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Biomaterial Lectures
2- Course Contents
Definition of Biomaterial.
Outline about materials used in each field and its requirements.
Outline about various class of biomaterials. Natural and artificial materials.
Characteristics of biomaterials Artificial materials: ceramics ,metals and alloys.
Describe the crystal arid Atomic structures of engineering materials.
Discuss the mechanical tests : Static tension test and fracture in tension. Discuss
the effect of different variables on tensile properties.
Phase diagram ,discuss the mechanical tests :compression test and failure of
materials undercompression. Describe analytical methods used to characterize
biomaterials. Static tests and solved examples. Analysis the loads and factors that
affect on implant.
Describe various aspects of biomedical device design, fabrication and testing.
Analysis the loads and factors that affect on implant.
Introduction to tissue engineering ,preparation and evaluation of tissue
engineering implant. Characteristics of biomaterials surfaces.
Characterization methods of Biomaterials.
Characteristics of biomaterials surfaces.
Characterization methods of Biomaterials. Applications in Dentistry.
Surface & Protein Interactions
Types and application in human body.
Tissue engineering as an application, Adhesives and Composite
Structure.Applications in Drug Delivery.
Project Presentations
Degradation of biomaterials in biological environments.
Project Presentations
Biomedical Engineering Department
Biomaterial Lectures
Lecture 2
The Biomedical Materials Science course offers you the opportunity to gain a
comprehensive background in the medical science and engineering of the
biomaterials used to repair or replace damaged, diseased or missing tissues in
the human body.
The Romans, Chinese, and Aztec used gold in dentistry more than 2000
years ago. Glass eyes and wooden teeth have been used trough much of
the recorded history.
Synthetic plastics became available at the turn of last century.
PMMA (Polymethyl methacrylate) was intoduced in dentistry in 1937.
Experiments with parachute cloth (Vinyon N) as vascular prosthesis after
world war II.
In the early 1960s total hip replacement made of PMMA, ultrahigh-
molecular-weight polyurethan, and stainless steel.
Important definitions
Biomaterial — it is a nonviable material used in a (medical) device
intended to interact with biological systems (Williams 1987).
Biocompatibility — The ability of a material to perform with an
appropriate host response in a specific application (Williams 1987).
Host Response — The response of the host organism (local and
systemic) to the implanted material or device. As hemodialysis system
serving as an artificial kidney requires materials that must function in
contact with the patients`s blood and exhibit appropriate membrane
permeability and mass transport characteristics.
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Biomaterial Lectures
Different disciplines have to work together, starting from the identification of a need
for a biomaterial through development, manufacture, implantation, and removal from
the patient.
Lecture 3
Biomaterial Types
Artificial biomaterials can be classified into three categories according to
the nature of their interaction with the surrounding environments;
Biomaterials generations
Mechanical properties and toxicity also play a leading role in the selection
of materials for implant manufacture. When inert biomaterials placed
inside the body, it would elicit a foreign fibrous capsule around the
material which isolates it from the surrounding tissue.
Classification of Materials
Lecture 4
Properties of materials
Bulk properties, Suface properties, Synthetic materials have specific bulk
and surface characteristics. They must be known prior to any medical addition to the change over time in vivo must be evaluated
within the context of the intended biomedical use, since applications and
host tissue responses are quite specific within areas (e.g. Cardiovascular:
flowing blood contact; orthopedic: functional load bearing)
Classification by Morphology:
Solids may be classified according to the inherent degree of
molecular order or disorder
Lecture 5
Material Properties
• To introduce the fundamental mechanical and surface chemistry
properties of biomaterials
– Mechanical Properties
• elasticity, viscoelasticity, brittle fracture, fatigue
- Surface chemistry
Let us take a cylinder and stress it. To stress it, I would fix one end of the cylinder and pull from
the other end as shown in the figure below.
Tensile Stress
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Biomaterial Lectures
According to Newton's third law, the cylinder will experience a force downward on the lower
surface of the cylinder and an equal and opposite force on the upper surface of the
cylinder. cylinder has an original length of I o and surface area of Ao. As I pull on
my material with the force F the cylinder will lengthen and the resulting length will
be l. Stress, σ, is defined as the force divided by the initial surface area,
σ=F/Ao. This pulling stress is called tensile stress. Strain is what results from this
stress. Strain, ε, is defined as the change in length divided by the original
length, ε=ΔI/Io. Before we proceed further with stress and strain, let's define some
other types of stress.
Shear Stress
Stress related to shear is torsional stress. If we hold one end of our cylinder fixed
and twist the other end as shown in the figure below, we are applying a torsional
(or twisting) stress.
