Lab 3 - 2018 PDF

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Object-Oriented Programming

Lab Session #3

I. References
- Oracle Java Documentation:
- Inheritance in Java Tutorial:

II. Exercises
You are required to implement the following design as well as a main() method in a another class
to test your implementation:

1. Shapes (25 points)

Implement the hierarchy below where
- MyShape is an abstract class with an abstract Draw method,
- MyBoundedShape is an abstract class with an abstract GetArea method,
- MyLine, MyOval, MyRectangle are concrete classes

In the main() method,

- Ask user to select 5 shapes and input their dimension
- Draw selected shapes
- Compute and show area of selected shapes if they are a bounded shape

2. Triangle and Point (25 points)

3. Person, Student & Staff (25 points)

4. Point2D and Point3D (25 points)

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