The document discusses different types of toothbrushes including manual, power driven, and those designed for children, and it describes the parts of toothbrushes. It also provides guidelines for toothbrushing including different techniques like the Bass method and explains factors to consider when selecting a toothbrush for a patient.
The document discusses different types of toothbrushes including manual, power driven, and those designed for children, and it describes the parts of toothbrushes. It also provides guidelines for toothbrushing including different techniques like the Bass method and explains factors to consider when selecting a toothbrush for a patient.
The document discusses different types of toothbrushes including manual, power driven, and those designed for children, and it describes the parts of toothbrushes. It also provides guidelines for toothbrushing including different techniques like the Bass method and explains factors to consider when selecting a toothbrush for a patient.
The document discusses different types of toothbrushes including manual, power driven, and those designed for children, and it describes the parts of toothbrushes. It also provides guidelines for toothbrushing including different techniques like the Bass method and explains factors to consider when selecting a toothbrush for a patient.
Tooth Brushing • Tooth brush: the principle instrument for bacterial plaque removal
• Many different designs of
toothbrushes and adjunctive oral hygiene devices have been manufactured and promoted
• Variety in shapes, sizes, and
textures Manual Toothbrushes • Characteristics of an effective toothbrush:
Conform to individual patient requirements in
size, shape, and texture Easily and efficiently manipulated Readily cleaned and aerated Durable and inexpensive Has end rounded filaments or bristles General Description of Manual Toothbrush • Parts:
Handle: the part grasped in the hand
during tooth brushing Head: working end Shank: the par that connects the head and the handle Tooth Brush Parts Power Driven Toothbrush فرشاه اسنان لألطفال يتم وضعها في أصبع األم لسهوله غسيل اسنان الطفل Toothbrush Selection for the Patient
• Influencing Factors:
Patient: ability of patient to use the dental tooth
brush and remove bacterial plaque
Gingiva: status of gingival or periodontal health
Position of teeth: crowded teeth or open contact
When I should Change My Toothbrush?? How you Treat Your Tooth Brush..!! How you Treat Your Tooth Brush..!! Guidelines For Toothbrushing Grasp of brush: grasp toothbrush handle in the palm of the hand with thumb against the shank Sequence: complete coverage for each tooth surface Amount of brushing: the account system: count 6 strokes in each area Frequency of brushing. Toothbrush with Camera??!! Assisting people with special needs to brush Methods For Toothbrushing
surface of the teeth • Bristles are directed apically into the gingival sulcus 45 degree angle to the long axis of the teeth • Applying gentle press in an apical direction by making short vibratory stroke Modified Bass Method
– The same as the Bass Method technique
– The modification consists of sweeping the
bristles downward over the tooth surface occlusally after the vibratory motion in the gingival sulcus Stillmans Method Technique
– Bristles directed apically and compressed
laterally against the gingiva (45 degree angle)
– A vibratory rotary motion is applied to the
brush with the bristles remaining the same positioning Modified Stillmans Method Technique
• The same as Stillmans Method Technique
• The modification consists in the brush
moved occlusally in a rolling stroke after the vibratory motion Charters Method Technique:
• The bristles are directed occlusally and the
sides of the bristles are firmly flexed against the gingiva with a vibratory motion. Roll Method Technique
– Bristles are directed
– Swept in an occlusal direction with a rolling motion