target to compute the Hausdorff distance, the point coordinates of the
spline are returned by the function ShapeGradToSpline(0,spline).
39 %% === Spline ============================================================ %
40 % initial interface defined by spline
41 spline.N = 30; % number of control points
42 spline.N_inter = 6; % number of intermediate points
43 spline.N_total = spline.N * spline.N_inter;
44 spline.h_max = 0.05;
45 a = linspace(0,2*pi,spline.N+1);
46 a(end) = [];
47 % spline.radius = 1.5+0.2*sin(12*a)+0.0*cos(7*a);
48 spline.radius = 1.5+0.3*(2*rand(1,length(a))-1);
50 % control point coordinates
51 bx = spline.radius.*cos(a);
52 by = spline.radius.*sin(a);
53 spline.b = [bx;by];
55 % target shape
66 6 Shape optimization with MATLAB in 2D
56 target.N = spline.N_total;
57 target.radius = 1.5;
58 target.alpha = linspace(0,2*pi,target.N+1);
59 target.alpha(end) = [];
60 target.p = target.radius * [cos(target.alpha) ; sin(target.alpha)];
62 % discretization points
63 [spline] = ShapeGradToSpline(0,spline);
Some initial definitions for the objective functional J, shape derivative dJ and Hausdorff distance dh
are added.
76 %% === shape gradient ==================================================== %
77 % init()
78 iter = 1;
79 J(1) = inf;
80 dJ(1) = inf;
81 rejected = false;
82 time(1) = 0;
83 dh(1) = inf;
Here starts the shape gradient algorithm. The content inside the while-loop is repeated until the shape
derivative or the Hausdorff distance reaches a bound. First the Hausdorff distance between the current
shape and the target shape is computed. Then the triangulation of each subdomain Ωα and Ωβ is created
with T RIANGLE inside the function boundary2mesh. This function returns the points p, the edges e
and the triangles t for P2 finite elements. At last the subdomains are combined and the double entries are
erased. Variable names with capital letters (e.g. P, T) mark the relation to the combined domain.
85 while (abs(dJ(end)) >=eps) && (dh(end) >=eps)
86 %% === triangulation ...
===================================================== %
87 dh(iter) = hausdorff(spline.p,target.p);
89 % Omega_alpha
90 p1 = [spline.p inner.p];
91 e1 = [spline.e inner.e+spline.N_total];
92 [p1,e1,t1] = boundary2mesh(p1,e1,holes,qual);
94 % Omega_beta
95 p2 = [spline.p outer.p];
96 e2 = [spline.e outer.e+spline.N_total];
97 [p2,e2,t2] = boundary2mesh(p2,e2,holes,qual);
99 % combination
100 dblidx = unique(e2(1:3,1:length(spline.e)));
101 p2_idx = 1:length(p2);
102 not_dblidx = setdiff(p2_idx,dblidx);
103 trans = p2_idx;
104 trans(not_dblidx) = (1:length(not_dblidx)) + length(p1);
106 P = [p1,p2(:,not_dblidx)];
107 T = [t1,trans(t2)];
108 ID = [ones(1,length(t1)),zeros(1,length(t2))];
In this section the primal problem solved with the finite element method. The stiffness matrix for the
domain represented by points p and triangles t is returned by the function AssembleStiffness(p,t).
Furthermore the boundary conditions and interface conditions are applied to the system.
6.2 Interface problem 67
128 le = norm2(p2(:,e2(1,i_neumann))-p2(:,e2(2,i_neumann)))';
129 F2(e2(1,i_neumann)) = F2(e2(1,i_neumann))+1/6.*le.*f;
130 F2(e2(2,i_neumann)) = F2(e2(2,i_neumann))+1/6.*le.*f;
131 F2(e2(3,i_neumann)) = F2(e2(3,i_neumann))+2/3.*le.*f;
136 A1(interface1,:) = 0;
137 A1(interface1,interface1) = speye(length(interface1));
138 A2(interface2,:) = 0;
139 A2(interface2,interface2) = speye(length(interface2));
140 A_cont = [A1(interface1,:),-A2(interface2,:)];
141 F_cont = zeros(length(interface1),1);
143 F1(interface1) = [];
144 F2(interface2) = [];
145 A1(interface1,:) = [];
146 A2(interface2,:) = [];
Here the adjoints system is solved. The mass matrix to get a FE-description of the right hand side is
returned by AssembleMass(p,t). Before appling boundary conditions to the system, the objective
functional is evaluated.
157 %% === adjoint problem ...
=================================================== %
158 zDh = zD(norm2([p1,p2]))';
159 error = u-zDh;
160 err1 = error(1:length(p1));
161 err2 = error(length(p1)+1:end);
166 M1 = AssembleMass_fast(p1,t1);
167 M2 = AssembleMass_fast(p2,t2);
168 F1 = M1 * err1;
169 F2 = M2 * err2;
173 F1(dirichlet) = 0;
174 F2(neumann) = 0;
179 F = [F1;F2;F_flux;F_cont];
181 w = A\F;
182 w1 = w(1:length(p1));
183 w2 = w(length(p1)+1:end);
184 W = [w1;w2(not_dblidx)];
To enable a changing step size a stepsize control (scc(...)) is called. It decides whether a iteration is
accepted or rejected and when it is accepted the stepsize should be increased, decreased or hold.
186 %% === step size control ...
================================================= %
187 if iter > 1
188 [tau,iter,rejected] = ssc(tau,dJ,J,iter);
189 sfigure(3)
190 plot(time,J)
191 sfigure(4)
192 plot(time,dh)
193 end
195 if rejected
196 spline = old; % take old domain
197 else
198 old = spline; % store current domain
199 end
The shape gradient is evaluted with the solution of the primal and adjoints system at each point with
index stored in e. The functions nablaU_e(p,e,t,u) returns the derivative of u ∇u on the boundary
of the domain (p,t) at the point with index contained in e.
