National Alcohol Use Prevalence Survey in Sri Lanka

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Journal of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine 2014;1(1):E7:1-12


Original Article

National alcohol use prevalence survey in Sri Lanka

1 1 1 1 1
L C Somatunga , LV R Ratnayake , W M D N K Wijesinghe , Y M M M Yapa , M P N S Cooray
Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka

Keywords: alcohol; alcoholism; prevalence; drinking pattern

Alcohol consumption is a risk factor for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD). A national NCD
risk factor survey conducted in Sri Lanka in 2008 estimated a prevalence of alcohol use of
26% among males aged between 17–64 years. It is important to assess the current situation,
in order to determine trends in alcohol consumption in the country which will contribute to
planning of comprehensive prevention programmes.
To determine the prevalence of alcohol use and the pattern of drinking of alcohol in Sri Lanka.
A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted in the 14 to 64 year age group. Sample
size was 3750 comprising 750 participants in each 10 year age/sex stratum (250 males and
500 females). Out of this figure 3728 responded Multi stage cluster sampling technique was
used and a Public Health Midwife (PHM) area was considered as a cluster. Data were
collected using an interviewer administered questionnaire obtained from the “Alcohol” module
of the WHO STEP wise approach. Core variables and some expanded variables were
assessed in the data collection tool. Data collectors (n=36) were PHMs attached to the
Medical Officer of Health office in the area where the cluster was selected. Analysis was done
using SPSS version 16 and results in relation to prevalence of alcohol use were presented as
Prevalence of current drinkers were 39.6% among males and 2.4% among females when
adjusted to the population of the districts in which the sample was obtained. .The most
consumed type, among those who have ever used alcohol is beer (76.9%) followed by spirits
(51.5%), wine (25.8%), kasippu (22.2%), palmyrah toddy (16.9%), toddy (16.8%) and other
types not detailed in the questionnaire (5.3%).
Alcohol consumption has increased since the last survey in 2008 (male: 26%, female: 1.2%).
Preventative activities focusing on vulnerable groups should be implemented at the national
as well as regional levels. At the same time non-drinkers must be routinely addressed to
sustain their status. As prevalence is high among males a targeted cost effective rehabilitation
programme should be prioritised. The increasing trend among female drinking indicates the
need of primary preventive actions targeted at them.

Corresponding Author: L C Somatunga, E-mail<[email protected]>

Received: April 2014, Accepted revised version: Dec. 2014, Published: December 2014
Competing Interests: Authors have declared that no competing interests exist

Research and studies on alcohol consumption are mostly available in developed countries.
The average global alcohol consumption for individuals above 15 years of age is 6.2 litres of
pure alcohol per year . However, there is wide regional disparity. The highest total per capita
consumption is in the European Region while the lowest consumption levels are in the South-

East Asian Region. Although the level of consumption is obviously much higher in the
European region than in other regions, two regions, South East Asia and the Western Pacific
show a recent and continuing increase in consumption. On a regional level, countries with the
highest consumption rates are decreasing their intake while consumption in the lowest
countries is increasing. With the increased level of economic development, many developing
countries are reported to be increasing their alcohol consumption .

The average total per capita consumption in the South-East Asian Region for the periods
2003 – 2005 and 2008 – 2010 was 2.9 and 3.5 litres of pure alcohol, respectively. Per capita
consumption of alcohol in India has been increasing over the past five decades, with the
average total per capita consumption (recorded and unrecorded) for the period 2003–2005
being 3.6 litres of pure alcohol increasing to 4.3 litres for the period 2008–2010. Total per
capita consumption in Bangladesh for the same time periods is a static figure of 0.2 litres of
pure alcohol . The average total consumption for the Western-Pacific Region is 5.4 and 6.8
litres for the same two periods. The average total per capita consumption in China is 4.9 and
6.7 of pure alcohol respectively for the periods 2003–2005 and 2008–2010 .

A study in Harar town in Ethiopia reported the percentage of ever drinkers as 22.2% (males:
68.3% and females: 31.7%) with current drinkers at 10.4%. A Nigerian study of 482 male
undergraduates of four higher institutions in Owerri between October 2008 and March 2009
revealed that 78.4% were current drinkers .

Per capita consumption of alcohol in Sri Lanka has been increasing over the years. This has
reflected in the increase in the annual consumption of arrack from year 2000 (50.3 million L)
to 2006 (67.1 million L) as reported in the Administrative Report of the Commissioner General
of Excise . Because there are other types of illicit liquor consumed by unknown numbers in
this country, this is only a rough estimate of the level of consumption in Sri Lanka.

