Success Strategies

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Success Strategies

Copyright © 2003 by:
Dr David O. Oyedepo
ISBN 978-2905-00-3
Published in Nigeria by:
All rights reserved.
No portion of this book may be used
without the written permission of the
publisher, with the exception of brief
excerpts in magazines, articles, reviews, etc.
Faith Tabernacle, Km 10, Idiroko Road,
Canaan Land, Ota - Lagos, Nigeria.
Tel: 234-01 -7747546, 7747547, 7747548,
7746902, 7746903,
E-mail:[email protected]

All Scripture quotations are from the King James Version of the Bible,
except otherwise stated.

Success Strategies < ii >

Introduction iv

Chapter 1
What is Success ? 6

Chapter 2
Pillars of Success In Scriptures 11

Chapter 3
Success Secrets 15

Chapter 4
The Place of Faith 18

The Place of Work 25

The Place of Endowment 30

Chapter 7
The Place of Planning 36

Chapter 8
The Place of Character 43

Chapter 9
The Place of Commitment 50

The Force of Focus 55

Chapter 11
See You At The Top 58

Success Strategies < iii >

The word success has become overused, taking on different meanings and connota-
tions. To many people, it means enormous earthly possessions, while others perceive it
as occupying or being placed in a top position in government or in the private sector with
all the accompanying perks of office and paraphernalia of life.
In this eye-opening book, based on incontrovertible and validated scriptural insights,
you will come to see that success is neither possessions nor position. Of course, the book
does not rule out possessions and positions as two of the indices of the heavenly package
of wholesome comfort; after all, the patriarchs, Abraham (Genesis 24:1). Isaac (Genesis
26:13, 14) and Jacob (Genesis 30:43) were exceedingly rich in their time. However, the
point being emphasised by scriptural insights in these books is that success is not synony-
mous with secular possession and position. It is more than that. It includes other life-
transforming blessings such as joy unspeakable, long life, and all-round blessedness.
A faith-based journey through the scripture makes it abundantly clear that the God-
kind of success enjoyed by the patriarchs, (riches without sorrow -Proverbs 10:22), is the
kind of success that is available and only attainable in the kingdom. It is having the good
life without any strain, stress or strife — success that only comes from above. It does not
come with nightmares but with good sleep, “for the Lord giveth His beloved sleep” (Psalm
How then do we access such ‘sweatless‘ success? This book provides the much
sought-after “formula”, designed to put an end to fruitless struggles in life.
Many, due to lack of knowledge (Hosea. 4:6), have gone astray in their pursuit of
success. Why? They neither know the location of the ‘triggers’ nor how and when to
switch on the power points of success without sweat. Indeed, lack of true knowledge or
insight has led many to sorrow in their search for success.
Therefore, just as you need a password to access critical information in the computer,
this book contains the scriptural secret code that will enable you gain entrance to the
information required to make you an accomplished citizen of the earth. It is a book that
puts an end to your struggles, while showing you, in an unmistakable manner, the triggers
and power points to a rich life in Christ – the kind of life that makes you ‘commander and
controller’, setting you permanently above (Deuteronomy 28:13).
As the computer password is made up of a number of keywords, so every chapter in
this book represents a vital element in the scriptural password to your much-desired struggle-
free, stress-free success in life.
And as the password opens you up to the web links so is each chapter in this work
providing you with the vital knowledge that delivers to you a colourfully rich life on planet
Therefore treat each chapter with utmost importance and meditation, to avoid jump-

Success Strategies < iv >

starting your journey, as there is no room for sharp practices or cutting corners in the God-
kind of success which this book is about unfolding to you.
In conclusion, Success Strategies convincingly postulates that life is about rel-
evance not significance, about service not status and about disposition not position. It is a
book that pointedly tells you that what you have not worked for does not add to your worth,
and that money not earned cheapens life.
Have a Holy-Spirit led access to what it takes to have an accomplished life on earth.
See you permanently at the top.

Success Strategies <v>


W ha
hatt Is Success?
Many people know what they are looking for, but they do not know what it looks like.
This explains why the search for success, for many, has been an endless search.
Except you know what you are looking for, you may not be able to identify it when you
find it. It is one thing to know what you want, it is another thing to know what it looks like.
Success is the innate desire of every human being;
everybody craves after it, every one celebrates it. Parents, grandparents, all respec-
tively, desire success for their children and grandchildren.
A popular adage says, “Failure is an orphan as success has many mothers”. In other
words, it is natural to embrace success and shun failure.
Everyone is searching for success, but most people do not know what it looks like.
Because of the predominant wrong descriptions of success, many have been searching
for it in futility.
The question then is : what is success? What does it look like?

Contrary to popular opinion, success is not possession or position. It is neither accu-
mulation of wealth nor is it synonymous with occupying a top position in government or an
True success is the accomplishment of an assignment, or the attainment of a desired
end. It is essentially the end product of discovery, or the product of purpose. Success is
also the capacity to make distinction out of vision. The task of success is not an overnight
game; it is an unending and tireless time investment. It requires a process and it produces
in stages.

Success is not a destination but an adventure. It is not arriving at the peak overnight,
it is making continuous progress. So when everyday is a plus on the previous, you can be
termed successful.
It is a continuous and an on-going attempt to build upon past achievement. It is about
constantly seeking new ways and strategies of making this happen. It is about not “resting
on one’s oars”

There was strife among the disciples of Jesus, about which of them will be the great-
est and He came to them and gave an accurate description of true success, true accom-

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plishment, true exploits. How did he put it?
For whether is greater, he that sitteth at meat, or
he that serveth? is not he that sitteth at meat? but I am among you as he that serveth.
Read Luke 22:24-27
What Jesus was saying to them is, I am the most accomplished personality on the
planet earth and this is the secret of my exalted accomplishment: I am among you as one
that serves. And we are told:
Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above
every name.
Philippians 2:9

So what is the description of true success? It is accomplished stewardship – both

towards God and men, serving God’s purpose and promoting mankind’s welfare.
Success speaks louder than words. It commands greater attention than the greatest
oration anybody can make. It is self-inviting, it is self-attracting. It is magnetic in quality.
God has programmed to reap the endtime harvest through the outstanding, rewarding
success of His people. We are coming in towards the tail of the end-time, where success
must be the garments of the saints, thereby attracting the dying world to their Saviour, and
bringing them to the city of refuge.
Friend, outstanding success is of God, go for it!


The struggle, which actually started in Genesis, has since continued and will only
terminate when you are redeemed. Therefore, struggle for survival is a curse that came
upon mankind after the fall. Man was not created for struggles, but became a victim of
struggles as a result of the curse God placed upon him at the fall. Sweat is a curse and it
represents struggle for survival.
In the book of Genesis 3:17-19, (where the word sweat first came to light), sweat
connotes hardship:
And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife,
and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat
of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of
thy life;
Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee;
and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out
of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

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In the natural setting, sweat means endless striving, as a popular columnist in the
1980’s always concluded in his write-ups: “The struggle continues or aluta continua”.
If you are born again, you have been redeemed from the curse of struggles.
Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for
it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:
That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ;
that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
Galatians 3:13,14

When Jesus died on the cross, every curse, every swear word, (whether under the
law), or curse of God or of the devil, was nailed to it. That should excite you because it
means that all your struggles have been nailed to the Cross. Rebirth, therefore, places
you in a position where you no longer have to sweat to win (Colossians 2:15).
The question then is: Why are so many regenerated minds in the body of Christ still
victims of struggles? Why are the people of God separated for exploits, chosen as pecu-
liar people; called out of darkness into His marvelous light (1 Pet. 2:9) still groping in the
dark alleys of failure?
UNTIL “God’s eternal formula for living a successful purpose in life is tied to the
“Book”. God said in Joshua 1:8:
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate
therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written
therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have
good success.
The Book therefore, is the factory for good success, which is success without sweat.
To ignore the Book is to annul destiny. The Book is the foundation for successful living; As
a matter of fact until the Book is opened, destiny remains closed and struggles and sweat
continue unabated.
The truth is that in spite of your holy separation, you still need a working knowledge of
your redemptive rights, to walk in the reality of them. Ignorance therefore is indisputably
the greatest undoing of many in the body of Christ. It is not enough to be redeemed, you
need applicable knowledge of the truth that guarantees the benefits of redemption, or you
become worthless in salvation. Read this:
And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book,
neither to look thereon.
And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of
Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven
seals thereof.
Revelation 5:4-5

Success Strategies <8>

The preceding scripture once again maintains that you can only access your rights in
redemption when the Book is open, when you are ready to tap into knowledge.
You need to be conscious of the truth that God has done everything to give you a
colourful destiny in life. The only barrier to be destroyed is ignorance. Knowledge is
therefore the antidote for a life of sweat and struggles.


In actual fact, the journey of success begins with the discovery of purpose, asking such
questions as: What am I created for? What is my mission on earth?
Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is
Proverbs 29:18

The word ‘perish’ in this context does not mean to die; it means to remain a struggler,
to be stripped of honour and dignity, working and getting no result.
Success in the Kingdom has what can be called a gateway, that is the way that leads to
it. If success is defined as the accomplishment of purpose, then there is what you must
know in order to succeed. There is a certain piece of information that must be at your
disposal if you are to accomplish your goal.
Success therefore, lies in lining up with God’s purpose that is, the manufacturer’s
Success, as earlier defined, is a product of purpose, while accomplishment is a
product of assignment. But those plans and purposes must be consciously acquired; that
is, you must knowingly lay hold on them, believing, “This is where I belong and this what I
should be doing.” I am talking about the plans and purposes of God for your life, not just
doing what you want to do, but you are doing what He has laid down for your life in
fulfilment of Proverbs 14:12 and 16:25:
There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of

It is important to walk in divine purpose, as your thoughts can never be compare with
His plan for you, His ways are higher than your ways and His thoughts than your thoughts.
(Isaiah 55:8)
When you walk in divine purpose you enjoy certain benefits. One of such is divine
Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.
1 Thessalonians 5:24

Every divine purpose always enjoys divine backing. That is what eradicates sweat in

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the pursuit of vision, because the Caller is committed to provide the required backing to
get the job done. Also consider this promise of a divine powerful backing in Malachi 4:2.
The Bible says,
But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in
his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.

Because Jesus is the Sun of righteousness, we only need to align ourselves at a covenant
angle to Him and we find ourselves cheaply reflecting His light just as the moon does in
relation to the sun. We are reflecting His light, while He is generating the heat. When you walk
in divine plan, He generates the heat and you reflect the light.
For example, God told Moses, “Take My people to the place I have prepared for them.”
Then He added, “I am sending My angel to keep you in the way and bring you into the place I
have prepared” (Ex. 23:20). When you locate the place prepared for you, you enjoy the
angelic backing to get there! The Lord becomes your shepherd and makes you lie ‘sweat-
lessly’ in green pastures.
A second benefit of walking in divine purpose is that when God leads the way, He
refreshes your soul, He makes you to lie down in green pastures and prepares a table
before you in the presence of your enemies. Goodness and mercy follow you as you
abide in the Lord.
Note therefore, before you invest your fund in another business venture, cross-check
with the Father, to avoid labouring in vain. Keep working at God’s frequency. You are free
to make programmes, to draw up plans, but cross-check them with God before implemen-
tation, seeking divine direction.

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Pillars Of Success In Scriptures

In my search for knowledge, I conducted a survey of some pillars of success in
scriptures. That is, some accomplished biblical personalities. At the end of the survey, I
identified certain factors as common triggers for their outstanding prosperity. Two of these
factors are devotion and wisdom, with the latter subdivided into direction and discretion.
Remember God recommends that we be followers of them who have obtained the
promises that we also seek to obtain (Hebrews 6:12). However, it is not just taking steps
that makes for success, it is taking the right steps. In the same manner, it is not just
working that makes things work out, it is doing the right work. It is not just labouring that
guarantees greatness, it is doing it the right way that makes it work. For instance, you can
put a key into the ignition of a car, but until you turn it in the right direction, the engine will
not start. The encounter between Jesus and His disciples in John 21:5-6 clearly demon-
strates the validity of this illustration.