201 %% === shape gradient ...
==================================================== %
202 % nabla u and nabla w
203 if ˜rejected
204 Du1 = nablaU_e(p1,e1,t1,u1);
205 Du2 = nablaU_e(p2,e2,t2,u2);
206 Dw1 = nablaU_e(p1,e1,t1,w1);
207 Dw2 = nablaU_e(p2,e2,t2,w2);
208 x = [1 3 5];
209 y = [2 4 6];
211 idx_ef = 1:(spline.N_total); % indices of optimization points
212 tangent = p1(:,e1(2,idx_ef))-p1(:,e1(1,idx_ef));
213 normal = [tangent(2,:);-tangent(1,:)];
214 normal = bsxfun(@times,normal,1./norm2(normal));
215 gs = zeros(3,length(idx_ef));
216 for i = 1:3
217 gs(i,:) = ...
218 + a_alpha * (dot(Du1([x(i);y(i)],idx_ef),normal).* ...
219 dot(Dw1([x(i);y(i)],idx_ef),normal)) ...
220 - a_alpha * (dot(Du1([x(i);y(i)],idx_ef),tangent).* ...
221 dot(Dw1([x(i);y(i)],idx_ef),tangent)) ...
222 - a_beta * (dot(Du2([x(i);y(i)],idx_ef),normal).* ...
223 dot(Dw2([x(i);y(i)],idx_ef),normal)) ...
224 + a_beta * (dot(Du2([x(i);y(i)],idx_ef),tangent).* ...
225 dot(Dw2([x(i);y(i)],idx_ef),tangent));
226 end
227 g = -gs(3,:);
228 le = norm2(p1(:,e1(1,idx_ef))-p1(:,e1(2,idx_ef)));
229 dJ(iter) = -sum(le.*g.ˆ2)*tau;
230 end
The result is written to a vtu-file for use in PARAVIEW with the function WriteBinaryVTK.
6.2 Interface problem 69
In this last part the computed shape gradient is used to calculate the displacement of the spline control
points. Further the displacement of the control points is restricted to the radial direction, thus one has to
solve the problem
min kg −V · nk = min
g − ∑ ci bi ϕi · n
V c
where ϕ are the spline basis functions, b the control points and n the outer normal vector. This is done
with the function ShapeGradToSpline, which returnes the new point coordinates, control points and
243 %% === Shape gradient - SPLINE VERSION ...
================================== %
244 [spline] = ShapeGradToSpline(g*tau,spline);
6.3.1 Analysis
and k characteristic function of the observeration area E ⊂ Ω ⊂ D. The target function is denoted by zD
which is solution on the domain Ω := BR (0) \ Br (0) with right hand side
1 x p
f (x, y) = − 3 , ρ = x2 + y2 (6.3.4)
ρ y
and extended over BR (0) with contant value. The weak form of the state equation reads with V0 := {v ∈
H 1 (Ω )2 | v|ΓD = 0} as
Find u ∈ V0 s.t
(σ (u), ε(ϕ))Ω = ( f , ϕ)Ω ∀ϕ ∈ V0 .
The adjoint equation to the state equation follows by the Langrange functional
This derivative has to vanish in every direction and the adjoint equation holds
Find w ∈ V0 s.t
(σ (w), ε(ϕ))Ω + (λ , ϕ)ΓD = du J(Ω )[ϕ] ∀ϕ ∈ H 1 (Ω ).
Find v ∈ H 1 (Ω ) s.t
(σ (v), ε(ϕ))Ω = −((σ (u) · τ) · (∇ϕ · τ), V · n)ΓN
+ ( f · ϕ, V · n)Γ ∀ϕ ∈ V0
v = −(∇u · n)(V · n) on ΓD
dt (σ (ut ), ∇ϕt )Ωt t=0 = (σ (v), ∇ϕ)Ω + (σ (u), ∇ϕ 0 )Ω + (σ (u) : ∇ϕ, V · n)Γ (6.3.10)
dt ( f , ϕt )Ωt = ( f , ϕ 0 )Ω + ( f · ϕ, V · n)Γ (6.3.11)
6.3 Shape optimization with linear elasticity 71
In this Matlab code shape optimization on the Neumann boundary with the linear elasticity is implemented
with shape gradient method.
1 function SO2D_LE_spline_neumann
2 close all;clc
In this section the parameters tau as the initial stepsize, qual the area of the biggest triangle, Youngs
modulus E and Poissons ratio nu are declared.
7 %% === parameters ======================================================== %
8 tau = 1e4; % initial stepsize
9 qual = 1e-3; % mesh quality
10 E = 69; % material constants
11 nu = 0.33;
As next the non-optimization boundary is described by one circles, which is stored in the struct inner.
Further a point is chosen to define a hole in the middle (holes).
12 %% === initial domain ==================================================== %
13 inner.N = 200; % number of points
14 inner.alpha = linspace(0,2*pi,inner.N+1);
15 inner.alpha(end) = [];
16 inner.radius = 1;
17 inner.p = ... % point coordinates
18 inner.radius*[cos(inner.alpha) ; sin(inner.alpha)];
19 inner.e = ... % edges
20 [1:length(inner.p);circshift((1:length(inner.p))',-1)'];
22 % define holes
23 holes = [0;0];
The optimization boundary is described by a spline (spline) with control points spline.b. In this
initial setting the control points are given by a disturbed circle (spline.radius). Furthermore the target
shape of the interface is stored in target to compute the Hausdorff distance, the point coordinates of the
spline are returned by the function ShapeGradToSpline(0,spline).