In the late 1980’s the incidence of alcoholism among males aged 25 yrs and over in the
suburbs of Colombo was reported to be 29 per thousand . In a study by de Silva, of 238
married males in the Divisional Secretariat area of Wattala, the prevalence of hazardous
drinking had been 31.4% and that of alcohol use disorders 24.5% .

In a cross sectional study among males 18 years and above, conducted in two districts (rural
and urban) in Sri Lanka, the overall prevalence of current drinkers was 27.8% and the 45-54
year age group had the highest rate . Pathmeswaran (1997) in a cross-sectional community
based study conducted in the Gampaha District in Sri Lanka involving 1200 persons found
that the proportion of regular heavy drinkers who consumed alcohol more than six days
during the reference period of two weeks was 15.5%. This study gave the highest prevalence
figure to date of occasional drinkers (33.3%). Regular light drinkers who consumed alcohol six
days or less during the reference period comprised 22.2% .

A national NCD risk factor survey estimated the prevalence of alcohol use as 26% among
males between 17 – 64 years. In spite of all measures taken by successive governments, the
production of illicit alcohol is yet to be controlled. Illicit alcohol causes more harm than legal
alcohol. Although alcohol use was not a household phenomenon in the past it has now
become a social norm among both the rich and the poor.

Alcohol is linked to many harmful consequences for the individual drinker, the drinker’s
immediate environment and society as a whole, thus making alcohol use a socio-economic
problem. Heavy drinking has been linked to increased risk of hypertension . Djoussé et al.,

20044 found that alcohol increased high density lipoprotein cholesterol which has cardio
protective effects . However, the WHO Global Status Report on alcohol and health (2014)
has stated that harmful use of alcohol is a leading risk factor for morbidity, disability and
mortality. It is one of the four most common modifiable risk factors for major non
communicable diseases and a component cause for more than 200 disease and injury
conditions. Alcohol consumption results in approximately 3.3 million deaths each year.
Therefore it is clearly evident that the harmful effects of alcohol use outweigh any possible
benefits .

A ‘risk factor’ refers to any attribute, characteristic or exposure of an individual, which

increases the likelihood of developing a non communicable disease. Out of the key risk
factors which have a major impact on almost all the important NCD’s, alcohol consumption is
the subject of this study. Alcohol abuse has become a public health problem, given the
disastrous effects on the health and financial aspects of the family. Preventive strategies
should be in the form of community awareness and legislative measures. Proper planning of
alcohol control strategies requires knowledge of the true nature of the problem. Alcohol
consumption patterns are not static and vary from one period to another. As illicit alcohol
contributes immensely to the alcohol problem, official figures do not reflect the authentic
burden of the problem. Therefore, methodically sound research is the need of the day.
However, at present there is no ongoing programme to assess the gravity of the problem.

This study incorporated the existing primary health care system in the country by using PHM
as data collectors. Thereby the sustainability of any future programme to assess trends in
alcohol consumption across time has been enhanced. The use of the STEPS instrument,
which is the tool recommended by WHO for prevalence studies of risk factors for non-
communicable diseases, in this study enables us to assess trends within the country and to
compare data between South East Asian Region countries. The study presented in this paper
is an important one due to the lack of up to date data in this area in Sri Lanka and the urgent
need to monitor changes over time and identify demographic patterns. The present study was
carried out with the objectives of determining the prevalence of alcohol use and describing
prevailing drinking patterns in Sri Lanka.

Study setting
A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted in all nine provinces of Sri Lanka. The
country is divided into nine provinces and each province is further subdivided into 2–5
administrative districts. Health in each district is the responsibility of the Regional Director of
Health Services (RDHS). An area of RDHS has several divisional health units called Medical
Officers of Health (MOH) areas, depending on the population and the extent of the
geographical area. The Public Health Midwife (PHM) is the grass root level officer under the
MOH and is responsible for the preventive and promotional health activities for the population
of her area.

Study population
WHO recommends surveillance on risk factors for the age group 25–64 years, as chronic
disease generally occurs following prolonged exposure to risk factors. However, in the
national interest, this study included the 15–24 year age group as well, for the purpose of
assessing risk factors at a younger age. Thus, the study participants included males and
females aged 15 to 64 years who were permanent residents of the study area and could
speak either Sinhalese or Tamil, the two main languages in the country. Those who were not
citizens of Sri Lanka or who were terminally ill were excluded from the study.