One foundational block needed to do it the right way is devotion. This was a common
attribute of the successful personalities in scriptures, beginning from Noah, to Abraham,
Job and on to David, Solomon, Peter and Paul. Take Noah, who built the ark, for ex-
ample. The Bible says, “He moved with fear.” (Hebrews11:7).
Joseph, who became Prime Minister in Egypt. said, “But I fear God.” (Gen 42:18)
What of Job? The scripture says he was a man who feared God and eschewed evil,
a perfect man (Job 1:8).
Looking closely at these outstanding men, I came to the conclusion that the taproot of
their distinction was their devotion to God. And devotion simply means walking with God
(Prov. 13:20).
Abraham, for instance, walked with God, did everything God told him without debates,
discussions or argument.
God said, “Get out of your place,” and he departed. God said, “Circumcise the flesh
of your foreskin”, the same day Abraham took a knife and circumcised himself and his
son. Then in Gen. 22:2, God ordered him to bring his only son for a sacrifice, and early in
the morning he arose without argument or hesitation. This is unalloyed devotion.
David was also a man of devotion. It was devotion that brought him to the limelight.
He was a man after God’s heart. True devotion got him into distinction. David would not
give sleep to his own eyes until he found a habitation for the Lord (Ps. 132:4-5).
Daniel was another man addicted to God. He neither apologised for his faith, nor
submitted to the pressures of the king. He never lied, and he went to the den of lions

Success Strategies < 11 >

where none before him ever returned from, but he returned. He came out of the den of
lions to be crowned. True devotion is the sure foundation for lasting distinction.
Also, Paul, a New Testament apostle, wrote,
For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
Phillipians 1:21

In the scripture above, Paul was celebrating his devotion to God. No wonder his
success remains the most striking in all the New Testament.
The above characters were ardently dedicated to God, worshipping Him with fearsome
While it is true that success is a function of the productive use of the senses, (Daniel
12:3), it however answers to the fear of the Lord (Prov. 9:10). Again, the height of success
you enjoy is a function of the depth of illumination you have, but illumination comes also
through the fear of the Lord.
Your true affection for God will bring you to a place of distinction in life. Cast your net
on the right side and reposition yourself with God. Job, who was the greatest man in his
time, had no qualification other than the fact that he fearfully aligned himself with God
(Job 1:9-10).
Devotion is the foundation of success without sweat. Devotion guarantees divine
presence, which makes your success in life “sweatless”, because, devotion will guarantee
access to revelation, while revelation will bring you to the realms of revolution- the forceful
turn-around of things for your advancement.
The truth is, the deeper your root in the love of God, the larger the fruits you command
in the journey of life.

In Daniel 12:3, we see that wisdom is another fundamental requirement in the school
of success. The wiser you are, the higher you fly. True wisdom therefore guarantees true
flight and the altitude attained. And true wisdom is the one offered by the truth - that is
divine wisdom. Remember that they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the
firmament. With wisdom, shining becomes automatic. Wisdom is indeed profitable to
direct (Eccl. 10:10). Again, this wisdom is two-pronged, as it offers direction and transmits


And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13

Divine plan is easily accessible if your heart is truly open to God. You wait on Him for
direction, because waiting on the Lord for direction is not wasting time; it is the wisest way

Success Strategies < 12 >

to invest your time. Take time out and find out from the Lord if the step you are taking has
divine approval or not. We are permitted to think, but whether our thoughts are in line with
His Word or not is another matter. Proverbs 16:9 says, A man’s heart deviseth his way: but
the LORD directeth his steps.
How long you have been on the wrong track never guarantees arrival at your destina-
tion. You have to come on the right track or you will never get there. The acid test for being
on course with God is in Psalm 85:8:
I will hear what God the LORD will speak: for he will speak peace unto his people,
and to his saints: but let them not turn again to folly.

When God is leading, peace becomes a living evidence. When peace is in place,
divine intervention is naturally provoked. Have you not heard: “The Lord will fight for you
and you will hold your peace.” Many plans may look sound and error-proof in the eyes of
all, but except God approves of them, you can be tormented in the process of carrying
them out.
Therefore do not become a captive of your profession, loosen up for His direction.
Do not become a captive of your career, open up for His leading. Do not become a
captive of your dream, open your heart for His plans.
Believe it or not - what I am doing now was not my dream. Preaching was not my
dream, it was not my idea of life. I was among those that pitied preachers. I had a plan to
get into business to such an extent that would make me a promoter of God’s kingdom to
any level. My dream was not to be part of those who need help, so to say. I was going to
be part of those who will help. But there is no way my dreams could have compared with
His plan for me.
Do not become captive of your dreams for that is the slogan of all motivational cru-
saders: “You must be a dreamer to become an achiever!” Why then are all dreamers not
achievers? Why then are many drowning in spite of their dreams? Because their dreams
are out of place with God’s plans for them. “Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass,
when the Lord commandeth it not?” (Lamentation 3:37).
Remember David was always inquiring of the Lord. That was his secret. Open your
heart to God’s plans for you. Until you drop your dreams for His plan, your destiny is
doomed, because there is no way your dream can bring you to the realms His cloud can
take you into.
Stop going through this journey on your own; it can be stressful. It can be painful,
sorrowful and unrewarding. Start walking in divine plan.

Another important virtue of wisdom is discretion, which is knowing where to go and
where to invest your energy and resources. Discretion is knowing how to go about divine

Success Strategies < 13 >

plan. There is no divine purpose that is impossible to accomplish, all you need is divine
wisdom to match. Discretion is largely acquired at the prayer altar. James 1:5 says,
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that

giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

Wisdom in the above scripture talks about discretion. In other words, God is saying,
“If you don’t know how to handle an issue, come to Me, it will be My delight to lavish it on
you.” Daniel, the wisest man of his time, also took the channel of prayer (Dan. 2:16). He
and the other three Hebrew boys prayed concerning the king’s dream, and the secret was
revealed to him in the night vision.
If God has approved the plan, then the discretion required to operate it with faith and
without sweat will be provided.
Proverbs 3:13 says that Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that
getteth understanding.
This is God’s purpose for the redeemed. Your devotion will open you up to His wis-
dom, and His wisdom will deliver to you His discretion that will make the pursuit of divine
plan a “sweatless” experience.
Note that there is no faculty of wisdom in any
college. Only God can help you to accurately apply knowledge to get the desired
In conclusion, therefore, success (the kingdom kind of success), can be achieved
through devotion, direction and discretion. It is a threefold cord that cannot be easily
broken. Thank God for your dreams, but they cannot compare in value with His plans.
Thank God for your choice, they cannot stand the colour and the beauty of His purpose.
And of course your profession is no match for His vision for your life. And bless God for
your career, it can never compare with His divine plans for you. When you have this
threefold cord, you birth a revolution without sweat. God delivers to you on a platter of
gold His promise that of making you a rich citizen of the earth (Matthew 6:33).

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Success Secrets
Take it or leave it, there are secrets of success! Or to put it in another phrase, behind
every success story is a secret. Just as every star has a secret, so is there a trade secret
behind every giant corporation. The more secrets you can access, the more results you will
It follows therefore that in the race of life, devotion direction and discretion may, after
all, be inadequate to propel you to your desired rich kingdom heritage. A vital additional
knowledge is knowing the secrets of walking with God, getting divine insights and illumina-
Job, one of the biblical success giants, was conscious of the truth that his access to
greatness was only possible through the revelation of divine secrets. Job 29:4,6 say
As I was in the days of my youth, when the secret of God was upon my tabernacle;
When I washed my steps with butter, and the rock poured me out rivers of oil;

One vital secret Job embraced is called “bearing“, and it is important to get your
bearing right.
Getting your bearings right makes your life ‘fruit-bearing’. Life without bearing cannot
bear fruits. Also, life without bearing is a burden; it is a sweat (Isaiah 48:17). Anyone going
everywhere gets no where. That is the reason you do not go to the motorpark with the
intention of going everywhere. The buses going everywhere are not available. So also you
cannot find a flight to everywhere at the airport.
I repeat, anyone going everywhere gets nowhere, and there are really many people
on this earth today who are going everywhere. Avoid turning your life into that of the lame
man by the pool of Bethesda, doing year after year anniversaries of frustration, because
he was going “everywhere” (John 5:2-7).
You will also agree with me that navigational equipment is one of the most vital tools
for flying, because one degree off the mark can be disastrous. Therefore, for every air-
craft, for every pilot, navigational instrument is a most vital tool to keep on course, so as to
avert disaster. Consequently, every intending flyer in the race of life requires an effective
navigational instrument to help keep him on course. Without an appropriate bearing, any
flying object will soon run out of gas; because it will just continue flying until it finally
The above gives you a clear and graphic illustration of the importance of bearing in
the race of life. The race of life is a complex one and it takes what I call unbreakable

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threefold-bearing to keep you perpetually on course.
Scriptural Bearing
According to Psalm 127:1-3 and Romans 9:16, your strong will is not enough to com-
mand great results, neither is your strong drive adequate to make real marks in the race of
life, for “it is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth
Ecclesiastes 9:11 also buttresses that biblical truth, further confirming that skill is no
answer, nor is swiftness a recipe. 1 Sam 2:9 tells us that by strength shall no man prevail.
That is why your spiritual bearing is so important in going up the ladder of life, for it is not
enough to know how to get up, you must equally know how to stay up.
To be up requires that God takes a place of priority in your life; that God becomes the
focus of your existence, and that there is a need to develop a heart that part after God.
To experience outstanding, generational and
sustained success, it is a must to have a strong bearing in God. That is what is called
“your first love” in Revelation. 2:4. It is the love of God that makes believers first-class
citizens of this world.
Visionary Bearing
Visionary bearing is the second powerful point in the three-fold arrangement.
Proverbs 29:18 states the centrality of vision thus:
Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepth the law, happy is

No wonder all men of exploits in the Kingdom are notable visionaries, who are
concerned about their desired placement in God. In Joel 2:3, we see the emergence of
the glorious army, and a strong people, great visionaries, men who are on course.
These are men who are set to do record-breaking exploits in the end-time, people
who are not going just anywhere or somewhere, but heading “God’s-where,” –thereby
making the going automatically great. Do you know why the going is great? Because
faithful is the one that calleth thee who also will do it. That means that, they enjoy the
supernatural back-up that makes them amazements on earth.
Indeed, be assured that God can not be doing it and there will not be proofs. Every time
God is at work, signs and wonders are the natural experience. There is no comparing a
missionary to a visionary. A missionary is someone on a mission, while a visionary is some-
one running with a vision. A missionary that is not on an assignment ordained by God will be
a victim of frustration, but the visionary enjoys supernatural backing (Habakkuk 2:3).

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Role-Model Bearing
The third powerful factor in the threefold bearing is the role-model bearing. This is
where many charismatics have missed it. But the Bible advocates this bearing so strongly:
Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths,
where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But
they said, We will not walk therein.
Jeremiah 6:16

Role-model bearing is akin to asking about and walking in the good old way, which led
the patriarchs into great exploits. This counsel is repeated in Isaiah 51:2.
It is therefore not a sin to discover a role model and walk in his or her steps. The Bible
says we should look unto Abraham and Sarah and walk in their steps; making them role
models. God says He is committed to bless you and you will go places if you follow their
Having a role model is not idol worship, rather, it is covenant wisdom for speed,
strength and stability. It is one major way to maximise your potentials in the race of life.
The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body
shall be full of light.
Matthew 6:22

Embracing the threefold bearing is therefore vital to success in life. Anyone frustrated
by everyone will never amount to much, so mirror your life or career after someone to
make you another “him” or “her”. Can you imagine a sportsman, who plays basketball,
football, baseball, and lawn tennis, throws javelin, runs marathon race and is also a sprinter!
Therefore, let your eye be single in choosing your role-model.

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The Place of Faith

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must
believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him
Hebrews 11:6

Faith is an active living force! When it gets into a man, it turns him on, it controls his
mentality. Your faith is what determines the events of your life.
Those who understand and operate the mysteries of faith, live in celestial realm, here
on earth. Every challenge of life can be overcome by faith. Faith is indeed the master key
to a triumphant and proof-filled life, it is the beauty and essence of Christianity. Therefore
faith is a must for every true Christian.
The operation of faith in your life will prove the reality of heaven. Faith is the master
key to every man’s destiny. It takes faith for anything to work. Therefore, faith is not optional
in the Christian race, it is the prerequisite for good reports.
May I say this; faith is your greatest asset in your adventure of life; it defines your
overall worth. You can not fake it to make it, but to can always “faith it” to any level of
accomplishment in life. When the force of faith is at work, it causes things to happen by
the power of God, and keeps the happening, by quenching all satanic oppositions. In
other words, faith makes things happen and keeps what has happened.
Do not forget, you are set upon the hill for the world to gaze at to know what steps to
take, you are billed for the top in God’s great great agenda. However, you are the one to
make it happen through faith!


The computer has a lot of virtues, it is loaded with so much, but until it is connected to
the power point, you cannot be a beneficiary of those virtues. Like the computer, redemption
makes you a super-loaded being - too loaded to fail and too resourceful to be stranded!
But the issue has been our lack of connection to the power point that will help us draw
virtue out of our vast resources in Christ. Faith is both a power point and a power link that
make for the flow of success in our pursuits.
We understand very clearly from scriptures that faith is the power point of destiny.
How is this so? Take salvation for instance, you cannot be saved except you have been
predestinated for the kingdom. Romans 8:30 says,
Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called,
them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.

