Adobe Acrobat Distiller Server
Adobe Acrobat Distiller Server
Adobe Acrobat Distiller Server
0 • Solaris™ • Linux®
Adobe PDF creation for
your entire network
Now your organization can easily share CONSERVE VALUABLE IT RESOURCES well as predetermined settings to optimize
documents across platforms and applica-
By enabling centralized management of your Adobe PDF files for screen, print, or
Adobe PDF creation, Acrobat Distiller Server press output. By working within specific dis-
tions while preserving their original look
can reduce IT overhead. Each Distiller Server tilling parameters, Acrobat Distiller Server
and feel—with fonts, graphics, and layout license provides 100 users with access to an offers you a greater degree of control so you
intact. Adobe Acrobat 4.0 Distiller Server automated conversion workflow. In the Win- get precisely the output you expect.
dows NT version, clients drop their Adobe
software provides workgroups with a cen- INTEGRATE WITH ACROBAT BUSINESS
PostScript files into a watched folder on a
tralized solution for converting Adobe TOOLS
server and the program queues those files for
Increase workgroup and enterprise produc-
PostScript ® files to universally accessible output in Adobe PDF. There’s virtually no
tivity by using Acrobat Distiller Server with
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).
training required! The UNIX® version of-
its ideal complement, Adobe Acrobat Busi-
fers a command line-driven means of dis-
A flexible, automated mechanism for ness Tools software (licensed separately).
tilling Adobe PDF files and is customizable
Acrobat Business Tools makes collaboration
high-volume Adobe PDF creation, Acrobat using scripts.
more efficient by letting you electronically
D i s t i l l e r S e r ve r g i ve s I T a n d c re a t i ve
SAVE TIME FOR CREATIVE TASKS mark up Adobe PDF documents with sticky
professionals the power of increased pro- When design and publishing departments notes, highlights, underlines, strikethroughs,
ductivity and the assurance of consistent, must prepare their files for final press output, and other versatile tools. And when it’s time
the visual fidelity and compact file size of for approval, you can use your own digital
quality output. Now you can feel confident
Adobe PDF makes it a preferred document signature to approve documents. Together,
that anyone, anywhere can easily access delivery format. With Acrobat Distiller Acrobat Distiller Server and Acrobat Busi-
your information—just as you intend. Server, publishing professionals can keep ness Tools provide a complete solution for
their energy focused on the creative pro- streamlining document workflows.
cess—not on the details of file conversion
When your organization needs an efficient,
processing. By offloading Adobe PDF cre-
reliable way to convert Adobe PostScript
ation from your workstation to a dedicated
files to Adobe PDF, count on the power of
server application, Distiller Server software
Acrobat Distiller Server software.
frees you to perform more important tasks.
Word processing/
Page layout /
graphic design
Adobe Acrobat Adobe Acrobat
Distiller Server Business Tools
Create original documents on your Use Acrobat Distiller Server to Distribute Adobe PDF files via the Web, intranets,
workstation, and save them as Adobe perform automated, server-based e-mail, or CD-ROM. And with Acrobat Business
PostScript files. conversion of PostScript files into Tools (licensed separately), you can collaborate
Adobe Systems Incorporated • 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 95110-2704 USA •
Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, the Acrobat logo, CustomerFirst, Distiller, ePaper, and PostScript are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Intel and Pentium
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