Lembaga Arkitek Malaysia: General Circular No. 2/2004
Lembaga Arkitek Malaysia: General Circular No. 2/2004
Lembaga Arkitek Malaysia: General Circular No. 2/2004
1. An Act to amend the Architects Act 1967 cited as the Architects (Amendment) Act
2002 introduced, among others, a new section 7B pertaining to the registration of a
body corporate providing architectural consultancy services, professional engineering
services and/or quantity surveying services (hereinafter referred to as ‘multi-
disciplinary practices’ or ‘MDP’).
2. Section 7A of the Act was also amended to empower the Board to register
architectural consultancy practices subject to such conditions and restrictions as it may
deem fit to impose.
4. All Professional Architects are hereby reminded on the requirements of Code 1(5) of
the Code of Professional Conduct under the Second Schedule of the Architects Rules
1996 which stipulates the following :
5. The Board has decided that at any one time, a Professional Architect is allowed to set
up architectural consultancy practices as follows :
5.1 any two different types of practices of different composition but shall not
include a multi-disciplinary practice (MDP);
5.2 any three different types of practices of different composition including one
multi-disciplinary practice (MDP).
6. In forming and naming their practices, Professional Architects are required to abide by
the following guidelines :
6.1.1 Being the sole principal of the firm, Professional Architects shall
preferably use their individual names in full;
6.2 Partnership
(Section 7A of the Act)
6.2.3 Preferably the names of firms shall comprise the actual names of the
partners or the acronyms of their initials.
6.3.3 The shares shall be held by members of the board of directors solely or
with any other persons who are Professional Architects;
6.3.5 Preferably the names of firms shall comprise the actual names of the
directors or the acronyms of their initials.
6.4.2 The shares shall be held by persons mentioned in paragraph 6.4.1 and
any of the following persons and/or bodies corporate where –
(i) the Professional Architects, Professional Engineers, registered
Quantity Surveyors, bodies corporate providing architectural
consultancy services, bodies corporate providing professional
engineering services and/or bodies corporate practising as
consulting Quantity Surveyors hold a minimum combined share
of 70% of the overall equity of that body corporate, of which the
Professional Architects and/or bodies corporate providing
architectural consultancy services hold a minimum share of
10%; and
7.1 An architectural consultancy practice shall, within thirty days of the occurrence
of any change of its sole proprietorship, or the composition of its partners,
board of directors or shareholders, furnish to the Board a true report in writing
giving full particulars of the change.
that body corporate shall, as soon as possible but not later than three months
after such change in shareholdings or within any extended period of time as
may be approved by the Board, increase the respective shareholdings so as to
comply with the percentage as stipulated in paragraph 6.4.2(i), and if that body
corporate fails to do so within the stipulated time, the Board shall cancel its
registration under this Act.
8. Description of Practice
All descriptions of practice shall accurately convey the composition and expertise of
the firms or bodies corporate.
8.1 If the principals are all Professional Architects, the practice shall be described
as "Architects" and shall not be described as "Architects, Engineers and
8.2 If the practice also has directors from other disciplines, it shall be so described,
9. Letterheads
All letterheads must list the name of the principal, names of partners and names of
the directors together with their professional qualifications and status.
1 September 2004.