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We also know from God’s Word that to enter into this destiny of redemption, faith is
your access.
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God,
even to them that believe on his name.
— John 1:12

It therefore means that even though you have been predestinated, faith is required to
enter into that predestination.
Whatever becomes of a man or woman in the kingdom of God is faith-determined. It
is not to you according to your strength, for … by strength shall no man prevail (1 Samuel
2:9); neither is it to you according to your skill or connections for, … vain is the help of man
(Psalm 108:12), it is to you, according to your faith. That is the universal kingdom verdict
and that is why I say that faith is the power point of destiny. Faith is what determines the
beauty and colour of anyone’s destiny in the kingdom. You access the kingdom by faith
and you enjoy its benefits by faith.
Please understand that you have a most enviable
destiny of success in Christ, for He said,
Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid
Matt. 5:14

That is quite a graphic illustration of success, making it clear to you that you are a
pacesetter, the light of the world, men should see the way you are doing things and emulate
you. “You are the salt of the earth…” – you are an asset to the world, a preserver of
generations, giving taste to living. Like Joseph was to the household of Israel in the land
of Egypt, so are you a securer of destinies. … A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.
That talks about being outstanding in your pursuits, becoming the lawyer, the carpenter,
the singer, or whatever your chosen vocation is. But this will only be made possible by
faith. If your destiny of redemption was made possible by faith, then your destiny of enviable
success can only be made possible by faith!
Faith is the principal power point of success.
Everything responds to it, nothing resists its authority. That is why Jesus said, If thou
canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth (Mark 9:23). Not ‘some things’,
but ‘all things’ are possible to him that believeth.
Even though you are loaded, just like your computer, you cannot perform without
being connected to the power point.


Faith is also the power link between God and man. No matter how devastating the
situation may be, faith is able to recover your destiny!

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There was a man called Lazarus, who was dead for four days and all his relations had
abandoned him in the grave. In fact, when Jesus said, Let us go to the grave. Mary,
Lazarus sister, said, “He’s smelling!” May be your relations have abandoned you as some-
one smelling or stinking, they have concluded that you cannot make anything out of life,
but there is a power link that is able to bring you a divine recovery of destiny. I am glad to
let you know that that situation is not irrecoverable, your destiny is not irreversible.
We also see a recovery of destiny in the story of the woman with the issue of blood.
She touched the hem of Jesus’ garment, and there was a flow of virtue from Him, which
stopped the flow of shame in her life:
And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee
whole; go in peace
Luke 8:48

It was her faith that connected her to the source of power and provoked the flow of
that power into her life, to terminate her shame. She touched Jesus, and who is Jesus?
He is the Word of God! So when you come across any provision of scripture, and your
faith comes alive on such a provision, there is a connection to the flow of unction, and
when that unction flows, it changes your position to fall in line with the contents of that
There is enough virtue in the Word of God to lighten every destiny, but faith is what
connects you to that power (Jn. 1:1-5).
Faith is what turns the Word of God into the power of God! And it is that power that
releases the content of that word into your life. Understand this: faith is not appreciating
the grammatical content of the Word of God, faith is tapping into the power that is behind
those scriptures so as to re-write your future!
That woman touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and virtue flowed from Him. That
means virtue flows at the instance of faith, not at the instance of God. Jesus did not
schedule that flow, it was faith that compelled it.


Do you know that God does not time your victory? Your victory in life is timed by your
faith. Why will God organise your healing for next week? What is He gaining by keeping
you on the sick bed between now and next week? It is your faith that times your victory.
God’s Word says,
“For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have
I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of
2 Corinthians 6:2

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Faith presents an open access for everyone to reach out to God at the instance of his
or her faith.
It is your faith that determines your NOW! God is not gaining anything by you being
under failure, frustration or affliction. When faith comes alive, victory is delivered instantly.
Your change of position is determined by the operation of your faith. Think about this:
Will God tell anybody to come and be saved tomorrow if the person comes out today?
Can you imagine someone say, “Jesus come and save me.” And He says, “No, I have
saved enough people today, come next week”? In the same way, can you imagine there-
fore that a man has faith to be healed and Jesus says, “No, no, no, I have healed too
many people today – in America, in Europe, in Kenya – your own turn will be in two weeks’
time”? Can you imagine that?
Therefore, never sit down and be imagining that someday it will work. Stop sitting
down at one point thinking, “When it is time, I know there will be a change.” It is your faith
that determines the time!
As far as I know, God has concluded your own change of position for shining, but it is
your faith that will secure your own personal position of shining in the prophecy in Isaiah
60:1. God does not time your change, it is your faith that does. When your faith comes
alive, your change becomes a natural sequence.

I want to help you understand one important philosophy of success. The world of
success is built on belief systems. We have mainly two belief systems in existence today,
namely the biblical belief system, and the natural belief system. I want us to be able to
differentiate between the two and understand how they work. You will agree with me that
people only excel in what they believe in? For instance, you cannot excel as a painter
except you believe in the values of fine arts, neither can you excel as a legal practitioner
except you believe in the values of that profession. Why is it so? People are only committed
to what they believe in! You can only accomplish a goal to which you are committed.

The Natural Belief System

Never ever think that there is no success outside the church; there is. You do not
have to be a Christian to be a success, but being a Christian puts you at an advantage; it
is a plus.
Not everybody having break-through in business out there is a thief. Have you not
met unbelievers who have enviable, peaceful and serene family lives?
This confirms that there is a natural belief system that is able to deliver success. You
believe in a cause and by believing in it you become committed to it; and by getting
committed to it, you eventually accomplish it.
Let me outline to you what the natural belief system offers.

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The natural belief system psyches the soul with confidence. It tells you, “It can be
It boosts the intellect for creativity. When you are committed to a cause, you
become creative in the pursuit of that cause.
It energises the body for action.
It stirs the emotions for accomplishment — that is, passion. However, two things
are lacking: the power back-up and divine security making it most vulnerable to all satanic
Biblical Belief System
The biblical belief system, on the other hand, has a two-fold power back-up:
It connects you to divine power for performance: And blessed is she that believed: for
there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord (Lk. 1:45).
There is a performance power back-up that goes beyond the soulish realm. While
the natural belief system makes the man bow when confronted with disease, attacks of
witches, wizards and all the wickedness of life, the biblical belief system strengthens the
inner man.
The biblical belief system also quickens the mind for supernatural mental productivity.
It connects you to the supernatural power of God, such that people marvel at you, as they
marvelled at Peter and the apostles. They will say, “These are ignorant and unlearned
men, how did they come to this depth?” And you will answer, “Because God showed it to
It was that divine back-up that made Daniel and the three Hebrew boys excel in wisdom
(Dan. 2:16-28).
These Hebrew boys were operating in a class out of this world. They said, “This is not
shown to us because we’re any smarter than anyone on the earth, but we are connected
to a source that you don’t know anything about.”
It is that source that you should connect with so that you are not just in the realm of
intellectual creativity. I want you to know that biblical faith connects you to divine
resourcefulness. The magicians, and the Chaldeans cannot stand your realm of mental
alertness because of your connection to the power point, which faith makes possible.
The biblical belief system does not only affect your spirit and soul, it also energises
your body supernaturally – making you live with strength that is out of this world. Remem-
ber when the hand of God came upon Elijah? The Bible says he out-run the chariots of
Ahab to the gates of Jezreel. Can you imagine a human being, running faster than a
horse? That is unheard of, that is not natural! With your natural belief system you can
build up a lot of confidence in your soul, a lot of strength in your body – but you can only
compete with men, you cannot run with horses! But when the hand of God is upon you,
you operate with the strength of the horse, and you out-run them.

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The biblical belief system therefore connects you to the performance power, also
protects you from all satanic assaults, and further to, destroys all spiritual oppositions:
“Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery
darts of the wicked.”
— Ephesians 6:16

I want you also to see the relevance of this biblical belief system to God’s great
programme for the endtime:
And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house
shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted
above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.
And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of
the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and
we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the
LORD from Jerusalem.
Isaiah 2:2-3

God is saying, “I will position them above the nations of the earth. My liftings upon
them will humble the nations of the earth. They will practically take over the affairs of this
world.” Then the nations of the world will say, “See how these men are shining, see how
they are rising; see how they are taking command. Come on, let’s lay down our pride and
go for what they have.” (Zech. 8:22).
In other words, many strong nations will bow to
the divine authority that God will confer on the Church, resulting in multi-dimensional
liftings. Soon, the Church will control the socio-economic life of the entire world. Every
spring of life will be traceable to the Church. God obviously had nations in mind when He
was putting up His divine agenda.
Mind you, we are not talking about the success of what to eat and drink, we are
talking about influencing the world economy, the scientific world, and so on, for God.
The end-time church will through faith, also subdue nations (Heb. 11:32-33), they
would bring nations to their knees and gain rulership of the earth. This type of success is
not about finding what to eat and what to drink. It is the global dimension of success, the
type of success that can only come from God, the one that turns you into an influence in
your nation and your world. God says you shall not borrow, but lend to nations (not lend to
neighbours). Nations will call you and ask for your help, because through divine backing,
you have the wherewithal to bail them out. The natural belief system cannot handle that
magnitude of success.
That is why I say that faith is not philosophy, it is not psychology, it is not metaphysics;
neither is it a school of thought. Faith is a power point that keeps you going in spite of all

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odds, by the backing of God. That is why it is said that what the Lord does, is forever.


How do you get at Bible faith? Or better still, what is the procedure for connecting with
this biblical belief system.
First, you must recognise that it has one source from where it draws its strength and
that source is the Word of God. “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word
of God” (Romans 10:17).
Secondly, if the Word is the source of biblical faith, what does it take to connect with
From Romans 10:17, we understand that it comes by hearing and hearing not one
hearing alone but hearing and hearing until you can see it. For instance, when you are
conversing with a friend and he keeps talking about certain things that you do not under-
stand, you look perplexed, and then, when you suddenly understand, you exclaim: “I see!
I see!” No one doubts what he can see; so when you hear to the point that you see, then
faith becomes automatic!
The problem is not with God, but with you and I allowing God to do it. Jesus got to
Nazareth, His birth place and their unbelief refused Him. He could not release what He
had for them, and the Bible said, He marvelled at their unbelief.”
It is not enough to discover all the provisions, you must patiently discover the de-
mands and be willing to subscribe to them and then you are on your way up. That
demands that if you believe it, behave it and then you become it. You can not believe
that God is your source and be behaving like a beggar. That is enough evidence that
you have not believed it; you are only faking it.
Do you know why Joseph was so resolute? He saw clearly that he was at the top,
in spite of all the odds - slavery, prison and so on.
In concluding this chapter, let me say that faith is the covenant access to your
inheritance in Christ, so when it comes alive, it connects you to the power that releases
your inheritance to you. Success is your birthright, and no matter the situation and cir-
cumstance, that birthright is accessible and ‘possessable’ by faith. It is my prayer that
whatever is causing your faith to dangle and waver will come to an end!
There is nothing to envy on the other side, nothing they have that you do not have,
but there is a lot you have that they do not have. They are the ones to envy you, all you
need is to understand the biblical belief system, and then begin to operate in it consciously.

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The Place Of Work

Can you imagine a student in school that does nothing but read the Bible, pray and
fast, when his textbooks are there? He will be the most fantastic charismatic failure! That
is why the Bible emphasises in James 2:17, that faith without works is dead. Unfortu-
nately, this is where many charismatics have crashed, they have substituted work for faith.
But faith is fake without work.
But first there are certain things you must know about work:

Has it ever occurred to you that when God planted a garden eastward in Eden, the
man He created could not begin to eat of any thing it had produced without work? Look at
Genesis 2:15
And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and
to keep it”

What God was saying to Adam in verse 15 is, “Work it or you have no right to enjoy its
blessings.” To dress and keep it means to work it. Work is therefore the first command-
ment given to man.
From what we read in Genesis 2, work existed long before the fall of man, so work is
not a curse! God the Father is a worker – the Bible says on the seventh day, He rested
from all His work (Gen. 2:2).
God is not under a curse, so working does not connote a curse, it is only a channel
through which your dreams and aspirations are realised.
In Psalm 127:1 the Bible tells us that every builder
invests labour. Therefore labour can be defined as the capital price of success.
Thank God for faith, but in the school of success, faith is impotent without work (Jams.
2:17). It is mere fantasy.
Also, when Jesus came, He said concerning Himself and the Father, …My Father
worketh hitherto, and I work (John 5:17). Meaning that right up to this moment, God is still
working. Jesus Himself was an ardent worker. He said of Himself, I must work… (John 9:
In my opinion, Adam was not busy enough! After naming the animals, he never once
said that he was going to work. Jesus, the last Adam, must perhaps have thought, “I saw
where the first Adam failed, I must not fail,” and so He concluded, “I must work!”

