Anufrieva 1985
Anufrieva 1985
Anufrieva 1985
Printed in Poland ~[~ Pergamon Journals Ltd.
Structure formation has been studied in polyuronide solutions, using polarized lumines-
cence. It has been shown that intramolecular hydrogen bonds, with participation of COOH
groups or ionically coordinated bonds with participation of COO- groups and Ca 2 + ions,
play an essential role in the formation of an intramacromolecular structure. The substitution
of carboxyl by methylcarboxylate groups prevents structure formation. In conditions pro-
moting intramacromolecular hydrogen bonds, the polyuronides have a kinetic flexibility, com-
parable with that of PMMA.
THE kinetic flexibility of polysaccharide macromolecules and its change due to the
action of various factors, presents considerable interest since the character of polymer
functionality depends on the dynamic characteristics of the macromolecules. The most
modern determination of the molecular characteristics of the functional properties
has wide practical applications for polymers.
The difficulties of determining the kinetic flexibility of polymer chains, under condi-
tions excluding formation of inter-unit contacts (intra- or intermacromolecular) are
related to features of the chemical structure. In fact, the presence in each unit of a large
number of OH groups, susceptible to hydrogen bonding, and the combination of units
carrying OH groups by an oxygen link, causes formation of hydrogen bonds (intra- or
intermolecular) under all possible conditions. Consequently, to determine the kinetic
flexibility of polysaccharide chains, it is necessary to find conditions, in which the prob-
ability of hydrogen bonding would be the least. Determination of the kinetic flexi-
bility, linked with small scale relaxation processes occurring in a nanosecond period,
would allow use of this parameter for studying structures in polysaccharide solutions,
by virtue of the sensitivity of such nanosecond relaxations to structural changes in
polymer chains [1, 2].
The aim of the present work was the study of the killetic flexibility (intramolecular
mobilit3~) of polysaccharide macromolecules in conditions which promote structure
formation or decay of the intra- or intermolecular structure.
To determine the relaxation time z, characterizing the intramolecular mobility,
polarized luminescence [2] was used. Methods were developed for covalent addition
of luminescing anthracene-containing groups (markers) to the various functional groups
2638 YE. V. ANUFRIEVAet al.
The higt kinetic flexibility of the pectate and pectinate macromolecules may be due to
the fact that the determining relaxation process in solvents, weaking the hydrogen
bonds or hydrophobic contacts of non-polar methyl groups, becomes the rotation
~of the pyranose ring around the oxygen bridges.
However, it is known that dilution of organic solvents by water ( > 5 0 ~ ) does not
crease weakening of the intramcromolecular hydrogen bonds compared with the intra-
macromolecular hydrogen bonds in water, but their strengthening, stabilization [5]
and to further weakening of the hydrophobic contacts. The study of intramolecular
mobility ofpolyuronides in water-DMFA mixtures with a high (90 ~) DMFA content,
permits an understanding of yet another important results, the revelation of features
,of structuring in these macromoleeules with differing chemical structure and the part
o f the substituent in the 5 carbon pyranose ring. It appears that with a high DMFA
content in the pectate macromolecules, an intramaeromolecular structure is formed.
Its formation is indicated by the high r value (150 nsec) for the pectate and the co-
.operative character of the change in T with that of the DMFA solvent--water composi-
tion. Substitution Of carboxyl group by methylcarboxyl in the pectate molecules pre-
vents structure formation (~'<20nsec) (see Fig. 1).
oo /
20 60 DMFA ,w~ %
A comparison of results for pectate and pectinate in other examples shows that
substitution of the COOH group by COOCH3 is a factor preventing intramolecular
linking. Thus, as the degree of polarization of the COOH groups in pectate molecules
is decreased, a structure is formed and z increases to 150 nsec. No structure is formed
in the pectinate molecules and z increases insignificantly, from 35 to 50 nsec (see Fig. 2).
The substantial effect of substituting part of the COO- groups (58 ~ ) by COOCH3
groups on structure formation in polyuronide macromolecules was also revealed when
metal ions were introduced into the aqueous solution, forming ionically coordinated
2640 YE. V. ANUFRIEVAet aL
Polyuronide T, n s e c
Polyuronide concentration H20-DMFA
in solution, H20 DMFA (50 : 50)
Sodium pectate 0'04 23 140 7
Sodium alginate 0'1 16
Sodium pectinate 0'05 35 14 9
bonds with the carboxyl groups. The relation of v for pectate and pectinate to the
Ca 2+ ion content in aqueous solutions shows a cooperative increase in r to 500 nsec
for pectate as the Ca 2 + content changes by an order from 0.5 × 10- 3 to 0.5 x 10 -2 mole/1,
i.e. from 0.5 Ca 2+ ions to 5 for each pectate units and a smooth change in from 26 to
50 nsec for pectinate (see Fig. 3). ff in each unit, there is a earboxyl group (pectate),
reacting with Ca 2 +, a structure is formed; if it is only in 42 ~ of the residues (pectinate)
then no structure is formed. The observed changes of v with the p H of the solution
or Ca 2 + content do not depend on the content of polymer in the solution, in the range
o f 0.5--0-4~, which indicates the intramolecular nature of these changes.
5~ !
I ~l 77 o I r
3 5 7 2H q -l°S/.c~,. ]
Fm. 2 Fm. 3
Flu. 2. Dependence of T on pH of solution of pectate with e=0'4 mg/ml (1) and pectinate with
3 mg/ml (2), CN=Cl=0"IN.
FIG. 3. Dependence of r on Cu ~+ ion concentration for pectate (1) and pectinate (2), pH 6-0, CN,ci
=0-1 N; c=0.02~.
Translated by C. W. CAPP
Carbonization of polyimides 2641
1. Ye. V. ANUFRIEVA and Yu. Yu. GOTLIB, Advances Polymer Sci. 40: 1, 1981
2. Ye. V. ANUFRIEVA, J'. Pure Appl. Chem. 54: 2, 533, 1982
3. V. P. YURYEV, Ye. Ye. BRAUDO and V. B. TOLSTOGUZOV, Coll. Polymer Sci. 261: 3,
210, 1983
hydrate Polymers 1: 2, 139, 1981
5. T. N. NEKRASOVA, Dis. na soiskaniye uch. st. kand. khim. nauk, p. 139, Polymers Institute,
U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Leningrad, 1970
Polymer ScienceU.S.S.R.Vol. 27, No. 11, pp. 2641-2648, 1985 0032-3950]85 $10.00+ .00
Printed in Poland © PergamonJournals Ltd.
Pyrolysis products of PM polyimide film (both volatile and solid) have been analyzed
by spectroscopy, electrical conductivity and by thermal and elemental analysis. The nature
of the structural changes occurring in the polyimide as the temperature was raised from 500
to 900 ° was determined. Part of the data permits the properties of pyrolyzed PM to be com-
pared with graphitic materials. A suggestion was made concerning the role of the imide ring
nitrogen in the process of condensed structure formation.