Sample size
The study sample was stratified by sex and 10 year age groups to ensure adequate
representation in each stratum. The WHO recommends selecting 250 persons from each sex
and 10 year age group, as adequate to estimate the means of the variables in Step 1 and
Step 2 provided that the sample is homogenous and the analysis is by subgroups, age and
sex .

According to the previous NCD survey, the prevalence of current male and female drinkers
was 26.0% and 1.2% respectively . As the female current drinker prevalence was at a very
low level, it was decided to increase the female sample by two fold of that of males.
Therefore, each 10 year age group consists of 250 males and 500 females. This is a larger
sample size than is recommended by the WHO. The total sample was 3750 (1250 males and
2500 females). There were 36 clusters and a PHM area was considered as a cluster. In order
to have a male: female ratio of 1: 2 in each age range in a cluster, each 10 year age-sex
group was allocated seven male and 14 female participants resulting in 105 participants in
each cluster. Therefore, the final sample size was increased to 3780.

Sampling technique
A multistage cluster sampling method was used to identify the sample. Two districts were
selected randomly from each province and two MOH areas from each selected district. One
PHM area was selected randomly from each selected MOH area. Therefore, there were 18
districts, 36 MOH areas and 36 PHM areas selected. The roads in each selected PHM area
were listed and one road was randomly selected. A significant landmark in the road was
demarcated as the starting point for collection of data in a cluster. One side of the road was
randomly selected and data collection commenced in a direction selected based on the toss
of a coin. At the end of the road the data collector continued along the opposite side of the
road, ending at the starting point. If the required sample size was not achieved along the
selected road, another road was selected randomly and the process continued until the
required sample was gathered. Within the cluster, the unit of enumeration was a housing unit.
A housing unit was defined as “any building or part of a building or any structure whether
permanent or temporary, which are in fact used as places of residence”14. A household was
defined as “a person or a group of persons who usually live in the same housing unit and
have a common arrangement for preparation and consumption of food” . Only one eligible
person was selected from each household in accordance with the ‘Kish’ method . One
hundred and five eligible persons were selected from each cluster in order to have a male:
female ratio of 1:2 at the end of the survey. If a house was closed on the day the survey was
conducted, it would be visited on another day (week end or public holiday) and was regarded
as non-respondent if still found to be inaccessible on the second visit.

The WHO recommends the STEP wise approach (Core and Expanded version 1.4) to survey
key risk factors for non-communicable diseases . This consists of three steps with core and
expanded components. In addition, there are optional components which countries can adopt.
The present study incorporated all the “core” items as recommended by the WHO as well as
the ‘expanded” items relevant to alcohol under step 1. The core questions in Step 1 provide
basic demographic information and measures of alcohol consumption. The expanded
questions assess details of demographic breakdown and binge drinking. Step 2 and 3 include
physical and biochemical measurements respectively and were not included in study.

Adaptation of the STEPS instrument was done to suit the objectives of the study without
affecting the original meaning. Firstly, the selected items in the STEPS instrument were
translated into two languages, namely Sinhalese and Tamil, by an expert in the field of
Community Medicine. Then a bilingual expert translated it back to English to assess whether
the original meaning had been retained. Expert opinion was sought with regard to content and
face validity and modifications were made. All questions were structured with close ended
responses. The questions were simple and short and phrased carefully in order to avoid
ambiguity. No technical terms were included to ensure easy comprehension. No leading
questions were asked. These measures were expected to contribute to the accuracy and
reliability of the responses. The main components of this interviewer administered
questionnaire were personal identification, basic socio-demographic data and data pertaining
to alcohol consumption.

Pre-testing of instruments
Pre-testing was done in four MOH areas representing urban, rural and estate areas and in all
ethnic groups. Time taken to complete the questionnaire, sequence and the
comprehensiveness of questions were noted. It took nearly one hour to complete a
questionnaire. At the end of each interview, the participant was asked by data collectors to
comment on factors such as any feeling of uneasiness, understanding, and clarity of intent of
the questions and encouraged to suggest improvements to the questions. Consequently, a
few alterations were made to the questionnaire.

Selection of data collectors

PHMs belonging to the selected PHM areas comprised the data collectors. This made the
study more acceptable to the participants as PHMs have a good rapport with the community.