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One of the benefits of working is that, the harder you work, the brighter you think.
Mental dignity is a product of the use of the senses. You can not be
a hard worker and not be a resourceful thinker.
Kim Woo Chong, the president of the South Korean Daewoo company said, “If you
use your brain, it will develop. Many people say that they get more ideas when they go to
a quiet place in the mountain or at the seaside, but actually, real ideas come only when
the brain cells are moving. In my case, working time is when I think best! What’s more?
Creativity increases with hard work. Those who work extremely hard can stretch their
intuition and insight.”
Can you see now that the harder you work, the brighter you think? A lazy man will
gradually have his mental system corroded. He will lose his balance and his sense of
judgment. Your future can be secured by investing your labour. Don’t wait for it, it never
comes on its own.


Nothing destroys the destiny of any people or nation like cheap money. The scripture
confirm that in Proverbs 13:11:
Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall

Whatever you own that you cannot legitimately account for does not secure a future
for you. There is no substitute for hard work. No one succeeds by accident. Success is not
a product of luck. You can unlock your great destiny by embracing the cost of success.
God said to Abraham, …Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy
father’s house, unto a land that I will show thee. (Gen 12:1) What did he depart into? He did
not depart to sleep, he departed to animal husbandry. In other words, he departed to work.
It is a costly mistake to assume that prophecies fulfil themselves. They do not!
After Abraham departed to his work, God began to multiply his cattle and Abraham
began to secure the monopoly of the market until he became very rich in cattle (Gen.13:2).
Abraham was first of all rich in good works before he became very rich in cattle, in silver and
in gold. You are not entitled to true riches until you are truly rich in the work of your hands.
Many people have been waiting for prophecies to be fulfilled. If you are waiting, you
are wasting! Prophecies never fulfil themselves, your part must be fulfilled before God
can be committed. Abraham had 318 servants that were trained fighters in his house. He
became a nation by working his way into fulfilling divine agenda.

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Success cannot be inherited, it has to be practically earned. A Gallop poll in America
some time ago showed that 80 per cent of the children of successful people did not suc-
ceed. What your father has does not guarantee you personal success – as a matter of
fact, it can just disappear overnight! What you do not work for never enhances your worth.
There’s a proverb in my dialect, which says that a child who is dependent on his
father’s inheritance has given himself over to poverty. The lesson in that saying is that
success cannot be inherited, it has to be earned by every individual.
Parents must allow their children to pay this capital price or they remain liabilities.
Release them into the market of success, otherwise they will die as failures.
Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: so shall thy
poverty come as one that travelleth; and thy want as an armed man
Prov 24:33-34.

When your hands are folded, your destiny will be folded. Your work first and then
your house. You are not entitled to build a house until you have built your work (Prov.
Living without working is dying without knowing. When you are not working, you be-
come poor financially, physically, mentally and in all areas. You begin to decay.
If what you are doing is not engaging you enough, add something else to it. Life
operates fundamentally on the law of seedtime and harvest. This means that you can
never get out of life more than what you put into it.
Do not mistake going to work for working. Many people close after eight hours in the
office and cannot point to any traceable input they made all through the day.
Can you imagine someone with a lot of land, who had not planted any seed but is
expecting a harvest? He may visit the land everyday, but there will never be any produce
traceable from it. Do not mistake sitting behind a desk and making private calls for working,
or wearing a tie and a coat for labour! That’s not work, it’s a joke!
Until you begin to work, nothing works!


God has put something inside and around you to productively occupy you until He
comes (Lk. 19:13). What you need to discover it is insight. However, the insight you
require demands humility. If you despise the days of little things you may never see great
God told Abraham, …From the place where thou art … So, there is something you
can do where you are now! All you need is the starter’s humility. Work is available, but it
may not be your size. But a wise man once said, “Those who are too big to do small things

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are perhaps too small to be asked to do great things.”
The president of Daewoo Corporation, Kim Woo Chong, earlier referred to in this
chapter, started his business about 30 years ago and by 1977, his annual turnover was
about $90 billion – far above Coca-Cola and Rank Xerox! Hear what he said:
“About seven years before I started my own business, I worked for a company run by
a distant relative. Although I was part of the family, I was still a regular wage earner.
Yet I did my work as though I was the owner of the company. I did not wait for others,
I always took the initiative myself to seek out work to do. I was never late for work and
never took a day off because of the inexpressible joy I derive from accomplishment.
I still work as hard today!”

You never own yours until you prove to be faithful in another man’s own. Your unfaith-
fulness today will transfer to the business you are trying to start tomorrow – and the trend
will continue. What you are worth today in the company where you work will determine
your ultimate worth tomorrow when you begin your own operation.

No investment yields its returns overnight, every investment takes its time to yield
dividends. You do not plant cocoa seed today, and go there next week for harvest. That is
why the Bible says:
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not
Galatians 6:9

If you faint, you lose it. If you faint not, you get it. The foundation for success is
service. It is your commitment to serve that guarantees your success.
Success is not status, it is sacrifice. It does not connote surplus but service. It is not
position, it is disposition. Every successful person has this motive hidden within him/her,
that is, a desire to contribute something, to solve a problem; to be part of making life easy
for people.
The Bible says:
A fruitful man shall abound with blessing, but he
that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent.
Proverbs 28:20

Until you take that position, success is not in view. And when service becomes your
motive, you naturally become tireless in your pursuit. You are not reward-driven, you are
input-motivated. Everyone who is committed to solving a particular problem becomes a
candidate for success. Your motivation after reward does not bring success, but a desire
towards contributing to the society does. And in the process, reward comes your way.

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Habakkuk 2:3 says that the vision speaks at the end, not at the beginning. Your
reward will naturally come after your input, not before it. Jesus said, …But he that shall
endure unto the end, the same shall be saved (Mark 13:13). Or put it this way, “...the
same shall be rewarded.” The only way to stay on to the end is if reward is not your
A motor mechanic, who is motivated by reward will begin to play pranks with people
who bring vehicles for him to fix, but the one who is motivated by service puts in his best
and by doing his best, his clients begin to reward him beyond his input. They will say of
him, “That man is very faithful, and he is an expert in his field. He knows his job.”
Our problem in this part of the world is that nothing motivates us but reward. Jesus
said, “I am in your midst as one that serves.” Look at all the inventors, they spent all their
lives, all their resources, all their income, experimenting. Thomas Edison was so concerned
with giving electricity to the world that he worked assiduously, experimenting 9,999 times
before he got it. Remember, it is not the electricity he needed that he was going after, it was
the one that would help the world be a better place.
Kim Woo Chong also said, “You must have a philosophy of life. People often think of
something lofty and difficult when they hear the term philosophy, but a living philosophy is
not so difficult. And here it is: no matter what you do, dedicate yourself to it! And if you can
dedicate yourself to the benefit of society, that is enough!”
For instance, I know that I have a mission to the world to liberate them from all op-
pressions of the devil, but the first year of our operations as a ministry, we had only 154
maximum attendance:and that was after 12 months of teaching, which included 16 con-
secutive seminars! Today however, our membership is in hundreds of thousands, with
many flourishing parishes all over Nigeria and Africa! It does not matter what size of
business you have, if you will give it a service-orientation far above anticipated gains, you
will hit unimaginable rewards.
That was the secret Job caught ; the secret of service, which landed him in the helps
ministry. His business was centered on helping the helpless — putting smiles on the
faces of the depressed, binding the broken-hearted, and because of that service motive,
he began to gallop from glory to glory.
No doubt, the redeemed are tower builders, destined to soar above their peers, but
there is a cost attached. That cost is Work!

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The Place of Endowment

At creation, certain things were deposited in you to make you a profitable citizen of the
earth. That is endowment.
Think about this: Most basketball stars are of extraordinary height. That height is not
a personal achievement, but an endowment from nature, which the basketball star is only
trading. That is also true of runners, all the cells of their bodies are “runner cells”.
Except you are ‘wired-up’ for the things you are doing, you will not find fulfilment; you
will not get results there, because you are not created for that assignment.


In 2 Kings 4:1-7, there was a woman whose husband had died and left such a huge
debt that his creditors were coming to take his two sons away. The deceased husband
was a prophet, so poverty has no respect for titles. You can be called anything and yet be
However, when that woman went to Elisha, the prophet, for help, he said to her,
“What hast thou in the house?” That means, “Those troubles have a solution within you.
There’s something inside you that is able to provide answers to the questions you are
confronted with.”
In 1 Corinthians 3:9, man is referred to as God’s building. A building that has something
inside it that is able to terminate all His struggles.
That widow was at the point of committing suicide because she did not know what
she had “within”. Similarly, many people are at the verge of committing suicide because
they do not recognise what is in their ‘houses.’
I make bold to say that there is something inside you that holds the answer to the
embarrassment you are facing! There is a treasure in your being that can terminate the
pressures of your life.
“What hast thou in the house?” And she answered, “Thine handmaid hath not anything
in the house!”
Perhaps, Elisha said, “Well until you know what you have your children will go into
slavery.” And she quickly added, “… save a pot of oil.” That pot of oil, as ordinary as it
appeared, held the answer to the embarrassment of her life.
There is a treasure built into your nature, but until you discover it, you may crash your
destiny without knowing.
Jesus spoke of this in very clear terms in Matthew 25:14-18,

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For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his
own servants,and
delivered unto them his goods.
And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every
man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.
Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and
made them other five talents.
And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two.
But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord’s money.

Every creature of God carries a divine treasure inside him called talents, and they
are placed there to make him a profitable citizen of the earth.
That endowment is to every man “according to his several ability,” that is, “to every-
one according to the duties assigned to him.”
It is, therefore, time to go on a sincere search for those hidden treasures inside you,
so you can make the most of this one opportunity you have to pass through this world.
Understand that you are not a biological accident.
You are carefully crafted by God to carry out a purpose on the earth. You only become
pitiable when you are trying to be something other than what you were made to be.

You are filled with a lot of treasure but you can only become treasurable when you
apply them to the particular purpose for which you are designed. A discovery of your
divine endowment is the foundation for a world of success. That is why it can be called
‘success life-gate’; it is the gate that life opens and that gate opens first and foremost by a
discovery of the Manufacturer’s purpose for making those ‘biological machines’ – you
and I. When we apply ourselves directly to that purpose, we excel without exerting pressure
on our lives.
Know that every calling in Christ is a high calling; everyone called is appointed to be
justified. Everyone justified is to be glorified.
Note that life is a game that has no return match!
You mess it up, you miss it eternally! There’s no coming back. Every appearance
of reincarnation is a deception of the devil. In Hebrews 9:27, the word of God says,
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment...

There are people today in the marketing profession who do not have anything mar-
keting in their nature. Nothing is breaking forth for them because they are not endowed for

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What about some who have gone into politics when there is nothing inside them to
handle public leadership? They are neither coherent nor consistent, yet they remain there,
One simple way to know whether you are doing what you are suited for is found in 1
John 5:3,
For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his command-
ments are not grievous..

If what you are doing is grieving you, choking you, pressing you, or tearing you apart,
then it is not His commandment. But if it is satisfying you, giving you joy, then, you have a
clear scriptural evidence that you are on course with divine endowment.


Talents on their own are not enough, you need to be refined, because raw talents will
only attract raw deals. For example, Nigeria is blessed with oil in crude form but until the
crude oil is refined, you cannot get ‘refined’ value for it. Therefore, it is not enough to be
talented, you must know what it takes to refine that talent and get full value for it.
Talent unrefined is crude, and crude talent will only attract crude value! There is no
doubt that your endowment is the gateway to the world of success, but it is delivered to
you raw. You must then know what to do to refine it and get the best value for it.
Just as we refine crude oil in the refinery, we refine talent in the ‘trainery!’
Training is one way by which you can refine your talents. It could be formal or infor-
mal, but it is important if your talent must yield maximum value.
As early as Genesis, there has been a place for training. In Genesis 14:14, when
Abraham heard that his brother, Lot, was taken captive, he armed “his trained servants”
that were born in his house, and he pursued the enemy until he overtook them and deliv-
ered his brother.
Also, we are told in the story of David, that some worthless people came to see him in
1 Samuel 22:2. They were men of no value, but David took them through the crucible of
training. Later, the Bible described them in 2 Samuel 23:8, as, “…the mighty men of David…”
after they had undergone the required training for warfare. You need the appropriate skills
required to secure your destiny.
Jesus the Son of the Most High, had to be trained for His assignment. The Bible says
this much in Luke 2:42 & 46,
And when he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of
the feast.
And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the
midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions.

