Endo Lecture 1
Endo Lecture 1
Endo Lecture 1
pulp ال. مش مجرد عصبpulp المفروض ما نستخدم مصطلح "عصب" ألنه ال،pulp لما منحكي عن ال
.other elements باإلضافة لvascular and lymphatic tissues بتتشارك معه
The pulp is not a nerve tissue. It consists of vascular connective tissue (blood vessels,
lymphatic tissue and cells) contained within the rigid dentin walls.
انه محاط ب، آخرtissue عن أيpulp وهون ممكن نشوف خاصية ال
الinflammation عشان هيك في حاالت ال.hard structure
،limited space مش ممكن يحصل ألنه عندهpulp للexpansion
.expansion بالتالي بيمنعه يعمل
Some stimuli may lead to inflammation where the pulp is no more normal and pain is
External stimuli:
1. Bacterial effect - acids of bacteria may cause pulp irritation, or the bacteria itself
present inside the pulp. * most common (e.g. caries)
2. Chemical irritation – acid agent in dental used (phosphoric acid during composite
etching) or sweet and sour food.
ممكن نستخدم.filling مثل الconservative procedures اللي احنا منستخدمها اثناء الchemicals ال
ويعملdentinal tubules وبالتالي يدخل من خالل ال. لفترات طويلة او نستخدمها بطريقة خاطئةacids ال
.pulp داخل الinflammation
Some materials as composite restorations- if we put a large increment (a layer >2 mm) and
there is failure during light curing, the resins and monomers do not undergo setting thus
becoming toxic, because these monomers enter the dentinal tubules.
3. Thermal stimulus - working with high or low speed without cooling (the over-heat
over dentin may cause permanent damage of the pulp represented as pain).
مثل أخطاء ممكن.pulp داخل الinflammation اللي بتتعرض لها السن ممكن تسببinsults بعض ال
لفترة طويلة بسرعاتrubber cap لألسنان ونستخدم الfinishing and polishing تصير واحنا منعمل
.cooling إذا كنا نشتغل بدون ما نعمل،heat generation عالية تسبب
* very A patient may come to the clinic with simple Class I, where the carious lesion is very
superficial but the wrong use of the bur or the high friction during finishing of restoration may
cause pulp damage due to overheat.
بأدي لinflammation هذا ال.pulp داخل الinflammation راح يصيرinsults نتيجة لهاي ال
موجود بالوضعinflammation كأيvascular leakage ،increase blood flow ،vasodilation
When the external stimulus lead to inflammation, vasodilation takes place (increasing in blood
flow) represented as swelling, redness, pain, increase in temperature.
اللي عامل هذا الstimuli عشان هيك إذا شلت ال.pulpal expansion المشكلة هون انه ما في مجال لل
vascular ،increase blood flow ،vasodilation ممكن تتحمل شويةpulp ال،inflammation
. للوضع الطبيعيpulp بيرجع الdamage فاذا شلت ال. لحد معينleakage
راح يزيدواvascular leakage ،increase blood flow ،vasodilation ال،insults ولكن إذا استمرت ال
وهون بصير انخفاض بكمية،pulp للblood وبالتالي بيمنع دخول الpulpal space داخل الpressure ال
.necrosis مما يؤدي الى الpulp االوكسجين داخل ال
The inflammation in pulp differs from any other tissue, because pulp is unmineralized tissue
surrounded by mineralized tissue, lacking for space for vasodilation and swelling, thus blood
pressure increases inside the root canal than the blood supply which comes from the apex,
leading to lack of O2 thus necrosis occurs.
Pulp is totally surrounded by a hard dental tissue, dentin which limits the area for expansion
and restricts the pulp's ability to tolerate edema.
اوirreversible damage وممكن يتحول ل،reversible additional stimulus إذا المرحلة األولى بتكون
من داخل الpulp إذا ما شلنا الnecrosis اللي راح يتحول بعد هيك ل،irreversible inflammation
Classification of pulp disease
1. Normal pulp
2. Reversible pulpitis
3. Irreversible pulpitis:
Symptomatic irreversible pulpitis
Asymptomatic irreversible pulpitis
4. Pulp necrosis
5. Previously treated
6. Previously initiated therapy
1. Normal pulp:
Teeth with normal pulp do not exhibit any spontaneous symptoms. The pulp will
respond to pulp tests → sensation is present at cold or hot but no pain; and the
symptoms produced from such tests are mild, do not cause the patient distress, and
result in a transient sensation that disappears within seconds when removing the
2. Reversible pulpitis:
Is a sharp hypersensitive response to cold, but the pain subsides when stimulus is
(ان كانstimulus إذا شلنا الwithin seconds وهذا ال ألم بيختفيcold بيبدأ المريض يحس بألم وعلى ال
.)electrical pulp test اوcold
The tooth is irritated so that the stimulation is uncomfortable to the patient but reverses
quickly after irritation.