Torsional Stress
Elastic Region
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Biomaterial Lectures
It is the region where the material can be deformed and when released will return
back to its original configuration. Many metals in the elastic region have a
resulting strain that is proportional to the tensile load when the applied tensile load
is small. Mathematically, this can be written as ε=Eσ , and more generally is
known as a form of Hooke's law. E is the proportionality constant and is called the
modulus of elasticity or Young's modulus. Physically, the larger the value of the
modulus of elasticity the stiffer the material is, i.e., the more resistant to bending
the material is. If we look at a stress-strain diagram for a metal in the elastic region
such as that shown in the figure below, the slope of the curve is the modulus of
Stress-Strain Diagram
Plastic Deformation
Biomedical Engineering Department
Biomaterial Lectures
For most metallic materials, the elastic deformation region is relatively small. At
some point, the strain is no longer proportional to the applied stress. At this point,
bonds with original atom neighbors start to break and reform with a new group of
atoms. When this occurs and the stress is relieved, the material will no longer
return to its original form, i.e., the deformation is permanent and nonrecoverable.
The material has now moved into the region referred to as plastic deformation. In
practice, it is difficult to identify the exact point at which a material moves from
the elastic region to the plastic region. As shown in the figure below, a parallel line
offset by 0.002 strain is drawn. Where that line intercepts the stress-strain curve is
identified as the yield strength. The yield strength is equal to the stress at which
noticeable plastic deformation has occurred.
Stress-strain curve.
For many materials, the stress-strain curve looks like the curve shown in the figure
below. As the stress is increased from zero, the strain increases linearly until it
starts to deviate from linear at the yield strength. For increasing stress, the curve
proceeds to a maximum at which point it curves downward toward the fracture
point. The maximum corresponds to the tensile strength, which is the maximum
stress value for the curve and is indicated by M in the figure. The fracture point is
the point at which the material ultimately breaks, indicated by F in the figure.
Biomedical Engineering Department
Biomaterial Lectures
Toughness, in contrast to resilience, is how much energy can be absorbed and still
keep going. One analogy that can be used when describing toughness is that of a
car in a demolition derby. The car is allowed to continue the competition as long as
it is capable of moving. It does not matter how many hits and how much
destruction has been done to the car, but rather as long as the car can move it can
stay in the competition. The toughness of the car is based on how many hits and
how much damage the car can sustain and continue in the competition. In the case
of materials, the amount of energy that the material can absorb plastically before
fracturing is the toughness.
Biomedical Engineering Department
Biomaterial Lectures
In the figure below, we can see that a material can have a high tensile strength
(ceramics) and yet have a small toughness. In addition, materials can be extremely
ductile (unreinforced polymers) and also have a small toughness. So, a large
toughness (metals) is obtained by having a high tensile strength and a high
Stress-strain curve for a material with a high tensile strength (ceramics) and a small
why are ceramics so much more brittle than metals? It has to do with the bonding.
In metals, their metallic bonds allow the atoms to slide past each other easily. In
ceramics, due to their ionic bonds
In contrast, ductility is the ability of a solid material to deform under tensile stress.
Practically, a ductile material is a material that can easily be stretched into a wire
when pulled as shown in the figure below. Recall pulling is applying tensile stress.
Ductility test.
If we pull on a rod of material, some of the possible profiles of the rods at fracture
are shown in the figure below.
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Biomaterial Lectures
Fracture Samples
Profile (a) is an example of the material that fractures with no plastic deformation,
i.e., it is a brittle material. Profile (b) is an example of a material that fractures after
very little plastic deformation. These two profiles would be classified as having
low ductility. Profile (c) in contrast is a material that plastically deforms before
fracture. This material has high ductility. The stress-strain curves for the brittle,
profile (a), and the ductile material, profile (c), are shown in the figure below.
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Biomaterial Lectures
Lecture 6
Surface Energy
• Interface
– boundary between 2 layers
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Biomaterial Lectures
We denote the solid–vapor energy as , the solid–liquid interfacial energy as and the liquid–vapor
energy (i.e. the surface tension) as simply , we can write an equation that must be satisfied in
equilibrium (known as the Young Equation):
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Biomaterial Lectures
The contact angle can also be used to determine an interfacial energy (if other
interfacial energies are known). This equation can be rewritten as the Young-
Dupre equation:
Charged particles are attracted to the sample surface, which acts as the
cathode. Particles may be positive or negative ions, free radicals,
Biomedical Engineering Department
Biomaterial Lectures
Lecture 10, 11
What is Nanotechnology?
Size-Dependent Properties
If you cut a block of gold into smaller & smaller pieces, it would still look
like gold. Not true of gold at the nanoscale, where properties change.
• Maximum scattering occurs when size equals 1/2 the wavelength and
particles are uniformly dispersed (Mie theory).