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Jesus was in the school of Rabis and after their lectures they threw questions at Him
and His answers were most profound. His spiritual endowment was undergoing a refining
process. Understand that Jesus was the pattern Son, the only begotten of the Father. He
had great prophecies heralding His birth, yet, He had to sit down in the midst of the doc-
tors of the law, hearing and asking them questions!
No one ever becomes a proven apostle until he is first a successful disciple. Mark
3:14 says,
And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them
forth to preach

Where must they first be? With Him! After that, He will send them forth to preach.
Training is a must if you will not crash your destiny. One bit of information can terminate
all your frustrations. There is nothing of value that does not have a price.
Jesus painted a graphic picture of the place of training in Luke 13.
In that parable we understand that He planted a fig tree in His vineyard. Then He
came and sought fruit on it and found none. So He said to the dresser of the vineyard,
…Behold, these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and find none: cut
it down; why cumbereth it the ground? And he answering said unto him, Lord, let it
alone this year also, till I shall dig about it, and dung it
Luke 13:7,8

In other words, training is digging around your talent and applying ‘manure’ so that it
can grow and produce valuable fruits. Therefore, let your crude talent pass through the
‘trainery’, to make the best of it come out.
The opportunity for informal training is all around you. There are unlimited opportuni-
ties around you to improve your lot. It is time to begin to read relevant books and journals.
It is time to begin to pay the hard currency of training so that you can live a high life
There is an ‘eagle nature’ inside of you that guarantees your being a high flier on the
earth, but not without submitting to the non-negotiable demand for training. If you want to
remain current and relevant in your field, you must constantly be learning new skills that
will help you to blend. It is time to begin to build a library of relevance. Expose yourself to
the happenings in your field. Undertake relevant courses that will promote your output.
Remember that every destiny is at the mercy of skill, for every prize winner is a price
payer. Skill is essentially acquired through training. So, you have no choice but to submit
to this fundamental law.
We had some gifted men in scriptures: Daniel, Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego
who went through training and when they were tested the gifts in them answered for them
- they were found ten times better than their peers.

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Training is a must for triumph. If you see the pictures of sportsmen it becomes easier
for you to appreciate the place of training in skill development. David was not only anointed,
but also trained in the skill of sling throwing. And he became a master slinger - which was
the talent he used to secure victory for his nation, Israel.
You are destined to be a mighty person, but your very worth will come alive only as
you accept responsibility for training. No matter how worthless you may appear today, the
treasure in you has value, if you will provoke the value to come forth, by training.
Training will always culminate in triumph, if you embrace it with delight.


The next factor that enhances the value of your talent is patience. It is a common
saying that Rome was not built in a day. That is to say there is an undeniable place
patience occupies in the refining of your talent.
Look at Mark 4:26-29:
And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the
And should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he
knoweth not how.
For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the
full corn in the ear.
But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the
harvest is come

The seed will germinate and produce; it does so in stages. First the blade, then the
ear and the flower and then the full corn. That is a principle of the kingdom of God.
In Hebrews 12:1-2, God’s Word gives us a brief exhortation on patience.

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses,
let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us
run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and
finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,
despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Patience is therefore necessary to make the most of success in life. The talents are
real, they are genuine but they have to be discovered and subjected to the demand of
training and the weapon of patience, to realise your great moment. That is why the scrip-
tures say in James 5:7:

Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husband-

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man waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he
receive the early and latter rain.

Indeed, the husbandman waits patiently for the precious fruit of the earth after it has
received both the former and latter rain, the treasures will deliver maximally only with
patience at work.
Indeed, your talent needs training and you need patience to actualise the preciousness
of your divine treasure in the race of life.
Remember the Bible says let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
looking unto Jesus.

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The Place Of Planning

Planning gives value to your time and resources, and ultimately to your pursuits. It is
a non-transferable responsibility of everyone who desires true success.
Planning is nothing but the application of logical, rational, analytical thinking to your
objective, as you will never know the worth of what you have, until you become committed to
planning. To a non-planner, nothing is enough, nothing is sufficient or adequate; but plan-
ners are always resourceful and creative, so whatsoever they have is made to be
sufficient.“Moreover the profit of the earth is for all: the king himself is served by the field”
– (Ecclesiastes 5:9).
That is, everyone has an equal opportunity to make the most of life, but there are
laws to obey that will give you automatic access to your portion of the profit of the earth.
Planning has to do with facts that will make your work resourceful and result-oriented.
You must be adequately informed about your subject matter.
Have you defined your goal? Don’t be fact-blind, be a fact-hunter. Go for the relevant
facts to help you actualize that goal.
Most of our young men working presently in spare parts stores, have goals which
they are trying to translate into success, so they undertake apprenticeship to lay hold on
certain facts that they cannot otherwise acquire. While their mates are pitying them, think-
ing that they are wasting away, the young men are giving value to their lives by gathering
the relevant facts.
Planning is the arrangement of facts to achieve your set objectives. So if the facts are
not there, what are you arranging? That is why the fact-finding process is a must!
God is a master planner. The entire creation is an evidence of God’s planning at-
tribute. Before the animals were created, the grass they would eat was waiting. Before
the fish came, the water was already there. You could see a lot of order, and order is a
product of planning.
Also hear Jesus Christ in Matthew 4:19-20
Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.

If we put those words in today’s language, Jesus Christ was saying, “My destiny for
you requires that you become a planner.” Also in the Revised Standard Version, the Bible
states in Jeremiah 29:11:
For I know the plans that I have for you, says the LORD, plans for welfare and not
of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

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That scripture establishes the fact that you do not have a future until you are a com-
mitted planner.
Four elements or factors are always necessary for goodly success - factors that en-
able you to go from success to success in your pursuits. They are purpose, planning,
programming and pursuit. All four rotate in a circle beginning with the discovery of pur-
pose, then planning, from there, programming and on to pursuit. It is a circle that is able to
run on and on.


Thorough planning gives you victory over lack. That means you stop winning when you
stop planning. In other words, if you are not planning, do not claim to be working, because
nothing will work. You are either planning or playing. When you stop planning you start
failing. In the school of success, planning is one of the principal pillars. You are either a
planner or you will never become a success.
Planning is the non-transferable responsibility of everyone who desires true success.
Why? You do not know the worth of what you have until you become committed to plan-
Planning gives value to your time and resources, and ultimately to your pursuits. To a
non-planner, nothing is enough, nothing is sufficient or adequate; but a planner is
resourceful and creative, so whatever he has is made to be sufficient.

Planning is therefore the application of logical, rational, and analytical thinking to your
objective. It is approaching your set-objective with appropriate counsel. It can also be
described as the arrangement of facts to achieve set-objectives.
Remember, everyone has an equal opportunity to make the most of life. However
there are three laws to obey that will give you automatic access to your portion of the profit
of the earth - these constitute effective planning.

Reasoning is a law, and God is saying, “If you are willing and obedient to this law of
reasoning, you will eat the good of the land.” (Isai. 1:18-19).
Reasoning is the principal raw material for effective planning. In Acts 6:1-7, during
that mighty move of the Holy Ghost the apostle said,
…It is not reason that we should leave the word of God, and serve tables.
Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the
Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business

Now, it was not the Holy Ghost that said it, it was their reasoning, which later resulted
in planning. Because of that versatile plan, their assignment was preserved, and the effect

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was that the Word of God increased. There was no more distraction - they could now
maximise their resources; and make the most of their assignment.
Look at a young man in the scripture whose name was not given, but who was simply
called the prodigal son. The Bible says in Luke 15:17 that he reasoned thus:
“How many hired servants of my father’s have bread enough and to spare, and I
perish with hunger!”

After that, his reasoning evolved into a plan of action (verse 18). He arose and was
on his way home, and the destiny of that young man was restored overnight - through the
application of the law of reasoning.
Understand what I am saying: you are not a failure until you start looking for who to
blame for it.
Beware of the Bethesda syndrome, “I have no man” – ( John 5:7). That impotent man
by the pool was grounded because he did not have any plan for escape. Everybody met
him there and left him celebrating his 38th year anniversary by the pool! After two or three
years, if he had been sensible enough, he would have been able to know what time the
angel would come.
His example shows that it is possible to waste a whole lifetime, if you do not apply the
fundamental law of planning. Planning occupies its unique position in the school of suc-
cess. To neglect it means that one will never become a success.
Please get excited! You have what it takes to be an effective, resourceful and pro-
found planner, which is the mind of Christ. Reasoning is a product of the mind and you
have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16).
God cannot tell us to come and reason with Him if we did not have the mind of Christ.
He accepts you and I as being in His class of mental existence – so we can reason with
I have never asked my dog to come and reason with me, we do not have the same
You have the mind of Christ, the greatest mind in all creation; the source of all cre-
ation, because without Him was nothing made that was made. Therefore, you have all it
takes to be an effective planner. All you need is to embrace the pains of the discipline of
planning. Somebody once said, and I believe him, that there are two pains in life. First,
the pain of discipline and second, the pain of regret. If you refuse to do the mental work
that the race of life demands, you end up doing the menial jobs on the earth. Wake up
and begin to plan.
Prayer Is Not Planning!
People have erroneously thought that prayer is a substitute for planning. It is not!
There are many prayer giants who are gallant failures. Praying without planning is playing

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without knowing.
Learn from the early Apostles. They were so anointed – Peter’s shadow was already
healing the sick (Acts 5:15) but he insisted that, “For us to operate in this anointing suc-
cessfully, we must engage the law of reasoning.” The reasoning made them to appoint
seven deacons to serve the tables while they concentrated on the Word (Acts 6).
Life is not a myth; it is real, a mythical approach to it will make you a miserable citizen
of the earth. You must give life a practical approach to make the most of it.
Friend, you can survive, you may exist, but you will never excel without planning!
Think of it, when Jesus said,
For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the
cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?
Luke 14 28.

Only tower planners become tower builders. If you are after a bungalow, no problem.
But if it is a tower you are after, you will need to sit down first, count the cost or get to know
the factors that will help you accomplish your target; design the steps required to produce
results, and then you are on your way.
Every tower builder is a tower thinker. Until you start thinking “tower thoughts”, you
will never become a candidate for building a tower.
Proverbs 15:22 reminds us that Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in
the multitude of counselors they are established.
Counsel is nothing but a step-by-step approach to the issues at hand in order to
realize your desire. And if that is also the definition of planning, it means that where there
is no planning, purposes are defeated. It is not enough to dream last night that you are in
business and you wake up the next day running after it. Strategic planning is required.
Now that we have come to the success age of the Church, the mountain top era of
God’s people, it means that we must begin to engage mountaintop planning in our ap-
proach to life.
Watch every committed planner today, he is an outstanding winner in the making.

The second important law in planning is that of information, because planning has to
do with facts. It is those facts that will make your planning resourceful and result-oriented.
You must be adequately informed about your subject-matter (Prov. 24:3-5).
Have you defined your goal? Do not be fact-blind, be a fact-hunter. Go for the rel-
evant facts to help you actualize that goal.
Most of the young men known as “apprentice” in motor spare parts stores, have goals
which can only be actualised after laying hold on the facts in a period of learning. While
their mates are pitying them, thinking that they are wasting away, the young men are

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giving value to their lives by gathering the relevant facts in the trade.
To start our Bible School (Word of Faith Bible Institute) for example, we visited eight
similar schools on a fact-finding exercise; to find out what their mission was and to assess
how the mission was being accomplished. Also, before I came into ministry I studied 39
biographies of other ministries. That enabled me to have a fair idea of what those giants
had to do to arrive at and maintain their “gianthood”. I had a broad and fair idea of what
ministry entails and about founders and evangelists and so on.

The last but not the least in planning, is the law of separation or meditation. To get the
best use of the mind you need a time out. It is time to get away from the noise around so
that you can have the atmosphere required for sensitivity to God’s opinion of your plans.
The Bible supports this in Proverbs 18:1 and Isaiah 30:21.
It is not everything you think that is right. You need to reason things out, then bring
your plans to God and trust Him to direct you on what is right. That makes your planning
much more secure than the ordinary planning in the world.
Talking about Isaac, the Bible says in Genesis 24:63 that he went to the field to
meditate. Then in chapter 26 verse 12, he sowed in that land and received in the same
year a hundred fold. The Lord blessed him and he waxed strong, went forward and grew
until he became very strong.
Jesus too was given to separating Himself to hear from heaven.
In Mathew 15:29, the Bible says that Jesus went up to a high mountain and sat down
there. He was not praying, He was not shouting, He was just sitting quietly. You need a
‘mountain top’ where you can sit down, separated from all the noise of the crowd.
It is time to sit up and devise your ways in quietness (Prov. 16:9). Separation makes
for mental resourcefulness, fertility and prowess.
You can know where you are going and how to get there by occupying a ‘mountain
top’ position, where you sit down and integrate your purpose into functional plans for
Always be conscious that your goals are tenable. In fact, greater dreams than you
have, have been accomplished by others; all that is needed from you and I is to do what
they did to get the kind of results they got.
A wise man once said, “Success is a matter of luck, ask any failure”. In other words
only failures see success as a matter of luck. In the words of another wise man, “Shallow
men think of luck, but wise and strong men believe in cause and effect”.
You may perhaps be wondering at this juncture that in spite of the acknowledged
importance of planning, why are so many in the body of Christ not embracing it? What are
the factors militating against planning? I have been able to identify four such enemies of

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Passing The Buck
This is essentially the black man’s disease. It is a common foible among the black
race - always looking for somebody, somewhere to help him before he can make it in life.
He is always blaming somebody for where he is, thereby ignoring his responsibilities, until
he becomes a liability. The truth is: there is enough inside the poor to enhance his value in
life, but like the man at the pool of Bethesda, he is always looking for “a man” instead of
searching for a plan (John 5:7).

