The Purpose of Receiver and Form of Output Display Influence Its Constmction As Much As The Type of Modu

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muuuiiciiu/i iu v-ummunication systems 5

The purpose of receiver and form of output display influence its constmction as much as the type of modu-
lation system used. Accordingly the receiver can be a very simple crystal receiver with headphones, to a far,

more complex radar receiver, with its involved antenna arrangements and visual display system The output .

of a receiver may be fed to a loud speaker, video display unit teletypewriter, various radar displays, television

picture tube, pen recorder or computer. In each instance different arrangements must be made, each affecting the
receiver design. Note that the transmitter and receiver must be in agreement with modulation methods used .

Fig. 1.3 Block diagram of an AM superheterodyne receiver .

125 . .

The destination is the final block in the communication system which receives the message signal and pro-
cesses it to comprehend the information present in it. Usually humans will be the destination block. The

incoming message signal via speech mode is processed by the speech perception system to comprehend the
information. Similarly the message signal via video or visual scene and written script is processed by the

visual perception system to comprehend the information Even though there are several theories put forward

about the comprehension of the information from the message signal the robustness exhibited by the hu-

man system in extracting information even under very noisy condition infers that the entire sequence is less

understood as of now. This may also be due the fact that human brain is the least understood part of human
body in terms of its functional ability .


The term modulate means regulate The process of regulating is modulation Thus, for regulation we need

one physical quantity which is to be regulated and another physical quantity which dictates regulation. In
electrical communication the signal to be regulated is termed as carrier. The signal which dictates regulation

.s termed as modulating signal. Message acts as modulating signal. The modulation process is the most
important operation in the modern communication systems Hence before studying the modulation and its

types it is essential to know the need for modulation.


The following example may help to better understand the need for modulation Assume that there is a spe-

cial and rare cultural event from a reputed artist organized at a far distant place (destination city) from your
geographical location (source city). It is too far to reach the destination city by walking. However, you have
decided to attend the event and enjoy the live performance Then what will you do? The obvious choice is you

will take the help of transportation vehicle to carry you from the source city to the destination city. Thus there
are two important aspects to be observed in this example. The first one is you because you are the message

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6 Kennedy's Electronic Communication Systems

pari. The second one is the transportation vehicle which is the carrier Once you reach the destination city

the purpose ol the carrier is served. Exactly similar situation is present in an electrical communication The .

message signal which is to be transmitted to the receiver is like you and cannot travel for long distance by itself.

1 lencc it should take the help of a carrier which has the capacity to lake the message to the receiver. This is the
basic reason why we need to do modulation so that message can sit on the carrier and reach the receiver.

In a more formal way the need for modulation can be explained as follows. The distance that can be travelled

by a signal in an open atmosphere is directly (inversely) proportional to its frequency (wavelength). Most of
the message signals like speech and music arc in the audio frquency range (20 Hz-20 kHz) and hence they
can hardly travel for few meters on their own Further, for efficient radiation and reception the transmitting

and receiving antennas would have to have lengths comparable to a quarter-wavelength of the frequency
used. For a message at 1 MHz its wavelength is 300 m (3 X 10X/ 1 X 10f) and hence antenna length should be

about 75 m. Alternatively for a signal at 15 kHz, the antenna length will be about 5000 m. A vertical antenna

of this size is impracticable.

There is an even more important argument against transmitting signal frequencies directly; all message
is concentrated within the same range (20 Hz-20 kHz for speech and music, few MHz for video) so that all,

signals from the different sources would be hopelessly and inseparably mixed up. In any city, only one broad-
casting station can operate at a given time. In order to separate the various signals, it is necessary to convert
them all to different portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Each must be given its own carrier frequency
location. This also overcomes the difficulties of poor radiation at low frequencies and reduces interference .

Oncc signals have been translated, a tuned circuit is employed in the front end of the receiver to make sure
that the desired section of the spectrum is admitted and all unwanted ones are rejected. The tuning of such
a circuit is normally made variable and connected to the tuning control, so that the receiver can select any
desired transmission within a predetermined range.
The use of modulation process helps in shifting the given message signal frequencies to a very high
frequency range where it can occupy only negligible percentage of the spectrum. For instance, at 1000 kHz.
the 10 kHz wide message signal represents 1 % of spectrum. But at 1 GHz, the same 10 kHz represents 0.001%
of spectrum. This means that more number of message signals can be accommodated at higher frequencies.
Although this separation of signals has removed a number of the difficulties encountered in the absence
of modulation, the fact still remains that unmodulated carriers of various frequencies cannot, by themselves,
be used to transmit information. An unmodulated carrier has a constant amplitude, a constant frequency and
a constant phase relationship with respect to some reference. A message consists of ever-varying quantities.
Speech, for instance, is made up of rapid and unpredictable variations in amplitude (volume) and frequency
(pitch and resonances). Since it is impossible to represent these two variables by a set of three constant pa-
rameters, an unmodulated carrier cannot be used to convey information. In a continuous wave modulation
(amplitude or frequency modulation, but not pulse modulation) one of the parameters of the carrier is varied
by the message. Therefore, at any instant its deviation from the unmodulated value (resting frequency) is
proportional to the instantaneous amplitude of the modulating voltage, and the rate at which this deviation
takes place is equal to the frequency of this signal. In this fashion, enough information about the instantaneous
amplitude and frequency is transmitted to enable the receiver to recreate the original message.