Pain does not occur spontaneously. stimulus بدون أيpain ما بيكون أي
A tooth with reversible pulpitis reacts normally to percussion, palpation and mobility
(producing no pain).
Confusion can occur when there is exposed dentin, which can sometimes respond
with sharp, quickly reversible pain when subjected to thermal, evaporative, tactile,
mechanical, osmotic or chemical stimuli.
exposed dentin اوcervical area اللي ممكن يكون بال- exposed dentin بدنا نعرف نفرق بين ال
بتكون الexposed dentin بال.irreversibly inflamed pulp وبين ال-fractured enamel نتيجة ل
.dentinal tubules داخل الfluids ناتجة عن حركة الsensitivity
We must distinguish between reversible pulpitis and exposed dentin. Exposure dentin in the
cervical area of the tooth accounts for most of the cases diagnosed as dentin sensitivity (due
to aging). Tooth is exposed due to gingival recession, or brushing teeth with forces, or attrition.
In hypersensitivity cases we must close the dentinal tubules using varnish (very thin layer).
Causative factors include caries, exposed dentin, recent dental treatment, and defective
restoration. Conservative removal of the irritant will resolve the symptoms.
Confusion can occur when there is exposed dentin, without evidence of pulp pathosis, which
can sometimes respond with sharp quickly reversible pain when subjected to thermal,
evaporative, tactile, mechanical, osmotic or chemical stimuli. This is known as dentin
sensitivity (or hypersensitivity). Exposed dentin in the cervical area of the tooth accounts for
most of the cases diagnosed as dentin sensitivity.
In reversible pulpitis, patient feels pain at cold, and the pain is removed within seconds. This
is not a normal sensation compared to normal pulp.
The patent feels pain at hot and cold stimuli or spontaneous pain (no external stimulus).
Symptomatic irreversible pulpitis- we can remove the caries and treat the patient
without RCT.
Asymptomatic irreversible pulpitis- RCT is needed because the inflammation in
pulp is irreversible and cannot be treated, thus pulp removal is needed.
In some cases, the carious lesion in pulp is detected clinically and x-ray radiograph, but the
patient does not feel pain.
* The difference between symptomatic
irreversible and asymptomatic irreversible
Why there are no symptoms? The patient has high fresh herpetic pain, or the patient takes
some medications for other symptoms (analgesics) or the patient is addicted.
وما في،irreversible صارinflammation ألنه ال،المريض راح يحكيلك عن وجود ألم بدون أي محفز
.RCT مجال نعالجه غير انه نعمل
Cold stimuli will elicit heightened and prolonged episodes of pain even after the
thermal stimulus has been removed.
The pain in these cases may be sharp or dull, localized, diffuse or referred.
وببدأ يصيرthe pain is not localized anymore ولكن مع مرور الوقتlocalized األلم في البداية
.dull في البداية ومع مرور الوقت يصيرsharp ممكن يكون.diffuse
او إذا انتقل من، ولكن في مراحل متقدمةperiapical area ممكن تالحظ شوي تغيرات على الx-ray على ال
.PDL على الwhitening ممكن نشوف شويperiradicular tissue للinflammation ال
On occasion, deep caries will not produce any symptoms, even though clinically or
radiographically the caries may extend well into the pulp.
عشان هيك مهم. على طولpulp راح ينكشف ال،caries او حاولت تشيل الexcavation مجرد ما عملت
.symptomatic لasymptomatic pulpitis ألنه في أي لحظة ال،جدا نميز هذول المرضى ونعالجهم
On occasion, deep caries will not produce any symptoms, even though clinically or
radiographically the caries may extend well into the pulp. Left untreated, the tooth may
become symptomatic or the pulp will become necrotic.