Data collection
A two day training workshop was conducted for all data collectors. Data collection was done
with the least disturbance to the routine work of PHMs. When the questions on alcohol
consumption were administered, a show card containing the types of alcoholic drinks with
volumes of commonly used containers for drinking was used by the data collectors to
determine the number of standard drinks. Some examples of locally brewed liquor, and the
most commonly used containers and their volume were added to the WHO show card.
Informed consent was obtained from all respondents and confidentiality of data was assured
by concealing their identity using a coding system. Ethics clearance was obtained from the
Ethics Review Committee of the Medical Research Institute, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka.

Statistical analysis
Data entry was carried out using EPI INFO 6. Double entry was performed to check reliability
of data entry. Data analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for the Social
Sciences (SPSS) version 16 statistical software package. A probability level of <0.05 was
considered significant. Calculation of frequencies, percentages, means and cross tabulations
were carried out.

Demographic data
Analysis was performed on data from 3728 participants out of the total number of 3780 giving
a response rate of 98.6%.The mean age of the study population was 39.3 years (SD=13.9)
with a range of 15-64 yrs. The demographics of the study group are shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Distribution of participants by socio-demographic factors
Frequency (%)
(N = 3728)
1377 (36.9%)
2351 (63.1%)

≤ 30 yrs
1168 (31.3%)
> 30 yrs
2560 (68.7%)
2361 (63.3%)
925 (24.8%)
442 (11.9%)
Marital Status
Married (legal /customary)
3058 (82.0%)
Single (not married)
506 (13.6%)
35 (0.9%)
14 (0.4%)
115 (3.1%)
≤ Grade 10
2109 (56.6%)
≥ Grade 11
1619 (43.4%)
≤ Rs. 10 000
1712 (45.9%)
>Rs. 10 000
1856 (49.8%)
160 (4.3%)

* Mean age = 39.3 (SD=13.9)

Table 2 shows the distribution of participants of the study by use of alcohol. Among the
participants more males (69.6%) than females (26.5%) have consumed alcohol any day
during their life time (ever use of alcohol). Majority of males (54.5%) have used alcohol during
the past 12 months versus only 7.6% of females. After standardizing according to the
population structure of the country the percentages were 51.5% and 7.4% for males and
females respectively. Prevalence of current drinkers, defined as those consuming one or
more drinks of alcohol during the past 30 days, among males was 37.5% (95% CI: 34.9-40.2)
whereas that of females was 2.4% (95% CI: 1.8-3.1). When weighted to the population of the
districts in which the sample was obtained the prevalence for the country is 39.6%. Nearly
sixty nine percent (68.8%) of males and 31.8% of females who drank during the past 12
months were current drinkers.

Table 2: Distribution of participants by period of use of alcohol

Male (n (%) Female (n (%) Total (n (%)

Alcohol use pattern
(N=959) (N=622) (N=3728)

Ever use
959 (69.6%) 622 (26.5%) 1581 (42.4%)
418 (30.4%) 1729 (73.5%) 2147 (57.6%)
Within past 12 months
750 (54.5%) 179 (7.6%) 929 (24.9%)
627 (45.5%) 2172 (92.4%) 2799 (75.1%)
Within past 30 days
517 (37.5%) 57 (2.4%) 574 (15.4%)
860 (62.5%) 2294 (97.6%) 3154 (84.6%)

Table 3 gives the type of alcoholic drink consumed among ever drinkers. Some have
consumed more than one type alcoholic drinks and therefore, calculations have been done
separately for each type. The three most consumed types of alcohol among ever drinkers for
both sexes were beer, spirits and wine.

Table 3: Distribution of type of alcoholic drink among ever drinkers

Male (n (%) Female (n (%)

Type of alcohol drink (N=959) (N=622)

Beer 737 (76.8%) 385 (61.9%)

Spirits 494 (51.5%) 175 (28.1%)

Wine 247 (25.8%) 157 (25.2%)

Kasippu 213 (22.2%) 24 (3.9%)

Palmyrah toddy 162 (16.9%) 16 (2.6%)

Toddy 161 (16.8%) 29 (4.7%)

Others 51 (5.3%) 2 (0.3%)

When ten year age groups among male ever drinkers were analysed for the four most widely
used alcoholic drinks beer was followed by spirits, wine and palmyrah toddy in the15-24 yrs
and 25-34 years groups. In the 35-44 year and 45-54 year age groups kasippu, a locally
brewed alcoholic drink, took fourth place and in the 55-64 year age group kasippu and toddy
took third and fourth place respectively. With regard to females all ten year age groups had
the same pattern (beer followed by spirit, wine and toddy) except for the 35-44 year group
where the order was beer, wine, spirit and toddy. In all age groups of females, kasippu took
fifth place.

