MatSci CP 5 - Bulaquiña

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Lesther S.

Bulaquiña March 11, 2020

ChE 2234 Fundamentals of Material Science and Engineering Polymers (Final Report)
A Critic Paper on Biodegradable polymers for electrospinning:
Towards biomedical applications
Over the past couple of decades, people significant attention mainly in biomedical
have experienced complications in their lives. applications due to it being ideal for nano-
May it be physical, mental, emotional, or even technology [1].
the holistic aspect of one’s self. These
complications may lead to more mishaps and The basic setup for the theory of
could also affect others if given so. That’s why electrospinning is composed of three main
people are consistently discovering all sorts of elements: (1) a capillary tube which serves as
resolutions. In fact, the medicinal industry, in the reservoir for the given polymer solution, (2)
particular, has made progress in answering a high voltage power supply for functionality,
problems that affect people’s health and well- and (3) a metallic collector. Also, like any other
being. process, there are various factors that may affect
electrospinning. The parameters that mainly
Medical treatments of all kinds were affect the entirety of the process is broken down
discovered and developed for the likelihood of into two namely the substrate-related and
people. Several applications have been apparatus-related [1].
integrated, including biomedical applications
which makes use of the so-called biomaterial.
Biomaterials are natural substances that are Increasing environmental awareness of
engineered in order to interact with biological limited fossil fuel reserves has prompt the search
systems that would most likely help in medical for new polymeric materials and production
treatment [2]. These biomaterials have also processes derived from clean, renewable
become an important component in the modern feedstocks that mitigate the harmful effects of
age of enhancing human health and quality of their use on the environment [3]. Such material
life [additional 4]. is then undergone through a method for
With this, polymers were then utilized producing nanoscale polymer fibers wherein
for reasons that it is organic in nature and offers these nanofibers are ideal for mimicking the
a versatility unrivaled by both metals and biological environment as they are on the same
ceramics [additional 4]. Also, another factor is scale as organic molecules [1].
its flexibility towards chemistry results to a wide Indeed, biodegradable polymers has
spectrum of mechanical, chemical and physical done its job in reducing the possibility of
properties which paved way to large scales of contamination of the environment due to its
research and development. [2, additional 4]. significant advantage of being able to be broken
Considering that most, if not all, down and removed after they have served their
polymers are made up of non-renewable function [2]. Furthermore, it brought more
resources, the employment of biodegradable progress on the biomedical applications which
polymers arose. Further development was also generally proposed a more functional and
established through different processes and practical course of action in addressing the
concepts. potential predicament that involves humanity’s
Electrospinning is one of which that is
known to be the simplest technique and can References:
generate continuous ultrafine fibers from a [1] Kai, D., Liow, S. S., & Loh, X. J. (2014).
variety of materials like solution or molten Biodegradable polymers for electrospinning:
polymers [4, additional 2]. It has also received
Towards biomedical applications. Materials
Science and Engineering: C, 45, 659–670.
[2] Ulery, B. D., Nair, L. S., & Laurencin, C. T.
(2011). Biomedical applications of
biodegradable polymers. Journal of Polymer
Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 49(12), 832–
864. doi:10.1002/polb.22259 
[3] Tschan, M. J.-L., Brulé, E., Haquette, P., &
Thomas, C. M. (2012). Synthesis of
biodegradable polymers from renewable
resources. Polym. Chem., 3(4), 836–
851. doi:10.1039/c2py00452f 
[4] Supaphol, P., Suwantong, O., Sangsanoh, P.,
Srinivasan, S., Jayakumar, R., & Nair, S. V.
(2011). Electrospinning of Biocompatible
Polymers and Their Potentials in Biomedical
Applications. Advances in Polymer Science,
213–239. doi:10.1007/12_2011_143 

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