“I Don’t Have Enough”

There is what can be called the ‘I-don’t-have-enough” mentality. This mentality is an
enemy that has made captives of many men. They do not know that planning is using
what you have to get what you want. I heard one of our Bishops say recently, “You can use
what you have, where you are, to get what you want.” In essence, if you can think enough,
what you have is enough. Start from where you are.
You are not a resourceful planner if you are planning with what you don’t have. You
can not be planning with your uncle’s money, there is no covenant that says he must give
you money to start off your business. A genuine planner plans within available resources.
Our best example of a planner is God, the Father. The earth was without form and
void, but His wisdom went into operation and what was void resulted in fulness:
The earth is the LORD’S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell
Psalm 24:1

The LORD by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath he estab-
lished the heavens.
Proverbs 3:19

Purposeless Companions
The cheapest way to miss your flight at the airport is to be talking with a friend who is
not going where you are going or who is not going anywhere at all. You will find yourself
just discussing different issues until your flight time is announced and you do not hear. But
when you are both going on the same flight, you will maintain the same level of sensitivity.
If one does not hear the announcement, the other one will pick it. When you are walking
with men going nowhere, you end up nowhere! (Prov. 13:20).
God’s Word also says, “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good man-
ners” (1 Corinthians 15:33), or evil company corrupts great futures. For instance, until Lot
separated from Abraham, he (Abraham) could not enter the next phase of His life. Dis-
connect from any distractions so that you do not end up in frustration.

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Lack Of Value For Time
You require reasoning plus time to develop tactics. Time is the one thing you will need
to invest in planning so as to succeed. You cannot do without it. The time you do not invest,
the devil will destroy. Every successful planner is a time-investor not a time-spender. What
you spend holds no returns, it is what you invest that yields great returns for you. Everybody
has 24 hours allotted to him per day. The rich become rich because they invest their time,
while the poor become poor because they spend their time. Most failures in life are due to
time mismanagement or time abuse. Therefore, make the most of your time because the
days are evil (Eph. 5:16).
It is important therefore, to watch out for these enemies, and as you take genuine
steps into the realms of planning, you will walk into the great future God has prepared for

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The Place of CHARACTER

If you are a child of God, redemption guarantees you a great future - for those He has
predestined, He has called, those He has called, He has justified, those He has justified,
He has glorified (Romans 8:29-30). Redemption, by the blood of the lamb, also assures
that we have a lively hope, the hope that maketh not ashamed (Jer. 29:11).
It is truly the inheritance of the redeemed to have a great and enviable future. But
what is the way to this desirable future?
You cannot separate the future of a tree from its nature. The nature of a tree is what
determines the fruit it bears in future. An orange tree cannot bring forth mango fruits,
neither can a guava tree bring forth orange fruits. And you will also agree that the fruit of a
tree is what determines its future, because inside the fruit is the seed, and inside the seed
is the tree again. The tree bears the fruit, and the fruit bears the seed and the seed goes
to the ground and becomes a tree. Hence, wherever you have a fruit, there is a tree, and
the Bible says in Isaiah 61:3 that we are trees of righteousness, the plantings of the Lord,
that He might be glorified. Your future is, therefore, largely determined by your nature.
“Every tree that bringeth forth not good fruits is hewed down and cast into fire.”
Matt. 7:19

It means the absence of good fruits will terminate any great destiny - the future is
dashed because it is not bringing forth good fruits. It is your nature that determines your
future. Your habit defines your habitat, and your ‘make-up’ determines your ‘end-up.’
Understand therefore that having a successful or great future is not a product of
chance, but a task that has to be consciously tackled.
“You don’t determine your destiny,” someone said, “you determine your character
and your character defines your destiny.” Let me say, therefore, that character is the
covenant block with which great futures are built.

Success, I must say, is not so much a function of what to do, but what to be. There are
many people who are excellent in their field of endeavour, yet every opportunity for lifting
passes them by, why? They lack the character required to match the position they aspire
to attain.
What to be therefore, is much more important than what to do, because what you are
actually determines what you do.

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Character is not a gift, it is a choice. It leaves you with a personal responsibility to
cultivate it.
The quality of your character is the foundation for how great your future will be. Unfor-
tunately, awareness of this fact is greatly missing in the body of Christ today. Conse-
quently, so many are struggling with doing, not realising that the fundamental require-
ments for divine lifting lie in being.
An African proverb says, “Character is the commander of fortune”. God enacted the
law of divine success Joshua 1:6-9 and a close look at the verses shows that God spoke
to Joshua five times about what to “be” and just twice about what to “do”. This goes to
show how vital what you are is as opposed to what you do, in determining your success.
Character, should be considered as one of the greatest assets in the school of suc-
cess. Ability alone will never take you where character would see where character brought
Joseph to!
And he left all that he had in Joseph’s hand; and he knew not ought he had, save the
bread which he did
eat. And Joseph was a goodly person, and well favoured.
Success in life is a direct function of God’s favour, and it takes character to walk in
favour. Joseph was goodly person, a man of character and well-behaved, trustworthy,
reliable and dependable. Portiphar saw character in him and trusted him with all he had.
Even the prison, Joseph’s character was so glaring that it earned him favour there
Character crisis is basically at the root of every misfortune in life. Do you want to
enjoy success in life? Then continuously develop a goodly personality and a lifestyle of
enviable character.

There are three covenant modules I would like you to always be conscious of as you
build your character for a great future. They are Gifts and Habits, Nature and Efforts,
Papers and Character.
No matter how gifted a man is, if he lacks character, he will not have value. Think of a
motor mechanic, who is an expert in his trade but lacks integrity. People say, “Oh, yes, he
knows his job, but you can not trust him.” He therefore loses the market, the future of his
career is at stake, not because he lacks expertise, but because he lacks character.
That apart, nature is far superior to efforts. Thus, you will need to spend more time in
building the kind of nature that will secure for you the kind of future that you desire, than
you spend on efforts.
A chimpanzee, for instance, looks very much like a man, but his nature places clear
limits on his future - no matter how hard it tries, it cannot run for council elections. Thus,
how you are determines what you will become.

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Thirdly, no matter the quality of the degrees that you have acquired, you require
quality character to make your destiny. There are some people who have never enjoyed
any fruitful tenure of office in any organisation. Reason: character deficiency.
It is therefore, not enough to have what the world needs, you must be who they want.
Have you not heard such statements as: “He is very intelligent but unreliable.” “He is our
best candidate. He scored 92 per cent, but he lacks integerity.” And that ends the matter.
His destiny is closed.
I have been in a number of circles, where placements are being decided to fill very
senior positions, and you hear comments flying from everyone: “If it is that man, forget it!
He has everything but lacks character.”


Always remember that at the root of every destiny that crash is character failure.
When this ‘character disease’ is not treated on time, it leads to ultimate failure of destiny.
Many in church are going through terrible situations, not by the hand of the devil, they are
purely victims of character failure.
Character crisis for instance, is the reason for the family crisis many good-looking
men and women are suffering. Listen to some women when they talk, you can quickly pick
the reason why they cannot keep a home – they are “too much” to be married! And look
at some men, they are too arrogant to keep a home.
Please, note that faith is not enough, that is why God’s Word says in 2 Peter 1:5-10
that you should among other things add virtue to your faith.
‘Virtue’ means character, and you add to character, knowledge, and to knowledge,
temperance or call it discipline, to discipline patience, and to patience, godliness, and to
godliness, brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness add love. These things are there
to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall from
the grace of your great future.
For instance, somebody might think that Samson fell on the laps of Delilah. That is
not the truth. Pride was the undoing of that great destiny. When he was to marry the
strange woman, his parents said “No”. He was absolutely inaccessible by any man, and
God resists the proud, but gives more grace to the humble. When God turned His back
on Samson, he invariably became a cheap prey to the devil. They plucked his eyes out
and he became a toy in the hands of the Philistines.
For instance you should understand that the cheapest way to keep the devil off your
family is not to pray or fast, but to obey the demand of peace. The command says hus-
bands love your wives as Christ loves His Church. The love is without clause, without any
proviso - it does not matter the disposition or position of your wife.
I also know that it takes two persons to fight and as long as the other party is not
ready to fight, the fight is over. Imagine a wrestler in the ring who brags up and down, but

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sees no opponent. After a while, he will depart without wrestling.
Therefore a vital aspect of character is your attitude. Though it sounds passive, it is
indeed a dynamite. Attitude largely determines altitude and altitude determines response,
while response determins results. If you study the success story of Jesus Christ, it is
purely rooted in attitude.
In Philippians 2:5-9 His altitude was determined by attitude. The Bible says He made
Himself of no reputation and took upon Himself the form of a slave. And because of His
humility and sense of servanthood, in spite of His pedigree as a son of God, the Father
exalted His name above all other names (verse 9).
Attitude can also be described as a threefold cord, embracing your attitude to God, to
life and to your work. These are vital secrets determining where you end in the race of life.
The first in this threefold attitude is the way and manner you relate to God. God is not
a taskmaster. He is a loving Father (Jhn. 3:16).
His commandments are not grievous; they are designed for our good. In Heb. 11:6,
God is a rewarder, not a user. Also in Hebrew 6:10 the Bible further confirms the good-
ness of God. God is not a wicked King, but a caring Father, neither is He a deceiver. His
name is called the Faithful (Revelation 19:11). It is important, therefore, to understand
God so as to build the right attitude for your increasing altitude in life. Remember that God
is not a usurper, God is a master supplier (Phil 4:19). There is nothing in the Bible de-
signed to take advantage of you.
Your attitude to life also plays a significant role in your ultimate success.
Note that life is a gift, not a grief. It is a privilege, not an imprisonment. When you see
life as a privilege and a gift, you will embrace it and you will not despair.
Remember the scripture says you are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).
Life is about contributions, not collection. It is all about responsibility and not
dependency, and as someone has said, responsibility is the price for greatness. Life is
about relevance not significance. It is also about service, not status:
Life is about disposition, not position (Luke 22:27). It is about sacrifice and not surplus
(Job 29:3-18). It is about giving and not just receiving (Proverbs 11:24-25). Your attitude
to life will determine what it offers you.
Life is not about sitting down and waiting for someone else to get things done for you.
It is about getting out there and creating opportunities to make things happen. If you have
this perspective to life, then life will cease to be a burden. Accept responsibility so as not
to die a liability. Only those who take steps today have a story to tell tomorrow. Take steps
to avoid going down.

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As earlier said, work is not a curse. It is no misfortune either. Work existed long
before the curse was pronounced. It is a blessing.
Inheritance is not a substitute for practical input. Value is not transferable, it is earned.
It is work that determines worth.
Have you ever asked why nobody is ever interested in knowing a beggar’s name or
home address? The answer is simple: A beggar has no worth. Why? Because what you
have not worked for does not add to your worth. Wake up to your destiny as you work
today determines where you are tomorrow.
It is your attitude to work that determines your attainment in the world.

Character could be likened to a heart; when the heart of a man fails, he ceases to
exist, when character fails, it leads to a crashed destiny. For this reason, get corrected;
take the right steps before life rejects you. These steps are what the Bible calls the “fruit
of the Spirit”:
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness,
Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
Galatians 5:22-23
These virtues are what I call the pillars of destiny. These nine pillars are the defini-
tions of the spiritual capacities of your spirit man. Let us look briefly at how some of these
virtues helped scriptural giants to realise their destinies.
LOVE: Nehemiah
Nehemiah was living in the comfort of the palace but had an unquenchable passion
for his people that were in affliction (Nehemiah 1:4). He had no intention of becoming the
governor of the land, but love paved the way for him and from being a cup-bear he be-
came the governor of the land. It is evident, therefore, that the more you love, the higher
you fly.
JOY: Joseph
God changed Joseph’s story because the virtue of joy had practical expression in his
life. He was the most excited and elated prisoner in the history of mankind. He was
absolutely free from depression and so could not be a victim of oppression. He was
always doing his work (Genesis 39:11). He was so charming that Portiphar’s wife thought
he would be a better husband for her!
Also, in the prison, joy elevated him. It was joy that connected him to destiny.

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MEEKNESS: Moses and Paul
You remember the man called Moses? He was the meekest of all men that were on
the face of the earth. God raised him as a deliverer. Meekness made way for that destiny
to be realised (Numbers 12:3). Jesus said, “Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit
the earth.” (Matthew 5:5). The meeker you are, the greater your destiny becomes. Take
note of this also from Paul, the Apostle, who said,
For I am the least of the apostles, that am not meet to be called an apostle, be-
cause I persecuted the church of God.
1 Corinthians 15:9

He went on to say in verse 10 that, “By the grace of God I am what I am..!” Meekness
made way for his greatness. Please catch it!