As shown in Table 4 the least affected age range for current drinkers among both sexes is 15
- 24 years.

Table 4: Distribution of current drinkers in the 10 year age range

Males Females
Current drinking Current drinking
Age range Yes No Yes No
N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%)

15 - 24 35 (14.5%) 206 (85.5%) 5 (1.0%) 474 (99.0%)

25 - 34 127 (40.1%) 188 (59.9%) 18 (3.4%) 485 (96.6%)

35 - 44 137 (45.2%) 165 (54.8%) 11 (2.3%) 461 (97.7%)

45 - 54 127 (47.7%) 139 (52.3%) 15 (3.2%) 453 (96.8%)

55 - 64 92 (36.5%) 160 (63.5%) 8 (1.9%) 421 (98.1%)

Among drinkers during past 12 months most males (46.6%) had a drinking frequency of 1-3
days a month while the majority of females (51.1%) drank less than once a month (Table 5).

Table 5: Distribution of frequency of drinking among those who drank alcohol during
the past 12 months

Frequency of drinking Male (n (%) Female (n (%)

during past 12 months

≥ 5 days a week 74 (9.8%) 13 (7.3%)

1 - 4 days a week 119 (15.8%) 3 (1.5%)

1 - 3 days a month 349 (46.6%) 72 (40.1%)

< once a month 208 (27.8%) 91 (51.1%)

The largest number of drinks consumed on a single occasion in the past 12 months varied
between one to 30 standard drinks with a mean of 4.9 drinks (SD=5.4). However, only 705
participants (75.9%) responded to this question.

The number of days of drinking five or more standard drinks in a single day (during the past
12 months) for males varied from 0 - 300 days with a median value of 2 days. In the case of
females the range was from 0 - 60 days with a median of one day. The average consumption
of alcohol by those who drank during the last week was 23.5 units per week.

As shown in Table 6, there is a statistically significant association between drinking alcohol

and those who are currently employed compared to those who are not employed. Another
statistically significant association is between current drinking among males and those with an
education level equal or less than Grade 10.

Table 6: Association between current drinkers and occupation and education

Males Females
Current drinking Current drinking
Variable Yes No Yes No
N=517 N=860 N=57 N=2294
N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%)
Current Employment Status

Employed 456 (41.5%) 644 (58.5%) 36 (5.7%) 595 (94.3%)

Unemployed 44 (17.3%) 211 (82.7%) 21 (1.2%) 1699 (98.8%)

OR=3.4(95% CI: 2.4-4.8) OR=4.7 (95% CI:2.75-7.94)

p<0.0001 p<0.0001


≤ Grade 10 333 (43.7%) 429 (56.3%) 39 (2.9%) 1308 (97.1%)

≥ Grade 11 184 (29.9%) 431 (70.1%) 18 (1.8%) 986 (98.2%)

OR=1.83 (95% CI: 1.46-2.29) OR=1.63 (95% CI:0.93-2.87)

p<0.0001 p=0.09

In this study, the prevalence of current drinkers among males is 39.6% whereas that of
females is 2.4%. When drinkers of both sexes were considered, frequency of drinking per
week among males was higher than females. The three most consumed types of alcohol
among ever drinkers for both sexes were beer, spirit and wine. Among the current drinkers
the least affected age range was 15-24 yrs for both sexes. Those who are currently employed
and with an educational level less than Grade 10 have a higher chance of being current
drinkers compared to the unemployed and those with a higher educational level. When
comparing this study to the NCD survey in 2008 we note that PHMs were the data collectors
in both studies. Unlike the present study, the NCD survey selected five districts and one MOH
area from each district randomly. From each MOH area 10 PHM areas (clusters) were
selected. Each cluster had 250 participants with an equal number of males and females.

Drinking alcohol can cause damage to physical, mental, psychological and spiritual wellbeing
of a person. The prevalence of alcohol consumption in different countries varies. It has been
pointed out by the WHO that drinking in the South Asian Region is on the rise.

The percentage of more frequent drinking (≥5 days per week) in our study is at a slightly
lower level (Table 5) than that of the NCD study (12.2%). Less frequent drinking (<once a
month) is also at a lower level than the NCD study (56.2%). Although the prevalence for
females has remained low, the trend shows a twofold rise within a period of five years. Easy
access to alcohol in all parts of the country and some myths and beliefs regarding alcohol use
may have contributed to this upward trend. It is also noted that some types of alcoholic drinks,
for example beer, have become easily accessible and available at super market chains when
compared to the past.