24 %% === Spline ============================================================ %
25 % initial control points
26 spline.N = 40; % number of control points
27 spline.N_inter = 10; % number of intermediate points
28 spline.N_total = spline.N * spline.N_inter;
29 spline.h_max = 0.05;
30 a = linspace(0,2*pi,spline.N+1);
31 a(end) = [];
32 % spline.radius = 2+0.2*sin(4*a)+0.2*cos(7*a);
33 spline.radius = 2+0.4*(2*rand(1,length(a))-1);
40 % target shape
41 target.N = spline.N_total;
42 target.radius = 2;
43 target.alpha = linspace(0,2*pi,target.N+1);
44 target.alpha(end) = [];
45 target.p = target.radius*[cos(target.alpha) ; sin(target.alpha)];
47 % discretization points
48 [spline] = ShapeGradToSpline(0,spline);
Here the analytical solution is stored in a function handle zD and the right hand side in f.
49 %% === analytical solution =============================================== %
6.3 Shape optimization with linear elasticity 73
50 r = inner.radius;
51 R = target.radius;
52 lambda = E*nu/((1+nu)*(1-2*nu));
53 mu = E/(2*(1+nu));
54 f = @(p) -bsxfun(@times,p,1./norm2(p).ˆ3);
55 zD = @(p) -bsxfun(@times,p,...
56 ((r-norm2(p)).*(Rˆ2*lambda*-2.0-Rˆ2*mu*2.0+mu*r*norm2(p)*2.0+R*lambda*r...
57 +R*lambda*norm2(p))*(1.0/2.0))...
58 ./(norm2(p).ˆ2*(lambda+mu*2.0)*(Rˆ2*lambda+Rˆ2*mu+mu*rˆ2)).*(norm2(p)<=R)...
59 + ((r-R).*(Rˆ2*lambda*-2.0-Rˆ2*mu*2.0+mu*r*R*2.0+R*lambda*r...
60 +R*lambda*R)*(1.0/2.0))...
61 ./(R.ˆ2*(lambda+mu*2.0)*(Rˆ2*lambda+Rˆ2*mu+mu*rˆ2)).*(norm2(p)>R));
Some initial definitions for the objective functional J, shape derivative dJ and Hausdorff distance dh
are added.
63 %% === shape gradient ==================================================== %
64 % init()
65 iter = 1;
66 J(1) = inf;
67 dJ(1) = inf;
68 rejected = false;
69 time(1) = 0;
70 dh(1) = inf;
Here starts the shape gradient algorithm. The content inside the while-loop is repeated until the shape
derivative or the Hausdorff distance reaches a bound. First the Hausdorff distance between the current shape
and the target shape is computed. Then the triangulation of the domain Ω is created with T RIANGLE inside
the function boundary2mesh. This function returns the points p, the edges e and the triangles t for P2
finite elements.
72 while (abs(dJ(end)) >=eps) && (dh(end) >=eps)
73 %% === triangulation ...
===================================================== %
74 dh(iter) = hausdorff(spline.p,target.p);
76 %\Omega
77 p = [spline.p inner.p];
78 e = [spline.e inner.e+spline.N_total];
79 [p,e,t] = boundary2mesh(p,e,holes,qual);
In this section the primal problem solved with the finite element method. The linear elasticity matrix
for the domain represented by points p and triangles t is returned by the function AssembleLE(p,t).
The mass matrix to get a FE-description of the right hand side is returned by AssembleMass(p,t).
Furthermore the boundary conditions are applied to the system.
81 %% === primal problem ...
==================================================== %
82 % Assemble system
83 fh = f(p);
84 A = AssembleLE_fast(p,t);
85 M = AssembleMass_fast(p,t);
86 F1 = M * fh(1,:)';
87 F2 = M * fh(2,:)';
88 F = [F1;F2];
90 % apply boundary condition
91 outer_d = unique(e(1:3,1:spline.N_total));
92 inner_d = unique(e(1:3,spline.N_total+(1:inner.N)));
93 NoQDoF = size(p,2);
103 % solve
74 6 Shape optimization with MATLAB in 2D
104 u = A\F;
105 U = reshape(u,[],2)';
Here the adjoints system is solved. Before appling boundary conditions to the system, the objective
functional is evaluated.
107 %% === adjoint problem ...
=================================================== %
108 zDh = zD(p);
109 error = U-zDh;
111 F1 = M * error(1,:)';
112 F2 = M * error(2,:)';
113 F = [F1;F2];
115 J(iter) = 1/2 * reshape(error',[],1)'*F ;
117 F(outer_d) = 0;
118 F(inner_d) = 0;
120 w = A\F;
121 W = reshape(w,[],2)';
To enable a changing step size, a stepsize control (scc(...)) is called. It decides whether a iteration
is accepted or rejected and when it is accepted the stepsize should be increased, decreased or kept.
123 %% === step size control ...
================================================= %
124 if iter > 1
125 [tau,iter,rejected] = ssc(tau,dJ,J,iter);
126 sfigure(3)
127 plot(time,J)
128 sfigure(4)
129 plot(time,dh)
130 end
132 if rejected
133 spline = old; % take old domain
134 else
135 old = spline; % store current domain
136 end
The shape gradient is evaluted with the solution of the primal and adjoints system at each point with
index stored in e. The functions nablaU_e(p,e,t,u) returns the derivative of u ∇u on the boundary
of the domain (p,t) at the point with index contained in e.
138 %% === shape gradient ...
==================================================== %
139 if ˜rejected
140 % nabla u and nabla w
141 Du1 = nablaU_e(p,e,t,U(1,:)');
142 Du2 = nablaU_e(p,e,t,U(2,:)');
143 Dw1 = nablaU_e(p,e,t,W(1,:)');
144 Dw2 = nablaU_e(p,e,t,W(2,:)');
145 x = [1 3 5];
146 y = [2 4 6];
The result is written to a vtu-file for use in PARAVIEW with the function WriteBinaryVTK.
173 %% === Write VTK ...
