reos: Office of Jhe P& Cs Jroi - Leb of Defence Accound (Pen Lons) Prampadi Ghat. Al I Ahabaq:211014
reos: Office of Jhe P& Cs Jroi - Leb of Defence Accound (Pen Lons) Prampadi Ghat. Al I Ahabaq:211014
reos: Office of Jhe P& Cs Jroi - Leb of Defence Accound (Pen Lons) Prampadi Ghat. Al I Ahabaq:211014
•Reo �<lii�ifiimn/51141(\ -�....� 'ifi w.. ;I'o/ CONTACT LIST OF Si'.ACCOUNTS OFFICERS/OiCs
b- 2421110
:reos /Ob· Pension & DisabRity Elelnent-
z.� a �/!ni Dm 2421877
} •Extn.121
a.411'm..- ISl\.ltloka
l.c::-11��=liiij:"'qijijj11iiqfl 'Ill' 'Iii'!' IOI' � 1- 411'•.tt.�/ 5h.L7.a...dicT 2421110
'11m 01.01.2018 lllm � 1ITll' � '£' f- � 'lll'!m;r Dm EDP/5-!'.u a.ction 2421877
-qt� � CotTlga,dutn s-lca Pwlon & l)ltablllfy Elema1t, 2-· '4111,'1 Offir/ 511.l'i)'IIJI,....,..
..,... GPC NWi!ion for those casea dilcharged on or after 3· 4t an-11:ftlw / Sh.A.6.Singh 2421880
d- � 1!11' l!l'II ...... � 1.411'.-�.mll/ Sh. IC.KPancley 2420667
F'Glnly Pwloft-J(.'Os/(»s ,.... a.ctiul\ 2,'lil''!'.�tftqjfflq/ 511.IIJC.Sr"""'-
C· � 1!11' iFII '-3 � tft�.�. '4'lf "A.N.Vum 2420662 219
Dltablllty Pw!on-JCO, ,-s Sodiuft
t---:-"T"I! :-::===---t-�i:-:�...............����--t-':":'::-=::::-:--t-�-:-:::=-----t
f- *-ii, ,ft *-ii, 11J!1 *-ii, 'QI! ffllT �. � 1· JJll' � lj1fft' Sh.VINnn IClffd' 2420759 120
'!Ni, W'f. � � oQt: � � - 'i;il ,i; .it RI��.. ., '-1/c:MI .s.ctiun
� 'llfi � • 111f q,�411% ffl � -qt ft$A ti � 2· tltv.;r 'QI!' Sh.Raj llahad11r 2420759 122
ll'lffl -.srif- l\llffld to ""'11ioM peM1-- All IIIIICtlOII & 3-.'11 'q11.q.'1tffiw Sh.S.J.C.Singh 2420759 120
R&visiall _.k of SllpUGNllllltillil and Fa111ily Pension- ill r.sput
of all Al'ffl)'/Ncwy/Air Fore& CMlianr lnc:h1d"'9 DAD-"IEF AICl.t
� '1flJ; � � ""' � � � 'l"l"' 'ti -'lff 1' 'II� t. � - ii 'l"l"' 2,121110. :M21m, lll2111N ,n 2mao 1"" � � eii& � ffllll! st ll"l'fi' 1K 'fl'llS;) f I
•_J ··�·· •
In cut', DI� Teleplione Noo. •re not re,pondlng, you fflllY may c,c,ntact dlalns the numbon 241lU0,24ll877 or 2421B80 alo�tth E.mnslon lndlcam!d aplnrt 1M Mme of offll:1!r,
2- m � � cfj"]1f/ Pension payment related work-
3- t-"tft'_qt_an. � � �1q,1�ct- e-PPO related complaints {�.i:fr. � EDP Centre .,ft '{l'll' � �.13JT Sh.Ram Ji Mishra 2420427 113
4- .,ft �:�.trn' Sh. K.K.Pant 2420689 252
5- qft � 01.01.2016 � WT1f �/Sangam Cell .,ft 31R.'t.� Sh.R.K.Sharma 2420217 241
RiFclR:tll.:n ct)' mrr � �
cf>T qi"[.:f. 01.01.2014 ct;�
3j�qjl�41. � � �. � � JJrlfi � � � �
.� cf ctql<ifltJ>l�•I lffch:r qft � � � � 01.01.2006 � �
� ct; � q;y ffl-Revision of Pension as per 7h CPC in
r/o Civilians retired prior to 01.01-2016, providing Rank, Group &
Qualifying Service in r/o Commissioned Officers, JCOs/ORs retired
prior to 01.7.2014 and issue of Corrigendum PPOs in r/o Pre-01-01-
2006 retirees.
18- � �-� mf?cr-qc:t U'f"DT/ Record Section- Receipt & � � � fti6I Sh.S.B.Singh 2420718 401,402
Dispatch of Dak
19- /dcfJ,;1c:6l �- � a!'QifR/ -1 � � �-�-�/Sh.S.C.Saroj 2420274 144
Technical Section - Commissioned Officers 6-1/Military Tech.
20- " � /acfJ4lrE1 �- � a!'QifR, � " -i:l<b4lc:6l � � �-�-�/ Sh.A.K.Malviya 2420293 206
� I Technical Section - JCOs/ORS 6ts/Technical
21- �-1 � t,cp4)c:6l � 6-1/Civil Technical Section �� �/ Sh.Raj Bahadur 2420759 120
� I 6-1/CivilTech
22- � I /;fr:lfr.;fr. . � � ). m�
'l'IHT 1.� �.'lfr.�/ Sh. Y.P.Dwivedi 2424313 113
� <1>1llft'tm. ff �6£11t'lll. � � �- � ffi!n � -qc:t �-��ffi!n
� � � � � qj)- � ffl �- � -qq' � � � ��).!ici1li5lijjl<l. 2.� ct)'.�.� I Sh. K.K.Shukla 2424313 113
� � De.fence. Pension sanction, and payment re.lated Defence Pension
raining relating various Pension Disbursing ie.s(Banks/Treasuries/ Training Institute. 0/o
DPDOs/I.E.Ne.pal), Re.cord Offices, Army HQ, De.fence. Civilian the PCDA(Pensions)
Organizations, DAD and other other organizations re.lated to De.fence. Allahabad(DPTI)
23- I Pension Call Centre ... tl"ci1' -qft- m/
Toll Free No. 18001805325 � � � "IT+f ����'fl <ffif -ml m qr� t. � Gm B � 2421110. 2421877, 2421879 <rr 2421800 -q,r � <l>ffi � f'iffifR �'fl� q,'f � ! 1
In case, Direct Telephone Nos. are not responding, you may may contact dialing the numbers 2411110,2421877 or 2421880 alongwith Extension indicated against the name of officer.