You cannot be described as disciplined, if you always require supervision to make
your contributions or do that which is right. Paul said, “All things are lawful unto me, but all
things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the
power of any” (1 Corinthians 6:12). Discipline made room for his distinction.
Quietness has its virtues and those virtues have no substitutes. The more quiet you
are, the more insight you gain. Jesus’ virtue of goodness was manifested by His attitude
when for instance, He had compassion on the hungry crowd in Luke 9:13. He must have
been saying, “Listen, I cannot let them go home. They may faint on the way. Let’s give
them food to eat.” And that virtue of goodness brought about the miracle of feeding the
5000 men.
The patriarch Abraham became the father of nations through the virtue of patience.
After he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise (Hebrews 6:12). Patience made
way for him. He waited and waited but he never wasted. For 25 years, he waited, but he
never missed it and his destiny came to life. His life was secured, because he patiently
If these virtues are in you, and they abound, God said you will neither be barren nor
unfruitful in your pursuits in life, your calling and election will be sure, and you will never
The good news is, you have the God-given ability to display these virtues if you care.
So, if you are gunning for a great future, mind your nature. If you are gunning for a great
destiny, mind your character, and if you are looking for a great tomorrow, embrace the fruit
of the spirit. Remember, these virtues are inter-connected, and for every one of them,
faith is the baseline. What you do not believe, you never become. When you begin to add

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these things to your faith you can become great in good time.
Avoid Pride
It is pertinent however that as you cultivate those virtues, you have to beware of
pride. Pride is a destroyer of destiny. God resists the proud and He gives more grace to
the humble. Many Christians are direct victims of pride. They ‘know’ more than everybody.
They even know more than God Himself!
A life that is plagued with pride is always a life of complaints, and a life without humil-
ity is heading for humiliation. Jesus said,
“Are you tired of your struggles? Come to me and learn the way out. I am meek and
lowly in heart, and you’ll find rest for your souls.”
(Matt. 11:29).
It was God’s plan for Moses to be the deliverer of Israel, but it took the virtue of
meekness to connect with his great destiny. Meekness made way for his greatness. It will
make the way for anyone’s greatness.
You Are Being Tested
The Bible says,
Until the time that his word came: the word of the LORD tried him.
The king sent and loosed him; even the ruler of the people, and let him go free
Psalm 105:19-20

God is trying you and I to see how qualified we are for where we belong in destiny.
Everyone writes the test of destiny consciously or unconsciously. Many pass it and they
go up; others are re-sitting the examinations every year.
God was trying Joseph to see whether he was qualified to fill that position that be-
longed to him in destiny. Joseph passed the test of destiny. He passed the test of integrity.
He passed the test of patience. Study his account and you will see the embodiment of the
fruit of the spirit operating in him - patience, goodness, gentleness, calmness, peace and
serenity, joy, discipline, love and faith. That destiny was realised because of these virtues.
We are the Joseph of the New Testament. If these virtues are in us, our ordained
destiny in God will be practically realised. You cannot be depressed when you are seeing
a great future. Joseph kept seeing the future. His faith was on fire, patience was at work,
integrity was on display and discipline was there. Ultimately, Joseph through integrity or
good character became the ruler of the land in which he was a captive. He became the
succourer of the whole generation of Israel as he brought his father and brothers into the
land of Goshen. That was the dividend of good character.
Beloved, your nature is important. Be of good character to move up the ladder of

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The Place of Commitment

Commitment means to be sold out. It means to be sold to a cause in life. It is the state
of being bound to a course of action. It is an attitude that must be in place before success
can be in view.
You cannot be truly sold out to a cause and not excel in it. Only committed people
excel in their pursuits. To be committed is to be accomplished, it is what commands suc-
cess. Most people are committed to rewards, but it is your commitment to a cause that
commands rewards, not your commitment to rewards.
It has been proven that a man’s level of commitment invariably determines his ulti-
mate attainment,so get committed and you will end up distinguished.
Commitment motivates you for exploits and sensitizes you for excellence. You can-
not be committed and not be creative, you cannot be creative and not be productive; and
you cannot be productive and not be successful. Have you not heard it said that necessity
is the mother of invention?
In my book Towards Excellence In Life and Ministry, I said in page 114; “When your
assignment becomes a task, all your senses will come alive!”
The undoing of the black race is the absence of this attitude. Everyone is committed to
rewards, but very few are committed to laudable causes in life. Everyone thinks of “What
can I get from it?” instead of “What can I put into it?”, which is the longing of the commit-
ted, and that is what puts rewards into his hands. Note that commitment is not an act but
an attitude.
Commitment is the winning attitude. It has no substitute. Commitment has to be in
place before attainment can be in view.

Paul, the apostle, was the last to join the apostles. In fact, he was not even listed
among the twelve. He never even had occasion to meet Jesus, yet by engaging the
attitude of commitment, he became the foremost of all apostles, writing 50 percent of the
New Testament. If there were twelve apostles, that means Paul occupied the place of six,
by His performance, and the secret was commitment.
That Paul was totally sold out to his cause is proved in the following scriptures:I
Corinthians 9:16, Philippians 3:7-14 and Philippians 1:21)
It was his choice to be committed and to convert his assignment to a task. He was
“deadly” committed in the pursuit of his assignment.

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Remember Nehemiah, another scriptural example who showed great commitment to
a cause (Neh. 1:4, 8). He was ready to do away with the comfort of living in the king’s
palace when he received news of the bad state of his people in Jerusalem. That news got
him committed to the restoration of the colour and dignity of Israel. The Bible says he
mourned many days and his countenance fell. He was comfortable where he was, but he
was committed to the comfort of his people and the good hand of the Lord came upon
him. When you are committed to a goodly cause, God’s good hand will always come upon
Nehemiah had no intention of being governor, it was commitment that enthroned him.
That was how a cup-bearer, became a governor, as the people of the city began to cry
after him to rule over them.
It is time to make a clear choice for commitment to your pursuits in life. Whatever you
are not ready to be committed to, do not waste your life pursuing it. If you are not ready to
be truly committed you will end up confounded!

Think about this: no matter how enviable the future of a seed is, it cannot change its
status until it is committed to the earth. When you commit two maize seeds to the earth,
they stay there until they begin to get broken. The seeds will first die before the life in them
will emerge.
Commitment will first break you before it builds you. That is why no success story is
complete without the breaking process. You need correct commitment to get anything out
of life.
You do not know how much is inside a man until you get at his commitment. If a wild
dog starts pursuing a man who is limping, the same man will forget his limp and run for
dear life. Why? He has a commitment to live.
I do not care how dried up your career or business may be, commitment will turn you
into a man that everyone on earth wants!

As pivotal as the attitude of commitment is to success, it is not enough; you must be
excited. In other words, it is not enough to be committed to a cause in life, you must be
committed to it with excitement.
Paul, whom I mentioned earlier as a star among the apostles, was not only commit-
ted to his task, he coupled his commitment with excitement. Read these scriptures:
Philippians 3:1,3; 4:4, I Thessalonians 5:16). Why was Paul full of joy? Because excited
people excel. Let me quote Philippians 3:1,3 as an example:

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Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me
indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe.
For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ
Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.

To Paul, rejoicing was a necessary ingredient of kingdom service. What are the virtues
of excitement?
You Become Fruitful

The meat offering and the drink offering is cut off from the house of the LORD; the
priests, the LORD’S ministers, mourn.
The field is wasted, the land mourneth; for the corn is wasted: the new wine is dried
up, the oil languisheth.
Be ye ashamed, O ye husbandmen; howl, O ye vinedressers, for the wheat and for
the barley; because the harvest of the field is perished.
The vine is dried up, and the fig tree languisheth; the pomegranate tree, the palm
tree also, and the apple tree, even all the trees of the field, are withered: because
joy is withered away from the sons of men.
Joel 1:9-12

From this scripture, it is clear that only the excited become fruitful. Read that scrip-
ture again - all the trees dried up! Not because there was no rain or because there were
hailstorms, but because joy had withered from the sons of men.
Paul said, “Rejoice evermore,”(1 Thes. 5:16) because you cannot be fruitful except
you are joyful. You need to be excited to excel.
Isaiah 51:3 also maintains the same stand.
Every turn-around therefore demands joy and gladness, thanksgiving and the voice
of melody, not murmuring and complaining.
You hear someone say, “What has God done since January?” But he never laid his
back on a hospital bed, he has been eating three square meals a day his children go to
school and return safely! Friend, the devil knows that he cannot get God to turn His back
on you until you start murmuring. It is the devil’s wish for you to be murmuring. That tells
you that murmuring is a trick of the devil to bastardize your destiny.
Only the joyful become fruitful and except you are thankful you cannot be joyful.
What are the benefits of joy?
Mental Ventilation
Joy ventilates your mental system for maximum productivity. That is why the happier
you are, the wiser you become.

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You cannot be depressed and be smart. Depression destroys the cells in the brain. It
incapacitates you so that you cannot think clearly. But show me an excited man, who is
ever jubilating and celebrating, and I will show you a mentally profound man!
Look at Joseph, he was the most excited slave you could ever meet. He went about
his assignment singing, whether he was fetching water or ironing, he remained ever ex-
cited, until he caught the attention of his master’s wife. Even in prison, he was still the
most excited person. And you probably know how he ended up:
And Pharaoh said unto his servants, Can we find such a one as this is, a man in
whom the Spirit of God is? And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Forasmuch as God
hath showed thee all this, there is none so discreet and wise as thou art: Thou shalt
be over my house, and according unto thy word shall all my people be ruled: only in
the throne will I be greater than thou.
Genesis 41:38-40

You have to stay excited to be mentally resourceful!

James 5:13 says, “...Is any merry? Let him sing Psalms.”
That means that only songs from the merry-hearted are acceptable to God. Psalm
22:3 says, “But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.” God inhabits the
praise of His people, so if you want His presence then praise Him! Be excited! Joy secures
for you divine presence, which makes your case different all the time.

Divine Guidance
Another thing joy does is to put you on the line for divine guidance.
Ye shall have a song, as in the night when a holy solemnity is kept; and gladness of
heart, as when one goeth with a pipe to come into the mountain of the LORD, to the
mighty One of Israel. And the LORD shall cause his glorious voice to be heard, and
shall show the lighting down of his arm...
Isaiah 30:29-30

Every joyful heart hears the voice of God distinctly. And you know that when God
says, “Go this way,” no devil can stop you from getting to where He has destined for you.
Hence, let the husband say to the wife, “Enough of tension in this home. Let’s give God a
chance here.”


Certain things need to be in place if you are to stay excited forever.
u Bury your negative past and refuse to dress the grave. Why? The past can no
longer be corrected, so bury it.
If you keep at the former you miss the now. Let go of the past and make the most of

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the present.
u Make the most of the present. This is one way to shut the devil out of your territory.
Be fully committed and devoted to your present assignment. Any idle time you have,
Satan takes advantage of it to remind you of issues you can do nothing about.
uConstantly see a brighter tomorrow ahead. Remember Joseph? Your case is not
worse than his. If he came out of prison with joy, you are coming out of where you are now;
so, get excited.
uKeep celebrating the future that you see. The proof that you can see a tomorrow in
your pursuit is that you are celebrating it. proof that you can see a tomorrow in your pursuit is that
you are celebrating it.

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The Force Of Focus

Focus can be described as the taproot of fortune. It is the core secret of all frontliners.
It is a vital key in the making of stars. The force of focus is the flight to the mountaintop of life.
If, therefore, you stay committed to a cause, you eventually stand out in it.
You have heard it said that Jack of all trades, master of none! It is one thing to
discover where you belong and another thing to stay on it. No matter how powerful you
are, you cannot be an all-rounder. I have earlier demonstrated this truth with the example
of the sportsman who plays every other game. He will end up a madman. In John 18:37,
Jesus, standing before Pilate, was asked, “Art thou a King then?” He said,
Thou sayest that I am a King. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I
into the world, that I should bear witness unto the light…

‘To this end,’ not ends and ‘for this cause’, not causes, came I into the world. That is
God incarnate talking.
A key and dynamic force in your successful journey in life is focus. The scriptures say
in Matthew 6:22-23:
The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body
shall be full of light.
But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light
that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

John, writing about Jesus in I John 3:8 further confirmed Jesus’ mission on earth,
For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works
of the devil.”