======================================================== %
174 if ˜rejected
175 WriteBinaryVTK(...
176 fullfile('Results',runstr,sprintf('2D_Shape_%04d.vtu',iter)),...
177 p,t(1:3,:) ,...
178 'primal', full(U) ,...
179 'adjoint', full(W) ,...
180 'analytical', zDh ,...
181 'error', error ,...
182 'J', J(iter) +0*p(1,:) ,...
183 'dh', dh(iter) +0*p(1,:) );
184 end
In this last part the computed shape gradient is used to calculate the displacement of the spline control
points. Further the displacement of the control points is restricted to the radial direction, thus one has to
solve the problem
min kg −V · nk = min
g − ∑ ci bi ϕi · n
V c
where ϕ are the spline basis functions, b the control points and n the outer normal vector. This is done
with the function ShapeGradToSpline, which returnes the new point coordinates, control points and
185 %% === Shape gradient - SPLINE VERSION ...
================================== %
186 [spline] = ShapeGradToSpline(g*tau,spline);
193 end
76 6 Shape optimization with MATLAB in 2D
6.4.1 Setting
Let Ω = C(R, r) := {ρ ∈ R2 : r < ρ < R} a ring with the two radii R and r. Futhermore let Ω ⊂ B with a
hold-all B = C(0, RB ). Consider the Poisson equation on Ω with solution u
−∆ u = 1 in Ω
u=0 on δ Ω
with solution u∗ of the state equation on Ω ∗ = C(r∗ , R∗ ). The analytical solution of the state equation reads
u(ρ) = Ψ (ρ) − aΨ (r, R) ln(ρ) + bΨ (r, R)
with the particular solution
Ψ (ρ) = − ρ 2 .
The coefficients
Ψ (R) −Ψ (r) Ψ (R) ln(r) −Ψ (r) ln(R)
aΨ (r, R) = , bΨ (r, R) =
ln(R) − ln(r) ln(R) − ln(r)
are given by solving the harmonic extension with fourier series of a function Ψ on the domain C(r, R). For
simplification the coefficients are denoted in the following way:
aΨ (r, R) =: aΨ =: a, bΨ (r, R) =: bΨ =: b,
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
aΨ (r , R ) =: aΨ =: a , bΨ (r∗ , R∗ ) =: bΨ
=: b∗ .
p = p̃ + η
where p̃ solves )
−∆ p̃ = −zD in Ω
p̃ = 0 on δ Ω
−∆ P̃ = −zD in Ω
and reads
6.4 Example Shape Hessian 77
∗ on Ω ∗
P̃ = pr on {ρ < r∗ }
on {ρ > R∗ }
1 4 1 2 ∗
p∗ (ρ) = − ρ + ρ (a (1 − ln(ρ)) + b∗ )
64 4
pr (ρ) = p∗ (r∗ ) + r∗ δρ p∗ (r∗ )(ln(ρ) − ln(r∗ ))
pR (ρ) = p∗ (R∗ ) + R∗ δρ p∗ (R∗ )(ln(ρ) − ln(R∗ ))
1 1
δρ p∗ = − ρ 3 + ρ(a∗ ( 21 − ln(ρ)) + b∗ ).
16 2
We get p̃ by harmonic extension of the function P̃:
−∆ N = u in Ω
and reads
1 4 1 2
N(ρ) = ρ − ρ (a(1 − ln(ρ)) + b),
64 4
we have
η(ρ) = N(ρ) − aN ln(ρ) + bN .
δu δp δu δp
(∇F)1 = −r (r) (r) (∇F)2 = R (R) (R)
δρ δρ δρ δρ
78 6 Shape optimization with MATLAB in 2D
δu δΨ a δΨ 1
= − =− ρ
δρ δρ ρ δρ 2
δp δ p̃ δ η δ p̃ δ P̃ aP̃
= + = −
δρ δρ δρ δρ δρ ρ
δρ p∗ on Ω ∗
δ P̃ ∗ δ p∗ 1 1
= r δρ p∗ (r∗ ) ρ1 on {ρ < r∗ } = − ρ 3 + ρ(a∗ ( 21 − ln(ρ)) + b∗ )
δρ ∗ δρ 16 2
R δρ p∗ (R∗ ) ρ1 on {ρ > R∗ }
δη δ N aN δN 1 1
= − = ρ 3 − ρ(a( 12 − ln(ρ)) + b)
δρ δρ ρ δρ 16 2
−∆ u0 = 0
in Ω
u0 = −(V · n) on δ Ω
The shape derviative u0 is decomposed to
u0 = αQ1 + β Q2 .
−∆ Q1 = 0 in Ω
−∆ Q2 = 0 in Ω
δu Q2 = 0 on Γr
Q1 = − on Γr and
δρ δu
Q2 = − on ΓR .
Q1 = 0 on ΓR
−∆ p0 = u0
in Ω
p0 = −(V · n) on δ Ω
The shape derviative p0 is decomposed to
p0 = α(Q3 + Q5 ) + β (Q4 + Q6 )
6.4 Example Shape Hessian 79
−∆ Q3 = 0 in Ω
−∆ Q4 = 0 in Ω
δp Q4 = 0 on Γr
Q3 = − on Γr and
δρ δp
Q4 = − on ΓR .