Mention method of preparation nano-particles
Lecture 11
Physical Properties of nanoparticles
Physical Properties Change: Melting Point of a Substance
Melting Point (Microscopic Definition)
Temperature at which the atoms, ions, or molecules in a substance
have enough energy to overcome the intermolecular forces that
hold them in a “fixed” position in a solid
Surface atoms require less energy to move because they are in
contact with fewer atoms of the substance
• When the size of the structure is decreased, surface to volume ratio increases
considerably and the surface phenomena predominate over the chemistry
and physics in the bulk
• The reduction in the size of the sensing part and/or the transducer in a sensor
is important in order to better miniaturise the devices
• Science of nano materials deals with new phenomena, and new sensor
devices are being built that take advantage of these phenomena
• Sensitivity can increase due to better conduction properties, the limits of
detection can be lower, very small quantities of samples can be analysed,
direct detection is possible without using labels, and some reagents can be
• A nanosensor probe carrying a laser beam (blue) penetrates a living cell to
detect the presence of a product indicating that the cell has been exposed to a
cancer-causing substance
Lecture 12
Tissue Engineering
Tissue engineering
The following characteristics must be considered when designing a scaffold for tissue
a. Biocompatibility
Biocompatibility is the ability of the scaffold to perform in a specific application without eliciting a
harmful immune or inflammatory reaction. For a scaffold to positively interact with cells and with
minimal disruption to the surrounding tissue, it should have an appropriate surface chemistry to allow for
Biomedical Engineering Department
Biomaterial Lectures
cellular attachment, differentiation and proliferation.[ surface roughness ]Cells primarily interact with
scaffolds via chemical groups on the material surface or topographical features.
b. Biodegradability
Biodegradation is the dissolution of the scaffold by the cellular and enzymatic reactions. This
occur when the scaffold is exposed to a biological environment, either in vivo or in vitro, a
different mechanisms may be involved in either setting.
In vivo, scaffolds are degraded during the foreign body response against the scaffold, a process
which may involve an immune response, release of enzymes, and deposition of replacement
extra-cellular matrix. Understanding the foreign body response to a given biomaterial is a key
step in developing a clinical therapy . In vitro, scaffold degradation is dependent upon the cell
type and medium content.
Degradation products should be non-toxic. If there is toxic products , it should have a
degradation rate slow enough for the body to manage .
c. Mechanical Properties
The scaffold provides structural integrity in 3D. It, also provides mechanical stability to support the
growing tissue during in vitro and/or in vivo growth phases . This mechanical stability is required to meet
the specific requirements of the tissue to be regenerated at the defect site. These requirements allow for
handling by the clinician, are able to withstand the mechanical forces imposed on it during the
implantation procedure and survive under physiological conditions. After implantation, the scaffold has a
minimal level of biomechanical function improve mechanically until normal tissue function is restored
and fully integrated with the surrounding host tissue.
d. Scaffold Architecture
Scaffold with Porous structures allow for optimal interaction with cells. The scaffold pore architecture
is characterised by pore size and shape, pore interconnectivity, degree of porosity and surface area. These
characteristics determine cell interactions with the scaffold. It leads to a molecular transport (movement
of nutrients, wastes and biological chemicals e.g. growth factors) within the scaffold. Scaffold pore size
determines the cell seeding efficiency [50]. Very small pores prevent the cells from penetrating the
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Biomaterial Lectures
scaffold. Very large pores prevent cell attachment due to a reduced area. Cell migration within a scaffold
is determined by degree of porosity and pore interconnectivity.
A scaffold with an open and interconnected pore network (>80 %), and a high degree of porosity is ideal
for the scaffold to interact and integrate with the host tissue . But, with increasing porosity, mechanical
properties decrease. In manufacturing scaffold, a compromise between different properties according to
application requirements is required.
Solid free-form Porous structure can be tailored to host Resolution needs to be improved to
tissue the micro-scale
Protein and cell encapsulation possible Some methods use organic solvents
Good interface with medical imaging
Polymeric Graded porosity structures possible Mechanical properties is an issue
Sponge method Controlled pore size
High porosity
High interconnection
Emulsion Independent control of porosity and pore Problem with residual solvent,
templeting size Residual progens
Superior compressive strength Less than 200μm
Foaming-pressure No organic solvents Non-porous external surface or
processing High interconnection Closed pore structure may be
Electro-spinning use of solvents that may be toxic
need high voltage
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Biomaterial Lectures
Scaffold Cell
Scaffold processing
Scaffold evaluation
Lecture 13, 14: Revision, Quizz, Report presentation for each group
Thanks and Good Luck
Biomedical Engineering Department
Biomaterial Lectures