The prevalence of alcohol use among males increased with age to the highest level in the 45-
54 yr age group and decreased thereafter. This pattern is similar to the results of the study
done in 20097. The most consumed alcoholic beverage among males and females was found
to be beer. The reason for this might be that beer is regarded as not being a strong alcoholic

drink and due to its wide availability. However, the most consumed alcohol for the South East
Asian Region is spirits.

The prevalence data in the present study is almost similar to that found in the “spot survey”,
which is a biannual survey conducted by Alcohol and Drug Information Centre (ADIC) in 10
out of 25 administrative districts of Sri Lanka . In the spot survey an interviewer administered
questionnaire was used by research assistants (volunteers engaged in alcohol related
activities connected with ADIC and university students) to identify trends and attitudes in
relation to alcohol use. According to ADIC, current users of alcohol were 36.5% among males
15 years and above. Similar to this study the age range, 15-24 years, was found as the group
with the lowest consumption with a prevalence of current consumers of 26.7%, although this
prevalence was higher than that found in the present study. The most frequently used alcohol
brew was different from the present study as it was spirits followed by beer, kasippu and other
products. The prevalence of current users found in the 2012 July spot survey was slightly
lower (35.6%) than the 2013 July figure. One of the strengths of current survey is the use of
health care providers who are already in the health system as data collectors contributing to
capacity building in order to sustain periodic alcohol consumption surveys in the country.

The average consumption of alcohol in the present study for those drinking during last week
(23.5 units/week) is less than the prevalence for urban (33.1 units/week) and rural (29.9
units/week) areas among men in a study conducted in two districts of Sri Lanka . The present
study only assessed the overall prevalence but did not differentiate according to the area of

Use of public health midwives as data collectors could have led to an underestimation of
female consumption of alcohol due to social desirability bias. As 'kasippu' is an illicit alcohol
people are reluctant to reveal its use to another person and instead tend to claim that they
drink spirits giving rise to underestimation of 'kasippu' and overestimation of spirits

Conclusions and recommendations

The prevalence of current drinkers among males was 39.6% whereas that of females
was2.4%. Among drinkers of both sexes, frequency of drinking among males was higher than
females. The three most consumed types of alcohol among ever drinkers for both sexes were
beer, spirit and wine. Among the current drinkers the least affected age range was 15-24 yrs
for both sexes. Those who are currently employed and with an educational level less than
Grade 10 have a higher chance of being current drinkers compared to the unemployed and
those with a higher educational level

As alcohol consumption has increased since the last survey in 2008 (male: 26%, female:
1.2%) preventative activities focusing on vulnerable groups should be implemented at the
national as well as regional levels. At the same time non-drinkers must be routinely
addressed to sustain their status. As prevalence is high among males a targeted cost
effective, comprehensive rehabilitation programme should be prioritized to address the
already affected people. In this regard the socioecological approach which is appropriate for
a low resource setting is worth a pilot study. This method which addresses the family as a
whole unit affected by drinking is culturally and socially acceptable to Sri Lanka and is already
practiced in some parts of the country in an ad hoc manner. The increasing trend among
female drinking indicate the need of primary preventive actions targeted at them. Work place
education is also imperative as there is an association between drinking and employment.

This can be incorporated in to the duties of Medical Officers of Mental Health. Occasional
drinking too needs to be discouraged as there is higher chance of ending as current drinkers.

The fact that the age range of 15–24 years is the least affected sends a message that current
strategies should focus on sustaining this group from being vulnerable to inducement. At the
same time, qualitative studies in relation to the reasons for drinking should be conducted and
preventive actions implemented based on the results. Sri Lanka needs a strong Alcohol Act
and an action plan to implement it. The many groups of people who work hard towards
alcohol control should have a common platform to work. Both the Directorate of Mental Health
of the Ministry of Health and the National Authority on Tobacco and Alcohol (NATA) should
collaborate to serve the purpose. Surveillance activities should be strengthened with periodic
research. Medical professionals engaged in alcohol prevention and control need proper
training and exposure to successful programmes conducted elsewhere, with provision of
infrastructure facilities. The Directorate of Mental Health of the Ministry of Health is
responsible for this task.

Ministry of Health should incorporate with Ministry of Education and national youth services
programmes to address the issue of drinking among adolescents and youth and get them
involved in campaign against alcohol.

Public Health Midwives who acted as research and the staff at the Directorate of Mental
Health, Ministry of Health are acknowledged for assistance during all the stages of the study.

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