Q3 = 0 on ΓR
with solutions
Q5 (ρ) = Q̄5 (ρ) − aQ̄5 ln(ρ) + bQ̄5 and Q6 (ρ) = Q̄6 (ρ) − aQ̄6 ln(ρ) + bQ̄6
The shape hessian with the decompositions of the shape derivative reads as:
2 δ Q1 δ Q2 δp
∂ J(Ω ;V,V ) := − 2παr α (r) + β (r) (r)
δρ δρ δρ
δu δ Q3 δ Q5 δ Q4 δ Q6
− 2παr (r) α (r) + (r) + β (r) + (r)
δρ δρ δρ δρ δρ
δ 2u δ2p
1 δu δp δp δu
+ 2πα 2 r (r) (r) − 2 (r) (r) − (r) 2 (r)
r δρ δρ δ ρ δρ δρ δ ρ
δ Q1 δ Q2 δp
+ 2πβ R α (R) + β (R) (R)
δρ δρ δρ
δu δ Q3 δ Q5 δ Q4 δ Q6
+ 2πβ R (R) α (R) + (R) + β (R) + (R)
δρ δρ δρ δρ δρ
δ 2u δ2p
1 δu δp δp δu
+ 2πβ 2 R (R) (R) + 2 (R) (R) + (R) 2 (R)
R δρ δρ δ ρ δρ δρ δ ρ
It can be written as
2 α
δ J(Ω ,V,V ) = 2π α β ∇ F
(∇2 F)11 = r − δρ Q1 (r)δρ p(r) − δρ u(r) δρ Q3 (r) + δρ Q5 (r)
+ δρ u(r)δρ p(r) − δρ2 u(r)δρ p(r) − δρ u(r)δρ2 p(r)
(∇ F)12 = r − δρ Q2 (r)δρ p(r) − δρ u(r) δρ Q4 (r) + δρ Q6 (r)
(∇2 F)21 = R δρ Q1 (R)δρ p(R) + δρ u(R) δρ Q3 (R) + δρ Q5 (R)
(∇2 F)22 = R δρ Q2 (R)δρ p(R) + δρ u(R) δρ Q4 (R) + δρ Q6 (R)
+ δρ u(R)δρ p(R) + δρ2 u(R)δρ p(R) + δρ u(R)δρ2 p(R)
80 6 Shape optimization with MATLAB in 2D
shape derivatives:
δ u0 δ Q1 δ Q2
=α +β
δρ δρ δρ
δ Q1 δu 1 1 δ Q2 δu 1 1
= (r) = − (R)
δρ δρ ρ ln(R) − ln(r) δρ δρ ρ ln(R) − ln(r)
δ p0
δ Q3 δ Q5 δ Q4 δ Q6
=α + +β +
δρ δρ δρ δρ δρ
δ Q3 δp 1 1 δ Q4 δp 1 1
= (r) = − (R)
δρ δρ ρ ln(R) − ln(r) δρ δρ ρ ln(R) − ln(r)
δ Q5 δ Q̄5 aQ̄5 δ Q6 δ Q̄6 aQ̄6
= − = −
δρ δρ ρ δρ δρ ρ
δ Q̄5 δ u ρ 2 ln(R) − 2 ln(ρ) + 1 δ Q̄6 δu ρ 2 ln(r) − 2 ln(ρ) + 1
= (r) = − (R)
δρ δρ 4 ln(R) − ln(r) δρ δρ 4 ln(R) − ln(r)
6.4 Example Shape Hessian 81
This Matlab program computes the optimal shape beginning with the ring with inner radius r and outer
radius R either with gradient descent method (typ=’g’) or Newton method (typ=’h’).
3 % optimal radii
4 rs = 1;
5 Rs = 2;
7 % initial
8 J = inf;
9 or = r;
10 oR = R;
11 oJ = J;
12 tau = 0.1;
13 gtyp = typ;
14 iter = 1;
22 % fourier coefficients
23 a = @(psi,r,R) (psi(R)-psi(r))/(log(R)-log(r));
24 b = @(psi,r,R) (psi(R)*log(r)-psi(r)*log(R))/(log(R)-log(r));
26 % primal
27 u = @(x) PSI(x) - a(PSI,r,R)*log(x) + b(PSI,r,R);
28 du = @(x) dPSI(x) - a(PSI,r,R)./x;
29 ddu = @(x) ddPSI(x)+a(PSI,r,R)./x.ˆ2;
31 % target
32 us = @(x) PSI(x) - a(PSI,rs,Rs)*log(x) + b(PSI,rs,Rs);
33 zD = @(x) (x>=rs & x<= Rs).*us(x);
35 % adjoint
36 ps = @(x) -1/64*x.ˆ4 + 1/4*x.ˆ2.*(a(PSI,rs,Rs)*( 1-log(x)) + ...
37 dps = @(x) -1/16*x.ˆ3 + 1/2*x .*(a(PSI,rs,Rs)*( 1/2-log(x)) + ...
38 ddps = @(x) -3/16*x.ˆ2 + 1/2 .*(a(PSI,rs,Rs)*(-1/2-log(x)) + ...
40 pr = @(x) ps(rs) + rs*dps(rs)*(log(x)-log(rs));
41 dpr = @(x) rs*dps(rs)./x;
42 ddpr = @(x) -rs*dps(rs)./x.ˆ2;
78 Q4 = @(x) dp(R)*(log(r)-log(x))/(log(R)-log(r));
79 dQ4 = @(x) -dp(R)*1./x*1/(log(R)-log(r));
100 % gradient
101 dJ = 2*pi*[-r*du(r).*dp(r);R*du(R).*dp(R)];
122 ret.r(iter) = r;
123 ret.R(iter) = R;
124 ret.J(iter) = J;
130 % stepsize control
131 if( iter > 2)
132 if (J <= oJ + 1e-14 && r < R && J>=0 ) || tau < 1e-12
133 oJ = J;
134 or = r;
135 oR = R;
136 tau = tau*1.1;
137 else
138 r = or;
139 R = oR;
140 iter = iter-1;
141 tau = tau/2;
142 end
143 end
144 end
145 ret.typ = gtyp;
146 end
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6.5 Definitions 91
6.5 Definitions
The set of characteristic functions defined in the hold all domain B is denoted by Char(B)= {χ ∈ L2 (B)
: (1 − χ )χ = 0 a.e. in B}. If the hold all domain is bounded then the set of characteristic functions is
sequentially compact, e.g. in L2 (B), with respect to the strong convergence. However, the set Char(B) is
neither nonconvex, nor closed with respect to the weak-star convergence of characteristic functions. Thus,
a limit of a weakly convergent sequence of characteristic functions belongs to the convex hull of the set
Char(B), the convex hull contains measurable functions such that 0 ≤ ψ ≤ 1.