The patient has inflammation but the fresh herpetic pain is high, thus the patient does not feel
any pain. Treatment is needed because asymptomatic may become symptomatic and cause
4. Pulp necrosis:
The pulpal blood supply is nonexistent and the pulpal nerves are non-functional.
ممكن يزيد ال،irreversible pulpitis حتى في مرحلة الpulp او ما شلنا الinflammation إذا استمر ال
ويمنع دخول الدم وبذلك تقل كمية االوكسجينcanals او داخل الpulpal space أكثر داخل الpressure
.pulpal space داخل الnecrosis ويحصل
After the pulp becomes completely necrotic, the tooth will typically become
asymptomatic until such time that symptoms develop as a result of extension of the
disease process into the periradicular tissues.
اللي يقدر ينقل الtissue ألنه ما ظل أي، المريض ما بيشعر بأي إحساس،pulp بالnecrosis بعد ما يصير
وإذا جربت ال، وعشان هيك المريض ما بيشعر بألم ال على بارد وال على سخن. من داخل السنsensation
والمريضresponse ما راح يكون في أيstimuli إذا عرضت السن ألي. ما راح يشعر بأي شيءcold test
.ما بيشعر بأي شيء
periodontal ligament في الthickening منشوف انه فيradiograph بأغلب الحاالت إذا فحصنا ال
.surrounding tissue في الradiolucency وممكن يكون في بداية لspace
When pulpal necrosis occurs, the pulpal blood supply is nonexistent and the pulpal nerves are
The tooth will not respond to electric pulp test or to cold stimulation (the patient may not feel
any pain due to lack of sensation).
However, if heat is applied for an extended period of time, the tooth may respond to this
stimulus. This response could possibly be related to remnants of fluid or gases in the pulp canal
space expanding and extending into the periapical tissues.
Pulp necrosis is detected by x-ray radiograph. We can see caries near the pulp.
In some cases of pulp necrosis, the inflammation migrates around the tooth and patient feels
pain on percussion and during biting.
After the pulp becomes necrotic, bacterial growth can be sustained within the canal. When this
infection extends into the periodontal ligament space, the tooth may become symptomatic to
percussion or exhibit spontaneous pain.
Generally, in reversible and irreversible pulpitis there is no pain in percussion but at cold and
hot stimuli.
5. Previously treated:
A clinical diagnostic for those cases that present where the tooth
has already had nonsurgical root canal therapy performed and the
root canal system has been filled with some type of root canal
obturating material.
منقدر نعرف هذا. معمول له عالج عصبpreviously treated في بعض األحيان المريض بييجي والسن
gutta فيcanal (داخل الobturation معمولcanals ونشوف انه داخل الx-ray االشي عن طريق ال
ما في داعي." ألنه المريض بيشعر بأوجاع او عنده مشاكل بهذا السنpreviously treated" منستخدم مصطلح
مش ألنه السن،negative راح تكونresults ألنه الtests ألنه مش راح نستفيد من الvitality test نعمل
. من العالج السابقpulp وانما بسبب فقدان الnecrotic
The tooth has already had nonsurgical RCT performed and the root canal system has been
filled with some type of root canal obturating material. In this situation the tooth may or may
not present with signs or symptoms but will require additional RCT to retain the tooth. In most
of these cases there will no longer be any vital or necrotic pulp tissue present to respond to
pulp testing procedures, thus these cases are detected by x-ray radiograph.
6. Previously initiated therapy:
Clinical diagnostic category for those cases that present with partial endodontic
therapy has been performed.
emergency المريض كان موجوع كثير وعمل.ممكن تكون حالة انه المريض بدأ بالعالج وما كمل حتى النهاية
او ممكن انعمل له. وما كمل العالجpulpotomy اوpartial pulpectomy ،pulpectomy اوtreatment
apexification او ممكن.)obturation ولكن بدونinstrumentation (يعني انعمل لهfull pulpectomy
. وما كمل العالجapexogenesis او
منقدر نعرف هذا. معمول له عالج عصبpreviously treated في بعض األحيان المريض بييجي والسن
Partial endodontic therapy has been performed. Tooth in this category would include cases
where only a pulpotomy or pulpectomy had been performed before presenting for root canal
therapy. In most instances the pulpotomy or pulpectomy was performed as an emergency
procedure for symptomatic or asymptomatic irreversible pulpitis cases. In other situations,
these procedures may have been performed as part of vital pulp therapy procedures, traumatic
tooth injury, apexogenesis therapy. At the time these cases present for the RCT it would not
be possible to make an accurate pulpal diagnoses since all or part of the pulp tissue has already
been removed.
