How To Read Books
How To Read Books
How To Read Books
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Choose a book. If you're reading for your own enjoyment, you will
probably want to pick a general interest fiction or nonfiction book. [1] There
are literally millions of such books, so finding one that's right for you can
be challenging. A good place to start is by thinking about what you like,
and also about what you don't like. Keep in mind how many different
types of books are out there. There are dystopian books like The Hunger
Games by Suzanne Collins. There are realistic fiction books such as
Perfect by Natasha Friend. There are fantasy books like The Land of
Stories by Chris Colfer. There are historical fiction books like
Dragonwings by Laurence. Yep, and so many others.
Knowing your personal taste can really help you find a book
you'll find enjoyable. Just because someone else says a book is
good doesn't mean you'll necessarily enjoy it. Some people
enjoy fantasy novels, other people hate them. Think about what
kind of an experience you want to have while reading. Do you
want a rousing adventure tale? A cerebral exploration of ideas?
An emotional journey through the lives of believable characters?
How long of a book do you want to read? How challenging do
you want it to be? Are there certain perspectives you want your
book to embrace or avoid? Answering these questions will
narrow down the field of possible books.
Nonfiction books can be a little easier to narrow down than
fiction ones. Most popular nonfiction books are histories or
biographies of famous people. Is there a famous person you'd
like to know more about? Do you want to know more about a
country, a landmark, a war, a historical event? Do you want to
know more about oceans, or dinosaurs, or pirates, or stage
magic? Pretty much anything you can think of has had a
nonfiction book written about it.
Just because you find a nonfiction book about
something that interests you doesn't necessarily mean
you'll like the book. Some books are well written and
interesting, others are poorly written and boring. If you
find a nonfiction book about something you like, read the
first couple of pages first to see if you like the writer's
style. If you find the book difficult or boring on the first
page, it probably won't get any better as you read
Go to the library. Your local library is a good place to
browse books, since if you see one that interests you, you won't
even have to pay anything to read it. Tell the librarian what
you're interested in, and ask him or her to point you to one or
two areas of the library where you might find interesting books
related to your interests.
Don't judge the book by its cover. The title and cover
illustrations may seem boring or not your taste, but inside the
book could be a whole world of pleasure and enjoyment that you
will be enthralled by. This, however, is not always the case, so
make sure you pick wisely! Also, look at the thickness of the
book. If a quick read is what you're looking for, a big, heavy book
wouldn't be suitable, and vice versa. Lastly, if you are buying the
book for someone other than yourself, think about their age and
interests, if you are purchasing for a child, young adult books
such as Fifty Shades of Grey may not be the ideal choice.
Ask those around you. Good friends and close relatives may
be able to recommend books to you based on what they enjoyed
and thought you would also enjoy. But be careful because some
people like to read long stories while others don't. If you love
science for example, search for science books.
Check online. The Internet is filled with book lovers who are
more than happy to share their opinions about various titles.
Find a community that discusses books and search for the
subjects you like, or just visit online retail sites and browse user
reviews of books that look good. Either way is a great method
for getting a quick idea of the most popular and best-liked titles
in any category of book.
Make it a group event. Book clubs and readings are both
fun ways to expose yourself to new books.
Many clubs are focused around a particular genre of
book, such as science fiction or romance, but some are
more general.
Fiction readings happen regularly at many
independent bookstores.
Nonfiction writers can sometimes be found giving
readings or even free guest lectures at nearby colleges.
Go and listen to see if their book sounds like something
you would like to read, and learn a little about something
that interests you at the same time. Some books starts
with brief explanation so don't get bored after the first
few pages; remember every story has a lesson.
Acquire the book you want to read. There are a few different ways to
accomplish this:
Check out the book from the library. The upside of this
approach is that it's free and easy. If you don't have a library
membership, just walk into the library and ask for one.
Many library systems allow you to electronically
reserve a copy of a book you want in advance, and then
notify you when the book is available so you can come
check it out.
Be aware that if you're trying to read a very popular
book, you may end up weeks or months down the
waiting list for a copy.
Buy the book. Visit a bookstore or newsstand and purchase
your own copy to keep for as long as you like. The advantage of
this method is that with a little work, you can usually find even
the hottest books and read them right away; the downside is that
you have to pay money to buy the book.
Since you're paying, be sure to pick up the book and
read a few pages of it in the store first, so you can tell if
you'll enjoy the author's writing style when you crack it
open at home.
Borrow the book. Friends and relatives who recommend a
book to you will often have their own copy and be glad to led it to
you for as long as it takes you to finish.
Be sure to take good care of books you have been
loaned, and read them in a timely fashion so you don't
forget about them and leave them gathering dust on a
shelf for the next year.
Electronically purchase the book. With the advent of
portable e-readers and smartphones over the last several years,
electronically published editions of print books are becoming
more and more common. It also means that the book can be
taken with you anywhere where your phone/kindle/tablet/iPod is.
The cost of purchasing a virtual book is often slightly
less than the cost of purchasing a physical copy, so if
you have a reader already, you might save a little cash.