For the differential expressions on the boundary, the following notation is used,
1. ∇Γ is tangential gradient on Γ ,
2. ∂∂n is normal derivative on Γ ,
3. ∂∂n is conormal derivative on Γ associated to the matrix A,
4. divΓ stands for the tangential divergence on Γ ,
5. ∆Γ is the Laplace-Beltrami operator on Γ .
Finally, the symbol y ∗ Tt stands for the distribution y ∈ D 0 (Ωt ) transported to the reference domain Ω .
C0∞ (Ω ), C0∞ (Ω ; Rd ) are the spaces of smooth functions (or of smooth vectorial functions), with compact
supports in Ω .
Appendix A
Program Code
1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
2 function A = H1_D0_S(mesh,DoF,Basis,areaMarker,B)
3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
4 tic
6 assert(size(mesh.p,1) == 2)
7 if ˜iscell(B)
8 B = {B};
9 end
10 nDoF = max(DoF(:));
11 nRhs = length(B);
13 qweights = permute(Basis.Int.d0.weights,[3 1 2]);
14 qpoints = Basis.Int.d0.points;
16 ind = ismember(mesh.ID,areaMarker);
17 if all(˜ind); A = sparse(nDoF,nRhs); return; end
19 mesh.t = mesh.t(:,ind);
20 DoF = DoF(:,ind);
22 NoDoFpT = size(DoF,1);
23 NoT = size(DoF,2);
94 A Program Code
45 IT1 = [IT1;it1(:)];
46 IT2 = [IT2;it2(:)];
47 ALOC = [ALOC;Aloc(:)];
48 end
49 end
50 A = sparse(IT1,IT2,ALOC,nDoF,nRhs);
51 end
1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
2 function A = H1_D0_M_D0(mesh,DoF,Basis,areaMarker,B)
3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
4 tic
5 nDoF = max(DoF(:));
10 ind = ismember(mesh.ID,areaMarker);
11 if all(˜ind); A = sparse(nDoF,nDoF); return; end
13 mesh.t = mesh.t(:,ind);
14 DoF = DoF(:,ind);
16 NoDoFpT = size(DoF,1);
17 NoT = size(DoF,2);
47 end
49 DT = transformH1d0(meshTransform,Basis);
50 Aloc = zeros(NoDoFpT,NoDoFpT,NoT);
51 [i1,i2] = ndgrid(1:DIM,1:DIM);
52 switch type
53 case 'unity'
54 for i =1:NoDoFpT
55 f = DT(:,:,:,i);
56 Aloc(i,i,:) = permute((permute(sum(f.*f,1),[2 3 ...
1])*qweights(:)).'.*absT,[1 3 2]);
57 for j = i+1:NoDoFpT
58 g = DT(:,:,:,j);
A Program Code 95
1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
96 A Program Code
10 ind = ismember(mesh.ID,areaMarker);
11 if all(˜ind); A = sparse(nDoF,nDoF); return; end
13 mesh.t = mesh.t(:,ind);
14 DoF = DoF(:,ind);
16 NoDoFpT = size(DoF,1);
17 NoT = size(DoF,2);
55 DT = transformH1d1(meshTransform,Basis);
56 Aloc = zeros(NoDoFpT,NoDoFpT,NoT);
57 [i1,i2] = ndgrid(1:DIM,1:DIM);
58 switch type
59 case 'unity'
60 for i =1:NoDoFpT
61 f = DT(:,:,:,i);
62 Aloc(i,i,:) = ...
permute(sum(bsxfun(@times,sum(f.*f,1),qweights),3).*absT,[1 ...
3 2]);
63 for j = i+1:NoDoFpT
64 g = DT(:,:,:,j);
65 Aloc(i,j,:) = ...
permute(sum(bsxfun(@times,sum(f.*g,1),qweights),3).*absT,[1 ...
3 2]);
66 Aloc(j,i,:) = Aloc(i,j,:);
67 end
A Program Code 97
68 end
69 case 'element'
70 for i =1:NoDoFpT
71 f = DT(:,:,:,i);
72 Aloc(i,i,:) = ...
permute(sum(bsxfun(@times,sum(f.*f,1),qweights),3).*absT,[1 ...
3 2]);
73 for j = i+1:NoDoFpT
74 g = DT(:,:,:,j);
75 Aloc(i,j,:) = ...
permute(sum(bsxfun(@times,sum(f.*g,1),qweights),3).*absT,[1 ...
3 2]);
76 Aloc(j,i,:) = Aloc(i,j,:);
77 end
78 end
79 dA = Aloc;
80 Aloc = bsxfun(@times,Aloc,reshape(Dxy,1,1,[]));
82 case 'scalar'
83 for i =1:NoDoFpT
84 f = DT(:,:,:,i);
85 Aloc(i,i,:) = ...
permute(sum(bsxfun(@times,sum(f.*f,1).*Dxy,qweights),3).*absT,[1 ...
3 2]);
86 for j = i+1:NoDoFpT
87 g = DT(:,:,:,j);
88 Aloc(i,j,:) = ...
permute(sum(bsxfun(@times,sum(f.*g,1).*Dxy,qweights),3).*absT,[1 ...
3 2]);
89 Aloc(j,i,:) = Aloc(i,j,:);
90 end
91 end
92 case 'diagonal'
93 for i =1:NoDoFpT
94 f = DT(:,:,:,i);
95 Aloc(i,i,:) = ...
permute(sum(bsxfun(@times,sum(f.*f.*Dxy,1),qweights),3).*absT,[1 ...