Detection by x-ray radiograph: the pulp chamber is accessed and de-roofing is made but
treatment did not finish.
If the patient suffered from irreversible pulpitis or pulp necrosis and did not get any treatment,
the inflammation will spread to the periradicular or periapical area (periodontal ligaments or
the bone surrounding the tooth).
We have to diagnose in order to know the state of the periodontal ligaments so we can decide
the treatment and the steps.
Classification of periapical lesions
In normal periapical tissue the tooth is surrounded by PDL, which has normal structure
with normal thickness without widening. Normal intact lamina dura. The patient feels
no pain and there is no abnormally sensation to palpation and percussion and biting.
The patient is asymptomatic and the tooth responds normally to percussion and palpation
testing. The radiograph reveals an intact lamina dura and periodontal ligament space around
all the root apices (normal periapical tissue- no lesion).
When the inflammation spreads from the pulp to the PDL and the bone, the osteoclasts cause
bone resorption, thus the lamina dura at the apical area disappears and the area around the
tooth at the apical area appears as black circle (radiolucency - the minerals ).
On x-ray radiograph – periodontal space, surrounded by lamina dura and normal bone
structure; no pain on percussion but pulp is necrotic. When not treated symptomatic apical
2. Symptomatic apical periodontitis:
3. Asymptomatic apical periodontitis:
If symptomatic apical periodontitis is not treated, the lesion becomes wider, the radiolucency
increases, but the patient feels no pain on percussion, because the pulp is necrotic and the
periodontal area is chronic (no pain on biting or percussion), but on -ray radiograph it is well
seen, the periapical tissue is not normal → resorption of bone.
* very We must test the tooth vitality. If the tooth is vital, the problem may be because of the bone
itself (cancer, tumor, blood vessels, neuron).
Removal of necrotic or inflamed pulp within the canal (no extending beyond
the apical foramen).
Complete obturation.
If there is extended material beyond the apical foramen, we pull in out if
possible. If not, we must extract this tooth.
The inflammation at bone will disappear as soon as we remove its cause (bacteria at canal);
generally, removal of necrotic tissue will heal the bone.
Swelling will be present intraorally and the facial tissues adjacent to the
tooth will almost always present with some degree of swelling. The patient
will frequently be febrile, and the cervical and submandibular lymph nodes
will exhibit tenderness to palpation.
Following the death of pulp and extension of infection through apical foramen into
periapical tissues.
In the stage of necrosis or degeneration, there may be liquefactive necrosis cheesy material
(pus), inflammation may cause degeneration of tissue leading to pus abscess.
The pus lead to perforation in the bone, accumulating under the periosteum (condense between
periosteum and bone). Thus the swelling is under the periosteum.
Sometimes the swelling spreads to the spaces in the floor of the mouth or the cheeks.
The patient feels pain due to the pressure caused by pus which dehiscence of periosteum from
مستحيل يكون في.chronic apical abscess موجود ولكن بيكونabscess في بعض األحيان بيكون ال
← العالمة المميزة لهذاsinus tract اال إذا كان عنا.)acute (يعني مشswelling وما يكون فيabscess
. حول المنطقة للسن المصابsinus tract انه يكون فيdiagnosis النوع من ال
Has burrowed through bone and soft tissue to form sinus tract.
Signs and symptoms:
Endodontic treatment (RCT).
How to differ between asymptomatic apical periodontitis, chronic apical abscess and acute
apical abscess?
* In all cases the Acute apical abscess: swelling and pain are present; radiolucency on radiograph.
treatment is
RCT, but differ
Chronic apical abscess: radiolucency in radiograph; search for fistula.
in steps. Asymptomatic apical periodontitis: radiolucency in radiograph.
6. Condensing osteitis:
وبالتاليosteoblasts بتشتغل الosteoclasts بدل ما تشتغل ال،inflammation في بعض األحيان نتيجة لل
. حول االسنان المصابةradiopacity بتزيد ال
A variant of asymptomatic apical periodontitis.
Irritant from canal to periapical tissues is the cause.
Mainly in mandibular posterior teeth.
Occurs in association with apex of any tooth.