Note: ‘For this purpose’, not these purposes. It is important for you to define your
purpose and maintain your focus. Jesus maintained focus and came up a first-class
There is enough in your assignment to guarantee any level of attainment. And the
earlier you identify with your cause in life, the greater speed you gain in your pursuit.
Jesus belonged to the priesthood and He stayed with it.
If you belong to the market place, stay in the market, do not establish a church
division of your business. The more focused you are, the greater speed you gain. Identify
where you belong in life, embrace it and stay focused on it, you will get things accomplished
in no time, because you will be distinguished by divine appointment. In Matthew 19:29-
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30, the disciples said they had left everything and followed Jesus. Let us read it for
And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother,
or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and
shall inherit everlasting life.

They left everything they knew, to do the new assignment. That is focus. They
eventually became city-takers and earth-shakers just by maintaining focus.
When you abandon every other issue for the one that you are set to accomplish, you
get it done in no time.
The force of focus is missing in our culture today, where people say, “it is not only one
way that leads to the market” - so, the people go through all the ways, until they never
arrive at the market!
The force of focus is the flight to the mountaintop of life and it is the taproot of fortune.
You never find a professor in any university who is professing in all disciplines. So em-
brace your vision and stay focused in its pursuit. Just because the apostles maintained
focus, they ended up on the mountaintop of destiny.
The Bible said about them in Acts that these men who had no addresses, finally took
over, just by the force of focus:
Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were
unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them,
that they had been with Jesus.
Acts 4:13.

You are a man on a mission; a discovery of your mission is what is called vision, and
abiding in it is what is called focus. Be proud of your calling or career. Don’t be afraid to be
a carpenter, if you are, because you will soon become, “The carpenter”. Stay there; the
force of focus is your flight to the top.
I have never had any business transaction of any kind in the last 20 years. No deal
with anyone. I have never brought anything from any nation of the earth for the purpose
of selling and then making gain. It is not my area. I belong to the altar. I am addicted to
the Word. There is no going to any other place for me.
Many here belong to the world of commerce, but they will not stay there, instead they
prefer to roam around the altar as preachers.
We can see what good focus brought Paul, the apostle. His resolute commitment to
his calling made the devil fearful. It made the devil acknowledge the position of the apostle:
And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are
Acts 19:15

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The above scripture shows that Paul was a dangerously focused man. Paul also
wrote 14 of the 27 books of the New Testament. That is more than 50 percent. That
speaks volumes about the place of Paul among the early saints.
But the reason for Paul’s outstanding performance was not far-fetched. Read Phil.
1:21 For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain: You may also read 1 Corinthians 9:16 to
further guage Paul’s crave for the gospel.
To become a first class citizen of this world you must be very focused in your pursuit.
Remember that every calling in Christ is a life-calling. All the people He has predestined, He
has called (Rom. 8:30).
That is an assurance that no matter what the enemy does, if you embrace the law of
focus, you will arrive at the mountaintop. Focus is among other factors, guaranteeing your
flight to the top of your calling or profession. Here and there never makes anything happen.
It is staying focused that fulfils destiny.
The game of life is not a game of chance. It is a game of facts. You can not fail with
facts, and focus is one of the fundamental facts in the race of life.
I would like you to get to a point in your life where you can narrow down your pursuits
to one thing, believing that ‘This one thing, I can do”, and subsequently put other things
aside to make everything of the one thing you believe in.

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See You At The Top!

We have dealt greatly in the preceding chapters, on the need to master the triggers of
success, and on how to operate the power switch of covenant prosperity. But the truth is:
you cannot make your way to a place you are not aware exists. It is not enough to recite
the scriptures, pontificating day and night over the promise of the Lord to make you the
head, and not the tail, and to be above only (Deut. 28:13), without being conscious of a
place called the top, and that vacancies exist that are open to all - though, it will only
accommodate as many people as are ready to do what He tells them to do.
It is therefore very pertinent at the conclusion stage of this book to know the addi-
tional biblical responsibilities and guarantees that confirm that your place is indeed at that
Jesus clearly defines one of these responsibilities when He qualifies our destiny as
God’s people.
In Matthew 5:13-15, Jesus Christ describes the redeemed as:
Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be
salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden
under foot of men. Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be
hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick;
and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.

Salt is required by all men and always sought after because it is a preserver and a
sweetener. Salt deficiency will always create room for diseases and sicknesses. In other
words, for His followers, their destiny is to operate as the salt of the earth, the light of the
world and a city set on an hill that cannot be hid. Jesus said, that is what you are.
Then in Matthew 5:16, Jesus places a demand on you, that you have a part to play,
when He says,

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify
your Father which is in heaven.

Be sure that your salt does not lose its savour, put your light on a lampstand that it
may give light to all that are in the house. Then, just like men seek after salt and light, the
world would soon begin to seek you. The world should be learning the way to the top from
you. They should begin to study your life in order to locate the right steps for their lives.
It may interest you to know that your greatness is scripturally rooted in a threefold
cord that can not be easily broken.

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A mental picture of your redemption determines your actual future, because what
you cannot picture, you cannot feature. You need to know that God did not create you to
be a mediocre or a struggler on earth. Your redemption in Christ makes you a man and a
woman of value. Jesus says: ”Ye are the light of the world,” confirming you as a paceset-
ter in your field of endeavour.
Now, if you re-check Deuteronomy 28:13, God said, He shall make thee the head and
not the tail and thou shall be above only and thou shall not be beneath… Nothing could be
more specific in defining your mountaintop destiny with God.
Also, as a corollary, Jesus said in Revelation 5:10 that He hast made us unto our
God, kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. Remember that the priest of
every assembly is the “top man” or “top woman” in that assembly, while the king in any
town, city or village is the topmost person, the first citizen there. Christ has, therefore,
redeemed us from the back group to the front; from the valley to the mountaintop. He has
redeemed us from poverty to plenty, from shame to glory, from sickness to health, from
crisis to peace, from confusion to direction and from slavery to royalty.
I do not want you to see these comparisons as stories but as pictures. God is painting
the picture of your destiny in Christ. You have been redeemed as priests and kings to
reign on the earth, not to roam about in it. These are the pictures that have always given
me confidence over the years, because the scriptures cannot be broken:
If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot
be broken;
John 10:35

God says anyone who believes these “crazy” scriptures, He will give him power to
become what these pictures contain, or put it in other words, as many as are “stupid”
enough to believe Him, to them gave Him power to become what they ‘stupidly’ believed,
John 1:12
It is important to believe the Word and “see” your picture in redemption. The length of
time in the church does not matter. It is important to see yourself as “The salt of the earth,
the light of the world, a city set on an hill that cannot be hid”, and you will possess it.
Remember, you do not belong to the pit or valley, but the top. According to 1 Peter
2:9, you are a peculiar person. not like anybody else; a royal priesthood, an holy nation
that has been chosen to show forth the praise of Him who has called you out of darkness
into His marvelous light! You have therefore been redeemed to live a marvelous life!
Therefore, people should marvel at the great things God is doing in your life. For
instance, I am not surprised about the phenomenal progress of our ministry. God did it.
I would have been surprised if He did not, because the pictures were clear enough, and
they were embraced with all confidence and full responsibility for all its demands.

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You therefore need ‘a-far-above’ mentality not to die in ignominy. Redemption has
placed you at the top and you will get there.
Please note that destiny does not answer to strength, it answers to light. God said in
Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine for thy light is come…, not “your strength has now accomplished”.
If you can catch this light, then you are ready for a flight, because it is this light that
stimulates “flight”.
Abrahamic Covenant
The second powerful part of the three fold cord for your greatness is rooted in your
connection to Abraham by the blood of Jesus, to become beneficiaries of God’s covenant.
(Gal. 3:13, 14).
Now, what does this covenant entail? In Genesis 17:6,7 God said to Abraham, I will
ensure that nations and kings, not citizens, come from you, implying that the lowest status
in the Abrahamic lineage is to be a “king”. You are either a “nation” or “a king”. That is,
men would rise as institutions from nowhere because of the Abrahamic blood that is flow-
ing in their veins. That means you cannot be ignored. You must not give up. Until you
give up, the battle is not over.
Abraham caught it at 75 and he made it through. It is not too late to recover your
colourful destiny in Christ, but you must allow this covenant picture to gain access to your
heart and endeavour to embrace the attendant responsibility.
You have the Abrahamic blood flowing in your veins, so you should not die a slave. It
is your covenant right to be a king, it is a covenant that makes you the envy of your world.
God’s words also say in Galatians 4:28: Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the
children of promise.
That scripture means that every redeemed soul shares the same birthright with Isaac in
Abraham. That means you have a first hand access to the benefits of that covenant just like
Isaac. And remember that Isaac waxed strong. He became great and greater until the Philis-
tines envied him. That gives expression to the virtue of the Abrahamic covenant.
Prophetic Agenda
Also buy prophetic agenda you have been redeemed for the topmost. In the book of
Revelation, we know that Jesus came as the Bright and Morning Star:
... I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
Revelation 22:16,

In John 20:21, He says, As my Father has sent me, even so send I you. This implies
that redemption has made you a bright and morning star. By it, you are a born star, after the
order of Christ.
Ephesians 2:6, says that He has raised us up together with him and made us to sit
together with Him in heavenly places. You see, the truth is, not just for the top, you are for

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the topmost spot, far above all principalities and powers. In essence, in these last days
that we are in, power brokers will be found in the church; they will be the custodians of the
finance and economy as well as science and technology.
Indeed, there will be so much demand on them across the nations of the earth, be-
cause their work will announce them to their world. This will fulfil God’s prophetic agenda
in these last days, when He says He will bring His Church into its seasons of supernatural
liftings that will break the pride of the world. The world will be rushing to the church to
come and learn how to do it, and you will be among those people God will use to teach
Thus saith the LORD of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men
shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt
of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with
Zechariah 8:23

Note that the redeemed are the spiritual Jews.

In all of the scriptures, there is no destiny that is tied to human support. When God
expressed His will for man in Deuteronomy 28, He said:
If you will diligently hearken to my voice and do what I tell you to do, [whosoever is
against you or for you, notwithstanding], I will set you up on high above all nations
of the earth. You shall be blessed in the city [not because of any man] and you
shall be blessed outside the city. The fruit of your body shall blessed, your basket
and your storehouse… (underlined for emphasis).

God never imputed any man’s name as a factor for accomplishment. Your destiny is
not at the mercy of any man. In fact, He said, woe unto him that trusts in man and makes
the arm of flesh his strength. That person will crash. But they that trust in the Lord shall
be like a tree planted by the rivers of waters that brings forth its fruits in due season,
whose leaves also shall not wither . Therefore, looking for who to blame for where you are
is making a fool of yourself in the race of life. No one is to blame for where you end.
Accepting full responsibility is the only way to enjoy the fullness of life. No one can
stop your destiny from being fully realized except yourself. Many destinies have crashed
without this understanding. God will bring men and women your way, but He will not make
them the deciding factor of your destiny.
When you tie your destiny to man, you are bound to end up disappointed. “Those
who do know their God, they shall be strong and do exploits…”, not those who do know
the important people in town. You and God are enough - you both form a team that is

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more than adequate to realize the fullness of your destiny in God.
To corroborate this truth read the following testimony by a brother in the church:


After my Youth Service, I came to Lagos. I was putting up with one of my uncles, who
lives with his family in a one-room apartment. Suddenly one day, after staying with him for
a year and I had not yet secured a good job, he told me to leave his room on the grounds
of inconvenience.
I did not know many places in Lagos then and I had not been regular and committed
in church. So, I moved to a very ridiculous place in the remote part of Mushin. Then I
decided to be regular and committed in church and I joined the choir.
In one of the services, the Bishop (the author) said, ‘When God’s service becomes
your concern, your welfare becomes His concern,’ and that, through service, our prosper-
ity and divine health is guaranteed. He also prophesied that before Shiloh 99, God will
change our address and give us miracle jobs.
Also, in early ’99, we came for the first Anointing Service at Faith Tabernacle, the Bishop
laid hands on me and prophesied the turning of every captivity. On the 17th of May ’99,
doors were opened!
I got a job as a supervisor. In August, I got another job as a Branch Manager! In
October, I got another job as a Laboratory Technologist! In November I was invited by a
Bank in Victoria Island for interview, but I turned down the bank offer. My address changed
and my captivity was turned all before Shiloh ’99 celebration!
Albert, P.
* Shiloh is the annual prophetic gathering associated with the Living Faith Church
Worldwide, of which the author of the book is the Presiding Bishop


It is important for you to know also that, your destiny is not at the mercy of the
circumstances in your nation. Paul, the Apostle emphasised it in Romans 10:12.
For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over
all is rich unto all that call upon him.

That scripture gives you the heavenly assurance that you are not in any way disad-
vantaged. If you have God on your side and are clothed with obedience, your destiny will
naturally open up, irrespective of the place or circumstances.
God is King and Lord of all the earth. He reigns wherever the sun shines, and wher-
ever God is, great things happen.
No devil can dare your move to the top as you comply with the scriptural guides in this
book. It is not over until you have overcome.


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