As the name indicates, an electromagnetic (EM) wave is a signal made of oscillating electric and magnetic
fields. That is, the signal information is manifested as changing electric and magnetic field intensities at specified
number of times per second. The ocsillations are sinusoidal in nature and measured as cycles per second or
hertz (Hz). The oscillations can be as low as 1 Hz and can extend up to a very large value. The entire range of
frequencies that the EM wave can produce oscillations is termed as Electromagnetic Spectrum.

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Tabic 1.1 shows the entire range of HM spectrum. For the classification purpose, the EM spectrum is divided
into small segments and each segment is given a nomenclature. Each range is identified by end frequencies or
wavelengths that differ by a factor of 10. liven though these are not crisp boundaries, communication faternity
have accepted them as convenient classification for all further discussions. In each range a typical application
is only given as an example and is not exhaustive. Also, the choice of application is the one which is more
common among the public. Apart from this detailed classification, the EM spectrum is also broadly classified
into two broad categories, namely, audio frequency (AF) for the frequency range 20 Hz - 20 kHz and the radio
frequency (RF) range for frequencies more than 20 kHz.

Table 1.1 EM spectrum classified in terms different frequency ranges and corresponding wavelength ranges,
nomenclature and typical application. The abbreviations in the table have thefollowing values: 1 kHz
= 1 X 1(V Hz 1 MHz - / X lir Hz. 1 GHz = 1X10" Hz, ITHz = 1 X 10'2 Hz, l\x.m = IX 10 J m

and / jim = / X 10 fm .

Frequency if) Wavelength

EM Spectrum Nomenclature Typical Application
range (A)range
30-300 Hz 107- 10" m Extremely low frequency (ELF) Power line communication

Face to face speech communication

0 3-3 kHz
10" - 10* in Voice frequency (VF) Intercom

3-30 kHz 10<- IO4 in Very low frequency (VLF) Submarine communication

30-300 kHz I0J- 10* m Low frequency (LF) Marine communication

0 3-3 MHz
10,- 10: m Medium frequency (MF) AM Broadcasting
3-30 MHz © I
© 3 High frequency (HF) Landline Telephony
30-300 MHz 101- 10" m Very high frequency (VHF) FM Broadcasting , TV j
0 3-3 GHz
10"- 10 , m Ultra high frequency (UHF) TV, Cellular telephony
3-30 GHz 10 1 - 10 i 111 Super high frequency (SHF) Microwave oven radar

30-300 GHz 10 = - 10 , m Extremely high frequency (EHF) Satellite communication radar ,

0 3 - 3 THz 0 1 - 1 mm Experimental
. .

For all new explorations

43 - 430 THz 7 - 0.7 |xm Infrared LED, Laser TV Remote

430-750 THz 0 7 - 0.4 jim Visible light

Optical communication
750-3000 THz 0 4-0 1 |xm Ultravoilet
. .

Medical application
>3000 THz < 0 1 jxm X-rays gamma rays, cosmic rays
. ,
Medical application

1 .
Time Time (/) is a fundamental quantity with reference to which all communications happen It is typically .

measured in seconds (sec) For instance, the duration of a conversation with your friend using a mobile phone

»$ charged in sec based on the time duration for which you used the service of the communication system.
Frequency Frequency (/ ) is another fundamental quantity with reference to which all signals in a

communication system arc more commonly distinguished. Frequency is defined as the number of oscillations
Per second and is measured in hertz (Hz) For instance the message in a communication system is usually

measured in terms of the range of frequencies and the carrier is one frequency value

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Wavelength Wavelength (A) is yet another fundamental quantity used as an alternative to freemen ™ r
distinguishing communication signals Wavelength is defined as the distance travelled by an EM wav

e dn
the time of one cycle. EM waves travel at the speed of light in atmosphere or vacuum that is, 3X10" mis

The wavelength of a signal can then be found by using the relation A = c //= 3 X 10* If For instance if the

frequency of a given signal is 30 MHz then its wavelength is A= 10 m.


Spectrum The frequency domain representation of the given signal .

Bandwidth Bandwidth (£ ) is that portion of the EM spectrum occupied by a signal. More specifically it

is the range of frequencies over which the information is present in the original signal and hence it may also
be termed as signal bandwidth.
Channel Bandwidth The range of frequencies required for the transmission of modulated signal.
Modulation In terms of signal and channel bandwidths, modulation is a process of transforming signal
from signal bandwidth to channel bandwidth.
Demodulation On the similar lines, demodulation is the reverse process of modulation, that is, transform-
ing signal from channel bandwidth to signal bandwidth.
Baseband Signal Message signal in its original frequency range.
Baseband Transmission Transmission of message signal in its original frequency range.
Broadband Signal Message signal in its modulated frequency range.
Broadband Transmission Transmission of message signal in the modulated requency range.

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