Solar System Formation

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Solar System formation

Main article: Formation and evolution of the Solar System

See also: Planetary differentiation

An artist's rendering of a protoplanetary disk

The standard model for the formation of the Solar System (including the Earth) is the solar
nebula hypothesis.[23] In this model, the Solar System formed from a large, rotating cloud of
interstellar dust and gas called the solar nebula. It was composed
of hydrogen and helium created shortly after the Big Bang 13.8 Ga (billion years ago) and
heavier elements ejected by supernovae. About 4.5 Ga, the nebula began a contraction that may
have been triggered by the shock wave from a nearby supernova.[24] A shock wave would have
also made the nebula rotate. As the cloud began to accelerate, its angular momentum, gravity,
and inertia flattened it into a protoplanetary disk perpendicular to its axis of rotation.
Small perturbations due to collisions and the angular momentum of other large debris created the
means by which kilometer-sized protoplanets began to form, orbiting the nebular center.[25]
The center of the nebula, not having much angular momentum, collapsed rapidly, the
compression heating it until nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium began. After more
contraction, a T Tauri star ignited and evolved into the Sun. Meanwhile, in the outer part of the
nebula gravity caused matter to condense around density perturbations and dust particles, and
the rest of the protoplanetary disk began separating into rings. In a process known as
runaway accretion, successively larger fragments of dust and debris clumped together to form
planets.[25] Earth formed in this manner about 4.54 billion years ago (with an uncertainty of 1%)[26]
 and was largely completed within 10–20 million years.[29] The solar wind of the newly formed
T Tauri star cleared out most of the material in the disk that had not already condensed into
larger bodies. The same process is expected to produce accretion disks around virtually all newly
forming stars in the universe, some of which yield planets.[30]
The proto-Earth grew by accretion until its interior was hot enough to melt the
heavy, siderophile metals. Having higher densities than the silicates, these metals sank. This so-
called iron catastrophe resulted in the separation of a primitive mantle and a (metallic) core only
10 million years after the Earth began to form, producing the layered structure of Earth and
setting up the formation of Earth's magnetic field.[31] J.A. Jacobs [32] was the first to suggest
that Earth's inner core—a solid center distinct from the liquid outer core—is freezing and growing
out of the liquid outer core due to the gradual cooling of Earth's interior (about 100 degrees
Celsius per billion years[33]).

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