3 2]);
96 for j = i+1:NoDoFpT
97 g = DT(:,:,:,j);
98 Aloc(i,j,:) = ...
permute(sum(bsxfun(@times,sum(f.*g.*Dxy,1),qweights),3).*absT,[1 ...
3 2]);
99 Aloc(j,i,:) = Aloc(i,j,:);
100 end
101 end
122 g = DT(i2(:),:,:,j);
123 Aloc(i,j,:) = ...
permute(sum(bsxfun(@times,sum(f.*g.*Dxy,1),qweights),3).*absT,[1 ...
3 2]);
124 end
125 end
126 otherwise
127 error('No type found');
128 end
129 A = sparse(it2(:),it1(:),Aloc(:),nDoF,nDoF);
130 end
1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
2 function [A,dA] = ...
3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
4 tic
5 nDoF = max(DoF(:));
6 nDoF_test = max(DoF_test(:));
9 qweights = permute(Basis.Int.d0.weights,[3 1 2]);
10 qpoints = Basis.Int.d0.points;
12 ind = ismember(mesh.ID,areaMarker);
13 if all(˜ind); A = sparse(nDoF,nDoF); return; end
15 mesh.t = mesh.t(:,ind);
16 DoF = DoF(:,ind);
17 DoF_test = DoF_test(:,ind);
19 NoDoFpT = size(DoF,1);
20 NoDoFpT_test = size(DoF_test,1);
21 NoT = size(DoF,2);
23 [i2, i1] = ndgrid(1:NoDoFpT_test,1:NoDoFpT);
24 it1 = DoF(i1(:),:);
25 it2 = DoF_test(i2(:),:);
27 meshTransform = getTransformation(mesh);
28 absT = (meshTransform.absT);
30 DT = transformH1d0(meshTransform,Basis);
31 DT_test = transformH1d1(meshTransform,Basis_test);
32 AlocX = zeros(NoDoFpT_test,NoDoFpT,NoT);
33 AlocY = zeros(NoDoFpT_test,NoDoFpT,NoT);
35 for i =1:NoDoFpT_test
36 f = DT_test(:,:,:,i);
37 for j = 1:NoDoFpT
38 g = DT(:,:,:,j);
39 AlocX(i,j,:) = ...
permute(sum(bsxfun(@times,sum(f(1,:,:).*g,1),qweights),3).*absT,[1 ...
3 2]);
40 IT1(i,j,:) = DoF_test(i,:);
41 IT2(i,j,:) = DoF(j,:);
42 AlocY(i,j,:) = ...
permute(sum(bsxfun(@times,sum(f(2,:,:).*g,1),qweights),3).*absT,[1 ...
3 2]);
43 end
44 end
45 AX = sparse(it2(:),it1(:),AlocX(:),nDoF_test,nDoF);
46 AY = sparse(it2(:),it1(:),AlocY(:),nDoF_test,nDoF);
47 A = cat(1,AX,AY);
48 end
A Program Code 99
1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
2 function A = H1_G0_V(mesh,DoF,Basis,areaMarker,edgeMarker,B)
3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
4 nDoF = max(DoF(:));
5 DIM = size(mesh.p,1);
6 assert(DIM == 2,'Function is only for 2D')
8 % restricting to areaMarker
9 ind = ismember(mesh.ID,areaMarker);
10 mesh.t = mesh.t(:,ind);
11 DoF = DoF(:,ind);
13 % adjacency
14 locEdge = [2 3; 1 3 ; 1 2]';
15 idx = ismember(,edgeMarker);
16 e = sort(mesh.e(:,idx));
17 Edg = ...
36 meshTransform = getTransformation(mesh);
38 qp = Basis.Int.g0.points;
39 qpFT = transformQP(meshTransform,qp);
41 D = B(qpFT(1,:,:),qpFT(2,:,:));
43 locEdge = [2 3; 1 3 ; 1 2]';
44 meshTransform.edgeLength = ...
reshape(sqrt(sum((mesh.p(:,mesh.t(locEdge(1,:),:)) - ...
45 edgelen = meshTransform.edgeLength.*Edg;
47 el = reshape(repmat(edgelen(:)',nqp/3,1),nqp,[]);
48 qweights = bsxfun(@times,qweights(:),el);
53 % assembling
54 Aloc = zeros(NoDoFpT,1,NoT);
55 for i =1:NoDoFpT
56 f = DT(:,:,:,i);
57 Aloc(i,1,:) = permute(sum(permute(sum(f.*D,1),[2 3 1]).*qweights',2),[1 ...
3 2]);
58 end
64 A = sparse(it2(:),it1(:),Aloc(:),nDoF,1);
65 end
100 A Program Code
1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
2 function A = H1_G0_M_G0(mesh,DoF,Basis,areaMarker,edgeMarker)
3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
4 nDoF = max(DoF(:));
5 DIM = size(mesh.p,1);
6 assert(DIM == 2,'Function is only for 2D')
8 % restricting to areaMarker
9 ind = ismember(mesh.ID,areaMarker);
10 mesh.t = mesh.t(:,ind);
11 DoF = DoF(:,ind);
13 % adjacency
14 locEdge = [2 3; 1 3 ; 1 2]';
15 idx = ismember(,edgeMarker);
16 e = sort(mesh.e(:,idx));
17 Edg = ...
32 % modify weights
33 qweights = Basis.Int.g0.weights(:);
34 nqp = length(qweights);
36 meshTransform = getTransformation(mesh);
37 locEdge = [2 3; 1 3 ; 1 2]';
38 meshTransform.edgeLength = ...
reshape(sqrt(sum((mesh.p(:,mesh.t(locEdge(1,:),:)) - ...
