Order 2434907.edited
Order 2434907.edited
Order 2434907.edited
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Have you or your business ever experienced fraud, hacking, scamming, identity theft,
computer viruses, or even DDoS attacks? These are all forms of cybercrimes that can happen
to anyone at any time when you are least expecting it. These cybercrimes cost the global
economy three trillion dollars in 2015 and will go up to six trillion dollars by 2021. The first
real cybercrime was not until the 1980s in which one person hacked another person's
computer to find, copy or manipulate personal data and information. However, the first
person to be found guilty was Ian Murphy. Murphy hacked an American telephone company
to manipulate its internal clock so that users could still make free calls at peak times. In these
improving, so are the hackers, finding different ways around it. Training employees to
identify and react to threats can help stop cybercrimes in businesses. Experienced employees
can help recognize social networking threats, detect and respond to phishing and other email
scams. Trained employees will, therefore, safely collect, store, manage, and send client and
made many organizations adopt computers for data storage and analysis. The use of
computers and other internet connecting devices in the cyberspace has made the
organizations' information and sensitive data to be more conspicuous to the cyber attackers.
Despite the organizations keeping strict measures and policies to protect the company data
and information safe, the employees have also been maintaining the organizations vulnerable
for phishing, pharming and hacking from careless actions in the computers. Many
organizations are therefore forced to train the employees on careful operations in computers
and handling of customers, organizations and stakeholder's data as well as detecting threats in
According to Al Awawdeh et al. (2014), and information and data security awareness
program is very crucial in any organization set up which is carried out in the IT department to
protect and secure employees and customer’s data in a shared pool. Organization information
security awareness through educating employees to handle company data in a manner that
does not bring threat can be the first step for the company to address the IT challenges.
Equipping the employees with knowledge on how to handle cybersecurity threats is the best
decision a company can make, which in return can help reduce breaching of security and
The stealing of personal data, as well as financial data, has become popular in many
organization by cybercriminals to gain access to bank accounts or register new lines of credit
that have a monetary value. Many employees without cyber-attack knowledge may keep the
it easier for the criminals to access sensitive data to masquerader. To counter these challenge,
training employees on cybersecurity actions such as not carelessly using infected flash drives,
joining public Wi-Fi hotspots and downloading of suspicious software to prevent company
training the company will be in a position to protect its sensitive information as the
employees will be able to actively identify underground economy to disrupt the circulation of
powerful and easy to use cyber attacker's botnets and malware kits.
The second challenge is the converging of information in the society, which has also
enabled the criminals to evolve new techniques and infrastructures that hack personal
information far more quickly than the authority cannot trace. The crimes have industrialized,
making them able to access organization information through other leased networks at a high
pace, leaving no trace for the authority to respond to the mushrooming viruses and malicious
codes. The organization will have to address the challenge through making efforts to train all
employees to enable them to detect threats and take necessary steps to mitigate the problems.
According to Crane & Casey (2019), laying down robust security infrastructures to
prevent cybercrime involves following various steps which coincide with organization needs.
The steps to achieving quality cybersecurity skills include implementing strong techniques to
protect the organization sensitive data by many organizations and proven successful. The first
step to creating a secure environment in the organization, the company has to consider the
needs, capabilities, threats and vulnerabilities depending on its size and services produced.
Secondly, the IT unit in the organization needs to implement proper server monitoring,
warning employees from downloading malicious software's and utilizing firewalls to block
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the public from accessing organization data. Thirdly, the IT unit should ensure and maintain
The fourth step is to ensure that the IT department should be active in the
management of critical domains such as TLS and SSL and using the proper protocol
coinciding with the website. The fifth step is to offer training to the organization employees
to create cybersecurity awareness and ways of detecting cyberspace threats and ways to
mitigate them. The sixth step includes enhancement of phishing techniques and detecting of
malicious emails from unknown sources. The seventh step is to enhance the security of data
by carrying out consistent patrols to identify data trafficking by employees with bad
intentions to help hackers. The eight-step involves carrying out constant tests to identify
vulnerable areas in the computers that can ease hacker's access to sensitive data. Lastly, the
organizations require to implement strong policies and enforce rules that restrict remote
part of the company's culture (Kemper, 2019). The key areas to help combat and prevent
the company's data and customers data according to the procedures stipulated by the
organization policy. Encryption of computers with strong passwords which are hard to be
guessed can provide data security. The computers used within the organizations should also
be kept free from malicious and suspicious programs, data and apps. Lastly, the IT personnel
environment and that does not want to incur unnecessary costs involved after cyber-attacks.
Dell End-User Security Survey in 2017 indicated that employees are always ready to share
and reveal company confidential data and information due to lack of knowledge of the data
security protocols and the consequences of their actions. The careless sharing of confidential
information concerning the organization with external sources explains the significance of
Secondly, training employees on the security of organization data do help reduce the risk
organization sensitive and information that makes the company vulnerable to hacking can
help reduce the chances of the organization from facing major security breaches and
corruption of data from the computers (Adams & Makramalla, 2015). Equipping the
employees with experience in detecting cyber threats, the company safeguard sensitive
information, increase operational ability and limit the chances of facing lawsuits and fines
Thirdly, training employees regularly concerning cybersecurity help reduce the cost
customers and company reputations when a major security breach occurs. Training of
threats can be a major asset to the company through early detection of threats and spotting of
breaches before large damage. The early response can save the company from incurring huge
amounts of money and resources as the organization can address the threat quickly to
Lastly, doing cybersecurity awareness training to the employees can help improve the
Employees are always ready and active to work in secure organizations, especially when
dealing with modern technology devices which are protected from attacks. On the other hand,
customers will always feel confident to share information where the organization safeguard
their data privacy hence making such organizations have a large customer base.
thought by the organization because the costs of training can exceed the company needs.
Similarly, the employees can be a threat to the organization when they get the cybersecurity
experience and therefore, proper monitoring of the employee's computers should be done
striking a balance between keeping employees maintaining their productivity and keeping
confidential organization data secure. Therefore, the organization should develop clear and
simple policies that guide and address potential data security breaches.
The employees without knowledge and experience about cybersecurity form the
weakest link in the organization efforts to counter company cybersecurity defence. The
ability of the attacker's to gain access s to organization data through successful attempts to
phishing scams explains the reasons for providing employees with cybersecurity education.
Training the employees on cybersecurity provides more benefit to the organization. After all,
they can never compromise because they have solid basics of network security.
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Work cited
Al Awawdeh, Shadi, and Abdallah Tubaishat (2014). "An information security awareness
Crane, Casey (2019). “How to Prevent Cybercrime: 9 Helpful Tips.” Hashed Out by The SSL
Store™ www.thesslstore.com/blog/how-to-prevent-cybercrime-9-helpful-tips/.
Nykodym, Nick, Lisa Kahle‐Piasecki, and Erika L. Marsillac (2010). "The managers' guide to