Don't buy huge books if you know you won't finish it.
good types of apps for these are the Kindle apps or if
you have a new version of an iProduct, iBooks.
Like a paper-and-ink book, an electronic book is
yours to keep once you've paid for it. The only downside
to this is that, unlike paper books, you cannot pawn them
off because the book is installed in your device.
Remember that electronic editions are more difficult
than regular books to bring with you on long vacations or
camping trips.
Skim the table of contents and index. Most books that are comprised
of many smaller pieces have a clear table of contents to facilitate quickly
jumping to a particular piece. Some also have an index at the end, which
will list keywords and other important terms along with page numbers
where each one appears.[2]
Read interactively. Inhabit the writing inside the book and make it a part
of your own life by emphasizing your favorite parts. You will enjoy it much
more than if you try to dryly deconstruct it or push through it in a linear
Reading a Textbook
Take notes. It is possible to read a textbook for fun, but the practice is
not very common. Most people read a textbook because they need to get
information, and textbooks are an excellent source of concentrated,
clearly-organized information on many topics. To get the most from
reading your textbook, have a notepad open beside you while you read.
Keep up. If you're reading a textbook, it's probably for a class you're
trying to pass. Textbooks are dense, slow reads, so the best way to tackle
them is to start early and try to make steady progress every time you
open one up.
Make it a date. Schedule regular space at least a few days
a week to read your textbook, and it'll go by much more easily
than if you tried to cram it all in right before each test.
Community Q&A
Is it necessary to memorize the previous page when I'm reading the next
Top Answerer
You do not need to memorize the previous page word-for-word, but you do
need to remember the important points of what happened. Otherwise, the
page you are reading might not make much sense.
Not Helpful 13Helpful 51
How could I read without anyone knowing?
Community Answer
Find a location where nobody will find you and hide away there and read. Or,
read in a library or outside under or up a tree.
Not Helpful 34Helpful 90
How do I maintain concentration while reading and not just doze off?
Community Answer
Do not read in bed or when you are sleepy. Take notes as you read to stay
Not Helpful 31Helpful 77
How do I save what page I'm on if I need to take a break from reading?
Community Answer
You can either stick a bookmark, small piece of paper, or sticky note in the
page you're on. You can also "dog ear" the page--that is, to fold only the top
corner down. You should only dog ear pages on books that you own; do not
dog ear pages on text books, library books, or books that people are lending
to you.
Not Helpful 30Helpful 70
What if I don't like reading?
Community Answer
You could start yourself with comics and/or graphic novels, which have a lot of
pictures to help you stay engaged. Then, see if you an ease into reading short
stories, then novels.
Not Helpful 11Helpful 30
What if I can read but still do not understand? What can I do?
Community Answer
Keep a dictionary near you or you may just ask a person or search meanings
online. You may also have a disability or a learning disorder, so be sure to get
that checked out. Some people are naturally slower to comprehend things but
when given the time to process the information properly, do really well at
deeper understanding.
Not Helpful 22Helpful 51
How can I form a reading habit for myself?
Community Answer
Select books that are on themes you truly enjoy, with characters, story lines
and a pace that you find fascinating and exciting. Have a pile of books near
your bed/reading nook at all times, to make it easy for you to retrieve a book
when you feel like reading. If you prefer eReaders, have a stack of books
waiting for reading in the eReader and keep it charged. Try joining a site such
as Goodreads, so that you can share your experiences of each read with
others, as this can inspire your habit as well.
Not Helpful 24Helpful 51
Can I read a book in a minute?
Community Answer
It depends on the book, of course. "Skimming" is possible, but you will forget
the contents as fast as you read them. As for a children's picture book, you
can certainly read it it in a minute. Do be realistic though!
Not Helpful 27Helpful 52
I think the memory limitation is the most vexing hindrance Shortly after I
finish a book, I tend to forget a lot of it. If forgetting is bound to happen,
the reading is useless! How can I tackle this problem?
Community Answer
How do you read a book in a day?
Community Answer
It's actually quite easy if you put your mind to it, and set aside all other tasks
and distractions. See for
more details.
Not Helpful 30Helpful 40
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Unanswered Questions
How can I come back to reading after not doing it for a long time?
How can I read a book in a language I don't know but that I am learning?
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Although it's more a case of being read to than reading a book yourself,
audiobooks can be a good choice for certain situations. Audiobooks are
professional book readings recorded for use with music players. They can be
a decent alternative to reading a book if you want to enjoy a story during a
long daily commute or while on a road trip.
Be on the look out for concepts, principles, laws, and so on if you are reading
a textbook.[5]
If you find yourself in possession of a book you're not sure you'll like, but you
still want to give it a chance, keep in mind some books can quickly pick up. If
in thirty pages or a few chapters you still don't like it, you can give up.
Try out different genres. You might be surprised at what you like!
When you are reading a book you should understand it, visualize it, place
yourself in the book.
You should always re-read the chapter, so you can have a better memory of