39 edgelen = meshTransform.edgeLength.*Edg;
41 el = reshape(repmat(edgelen(:)',nqp/3,1),nqp,[]);
42 qweights = bsxfun(@times,qweights(:),el);
47 % assembling
48 Aloc = zeros(NoDoFpT,NoDoFpT,NoT);
49 for i =1:NoDoFpT
50 f = DT(:,:,:,i);
51 Aloc(i,i,:) = permute(sum(permute(sum(f.*f,1),[2 3 1]).*qweights',2),[1 ...
3 2]);
52 for j = i+1:NoDoFpT
53 g = DT(:,:,:,j);
54 Aloc(i,j,:) = permute(sum(permute(sum(f.*g,1),[2 3 ...
1]).*qweights',2),[1 3 2]);
55 Aloc(j,i,:) = Aloc(i,j,:);
56 end
57 end
18 adjT(1,1,:) = T(2,2,:);
19 adjT(1,2,:) = -T(1,2,:);
20 adjT(2,1,:) = -T(2,1,:);
21 adjT(2,2,:) = T(1,1,:);
22 invT = bsxfun(@times,adjT,1./detT);
23 detT = (detT(:))';
24 d = p(:,t(1,:));
25 fceArea = 0;
26 meshTransform.absT = absT;
27 meshTransform.invT = invT;
28 meshTransform.T = T;
29 meshTransform.d = d;
30 meshTransform.detT = detT;
31 meshTransform.fceArea = fceArea;
32 if nargout == 1
33 varargout{1} = meshTransform;
34 else
35 varargout = struct2cell(meshTransform);
36 end
37 end
4 nV = basis.Vtx.nDoF;
5 nE = basis.Edg.nDoF;
6 nF = basis.Fce.nDoF;
7 nC = basis.Cll.nDoF;
9 locEdge = [2 3; 1 3; 1 2]';
10 nEpT = 3;
11 nFpT = 0;
14 maxDoF = 3e6;
16 DoF = [];
17 nDoF = 0;
19 % vertex DoF
20 if nV > 0
21 Vtx0 = t;
22 Vtx = [];
23 nVtx = 0;
24 for i = 1:nV
25 Vtx = [Vtx; Vtx0 + nVtx];
26 nVtx = max(Vtx(:));
27 end
28 DoF = [DoF;Vtx + nDoF];
29 nDoF = max(DoF(:));
30 if (nDoF > maxDoF) DoF = -1, return; end;
31 end
33 % edge DoF
34 if nE > 0
35 a1 = locEdge(:);
36 a2 = t(a1,:);
37 a3 = reshape(a2,2,[]);
38 a4 = sort(a3);
39 [˜,˜,a5] = unique(a4','rows');
40 Edg0 = reshape(a5,nEpT,[]);
42 Edg = [];
43 nEdg = 0;
44 for i = 1:nE
45 Edg = [Edg; Edg0 + nEdg];
46 nEdg = max(Edg(:));
47 end
48 DoF = [DoF;Edg + nDoF];
49 nDoF = max(DoF(:));
50 if (nDoF > maxDoF) DoF = -1, return; end;
52 end
53 end
6 DIM = 2;
7 locEdge = [2 3; 1 3; 1 2]';
8 nEpT = 3;
9 nFpT = 0;
12 onBoundary = struct('Vtx',[],'VtxM',[],'Edg',[],'EdgM',[],'Fce',[],'FceM',[]);
104 A Program Code
35 if DIM >= 2 && Basis.Edg.nDoF > 0
36 t = mesh.t;
37 % e = mesh.e;
38 switch DIM
39 case 2
41 idx = ismember(,faceMarker);
42 e = sort(mesh.e(:,idx));
43 case 3
44 idx = ismember(,faceMarker);
45 f = mesh.f(:,idx);
46 locEdge2D = [2 3; 1 3; 1 2]';
47 e = f(locEdge2D(:),:);
48 e = unique(sort(reshape(e,2,[]))','rows')';
49 end
50 a1 = locEdge(:);
51 a2 = t(a1,:);
52 a3 = reshape(a2,nVpE,[]);
53 a4 = sort(a3);
54 e1 = sort(e);
55 a5 = ismember(a4',e1','rows');
56 Edg = reshape(a5,nEpT,[]);
58 idx2 = false(size(DoF));
59 for i = 1:Basis.Edg.nDoF
60 idx2((1:nEpT) + (i-1)*nEpT + nVpT*Basis.Vtx.nDoF,:) = Edg;
61 end
62 onBoundary.Edg = unique(DoF(idx2));
63 onBoundary.EdgM = Edg;
65 end
67 onBoundary.all = [onBoundary.Vtx',onBoundary.Edg',onBoundary.Fce'];
68 onBoundary.allM = ismember(1:max(DoF(:)),onBoundary.all);
70 end
5 locEdge = [2 3; 1 3 ; 1 2]';
6 [edge] = unique(reshape(mesh.t(locEdge(:),:),2,[])','rows')';
7 pEdge = [mean(x(edge));mean(y(edge))];
8 pNode = mesh.p(:,unique(mesh.t(:)));
9 mesh.p = [pNode pEdge];
10 end
A Program Code 105
1 % /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 % |[sdJX,sdJY] = getDescentDirection(mesh,SEL,dJX,dJY,params)
3 % | calculates smoothed descent direction
4 % |
5 % | Input:
6 % | mesh: geometry description
7 % | SEL: boundary selections
8 % | dJX / dJY: shape gradient for x and y deformation
9 % | params: options for smoothing
10 % |
11 % | Output:
12 % | dJX / dJY: smooth descent direction for x and y deformation
13 % \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
47 % smoothing
48 sdJX = VVx\dJX;
49 sdJY = VVy\dJY;
50 for i = 2:params.smooth_steps
51 sdJX = VVx\(M2x*sdJX);
52 sdJY = VVy\(M2y*sdJY);
53 end
54 end